Where are the TouchFlo settings on HTC Cruise ?? - Touch Cruise ROM Development

How can I configure Touch flo on my Cruise ?
I've tried to install MediaHub but it doesn't run (wrong certificate)
Why is there no settings for TouchFlo on Cruise ??

With a reg editor
HLM > Software > HTC > Biotouch > MediaHubMini
You can edit shortcuts etc ...

John_A said:
With a reg editor
HLM > Software > HTC > Biotouch > MediaHubMini
You can edit shortcuts etc ...
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Thanks but I'm sorry I'm not familiar with reg edit.
Can't I download a valid version of mediaHub for Cruise ?
thank you

It's ok
Thank you John, your reply push me to explore registry edit. It's not easy for me but it's ok now
I've tried to change icons and apps with Mobile registry Editor.
Thank you very much

check out this thread. i found it very useful
[ 8. from John-A
To SpeedUp Touch Flo with a regisrty editor goto HKLM\Software\HTC\Biotouch\Biotouch\ change and change "DownFPS", "LightFPS" and "UpFPS" from 15 to 50 ]

Since this site is called xda-developers am I safe in assuming that there are a lot of programmers/developers that hang out here? I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in writing a small app that presented a nice user interface for customising the cube rather than requiring people to dive into the registry? I assume this would be similar to what HTC Home Customizer does for the HTC Today plugin but I'm only guessing because I'm currently deviceless (my Artemis died) so I can't actually play with any of this stuff yet.
- Julian

JulianL said:
Since this site is called xda-developers am I safe in assuming that there are a lot of programmers/developers that hang out here? I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in writing a small app that presented a nice user interface for customising the cube rather than requiring people to dive into the registry? I assume this would be similar to what HTC Home Customizer does for the HTC Today plugin but I'm only guessing because I'm currently deviceless (my Artemis died) so I can't actually play with any of this stuff yet.
- Julian
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Actually, an app like this already exists in the Elf forum. I tried to install it on my TC and I got an error message. Then I tried to drum up some interest in modding it for the TC in this thread, but nobody has responded as yet. Unfortunately, I'm a golf pro not a programmer - otherwise I'd try to do it myself.

Thanks for that psargent. I just contributed to your thread.
- Julian


Herald Today Screen Modification

Hello all,
i m new here but i am watching all p0sts about herald for a long time because i have one also...
Here's my question...is there any program like SPB MOBILE SHELL that can customize your today screen with out pay?? SPB shell is really helpfull but i cant find anywhere a non trial version with out pay:/
my sec0nd question..is there any other program to describe your tasks in your today screen ?? i ve tryed couple of programs but nothing..:/still saying 1 2 3 active tasks..:/
my last question is about loading cyrcle in ppc is there any way to change that???
Thx For your Help :>
Spb Diary come in my mind for your second question, it's not free but in my opinion its worth the money. Another program is called Today Agenda, haven't had my hand on it but I guess others here did.
The HTC Touch Today Screen can be an alternative to Spb Mobile Shell. It can be found either here or in the Wizard subforum. It's somewaht free, but it really slows down you PPC alot and takes away at least half of your screen.
yes but htc touch is for wm6..:/ any 0ther program??
I tried installing the HTC Touch Today screen from the wizard forums but didn't seem to work
I think I saw some registry settings on the same thread but didn't have regedit thingie installed so I'll give it a shot later
analyzerx said:
I tried installing the HTC Touch Today screen from the wizard forums but didn't seem to work
I think I saw some registry settings on the same thread but didn't have regedit thingie installed so I'll give it a shot later
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What language does your OS have.
I had to change the .mui files into 0407 for my german Terra.
And for registrysettings - use totalcommander. The best filemanager and FREE - and it has regedit, ftp, and lan service.
Good luck
As papamopps said, you just have to "localize" the plugin. It is only one .mui.0409 file you need to rename. If you use a good file explorer like TotalCommander you will be able to find and rename the file. I guess you are not using an English device so you should find that particular file easily in the Windows folder. After that uncheck and check the plug in from the settings menu.

