O2 SMS Plus & HTC Home Plugin - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 ROM Development

After searching the forums I am unable to find an answer to this one.
How do I set HTC Home middle button (SMS) to open O2 SMS Plus instead of tmail when I press it. I searched the registry and came up dry and there is no setting I see in HHC. Actually if there is a way to set O2 SMS Plus as the default SMS/MMS application for the entire BA I would prefer that. I use Gmail for email and that requires tmail so I was afraid to change it in HKLM/software/microsoft/shell/rai/MSINBOX as I presumed I would lose access to Gmail.
Thanks in advance to all who answer.

Nobody knows
Well 2 days and 118 views with no responses pretty much implies that either I was not very clear or nobody has an answer.
In case I was unclear I am looking for a way to make O2 SMS Plus the default sms reader/composer instead of the MS one (tmail). But I must still use tmail for regular email such as Gmail.
Thanks again. Even if nobody knows this I have gleaned so much information from this forum/wiki that it won't hurt my feelings any.

You've probably had this answered long ago, but I thought I'd write in for anyone else who finds this thread.
The way to edit which program gets called through HTC Home is to edit the file HTCHome.dll with a hex editor, and then re-signing the dll. Unfortunately, HTCHome.dll only uses one reference to tmail.exe for both SMS and email, so if you change one it changes both of them. So the above isn't possible, I believe...


Multi SMS ?

Is there a program or a way to send sms to multiple contacts or grouped contacts with qtek 9100 (HTC Wizard)?
is it possible with poketinformant?
WM5 doesn't support this option that was supported by windows MObile 2003...
Please help
There MUST be a way to send an sms to more than one person. We had this feature 1000 phones ago so it must be there.
Jeyo Mobile Extende
What are you kidding? Simple!
Put your cursor in the "To:" box and click menu (right soft button) and Add Recipient.
Select the name. Repeat as needed for as many contacts as you want.
Alternatively add the numbers manually seperated by a ; just like you would in an Email.
sorry! what i need is a group sending... with my old magician i select in one shot ten or more contacts then i sent my sms. now with newest 9100 i must select contact one by one :-( :-(
I don't know of any program to do this, but it would be easy to store lists of names in a note then copy and paste them into the TO section as and when. Not exactly 'group sending' at its best but does the job...
I need too... Is great for Christmas and New Year!
Idea is write sms and then select multiple recipients from contacts in one shot (by active each contact).
Anybody know?
Visual IT are bring out an upgrade to their Simply SMS
This will allow users to send an sms to a group of people grouped under a category.
here's the link, keep an eye out for it in the new year.
Hi, Peteborota,
Thanks, but not work with a PDA phone (Qtek 9100) and with WM5!
I use TapText by Dinarsoft for occasions like this. Like Hazymat said, but instead of using notepad, i use taptext to store groups of emails. Tap on TapText icon on the top bar to access.
Works with Wisbar Advanced running too. You got to deactivate program icon and make an icon in WA2 to activate TapText. Works really well with WM5. But storing group emails are part of it, i use it to store anything which i need to use frequently. It is commercialware tho.
ARP they will be releasing a WM5 version in the new year
Spoke to their support desk, they hope to release early jan.
Book mark the site and keep looking.
Thanks Swampy, TapText is great!
But I need a app that can send an SMS to many recipients by hightlight each one, in one shot.
Anybody know one?

Pocket keyboard default

Hi guys, ive started Iphoneing my hermes and have a few questions.
Is there a way i can shortcut my email button within the iphone app to an email account within messaging? Ive managed to point it to my text messages but havent been able to open my hotmail (im basically after the path required).
Also, can anyone tell mehow to change the keyboard in use to always be the pocketcm one and not the windows default?
(Sorry for daft questions but havent been able to find this by searching).

SMS/Emails (Where are the icon indications)

