Today items not refreshing. Anyone else?? - Touch Cruise ROM Development

Hi, Anyone else have the problem of the today items not refreshing on the start screen?
I mean like htc home, I change options or even untick it in today , and it still shows on the start screen until i soft reset.
Very strange.

Hheeelpppp !!!

Here too
I am having that problem too. Still trying to figure out what caused it. I had it before and the only way to fix it was to hard reset.
This time I paid attention and it started after i installed the newest Resco Explorer. I asked them for assistance and all I got was that since the problem wasn't inside Resco's software they can't help me. To be fair I don't know if their software caused it, all I know is that is that it started after I installed their software.
I have found that another way to get the Today screen to refresh is to change the Today screen's theme..

Hi, at least its not just me then. It's like i have HTC home, when i untick it in today screen, it still stays on my start screen. the only thing to do then is soft reset and it is off then. But its a pain when i am changing appearances etc as i have to untick,reset,change,tick,reset etc.

please help!!


Clock missing from title anyone?

Hey I got my XDA Exec this morning which I'm really please about, been using it for a couple of hours but for some reason the clock has disappeared from the title bar in the today screen and I can't get it back!
Does anyone know what might have happened, about the only thing I've got installed is Pocket Plus 3.
Infact i've noticed that the volume icon is gone too, but if i click where it should be the pop-up appears for me to change the volume levels.
It's like there is something covering these two icons and it's driving me mad, having the time visible there is about one of the most useful things :twisted:
This is a common problem
This happened to me too. It was caused by the O2 software. If you do a search on this site using the words "clock missing" there have been many posts on this subject and the solutions of how to remove the O2 software are posted too.
The O2 interface also seems to slow up the machine and cause a lot of freezing requiring a soft reset. My machine has been tons better since removing it.
If you decide that you would rather have the clock than the O2 software (and most people do) and decide to remove it, remember first of all to save your phone and GPRS setting to your filestore! This can save you a lot of time. If you like the 02 today screen theme then you could save this too.
Also I recommend that you make a backup first so that you can go back to how you are now if you need to.
Good Luck
Open the clock and you should find an extra tab at the bottom called - "More" select that and a new option appears Display the clock on the title bar in all programs.
Neither of those options worked, in the end I hard resetted the device and set it up in corporate mode I found using a PIN I got by just searching google! No more O2 Active anywhere, and I've got my clock back! I'd only had the device a few hours so luckily it didn't take too long to set everything back up how it was before hand The only thing I had to do was manually set up the GPRS connection again but that was simple enough since I already had all the settings saved

Problem with HTC Home.

Hi, I installed HTC Home and HTC home customiser on my orbit2. Everything looks fine and it works okay until i come to update it or change options with htc customiser.
I run the customiser and it says disabling htc home but the program stays on the screen.
When i go tto today and untick it, it still stays on the screen. The only way i can do it is by unticking in today, then reset device, then change options, then reset device , then tick it back in today, then reset device. Very annoying u think?
Anyone got the same problem? Or anyone point me to the two programs that work please. (if they do).
Also problem with tomtom, that only shows on screen sometimes.
It seems when i tick/untick things to show/notshow on today screen, they dont refresh. So they stay on screen as they were without changes.
thanks so much.