Creating 4th side of cube for Elfin - Help wanted!

Hi all!
I know everybody is all over manila 2D & 3D right now but i still like the HTC cube quite a bit...
I already was able to install the 4th side of the cube on my Vogue and everything works #1.
I am now trying to do the same on a friend's Elfin but i see that this phone's biotouch registry is quite different from mine!!
I have found this tread about the Elf http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=356836&highlight=Elfin but i also noticed that the autor (Re-Mi) mentionned that this is only for "normal Elf"...
I searched the forum and asked around but I wasn't able to get more info from the tread mentionned, so i would like to get some help from you guys...
1st: I would appreciate if someone could send me a copy of an Elf's unaltered HTC registry so i can compare it with the Elfin's and see if i can use Re-Mi's instructions for the Elf, in the Elfin...
2nd: If anyone has ever done this before, please let me know how!
I am all new at teaking PPC's but i learn fast!
Thanks for your help!
Note: If anyone is interested, here's what the Elfin's biotouch registry looks like... You will notice that there is no parameters for quickdial in the biotouch reg, where on the Vogue, it is there...
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"APLauncher"="08092007 V2.3 Final Release"
"BioTouch Ver"="06262007 V2.0"
"MediaHubMini"="08062007 V2.5 Final"
"Name"="Correo electrónico"
"Param"="-service \"ActiveSync\""
"Name"="Internet Explorer"
"Name"="Comm Manager"
"Param"="-service \"SMS\""
"Param"="-directory:\\My Documents\\Mis imágenes"
"Param"="-directory:\\My Documents\\Mis vídeos"
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Thanks again!
socrate007 said:
Hi all!
Note: If anyone is interested, here's what the Elfin's biotouch registry looks like... You will notice that there is no parameters for quickdial, even tough it is present on the cube...
Thanks again!
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Thank you for that info... I do not have the Elfin phone with me but i'll get the full registry to compare with the one i hope to get from the Elf.
Anyone ? Nobody here can at least send me a copy of their Elf 's "HTC" registry?
Have you tried the Elf forum?!
I have an Elfin, and a lot time ago, I added the 4th side with a .cab ....
I'm not very sure which one was, but I think this is the thread:
Maybe you can investigate something with that...
See ya
Thanks TheChampJT: I have searched all XDA site and didn't find any info about this...
Thank you caballero600, I will look at the icube but i doubt this is what my friend wants... It is for Jamilu and he makes skins for the cube... If only we could find a way to duplicate the APLauncher face of the cube for his Elfin! Then he would skin it and be happy!

Registry Editing

Hi All,
Just wondering what app you all use to edit the registry on the X1 (or any WM phone)
you can use "total commander" (freeware) or "resco explorer" (payware).
both have features like regedit, ftp and LAN-Drive Mapping and more ...
in my opinion a "must have".
- QuadWord
Total Commander is GREAT!
Cheers guys,
where do I get it from, googled and found a few sites but wanted to make sure I have a compatable version (wasnt sure if there were problems due to screen resolutions etc)
sk-tools is also a "must have"
scottca said:
Cheers guys,
where do I get it from, googled and found a few sites but wanted to make sure I have a compatable version (wasnt sure if there were problems due to screen resolutions etc)
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Excellent thanks guys - Much appreciated
my favourite is the all round super wonderful and free FDC taskmanager from dotFred
The integrated regeditor has a couple of nice touches that some of the others don't have, such as being able to swap between sections of reg without changing key..
ie go from HKLM/software/HTC/ to HKCU/Software/HTC just by using the drop down list.
did I mention it was free and has loads more useful features.
I really like Task Manager 3.1 which can be found here: http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/ppc-download-task-manager.html
It has a registry editor very similair to regedit. And it can also display all sorts of information about processes, dll-files, networking and more.
EDIT: Wooops, sorry... Same application as fards posted about.

TouchFLO, Manila, 2D, 3D ???

