Network name - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Is there possibility to have field in adressbook saying in which network contact has his cellular phone? Ideally it should be automatically set based on prefix list (every netowrk has his own) but since it's possible to migrate with number it's useless.
The best would be to manually set network picture for every number.
And it would be nice having this picture also on dialpad skin.
I think maybe it should be possible to somehow overlay network logo onto person's picture?


caller ID question send to contacts only ?

Hello...just wondering about an option in the Hermes if some one could tell me about the caller ID settings.
Does it have all 3 options suchs as the following:
Send caller ID to every one
Send only to Contact ( this is this the option I have seen in Smart phones but not in windows pocket pc smart phones)
Send to no one
If some one would be so kind enough to answer this it would be greatly apperciated
Hi Geek,
I don't think there are any settings in the phone to do this but it can be done manually.
There are 2 network enabled settings you can have setup by requesting them from your phone - CLIP and CLIR; CLIP is Calling Line Identity Presentation (show ID - also called CLI) and CLIR is Calling Line Identity Restriction (hide ID). These are done by sending *#30# and *#31# to the network respectfully. It's worth knowing not all network support CLIR.
So if you send *#30# to the network you will enable CLIP and everyone will see your ID. If you send *#31# to the network your ID will be hidden from everyone. your network should say 'accepted', 'enabled' or something similar if it accepts the request.
That covers 2 of your points. Now for the 3rd. If you have CLIP enabled (*#30# - everyone sees your ID) and you wish to hide your number from some people then you dial the number like #31#<number> SEND.
If you do it the other way and leave CLIR enabled (*#31# - no one sees your ID) then dial the number *31#<number> SEND.
Hope this helps.

Carrier Name in Today Screen

Has anyone found a way to get the carrier name in the today screen?
There is a registry hack somewhere which shows the state of the radio and the carrier name, do a search.
I found how to do it...anyone interested here are the instructions...
Customize operator's name
To show specified operator name set
HKLM\SOFTWARE\OEM\PhoneSetting\ONSDisplayRule=0 (DWORD decimal)
And then at
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\RIL\Operator Names
add the code and the name to display. The value is 5 digits "CCCOO", where CCC is 3-digits country code, and OO is 2-digits operator's code. For example:
"25099"="BEE LINE"
For country and network code, go to wikipidea for mobile country code and network code
To show operator name based on the SIM card used (eg for cases where dual SIM adapter are used), set
HKLM\SOFTWARE\OEM\PhoneSetting\ONSDisplayRule=1 (DWORD decimal)
For my dual-SIM adaptor, when I switch between SIMs, the phone with default settings showed always one and the same name, until I reboot the device. Then, it was not able to retrieve operator's name from one of the SIM cards I use. Probably it is an adaptor fault. But anyway, after I changed ONSDisplayRule to 0 and set more up-to-date names for operators that I use, I now always see the name of the operator of the chosen SIM.
Change the "Message Sent" and other general notification bleep
This will change the sound of other pop-up messages as well as SMS sent bleep. The default sound is the `msgbox.wav` in the \Windows directory. To change it, go to
And change to the names of other wav files in your \Windows directory without the `.wav` extension.
AKU2 ROMs tweaks
These are tweaks that have been confirmed to work on AKU2 ROMs, and confirmed not to work on earlier ROMs
Show Wireless Today item
By just adding following keys to the registry will get you a nice 'wireless' today item that show Network name/status, WiFi name/status as well as Bluetooth status. Confirmed to work on AKU2 ROMs
Thanks for the tip. I did the change and it worked. I could see the carrier name on my today screen. But after I soft-reset PPC, I see the carrier number 'xxxxx' instead of the name.
Am I missing something?
Please help.
Edit- This is strange, but the tweak seems to be working for now, even after a couple of soft-resets. Will test further and keep posted. Thanks
easy way a program call OpMon by mortscript
Batterystatus can also display carrier name
While On Roaming
Will the text change when i am on Roaming...
Or is there any plugin to show the current location(area info) that is broadcasted by the mobile towers