TF3D causing Xperia to Hang forever

Hi guys,
as u know know the TF3D by default takes up the 1st panel.
and when i try to use the other panels..i can no longer press the button X... because whenever i do that..the entire Xperia screen goes blank and hangs up. then even the power button doesnt work and i have to remove and reinsert the battery.
what to do?
this TF3D causing major issues.. is it bugged?
Doing a soft reset is way the battery cover, pull out the pen und put it in the small hole...
Are you using TF3D as panel or on the default today panel? If not already tried, use the TF3D-Pnaleinstaller here ion the forum...
When i try to access the panels, my X1 hangs most of the time as well, using it as the today screen. Is there any fix?
ya i use it as on Today screen.
is there a fix around this?
i disabled it now anywya.
btw does Soft Reset also delete all the data?
"btw does Soft Reset also delete all the data?"
no thats the diff between soft and hard reset
which version r u guys using? I am using beta2 and I dont have any problem switching panels... only flaw I have in the tf3d is I cant add some people to the favorite list for some reason... otherwise everything is working as it should be
Same here
I wanna know if anyone found a fix for this? or at least let us know if you have this issue. This is what I have narrowed it out to.
I'm using <Touch-IT Xperience v2.1> ROM which has TF3D installed by default
The Panel interface(The screen which opens up when i click panel button) works perfect when i disable TF3D in today
Now when I activate it, am able to open the panel interface and choose any other panel.
After this, if i click on the panel button, the x1 just freezes and all i can do is soft reset
Note:- I have no other application running.
If this continues I have to choose either panels or TF3D. I love it when i can use TF3D for daily use and shift to Facebook or media panel when i need them.
I just wanna know of this indeed a bug or am i missing something big
currently 2 versions available
i too was suffering fromt he same issues and took a while to realize that the tf3d was causing it.
afaik, there are 2 different versions of tf3d (i mean by 2 diff. people) for xperia.
i beleive most of us are using the one titled 'Full manila hd cabs' (or something similar - extremely sorry for not recalling the name of the developer who's made rhe effort to provide it) - and the one experiencing the issue.
there is another version linkd on the xda wiki, will try it now - and update with names of both developers as well as results
actually installing TF3D as a panel solved this issue
but since we have the new manila... the panel doesnt work
so we are back to square one... by default the TF3D sit on the today's screen and after that pressing the panel button freezes the phone
And if you choose the new panel with TF3d... it says loading forever
SOmebody please help
I'm an idiot - I can't figure out where the "small hole" for the soft reset is located.
Can someone show me a picture?
I'm an idiot - I can't figure out where the "small hole" for the soft reset is located.
Can someone show me a picture?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hehe... I spent ages trying to figure this one out too...
here's an image I got on Google search..
to access the reset button .. you need to take off the battery cover, pull out your stylus (since that is obstructing the button) and then using the stylus 'poke' into the hole besides the battery.
I find this location - and the need to take off the battery cover - everytime you need to reset very VERY painful

htc taskmngr in today screen(top right corner) is gone

hi all,
after insalling touchflo detatcher
my taskmananger on the today screen on the top right corner
has dissappeared.
tried many things but it dont comes back
pitty, cause it was darn handy.
after uninstalling the detatcher,
still got the same problem
anyone can help me out?
Turn it on from the settings menu.
Start ---> Settings --> System ---> Task manager
Then select Button on the bottom and enable "Enable Quick Menu on Today Screen".
thnx a lot
i thought it had something to do with the detatcher
No Problem.
Yeah I had this problem too, but it seemed to come back after a soft reset. Weird things have been happening since I installed the detatcher.
Puzz said:
Yeah I had this problem too, but it seemed to come back after a soft reset. Weird things have been happening since I installed the detatcher.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yep. here too.
sometimes the phone cant take it i think
i've got a lot of cpu usage after installing the detatcher
whats the detacher? sounds like a soul consumer.
it seperates your today screen and the manila app.
so you can use both, your today screen and your touchflo.

Weather function no longer works!

I have had my phone for about a month now, and use the weather function a lot by pressing just under the clock on the Home screen.
Today, out of the blue, I press it, and it appears to register (ie: the screen depresses) however nothing happens at all.
This happens regardless od whether I am connected to the internet or not.
The only thing I have installed is Resco Explorer, and made only a few registry tweaks, which I am sure were performed correctly.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this problem?
try turning the tab off and then on again.
Thanks for the reply, but I'm a little new to all of this.
What do you mean by "turning the tab off"?
when you go to the weather tab, you can update the weather of your location?
I've seen this a few times, the weather area turns off white when you tap but doesn't open the weather tab.
simple soft reset cures it.
No soft reset didn't fix it.....but....
Yesterday I clicked Menu, Personalize Home Screen Tabs.
I UNchecked "weather" because I thought what's the point of having a tab for it when I usually just tap under the clock.
I re-checked it, and now it works! I'm so sorry to have wasted your time! But truly appreciate your efforts in helping me. Thanks guys.
My problem is different, but the question is the same.
i'm in holland and since halfway last week my location in the weather tab failed to update, but i did get weather information... until 2 days later. now the whole tab is unable to update its information.
the weather tab has been disabled and reenabled with a sense restart in between. yesterday i had rebooted the entire phone. both events did not help.
i tried enabling wifi for the weather update, but no luck there as well.
also, i'm not the only one. i have a friend with a newer rom (1 month old phone) who has the same problem.
any ideas?
oh and ps: the reloading animation starts up and loads for a while. then stops suddenly without notification of failure or success.
pps: found a more on-topic thread for my problem:

