Music skips? - Touch CDMA General

Ive loaded a few cds worth of music on my memory card and the music skips with htc audio manager and wmp. IIRC I ripped these at a high variable bit rate.
Any suggestions?
I was thinking of a bluetooth stereo headset but it isnt worth the cost if the music is just going to play this poorly.

I tried playing one of the files directly from the device, still skipped

Now this is odd.
I googled music skipping and ran across a review that mentioned turning on airplane mode to stop the music skipping when sprint was searching for a network. I tried that, music ran fine, then turned airplane mode off, got the replog.exe error I get every now and then and the music still played fine.
I repeated airplane mode on,off got no replog error and still playing fine so far. I'll try it when I'm out and see if there's a difference.
Would making the pagepool size larger help?

argggh - already skipping on another song before I can even get out the door.
and now my storage card is reading gibberish again so audio manager cant detect files
** turns out that airplane mode doesnt always turn on when you click it. Now that I verify the signal meters have an x it appears to have eliminated the skipping.
Is there a solution that doesnt turn the phone and bluetooth functions off?

aikidoka-mks said:
argggh - already skipping on another song before I can even get out the door.
and now my storage card is reading gibberish again so audio manager cant detect files
** turns out that airplane mode doesnt always turn on when you click it. Now that I verify the signal meters have an x it appears to have eliminated the skipping.
Is there a solution that doesnt turn the phone and bluetooth functions off?
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What are you using to play these songs? What other programs do you have installed? I used to have a similar problem. At the time I had PCM keybord was installed and running and using HTC AudioManager. Changing the PCM keyboard to another input method would fix the problem. I think with the new version of PCM keyboard I don't experience that anymore.playing listenning to music. Also Install anewer version of HTC AudioMnanager.
Definitely get the BlueTooth headset. its excellent.

SultanH said:
What are you using to play these songs? What other programs do you have installed? I used to have a similar problem. At the time I had PCM keybord was installed and running and using HTC AudioManager. Changing the PCM keyboard to another input method would fix the problem. I think with the new version of PCM keyboard I don't experience that anymore.playing listenning to music. Also Install anewer version of HTC AudioMnanager.
Definitely get the BlueTooth headset. its excellent.
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I've had the problem with WMP and HTC audio manager. I contacted Sprint and they said it was a known problem and HTC is working on it and they would notify me when that fix was available. We shall see.
It plays fine for music at work. I just need an 8gb card and bluetooth headset. I'm liking the jaybird but we shall see, it's going to be awhile before I can toss down the coin.
ps. I use touchpal

Maybe not the headset. Do Podcasts or streaming audo do the same?

use android?? (if i did somehow get you to use android, go with nand, sd card method sucks)
pro's: more games, apps, widgets, music works, etc
con's: no mms, suckish camera, can't really play videos (do they play fine in winmo?)
those are the only ones i have


