Slither Cube Help: Contacts Name - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hey guys, totally LOVING this application.
One problem: with poorlyduck's cube, on the contacts, by default without a picture, it shows the contacts name.
Is there anyway you can do that with this cube?

churka said:
Hey guys, totally LOVING this application.
One problem: with poorlyduck's cube, on the contacts, by default without a picture, it shows the contacts name.
Is there anyway you can do that with this cube?
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Why don't you learn to ask questions where they go. Try it over in the Slither Cube Thread. Don't post new threads. Reasearch, read, then ask your question. And when you finally fly past the first two without doing them at least get the question in the thread it belongs.

That is some awesome information...but not really what I'm looking for.

churka said:
That is some awesome information...but not really what I'm looking for.
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I am not trying to give you what you are asking for. I am trying to instead teach you how to fish. If I gave you a fish you would be back later asking for more fish. I am wanting you to learn to do this on your own, exhaust all possibilities, then ask a question. Then, to boot, I would like you to ask your question where it goes, ie correct thread. If that doesn't work, PM the developer or skinner and ask them.

Guess what.
I have PM'd slither.
I have searched here and google
I have read the threads

Sorry.. bump. Still can't find the solution


Sms pocket cm styled

hello to everyone, there is a program like pocket cm but only for sms?
afarinella97 said:
hello to everyone, there is a program like pocket cm but only for sms?
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Yes, use search and don't post new threads.
What is with all of these new threads and posts by people that obviously haven't searched? BLAH.
Well, just to give the benefit of the doubt, try VITO's SMS-Chat (not free). PocketCM is probably the slickest Threaded SMS that's FREE, so I'm sticking to it for my needs. However, many of VITO's iWindowsMobile programs seem to um... "draw inspiration" from tene's PocketCM suite, and thus, the iPhone. Check them out.
@curious george
I have to give them the benefit of the doubt the first time I see it from them. As a beginner I was initially intimidated by the elitist behavior of some board members here.
Azimuth21 said:
What is with all of these new threads and posts by people that obviously haven't searched? BLAH.
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Dude, no doubt. Look and your and I's join date versus the number of posts or threads we have started. Its amazing. Don't get me wrong I know I did it as a newb too but dang. It is getting out of hand. before long all of the worlds best devs will leave this site for lack of control!!!
FYI, giving them answers in these new repeat threads only goes to encourage the behaivor.
i really don't agree with the search before posting attitude some people keep implementing.. especially on how the search function of this forum suck..
have you ever tried searching (in forum search - not google forum search, which is way way broad) with the keywords SMS or GUI in a string? it will never give you a helpful answer because the search disregards words less than 3 letters (to filter out articles and/or/at/etc i presume) and returns you with bull**** search reports (and how can you ever search for SMS anyway)..
also, since this is a forum, and a thread contains numerous posts, search engines tend to patch up words from different posts and construct them to a phrase as a result matching your querry..
another point is, since most of these people are noobs.. they don't actually know what they are looking for.. c'mon guys.. how can you search for something if you even don't have any clue on what you are searching for..
like his query, he's looking for a pocketCM style SMS.. maybe he is reffering to is a THREADED SMS style, which a newbie obviously wouldn't know (how can someone new instantly know that a chat style SMS is called a threaded SMS anyway?)..
or maybe he is looking for something that is VISUALLY and FUNCTIONALLY the same as PocketCM's SMS function but without the Contacts part - how can you even translate this querry into search keywords?
he's not been in the forum for ages like most of some people here, so even old stuff for us, will sound and feel new to newer posters..
for us, searching for something like threaded SMS is very easy since we have already passed and read all these threads reagarding SMS and we ALREADY HAVE A HINT on what (product name or keyword) to search for.. so don't expect everyone (especially newbies) to find his answers in his first few hours of searching..
given that.. the next best thing to do.. is ask those who already know..
maybe the best response to these posts is to give them hints on what specific keywords you are going to use for a fruitful search.. and not flame them to damnation..
this is still a forum.. and a forum is defined as an online place to Share Ideas and Help One Another..
even if this is a developer forum, which surely is True to sharing and creating ideas (or softwares) - no doubt, the notion Helping one another should never be disregarded..
ytsejam_ said:
i really don't agree with the search before posting attitude some people keep implementing.. especially on how the search function of this forum suck..
have you ever tried searching (in forum search - not google forum search, which is way way broad) with the keywords SMS or GUI in a string? it will never give you a helpful answer because the search disregards words less than 3 letters (to filter out articles and/or/at/etc i presume) and returns you with bull**** search reports (and how can you ever search for SMS anyway)..
also, since this is a forum, and a thread contains numerous posts, search engines tend to patch up words from different posts and construct them to a phrase as a result matching your querry..
another point is, since most of these people are noobs.. they don't actually know what they are looking for.. c'mon guys.. how can you search for something if you even don't have any clue on what you are searching for..
like his query, he's looking for a pocketCM style SMS.. maybe he is reffering to is a THREADED SMS style, which a newbie obviously wouldn't know (how can someone new instantly know that a chat style SMS is called a threaded SMS anyway?)..
or maybe he is looking for something that is VISUALLY and FUNCTIONALLY the same as PocketCM's SMS function but without the Contacts part - how can you even translate this querry into search keywords?