Hi all, did a quick search to find nothing related to the below:
I am having hard time knowing which SMS I have replied, or which email I have forwarded.
The icon in the inbox never changes, only an unread messages becomes read but no indication if it has been replied or forwarded.
If anyone could advice or point me to the right direction please, many thanks.
Did you try HD Tweak?
I think you can set what you want using this app.
SMS / Email Icon.
Hi GoldCoin, I have checked HD Tweak and found that you can get sent notifications although this is not necessary.
What I meant was, when you reply to a SMS the icon in the inbox should change. An example, you can go to your hotmail account and reply to an e-mail or forward and you will notice the envelope gets marked that it has been replied/forwarded too.
I have attached an example of the icons.
I hear you...
I'm looking for the same feature.
I recently changed from 6.1 to 6.5 on my diamond, don't remember the name of that rom. But i actually had the feature.
However i've now changed to a different 6.5 (lower mem. usage), and it doesn't have the feature, i'd be very happy to hear from anyone who knows the solution. Will keep investigating myself though
Ironic, it's a business phone and they forgot the icons. Work around, I have added 2 additional folder in my email inbox: Replied and Review. Once I have replied an e-mail I move the message to Replied folder, that way I can track which ones I have left to reply. Other e-mails that need reviewing goes into the Review folder which I usually access through the PC due to it either being a large excel/presentation or just a forwarded email.
Hmm, you're right.
I could have sworn that my original stock ROM had those little icons. I think it was the same envelope icon with a little green arrow on it.
I'm now using Dutty's 3.7 XT ROM and all the icons (in the windows sms application) are the same.
Does anyone else also remember that icon I described, or am I just imagening things?
One thing I do notice is in the SMS/MMS inbox.
If you have it set up to "threaded view", then in the list of messages in the inbox, it will show a short preview of the last message in the thread. If you wrote the last message, then the preview starts with "Me:". That's a quick way to know if you responded to a given text message.
However, the problem still remains when using emails.
I hope someone can figure this one out.
I had the feature in a ROM cooked by someone from xda-dev, don't remember which one though, I still have the ROM somewhere on my computer, and I'm trying to locate it and figure out who to ask about it.
mirager said:
I had the feature in a ROM cooked by someone from xda-dev, don't remember which one though, I still have the ROM somewhere on my computer, and I'm trying to locate it and figure out who to ask about it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I posted a question about it in Dutty's 3.7 ROM thread, but I haven't had any responses.
Well, i found out that the rom I was using, was one of Lobsterdave's...
However i also found out, that on my current rom (6.5) if I: open the inbox, press a message to open it, and use the reply soft-key, it will actually work.
A bit teedious, but the only way for now.
I asked in the thread of the rom, and wasn't really supplied with anything useable. Just a suggestion to cook my own rom...
I'm actually going to give a try. Until then I gotta admit... I'm starting to loose hope.
I think maybe the rhodium manilla, is able to flag messages, without opening inbox and so on. But that's not an option for me, as I'm running the old TF3D.

[App Request] SMS/MMS Hide function

Hey guys and girls,
Ive got a Samsung Omnia (please no booing ) and I need an application to hide text and or mms messages. I work overseas from time to time with my business and my wife and I swap MMS and text messages to each other while I am away. Having a new phone means everyone wants to check it out and i certainly do not want anyone stumbling across any MMS or text messages my wife has sent me ;-)
I have already well and truly searched this forum and the only software I can find is by evolvens and it doesn work.
Im sure it couldnt be to hard for someone to code a little piece of software to hide sms or mms depending on who sent it?
Sorry if ive posted in the wrong section, id be willing to pay for the right app and im sure many others would as well.
hey, i ran into a problem in my last relationship where i ended up dating 2 chicks... so i had their sms' saved using ez secret sms 2.0. basically, you can set it up to run in the background, and you set certain contacts to be received in this program instead of outlook. the program can be named anything you want. so i named it something boring like system priority. you click it, and it brings up a calculator. you put in the code you specified, and hit ok... and it opens your "secret inbox." you can also set it to notify you in some way that you received a text from whoever. i set it as "islanders won!" for one chick, and "rangers lost!" for the other... pretty simple program to use, and it works fairly well.
if you want to hide just the pics, you could always just save the pics and encrypt the folder using resco explorer with a password or something. but if you really want to save the actual sms, this program worked fairly well for me.
I agree - SMS Security is great - I use it on my Diamond with no problems
I don't think it willl work with MMS though. As the post above - save the image from your MMS into your main files in a private folder. Call that folder something odd and I'm sure you friends won't open it. If you really want to protect the images, you can lock just that file with Resco or I use VisCrypt
Thanks hays and ou2mame for your input, I will try ez secret sms,
hays is this the same program you use on your diamond?
Thanks again guys
waverdr said:
Thanks hays and ou2mame for your input, I will try ez secret sms,
hays is this the same program you use on your diamond?
Thanks again guys
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes it is. It works 100%
It is easy to switch it on and off reverting back to normal diamond SMS
I've emailed the author to suggest a few minor tweaks and will report back

Notification of new email

I use my HD2 with exchange synchronisation. It works well with one big problem!
My Exchange sorted the incoming mails to several folders. The problem is that I only get a notification if a mail is incomming directly to the main folder of my mailbox. If a mail was sortet in a subfolder there is no notification. Is there a reg tweak or something else to learn the HD2 to beep every time when a new mail arrives?
It would be great if this is possible, because currently i have to look to all folders the see if there is a new mail.
Same here...
I love to know a way to do a new mail notification on 'folders' too. However, I recall it did this on my iPhone too, so I'm not holding out too much hope!
Does no-one have a solution for this - it's driving me nuts ! The only thing that I've found in my searches on the 'net is the something from blackmonlabs called message-notify (I can't post the URL due to restrictions in this forum, but Googling it should turn it up)
This would work, but is going to screw up the lovely home page of the HD2, so is not really practical. What I'm looking for is something that will display a count of ALL unread messgaes irrespective of whether they are in the Inbox or have been automatically moved to a subfolder. Obviously this should be displayed in the Email notification icon.
If anyone can come up with a solution, I (and many others judging by what I'm reading elsewhere) would be very grateful !

