Shutdown Activesync when disconnected - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I have a Trinity Htc ppc. I'm wondering if is possible to >KILL< automatically activesync on my ppc when i disconnect the cable fron pc.
Thank You.
This is the best ppc forum in the world!

Search the forums for QuickMenu it has an option to close activesync on disconnect works perfectly for me

cornelha said:
Search the forums for QuickMenu it has an option to close activesync on disconnect works perfectly for me
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thank you. but i don't want to use quickmenu (great program) i'm looking for a script or something similar, or registry tips.....

disconnectwhendone in the registry is set to 1.... there's anyone that know the meaning.... and if i can change?

lucausee said:
disconnectwhendone in the registry is set to 1.... there's anyone that know the meaning.... and if i can change?
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Where in the registry did you found this ?
I'll test it then and let you know the results

texarcana said:
Where in the registry did you found this ?
I'll test it then and let you know the results
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HKCU_Software_Microsoft_Activesync_Disconnectwhendone = 1
This might help...

lucausee said:
HKCU_Software_Microsoft_Activesync_Disconnectwhendone = 1
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I tested it with some numbers, but no luck. Too bad

Even if You kill activesync after disconnect (I'm using quickmenu to do this) after some minutes activesync starts again.
Anyone has a solution for this?

Crash - Try this:

AppSentry was made just for this reason. It can kill activesync and other apps on a regular basis. The link is in my signature.
It doesn't require you to run it, it runs itself. And it does not run in background so takes no memeory when it is not running.

This application allows to kill the ActiveSync process when it's in idle state but it just hold in memory...

lucausee said:
This application allows to kill the ActiveSync process when it's in idle state but it just hold in memory...
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I can approve that. Asynkiller does the job well


How to make a shortcut to "connect" (GPRS/EDGE)

Is there faster way to connect to GPRS/EDGE instead of entering Settings->Connections->Manage->Connect ?
The closest I have been able to come is to use spb's function shortcuts and place the connection panel on my today screen. Then click-manage my connections.
You could just load PIE?
it loads automatically whenever any program needs it.
or there is a registry hack that will keep you connected. :wink:
it loads automatically whenever any program needs it.
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Not all... I have communicator which doesn't connect automatically....
or there is a registry hack that will keep you connected.
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...and it's eating the battery and downloading some bytes...
I think the best way is to make a shortcut to "connections"....
mos84 said:
it loads automatically whenever any program needs it.
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Not all... I have communicator which doesn't connect automatically....
or there is a registry hack that will keep you connected.
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...and it's eating the battery and downloading some bytes...
I think the best way is to make a shortcut to "connections"....
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Here you go:
OK, I made a shortcut. Can anybody change the icon to something with network?

A program which switch on/off GPRS connection??

Does anybody know how to do a mortscript's script which turn on/off the wifi connection??
Or is there someone who has already done something like this??
My Wifi problem now is solved (thank to the ones who answered to my thread).
Now I need something similar to SWITCH ON/OFF MY GPRS CONNECTION, I have already tried VjVolubilis, but it doesn't close my GPRS connection....
so any solution??
Thank in advance...
Did you look at ?
naboleo said:
Did you look at ?
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Is it possible to run this program through Mortscript and enable/disable Wifi?
naboleo said:
Did you look at ?
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How can I make this app run through Mortscript to enable/disable Wifi?
I tried using Mortscript:
RunWait( "\Programmi\vijay555\VJVolubilis\VJVolubilis.exe", "-wifion" )
But nothing happens.......
I found the error...
As we can read on the site:
WiFi Control: (WM5 Only)
My Touch runs WM 6...
So is there an other way to control WIFI??
I've BatteryStatus installed on my ppc, so I suppose that this way already exist...
Any help??
Try this one
moneytoo said:
Try this one
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This is just what I was searching for!!!!
I just installed a program called AEWifiTrigger (found here:
Very simple. Works perfectly. Just put the .exe wherever you want on your phone and call it up as you wish (I have an Ultimate Launcher button mapped to it.)
Thanks for the previous apps....
Have you something similar for the GPRS CONNECTION?
VJVolubilis doesn't close my GPRS connection.....
Thank in advance....

[REQ] GPRS/DATA auto disconnect program?

