Alternative for HTC Homescreen + Cube - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hey everybody,
I have a little question for you. I hope this is the right forum for my question
I’m searching for an alternative for my HTC Home screen and Cube. I have personalized the Home screen so far. But now I’m searching for a good alternative.
So I want you to give me an advice for a good application. What I want to use is the plug-in for the Home zone from o2 and Battery status. I want to look for the expend minutes, SMS, and the traffic.
Thank you for your help.
Excuse my English <-- try this!

Noxmarco said: <-- try this!
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******Danger Zone****** Search PointUI before instaling if you are new.

UltimateLaunch, make your today screen a cube.

Use Spb Mobile Shell

And thus, the three battlefronts were broght up, all in a row.
Use PointUI if customization doesn't really matter to you, and good looks with sparse information is tolerable
Use UL if you like to customize the heck out of your device, and spending time doing that is ok
As for mobile shell, I've heard great things, but can't say I've used it before. Anyone want to chime in?

UL and Pointui is free but SPB Mobile Shell is not... I like SPB Mobile Shell better...

After I've started to use ThrottleLauncher in my roms I have removed the htc Home, cube, action screen and the quick list.... and soon I will not be needing the comm manager because I can do everything from throttle. So I have removed more then 10 MB from my roms and replaced it with less then 1MB with my setup of Throttle .
The next version of Throttle will be so amazing that when you tried it you can't live without it again.
just a little screen form my setup
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every page is scrollable and it can have todayplug inside the pages.

+1 for Throttle Launcher

+1 for Spb Mobile Shell

As I'm not impartial I'll not post my opinion but just in case you're interested, here you have a video preview of Throttle's next release (currently available for beta testers):
Gullum, Ather, thanks for the nice words .

You all forgot about FreeStyl!!!!!!

I think i will try ThrottleLauncher this app. looks great
Where can I get the theme you use? Maybe you can share your doing with me

here are some of mine and others setups for trottle launcher. the all work on the last release 0.8
The one in the screen is a preview of the one I will use with my next roms and are compadable only with next version of Throttle


contacts pic on today screen

can some one please tell me how i can put contacts pic on today screen,i seen it done with the treo 700 with windows 5.0.maybe some one can tell me of some software to do this,thanks
i use vjays phone tools and set shortcut with custom icon to my today screen launcher.
I also use VJPhoneTools on my Today launcher:
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But there is a commercial app called MyPhoneShortcuts which does something similiar ($9.49).
Hi vjay,
when you gonna let us know how get out today screens looking this cool?
Bit busy
Holy sh*t VJ! That's some busy Today screen.
Davebo: Yeah, I'm still not happy about the spare bit of space in the middle (it's actually a plugin called VJTodaySpacer). Will have to put something ridiculous in there too! This plugin, VJEphemeris, is likely to substantially change shape as soon as I get a minute to re-address some of it. With my R&D on VJVolubilis etc, I want to build in one touch wifi/ir/bluetooth control etc, and some other stuff.
The screen looks busy but I find it quite easy on the eye (although I dislike analog clocks. I only did it to see how to do it..I think I'll remove it later)
I only have one screen, no virtual pages etc (yet!). The Quote of the day thing is funny, it auto sizes according to the size of the quote. So you get some long ones that autosize to like 3pixels high. Looks absurd
Has anyone gotten around to ripping the treo 700w rom yet? I'd like to have a look at their contacts dialer.
Wisbar Advanced Desktop will also let you put a shortcut to a phone number. Then I use vijay's tool for email and SMS.
vijay555 said:
I also use VJPhoneTools on my Today launcher:
But there is a commercial app called MyPhoneShortcuts which does something similiar ($9.49).
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Hi, can i ask what soft is adding icons to your taskbar on top. Thx a lot.
Alknaion - phone alarm, skin available here:
The fullscreen technique is not entirely compatible with WM5 yet. I've not had enough time to get it out yet. Chakra will tell you all about it.

Full screen app?

Anyone know if there is a small app to allow you to toggle from a display with menu and task bars to full screen in any app?
You might want to take a look at this... VJ's contribution of the toggle tool for today.
I'm working on a new interface and possibly combined version of Fullscreen anything and VJToggleToday II. Hopefully this will allow fullscreen anything...
vijay555 said:
I'm working on a new interface and possibly combined version of Fullscreen anything and VJToggleToday II. Hopefully this will allow fullscreen anything...
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thanks mate!
but what is "fullscreen anything" - i couldnt find it!!!
"Fullscreen anything" isn't a program I've released (for now).
I was asked in another thread if I can make an app like VJToggleToday II but for all apps. I said that I made such an app once, but didn't release it because the OS sometimes doesn't know how to deal with "enlarged" apps.
However, since the code for VJToggleToday is nearly finished, but I now need to put an interface around it, I had the idea to combine it with that old unreleased app, to make a combined version.
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I spent a bit of time this weekend working on a new idea for this.
Lovely job!
I can't wait!
it'll be very good if it helps me have more screen space for apps like flexmail and pocketinformant! I tried the VGA method but it hurts my eyes to much!!!
Hopefully, and this is theoretical right now because I don't use Pocket Informant, it should work on just about any app. Good thing I wasted so many gazillions of hours writing VJSmallIcons II! Some apps need some "jiggery pokery" (that's a technical expression) to make them fullscreen. However, some apps just don't like to go fullscreen, although the worst that'll happen is you may get some graphical glitches (which is why I didn't release before). I like NewsReader in fullscreen mode, which it doesn't natively offer.
cheers vijay.
I looked at buttonmax but there is no wm5 version yet. Im sure your job will be smaller, slicker & better anyway. (schlurp schlurp, sucking up!!!)

