PPC 6700 WM6 Unable to Map Drives - Networking

I have had the same problem with my PPC 6700 running WM5 and WM6.
I have installed the HTC Network Plugin CAB. I can see the servers on my network (all thru WIFI). When I select the server, it prompts me for my user ID, Password, and Domain (click save password). I click OK and it comes back requesting login info again and again and again.......
I have the same issue from Pocket File Explorer when I open a path to the //server/share!!!!!
I have a Dell X30 running WM 2003 SE and I can access all of my shares with no problems on the same network!!!!!
What am I doing wrong?


Universal can't connect to Windows Server 2003 - solved

I have a Universal in german from T-Mobile Austria and a BlueAngel also from T-Mobile Austria. As we all know the Universal has the new OS Windows Mobile 5.0, the BlueAngel has Windows Mobile 2003.
So and there is a BIG difference between these two OS (OR A BIG BUG, I don't know).
The problem is: With the file-explorer (or Total Commander 2.0, which i prefer) you can connect with WLAN to a share on a computer. Enter the UNC-path under path in the file-explorer, the device asks for a login and it works. So it is unter Windows Mobile 2003 with the BlueAngel. And it doesn't matter to which computer I will connect: to my server with Windows Server 2003 or to my workstation with Windows XP. I enter my domain account and it works.
On the Universal it doesn't work when I will connect to my server with Windows Server 2003. It's absolutely impossible to connect to a share on my server. BUT I CAN connect to a share an my workstation with Windows XP WITH MY DOMAIN ACCOUNT. So what I see in the moment: The NTLM-authentication works because I can connect to any Windows XP with a domain account, but the connection to a share on a server with Windows Server 2003 fails. And this only with the Universal, because in the same time with my BlueAngel it works.
My question is: Has somebody the same ugly problem or maybe I do somethimg wrong, I don't know.
And that's the reason why I can't change my device in this moment and why I love my BlueAngel.
Best regards, Peter
i to have this issue, i can map to xp shares no probs but win2003server shares just loops on the password screen.
big issue for me this
w2k3 issues
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I had the same issues on w2k3-server before installing the latest updates.
After new W2K3 installation and newest updates: no problems.
The problem could be active directory.
Have a look to "NetBIOS over IP" at IP-settings. Resco Explorer can't map UNCs, only NetBIOS-names, it's my monitoring.
Greetings, Gerd Dubrand
that dosent fix the problem, just tried it, it worked fine on my BA but not on JJ.
I also cannot connect to my Win2003 server via jasjar, but I can connect to my win2000 advanced server. Win2003 server is sbs2003 with all updates applied. Can connect to both via my pda2k. Interesting?
IS the server a DC? you may need to disable the 'Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always)' setting the default DC GPO - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/823659. This is enabled by default for DC's and acan cuase issues when talking to downlevel clients (I've had this problem with samba clients.
It mayalso be set in the local secuirty policy.
But then again this might not be anything to do with it...
Anything in the logs on the server?
Thank you for your samba server and your idea, tintoy. Your hint works!
For all others aigan the solution:
On a Windows Server 2003 domain controller you have to disable 'Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always)'. I haven't this done by Active Directory, i have this done by 'Security settings for domain controller' -> 'Security Options' in 'Management'.
Note: Please excuse when I don't have used the correct names, because I have only a german version of the Windows Server 2003 and I don't know the exact names of the program groups of the english version. But I hope you know, what I mean.
Thank you aigan tintoy, this problem is solved!
See you all again here,
I confirm this,
network server: Digitally sign communications (always)
change to disabled in the Default Domain Controller Security Settings.
This has just made my day. odd how wm5 is apparently newer but dosent quite work out the box like wm2003 did
np ;-)
Exchange 2003 not connect with mobile 6.1
Someone can write a detailed description ? I have the same problem.

Windows Mobile 5.0 can't map shared folder on my server

I just got a HTC Wizard but have serious problems getting the network work right.
The problem is that it doesn't work to map any shared folders on my server (running Windows server 2003). It doesn't even let me browse the shared folders. It finds the computer without problems when scanning the network, but i just get errors when i try to browse the computer, or map any folders.
I have a Dell X30 also, and this PDA have no problems connecting to the same server. It uses same software and same settings, the only difference is that this PDA is running Pocket PC 2003, not Win Mobile 5.0.
I have tried using 3 different software for doing the mapping, but all three fails. I have no problem mapping the drives on different computers (have problems browsing some of them though).
Does anyone know whats wrong? Seems to be a bug in Windows mobile?
The error i get when mapping using Resco Explorer 2005 is:
Cannot connect network path. Network resource cannot be found or you do not have sufficient permissions
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Username and password is correct, but that shouldn't be needed to browse the server anyway.
Does anyone know whats wrong?
Problem is solved... I should have read the FAQ first:
--Universal can't connect to Windows Server 2003--
Cant map to a Windows 2003 Server share? Is it also a Domain Controller? Check the server for
start / programs / administraton tools / Domain Controller Security Policy
Then check Local Policies / Security Options :
Microsoft Network Server: Digitally sign communications (always)
change to disabled
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This also applies for the Wizard!
Works for XP + Wizard too!
Though use Administrative Tools / Local Security Policy instead.
Thanks for the tip!

