How to Edit Point UI Questions & Answers - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Currently there is no way to edit Point UI but here wat we know!!
It have many jif files
Jif files are images but for some wierd reason not any jif viewer can open it
Cdl files
NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is a set of interfaces for array-oriented data access and a freely-distributed collection of data access libraries for C, Fortran, C++, Java, and other languages. The netCDF libraries support a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. NetCDF files should have the file name extension .NC. The recommended extension for netCDF files was changed from .CDF to .NC in 1994 in order to avoid a clash with the NASA CDF file extension, and now it also avoids confusion with Channel Definition Format files. CDL files contain metadata.
A Hex of the Home.exe
said this program should not be used with dos which lead me even more to believe this is a port of a program
Plz add more detail so we can customize this wonderful program

I don't think we need to go through all that trouble to change the look of it... Its just released and you want to hack something that's absolutly free??
My guess is that they will release some sort of customization app to go with it later. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they released some sort of framework, so that we can add more new stuff to it.
Just my 2cents...


[to developers] Please support in Your applications AppToDate or anothe updating tool

please create and/or support app like AppToDate from MoDaCo,
our life will be much easier.
It's very easy to implement, new installed application juts need to put xml file to AppToDate directory, thats all.
Many developers are very productive, they updating something in hours.
It will be great, if all apps from xda-dev will have one updating tool.
What do You thing about it?
great idea ... we'll see
I second this. I love to see some more programs supporting this.
Beside more programs supporting AppToDate, I love to see some more options for the program itself too.
Definitely +1 to that.
Sample xml file which have to be putted in to '\Application Data\AppToDate' folder:
<description>Enable / Disable your data connections with a minimum of fuss!</description>
Developers...please add this functionality to Yours apps!
as a side note,
I coun't find a way to shove the required files in the proper dir
so I usually just add a registry setting (during install) and leave the required files in the application dir
works great
if anyone needs help with this send me a PM

USA "Nearly Anywhere" Weather for Manila

I know there are other hacks out there for this, but they have left something to be desired - like not working for newer Kaiser builds. Specifically, HTC used a CNAME to one of their own DNS servers and thus the previous patch that has been distributed here would not fit in the available string space.
The other method, using "Pocket Hosts", does not appear to work on either my Kaiser or Wizard to redirect HTC Home or Manila2D - not sure why, but it doesn't do anything - I tried that as well. My system never sees any packets coming from the mobile when I use the "hosts" soltuion - so it appears that actually patching the string is required, at least in modern (WINCE 6.1) builds.
Anyway, I registered a different domain, then "rolled my own" on that quite-short URL to allow patching some of the Manila2D.exe files that otherwise would not fit, using the existing script from Not2advancd (with a few changes to suit my environment, which is apparently very different than his) and some additional back-end hackery on my systems.
The site is at, and there are links there for two ZIP files (attached to this post as well) for two different versions of Manila2D.exe - one that is cooked into the HyperDragon Kaiser build, and the other for a build (OpenTouch V7.7) on the Herald. Both have been personally verified as working. Instructions for modifying the XML file that controls Manila's Weather program are included at the above URL - the short form is that you simply replicate an existing US city in the correct alphabetical order and using the same format as what's already there, recognizing that this is an XML file and thus may (and in fact does) contain some non-ASCII characters (that is, use something like Notepad to edit it, not something like "Wordpad" that will attempt to interpret what's in there instead of just editing the character stream.)
If you have a Manila2D.exe that is not compressed (that is, its approximately 1MB in size - if its ~400kb or so it IS compressed and I can't work with it) I will make an attempt to patch it for you. Just attach it to this thread (make it a ZIP file and upload it) and I will look at it, comment back on this thread, and if it CAN be patched add it to the master list at the above URL so everyone can get to it. Other versions of Manila (e.g. the newer "3d") version) should also be patchable - again, assuming the executable is not compressed.
The weather server on that URL is on a high-bandwidth commercial connection that I control and is at no material risk of going away. It is available to all who wish to use it.
I ask (but obviously don't require) that Chefs that wish to cook a Manila copy into their work and use this weather server let me know, and if possible let me verify that their cooked version is working properly before releasing it so I can verify that all is well on this end. Doing so should not take long; you can reach me by PM here and I will normally be able to get back with you quickly.
Comments and questions on this welcome, along with requests, but please keep them to THIS THREAD.
I'm an Italian Chef for Niki
I use new manila 2D from iolite (v 1_00_19111733_00), but I can't add my city
Can yuo try to patch this exe for me? (it's not compressed)
Thank yuo very much!
The URLs are not in that file.
What you want to do is change the URL to "", leaving the entire rest of the string AFTER that alone (that is, you have to "move down" the parameters on the command that is sent.) Once you've changed the file you have to re-sign the file using the code-signing tools (a self-signed certificate is fine) otherwise it will be detected as having a corrupt signature and refuse to run.
A hex editor such as XVI32 is necessary to do the modification; the code-signing tools are available on the net.
I tried uing that hex edior you mentioned... now I need glasses.
even tried comparing a patched file to the one I am trying to patch.. um still confused. finally found the (maybe, but I am willing to try) HTTP//htc..... but then I still had no idea what to do.
Could you please help me figure it out
when I edit the url do I need to have the boxes between the characters? I am asuming yes.
Do I need to "make space" for http//
sorry. have no ____ing clue what I am doing... and I think I just lost some brain cells trying.

