The Better Cube - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

"Don`t" Forget the HTC Cube, but I made this with "UltimateLaunch". It rotates smooth every kind of screen, icon or pluginin in a cube.

Looks nice. Can we try it? Any demo?

Can you put photo speed dials like htc cube?

junior member. 9 posts. be careful where you tread when saying "forget..." when talking about a much respected project.

Looks amazing, can it have multiple plugins per cube, and if so when/where can we get it.

Ultimate Iphone Cube
I made it with the new "ultimatetaunch" from germany, this is the first launcher with touchflow.
youtube video:
it can do speedial, an you can add multiple plugins in each tab(Sides of the cube). The cube can have hundreds of sides. It IS the ULTIMATE Launch.
I made this special iphone-version for everyone and you can upload all icons and more here:
There ist a full working demo-version of ultimatelaunch and you can buy it for 10 Euro:

UltimateLaunch is an app that can be downloaded. You may register but may also trial it for free, with no time limit nor feature limit. Merely a "not registered" writing here and there.
It's extremely configuration and you can have multiple plugins per cube as well as variable numbers of sides for the cube.
It is pretty fast and smooth no doubt, and is very close to replacing HTC Cube.

How do you do photo speed dial?

bluemetalaxe said:
I made it with the new "ultimatetaunch" from germany, this is the first launcher with touchflow.
youtube video:
it can do speedial, an you can add multiple plugins in each tab(Sides of the cube). The cube can have hundreds of sides. It IS the ULTIMATE Launch.
I made this special iphone-version for everyone and you can upload all icons and more here:
There ist a full working demo-version of ultimatelaunch and you can buy it for 10 Euro:
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Ok I see, this is the UltimateLauncher program, sorry I misunderstood. Do you or anyone else have any idea if it is possible to have more than one Plugin per cube, right now I have SPB Weather but it only takes up a small portion and I would like to add more smaller plugins to fill that cube instead of making more cubes for small plugins (1-2 lines)???

iggy said:
Ok I see, this is the UltimateLauncher program, sorry I misunderstood. Do you or anyone else have any idea if it is possible to have more than one Plugin per cube, right now I have SPB Weather but it only takes up a small portion and I would like to add more smaller plugins to fill that cube instead of making more cubes for small plugins (1-2 lines)???
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Yes, you can use the combine function to add more than one plugin per cube.

This is indeed a great plugin. It made me disable my cube, task bar and softkey bar.
Here is a detailed description of my today screen.
Photo Dialer is not problem at all. A few layers and gradients in gimp and you can have a few faces on glassy buttons as a speed dialer.

The Ultimate Launch is a blessing for the screensize-impared treos. Ahh... finially the scrollbar is gone. Instead of just having it scroll down, I just made the bottom half of the screen the ultimatelaunch and rotate it out. Looks a-m-a-z-i-n-g

Wow nc that's some beautiful interface.
Thanks for sharing!
Still very interested in how to make the photo dialer though, since I'm currently using SPB pocket plus for it, and that's ugly...

typhoone said:
junior member. 9 posts. be careful where you tread when saying "forget..." when talking about a much respected project.
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The HTC cube is made by HTC... respect.. well... lack of... ahh heck, forget it.

Photo Dialler
chunga168 said:
Still very interested in how to make the photo dialer though, since I'm currently using SPB pocket plus for it, and that's ugly...
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Photo dialling is a little tricky but there are a few ways to achieve it.
You need to change the format of your photos to .ico with a good photoshop tool - GIMP is a good freeware tool to achieve this (make sure you reduce the size of the photo to icon size say 60x60).
Then you need to link a program to do the ringing. Again there are a few options around:
1) cprog.exe -url tel: 12345678910 (this takes you to an editably box where you can change the number before dialling)
2) vijay555's dialler (which will automatically dial the conacts number)
3) gotocontact (which will take you to the default contacts page and give you options to ring mobile/home/business or send a text message).
It is a little tricky, but luckily I don't change my friends too often!
I have to agree that this is great software. I have stopped using cube launchers - as this is always running, is totally customisable and low on memory.

Thanks Lynehammike for the clarifications!
I don't change my friends often either so I'll give your options a go.
Thanks so much since I've been trying for quite awhile to figure out how to do this!
Btw, what's "gotocontact"?