he's not been in the forum for ages like most of some people here, so even old stuff for us, will sound and feel new to newer posters..
for us, searching for something like threaded SMS is very easy since we have already passed and read all these threads reagarding SMS and we ALREADY HAVE A HINT on what (product name or keyword) to search for.. so don't expect everyone (especially newbies) to find his answers in his first few hours of searching..
given that.. the next best thing to do.. is ask those who already know..
maybe the best response to these posts is to give them hints on what specific keywords you are going to use for a fruitful search..
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Partially true. The evil you are describing is a turn earn system. The reason why this site is getting so difficult search is because tollerance has allowed newbs to continue to post new threads with out any restraint and it spreads the answers to common or frequently asked questions everywhere. IMO what needs to happen is a requirement needs to be established for new threads to be started. That would solve it.
ytsejam_ said:
i really don't agree with the search before posting attitude some people keep implementing.. especially on how the search function of this forum suck..
have you ever tried searching (in forum search - not google forum search, which is way way broad) with the keywords SMS or GUI in a string? it will never give you a helpful answer because the search disregards words less than 3 letters (to filter out articles and/or/at/etc i presume) and returns you with bull**** search reports (and how can you ever search for SMS anyway)..
also, since this is a forum, and a thread contains numerous posts, search engines tend to patch up words from different posts and construct them to a phrase as a result matching your querry..
another point is, since most of these people are noobs.. they don't actually know what they are looking for.. c'mon guys.. how can you search for something if you even don't have any clue on what you are searching for..
like his query, he's looking for a pocketCM style SMS.. maybe he is reffering to is a THREADED SMS style, which a newbie obviously wouldn't know (how can someone new instantly know that a chat style SMS is called a threaded SMS anyway?)..
or maybe he is looking for something that is VISUALLY and FUNCTIONALLY the same as PocketCM's SMS function but without the Contacts part - how can you even translate this querry into search keywords?
he's not been in the forum for ages like most of some people here, so even old stuff for us, will sound and feel new to newer posters..
for us, searching for something like threaded SMS is very easy since we have already passed and read all these threads reagarding SMS and we ALREADY HAVE A HINT on what (product name or keyword) to search for.. so don't expect everyone (especially newbies) to find his answers in his first few hours of searching..
given that.. the next best thing to do.. is ask those who already know..
maybe the best response to these posts is to give them hints on what specific keywords you are going to use for a fruitful search..
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Right on brother, some people tend to get a little too big for the britches and forget that forum etiquette goes both ways. I've read some pretty mean posts, and I really don't get why people have to talk down to the noobs. All I'm saying is if you wanna help someone out, great! That's damn decent of you. If you don't want to help someone out then don't, but keep your rude comments to yourself.
ytsejam_ said:
maybe the best response to these posts is to give them hints on what specific keywords you are going to use for a fruitful search.. and not flame them to damnation..
this is still a forum.. and a forum is defined as an online place to Share Ideas and Help One Another..
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Hence why I explained SMS-Chat. There's no point if this thread turned into a discussion thread over the merits of searching, but I do know that there has been an absolute backlog of uninformed posts that could easily be searched. Often times, I even see posts stating "too many pages to read, so i'll ask this again..." or "i'm too lazy to read this whole thread, can anyone just give me a quick answer..." or "i'm new here. i want my phone to look like the iphone. i found some links, but i don't know what a cab is. this is getting annoying "
It's frustrating. Another example is the SPB Mobile Shell 2.0 Skin Collections thread. It states in the first post that the thread should just be for skins, yet I see way too many posts saying "Thanks" and not much else. I'm against flaming myself, but I'd just like to point out that afarinella97, the OP, has actually been a member of this forum for longer than I have.
Palm Threaded SMS
Birdsoft Extreme Text
Windows Mobile 6.1 Built-in Threading
Like I said, I stick with PocketCM. There have been requests for the developer to make the SMS standalone, but nothing's occurred yet. Have fun texting!
tguerena said:
Right on brother, some people tend to get a little too big for the britches and forget that forum etiquette goes both ways. I've read some pretty mean posts, and I really don't get why people have to talk down to the noobs. All I'm saying is if you wanna help someone out, great! That's damn decent of you. If you don't want to help someone out then don't, but keep your rude comments to yourself.
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As spoken by a Newb!!!! Its not that we don't want to help out. Its that when help is spread all over the place it makes it difficult for newbs to search when they should be searching and difficult for people who have been here for a while to provide answers that have already been obtained.
you probably don't search.
why not open a new section called 'Questions' for anyone with questions to post there? ... most likely they'll never get answered but at least they wont be posted over here !!!
hello everyone! Thank you all for the answers but probably I would not have explained, I apologize in advance.I tried and looked with google xda but what I needed was simply a part of the programme cm pocket only pefr the sms ...Two programs will know wellocket cm I had for some time when I had a p3600 and I find it very nice but I prefer settings contatcs manager by default ...,Vito sms softwae I tried it but I am not crazy.
I just wanted to know if with some modifications registry could simply implement the graphics of sms as in the programme in pocket cm on my htc touch...sorry again and thanks in advance if you can help me now that i have been more clear with my question...