[DEV] ROM Tools

I'm currently working on a few tools, and want to know what features would be liked by cooks/users or anyone really.
The first tool is an exe generator for hot fixes. Simply put, you plug some files into it, and it generates an exe that can be run on the target device which will do all the hot fixes.
The advantages it gives:
No more cabs!
Can use a custom icon for the exe if desired
Things like messing around with setup.dll files doesn't need to happen, and an application can be launched after install if wanted
Files can be deleted
File properties can be changed
Can use XMLs
Can edit registry
Can install files
Since it's written in native C++, it should run without a hitch on WM5+ devices, whether or not they have .Net whatever...
The second tool is an AutoRun/UC/whatever like system that simply searches through a folder, finds all cabs/xmls/provxmls and then installs them. This means there's no reliance on autorun for parsing config files, or any other requirements. Again, it's written in native C++ so is better
Any suggestions/ideas would be welcome!
Oh, and once I've got slightly further, both these will be released as open source. Probably.
l3v5y said:
I'm currently working on a few tools, and want to know what features would be liked by cooks/users or anyone really.
The first tool is an exe generator for hot fixes. Simply put, you plug some files into it, and it generates an exe that can be run on the target device which will do all the hot fixes.
The advantages it gives:
No more cabs!
Can use a custom icon for the exe if desired
Things like messing around with setup.dll files doesn't need to happen, and an application can be launched after install if wanted
Files can be deleted
File properties can be changed
Can use XMLs
Can edit registry
Can install files
Since it's written in native C++, it should run without a hitch on WM5+ devices, whether or not they have .Net whatever...
The second tool is an AutoRun/UC/whatever like system that simply searches through a folder, finds all cabs/xmls/provxmls and then installs them. This means there's no reliance on autorun for parsing config files, or any other requirements. Again, it's written in native C++ so is better
Any suggestions/ideas would be welcome!
Oh, and once I've got slightly further, both these will be released as open source. Probably.
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Wow, this sounds very very promising. Can't wait!
yeah some user friendly and easy to understand specialy editing the rom or making add/remove programs EASILY is the best specialy to noobs like me when cooking ROMS all in one tool with advance AI for error checking
Sounds very attractive. go on my friend.....
Sounds good mate
I'm looking for a tool to easily make a setup.dll. Like setup.dll maker/generator/wizard.
Seems the only tools I can ever found is from e-pocketsetup, but that company was sold to another company and the product was never available since then.
I know cooks hate a cabs with a setup.dll. But seems without setup.dll a cab installer can not execute some little complicated actions. And it is impossible to make a setup.dll without grasp a computer language like c++.
Edit: Found another one: setupdllcreator , but it's not strong enough and not freeware.
Edit: If these can be realized, a setup.dll maker is much less needed:
No more cabs!
Can use a custom icon for the exe if desired
Things like messing around with setup.dll files doesn't need to happen, and an application can be launched after install if wanted
Files can be deleted
File properties can be changed
Can use XMLs
Can edit registry
Can install files
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But we need above mentioned fubctionalities to be DYNAMIC, like:
Can detect availability of certain reg entries or installed apps, base on the result to decide which variants of install files to be installed, or whether some supporting apps like netcf or mortscript to be installed. Or can detect device id, resolutions, drivers to decide what to do.
Otherwise it still can not completely replace setup.dll.
But if dynamic actions can be executed, wow that's a dream of developers & hackers and even common users can benefit from that, a real revolution !
woww can wait for realese
l3v5y said:
Any suggestions/ideas would be welcome!
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So I'm posting my requests again, the idea is this: It will be much helpful if I can know what is happening/changed in the registry after I did anything to my WM devices. So maybe you can develop a tool to monitor & log the real-time changes of registry. Or at least we can have a registry-comparision tool on ppc.
Another thing is it seems we don't have a file structure viewer on ppc, not the stuff like total commander etc., want to export the file structure to a file like .txt or .jpg.
Update: Now my idea is clearer for this, what I suggest would be a System Snopshot program to realize this:
Can make a system snapshot to record the registry content, file structure, ram usage etc.
The snapshot can be initialized in the similiar way of CapSure screen capture program, i.e., a hardwre button, a fixed time, a screen tap, a program launch, etc., defined by user.
Can choose a full system snapshot or only on selected part of registr, file system etc.
Can generate a file containing the recorded system condition.
Can compare any two system snapshot result and generate a comparision chart/change log.
So I've posted my requests as per your request, whether or not you'll do it is not my business lol.
Update: Found SK Tracker, cost EUR9.95, so forget this one. Why I did not know it in the past?!