Bloody hell, thanks mate! I kept wondering what the combine was for and found it strange that I could not add more than one plugin.

bluemetalaxe said:
Forget the HTC Cube, I made this with "UltimateLaunch". It rotates smooth every kind of screen, icon or pluginin in a cube.
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Is English language available? I cannot find something that sounds like "change language"

Lynehammike said:
3) gotocontact (which will take you to the default contacts page and give you options to ring mobile/home/business or send a text message).
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What is it? I tried this forum, google. ...Cannot find it anywhere?

How can I disable the bottom bar with available tabs?


(found) Cascaded programs-only menu

(edit) Quickmenu in english is out !
Hola amigos, since I don't use wisbar anymore I'd love to find such a launcher.
I want cascaded, direct access to the (initially submenu) programs list
I don't need to have recent apps or settings (builtin start menu already does the job quite well).
Cubes are useless to me (too slow, uncomplete lists, don't use the contacts fav. page)
Do you know something like that, or is it still to develop ?
Would you like it as well ?
And at last, does someone know how to make a shortcut that launch builtin start menu ?
Thanks for reading !
SmallMenu seems to be the perfect candidate for you. the start menu that SmallMenu uses is customizable, so you can take out the Recent Programs and Settings as you wish, as well as adding other items such as Running Tasks or Task Management Tools, among other things.
or WisBar Lite.
Thanks for your answers, I just tried both of them:
Wisbar lite is too slow at scrolling application list and can't directly display programs (one need to open the programs submenu).
SmallMenu is really cool. It's uglish, but it does its job well.
I may write another launcher to fit exactly what I need with a better look.
Meanwhile, thank you for the hint !
So, what you want is a pretty SmallMenu? How pretty you want it to be? I mean.. er.. care for a photoshopped of what you are having in mind?
Ok, I just played a bit more with SmallMenu & it's almost perfect.
Actually, I'm member of the Ban-The-Stylus association
Above all I want bigger buttons (I should have mentionned it before), for easy thumb operation.
Also a better look would be nice.
So I need a bigger font (that looks better), separators between each row and a gradient background for each row as well.
The ability to have running tasks displayed in a submenu is also great, and so would be the closing icon if it was, once more, bigger.
Or much better, if we could close the application with tap 'n hold !
I'd be glad to purchase if that wishlist is fulfilled, the problem is, I can't even find a Contact link on their homepage, while the development seems active. Weird.
Do you have an idea how to contact them ?
Small menu is great and all. But isnt there any program out there that can cascade the start menu and dosent give you all the extra stuff thats in small menu and wisebar lite?
I just want a program that cascades the start menu. no task manger, no soft reset, no battery meter and so on....
KidGixxer said:
Small menu is great and all. But isnt there any program out there that can cascade the start menu and dosent give you all the extra stuff thats in small menu ?
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You can disable them. I don't think your concern is about 20/30kb storage space ?
I've been using SmallMenuPlus for a few months and find it too useful to be without. Organize your programs into like directories and it's too easy.
With it being an execute file you can link it to a hard button, cube, shortcut or even a FTouchFlo launch swipe
Now I have no use for the default WM Start bar except to get into Settings (SmallMenu seems to forget where this is on every S/R).
I have no problem navigating and selecting with my thumb, although slightly larger icons wouldn't be rejected.
Taping the small icon in the top left corner can be hit-and-miss sometimes so I made my own larger one and select it with the 'Use external skin for start button' option. This way I can't miss it but still leave a little room to get the default Start bar if I need to. Make your icon 25 high and any width, mine is 42x25.
No one is aware how to contact Small Menu authors ?
Do we get an email address to contact them when we register ?
I'd like to see if they can do something about my requests before I register.... but no forum, no contact form, no email, too bad
alternatively you could try psw indibar 2.7.0 for cascading menus, (have tried the lot and to me, this one's the keeper), and it tops up by giving ram and or battery meters on the top bar, or anywhere you want.
Customization is a pain in the beginning, but once done you;ll be happy
lastnikita said:
No one is aware how to contact Small Menu authors ?
Do we get an email address to contact them when we register ?
I'd like to see if they can do something about my requests before I register.... but no forum, no contact form, no email, too bad
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Try [email protected]
how about "quick menu"... a totally free cascading menu supporting today themes without handicaping the original today menu....the only problem is...only simplified chinese version is available....
note: the latest version is 2.7 which was released on 22/10
by the way, this is his email address: [email protected] egg on him to release an english version if you like quick menu as i do^^
Thanks a lot for both suggestion and contact link, I'll give them a try later tonight !
I have sent a mail to that guy. His other software is in english so I think we have a chance.
iiiox said:
how about "quick menu"... a totally free cascading menu supporting today themes without handicaping the original today menu....the only problem is...only simplified chinese version is available....
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I'm giving up on trying it, too lazy ^^
Does it support font customization (size) ?
This is something I am very interested in, if that gives you any motivation.
I too used to use Wisbar but it was far too hit and miss for my liking. Sometimes it would load in, sometimes not. It all depended on teh theme in use at the time as it was sensitive to some, not sensitive to others. In the end I pulled it.
Will keep a watching brief on this thread to see how you get on.
iiiox said:
how about "quick menu"... a totally free cascading menu supporting today themes without handicaping the original today menu....the only problem is...only simplified chinese version is available....
note: the latest version is 2.7 which was released on 22/10
by the way, this is his email address: [email protected] egg on him to release an english version if you like quick menu as i do^^
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Oh yea this program rocks. I searched around for QuickMenu 2.6. from what i found out, he is working on an english version but having problems.
wacky.banana said:
I too used to use Wisbar but it was far too hit and miss for my liking. Sometimes it would load in, sometimes not. It all depended on teh theme in use at the time as it was sensitive to some, not sensitive to others. In the end I pulled it.
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Not to sound like a commercial but if plain old vanilla cascading start menu is what you want then why not use WA3 with the default theme which looks pretty much like the WM6 default and disable all the bells and whistles?
I've never heard of a case where the default theme wouldn't load -- it was usually the fancy aftermarket themes that added all of the extra graphics and sounds that caused the loading problems.
can't you just use wm5newmenu?

Sprint Touch Cube Configuration Tool 4.1

Ok, I think this one is gonna need a sticky. I got sick of having to type in all of the shortcuts in the registry editor to change the cube, so I wrote this little spiffy app. It allows you to customize the 2 sides of the cube with shortcuts. Just make sure you know what you are doing as far as what can go where. Enjoy!
Version 1.1 - I got tired of waiting for the file browser to refresh everytime. Now you only have to wait for the first time, after that it is cached.
Version 1.2 - Added IconPress to the 6-App Side, and IconPlaying, IconPlayingPress, and IconPress to the 3-App side.
Version 2.0 - Added param for 6-App Side and 3-App Side. Added links to animation files. Added GUI for app selection for 3-App side and 6-App side.
Version 2.1 - Squashed the bugs that were coming up. Sorry I didn't test it enough before releasing.
Version 3.0 - Now supports multiple 6-App sides (See Polen's Vista Cube)!! Added reset to defaults. Automatic shortcut selector or browse for apps. Fixed the bug where the Program Files directory wasn't showing up in the Browse tree.
Version 4.0 - Added support for the iCube , animation configuring for newly added sides, export settings to .reg file, and icon image preview*.
*The icon image preview must be set up correctly to work. It all depends on the naming convention used. Polen's icon packs work with the preview. Since the .brn files cannot be rendered, a .bmp file must be placed in the directory with the .brn having the same filename or following Polen's naming convention (ex. ie.bmp -> ie_top.brn, ie_top_press.brn).
I tried testing it with the stock cube, Polen's 6 sided cube, and the iCube, but may not have caught everything, so if you find a bug, let me know!
SORRY!!! I left out a file from the .cab, it's all fixed now! Enjoy!
Version 4.1 - Fixed a bug in the export settings and the Save button was getting disabled.
Download link:
If you guys have anymore suggestions, let me know.
thisguyinoc said:
Ok, I think this one is gonna need a sticky. I got sick of having to type in all of the shortcuts in the registry editor to change the cube, so I wrote this little spiffy app. It allows you to customize the 2 sides of the cube with shortcuts. Just make sure you know what you are doing as far as what can go where. Cheers!
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Thanks for the App, works great.
difference between this and touch settings???
ok one question
when i make Icons. I save them as a BMP 24 bit, then i can just BMP to BRN and it will work?
also you just install CAB and go. Do you have to stop any processes before going. I guess i wont wait for Touch settings. This looks like it will work great???
just need to know if i need different icon sizes for the 3X2 and Media Hub????
thisguyinoc said:
Ok, I think this one is gonna need a sticky. I got sick of having to type in all of the shortcuts in the registry editor to change the cube, so I wrote this little spiffy app. It allows you to customize the 2 sides of the cube with shortcuts. Just make sure you know what you are doing as far as what can go where. Enjoy!
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Without wanting to detract from what you have done, you may also want to look at 'Touch Settings' which has this functionality already. (now works on the Vogue) See: (main thread) (vogue support thread)
in your post though it said that you cant do Iocns yet on the sprint touch this one i believe if you just set the filepath you can!
also carlos kind of in response to my other thread in the vogue forum.
I was at my friends house playing w/ his sprint touch, downloaded some icons from my website, and put them on w/ this prog. I just saved files to the windows folder with BRN extension and it worked? Idk if it will w/ touch settings, but this one works for that purpose....
still not sure though if you need different size icons for mediahub..???
also still my question..... do you have to stop running the mediahub.exe or w/e the file is called before installilng this puppy?
ambush276 said:
in your post though it said that you cant do Icons yet on the sprint touch this one i believe if you just set the filepath you can!
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As of yesterday's build Touch Settings can display / change Sprint (BRN) Icons. Simply tap the pictures to change.
great! ive heard so many great things about the touch settings program.. That i want to continue using it.
My question is are the pics still fuzzy when you use BMP to BRN. OR are they clear like sprint pre installed logo's.
my final question, and i know its been asked, can i use the 119 by the other dimension for both the 3X2 and Media Hub Screen?? What dimensions do i need? on the pics?
also i heard about Media hub not closing? is this true or is it fixed?
Would this work for the Bell Mobility version of the HTC Touch? (Canadian carrier, with a version of the Sprint vogue)
what i dont understand is th animation tab. I know how to make my own icons and stuff, my question is... like what is the animations brn?? What do i have to make for those. Do i need to change it?? I have all custom icons, does animations matter?
ambush276 said:
what i dont understand is th animation tab. I know how to make my own icons and stuff, my question is... like what is the animations brn?? What do i have to make for those. Do i need to change it?? I have all custom icons, does animations matter?
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those are the images that are shown when changing from side to side. You don't have to change them, but you now have the option.
i c. So like if i make icon images... when i go to animations tab, i just say for image 1, run the path to my icon. Then i will be fine?? and it will turn w/ icon of choice... But there are only 6 icons???
thisguyinoc said:
If you guys have anymore suggestions, let me know.
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What I'd really like to see is the ability to add QDail sides to the cube like you can with the Aplauncher. Has anyone got that working? I have more than 9 frequently called contacts and would love to have at least 2 sides of contacts - one for personal and one for business would be perfect.
