ConcurrenceMgr - what is it? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I've found inside several ROMs: ConcurrenceMgr. What is it?

I'm wondering about this to. Anyone a clue?
A search lead me here.. ..but this is where the trail ends

mccune said:
I'm wondering about this to. Anyone a clue?
A search lead me here.. ..but this is where the trail ends
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me too i would like to know as well, please help if anyone has any clue.

hermes1971 said:
me too i would like to know as well, please help if anyone has any clue.
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try this i found this while googling


Touch Screen, Please advice

Hi people,
Since yesterday my JASJAM is facing a new problem,
when ever i press the centre of the screen, the start menu gets activated..
Can anyone plz telll me whats causing the problem, n how to fix it..
I thin you are new. Man try to search before you create a thread. here is the link for you
beastfellow said:
I think you are new. Man try to search before you create a thread. here is the link for you
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Saaduk ain't knew but I agree with you, please use the link beastfellow has given and post there if needs be.

8525 keeps freezing, help

yeha my phones up all the time for some reason dont know how to fix, anyone know how?
more details please.. what ROM do you have? since when did you have this problem? what did you do prior to this problem?
mr_nonshalant said:
yeha my phones up all the time for some reason dont know how to fix, anyone know how?
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In addition to Bapski's request for more info, see here:

Icons showing link not found

Does anybody know how to correct this error message link not found? Can somebody give me a step by step process for the wing. My contact, maps, and ipod icons on my iphone theme is showing this message when I click on them. Please help
What can I do to point the correct information directly to these icons?
Response please
can somebody please help me?
coachamos said:
can somebody please help me?
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you should search a thread discussing your iphone theme.....
Search where? I tried that and I received no results.
coachamos said:
Search where? I tried that and I received no results.
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what program are you using to show the iphonetheme?
and then take this:
Grumps Iphone is what I'm using. The iphone mobile 6

is there any way to set another email software to the email tab?

I think I saw this question before but without an answer and now I couldn't find it again, then I'm asking, I bought Flexmail and I would like to set it to the email tab.
i have the same problem, but still no solution too
mm it seems like is more difficult than I thought
sirrick1 said:
mm it seems like is more difficult than I thought
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it's very simple to do
use search
invest the time, try different key words
and you will find SSMaPa
Sir.B said:
it's very simple to do
use search
invest the time, try different key words
and you will find SSMaPa
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thanks both of you, but I already checked SSMaPa, but until now and according to what I understood, no one has been able to do it yet!!
That is in the Diamond group, not sure SSMaPa works on the Blackstone. anyone tried it? It would certainly be useful.
rjstep3 said:
That is in the Diamond group, not sure SSMaPa works on the Blackstone. anyone tried it? It would certainly be useful.
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a lot of things that work on the Diamond work on the Blackstone. i and i'm sure a few others use it
sirrick1 said:
thanks both of you, but I already checked SSMaPa, but until now and according to what I understood, no one has been able to do it yet!!
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this is portent information you should've mentioned in the first post! that way we won't suggest stuff you already tried
Sir.B said:
this is portent information you should've mentioned in the first post! that way we won't suggest stuff you already tried
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I think I can say something similar, like: the ones who make a recommendation should check if is useful or not, even more after the sarcasm.
but thanks for the advice anyway, I will keep it in mind for my future posts!!
sirrick1 said:
I think I can say something similar, like: the ones who make a recommendation should check if is useful or not, even more after the sarcasm.
but thanks for the advice anyway, I will keep it in mind for my future posts!!
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when you ask for help on a forum you should tell people what the problem is and what steps you have taken to resolve it. i thought that was just common courtesy.
how can anyone know that you already tried the suggested solution, SSMaPa?
i know it's a useful suggestion because that's what i personally used SSMaPa for - change default apps launched by TouchFLO 3D
sorry if i didn't know that it wouldn't change the mail app. hey it's free advice, you get what you pay for.

Disable "internet pictures blocked" in mail?

Anyone ever find a way to do this? I see lots of threads about it but no answers.
I request some developer find something to solve this PLEASEeeeeeee
drgopoos said:
Anyone ever find a way to do this? I see lots of threads about it but no answers.
I request some developer find something to solve this PLEASEeeeeeee
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Please do not doueble post! Thread closed!