Problem With BT Stereo Headset

After upgrading from WM 2003SE I have not been able to use my BT stereo headsets. I have both a Motorola S9 and a Jensen WBT212. The music from audio manager or WMP will start but then it will become choppy as if the connection is going on and off every second. Didn't have this issue with WM 2003SE. When used as a handsfree headset there is no issue. I also noticed the elapsed time of the song in progress is also erratic. This happens to both media players. When the BT stereo headsets are not used both players play normally. Anyone else having this issue? Any ideas or resolution would be greatly appreciated.
Device : Siemens SX66(WM6)
ROM Version : 5.60.00 WWE
ROM Date : 03/02/05
Radio Version : 1.15.00
Protocol Version : 1337.45
I finally got the bluetooth headset to work by installing the Helmi BT CAB for WM5 I found in the WM% forum. It is kind of strange now that it seems l;ike there are two BT connection managers but I can now get the headsets to coneect properly and the media players seem to be working properly too.
skipping problem
szfjcr said:
I finally got the bluetooth headset to work by installing the Helmi BT CAB for WM5 I found in the WM% forum. It is kind of strange now that it seems l;ike there are two BT connection managers but I can now get the headsets to coneect properly and the media players seem to be working properly too.
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Hi I have that weird skipping problem with my HT 820 motorola stereo BT It's not really bad but it shouldn't skip I think. could you send my a link to that cab? any help appreciated.
Thanks Gyurma
BA WM5 Broadcom 1.7.1 Build 3400 Stack (Test) is the title of the thread.
which one?
thank you,but I found it,but there are several patches and stuff over there one of which ( I do not know how to install which one did you use?
thanks again
Southwing SA505
I got my new BT headphones yesterday. Charged them all day. I did the pairing thing last night. They worked great. Fantastic. The audio was crisp and clear. I was able to answer the phone with them, and again over the phone the audio was great on both ends. But it's like that poem about the girl with the curl. When they're good, they're very, very good. But when they're bad, they're horrid.
I've spent the entire day fighting with the BT. It seems that I can use the headphones only right after I pair them to the device. If I shut them down or turn off BT, when I go to restart, I get the choppiness that's so bad you can't even understand what song is playing. Resetting doesn't fix it. If I uninstall the headphones, turn off BT, and then do a hard reset and reinstall the headphones, I can use them again and everything is perfect. Until I turn them off, and then it starts all over again.
What is causing this?
I know I could just install the Broadcom BT. In fact, I did today. Twice. The problem with that is that I can only get it to recognize the headphones as a high quality audio device, not a headset phone device as well. I can install it as both, but they don't play nice together when I do, and if I install it only as the high quality audio, I can't answer the phone with it. (And yest, I did install all the patches and addons I found throughout that thread.)
Also, the Broadcom audio quality isn't as good as what I'm getting with the MS. Almost like the difference between an mp3 encoded at 96kbps, rather than a better quality.
I've tried the A2DPAudioFix. No help there that I could find.
Am I missing something?
Is it really a choice between crappy audio quality and no phone headset functions and having to hard reset my device over and over?
Same exact problem
Just upgraded the radio today to 1.15 and rom to WM6 last week - Bluetooth stereo headphones work ok for phone but not for music. Please can someone posts links as to where I need to look for various cabs - I've tried searching the forum but am not having much luck. Just happened to stumble on this thread.
Stereo bluetooth works now
Well - my dh is sick of me working on this - but I know how BT stereo headphones that work w/ audio and the phone.
I am not even sure what I did other than install every cab I found and I'm sorry I don't have links-
(still had problem w/ scratchy / stop / start)
then ran
but I don't exactly the order of the last two - I am not even sure I ran the - anyway, it was like magic - stereo sound minus static and skipping.
This is after flashing to wm6 and flashing the radio to 1.15 - and there was something else I tried - oh, I did change the registry to 64 from 128 I believe - the SD card entry.
Anyway, it's been a long day - now I'm off to figure out how to change the 72M B free in Program to give some to storage which only has 5.48 free.
Mgrunk- Which SD card entry did you change? Could you kindly check to see what version of BT you are now on? Start/Settings/Connections/Bluetooth should get you to the version. I have mine working like I described earlier using the HELMI WM5 Broadcomm 1.7 cab, however still have periodic static and skipping. I am curious because my BT headsets worked well with WM2003SE and Thanks in advance for any info.
is the link where I found it.
hklm/drivers/sdcard/clientdrivers/class/sdmemory_class is the entry and it was 128 and I changed it to 64 per another mesage - it did clear up the stuttering problem w/ AudioManager and WMP.
In regards to the version - now I have to BT icons on the Connections page - the About on the second icon says PE "Version 1.0.0 Build 3900"
But last night I deleted AudioManager and then had the horrible BT stereo headphone problems - I also noted while WMP was playing, it sucked the available program memory down to 5M - didn't matter what I started w/
I reinstalled AudioManager - no luck w/ BT, renistalled all the BT cabs
BroadcomCorp_BTUpdatefor1.0.0.3500 - oops looks like that probably was unecessary
But, I have persistant problems - if the ppc turns off - when it comes back on, BT icon shows on, but there's no BT. I have to go into CommManager and uncheck handset and headphones, click save, go back and click them back on and click save and then start audiomanager up and play music. But, I found that even w/ that I had to repeat the whole uncheck the services and then recheck them - somehow it's different than turning BT off and then on (that didn't work at all)