But now that I've typed all this...I just realized that you didn't write the 6-sided cube app, right? I just integrates with yours....
I've been using the Touch Settings program from Carlos -- I'm anxious to see how this one works, too. Thanks to both of you for your hard work!
Haggar said:
What I'd really like to see is the ability to add QDail sides to the cube like you can with the Aplauncher. Has anyone got that working? I have more than 9 frequently called contacts and would love to have at least 2 sides of contacts - one for personal and one for business would be perfect.
But now that I've typed all this...I just realized that you didn't write the 6-sided cube app, right? I just integrates with yours....
I've been using the Touch Settings program from Carlos -- I'm anxious to see how this one works, too. Thanks to both of you for your hard work!
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Yeah, I didn't write the 6-sided cube. I worked with Polen to make my app scale to the number of sides you have installed.
thisguyinoc said:
Yeah, I didn't write the 6-sided cube. I worked with Polen to make my app scale to the number of sides you have installed.
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I played with your program yesterday (okay, let me be honest...I spent 20 hours in the past 24 hours making new cube graphics and drinking coffee until it was bleeding out my ears) and it's wonderful. In combination with the 6 sided cube it's a really great ap.
This may be from a total lack of sleep and the really nice caffiene buzz I've got going, but I'm a bit confused regarding the rotation anims and how to set them via the anim tab.
Is there a way to specify different transition graphics sets between sides 1&2, 2&3, and 3&4? It seems like the default is set to use C0-C5 for all rotations of the Launcher. Am I missing something? I was that the VistaCube program installed D0-D5 so manually created my own and added them to the Windows directory. My D series seems to be applied to those transitions eventhough the animations page shows C0-C5.
Is there a way to get to a drop down menu specifically for the extra sides or is this something that must be done manually? And in either would I set it up to have separate anims for each of the different sides?
The main reason I ask is because I'm planning to use rather generic icons on my launcher pages so that I can swap out programs whenever I want without having to update the graphics on the cube. For example...I have an MP3 player icon that says "Music" on one page. I can assign that to Mort, or WMP, or anything else I want and not worry about the icon. That allows me to put the icons into the rotation graphics so it's a smooth transition and I don't see the "flash" when the app icons load on top of an otherwise different background.
Whew...long-ass question for something so simple. Any help would be appreciated!
Haggar said:
I played with your program yesterday (okay, let me be honest...I spent 20 hours in the past 24 hours making new cube graphics and drinking coffee until it was bleeding out my ears) and it's wonderful. In combination with the 6 sided cube it's a really great ap.
This may be from a total lack of sleep and the really nice caffiene buzz I've got going, but I'm a bit confused regarding the rotation anims and how to set them via the anim tab.
Is there a way to specify different transition graphics sets between sides 1&2, 2&3, and 3&4? It seems like the default is set to use C0-C5 for all rotations of the Launcher. Am I missing something? I was that the VistaCube program installed D0-D5 so manually created my own and added them to the Windows directory. My D series seems to be applied to those transitions eventhough the animations page shows C0-C5.
Is there a way to get to a drop down menu specifically for the extra sides or is this something that must be done manually? And in either would I set it up to have separate anims for each of the different sides?
The main reason I ask is because I'm planning to use rather generic icons on my launcher pages so that I can swap out programs whenever I want without having to update the graphics on the cube. For example...I have an MP3 player icon that says "Music" on one page. I can assign that to Mort, or WMP, or anything else I want and not worry about the icon. That allows me to put the icons into the rotation graphics so it's a smooth transition and I don't see the "flash" when the app icons load on top of an otherwise different background.
Whew...long-ass question for something so simple. Any help would be appreciated!
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That's a very logical request. Look for it in the next release.
thisguyinoc said:
That's a very logical request. Look for it in the next release.
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Pithy. I like it.
Haggar said:
What I'd really like to see is the ability to add QDail sides to the cube like you can with the Aplauncher. Has anyone got that working? I have more than 9 frequently called contacts and would love to have at least 2 sides of contacts - one for personal and one for business would be perfect.
But now that I've typed all this...I just realized that you didn't write the 6-sided cube app, right? I just integrates with yours....
I've been using the Touch Settings program from Carlos -- I'm anxious to see how this one works, too. Thanks to both of you for your hard work!
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Did you ever figure out a way to add another contact side to the cube?
I just installed the CubeConfig3.0.CAB
In the usual screen that says successfully installed and if you need more room... It is followed by a message I have not seen yet:
The program you have installed may not display properly because it was designed for a previous version of Windows Mobile software.
EDIT: I'm running the unmodified WM6 on a Bell CDMA Touch (Vogue - 128MB RAM/256 MB ROM)
Hmm I never got that one.... I'm running the exact same phone as you, MM.