Hi all, on my previous P3600 I was used to use a small application that was able to disconnect GPRS/data connection after a few (settable) minutes of inactitvity (gprs autodisconnect from Ervius). Unluckly this program doesn't work on my new Diamond. Is there any working application or tweaking for Diamond?
Thanks in advance,
Ciao, Andrea
I would also like to second this request. It's useful for those times when we are interrupted and forget to disconnect our data connection.
Advanced Config and DiamondTweak does it.
kien said:
Advanced Config and DiamondTweak does it.
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I installed Advanced config, but I'm not able to find where and what change, can I have a hint?
Ciao, Andrea
Its in Menu (right soft key) then connection settings, hth.
kien said:
Its in Menu (right soft key) then connection settings, hth.
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Thanks for your reply, it was already set to disconnect after 3 minutes, but still doesn't work
Ciao, Andrea
Genius2000 said:
Thanks for your reply, it was already set to disconnect after 3 minutes, but still doesn't work
Ciao, Andrea
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Did you try phoneweaver from SBSH ?
It is a profile manager where you can set up (inside the profile) to change nothing except connect and disconnect data connections.
Every profile can be activated on a time basis (e.g. every day @ 7.00) , on a event basis (e.g every time you run Activesync) and manually with a predefined duration (e.g 1 hour)
Moreover it does many other things (it is a realy complete profile manager) ... and works great on my Diamond.
dave said:
Did you try phoneweaver from SBSH ?
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Hi Dave, I just downloaded and installed phoneweaver trial version, for my needing is too much, I spent a few minutes to study various options, but I wasn't able to find the specific option I'm looking for (disconnect after x inactivity minutes)
Thank for your suggestion.
Ciao, Andrea
I found that using Advanced Config it disconnects after x minutes (mines set to 1) but it disconnects faster exiting opera but doesn't disconnect at all after checking hotmail.
kien said:
I found that using Advanced Config it disconnects after x minutes (mines set to 1) but it disconnects faster exiting opera but doesn't disconnect at all after checking hotmail.
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I have the same problem, disconnects fast using Opera, and doesn't disconnect after checking email or update weather forecast.
Ciao, Andrea
I use GB soft tweak, never had any issues
pwoyorkie said:
I use GB soft tweak, never had any issues
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Could you please explain better?
Thanks, Andrea
There Is Also A Program Called Nodata Which I Have Install And It Works
Genius2000 said:
Hi all, on my previous P3600 I was used to use a small application that was able to disconnect GPRS/data connection after a few (settable) minutes of inactitvity (gprs autodisconnect from Ervius). Unluckly this program doesn't work on my new Diamond. Is there any working application or tweaking for Diamond?
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have you tried Spb GPRS Monitor?
pwatts1977 said:
There Is Also A Program Called Nodata Which I Have Install And It Works
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I wasn't able to find where download Nodata
Ciao, Andrea
stegg said:
have you tried Spb GPRS Monitor?
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Hi read GPRS Monitor features and doesn't seem it does what I need.
Ciao, Andrea
Solution here:
From external link said:
1. Miroslav Georgiev - September 2, 2008
Hi, I need to disconnect the GPRS after a minute and I have installed this cab file on my device. I have checked in the registries and the values are the correct (SuspendResume = GPRS_bye_if_device_off and CacheTime = 60 ), but my device still stay connected one minute after I have stoped to transfer data. Could anyone told me why this trick does not work on my device. It is HTC Touch with Windows Mobile 6 ?
2. Miroslav Georgiev - September 2, 2008
I forgot to ask something… the value of the registry is “GPRS_bye_if_device_off” is this means that the device should disconnects only if I turn off the device from power button ?
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Seems not work, perhaps they are the same reg value of advanced config.
Download NoData
NoData disables your data connections, it doesn't disconnect automatically after a set period.
Pitchb3nd said:
Solution here:
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Thank you for the link, i investigated a bit and discovered that in my registry is already set as per your suggestion, also I discovered that if the phone is NOT in sleep mode, so the display is ON, the auto disconnection works fine, but if the display is OFF the auto disconnection doesn't work at all, so, I think, seems something related to the sleep mode.
Could someone do the same test?
Thanks, Andrea

A little HELP with internet connection disconnection......

I'm developting a little app....
One of its functions should be CLOSE INTERNET CONNECTION....
I've tried different ways to do that, but nothing soddisfy me...
ATM I'm using "DataDisconnect.exe" (a little app which can be found in windows folder....)
The only problem is that when I use this app, an annoying popus comes out....
Anyway.... Any chance to simply close internet connection without using that metod?
Thanks in advance....
you havent mentioned which Language u using to develop, if its C#, try here :
its to Deactivate /Activate all Services like (Internet,WIFI,Bluetooth,WLAN..)
I use Mortscript...
So I need a particular file/app or at least a reg key to deactivate the connection...
Anyway... Thank for your interest....
Any other possibile solutions??
ahh MortScript
ather90 said:
ahh MortScript
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Thanks again for your interest...
But I need to know an application which can do that (so I could launch it throught Mortscript...)
E.G.: Comm Manager does exactly what I mean, If you tap on connection sharing (ON-OFF), the connection is closed correctly....
So is there any way to use the same command as Comm Manager does?