*** hey this morning the BT stereo headphones worked fine w/ AudioManager - didn't have to turn anything on or off - once in a while there's a short pause in sound but otherwise it sounds fine.
*** for no reason, BT stereo headphones are back to non-functioning - tried soft reset, reinstall cabs, etc. - no decent sound out of them - of course they work great for BT phone. Any suggestions?
I was a programmer in my former life (before 8 kids) and I design websites, but I was totally frustrated w/ the BT issue - so I'm not being methodical and I didn't really find a definite thread that said do 1, 2, 3 - so I've thrown every cab I can find onto my system.
I'm sure this doesn't help - it's very scattered and unorganized.
mgrunk said:
is the link where I found it.
hklm/drivers/sdcard/clientdrivers/class/sdmemory_class is the entry and it was 128 and I changed it to 64 per another mesage - it did clear up the stuttering problem w/ AudioManager and WMP.
In regards to the version - now I have to BT icons on the Connections page - the About on the second icon says PE "Version 1.0.0 Build 3900"
But last night I deleted AudioManager and then had the horrible BT stereo headphone problems - I also noted while WMP was playing, it sucked the available program memory down to 5M - didn't matter what I started w/
I reinstalled AudioManager - no luck w/ BT, renistalled all the BT cabs
BroadcomCorp_BTUpdatefor1.0.0.3500 - oops looks like that probably was unecessary
But, I have persistant problems - if the ppc turns off - when it comes back on, BT icon shows on, but there's no BT. I have to go into CommManager and uncheck handset and headphones, click save, go back and click them back on and click save and then start audiomanager up and play music. But, I found that even w/ that I had to repeat the whole uncheck the services and then recheck them - somehow it's different than turning BT off and then on (that didn't work at all)
*** hey this morning the BT stereo headphones worked fine w/ AudioManager - didn't have to turn anything on or off - once in a while there's a short pause in sound but otherwise it sounds fine.
I was a programmer in my former life (before 8 kids) and I design websites, but I was totally frustrated w/ the BT issue - so I'm not being methodical and I didn't really find a definite thread that said do 1, 2, 3 - so I've thrown every cab I can find onto my system.
I'm sure this doesn't help - it's very scattered and unorganized.
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Mgrunk. what Broadcom do you have installed and where to get it? In WM6.0 there isn't an "about"
meanwhile found the Helmi BT 1.7 but I am getting a insufficient driver memory available. I have to preform a soft-reset which I did but didn't help. Whats is the solution?
Give up
ok, it's back to not working - I'm going to return the stereo BT headphones and wait for a new answer - maybe it's the headphones.
But, in regards to the about screen - I had 2 BT icons on the Connection page and the 2nd one had an about page - I hard reset today and it's gone.
Mgrunk- I hard reset a couple of days ago as well just trying to cleanup because having two BT connection managers was bothering me. I have gotten the MS stack to work better by doing the SD card registry edit you suggested and another one at HKLM\software\microsoft\bluetooth\a2dp\settings\bitpool and setting it to 25 then settling to 23. It was at 48 when I started. The lower the number slows down the data transmission rate and reduces the choppiness. The lower the lower the sound quality as well so you will need to adjust on your own. Start with 25 then work your way down. What headset were you using?
Well that worked sort of
I changed those 2 registery values - I had to take the bitrate back to 21 - the sound has really degraded - but the music plays - who knows if it will work tomorrow.
Oh, and I have a set of Spider BT stereo headphones - the people I've called said the sound is fine so the mike works ok and the sound is great for the phone.
They're behind the neck, over the ear as opposed to earbuds but I didn't want wires. The ones I really wanted were $129 - earbuds behind the neck.
I've been able to keep my BT headphones working by deleting the entry and forcing them into pairing mode and re-pairing them whenever they get choppy. If I'm careful about how I shut them down and restart them (shut off music, wait until I hear the headphones stop transmitting sound, shut off headphones, shut down BT -> start music, start BT, start headphones) I can use them several times before I have to re-pair them.
But it still seems very weird to have to go through all this crap to use them. If I deviate from that shutdown and restart pattern, I have to re-pair them to get them working properly again. If I do a soft reset, I have to re-pair. It can't be the headphones. They work great with other BT applications.
They do work fantastic when they're working though.
a link from a different forum
so, now I'm off to convert some of my music to mp3 - and then I'm going to try some different players - AudioManager has the same issues w/ wma music as WM10 player - having the bit rate down to 21 really makes for some static in the music.
Update: didn't work - low rate mp3's w/ MortPlayer had same issue
i can fix it ... last night (Sleep on 02.30)
1 Flash WM6
2 disable BT
3 install
4 install BroadCommPatch1.CAB
5 reset
6 check ... BT maybe cannot to open (i test with garmin mobile)
7 Uninstall BroadCommPatch1.CAB
8 install HELMI_BA_WM5_BT1.7_TEST.CAB
9 Reset
10 .................. Fly ............
if complete .. display menu bt must change same me
All file work with me
Good Luck
Oh no solution me not work !!!!
i can fix .... Streo headset ... but can't use small talk function..... in bt headset .. have a ring call every time
Lost in China
I have a problem with a Chinese Dopod HS-01 BT Stereo Headset!!!
Phone works, but the Stereo Headset starts for a second or two and then it is gone!
Please, help!
Is there any other solution then to change the registry and the things?
Using: WM6 CE OS 5.2.2000.
No one to ask for help over here!
To all those whose stereo headphone work, but only at BitPool < 25 :

Routing sound from video through bluetooth headset/headphones, help

Looking to route the sound coming from video files through bluetooth, i have sound from music going through just fine, but i can have it playing music then open a video file in the same program and it'll stop playing through the headphones and play through the speaker, the program i use doesn't matter, does this for everything, i've searched the forums and just the internet in general on a way to get this working and all i can find it things on how to route music, does anyone know a way to get this working? thank you
Been awhile, does anyone have any ideas on this?
Just use TCPMP (freeware media player). I'm watching Red Dwarf with it and the audio's going right to my bluetooth headphones. You'll want to get the codec pack so it'll be able to play many more formats than it already can.
I had problems with skipping when watching videos in tcpmp while using a2dp. I tried coreplayer, and it worked perfectly - well worth splashing out for!
I'll give it a try tonight, not sure if i tried that one yet or not, thanks for the suggestion
Yeah same situation, i have no idea why why it refuses to run sound from video through bluetooth, when music will work fine
did you do anything special to get this working, or was it just working already?
I didnt do anything special. I'm using sony DR-BT30Q headphones, and I just paired them, press play on the headphones to activate the a2dp service, and the headphone symbol appears on the screen. Its all operational from that point.
post deleted
Nuts, what happens on mine is i'll set it up to play through the headphones, sometimes play a song or something to verify the sound is going through the headphones, then i'll load up a video, and there will be a click in my headphones and then sound starts coming through the phone speaker, and for everything until i pair them up again.
maybe i need to get some new headphones or something!
Is it possible its just a problem with my rom?
i use pdacorner version..6 i think due to my crazy battery drain problems with any newer ones than that, maybe i'll try swapping out a new rom and see if it helps at all, honestly have never tried it.
I have never had any problem on any rom, and have tried about 5 or 6 over the last year. At the moment I am very happy with crc's stable roms, and have no a2dp problems with it.

Bluetooth Stereo Headset w/Phone - Stop Music Restart - Help!

I have a x7500 and using Bluetooth Receiver setup with headphones and headset for phone. Good news is that all of this actually works pretty well overall. Bad news is that my MP3 music players restart automatically after I receive a phone call upon the ending of the phone call I can tell Pocket Player not to restart after the phone call and this works. However, iPlay still wants to start no matter what! Is there any way to tell the audio gateway or A2DP or ???.....NOT to restart music after a phone call ends.
I would appreciate any help on this. I have been searching forums and looking at registry entries but no success in stopping the restarting of music players so far.
that is a software compatibility issue
i have no problem listinging or watching movies via AD2P
when phone comes in, it pauses, and goes to Phone mode
when i finish talking, and hang up
it switches back to Music / Movie mode in AD2P
no restart no issues at all
using CorePlayer
i got 3 different headsets
Jabra BT8010
Moto HT820
Sony DS970
they all work perfectly
my guess is the Pocket Player you are using?
try another Audio Player software
Yes. I agree. It is a compatability issue but sometimes there are still options to exert control. So Pocket Player has option to restart after phone call but iPlay does not. Thus Pocket Player offers pretty good control in this area. However, it just so happens that iPlay has some very, very high end features that I really like but just does not have the phone handling at this time with the version that I have (although plays fine thru Bluetooth). I am hoping there might be some registry setting to tell A2DP not to try to restart music after a phone call.
Anyone ever heard of the ability to do this?
doesn't have to be a software issue. I have the same problem but with Touch Flo 3D skin. It starts playing music after the call, even if before the call I wasn't listening to the music I've tried to disable the Touch Flo 3D, but then the standard Media Player starts after the call . I have to remember to turn off the music after every call - it's driving me crazy!!

