Best way to break a MDA - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I need to break my MDA ASAP. Anyone know an easy way to make it non-functional besides putting it in the microwave?
(I don't want it to be able to turn on or display anything on the screen).
I know i could just unplug it during a rom upgrade... but then i'd just get the multi-color boot.... i don't want it to boot at all =).
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Okay why the f*** would you wanna break a MDA... Just give it to me...
Either way... Try putting in a herms on wizard or vise versa... that would do the trick

that's a good idea i'll try that
.... i'm breaking it so i can get a new phone =)

Just flash a G4 IPL/SPL if you have a G3 or vice versa, that'll brick it for sure!

Soak that biatch in a salt-water solution and wait for it to dry. It will never start again. The salt shorts out the microscopic traces and the planes on multilayer boards.
The only downside is that it will be glaringly obvious to any technician opening the case that it was destroyed in water.

Myrddin Wyllt said:
Soak that biatch in a salt-water solution and wait for it to dry. It will never start again. The salt shorts out the microscopic traces and the planes on multilayer boards.
The only downside is that it will be glaringly obvious to any technician opening the case that it was destroyed in water.
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LOL, that's a good one.
I tried to write the G4 ROM & the Hermes ROM to the MDA but both installer packages wouldn't let me.
I ended up reverting to the Base Tmobile 226 ROM and unplugged the USB cord in the middle of the install..... that bricked it (just hangs at the Red/Green/Blue startup screen).... which i guess.. is good enough

That still is not broken, ill buy it

over clock the processor i had a sprint ppc and bricked it that way

WHY in Hell's fire would you want to break a really good device for something new?? My MDA is broken and I don't want another device, I want my MDA. If you truly feel you must kill the device, then damage your USB port. Without a working USB, you cannot charge your device, sync your device, etc...I know. My USB is loose, and I am doctoring it just long enough until I can buy another MDA. Please, just don't let me know when the deed is done. I think you are evil! (A moment of silence please for the loss of yet another device)

Man just discharge the battery if you want to show to your dad 'hey dad, see, its dead?' or do something similar. Then sell it away. If you sell it on a cheap price, somebody out there who dreams of buying a Wizard but can't buy just because he can't pay will be so happy to buy at a super-cheap cost from you. Breaking is very... obsolete as well as stupid idea. There are so many things you can do on a wizard which you don't need. You can test programs on it before running on your new device to see if they aren't going to kill it (even if they do, you'll save your new one). So many experiments can be done on a working device for which you don't care.
Last but not least, I'm willing to buy it from you. Seriously.

I think his objective is to get a new device for free from T-Mobile and I bet he has a warranty.
The MDA is discontinued, so my guess is he's wanting to commit fraud and purposely break the MDA so T-Mobile will give him a shiny new Wing.
Just a hunch though...

GnatGoSplat said:
I think his objective is to get a new device for free from T-Mobile and I bet he has a warranty.
The MDA is discontinued, so my guess is he's wanting to commit fraud and purposely break the MDA so T-Mobile will give him a shiny new Wing.
Just a hunch though...
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That was my thought, and I seriously have to ask...WHY????? The Wing sucks! The Kaiser isn't out...

Why does the Wing suck? Hardware-wise, isn't it basically a slimmer MDA? I really dig the spring-loaded keyboard on the newer phones.

I used my sister's for a week, and it actually seemed to be less responsive and much buggier than my Wizard. A little slimmer isn't enough to make me change. And the Wizard is so tried and true, with so many customization abilities, I'll stick with reliable, even if it is a little older and a bit chubbier.

so u wanna break it aigh i got the perfect thing for you a stick of tnt that should do the trick or if u don´t wanna blow that sucker up u can always place it on the asphalt and take your dads car and drive over or u can just take it to pieces and short circuit that should to the job or i got a another idea take some acid and soak it a little bit but the best thing to do is give it to me i would like to destroy it my self

...the company [aka ssstonebraker] are out to break the MDA, GnatGoSplat intervenes to flash the MDA with a G4 IPL/SPL and vice versa, which will leave the MDA just unconscious. but akashastrega plans to pull the plug on USB port, afghanistan (just a name) crosses over to place the MDA on asphalt and driver over it. rellik232's and akashastrega was a while ago busy gaining evidence on why the company are out to break the MDA, iligitrick jumps in to overclock the situation. will the company finally achieve its goal, will the others win over the company....we'll soon find Krix is the MDA's only hope to buy it this episode
"damn, i m gonna join the WGA strike. this show aint gettin me gud money no more"