cannot disable Operator Name stored on sim

On my HTC HD2 i have wm6.5 prof installed. The problem is following:
everything was ok with my old sim card, but when i changed it to the new the double operator name was displayed on home screen and in phone menu, like MTS UKR MTS UKR (it's in Ukraine).
As i suppose the first op. name is recieved from tower and the other one is from the sim card. The main problem - is how to disable this stored sim name via win registry???
I've searched a lot of forums and references and tried a lot, but unfortunately none of that helped me.
For ex. i know about key 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Ril\OperatorNames' and if create here a new string type like "25501"(this is for ukraine) with "Some Text" value you can change op name, but in my case it's will be like "Some Text MTS UKR". Second part of op. name stays unchanged.
Also at microsoft win mobile reference, i found such info like:
DisableCPHSOverride ( By default, the CPHS operator name (the operator name stored in the SIM) overrides all other stored operator names when the user is registered on the Home PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network) and EONS is not enabled. In that case, the CPHS name is displayed as the operator name. )
EONSEnabled ( When set to 1, specifies that EONS (Enhanced Operator Name String) is available.When set to 0 or not present, EONS is not used. The operator name is then set using the CPHS override, unless the override has been explicitly disabled.)
After playing with this settings nothing changed, DisableCPHSOverride didn't influenced on anything, EONSEnabled key i had no at all, but even if create it and set to 0 or 1 nothing changes too. Changing settings in folder EONS.cache ( \HKLM\Comm\Cellular\RIL\EONS .cache ) is not solving the problem because it's recreated every time phone connects to network, it's just a cache.
Actually i have no idea now how to disable this op. name stored on sim, can anyone help me, is here someone with the level of God?))
p.s. beg your pardon for may be bad english.

Internet Settings Problem

I have a problem here. I recently bought a new sim from a different provider, sadly the net settings cannot be saved in my Focus because the device requires that an ip address be added. The settings does not have an ip address, however, I know it works because I tried it in a Nokia E72.
Is there a work around to fix this problem?
sounds like you just need apn settings for your provider
Vintage144 said:
sounds like you just need apn settings for your provider
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have the apn and everything else, its just that there is no ip address and this phone refuses to bring up the save option unless one is added.
What is the radio setting? it may be set differently from what it is supposed to be, look at that , also is this the regular mango update or is it a rom?
check out these numbers as well
found this on another site for an android fone "All this mess is becaused of a "wrong input" in the field "MNC"... if you search a little in Wikipedia, you will know that MMC and MNC identifies carriers around the world. The thing is that MNC is only 2 numbers (example 03, for Movistar here in México)... but you HAVE TO enter it using 3 digits (example: 030).
This doesn't affect 3G functionality on the phone.
Try it, use 3 digits in both MMC and MNC... then save as usual, your APN name will show up on the list."
or "I discovered that if you power-down the N1, and remove the battery for a while (about 30 seconds when I tried it last night), then re-start the phone, the APN list re-populates.
This is a nuisance if this is going to happen often, although luckily it's only happened to me once thus far."

[Q] Force APN selection

Hey there to all.
Since I had Windows 8 on my Ativ Smart PC, I have been able to change APN connection of my device in order to use a different connection than that provided by the system.
Simply,after clicking on newtork icon in status bar, i was right clicking on network name, selecting connection properties and then changing the APN name.
Now that I updated to windows 8.1, the ability to access to network properties is missing by right clicking the network name and I have to access "PC settings/Network" to reach my network.
No problem, up to now, but the issue comes out when i try to change the apn name.
first of all I cannot change the name of the apn given by the provider.
(this should not be a real problem, considering that there is the possibility to create a custom setting)
secondly, even if I set to use the custom settings, if I get out of network setting screen and then I re-enter it, the APN selected is back to the unwanted one.
Is there a way to edit "drastically" APN set by provider? Maybe a regedit workaround?
Thanks in advance

