REQUEST: Exe scheduler - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Is there a program/application for scheduling to run an exe every hour, day etc. I want to run application ie. Free Ram (sktools) say every hour in the background - to recover Ram. That would be nice.

hey pl55, there are many such tools (like runeveryday, search on this forum)
there is another way as well, take a look at my prog (shantztodaychanger, see the sigs), though it is primarily for changing themes every set period of time, it also provides option for running exe's, plus you can block off the theme changing part by putting in the mask option as blank and including all 24 hours in the masked time, so that can also be used for ur purpose.

shantzg001 said:
hey pl55, there are many such tools (like runeveryday, search on this forum)
there is another way as well, take a look at my prog (shantztodaychanger, see the sigs), though it is primarily for changing themes every set period of time, it also provides option for running exe's, plus you can block off the theme changing part by putting in the mask option as blank and including all 24 hours in the masked time, so that can also be used for ur purpose.
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Thanks for that- I've look at Runeveryday - it only do per day not hourly, etc. Will look at your app. Thanks again.


[new release] RunEveryday - Updated to v1.1

The missing Task Scheduler known from Windows XP!
RunEveryday 1.1 is done! It has:
1) a GUI, easily manage your scheduled tasks
2) Improved notification re-scheduler (old one proved to be kind of buggy)
3) Optionally force device to wakeup (as some programs need this to operate properly)
4) Under the hood, much improved code, easier bug fixing & updates in the future
no more need to use another program to setup the parameters etc. etc, just startup the app without any parameters, and you will be presented with a config dialog. in addition, you should remove any old entries within the notification database before using this new one (they are incompatible).
Everything should wotk MUCH better with this one. but still a few known issues:
1) When changing the system date, and you skip over a day, RunEveryday will get out of sync and stops working propperly. Work around: Start RunEveryday, and without changing anything, press the "Apply" button. this will correct all time/date stamps in the notification database.
2) For now, there can't be any spaces within the filename. Spaces within the directory name are oke though. THis is because I needed to seperate the Full path file name with any command line options, otherwise CreateProcess wouldn't work propperly. (Will be fixed in next version)
3) Keyboard doesn't popup when trying to enter text in the Command line. Workaround: select other program which has keyboard support first, then open RunEveryday, so you can openup the SIP yourself. This will be fixed in next version.
Compatibility: WM2003, WM5, WM6, QVGA, VGA and Square (240x240). in Other words: all recent devices
That's it! if there's any additional problems, I'd like to hear about them.
// Text Below is outdated
Older version 1.0 usage:
A command driven app that will maintain itself within the notification database which will execute its params as a program.
for example, run:
\Program Files\RunEveryday.exe \Windows\prog.exe anyparams
this will basically execute \Windows\prog.exe anyparams
but it will register to start the same app with same params again in 24 hours, when it runs next time, it will delete the entry, and schedule again in another 24 hours, and so forth.
With an application like TaskMan you can easily see the notification entry this prog makes, and change it's time-schedule. (in other words, manage this app)
Also, creating a new entry with TaskMan, is really simple, make a CNT_TIME event, point it to RunEveryday.exe, and the application to run as it's params, and it's all set!
// Text Above is outdated
My personal usage:
I have a task running every day at 23:00 -> turn radio off (with Vijay's app)
and a task in the morning 09:30 -> turn radio back on
But ofcorse you can use it for many other things! be creative!
Update to v1.1: Some people reported that they couldn't run the app because of some missing libraries. This probabbly goes for most of you WM2003 users: You need a static linked version, which I now have included below. Also, if you happen to get a message like "Cannot find ‘RunEveryday’ (or one of its components)", please try using the static linked version.
nnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiccccccccceeeee.. very niiiicccceee. Nicest thing that happened after the sad sad removal of ROMs... I'm soooo *touched..
UPDATE: Btw, an idea, for your next upgrade.. that is to add a day-of-the-week scheduling feature that is able to schedule events on days as well. Example, I may want to switch off my phone at 23:00 everyday. However, if I may went on partying late at night on Friday and Saturday. Hence, my job of "switch radio off at 23:00" can be programmed to be used on Sun-Thur only. And I can then add another job that "switch radio off at 02:00", to be performed on Sat and Sun only, just to make sure my phone won't switch off when I'm out partying on Friday and Sat night.
Thanks ;-)
And ohw, I meant TaskMgr, found here:
Edit: Works really great with mortscript's. Lots of possibilities.
hanmin said:
UPDATE: Btw, an idea, for your next upgrade.. that is to add a day-of-the-week scheduling feature that is able to schedule events on days as well. Example, I may want to switch off my phone at 23:00 everyday. However, if I may went on partying late at night on Friday and Saturday. Hence, my job of "switch radio off at 23:00" can be programmed to be used on Sun-Thur only. And I can then add another job that "switch radio off at 02:00", to be performed on Sat and Sun only, just to make sure my phone won't switch off when I'm out partying on Friday and Sat night.