Pissed as hell :-( :-( :-(

A horrible thing just happened god damned friend dropped my universal down from 3 feet height...nothing really has happened, but the edges are bruised...a little paint chipped off at a couple places....small deformations in the contours :-(
he says....."duh....sorry"
i'm all freaked out here :-(
now.... the question
is the body/ outer shell of the universal replacable?
if yes, how much does it cost and where can I order it from?
arghhh :-(
PS: if you don't have an answer, or nothing to say at all, atleast sympathize for me!!
Presumably, you mean "ex-friend" ;-)
StevePritchard said:
Presumably, you mean "ex-friend" ;-)
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food for thought indeed!!!
dreamtheatre39, I am so sorry. I know you waited so long for your Qtek. I suggest you friend should start saving now for your birthday - perhaps a replacement?
I too am very careful with my EXEC. I want it to last forever or at least till its next Pocket PC phone upgrade. I would really hate it if my EXEC would get any scratch or defect due to handling, especially if it is not my fault. So I do understand your frustration.
StevePritchard said:
Presumably, you mean "ex-friend" ;-)
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Would have had to carry him out in a pine box, if it had been mine!
pine? cardboard at a push :wink:
send it back under the insurance for the device?
thanks everyone!
I guess only people who own a universal will know how valuable it is....I am over obsessed with my gadget, and have constantly been "over protective" since i've got it! I keep a "wipe" sandwiched in the clam shell al the time to prevent scratches on the keyboard and display.....I keep wiping off the dirt at 5 minute intervals thru the day!
and in the name of satan why o why is it meeee to suffer this wretched wrath :-(
Can anyone tell me if its possible to change the outer casing? Is it complicated and too difficult to do so?
Thank you all once again!
I think only contact with HTC or where you bought Universal to see what they can do , my PDA2K got replace by HTC.
Sad to know...but I can tell u the goodthing that IT IS POSSIBLE to have a new body..Entire casing can be do not worry.As of now the stocks are not there as it is just launched officially in India...In case I get a dead one with a Good Body, will let u know...I am based in Pune....
I can relate dreamtheater.... I dont think I can trust any friend with my device without constant guidance. Even my husband has to be under my eye when he's tinkering with my dopod.
Is it still under warranty? Then maybe it can be replaced... or maybe you can always give subtle or not so subtle hints to your friend (if he is really a friend) to replace it...
Good luck
hee hee I wish i could give those *subtle* hints lol
It really is not so bad, frankly speaking....but, the freak that I am....makes me soooo damn fussy about things, and i keep looking at those tiny abrasions all the time....and cant get it off my phucking head :x
I'll just have to wait until I screw it up a little more, and by that time....I'd possibly get an outer casing so that I could slip it in some new clothes!
Until then.....
cheers and have a great new year guys (n angelika!)!
Hey DT,
That really sucks mate.
Your friend should really take responsibility for this, but i know its not the money. I know you would pay good money to have your universal back in good shape this instant...
I could have helped you if you had a Jasjar since i-mate is based in Dubai, but since you got yourself a qtek, there really isn't anything i can do. However, i do advise you talk to MMB about this as he might be able to arrange for a body from his supplier. No harm in trying!
Dont worry, it will be fine. Also, get yourself a good case like the ones from Piel Frama or a metal case from Brando
Gutted for you m8. Know exactly how you must feel. Been treating my new Wizard like a new born baby since christmas day and wont let anyone touch it. The wife asked to have a look at it and I just told her it was too much phone for her to handle
Im totally anal when I get a new phone and am constantly looking at it thinking it that a scratch. Im thinking of making the whole family shave their heads as head hairs dont half look like scratches from a distance.... Pubic hairs are far easier to spot though :wink:
Hope you sort yourself out m8.
universaldoc said:
Hey DT,
That really sucks mate.
Your friend should really take responsibility for this, but i know its not the money. I know you would pay good money to have your universal back in good shape this instant...
I could have helped you if you had a Jasjar since i-mate is based in Dubai, but since you got yourself a qtek, there really isn't anything i can do. However, i do advise you talk to MMB about this as he might be able to arrange for a body from his supplier. No harm in trying!
Dont worry, it will be fine. Also, get yourself a good case like the ones from Piel Frama or a metal case from Brando
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hey m8! how've you been? ;-)
I wonder why I didn't think of asking mmb....I'm sending david a mail right away! He gave me excellent service while I bought it from him, hope hed do his magic once again ;-)
I spent the whole of today trying to find a case for my universal...I looked around for camera cases, waist pouches, n-gage cases.....all of them are either tooo small, or hideously bigg! Gave up....I guess its only piel frama for now :-(
got to keep humans away from my qtek until then
knowsleyroader said:
it was too much phone for her to handle
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lol are u still allowed to stay at home?
Yes but apparently only because she feels sorry for me that I wouldnt be able to charge my Wizard living on the streets
I always liked the couch anyway :wink:
my baby
I am appalled how easy it is to get the Jasjar scratched, the metal also gets dents so easily. I need to find out the cost of a new cover, I don’t like my baby with imperfections 
Three feet? That's like... 3 stories in human-height scale!
Hey, at least your screen didn't crack like jesax's... poor guy.
heidy said:
Three feet? That's like... 3 stories in human-height scale!
Hey, at least your screen didn't crack like jesax's... poor guy.
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3 feet indeed :-( it fell right off the table...
lucky for me, I had the cover protecting it....the one that comes with the device....I guess that took most of the impact!
If my screen had cracked....holy hell :O I don't quite know what I would have done!! I couldn't force my friend to buy me a new one, cuz....I would have killed him immediately
anyways, I've decided that i'd live with the scratches :-( considering the fact that it would take me another month and *all* the complications all over & again for me to source it! Now i'm ten times more careful....a little late though :-(
Hi dt,
Doing good mate, thanks.
Just be happy that the incident occurred on the 31st of last year and not the 1st of this year. Otherwise, that would have been a nasty way of starting a new year!
Any response from MMB?
Chin up mate!