Bluetooth AVRCP - app control

Androids retarded handling of the bluetooth remote control profile is really getting on my nerves.
No matter what application I have open and want my BT-headset to control, it always defaults to the standard music player.
Is there any way to make it control Spotify, Acast, Droidlive, etc. instead?
Sorry no answer for you but just wanted to say I have exaactly the same problem and just came on here to ask if anyone knew anything about.
Also, do you have any stutter when using A2DP? I'm using a Sony in-car stereo and spotify stutters every ~10 seconds. Doesn't happen using aux in. Haven't tried A2DP using the built in music player rather than spotify though.
@HTC - Please either let us specify which app receives the AVRCP commands or just automatically route it to the currently playing app.
herman3101 said:
Also, do you have any stutter when using A2DP? I'm using a Sony in-car stereo and spotify stutters every ~10 seconds. Doesn't happen using aux in. Haven't tried A2DP using the built in music player rather than spotify though.
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I've found that stutter was caused by having wifi turned on. Switching it off fixed everything.
I've installed an app called Y5 that is supposed to automatically switch off wifi if i'm somewhere i haven't used it before, which is everywhere but my house. If I need it, i'll turn it on manually.
Below is the response I got from HTC when I enquired about the crappy AVRCP:
No. At this time, AVRCP only works with the HTC Palyer. The G1 worked differently as it did not have touchflo and used the base android rom instead.
i will report this to the developers, but i do not know if or when they will fix it, as they obviously already have priorities for adding/removing/updating the ROMs.
best regards,
HTC Europe Support
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So that's that then. Fail.
Is there anything that can be done by other developers?
Or if enough people want it, force HTC to look into extending AVRPC to other apps?
whoops, double post!
Golgo said:
Androids retarded handling of the bluetooth remote control profile is really getting on my nerves.
No matter what application I have open and want my BT-headset to control, it always defaults to the standard music player.
Is there any way to make it control Spotify, Acast, Droidlive, etc. instead?
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I dunno about the apps you mention but I use TuneWiki and it has an option to "Enable Headset Button" When this option is on it responds to the AVRCP buttons and the standard music app does not.
I can assure you that what declanshanaghy says is not true. declanshanaghy obviously does not understand the problem here. It's not that an installed app will fail to respond to AVRCP signals and instead the Andriod "default app" will, rather it's that on the HTC Hero the "default app" is not the Android "default app" rather a specialized HTC music player that intercepts and steals the AVRCP controls from any other app playing media. This includes this TuneWiki app too. I know, I just downloaded it and tried it and it fails miserably. I can play one song with TuneWiki, then hit Play on my Bluetooth headset and the HTC music player will play a second song resulting in two songs playing at the same time.
HTC did this on their WinMo phones too but Conduit's PocketPlayer managed to figure out how to fix HTC's silly mistake. Unfortunately Conduits PocketPlayer doesn't run on Android.
I'm looking for a good podcatcher/media player that can get around the HTC problem and that properly responds to AVRCP controls. Anybody know of one?
I also dont like this.. how.. my BlueTooth Stereo headset can not control the current player I am using...
I wish there is a way.. to get control over our music!!!
1.. able to use our music with our bluetooth devices..
2.. better EQ / any EQ for better music enjoyment
My android 2.0(1) Milestone never had any problem with this. I use spotify with my wonderful Philips SHB9000 without a hitch. Oh and Milestone got an equlizer now (2.0.1), though it don't work with bluetooth. Shame, I want slightly louder bass.
just in case anyone is bothered by this issue also. I found a ghetto work around.
I moved all my music on my sdcard to /sdcard/.mp3 (the default music player doesn't search . folders)
then I install mortplayer and this "headset button fix" program and now my headset only controls mortplayer. Although I think it tries to control the default music player but since there is no media in the library it doesn't have anything to do.
took me a while to get it working just right but I couldn't use the default player anymore. I was getting that studdering effect others mentioned but not with mortplayer
I have the same problem .... I use Meridian .. can not uninstall
player default?
Hey guys this is Jona developer for DroidLive. I want to include Bluetooth support. Please any ideas feedback how you like it to work please let me know
I use the "headset button fix" app available on the market and it works fine for me with mixzing and tunewiki.
My bt headset is a Motorola s9.
medicalsounds said:
Hey guys this is Jona developer for DroidLive. I want to include Bluetooth support. Please any ideas feedback how you like it to work please let me know
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I am using my MW600 on my xperia x10 should be able let my music apk or for that matter any music apk take control the AVRCP signals
Sausageman said:
I've found that stutter was caused by having wifi turned on. Switching it off fixed everything.
I've installed an app called Y5 that is supposed to automatically switch off wifi if i'm somewhere i haven't used it before, which is everywhere but my house. If I need it, i'll turn it on manually.
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WIFI is one cause of stuttering. I found that I get stuttering whenever I'm listening to A2DP with WiFi on and I come in range of an access point that it tries to connect to.
HOWEVER, it is not the only time stuttering happens! Often, I get stuttering on my HTC EVO when i first pair with A2DP even though the WIFI is off. I have to exit out of the audio app (Stitcher Radio) and then relaunch it OR skip to the next track in the playliest and it stops the stuttering, So, there is another issue that needs to be fixed because those workarounds should not be needed.
A2DP Stutter
Sausageman said:
I've found that stutter was caused by having wifi turned on. Switching it off fixed everything.
I've installed an app called Y5 that is supposed to automatically switch off wifi if i'm somewhere i haven't used it before, which is everywhere but my house. If I need it, i'll turn it on manually.
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Thanks for the info on the stutter problem. I was actually looking for an app that would remote control my car stereo but the stuttering issue was something that was on the back burner.