afarinella97 said:
hello everyone! Thank you all for the answers but probably I would not have explained, I apologize in advance.I tried and looked with google xda but what I needed was simply a part of the programme cm pocket only pefr the sms ...Two programs will know wellocket cm I had for some time when I had a p3600 and I find it very nice but I prefer settings contatcs manager by default ...,Vito sms softwae I tried it but I am not crazy.
I just wanted to know if with some modifications registry could simply implement the graphics of sms as in the programme in pocket cm on my htc touch...sorry again and thanks in advance if you can help me now that i have been more clear with my question...
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hi you have to try vijay phone tools , Search that (on google ), I don't have just now in my hand ( I can find the cabor link but afeternoon)but I can say you it allows you to have sms models , vey easy use , I have unistalled it but it is very good work from vijay555 (moderator ere) and install pocket cm keyboard 0.13 for the SIP
I'm not Ok with those who flame noobs systematically , the search function is not easy here. For me I have a look on this forum to see if new subjects , and also I'm using google search and subscrbe to thread here
there are too many things for a new one here , it is really very great , so help them as you wanted to be helped in your beginning
Cheers to all
curious george said:
As spoken by a Newb!!!! Its not that we don't want to help out. Its that when help is spread all over the place it makes it difficult for newbs to search when they should be searching and difficult for people who have been here for a while to provide answers that have already been obtained.
you probably don't search.
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As a matter of fact poophead, I do search and I search often and frequently. And yes I said poophead not because I'm a 3rd grader, but alas because you're a poophead. All I was trying to say is be nice, us "noobs" search more than you think.
As a recent newbie, I do feel obligated to say a few things here:
Things to do for newbies:
1) Read
2) Read
3) Read
I discovered the site (from a link on fatwallet) after I bought my tmobile wing last October. Ever since then I was doing a lot of reading (more than what I do with my major - my advisor absolutely hates that, and so does my wife too), and learned a lot about the roms, terminology, great apps, etc.
I do not discourage asking questions, but I do think as newbie the question should be asked INTELLIGENTLY, which comes from a person who has done the reading and given a lot of thought about it. Frankly, I think OP's question is one of those.
As for the rest of us (elite, non-newbie, etc), a question should be judged by the quality, but not by the question mark. OP's question, for example, he/she understand what he/she is after, but don't quite understand the details which is OK. Given a few hints then he/she can start searching for the real thing. Azimuth21 has given some examples of bad questions and those should definitely not tolerated.
In general the question should be asked at the appropriate place; either the thread that directly concerning the topic (like PointUI, pocketcm, S2U2, etc) or at the general section of this forum. After all, the general section is there for this purpose.
Wtf is wrong with people here?
The thread has become an off-topic ranting thread already.
Best approach for such questions would be to either not reply or answer it without ranting about not using search and go.
"hello to everyone, there is a program like pocket cm but only for sms?"
"Tene (the developer of PCM) did not provide a separate module of PCM for just SMS, in other words, it's not possible to get just the SMS feature of PCM. You can try looking for Vito SMS (commercial app) or upgrading to WM6.1 for the threaded SMS style. Good luck."
See how simple and peaceful that is? And you have provided all necessary information. Can't we all just get along?
Like a famous dev here once said: "There are no stupid questions, just offensive answers."
because people dont know HOW to search properly. when you click search at the top here you can use the forum search and type in sms and click ONLY search the thread titles. this GREATLY reduces the numbers of hits for the word sms which would be hundreds of threads. i just typed threaded sms into google and got a slew of good programs right on the first results page- iwindowsmobile, palm's, txtman, etc etc.
People honestly dont try because i bet everything i own there are at LEAST 10 similar threads of this exact same topic out there with the answers too. How many times can the same basic questions be asked and answered? This just dilutes the real content of this developing forum which is for new programs and hacks and such.
all threads like this end up doing is making even MORE search results confusing the next batch of noobs with even more results when trying to search.
Its no eyeCandy Like PocketCM but it gives u threaded SMS feature like inn PocketCM
the0ne said:
Its no eyeCandy Like PocketCM but it gives u threaded SMS feature like inn PocketCM
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Well, WM6.1 has exactly the same feature as a standard...
And doubling what Azimuth21 said, I'd rather stick with PocketCM.
And.. my penny for the discussion: exactly, as DaVince said - if you don't want to answer, do not.
I agree that all the searching difficulties arose from not keeping the forum clean, but now it is done, you can't reverse it.... searching for something so generic is almost impossible here.
As a newbie myself I can say that at first it is not common sense navigating the forum. I found that just reading through the pages (new posts, hermesm6 etc.) and being patient some other ignorant sap had the same questions and concerns I had. Us newbies just need to be patient and enjoy the process or READING and not just come here to suck out what they need and not enjoy the forum. There are so many things of interest here and to just spend all this time looking up an sms app. Anyway, hope the newbie can flash, I had the same issue. for me it was a memory consumption issue with pocketcm. I like the 6.1 threaded sms due to its intergration. I would also suggest searching for threaded sms as this is what you are really looking for. I don't think you are looking for anything sms. Also when searching try to select show posts only this seems to work well for me. Enjoy the ride, Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaad!
Oh look, I'm a member now, WHOOPIE!!

SPB Mobile Skin (from Greatbal) HTC Touch Need Help

Hello everybody.
I want to make a skin by my own and tried to change the "perfect" skin from greatbal!
I want to change the icons on the front menu of SPB Mobile Shell 2.1.2!
I want to take bigger icons. Now my question. How can i realize it.
Where i can find these icons and is it possible the make the background of the icons visible?
Many Thx for helping!
for you the same like for any other beginner, WHY DO YOU OPEN A THREAD and don´t ask Greatball or post it in the Mobileshell thread or read there how to make a Skin ?
Unbelievable: I have a question, i open a thread
Ok sorry i didnt know that is possible to write directly a PN!
I thought the problem must be posted in the board so that everybody could learn.
bluemetalaxe said:
for you the same like for any other beginner, WHY DO YOU OPEN A THREAD and don´t ask Greatball or post it in the Mobileshell thread or read there how to make a Skin ?
Unbelievable: I have a question, i open a thread
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* Speechless * * Rolleyes *
bluemetalaxe said:
for you the same like for any other beginner, WHY DO YOU OPEN A THREAD and don´t ask Greatball or post it in the Mobileshell thread or read there how to make a Skin ?
Unbelievable: I have a question, i open a thread
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Maybe because his thread has received four/five replies already (even if they are all utterly useless). I always post in the existing threads and rarely ever receive replies and there should be no reason why people can't create threads here.. Forums simply work like that.. Cluttered maybe, but there is no help board on these forums so don't blame members who ask for help in new threads.
The amount of time I've seen people complain about making new threads or asking questions makes me think.. If only instead of complaining and flaming you would actually help them then maybe the users wouldn't need so much help.
Sorry OP for side tracking your thread.
here are some threads you can read on customising SPB Mobile Shell
You have to edit the qa_status.dat, define your graphics: main image and the corresponding mask (which gives transparency effect). Try editing my qa_status.dat file and see corresponding result as a practice.
good luck.
Problem is that there are some many new users that are too lazy to search or to read a thread, there are so many threads about how to customize MS and they dont even know what a PM is. Sorry, I can´t and will never understand such people and its really not helpfull for us all on such a big side if every user makes it this way.
Thanks for helping but i still know the Files which i have to prepare to take my wished effect.
But thanks that u take a look at my question and did not make such a trouble if someone needs help.
I cant understand that it is so terrible posting a question if other threads are so big and not compact that it is hard for a newbie to find a special thing.
But its Ok. In future i will try to contact Greatbal with PN and you will see other Newbie will have the same problem and they will also open threads.