Wizard or Hermes?

Hi guys, new to the forums here, but very glad i did find it! Anyways here's my situation. i just recently got the wizard aka T-mobile MDA from a friend of mine. He didn't keep it in very good condition, but otherwise it works just fine. I have upgraded the phone to WM6 and love the phone! However, it bugs me that the phone looks very worn. I thought about upgrading to the Hermes and selling this phone off or just replacing the case through ebay ( now that i found the instruction manual). Anyways, i can bascially trade this phone AS-IS and 50 bucks more for pretty much a brand new hermes, or spend about that much and risk messing up the phone tryin to put on the new case. What i want to know for all those Hermes and Wizard owners is how much better is the Hermes? i see it has a few more buttons and the added scroll wheel (which i kinda like). But what about the keyboard? which do you prefer. Any help is much appreciated. THX!
had a wizard and absolutely loved it. now got a hermes and couldnt live without it. for me the hermes is far superior. never had to soft reset, easy to upgrade roms thanks to mrvanx quality how tos, quicker (better processor) etc etc...
I prefer the Hermes on so many different levels. The keyboard is a bit easier for me on the 8525 too.
If it'll cost only $50 more, it's an easy decision (it would be for me, anyhow).
soo Hermes? One question i have is with the rom on the Hermes, is it stable? i installed the crossbow 1.7 for the wizard and it seems pretty good and i saw they have an official rom they are about to cook up. Does the Hermes have anything like that?
The original WM5 Rom is fine. But, this is XDA-Developers! So the jump to WM6 is painless and easy. There are many great, cooked ROMs available too (w/ an official WM6 upgrade coming soon).
vitycent said:
soo Hermes? One question i have is with the rom on the Hermes, is it stable? i installed the crossbow 1.7 for the wizard and it seems pretty good and i saw they have an official rom they are about to cook up. Does the Hermes have anything like that?
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One other question, i have a car charger for the wizard, it seems that the plug is the same for the chargers, would this be the case and i can keep the car charger? or do i have buy a new one, also i have a couple of extra stylist for the wizard, would this fit into the Hermes? AH! one more thing, i would love to keep my phone protected, does anyone use a protector case and if so what kind. i want one that wouldn't be a pain with when using the outside buttons. THX
You can use the same charger, no problem. The connections a little different looking on the Hermes, but it'll fit and work normally none the less.
The stylus from the Wizard will work and fit in the Hermes too.
As far as a protector case, I'm not a fan of those at all. I use this...
It's clear and covers the entire body and screen. It's WAY nice. Just a thought though.
vitycent said:
One other question, i have a car charger for the wizard, it seems that the plug is the same for the chargers, would this be the case and i can keep the car charger? or do i have buy a new one, also i have a couple of extra stylist for the wizard, would this fit into the Hermes? AH! one more thing, i would love to keep my phone protected, does anyone use a protector case and if so what kind. i want one that wouldn't be a pain with when using the outside buttons. THX
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i dont know what service you use but you can get a refurbished hermes from cingulars website for $250 bucks with an upgrade or new contract
vitycent said:
Hi guys, new to the forums here ... I thought about upgrading to the Hermes and selling this phone off or just replacing the case through ebay ( now that i found the instruction manual). Anyways, i can bascially trade this phone AS-IS and 50 bucks more for pretty much a brand new hermes, or spend about that much and risk messing up the phone tryin to put on the new case ... THX!
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Question: WHERE are you getting that $50 upgrade? If I could have an unlocked Hermes for $50 I'd be on it like my cat on a gecko (they seem to be his favorite "natural" food!)! I bet it's a new contract, right? grrr ...
Statement #1: The one real beef I have with the Wizard is that the keyboard is not "true" QWERTY, in that the key rows are not "offset" or "crosshatched" like the keys on a standard keyboard. That seemingly small difference drives me nuts and really slows my typing. Hermes, I see from pictures, has the "correct" offset so I'm betting it's easier to get used to.
Statement #2: I'm with TaurusBullba on the Invisible Shield. I have used them on PDAs and GPSr's for a couple of years now, and wouldn't go without one. It might seem steep for what appears to be a bunch of plastic strips with adhesive, but the stuff is pretty tough. Just be patient when applying the pieces and your Wizard or Hermes will come out looking as great as ever.
To tempt you more, I will pass along an email-only discount I got just recently: 20% off all smartphone shields AND 20% off all Cell Phone Shields. Just don't tell 'em where you got it!
Wow cool THX! bascially i found someone local that i could trade my phone with and would pay 50 bucks more for the hermes. Anyways i will definitely check that Invisible Sheild out, it looks Great! and THX some more for the coupon codes you guys have been great here.
moosiegirl said:
Question: WHERE are you getting that $50 upgrade? If I could have an unlocked Hermes for $50 I'd be on it like my cat on a gecko (they seem to be his favorite "natural" food!)! I bet it's a new contract, right? grrr ...
Statement #1: The one real beef I have with the Wizard is that the keyboard is not "true" QWERTY, in that the key rows are not "offset" or "crosshatched" like the keys on a standard keyboard. That seemingly small difference drives me nuts and really slows my typing. Hermes, I see from pictures, has the "correct" offset so I'm betting it's easier to get used to.
Statement #2: I'm with TaurusBullba on the Invisible Shield. I have used them on PDAs and GPSr's for a couple of years now, and wouldn't go without one. It might seem steep for what appears to be a bunch of plastic strips with adhesive, but the stuff is pretty tough. Just be patient when applying the pieces and your Wizard or Hermes will come out looking as great as ever.
To tempt you more, I will pass along an email-only discount I got just recently: 20% off all smartphone shields AND 20% off all Cell Phone Shields. Just don't tell 'em where you got it!
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HTC are Utter Rubbish! edited - because I may have upset some users..

Sorry to say that I recently went from a wizard (which I've had for 18 months) to a hermes...disappointed doesn't even begin to describe my experience.
I had the 'brick' as I've come to call it, 3 days and already it's deceased.
Started getting the 'phantom taps' and now no TS at all.
Rebooted a dozen times and it just wont get past the screen fact if you sit and watch it does it itself!
I even know what the issue is as it's been reported in the past but you'd think HTC would've sorted it by now.
HTC are palming off shonky goods as cutting edge.....really disapointed.
Did you flash a custom ROM onto it? Is it a hardware problem? In any case, it's covered by a warranty, you probably just got a defective unit. IMO, the upgrade from my wizard to hermes was a HUGE difference in performance and I'd never go back.
hardware related
Its hardware the device gets warm (probably room temperature!) the screen expands and the TS membrane is pinched. All kinds of fun ensues!
There's no warranty on it wont be going back.
Chalk another one up to experience.
if you have no warranty then you prob didn't pay much and you prob didn't get a new unit, and you prob didn't even get from a reputable buyer beware...if the deal was to good to be true it prob was and did you ever think to ask yourself why the unit was for sale in the first place.
Assume a lot dontcha
It's brand new...from a friend who upgraded almost immediately to a HTC Touch.
You are correct though - didn't cost me a bean - shame my wizard's already gone....
oh..and while you're at it...get off yer high horse!
Assuming that I'm a dumb hick who'll buy anything that's cheap is a bit insulting..
Andy Phillips said:
It's brand new...from a friend who upgraded almost immediately to a HTC Touch.
You are correct though - didn't cost me a bean - shame my wizard's already gone....
oh..and while you're at it...get off yer high horse!
Assuming that I'm a dumb hick who'll buy anything that's cheap is a bit insulting..
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If it's brand new from a friend, why not have him simply return the unit as defective??? Besides, just because you aren't the original buyer doesn't mean there is no warranty...
I have both a Wizard and a Hermes. Apart from the Wizard feeling like it is more rugged when it's in your hand, the Hermes is superior in every other way. And when you load WM6 onto the Hermes, it just blows the Wizard away completely.
If you know enough about this device to know that the innards are "expanding" and that something is being pinched by this, it sounds like you've taken it apart.
You're clearly not telling us the whole story in any case. If you ever want real advice for fixing your Hermes instead of just venting and not telling us what you've done to it to cause these problems, a lot of people here will be happy to help you.
BTW, I've found that doing a soft reset after charging it does a lot for any heat problems if this is truly the only problem you're having.
...several screen alignment "fixes" available on this website...
Lay off the guy
Look folks, the 'phantom tap' is a known and documented hardware issue with Hermes and has nothing to do with where/how/when/why the unit was acquired, nor for how much. Wise up (and shut up if you don't know what you're talking about).
To the OP: Don't give up so easily. In my experience HTC tracks the warranty by serial number. Call them and insist on an RMA. I was successful in getting one fixed free of charge. And guess what... I bought it on ebaY, and the warranty seal had been broken!
Btw, it's not the touch screen. Been there, replaced it, didn't fix it.
Thanks vp3G
vp3G said:
Look folks, the 'phantom tap' is a known and documented hardware issue with Hermes and has nothing to do with where/how/when/why the unit was acquired, nor for how much. Wise up (and shut up if you don't know what you're talking about).
To the OP: Don't give up so easily. In my experience HTC tracks the warranty by serial number. Call them and insist on an RMA. I was successful in getting one fixed free of charge. And guess what... I bought it on ebaY, and the warranty seal had been broken!
Btw, it's not the touch screen. Been there, replaced it, didn't fix it.
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Thanks for that man!
As it turns out the device was still under warranty and it's been returned...just waiting for it to come back!
Funnily enough when I had it the first time, the rom I put on it was your 'Black Satin'! Nice ROM, particularly the file explorer replacement!
Personally I didn't see much in the way of difference between the hermes and the wizard....but I did have it only for three days.
When I get it back I and test it out a bit more, I will gladly eat my words if it out performs the old wizard.
Anyway, I wasn't slating the hermes in itself..many of my friends have one p ) was HTC themselves for still selling devices to consumers with a known fault.
Andy Phillips said:
Sorry to say that I recently went from a wizard (which I've had for 18 months) to a hermes...disappointed doesn't even begin to describe my experience.
I had the 'brick' as I've come to call it, 3 days and already it's deceased.
Started getting the 'phantom taps' and now no TS at all.
Rebooted a dozen times and it just wont get past the screen fact if you sit and watch it does it itself!
I even know what the issue is as it's been reported in the past but you'd think HTC would've sorted it by now.
HTC are palming off shonky goods as cutting edge.....really disapointed.
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One dud BMW doesn't make BMW's bad cars. You got a dud, plain and simple. Return it for one that works.
HTC has impressed me, especially lately as they are trying to "redesign" the interface for windows mobile to make it actually usable.
BMWs are incredibly bad cars for the price they are sold for.
Andy Phillips said:
As it turns out the device was still under warranty and it's been returned...just waiting for it to come back!
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Well..... imagine that...
Funnily enough when I had it the first time, the rom I put on it was your 'Black Satin'! Nice ROM, particularly the file explorer replacement!
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Thanks, but I can't take credit for Black Satin... that's JasJamming's ROM...
Personally I didn't see much in the way of difference between the hermes and the wizard....but I did have it only for three days.
When I get it back I and test it out a bit more, I will gladly eat my words if it out performs the old wizard.
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Hope you're hungry...
Anyway, I wasn't slating the hermes in itself..many of my friends have one p ) was HTC themselves for still selling devices to consumers with a known fault.
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It's a valid gripe, IMO. The problem you experienced is certainly 'hush-hush' with them.
aaah....I thought it was your rom because of the nifty splash screens!
I was considering getting a kaiser but I think I will play it safe and wait until it's been 'in the field' for a while...
See you later,

Off-Topic Discussion Lounge

This is a general discussion lounge. Please feel free to post any news in here regarding anything in particular. Also, do not hesitate to ask general questions as well. Keep this thread clean please as I will delete your post and then ban you if you post any spam. Thank you.
Reserved until I think of something
Lol that's great! Has anyone been able to pull up their contacts when trying to write an email?I can't seem to get contacts to come up when I want to write one of them always have to write in their name. Also has anyone had problems replying to people? I hit reply and most times I do the name comes up blank!! Very annoying!
stats555 said:
Lol that's great! Has anyone been able to pull up their contacts when trying to write an email?I can't seem to get contacts to come up when I want to write one of them always have to write in their name. Also has anyone had problems replying to people? I hit reply and most times I do the name comes up blank!! Very annoying!
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Yah I actually been having the same problems which is extremely annoying...
why do i waste my time taking apart my htc (g1 latest) devices in order to stop them creaking when i type messages on keyboard? or try and get the movable screen level when shut instead of wobbling (and creaking) on it's axis pin?
ho hum *yawn* will i ever learn?
i think this is my last htc device that has moving parts!
... i mean, when i type, it's like im on a boat, all i need is the tide lapping at my bow ...
Yeah trying to type while g1 is charging is downright ugly!!!
stats555 said:
Yeah trying to type while g1 is charging is downright ugly!!!
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Oh I agree with you... Uhhh this phone sometimes bugs me so much...
jdoggraz said:
Oh I agree with you... Uhhh this phone sometimes bugs me so much...
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Lol well i have my doubts then something restores my faith in it. I just used mikey's tutorial sticky on encoding video's and after doing it and watching lord of war and the transformers on this beautiful phone my faith in the future of the g1 is once again restored!!!
Just wondering what all the hype about root is because I have no idea what I can do with it even if i had it.
Semi-interesting Android phone (not G1)
This is a little off-topic, but it might be of some interest to Android aficionados.
Kogan, an Australian company, is scheduled to release the first Android phone for domestic and worldwide shipping in January. Its form factor is something like an HTC Excalibur (T-Mobile Dash) or a Blackberry Curve running Android. But the price is the best point. The "Agora Pro" version with GPS and wi-fi will sell for AU$399 and the leaner "Agora" for only AU$299. Using Handy Calc, that comes to about US$260 (£175/205€) for the pro and US$195 (£130/155€) for the plain version.
Pros (IMHO):
Familiar smartphone form factor with no moving parts
256MB on-board memory, 128MB flash, plus SD-card slot
624MHz processor
1300mAh battery
3G worldphone for everything but T-Mobile USA's 3G
Will work with AT&T 3G
Cons (IMHO):
Smallish resistive touchscreen
No 1700MHz band for 3G on T-Mobile in the US
Uses a joystick-like pointer instead of a more ergonomic d-pad
Same OS limitations as the G1 (bluetooth, etc.)
At least it looks more legit than the G2 phone that one company said was coming out LOL
I wonder... The phone looks alot like BlackJack III
, would it be possible to flash WinMo to the Kogan....
I like it I miss the candybar layout- a sliding keyboard that squeaks vs. no moving parts for me is a no brainer (actually the setup on the new blackberry is intriguing as well) It would be nice if the specs on the internal memory would start increasing, seeing as how cheap memory seems to be getting lately. If it worked on tmo's 3g, I would be all over it.
stats555 said:
Lol well i have my doubts then something restores my faith in it. I just used mikey's tutorial sticky on encoding video's and after doing it and watching lord of war and the transformers on this beautiful phone my faith in the future of the g1 is once again restored!!!
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Haha nice, oh well I still like the Dash for now... Even though the G1 can do somethings that the dash can't.... and the 3g on the g1 is amazing... I wish there was ultimately a way to have an emulator on the g1...
Could anyone point me to the right direction of this all > What are Root, RC8, RC29 and RC30 etc. Is there a starting point on this forum about the phone, about installing apps, from market and pc (pc > dont think this is possible yet?). I was under the impression the G1 was as open as can be. Then what's the point of jailbreaking. Does the over the air update effect a G1 in The Netherlands? I've read alot, but I can't put the pieces together/in the right order, because I didn't start from the beginning. Thank you in advance.
I live in The Netherlands and we have 240 Volts coming out if the walls. In the US this is 110V if I'm correct. Is it possible to use another HTC charger bought in The Netherlands to charge the phone?
Finally got my screen to stop squeaking...
the easy way....
(this is actually a friends G1, he wont tell me how it happened, but I am pretty sure it was thrown.)
djind said:
Could anyone point me to the right direction of this all > What are Root, RC8, RC29 and RC30 etc. Is there a starting point on this forum about the phone, about installing apps, from market and pc (pc > dont think this is possible yet?). I was under the impression the G1 was as open as can be. Then what's the point of jailbreaking. Does the over the air update effect a G1 in The Netherlands? I've read alot, but I can't put the pieces together/in the right order, because I didn't start from the beginning. Thank you in advance.
I live in The Netherlands and we have 240 Volts coming out if the walls. In the US this is 110V if I'm correct. Is it possible to use another HTC charger bought in The Netherlands to charge the phone?
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1) Go to the Developers sub-forum for the RCxx threads (more detail there than you will probably want initially, then not enough detail as you hack-away!)
2) installing apps are phone -> market or internet at the moment. I think there is a way to install from the SD card (which means PC -> SD) but I personally have not explored that method yet.
3) it is very open and will be more open in the future, this is still a "baby" phone/OS. The RC30 OTA was to stop 99% of the people from trashing their phones by mistake thereby reducing the calls to customer service. On the other hand, plain text typing from the keyboad (reboot, etc) wasn't a very good thing. We'll see improvements on this in the future. Personally, I think the term 'jailbreaking' is misapplied here, the iPhone has many more issues. As far as SIM unlocking, that is available free from TMo.
4) the OTA updates will catch up to you in the NL, I am not certain if you will get the UK version or the US version.
5)the US charger is autosensing for line voltage and accepts 110-240V AC, no need to buy another unless you'd prefer a native plug for the wall instead of the US 'spade' type.
Welcome to a great phone.
Connect G1 with USB. If you're missing the USB driver, get it here. Grab a copy of adb from here. Unzip it into the folder with the apks you want to install. Open a console, navigate to the folder with the apks and adb, and type adb install xxx.apk, where xxx is the name of the apk you want to install.
Anyone want to sell a g1 or maybe trade?
Is their anyone out there that would either sell me a g1 at a reasonable price or maybe trade for a hermes plus some cash. The hermes is a cingular 8525, unlocked. I have the charger, headset, usb cable, plus I just bought a new i-mate jasjam case for it. The only thing That is missing is the front camera. If anyone is interested please let me know. I know it is unlikely that it will happen but let me know.
gospeed.racer said:
the easy way....
(this is actually a friends G1, he wont tell me how it happened, but I am pretty sure it was thrown.)
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My jaw dropped to the ground in sheer horror on that one.

[Q] Noob Need HELP! ....Please

Hi everyone
First I would like to thank the people who are here that make these awesome developments, I enjoyed them until today when I was trying to find a better
radio rom. I am/was using tytung's NexusHD2 NAND. I was going threw the radio roms listed in one of the threads and tried "Leo_RADIO_15.29.50.07U_2.06.50.04"
I had to get up for a second and when i returned about 5 min. later the phone was unresponsive. When I try to turn it on i can feel the vibrator motor spin for a split second and noda...No light with the wall charger pluged in or USB.
If anyone has an idea to what I did or what can be done I would be ever so grateful. This is my first smart phone and was so happy to have android running on it. I NEED it back. I've only had it for about a week and am lost with out it already.
I want to thank everyone in advance willing to give me some help!
Thanks from The NooB
I was reading some more and I'm sure its bricked but the PC does see it when its plugged into the USB...but it doesn't have drivers for it and it didn't have drivers for it before this problem.
I guess the problem is I shouldn't have loaded a TMOUS rom?
I thought It would be "OK" as long as it was a ".50" and not a ".51"
Such a sad day...first my little Leopard gecko broke her leg and then flying ants invade my house and go into my saltwater aquarium and mess that all up and now my new favorite toy is a fishing weight or new target.......I'm afraid to go outside to even go to McD's cause i'm sure i'll die somehow!?!?!?!
Someone please tell me there's hope.
I should have just traded it in for the G2X when I was up the mall today...
But I thought this Nexus NAND was the best thing in the world only problem with this phone was that I had no reception in my house.
Which is why I was messing w/ the radio in the first place...
If anyone figures anything out I'll be in the corner crying..
Thanks again fellas..
If you boot up with the volume down button held down, does it go into bootloader (tri-color screen, not MAGLDR)?
And does your pc have ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center installed on it?
If you can get into bootloader, there is still hope...
Hey Huggs
Thanks for the the reply, No There is no bootloader screen, No nothing just a little blip from the vibrator motor for a tenth of a sec. when I try to just turn the power on, If I try to hold the Vol. key and power at the same time it wont do anything.
I did notice when I plug it into USB it try's to install drivers for a "QUALCOMM CDMA DEVICE" and after about 10min it starts to get warm near the bottom of the battery. I have windows vista so Windows Mobile Device is installed.
I left it go for about 4 hrs from 4am to am and then tried the battery again and again nothing, I'm pretty sure there's nothing I could do from USB.
Does anyone know if any JTAG will work or does it have to be the one I see people using, not the cheap Flea-BAY ones for $50?
also when using a JTAG do you have to have a special file or just the stock rom?
Or is there someone on here offering this service?
The phone never had reception in the house so I should be looking for other methods but this thing is like brand new and I would like to see it come alive.
Sorry dude but you have 100% bricked your phone. You have no excuse other then lazyness as this is a very well documented fact and warnings against flashing and incorrect radio.
If you had taken time to read things properly you wouldn't have made this mistake.
Your only option now is to send it away for JTAG repair so they can replace your bootloader.
I wouldn't say its because of laziness. I looked up that rom and found a thread where people were using it. It was a ".50" and not ".51" rom and that was all I knew that was uncompilable.
Instead of starting the name calling or your this and that, How about some constructive criticism and say well "that particular rom isn't compatible because of"
I stayed up for 3 days strait and been reading for over a week trying to learn about flashing and what not. could I have spent more time reading YES but I flashed roms about a 2 dozen times and everything was OK. Like I said I used it because of the fact it was a ".50" and thought it was safe to use and the fact I seen the tread that it came from HTC and was safe to use. Guess not!
Thanks for your .02cents theatheist though.
Can someone tell me which JTAG box I have to use?
or what does the box have to support? I see others using the "RIFF BOX"
but 150 for a box is alot for one time use. does the box just have to support an arm7?
Again Thank you for taking the time to read this
Hope every ones have a nice holiday weekend
Can someone tell me why this particular radio rom bricked this phone?
and if anyone could tell me which JTAG box I would have to use?
would a cheap one from the BAY work?
what does the JTAG box have to support?
I am reading but I don't understand some of it.