Bluetooth A2DP problem -- not playing through headset

Hi folks, I've been having this very frustrating problem with A2DP that I can't seem to find anywhere else on the forums.
My bluetooth headset (Nokia BH-905i) connects to my nexus 4 just fine, and I've been using it to listen to music since I get my nexus in january. But recently, every time I connect my headset, and I go to play any music or other sounds that play through the media channel, it comes out the speaker on the phone. In addition, when I use the volume slider I get the "speaker" icon instead of the "bluetooth" icon that I used to get.
My bluetooth headset has worked fine since the OTA update, it's just very recently (last week or two) that this issue has been happening.
The first time it happened, a simple reboot would fix it, now I can reboot and re-pair the headset all I want, it just won't work.
Has anyone else had this issue?
PS. I will also add that the next/previous track buttons still work, but the play/pause button DOES NOT! Very strange!!!
Am I seriously the only one with this problem?
PickleHead said:
Am I seriously the only one with this problem?
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What music player app are you using? That could be the problem right there. I sometimes have this problem with my JVC Arsenal head unit, but usually disabling and re-enabling bluetooth does the trick. Don't have to unpair or reboot, just toggle BT on and off.
Anyone know how to get the track info to transmit? It used to work with Apollo and Pandora, but it won't work with Spotify or anything else. In fact, it doesn't work at all on the N4
I use DSub, but I've tried google music, and also any other "media" sounds don't go through the headset as well ie: Youtube, games, etc.
PickleHead said:
I use DSub, but I've tried google music, and also any other "media" sounds don't go through the headset as well ie: Youtube, games, etc.
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have you checked the device profiles in the bluetooth menu? there is an option for phone audio, and an option for media audio, check them both
Yes I'm sure, I've also toggled them multiple times to try and get it working...
I also have this same problem. I'm using CM 10.1 nightlies
For some reason I able to pair my phone but not the audio.
In the Bluetooth settings though I only have the option for phone audio and not media audio. After checking on a couple of forums, it shows that my radio does support Bluetooth streaming through a2dp, but for some reason I cannot get it to work on my phone...
It seems as though A2DP is broken in CM 10.1 as in stock android roms. I'm not 100% about this, but thats what it looks like.
I do use AD2P audio a lot, and never had this issue (Sony MW1).
I m using exclusively AOSP or AOKP based roms (never use stock CM 10.1 because of how silly big is the navbar), but I can give it a shot during my next flashing session for testing
I don't have any problem pairing the audio. The checkbox goes and the headset actually beeps. It's connected, android just isn't sending the audio to the headset.
Me too
PickleHead said:
I don't have any problem pairing the audio. The checkbox goes and the headset actually beeps. It's connected, android just isn't sending the audio to the headset.
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I've got the same issue.
I have tried with both jawbone and jabra headsets, no joy.
If I toggle bt on/off/on, connect the headset and then try playing music immediately I get ~1 second of audio over bluetooth before it goes silent.
I'm currently on PA 3.15 with moles kernel, but am going to try some other kernel/rom combos.
if anyone knows which logs i should be looking at i'm happy to upload them
Not quite the same problem, my music plays out of the phone speaker. Also I'm running stock rom.
PickleHead said:
Not quite the same problem, my music plays out of the phone speaker. Also I'm running stock rom.
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If i wait more than 1 or 2 seconds after connecting my headset it comes out of the speaker also, as the bt media connection dies. I only get the little bit of audio if i hit play right after I connect the headset
I managed to find a very strange work around...
I installed this app:
I turned on the app, and I could listen to music over mono mode (which sounds AWFUL). I then turned the app off, and when I changed the volume with the volume buttons I noticed the volume bar was displaying the bluetooth icon instead of the speaker icon.
My app was playing music, I didn't hear anything, but my headset was still outputting the characteristic 'hiss' of being in mono mode. So I went into the bluetooth settings and turned off mono mode, and now it is playing music through A2DP finally... We'll see if this problem occurs again and I'll see if the same process fixes it again. I'm just glad it's finally working again without resetting my phone.