Contacts from the Todayscreen

Hi, did anyone know how i can take my contacts on my Todayscreen? Like IContacts, just for the todayscreen Thx
body85 said:
Hi, did anyone know how i can take my contacts on my Todayscreen? Like IContacts, just for the todayscreen Thx
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All your Contacts? Or just some of them (e.g., Quickdial)?
If you just want key contacts for quick access, there is a cool product called Face Contact by CNetx that might work. If you want ALL contacts, I have not seen one....
Yeah, I have been thinking about this too, would be great if iContact could be made into a Today Plugin. I will pose this question in the icontact thread.
body85 said:
Hi, did anyone know how i can take my contacts on my Todayscreen? Like IContacts, just for the todayscreen Thx
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Try SPB Phone Sweet. I know you have to pay for it but there are plenty of places were you will be able to find it below one penny if you get my drift, I just cannot post them on the site. SPB Phone Sweet will allow you to post picture contacts, up to 15 I believe on the Today Screen. Really good function program which I used in conjuction with SPB Pocket Plus but have since then moved to SPB Phone Suite. Good luck.
first... thx for the answer´s and sry about my English
So i really looked for a today plugin who show ALL CONTACTS, like icontact i have now Facecontacts, thats great but i can only show a few contacts or all with many work... spb.... hm i have ultimate launch if i use spb too my kaiser will be slow i think.... so lets search another one
I wrote it in BURT thread...
I got UL too and in combination with spb phone suite there is no problem. My HTC touch is slower
ok but i think this have to look so:
Even I am looking for such thing from quite a while now.. but without luck.. I am trying to search or develop something which can integrate programs like Icontact/PCM image viewer to today screen.. Something like we can see in HTC Diamond but with less memory usage.. There are prgs like Throttle Launcher which does this, but heavy on memory.. consumes like more than 10 MB.. Anyone has any idea on how can we achieve this..
try this
you can use face contacts, its the best looking contact plugin available. and it scrolls like s2p cover flow (but smoother)
if u read u will see.... i use this.... but its not so good i think
As I've mentioned in Icontact thread
use one of your softkeys to invoke Icontact, or use Mortbuttons - you can assign one in today screen with Icontact and other phone app inside
Again Pisca, how does this establish a today plugin
1. not only icontact, any software what can do this, but in the today screen.
2. if u can look on my today screen? NO SoFTKEyS
I have set Spb Diary to show photo contacts on the Today Screen and it works out great...
iggy said:
Again Pisca, how does this establish a today plugin
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See post in Icontact thread
You can also use DialTab.
Everything listed here are the best options. Trying to fit all of iContact as a plugin on your today screen eliminates the app itself. Doesn't make much sense to me.
Perhaps "Ineosoft Adressbook". You have a bar on the todayscreen, like the HTC Random Access and then the adress is popup. Have a look on it.
Or we can make a shortcut to HTC Random Access for the today screen.
i am currently playing around with my own made C# picture dialer that is displayed as a today item (very early beta i might add ). it enables a user to see pre defined photo contacts (which is of course nothing new).
as with most photo dialers, a long (2 second) press on the photo dials the number that belongs to the contact. (it also has an option to assign two numbers to one photo contact, which i find very usefull, eg the first number is dialed when you press the photo for two seconds, the second number is dialed when you press the photo for four seconds.)
NEO130 said:
Perhaps "Ineosoft Adressbook". You have a bar on the todayscreen, like the HTC Random Access and then the adress is popup. Have a look on it.
Or we can make a shortcut to HTC Random Access for the today screen.
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The same thats all the other said... i click on a button and i get my contacts.... ok thats work with allllll software, icontacts also....
i show my idea again ok....

[SKN] VGA Skins for Standard WM Dialer (Black/Transparent/Sunset + MORE!)