phone calls registers

I was wondering if there is a way to print or send to an excel file the list of calls made or received?
Another thing, is there a way to control the time of ONLY calls that you've made? If I go to the calls counting (in Portuguese "Contadores de Chamadas") I have the registry of ALL calls made and received. I can't control the time that I've spent where I've started the call (that can be very useful if you have minutes to spend), I only know the time spent on the phone.
Thanks in advance
I am also looking for a way
teriero said:
I am also looking for a way
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The only help I know:
bib*oops said:
The only help I know:
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And this app will work on WM6.5? I've made a google search and the last version found was 2.0.1 and I see that this application was made in 2007
This problem is really stupid... any 30,00€ nokia can track the time of received or made calls
Yes it does !
rvrosa said:
And this app will work on WM6.5? I've made a google search and the last version found was 2.0.1 and I see that this application was made in 2007
This problem is really stupid... any 30,00€ nokia can track the time of received or made calls
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I'm using this program now for some years, and it works perfectly on almost all WM versions !
I started with WM2003 and now on my Mega with WM6.5 it still works perfectly !
My present version is 2.0.1.
The program works very well for the Mega.
But how to save the call log (Call log) on a PC?
teriero said:
The program works very well for the Mega.
But how to save the call log (Call log) on a PC?
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Just transfer the *.csv file via activesync or any filemanager to your PC.
Good program.Thank you and greet
Where can I get this program? Is there a link to download?
rvrosa said:
Where can I get this program? Is there a link to download?
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Click to collapse,product-details,Phone-Dashboard-Minute-Tracker.html
It's strange... I've download it and installed it, but the program doesn’t appear anywhere!
I’ve searched on all programs but nothing…
And I’m sure it’s installed because it appears on the “uninstall programs” as HudsonMobile PhoneDashboard.
Any suggestions?
Did you the following ?
As far as I remember, it was necessary to make a softreset on this program after installation.
Otherwise it's depending on your user interface, what you need to do.
For sure you can find the program either in the directory "programs" or a localized name e.g.
in german "Programme"
and a link in the following directory "windows/autostart".
If its not there, you need to make a link to there.
It's strange... I've download it and installed it, but the program doesn’t appear anywhere!
Cause to view it you need to disable TouchFLO and turn on Phone Dashboard.(settings/today/Items)
Phone Dashboard is a plugin "naked" today screen.
Unless you use an alternative overlay interface f.ex.SPB MShell-then simply tap the "show today".
teriero said:
It's strange... I've download it and installed it, but the program doesn’t appear anywhere!
Cause to view it you need to disable TouchFLO and turn on Phone Dashboard.(settings/today/Items)
Phone Dashboard is a plugin "naked" today screen.
Unless you use an alternative overlay interface f.ex.SPB MShell-then simply tap the "show today".
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Please elucidate me
First I install the Phone.Dashboard.Minute.Tracker, then when I need to use it I have to change from TouchFlo to Phone Dashboard?
But if I use the TouchFlo the program is working and registering all, right? To see it I only need to turn TouchFlo off, right? Or I can no longer use TouchFlo?
Don't exist another program to control the time used in calls that don't need all this? I think is something so simple compared to other things that WM can do...
rvrosa;Don't exist another program to control the time used in calls that don't need all this? I think is something so simple compared to other things that WM can do...Thanks[/QUOTE said:
If you're mainly TouchFLO, I recommend Festinger Historia.
After registration, you can try freeware version 1.11.
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teriero said:
If you're mainly TouchFLO, I recommend Festinger Historia.
After registration, you can try freeware version 1.11.
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I don't like or dislike touchLFO... I don't know or ever used something else to know if it's better or worst. I had a Nokia 1100 and I've bought this phone with touchFLO... To me is OK since it works.
Do you think there exist better than touchFLO? Give me some links that I can look
About this festinger I'll give it a look to see.
Ok, I've downloades festinger (v.3.1.2) and tried it.
Good but not so good...
The registration is month by month. If I charge my phone on day 10 or 15, or more than once each month I can't get the info I need.
It should let me choose the period to show.
Historia became Free!
Hi, I'm happy to announce that all versions of Historia are now freeware. feel free to download and install it.
Thank you for sharing
Thank you for sharing.Best regards Ronenfe.
rvrosa said:
This problem is really stupid... any 30,00€ nokia can track the time of received or made calls
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Touch2 Has it's timer for calls too .... Start =>> Settings =>> System =>> Device Information =>> Call Duration ... Outgoing and Incomming ... i think this is what u're lookin for ?