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I was actualy thinking about that, but that's making things more complicated. Right now, it's fairly simple. no config dialogs requiered etc etc, as you can have multiple apps at different times, which you might want to run at different days of the week, config wise it gets more complicated, much more coding. Maybe later, if I really need it, I'll make something like it, otherwise, this will have to do (sorry). I'm simply sharing some code that I wrote since I needed it myself ;-)
Edit: oke oke, maybe I'll make a "RunEveryWorkDay" variant (still no config required) Not much code writing, will post it here later on, as soon as I have some time on my hands to make a few adjustments.
Okey, I had a little time (kind of quick, haha)
Rather then having a different EXE handling workday events, I made on which is more dynamic.
Example 1, Run only on work days (monday through friday)
\Program Files\RunEveryday.exe OXXXXXO \Windows\prog.exe anyparams
So the string "OXXXXXO \Windows\prog.exe anyparams" becomes the complete param for RunEveryday.exe
As you can see, the first block of the params has become the days for which you want it to be active, X's x's 1's are for active, O's o's 0's for days to be disabled. Days are represented in following order: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wen, Thu, Fri, Sat.
You can still simply omit those days, and it'll work as previously (ALL days):
\Program Files\RunEveryday.exe \Windows\prog.exe anyparams
Everything is still untested (in this latest release) so it might not work propperly. So if you encounter a problem -> tell me and I'll fix it.
I'm working on a much improved version. It will have:
1) a GUI, easily manage your scheduled tasks
2) Improved notification re-scheduler (old one proved to be kind of buggy)
3) Optionally force device to wakeup (as some programs need this to operate properly)
4) Under the hood, much improved code, easier bug fixing & updates in the future
Expect it to be released in the next couple of days (will post it here)
Nice app. Im going to give it a try now
Is Taskman the only app that can set the time?? Can Memmaid be used?
Everyone who has downloaded and tried the initial release, please download the new one, as it contains critical bug fixes.
freeyayo50 said:
Is Taskman the only app that can set the time?? Can Memmaid be used?
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See the first message in this thread, any other programs like Taskman or memmaid are no longer needed, RunEveryday is now a self-contained program with it's own user interface.
Thanks, this looks very useful, I also wanted an app to turn the radio on/off at scheduled times, Just need to find the VJ apps you use.
nigelw said:
Thanks, this looks very useful, I also wanted an app to turn the radio on/off at scheduled times, Just need to find the VJ apps you use.
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Thanks, I've got the files and installed them, but so far I've been unable to get it to work.
I suppose this is more of a problem with the VJ files, but I can't seem to get the radiooff to work. I have moved the binary to \Program Files so it's the same as your sample screenshot, but nothing happens, the radio remains on.
To debug, I created a .lnk file using Total Commander and added the /radiooff but that also does nothing.
I'm using a T-Mobile MDA Compact III in the UK, HTC Artemis (or is the Hero as it doesn't have Wifi?).
nigelw said:
Thanks, I've got the files and installed them, but so far I've been unable to get it to work.
I suppose this is more of a problem with the VJ files, but I can't seem to get the radiooff to work. I have moved the binary to \Program Files so it's the same as your sample screenshot, but nothing happens, the radio remains on.
To debug, I created a .lnk file using Total Commander and added the /radiooff but that also does nothing.
I'm using a T-Mobile MDA Compact III in the UK, HTC Artemis (or is the Hero as it doesn't have Wifi?).
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To get it to work, be sure to enable "Force Wakeup". The radio won't go off unless you enable this option. In addition, Vijay has a spelling error on his website, he listed the option "radioff", but in fact it should be radiooff (double 'o' in the middle) otherwise his app doesn't recognize the command.
Optionally, you can enable "Suspend when woken up", this will put the device back to sleep when command has been executed, and works nicely with Vijay's app, your device will only be active for a few seconds. I didn't document this feature: but when you have this option enabled, and the command is still executing after 30 seconds, RunEveryday times out, and will put the device to sleep (but lets the command active in background).
Hmmm, just realized what you really posted, if a loose lnk file doesn't work either, it probably is (indeed) VJ's file that doesn't work. maybe you can ask him if he can add support for your device.................................
Thanks for the prompt response.... but I've just worked out what the problem is!
I followed the screenshot on page 1 using /radioon when it should be -radioon
My .lnk files now seem to work, so I will make the changes on your app and see if it works.
I'd like to start doing my own development, I'm particularly interested in retrieving information from the radio like Operator, signal strength, serving cell etc.
Anyone any comments on usability / stability / issues ?
I would really like some feedback ;-)
I've only been using it a couple of days, but it hasn't given me any problems. The only issue I have is one that you are already aware of, and that's support of text input, or maybe copy/paste?
Hope that helps, and thanks again.
Okey, great. In the near future I'll update it to be more complient with windows-ways-of-working. (keyboard, normal dialog, copy/pasting etc), but as it's all working without problems, it's not very high priority. However, if there's any indication of some bugs somewhere, i would get right on it, cause I really do want it to be reliable.
Hi, have you managed to make any improvements to the software? My install has gone wrong, I launch RunEveryDay but the 2 tasks I had configured no longer list in the dropdown (these were to turn the phone/radio off at midnight and back on at 9am).
I did change the timezone recently when I went on a business trip, so maybe that caused the problem when I returned?