Description updated 08 Nov 2008
I stopped using the HTC Diamond dialer after I found out that it uses 10MB of memory (8MB on some improved ROMs like SwiftBL) at all times and is partly responsible for the device's laggy dialer performance.
The default WM dialer is an ugly grey but after finding this thread about QVGA skins I decided to make my own black skin. I'd like to thank the starter of that thread, Raceit, for helping me to get started with the image files and trying to fix them for me. Cheers dude!
I don't know how to make CABs yet so here's a zip. (EDIT: CAB available in post #3.) The orange colouring in the screenshots was part of my theme, not part of the skin.
To install, first disable the HTC dialer, see post #2 for more details.
If you would like to install the black 3D skin pictured below, the easiest method is to install the CAB provided by mic_888 in post #3. If you plan to use another skin that doesn't have a CAB then I advise installing the CAB anyway, then copying the images files from the ZIP archive into the Windows folder. There are 2 advantages of installing a CAB - firstly so that the image files are unprotected and easier to overwrite and secondly to make uninstallation easier. Just uninstall the CAB to remove whatever skin you are using and revert to standard the standard WM grey skin.
Hint: The Matrix, Flat Black and Sunset skins in this thread feature transparent buttons with different edge colours, feel free to use them with your own backgrounds. It's just a case of replacing the two png images with your own choice of portrait/landscape images
EDIT: Matrix and Flat Black skins added, see post #24 - CAB now added!
EDIT: Sunset skin added, see post #29 - CAB now added!
EDIT: Grey/White skin added, see post #71 - CAB now added!
EDIT: Dark TouchFlo skin by nhvoltagenh, see post #74-#75
Please also check out the skins by holdemdogg, starting at post #49!
Edit: More Skins, good ones too...
Ryon Skin
Noonski Diamondish Skin
Information about using the standard WM dialer
The main drawback of the standard WM dialer is that you cannot use it for video calling. Not an issue for me personally.
The advantages are that it saves almost 10MB of memory, even on ROMs with an optimized dialer, and gets rid of that slight lag when making or answering a call when you're not sure if it's actually going to do anything. A further benefit is that the answer and reject keys are much more difficult to press accidentally, removing the need for an additional locking program (Answerkeys Disabler, TouchLockPro, S2U2, etc.)
The HTC dialer can be disabled using DiamondTweak or Schaps Advanced Configuration Tool. You must also disable the HTC Volume Control if you wish to be able to adjust the volume in-call. The only working method that I know of is to use this CAB here.
Edit: It turns out that disabling the HTC dialer also loses the Bluetooth icon in the taskbar. I had a quick google and found this solution. I've tested it and it works fine on my Diamond. File attached below for convenience.
Edit 2: The developers of the bluetooth icon app have released a new version that's more compatible with VGA! See below.
Made a cab - I haven't tested it though
mic_888 said:
Made a cab - I haven't tested it though
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Perfect! Tested OK.
cab doesn't work. and image files can't be copy to the windows folder.
Great work I was looking for this and will include in my Lite rom, can you tranform also Phone_DPI_192 files? (call history), many thanks....
ciberus said:
Great work I was looking for this and will include in my Lite rom, can you tranform also Phone_DPI_192 files? (call history), many thanks....
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Nice one, glad someone else finds it useful! Can you post any more information? I don't know where those files are.
If anyone has any requests for other colours or designs, let me know. Also please feel free to post your own designs here.
so all i do is run the cab and then 10 mb will be freed up? does this work on the sprint diamond?
Any idea how to undo disable HTC volume control if I plan to go back to default HTC dialer?
Is the cab changing some registry settings?
stuckonashelf said:
so all i do is run the cab and then 10 mb will be freed up? does this work on the sprint diamond?