Designer desperately seeking developer to create TF3D RSS Reeder

As a frequent RSS user I still didn't find an RSS Reader which uses the snappy interface and touch friendly buttons of TF3D. So I created some screens hoping an enthusiastic developer feels challenged to create an ultimate RSS reader for TF3D.
Some requirements should be:
Import feeds from OPML file and/or sync with Google Reader
Update All, Update Channel or update Feed seperately (conveniant when using roaming abroad)
Auto update (every .. minutes/hours/days) and notify when new items arrive
... And more
A great wish would be to add the program in the tab structure in TouchFlo.
So the big question is: Which developer feels the urge to create this baby????
If someone feels this urge, I will make more screens, but I first want to know if there's somebody out there who wants to help me...
Hmm that's a good idea, especially love the "sync with google reader" part, browsing google reader on opera mobile is just plain madness.!
Love to see this becoming a real program! Hope someone will help you out nielsepiels!
yeah ! good idea !
I'm waiting for it....
BYE, Bobo
hopefully it will become true..i know people in this forum are genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really good idea!!!
Bobo Xni said:
I'm waiting for it....
BYE, Bobo
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I also!!!
If this will make it into development, I will defenately donate!
SSC said:
If this will make it into development, I will defenately donate!
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Got my vote too - I could offer my services beta testing on my AT&T Fuze - I would definitely donate for this - Heck, I'll give someone a few bucks as soon as i see a beta!
same.. i would def donate some money for this, was thinking of something like this the other night.
anythings better than RSS Hub - buggy as hell with its constant freezes
maybe this is the right place to post it.......i would love to develop such an application (and other tf3d plugins) but i didnt find any documentation on tf3d development so far......the only thread where someone asked for a documentation is only available in google-cache with no answer posted....
maybe you guys or someone who reads this thread do know where to find tf3d-dev-docs...
ZeroOverride said:
maybe this is the right place to post it.......i would love to develop such an application (and other tf3d plugins) but i didnt find any documentation on tf3d development so far......the only thread where someone asked for a documentation is only available in google-cache with no answer posted....
maybe you guys or someone who reads this thread do know where to find tf3d-dev-docs...
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Maybe this guy can help you out.
ZeroOverride said:
maybe you guys or someone who reads this thread do know where to find tf3d-dev-docs...thx!
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TF3D is developed in Lua. D-MAN666 is one of the few guys who knows how to edit TF3D and develop TF3D applications, like his calendar application.
@ Nielsepiels & Mandragore: THX!!
wow, this looks cool. would be awesome if you could code this app. and props to the thread starter, nice screens!
I think we need more threads like this. that way we get more finger friendly and nice looking apps!
Hi guys , i'm sure it's a very useful idea.
I'm thinking about coding this (i'am learning on mobile coding) , waiting for any suggestion , so let's go for making this cool stuff.
ps: sorry for my bad english ;-)
Came across this thread and thought it was worth reviving
There was a thread about this a long long time ago, but I think people just forgot about it. Its such a good idea - and yet HTC havent even mentioned any RSS enhancements for the new version of TF3D on Diamond2, etc :s. I hope someone can make this - they would definately get a donation from me for it
Upping this to see if there are any developments.
I wonder if the email tab on TF3D can be "tweaked" to receive RSS headlines instead of sending and receiving from an email account?
I'm going to try and found out how that tabs is put together it might offer some ideas.
I'd love to be able to flick through the headlines/stories from my favourite feeds like you do with text messages or even better have a "ticker" running across the screen with the latest news..... that would be cool