Software for profiles - particular timed ones

Any ideas on some software to do phone "profiles"? I mainly use it to change between normal and silent modes. The main criteria is that there is a "timed" option - so it will automatically switch back after a particular time (I've rather forgetful). Free is better, although I'll consider other things too. I needto consider this because my current tool doesn't install under Black 2.0 :-(
I use phonealarm (beta 11) which isnt free but for forgetfull people like us its well worth it, you can setup automatic profile changes depending on your location. Its takes the location from your cell ID (and also optionally from a GPS receiver!) and changes the profile automatically.
Is this the sort of thing you want?
(works with ALL ROMS so far...including black 2.0)
That is the type of thing - seems to do way more than what I need. Because of that, the cost is maybe a little over the top. But glad to see that it runs on Black 2.0. Of course if I end up flashing my phone too often, the 30-day trial may not be a problem!
hirowla said:
That is the type of thing - seems to do way more than what I need. Because of that, the cost is maybe a little over the top. But glad to see that it runs on Black 2.0. Of course if I end up flashing my phone too often, the 30-day trial may not be a problem!
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location based switching doesnt work in eval mode, take the plunge dude, its only a one off price!
U can try PPCProfiles-Pro by Modaco. Very good freeware
I've used them all
And the best one by far, with little space on your today screen and upto nine profile is Profiles for Windows Mobile
I've had this for months and it has never let me down
changes on time flawlessly
try CommMgrPro