I remember reading somewhere that Touch3G aka Jade has TouchFlo 2.
But on my Jade if I go to Settings/System/TouchFLO it says:
TouchFLO version 3.0 (build 31508).
So what do I have? Manila, Touchflo, 2D, 3D ??? Could somebody please explain the HTC language to me?
Also, specific to the Jade, what is the difference between themes and skins? Isn't it the same? I am reasonably computer literate, but like clear definitions of things.
Reading through the posts on Manila modifications, one poster stated:
What version of TouchFLO have you installed? You need to have at least M2D version 20
How come that my phone is new, and I only have version 3??
Thanks for help
Manilla 2D
The Jade has TouchFlo 2D (as in 2 dimensional) also known as Manila 2D, TF2D or M2D.
Themes and skins are, afaik, the same, and the person stating that you have to have at least version 20 means version 2.0 actually.
'Manila' btw is HTC's codename for the Touchflo interface
Touchflo 3D (also known as Manila 3D, TF3D of M3D) is a different story.
Whether a HTC phone has TouchFlo 2D or 3D depends on the capacity and resolution of the screen. The Jade has a QVGA screen (quarter VGA aka 240 x 320 pixels) and can't handle the TF3D animations and touch posibilities.
A phone with a VGA screen (640 x 480 pixels), like the Diamond, usually has Touhflo 3D.
Fellow forumers, plz correct me if i'm wrong....but this is what i know.
Hope i helped you out a bit
Thank you Nirak for help. So I have TouchFLO 2D v.3.
If have a few more questions for those who modified their Touchflo -
If I want to change my Touchflo, I understand I have two choices -
Uninstall it (don't know how) and find and install a new one; or
modify the existing one with registry edits and/or Manila Customiser.
This Customiser - is it basically a new additional program that runs alongside the existing TouchFLO, or is it something like a registry editor that only modifies the existing TouchFLO and can be later uninstalled?
jfranek said:
If I want to change my Touchflo, I understand I have two choices
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If you want to change (I assume modify/customise) you can do many things including changing the registry, yes and also change the graphics, etc.
jfranek said:
This Customiser - is it basically a new additional program that runs alongside the existing TouchFLO, or is it something like a registry editor that only modifies the existing TouchFLO and can be later uninstalled?
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AFAIK, briefly the customiser (M2DC) does not run alongside. It's just a program that does (simplify) the registry editing and a few *.xml files (for customisation) for those who do not wish to dwell into. yes M2DC can be uninstalled (after using) and TF2D runs fine.
I am not sure how to uninstall TF2D but you can always deactivate if you do not wish to use it and use other today themes or plugins, etc.
uninstalling TF2D that is included (cooked) in your ROM is not possible, but as Azahidi says, you can deactivate it and use the standard Windows interface, or any other shell you prefer, like SPB Mobile Shell, and there are others.
Basically TF2D is also just a shell round your Windows Mobile System, that's suppossed to make it easier to use (not always is...) and more 'eye candier' .
The M2DCustomizer is a easy to use utility to modify the settings of TF2D and use other skins, look over here:
and here:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=425974 (older skins)
Since i'm not that much of a techi i like using M2D Customizer, but just like Azahidi says, these modifyings can also be done by editing the registry and/or .xml files
To give you an idea, here is a screenshot of my Jade's homepage with basically the standard TF2D, modified with another skin:
Thanks azahidi and Nirak.
I've been reading all those posts several times, it is starting to make some sense.
Looking at the M2D Customizer - I believe it will back up the existing factory Touchflo and I can restore it if the mods did not work or I did not like them. Is this correct?
Apart from other mods, I would like to change the email widget to a 'Tasks' widget. I would like to see a different icon instead of the envelope and instead of the sheet of paper sticking out of the envelope I would like to see a list of tasks etc.
I don't think that the Manila Customiser can do that. Is that correct?
And I don't think I could achieve this by getting a new skin, could I ?
Maybe there is a program somewhere to design a complete shell from scratch on desktop PC??
I think you should test Spb-Mobile Shell 3. It is very good.
14 days-trial and information here:
Thanks, MvBoe, I think I will try it.
jfranek said:
Thanks azahidi and Nirak.
I've been reading all those posts several times, it is starting to make some sense.
Looking at the M2D Customizer - I believe it will back up the existing factory Touchflo and I can restore it if the mods did not work or I did not like them. Is this correct
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Yep, totally, just remember first thing to do is making a back up of your original theme, M2D Customizer has a tab for it ('restore')
jfranek said:
Apart from other mods, I would like to change the email widget to a 'Tasks' widget. I would like to see a different icon instead of the envelope and instead of the sheet of paper sticking out of the envelope I would like to see a list of tasks etc.
I don't think that the Manila Customiser can do that. Is that correct?
And I don't think I could achieve this by getting a new skin, could I ?
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Correct again
jfranek said:
Maybe there is a program somewhere to design a complete shell from scratch on desktop PC??
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I really have no clue if sucha program exists.
stupid question
I have got pure WM6.5 on my device without any graphic enviroment like Touch 2D or something. Is it possible to install only this enviroment (Touch 2D - is it Manila 2D?) ? And how?
Sorry for the noob quiestion...
Matio said:
I have got pure WM6.5 on my device without any graphic enviroment like Touch 2D or something. Is it possible to install only this enviroment (Touch 2D - is it Manila 2D?) ? And how?
Sorry for the noob quiestion...
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You can install anything on your device, depending on the purpose and your liking, and how you want to customise your today screen. Yes you can install Manilla2D (TF2D). Just search xda, get (download) the .cab file to your PC, copy to your device (or download straight to your device) and then run it.
Many thanks for your answer azahidi.
I tried to install M2D as you told me. I folowed the guide witch is here. So that I have installed HTC Home v 2.1. and after that [11.3.08-Update 20] M2D Build 1.0.18203328 - Jade (TOUCH 3G Version). Restarted device, but nothing happened. When I turn my Home screen as TouchFLO, on my screen appeares text: "Tap here to launch TouchFLO" and when I tap there, the whole device becomes to be totally frozen.
Can anyone help?
MvBoe said:
I think you should test Spb-Mobile Shell 3. It is very good.
14 days Trial and information here:
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I greatly agree. SPB Shell is 10 times better and user friendlier then TF2D. I had TF2D for about a week and tried out SPB Shell 3.5 and I have never gone back. I am one happy customer.