PC outlook2003/7 email auto-complete entries on pocket pc

i depend too much on the email auto complete on my pc. is there a way to transfer the autocomplete to my pocket pc. adding eveybody to contacts is stupid and not practical
if there is no easy way to do that, then i believe its a good idea for someone to develop an application to do that.
no, as outlook 2003/2007 rely on an outlook.nk2 file in your windows profile for the autocomplete addresses, essentially an outlook addresses cache, where as windows mobile references its autocomplete right from your contacts list, without a proprietary cache file.
from everything i have seen in Windows, the .nk2 file is not etiable, or readable in any editor, so the options of importing it into WM seems remote.
jeez... this is crazy.
there's a whole dedicated section for these things!!!
it's admirable that people answer questions and want to help. but this is flooding the Dev&Hack section. stop answering here.
"jeez" !!!
are you really a jew
take it easy nir. i was hoping to get someone intrested in developing this tool as it can be really usuful for far too many people. if a mod thinks this is not good here he should transfer it elseware
two things
- my pocket pcs does auto complete for addresses that i have used before they dont have to be in contact
-there are tool that can edit the outlook.nk2 from NIRsoft(lol)
how hard can it be to simply add the email adresses from the nk2 to the word auto complete in the ppc
fatso485 said:
"jeez" !!!
are you really a jew
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Anyways, nir is right, this is something you should have posted in the Q&A section. Why is this a point you must argue???
I'm still trying to figure your problem. You don't feel like adding the contacts you email in your contacts list? Works fine for me!
i have over 1000 entries in my PC outlook autocomplete cache(as the nk2 tool shows)
i want to make use of these entries on my pocket pc. i always find myself in a position where i have wait untill im in the office to send an email because i dont have the address in my contacts. i really hate adding contacts that i will not constantly use as they tend to slow the system and make searching harder.
- i did not mean to disrespect nir of anything like that. not sure how you got this impression.
actually the software linked above can create a text file with all the entries. whats left it to feed this file to the ppc auto complete. anybody willing to help with that?
am i the only one who finds a utility like this very useful
i'm lost.
and ... what?
yes, i'm jewish. what's your point?
and please, post your questions/problems in the Questions & Answers section.
that's all i'm saying. i just happen to run into 20 new threads a day and it's driving me insane.
nir36 said:
i'm lost.
and ... what?
yes, i'm jewish. what's your point?
and please, post your questions/problems in the Questions & Answers section.
that's all i'm saying. i just happen to run into 20 new threads a day and it's driving me insane.
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LOL! I feel like I'm playing Whack-A-Mole everytime I'm here!
Hey NIR and Champ, you can´t win, it`s like Don Quichotes Fight against windmills . But it`s getting better here.
bluemetalaxe said:
it`s like Don Quichotes Fight against windmills .
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classic! lol!
fatso485 said:
"jeez" !!!
are you really a jew
take it easy nir. i was hoping to get someone intrested in developing this tool as it can be really usuful for far too many people. if a mod thinks this is not good here he should transfer it elseware
two things
- my pocket pcs does auto complete for addresses that i have used before they dont have to be in contact
-there are tool that can edit the outlook.nk2 from NIRsoft(lol)
how hard can it be to simply add the email adresses from the nk2 to the word auto complete in the ppc
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jeez, are you really a moron???
You must be if you rely on the .nk2 file for your auto complete. That is one of the quickest files to get corrupted on windows. So much so that windows will automatically delete it if it does become corrupt. It was never ment to be a feature, just a conveince. That is about as stupid as buying a 1tb hdd and never backing up.
let's not fight.
let's live in peace.
let's post questions in the Questions & Answers section of the forum thank you very much and not answer questions here because it makes people ask more questions here which makes more people ask questions here.
and fatso, i'll take the "jew" comment as a compliment and leave it at that.
mr.incredibly stupid. take your incredibly arrogant, irrelevant and usless answer elseware. if you are too stupid or blind to see how something like this can potentionally be usuful to some, then i feel sorry for you.
in the first post i asked if someone was willing to develop a small utility (in my second reply i asked to transfer this if the mod thought it was in the wrong place) . i got trashed because part of my original request "sounded like a question" i think your all are making a big fuss over nothing. almost non of the replies is usuful up till now.
nir, i just thought that it was weird for a jew to say was a crappy joke and you all made it even crappier by dragging it on for ever instead of making an effort to reply to the request.