Menu software like WA

is there some software that does the same with the Startmenu as Wisbar Advance? WA just bogs the device down too much, and I just loved that menu...
I like SmallMenu:
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Looks nice, I'll try that, thanks...
Vijay, thx for the Small Menu tip! I too loved the functionality of WisBar Advance, but it was bringing my Cingular 8125 to a crawl, now I have cascading menus at least.
I noticed your screenshot and the Calendar|Contacts softkeys menu bar missing and the larger start bar w/ notifications, and wondered if that was the results of your uber programming skills. So I did a little investigation on the forums, and fournd out that of course it is. I'm guessing that VJToggleToday is still in alpha stage for WM5 judging by your latest post. I will try this out as soon as I get home (forgot my USB sync cable today) but I was wondering if the WM5 version of ToggleToday takes the place of both ToggleNew and ToggleStart for earlier version, and does it work in landscape?
And by the way, thank you for the great utilities you've already developed for the PocketPC, you're very a proficient and talented developer.
zoetrope - hey, thanks for that!
I'm currently on hiatus, Mrs Vijay555 recently popped out the little subversion, and so I'm getting used to his own copious releases.
However, yes, the screenshot is showing a very early screenshot of my PhoneAlarm skin (and custom SideX skin, right hand side, 4 little dots), and the old WM2003 ToggleStart etc.
However, I've just moved the skin over to WM5 yesterday, and VJToggleTodayII alpha is working well on my Mio A701 and other WM5 devices. Yes, it replaces both the old apps.
The functionality of the alpha is pretty much fine, I need to implement tray hiding, but I'm still deciding whether to go for a route to make a bigger, more bells and whistles app, or keep it simple and cleave it into two different apps.
Don't forget, VJToggleToday II can be configured by launching with the "-config" command line.
If you want more one handed usage, I also use VJOkButt to replace the Close Button etc.

Flashing addict to skinning addict.

Well haven't had anything to flash since flashing wm6 black 1.2. So started skinning my today screen. Here it is.
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All thats left is to find some good meter replacements for ilauncher(any one know were to find some send me a msg) and I'm good to go.
Edit: The weather panel icons are animated. Gives it a little spice my son like to watch the lightning.
How do you do it?
Hi Chrisryn
How did you manage to make ur phone skin to look so cool? Could you tell me what program you are using? If you have some time, maybe you give a simple 123 tutorial for a NOOB like me.
Thanks in Advance. Cool Skin
There are 5 programs that you see in that ss.
1. Wisbar advance with Vistabetatwo skin
2. Weatherpanel with Finis2 skin
3. Ilauncher with icons by lokutos
4. Phone alarm with [email protected] skin
5. I also have wisbar advance desktop thats were 2-4 are shown.
If anyone knows an easy way to skin the dial pad or a good place to get dial pads that will work with wm6 drop me a line also a good skinable calc would be nice.
chrisryn said:
....Edit: The weather panel icons are animated. Gives it a little spice my son like to watch the lightning.
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And, coming from Oklahoma City, I bet those animated tornado icons look pretty cool too eh?
Here in WI, all I can animate is cows....
pretty nice, maybe we can do a gallery with today screens from people, and share skills in tunning today...
yeah luckly haven't had to spend much time in the tornado shelters in the last couple of years but they said that will change this year. Looking foward to the icons.
sinmae: I was thinking a site dedicated to skinning the today screen with skins for different apps. Kinda like wincustomize. But I am only a cnc programer not a web desinger. So I don't have the skill.

|Multiple desktop|imho a very very good idea!!

I lack the prgramming skill to make this happen, but this idea is way to revolutionary to WM imo.
If someone could look into making this happen i would be more then grateful. It goes like this - A multiple homescreen switcher,
scrollable by flicking horizontally on the screen. Like touch cube or something totally different?,
customizable anims, etc. etc. Different plugins allowed on each homescreen.
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Could we live without his ??!
Any ideas welcome !!
something sismilar can be achieved with wisbar desktop, also a software likt that one you suggesting will eat a lot of resources in switching the today screens and to support a lot of today plugins...
it is not impossible, but it is hard to achieve
As you mentioned "homescreen", I would presume that you are using a smartphone rather than PDA-phone (i.e. with touch screen). There is a software out there that supports multiple Today screen (not freeware though). However, I heard from many that the software isn't that well written or just the fact that WM5/6+HTC stuff aren't powerful enough to run too many Today plugins.
rlToday and MortScripts
Actually you can do what you are asking using rlToday and MortScripts, By Creating MortScripts that Change Which Today PlugIns are enabled per "Page" and even which rlToday Skin is used. One Example of how to do this can be found here.
You can always look Here
V2R Multidesk is very neat piece of software, but it is a lil heavy
idea is as old as WAD is.
and it is BEST idea - since author made WAD standalone - without WA2, which is just ridiculous hog.
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WAD "todays" are not prefetched, so memory requirements are LOW(i said LOW).
of course, there's always POCKETAGE, which is best freeware thing i ever seen(and i've seen MANY things).
it takes more mem(preloading of today plugs and icons), but on other hand it uses png's with transparency for icons, WAD uses tga's which are 4x bigger.
if you are able to beat these, you are god.
any good links to Pocketage in english?
I was thinking of the cube always set to active, to act as your today screen. With your wallpaper on it,
with different icons/anims and ability to change size of icons and placement on the today screen .
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iggy said:
any good links to Pocketage in english?
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erm.. soft is in english, but sites are not .. i will post links to soft tomorrow....
nothin said:
erm.. soft is in english, but sites are not .. i will post links to soft tomorrow....
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Thanks that would be perfect.