I just wanted to update my post for anyone else who might have this problem in the future. I've performed this fix once before my last post and I haven't had to do it again, I've also uninstalled that app and everything is still working great.
It worked for me too!
Thanks to PickleHead and his workaround I'm listening again.
Media audio VS. Call Audio
I have Samsung galaxy S3 with android 4.1.2 connected to my fordAudio BT device.
I am playing music using the original media player that came with the Android.
The BT connects quickly, but I can't hear the media I'm playing.
Recently I have discovered a "workaround":
When I disable the "call audio" (using the BT menu in settings) and leaves only the "media audio" checked, I am able to hear the media play.
If I re-enables the "call audio", the sound mutes immediately.
Does this helps to understand the issue?
I have Samsung galaxy S3 with android 4.1.2 connected to my fordAudio BT device.
I am playing music using the original media player that came with the Android.
The BT connects quickly, but I can't hear the media I'm playing.
Recently I have discovered a "workaround":
When I disable the "call audio" (using the BT menu in settings) and leaves only the "media audio" checked, I am able to hear the media play.
If I re-enables the "call audio", the sound mutes immediately.
Does this helps to understand the issue?
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I think that is a different issue.
Thanks to PickleHead and his workaround I'm listening again.
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I'm glad I could help mrjole. This was a very frustrating issue, I could not listen to my music for about a month!
Bluetoot Media Audio failing
PickleHead said:
I just wanted to update my post for anyone else who might have this problem in the future. I've performed this fix once before my last post and I haven't had to do it again, I've also uninstalled that app and everything is still working great.
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I'm having exactly the problem described here, but this solution doesn't work for me. I have a Galaxy S4 and the bluetooth media audio sometimes works when I boot the phone up, but later it doesn't work. I tried this MonoBluetooth app and it doesn't seem to help. When I tell it to turn on the the mono signal, it says the media is disconnected even though the bluetooth module says it is connected to the AD2P device with media audio. On cases where it does connect, it seems to work, but in that case the bluetooth works with out this app fine.
I'm running 4.2.2 and see this on both the MDK and ME7 code base. I'm looking for a good soluton. I tried the Bluetooth Fix Repair on Google Play, but it can't seem to find my bluetooth configuration folders.
selicoh said:
Recently I have discovered a "workaround":
When I disable the "call audio" (using the BT menu in settings) and leaves only the "media audio" checked, I am able to hear the media play.
If I re-enables the "call audio", the sound mutes immediately.
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I have had exactly this problem for a couple of days with my S4 connected to my Jabra Freeway car speaker. Also in my case, disabling call audio makes the music pass through, but then I can't use the phone via the speaker which is sort of the whole purpose of the thing!
But I just found a simple workaround: I simply called my phone from another phone to check that phone audio passed through with both options enabled. It did. But it also cured the problem: After the call, media audio worked again - with both options checked.
marlar said:
I have had exactly this problem for a couple of days with my S4 connected to my Jabra Freeway car speaker. Also in my case, disabling call audio makes the music pass through, but then I can't use the phone via the speaker which is sort of the whole purpose of the thing!
But I just found a simple workaround: I simply called my phone from another phone to check that phone audio passed through with both options enabled. It did. But it also cured the problem: After the call, media audio worked again - with both options checked.
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I'd be interested to know if this fixes the problem for any length of time. Occasionally, and usually after a reboot, I can use the media audio, but then it fails when I try it again. Fiddling with the connections and apps sometimes makes it come back on, but usually only for a short while. While it is connected, it seems to stay connected.