HELP: How to hack a executable file

hi buddies, does anyone one know how to hack an app? for example, change a predefined (hard coded) path like "\storage card" to any other locations. I tried to use hex editor but couldn't find any paths hard coded. I know there's a program called "Olly Debugger" for Win32 which can change binary code to machine code. However it doesn't support PPC applications. Can anyone help?
Many thanks!!
If the path does not appear in the executable then it is not hard coded in the program.
Hard coded strings, string tables, static data and the like, get bundled together by the linker into a separate data segment. They would all appear in the same area within the exe.
The program is probably using FindFirstFlashCard() and FindNextFlashCard() functions to emumerate storage devices. "Storage Card" would be returned by this/these function(s) at run time.
Another reason may be that the executable has been 'signed'. In this case the code is encrypted with the certificate so the hard coded stuff cannot be seen. Altering the code here will invalidate the checksum and the operating system will refuse to run it.
hi stephj, thanks for your info! finally i can figure out the location is hard coded in a dll file instead.
btw do you know how to convert a module (in the form of folders) into a binary dll?
Not quite certain what you mean. A DLL file is the same structure as a .EXE except that it does not have a WinMain() function that a .EXE file has that the loader calls once it is loaded.
Once a DLL is loaded the loader can resolve the real address(es) of its exported function(s).
sorry, i was talking about the modules in rom cooking. after dumping the rom, some DLLs appear in the form of modules (which are folders). what I want to know is the ways to convert these folders into binary files.
In that case it's over to the chefs. My expertise is in the area of application development.
Thanks stephj!!
To convert module to file, look for recmod
It will give you a plain .exe/.dll you want to modify.
After you do it, restore it using reversmod