Thank you for your time and reading this.
As soon as i finish posting this I will send you a PM with a link to someone that offers a JTAG service for $50 USD and lives in US. He is very good too, I would not recommend him if he was not very experienced with JTAGing HD2s.
I do not know why that Radio version brickedc your HD2 cause from what I know only the 2.04.50.xx or the 2.05.50.xx radio versions or the only radio versions with 50s that will brick a TMOUS. Looks like I might have to add 2.06,50,xx radio versions to that list. The reason why these radios with 50swill brick a TMOUS is because these radio versions were used in the Test TOM/Test T-Mobile HD2s which were actually regular HD2s and not the TMOUS that is out now with the extra ROM and RAM. There for these radios were not designed to run on the TMOUS.
Oh and you are correct about the %1 radio versions to0, they were all made for the regular HD2s also.
Thank you so much for your time Sir.
and thanks for the explanation, I would really like to try and JTAG it myself
do you know if any of the cheap JTAG boxes on ebay that support the ARM7 would work? I will shoot that guy a PM.
I hope you have a Safe Holiday weekend!
SeaWeed89 said:
Thank you so much for your time Sir.
and thanks for the explanation, I would really like to try and JTAG it myself
do you know if any of the cheap JTAG boxes on ebay that support the ARM7 would work? I will shoot that guy a PM.
I hope you have a Safe Holiday weekend!
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To be honest i do not know if the "cheap boxes" you refer to will work or not. Maybe a link to the exact box you are referring to would help.
I do know this if you want to try it yourself that is cool, but be warned you have to have a small torques head srew driver, a HTC HD2 JTAG, a Riffbox with proper connection cables, a Omnei Repair Tool (ORT), the software to use the Riffbox, and it is best if you have a small power supply for the mainboard but you can use the power from the HD2 battery. Plus you have to completely remove the mainboard of your HD2 to JTAG it, which means you pretty much have to totally disassemble the HD2.
So not only is JTAGing a HD2 just for yourself expensive, but you need to have some skill to do it as well.
PM the guy I referred you to is a very good idea, best of luck with however you decide to JTAG your HD2.
Thanks for the response...Your very helpful.
I didn't know If links were permitted.? Here's the link's
1&2 are the same but different prices, They both support ARM7 architecture Which I thought the QSD8250 was?
There is a RIFF for $150 that I found but I cant really pull that off ATM.
There is others that support the ARM also. I've also found a no-solder connecter for about 15 bucks but I don't know if the pin-out is the same on the ribbon cable as the ORT-JTAG box(company that has the connecter). I'm sure I could change it around If i could find a schematic for the both of them(connecter and box)
I do have the tools to dismantle this and power station(I also mess with the Arduino platform and circuit building when I have time and recently have just dismantled my HTC TP2 for craps and giggles and have fixed multiple IPOD touches) I have been also ripping everything apart that had a battery/wire connected to it since I could remember. And try to get it back together before my old man would come home and would find his stereo taken apart...
The only thing that has me is the programming part itself like the actual file.
I don't know if it's something special for the box or just the stock rom?
I have watched some youtube on it but nothing really helpful.
I'm thinking I could do it and maybe help some others if I could nail it and do some more reading. My brothers into IT(servers) and a HTC nightly rommer so I was hoping he could help he and I was really hoping for some help from you good fellas here.
I want to thank you for the PM (very helpful) and the reply.
I will probably end up sending it to him because it's about the same price and I don't have funds for a new phone if I toast it, and hes a very nice guy. I just love messing with stuff.
Have a good one.
To be honest I do not know if the JTAG Emulators your linked would work or not. It looks as though it might could but I can not saw proof positive it would work.
Ii seems like you might would be able to do it yourself. You have a lot of the needed tools. I think the software for the Riff Box comes with the Riff Box but not sure as I have never JTAGed a device. The software allows you to reload or as the program calls it "res-erect "the SPL, you see JTAG restores the bootloader and that is it. Then you just flash a ROM of your choice to the HD2 and you are good to go. But I do recommend you flash a stock Windows Mobile ROM just for precautionary purposes.
Yes you want the no solder JTAG that makes it a lot easier as far as the set up process.