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No you need to disable the HTC dialer and volume control too. See post #2 for details. I don't know enough about the differences in the sprint but I expect so.
raspdeep said:
Any idea how to undo disable HTC volume control if I plan to go back to default HTC dialer?
Is the cab changing some registry settings?
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I don't really know what that cab does. Have you tried uninstalling from remove programs then soft-resetting?
Davey101 said:
If anyone has any requests for other colours or designs, let me know.
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Well done, I'd like to try this!
But, as I use skilty's TF3D Matrix theme with it's skinned dialer, I'd like to request a Matrix WM dialer skin, please. For personal use and to share it in the Matrix Trilogy theme resource thread.
Maybe you want to have a go at it? It would be great if you could design one with 'real' 1234567890 digits. Perhaps from one of the free Matrix fonts.. And it would be bonus if you could design another skin with 'actual' Matrix font digits, like these.
Or maybe you can just use skilty's dialer artwork? I could ask skilty. Anyway, TIA!
Thanks Davey101!
I'm waiting for that since a long time!!!
Mandragore said:
Well done, I'd like to try this!
But, as I use skilty's TF3D Matrix theme with it's skinned dialer, I'd like to request a Matrix WM dialer skin, please. For personal use and to share it in the Matrix Trilogy theme resource thread.
Maybe you want to have a go at it? It would be great if you could design one with 'real' 1234567890 digits. Perhaps from one of the free Matrix fonts.. And it would be bonus if you could design another skin with 'actual' Matrix font digits, like these.
Or maybe you can just use skilty's dialer artwork? I could ask skilty. Anyway, TIA!
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News flash!
The Matrix trilogy ended, lamely, 5 years ago!
I think it might be easiest to use transparent buttons with a simple green border so that the matrix background image is seen through the buttons. I'll see what I can come up with, unless you'd like to have a go?
I don't know how to change the button font, sorry.
I use Vito Winterface....
I have made these buttons but not centered!
(I take the same gif mesure of Black VGA Dialer skin: 86x56, 128x54, 142x56 and 180x54)
If somebody could help me...
ZeuBug said:
I use Vito Winterface....
I have made these buttons but not centered!
(I take the same gif mesure of Black VGA Dialer skin for example, 86x56, 128x54, 142x56 and 180x54)
If somebody could help me...
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Sorry I don't understand that!
Davey101 said:
Sorry I don't understand that!
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My (very) bad english or my problem???
ZeuBug said:
My (very) bad english or my problem???
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Your problem (maybe because of your English!)
Hi all,
Is anyone able to develope a Dialer skin that increases the numeric button sizes, There is a big bar of space at the top of the dialer that could be used for the other buttons we use, Or can we remove the call history list to increase the buttons?
creeky said:
Hi all,
Is anyone able to develope a Dialer skin that increases the numeric button sizes, There is a big bar of space at the top of the dialer that could be used for the other buttons we use, Or can we remove the call history list to increase the buttons?
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I'm sure it is possible but that would involve replacing or editing the dialer software, not just the skin. The standard software has a fixed layout and we can replace the images used but not change their size or position.
It might be worth looking around for an alternative dialer...
Davey101 said:
News flash!
The Matrix trilogy ended, lamely, 5 years ago!
I think it might be easiest to use transparent buttons with a simple green border so that the matrix background image is seen through the buttons. I'll see what I can come up with, unless you'd like to have a go?
I don't know how to change the button font, sorry.
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Well, I don't know how to change anything on the WM dialer, so please, try transparent buttons and a simple green border and I'll check it out. Cheers!