[HOW TO] S-Note templates with custom backgrounds

I was looking for an easy way of having the "Note" and "Meeting" templates with white background, so it would print decently. So far it seems there's no easy way to create own templates apart from messing with the .apk file. The alternative of manually setting the background each time I create a note or add a page does not look appealing as well.
Until somebody comes with a better solution, here's what I managed to get:
Simple description:
Modify original '"Note" template
Download the "Wine" template form 'new snote' dialog window
Replace the "Wine.snb" with modified "Note.snb"
Detailed description
* Intro:
Templates are stored in *.snb files, which are plain zip files (just like .apk's), easy to open/change with e.g. 7-Zip.
We want to customize the Note template ('note.snb' file).
Root is necessary.
* How to modify note.snb backgrounds:
Copy the file '\system\app\Snote_wxga.apk' to your PC
On PC:
Open the 'Snote_wxga.apk' file and
Goto to '\assets\templates' folder
Open the 'Note.snb' file
Go to folder 'snote\media\':
- the two .png files located there are note backgrounds (for title page and normal ones) - edit or replace the files with your own
- the two .jpg files are thumbnails - edit or create your own, by e.g. resizing and converting the .png files from previous step
* How to get the modified template to the device:
Download new template from the web (in new note window dialog) - let's say it's "Wine"
Go to folder '/data/data/', it should contain following files:
Replace the file '/T_001/template/wine.snb' with your modified copy of 'note.snb' (remember to change the name from 'note.snb' to 'wine.snb')
All other .png files are thumbnails - edit, make your own or leave as it is
* How to change name of the new template from 'Wine' to something else:
Copy the 'template.list' file to PC
Open it with a decent text editor (e.g. Notepad++)
Find the string {"value":"Wine","lang":"en"} for your language, and change the 'Wine' label to one of your choosing
Copy the file 'template.list' back to folder '/data/data/' on your device
The following procedure can be repeated - so far there are 3 downloadable templates provided by Samsung, each of those can be replaced the same way.
PS1. It works.
PS2. At least on my device.
Thanks for trying that out. I haven't got round to it yet, but I was planning to try something similar myself.
The other solution I had considered was a rather more radical hack of the snote apk, but a more flexible solution: If it was possible to hack the apk so that the downloaded templates are stored in the default external storage in /sdcard/Android/data/ rather than the internal storage you could get to that without root, and just edit the templates any time you wanted.
It would be easy enough to do with access to the java code, and while I'm sure it might be possible to do by hacking the smali files, it's more work than I can find the time for at the moment.
rmein said:
Thanks for trying that out. I haven't got round to it yet, but I was planning to try something similar myself.
The other solution I had considered was a rather more radical hack of the snote apk, but a more flexible solution: If it was possible to hack the apk so that the downloaded templates are stored in the default external storage in /sdcard/Android/data/ rather than the internal storage you could get to that without root, and just edit the templates any time you wanted.
It would be easy enough to do with access to the java code, and while I'm sure it might be possible to do by hacking the smali files, it's more work than I can find the time for at the moment.
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Hopefully Samsung will discover the idea of custom templates some day. Also, judging from the structure of snb files, they must have some template editor (i don't believe they would edit all the xml's manually). Would be great if the editor was made public as well.
As for the solution - editing java lives far above my abilities, so I hope you'll find the time. I chose the described method, because the other solution, i.e. replacing the snb files directly inside the snote apk, would not survive the flashing, unless the new apk was installed to data, which I had no time to check if would work at all. Besides, having the ready-made template folder, I was able to repeat the process on my wife's Note within a minute.
One final remark - I did not bother with creating new backgrounds, any decent graphic editor enables to edit images palette colours, I used GIMP, to simply change background of 'Note' and 'Meeting' to white.
Sent from my GT-N5100 using xda premium
Thank you for finding and sharing this. I am still struggling with finding the Wine template. On the dialog "new note" in my Galaxy note 10.1 it just shows me the 10 templates available to choose. No template to download. Or do you mean another dialog? I don't understand that part really well.
Another question (I suppose I will know that when I can do it). Can I put templates (background images) of higher resolution? . That is the whole reason why I want to change the templates. I think the finest pen stroke looks pretty thick.