access file share in windows 2003 domain and BT stacks

I have s200 with rom WWE, radios 02.30.21, extrom
the problem is
I try to access file share in windows 2003 server domain, conecting via wifi, i see the server, but when i try to loging to see the resourses, logon failed, using any apps is same error, i try to access resourse in windows xp of same domain, and work fine!i try the same conecting with active sync with usb cable, i same like wifi
Other question have any BT stacks with more funcionalitys?
Thanks and sorry for my english
Regards from barcelona!
The reason that you are unable to access fileshares through your PDA is because Windows 2003 has additional security and by default requires certain communications to be signed.
To use a PDA to access file shares within a domain athe security policies that enforce signing of communications will need disabling.
These settings are found within Group policy on the Domain controllers and will need adjusting by an administrator of the domain.
Is strange, becouse with my old pda xda2i i can access!
I check what do you talk about, i my own server at home, but this policy is not activated, i active and put disable , but i have same problem!
I think i some thing with s200, becouse i dont change nothing in the server and work fine!
Thanks anyways!

Trying to access files on a Windows 2003 Server domain

Runnng WM6 on an i-mate JasJam (HTC clone).
I have wireless working fine and can surf the net. I don't have any proxy configured.
I try to use File Explorer to get to the files on my home server but when it prompts for username, p/w and domain, it keeps prompting or gives an error even though they are correct.
I'm giving it my Administrator login details and have the domain name correct.
I'm able to connect to a NAS directly and access/view files that way. The NAS is running some sort of UNIX and thus doesn't have the same issues that Windows is obviously having. I can connect via USB and ActiveSync works fine.
I've also tried connecting to a PC in the house that's running MCE edition and thus isn't on a domain. I've tried using the main username/password that I use to log in as administrator on that box.
Again, same thing - it just prompts over and over.
I'm familiar with setting shares up and setting security, but none of that is applicable because I'm trying to authenticate as domain administrator. I've also tried using local administrator but that doesn't work either.
The error I get is "Error connecting to resource: -1073741802". (Nothing in Google).
I recall some hidden registry setting that I once had to set on Windows Server 2003 to deal with unencrypted passwords, but I can't find anything on that now. I can't work out a google word combination that comes up with ANYTHING for logging onto a domain from a PPC. Frustrating!
Any ideas or experience in this? If you have please give specific settings where possible!
There was an issue with trying to RDP onto W2K3 boxes from a Windows Mobile device - the solution to that was to set the administrator password to blank......not something you'd normally want to do, but it might be worth a try in this case just to see if it works?
Have you tried using an account with less privileges (but with share and/or folder permissions) to see if that works?? The administrator account, be it domain or local, has some special traits that are not always made clear - you could try a domain user account with local admin rights.....
Also, for your Google search, have you tried "clear text" or "plain text" as keywords - I have a vague recollection of the registry entry you mention, but I'm at a loss to remember it myself....

PPC 6700 Unable to Map Drives

I have had the same problem with my PPC 6700 running WM5 and WM6.
I have installed the HTC Network Plugin CAB. I can see the servers on my network (all thru WIFI). When I select the server, it prompts me for my user ID, Password, and Domain (click save password). I click OK and it comes back requesting login info again and again and again.......
I have the same issue from Pocket File Explorer when I open a path to the //server/share!!!!!
I have a Dell X30 running WM 2003 SE and I can access all of my shares with no problems on the same network!!!!!
What am I doing wrong?
Pdiminico said:
I have had the same problem with my PPC 6700 running WM5 and WM6.
I have installed the HTC Network Plugin CAB. I can see the servers on my network (all thru WIFI). When I select the server, it prompts me for my user ID, Password, and Domain (click save password). I click OK and it comes back requesting login info again and again and again.......
I have the same issue from Pocket File Explorer when I open a path to the //server/share!!!!!
I have a Dell X30 running WM 2003 SE and I can access all of my shares with no problems on the same network!!!!!
What am I doing wrong?
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I upgraded my PPC-6700 to WM6 and could not access my shares. When I reflashed to WM5 I was able to access some of the shared folders i.e. small folders.
On folders with many files I got "out of resources" messages which seems to be a different issue.
Flashing back to WM6 and I get the same User ID/password/domain and I use my Username/password and get cannot connect error. I am on a workgroup and don't run a domain. I've checked my folder permissions and they are set correctly. I have searched all over and it seems many people have the same issue with WM6 but I have seen no solution. However since I have got my USB connection working with "Enhanced Network Functionality" I haven't been too concerned about connecting through the network shares.
Try doing it without saving the password. Works for me on WM6 connecting to a vista PC. It is REALLY slow. Once mapped, it works fine.
Bushrod said:
Try doing it without saving the password. Works for me on WM6 connecting to a vista PC. It is REALLY slow. Once mapped, it works fine.
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You da man!
Confirmed working with WM6 and Windows XP SP2.
Thanks so much.