Too many clicks to SMS - how to remove MMS options?

I love my Tytn 2 but what has always annoyed me is the number of clicks to get to a new SMS screen:
start -> messaging -> sms/mms -> menu -> new -> sms
I have to make sure i dont accidentally press MMS -- I never use MMS and I dont know anyone who does! Never seems to work between different phone types anyway.
I'd like to hack the registry to get rid of all MMS options if possible.
Also any shortcuts to get straight to the "new SMS" window ?
The place to ask questions is the Questions & Answers section of the forum.
I almost did it, almost gave the answer !
This is one of those things that is all over the place, literally, just search. After searcing, tell me exactly how long it took you to find it.
ok sorry guys for posting in wrong place -- I did search everywhere. if you can be arsed to reply then maybe help by pointing me in the right direction -- you are typing anyway!
search for "remove MMS options only returns my post -- thats what i was searching for. "SMS shortcut" -- fair enough!! but thats not actually what i was looking for...
sorry gods of xda ;-)
Well posted wrong or not, i can give you a tip...
Go to contacts, click the contact of whom you want to send an sms and choose send sms, sure is a shorter way, at least if you going to do a new sms and add a contact
Thanks Leonick -- obvious!! ive only been using WM for about 4 years
Why I bother sometimes.........
Create a text file with notepad, and type this exactly:
"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "SMS" -to "" - body ""
Then save it as New SMS.lnk
just a recommendation here..
you could use the actionscreen application..i have it mapped on the bottom bar for quick access. It takes 2 clicks to get started on a new sms this way
no. no. don't answer here. we go through this over and over again every time.
nir36 said:
no. no. don't answer here. we go through this over and over again every time.
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Alright, no more answers from me !
I was just surprised that something so simple couldn't be found. People today, I just don't get them! They don't belong here!!
Ahhhhhhhhh, I'm opening my last Miller Lite !
nir36 said:
no. no. don't answer here. we go through this over and over again every time.
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no one has told me yet how to remove MMS options --and a search for this does not turn up anmy results. Yes, people have told me how to add shortcut to SMS.
maybe read my post properly before getting on your high horse. I'm not some kind of "newb"...
TheChampJT said:
Alright, no more answers from me !
I was just surprised that something so simple couldn't be found. People today, I just don't get them! They don't belong here!!
Ahhhhhhhhh, I'm opening my last Miller Lite !
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hey, take a chill pill too....i still dont know how to remove MMS options (my original question) or what to do with your .lnk sure I'll find out.
nice to know your all so friendly round here. i think you want to get out more.
daverb70 said:
hey, take a chill pill too....i still dont know how to remove MMS options (my original question) or what to do with your .lnk sure I'll find out.
nice to know your all so friendly round here. i think you want to get out more.
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You're NOT going to remove the MMS option. You were complaining that you might tap MMS instead. Oh dear God!!! So instead of all those clicks after clicks after clicks you had to do, I gave you the answer you needed, a simple shortcut to create an SMS.
Yeah, we're friendly, but we get a bit tired of seeing these new threads started, even though there are signs every where, DO NOT POST HERE!
Seriously, what does this have to do with development?
TheChampJT said:
You're NOT going to remove the MMS option. You were complaining that you might tap MMS instead. Oh dear God!!! So instead of all those clicks after clicks after clicks you had to do, I gave you the answer you needed, a simple shortcut to create an SMS.
Yeah, we're friendly, but we get a bit tired of seeing these new threads started, even though there are signs every where, DO NOT POST HERE!
Seriously, what does this have to do with development?
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"development and HACKING" - I wanted to know if there was a way of HACKING the registry to remove the MMS options...dear god indeed.
Also, you answer to the SMS issue was WRONG and incomplete. Shame you cant put as much energy into replying to posts as to GRIPING...
anyways, over and out and thanks for your input...