duguet said:
Thank you for finding and sharing this. I am still struggling with finding the Wine template. On the dialog "new note" in my Galaxy note 10.1 it just shows me the 10 templates available to choose. No template to download. Or do you mean another dialog? I don't understand that part really well.
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Don't know how it works with Note 10, on the 8 the pressin the "+" for new note shows window as in attached screenshot - the 'download button' is marked
duguet said:
Another question (I suppose I will know that when I can do it). Can I put templates (background images) of higher resolution? . That is the whole reason why I want to change the templates. I think the finest pen stroke looks pretty thick.
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I guess you could try, but it could require additional editing of one of xml files - I think template dimensions are stored there
Many thanks!!!
So now I know I don't have the same S-note version. I don't see that download option. Could somebody send me the Wine template file? thanks!
I'll let you know if I made it increasing the resolution.
duguet said:
Many thanks!!!
So now I know I don't have the same S-note version. I don't see that download option. Could somebody send me the Wine template file? thanks!
I'll let you know if I made it increasing the resolution.
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I'm afraid this might not work for you - the whole template/background swapping works because additional templates are installed by SNote app itself. I doubt your version will be able to recognize template files if you just copy them.
anyway, I'll attach the templates after the weekend, so you can try for yourself
duguet said:
Could somebody send me the Wine template file? thanks!
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As promised - modified templates with white background (names in template.list unchanged):
1. Note (replacement of Wine template)
2. Meeting (replacement of Movie template)
3. Memo (replacement of Weaning Food template)
p107r0 said:
I was looking for an easy way of having the "Note" and "Meeting" templates with white background, so it would print decently. So far it seems there's no easy way to create own templates apart from messing with the .apk file. The alternative of manually setting the background each time I create a note or add a page does not look appealing as well.
Until somebody comes with a better solution, here's what I managed to get:
Simple description:
Modify original '"Note" template
Download the "Wine" template form 'new snote' dialog window
Replace the "Wine.snb" with modified "Note.snb"
Detailed description
* Intro:
Templates are stored in *.snb files, which are plain zip files (just like .apk's), easy to open/change with e.g. 7-Zip.
We want to customize the Note template ('note.snb' file).
Root is necessary.
* How to modify note.snb backgrounds:
Copy the file '\system\app\Snote_wxga.apk' to your PC
On PC:
Open the 'Snote_wxga.apk' file and
Goto to '\assets\templates' folder
Open the 'Note.snb' file
Go to folder 'snote\media\':
- the two .png files located there are note backgrounds (for title page and normal ones) - edit or replace the files with your own
- the two .jpg files are thumbnails - edit or create your own, by e.g. resizing and converting the .png files from previous step
* How to get the modified template to the device:
Download new template from the web (in new note window dialog) - let's say it's "Wine"
Go to folder '/data/data/', it should contain following files:
Replace the file '/T_001/template/wine.snb' with your modified copy of 'note.snb' (remember to change the name from 'note.snb' to 'wine.snb')
All other .png files are thumbnails - edit, make your own or leave as it is
* How to change name of the new template from 'Wine' to something else:
Copy the 'template.list' file to PC
Open it with a decent text editor (e.g. Notepad++)
Find the string {"value":"Wine","lang":"en"} for your language, and change the 'Wine' label to one of your choosing
Copy the file 'template.list' back to folder '/data/data/' on your device
The following procedure can be repeated - so far there are 3 downloadable templates provided by Samsung, each of those can be replaced the same way.
PS1. It works.
PS2. At least on my device.
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S Note of Galaxy Note 3
Does anyone know how we can get large (A4) size templates for S Note? The default pages are like small (size) notes.
Can someone give me the S Note apk files for Galaxy Note 3? I want to install this on my Asus tablet as well so I can synchronize my work done on either of the two.
I have been using Asus Supernote earlier on my Asus Tablet and Galaxy S3 mobile, but the Supernote does not work on my new Galaxy Note 3.
Unless I missed it - is it possible to change the default save file name? I used the memo template to create my new one - copied over wine. When I hit save it defaults to Memo_date_time. If I can find where to change the Memo portion of the filename. Would make for a sweet setup then