"Brins0net" Status Monitor

Hiya all, just felt like I wanted to contribute to the community a little by releasing a small program I've made in c#. It requires the .NET Compact Framework to run of course.
This is the first real application that I've written for a PDA, that isn't for university, so its a small one, that doesn't really do much other than echo alerts, and display information. What it does do, however, I feel to be very useful, and may interest other developers.
1. When there is a missed call, or an unread message, the "Reminder Tone" will be played every 20 seconds until the message/missed call alert has been dealt with by you.
2. When the signal state changes, the relevant sound plays to notify you. This can be handy when you are walking around looking for a signal.
3. When the headset is inserted/removed, a sound is played.
4. Various status information can be viewed by tapping through the tabs.
More information, and a download can be found here on my site:
Current Version: v2008.03.07
If anyone has any comments on it, please feel free to post them here. (Please remember that I'm only really a novice compared to some of the other coders here)
Good idea but an alert every 20sec is too quick. You should make the interval user-selectable. I currently use TAP for alerts and it gives you a bunch of choices for the reminder interval.
nonegiven said:
Good idea but an alert every 20sec is too quick. You should make the interval user-selectable. I currently use TAP for alerts and it gives you a bunch of choices for the reminder interval.
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I have done this in another one of my small projects, but the best way I could find of storing the interval, was in an accompanying file. I have tried writing to the registry, but it all went pear-shaped. I'll have another go at it later this evening.
When I can write to the registry correctly, I play on incorporating the "reg" file into the program too, so you don't have to use it when installing.
brins0 said:
I have done this in another one of my small projects, but the best way I could find of storing the interval, was in an accompanying file. I have tried writing to the registry, but it all went pear-shaped. I'll have another go at it later this evening.
When I can write to the registry correctly, I play on incorporating the "reg" file into the program too, so you don't have to use it when installing.
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Sounds good. Does the program need to be running in the background or does it load a process silently?
nonegiven said:
Sounds good. Does the program need to be running in the background or does it load a process silently?
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I'm afraid it's not a process, so it has to be open in the background at the moment. I'm looking into making a process based version, but I've actually worked out the mechanics behind it yet. I'm just in the process of adding the things suggested earlier, would have done it earlier, but I fell asleep
nonegiven said:
Good idea but an alert every 20sec is too quick. You should make the interval user-selectable. I currently use TAP for alerts and it gives you a bunch of choices for the reminder interval.
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Do you have a link to TAP, I searched but tap is a common word.
It's Treo Alert Pro. I use it on a Touch. You can get it at treocentral.
Updated to v2008.03.07
I've released an update...
Now there is a small options menu to configure the Alert Interval. The setting is stored in the registry along side the alert sound.
As such, there is a new registry update to apply before you run it (It should correct itself if you don't apply it, but it's better if you apply it manually)
The update interval can be any value between 10 and 300s (5 minutes), it can be increased very easily, but 5 mins seemed to be all anyone would need.
There are also other minor fixes behind the scenes.
The update is available on my site at

[REQ] Wind Forecast & windfinder (Animated!)

Hi there, today lokking for good wind in my area to kitesurf, i've noticed that there aren't specific applications for PPC to retrieve infos from internet.
Would be "nice" if an app can collect the images into the links posted later... (if possible, also local time & day), and then have an animation (as the site already do) of the preset day.
with opera i need ~3 minutes to get the informations, and cannot see it offline (except, i think, if i save it at every exit from opera).
Now the links... notice that every frame has a different numberpage into the link, and also the png image has the same number:
This is the actual situation (akt)
imagename: superforecast_italy_campania01.png
after an hour
imagename: superforecast_italy_campania02.png
Two hours
imagename: superforecast_italy_campania03.png
...until campania30.htm or more.
Will be nice an app who automatically download only all the images, and collect them by temporal order..
Naturally the concept is ok also for other countries..
Heyy, I am also a kiteboarder (still learning, only started last year) and would love to see something like this!
Same here this would be great i would love to have this software
uhm ok, i've noticed that the numbers into the links doesn't change every hour, but there is a sort of script who call, time based, the links numbered (i.e. now starts from campania13.htm )
BUT (ehhe) "we" can use this script to our advantage...
Look here
Just download in sequence all the images, and put it into a "calendar" starting with the same date & hour of the download (or manually sync the first frame with the calendar )
Ps: the "calendar" is the timeline of the pseudo-app
I think it's not too difficult... BTW, this is mine (and other's) request
No way to have a similar app?

[WTF] My understanding of test application...

To pass the time I created this application, he may not have any good but it works!
The process is simple, I created a view that contains a number of layouts specifically*made.
The result is to obtain a scrollable vertical layout long at will and the purpose is to create the longest supportable by the device.
I have a preset standard lengths and the longest is the distance earth-moon (384400000m - 238 855.086 mi) but you can also set no limit until the crash and the maximum length was 7,708,463 km (4,789,816.84 mi )
I have not implemented the function to recreate the layout until just before the crash (to get a scrollable layout) but it's a simple thing to do, I can do it in a couple of minutes and upload the new application if someone is interested
I tested the function without limit only with the emulator because it took several hours but I would not stress too much the phone.
What do you think? I did an interesting thing, or is a WTF in itself?
If you want to give it a look this is the link
Almost chrashed my phone