Manila 2d almost in landscape, need one more thing...

Hey guys,
Ive been working very hard at getting Manila2d to work in landscape (when you flip out the keyboard while manila2d is active then it will automatically switch today plugins)
this is the last piece of the puzzle: i need a today plugin that works in landscape and that can be skinned to look like TOuchflo 3d in landscape (basically skinnable shortcuts)
if i get it working ill release a .cab!
thanks guys
something like RLtoday maybee???
Very curious how it looks in landscape on my Kaiser
MFx said:
something like RLtoday maybee???
Very curious how it looks in landscape on my Kaiser
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thanks for the suggestion mate.
however after Googling it i saw that it was more than just a few shortcuts, even though it could easly be skinned. can you have it where it only displays shortcuts? if yes, then i will definitely try it out
recommend the landscape same as HTC touchpro after flip out keyboard
yes, thats exactly how i want to skin it.
does anyone have any othersuggestions for programs that might work for this?
mbarvian said:
yes, thats exactly how i want to skin it.
does anyone have any othersuggestions for programs that might work for this?
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If you want it like that maybee something like mortbuttons is a better option...
Don't know if it's easy to skin..
thanks again man
i just downloaded mortbuttons and it appears that its only a standalone applicationa dn not actually a today plugin, but i think im missing something.
ok: can a developer whip up someting really small thats just a today plugin thats made for landscape that looks and acts like the touch pro's landscape?
I could make an rlToday skin super fast for ya. Tonight even. QVGA I assume? I'll leave the purdy graphics to you, I'll just make a template. How's that sound?
I would focus on Touch Dual and Action Screen.
When you sliding the keyboard of Touch Dual - the action screen starting up. Maybe something similar is done on Touch Pro.
Girvo said:
I could make an rlToday skin super fast for ya. Tonight even. QVGA I assume? I'll leave the purdy graphics to you, I'll just make a template. How's that sound?
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that sounds awesome man
thanks a lot
1stly : the wasy u guys help each other out - like a family - I LUV DAT...!! 2ndly I SSSOOO LUV DIS FORUM...!!! As soon as I have cleared my overdraft am donating. Dyin with anticipation for TF3D to arrive.
Nearly done, but it's 3am here in Aus I'm going to hit the sack, and will upload the completed one tomorrow.
It's based entirely on rlToday, and respects rlToday's application shortcut menu [so all customisation of app names and links can be done without touching XML ]. Nothing fancy, no animations, but it'll work.
That's a lie. My trickery to over-ride what I was going for didn't work, so to edit the shortcuts you'll have to dive into XML for now, until I can find a way around it
are youy actualy working on manila2d or skining some other app that looks like it?
What about HTC HOME? that works in landscape
Ask APBilbo. He made something similar with ThrottleLauncher in landscape.
Any news on the landscape??? kaiser is screaming for it
i am close on landscape look at the pictures below
I've got my somewhat finished rlToday skin here if you'd like me to upload it. All it needs is the XML to be changed to link to whatever apps you want, and change the icons to whatever you want.
Give me a yell if you still need it.
what about today life? Not sure if thats what your looking for.
mbarvian said:
yes, thats exactly how i want to skin it.
does anyone have any othersuggestions for programs that might work for this?
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Posting before reading i should now better.
You can either bring up a skinned Menu or the Buttons Today Pugin.
Not sure if that's what your after.
But it would be drawn to the screen much faster then RL.
S.V.I said:
are youy actualy working on manila2d or skining some other app that looks like it?
What about HTC HOME? that works in landscape
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I 2nd the motion for HTC Home, its easy to use, elegant, and much more useful than a simple action screen. If HTC Home isn't the OP's preference, can we have a second version of the program that supports HTC Home?