Howto Remove Google Maps out of Manila 2D

Hi to everybody outthere,
hope someone could help me.
I want to remove The Google Maps Tab, out of my Manila/TouchFlo.
If allready set the Locations to 0 in the HTCHomeSettings.xml
and also tryed to delete the location tab and widget entry.
Its always there
PLS....... Help
...and pls dont ask why i want to remove or why you download a skin
Greetz & Thx in advance
Mr Fritzle
....answer it by myself.
removed the locations key
Thx anyway
interesting. I would also like to get rid of it, but I could not find Locations where you found it.
I have TF2D v 3. On my phone the tab is labeled Maps Search and it is connected with Google Maps. Any suggestions?
jfranek said:
I would also like to get rid of it, but I could not find Locations where you found it. I have TF2D v 3. On my phone the tab is labeled Maps Search and it is connected with Google Maps. Any suggestions
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Use M2DC to remove the unrequired tabs
OR this below
mrfritzle said:
....answer it by myself.
HKLM/Software/HTC/Manila2d/ ... removed the locations key
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Use TC (or any other registry editor)
\\ Plugins - Registry - HKLM - Software - HTC -Manila2d ... removed the locations key
azahidi said:
Use M2DC to remove the unrequired tabs
OR this below
Use TC (or any other registry editor)
\\ Plugins - Registry - HKLM - Software - HTC -Manila2d ... removed the locations key
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The problem is as I said before - I do not have key called 'Locations' anywhere under HKLM. I can't see it and registry search did not find it either.
Most reverse engineering posts and tweaks are about one year old. I bought my phone recently and my TF2D is version 3. HTC must have changed things.
I will try the Manila Customiser.
