Urgent! Help me...for GOD SAKE. - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I'm in big trouble regarding my O2 Exec. I bought a used one today. Everything seemed O.K., till I found that it's display isn't functioning as it should be . It shows every image and video like when u switch ur windows' desktop color depth to 256 colors from 32 bit. I'm an old user of WinMobile. So I thought it may be just a software problem and did a hard-reset. But, alas, it's of no use.
Can any one of u guyz, especially those who faced a similar problem, help me?
Here is one screen captured.....other taken with N91.
I'm waiting for ur response...

OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH where are you guys..........?

Mr. Wicked,
It appears that you have one of these latest Windows 6 ROM with VGA support.
If I understand correctly, you are saying that your fonts are too small. It appears your Universal is set for very fine fonts.
Check in your program or setting folders and see if you have a program called "Real VGA" or something similar. If you do than change your fonts to regular big fonts.
If it doesn't help, try a different ROM on this site for Universal.
I don't know if I have been helpful or not!


VGA files here!!

This is as far as its got so far
ftp://ftp.xda-developers.com/Uploads/Universal/VGA so far.zip
Note to have your own windows boot screen replace with your own welcomehead.96.png
You use at own risk, nothing to do with me, but ive not had any troubles so far. This will create a security hole in your WM5 windows system.
thanks for the efforts carnivor, but i dont think the ftp is working, or basically i cant access it. tried the browser and an ftp client. cannot connect to the server, it times out.
access the ftp through there
Would love to give it a go, but just not quite brave enough - anyone post any screengrabs of some popular screens to see?
Thanks a bunch for creating the zip file, Carnivor. Makes things nice and easy
I managed to rip the MSN messenger dlls from my kjam. Here they are. Messenger now works fine in VGA mode.
rilot said:
I managed to rip the MSN messenger dlls from my kjam. Here they are. Messenger now works fine in VGA mode.
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Those files were set with Read Only and System attributes and Activesync refused to copy those files to my Jasjar until I removed those attributes. After that they copied fine.
Thanks for the files
wicked, just popping them onto me JJ now, i was going to ask if someone could post them from another phone, the site was down, it was horrible i was awfully lost without it
What do the VGA Messenger dll's do exactly?
joebongo said:
What do the VGA Messenger dll's do exactly?
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Allow MSN Messenger to work when in real VGA mode. Without them the app just hangs or fails to start up.
Ok, those dll's are purrrfect!!!!!
ive attached the latest vga stuff time date stamped
its got the msnm dl''s alldone in it.
also i dont really think the phone skin is going to be a major problem, i see on buzz's site they're skinning the phone app, i used a couple of the tweaks to change my qvga dialler background, so maybe the rest aint as hard as first thought. I say that in the tense that buzz prob speant hours of brain cells working it all out.
Ohh rilot, you are a deamon, msn this res is wicked!!! 22 contacts in landscape mode, godda be some kind of a record, i mean its actually useful now, better than the usual 2 is it? hehe
Can anyone post some screengrabs?
I'll try to get some screenshots up tonight.
here ya go, was before i started playing with the ozvga settings tho, looks better now
Carnivor, looks lovely: get the feeling that guy in the first pic just felt his trouser pocket distend and rip with the jasjar. Man, I'm afriad to pocket it and get a hernia. But it has such a nice solid feel to it, like a mini tombstone. They should advertise that as a feature! Engraved...
I've also noticed that I can feel the electric charge buzz when using it and holding the metalic top. I'd be careful of using it in the bath!
Carnivor: how do you find wisbar's skinning? Does it impact on speed? It's quite cool.
wisbar is good, the .12 is alot better, but you do still notice the improvement when you close it.
buzz, i was refering to buzz_lightyear, a guru on things wm based
Ok I'm a nOOb here, can someone tell me what to do with the .CAB file in the archive ?
Carnivor, this is just awesome! Working well with WA2 AND WAD! Quite surprised was I!
Some issues I am having that u may already know how to solve, in which case I'd appreciate ur input:
- Fonts tough on eyes. What changes do u recommend over and above ozVGA settings?
- Some dialog boxes only show half the text b4 the yes/no buttons overwrite the bottom part. Any ideas?
- PIN pad is all overlapped; not a big deal
- BUT, phone pad is a bit of an issue; too small and I have to turn off quickdial. Any ideas on this?
- My SIP keyboard loses its skin. Can the skins on buzz's board be applied somehow?
- Calculator keys too small; do u know of a working calc app cos I truly need a calculator available at all times
- My oh-so-pretty WA2 and WAD hi-res themes need to take a trip back to low-res world else the buttons are too big! Darn!
I'm gonna try sticking to this mode. Hell, all the apps I've got working well on WM5/VGA work just as well under this mode, so why go back? and PIE is OH SO PRETTTTTTYYYY!!!!
PS: What do u use for screen shots on WM5? Would like to post a few of mine.
craigiecraigie4 said:
- Fonts tough on eyes. What changes do u recommend over and above ozVGA settings?
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hmmm.... that's what i'm thinking - for the Today screen anyway. i wanna be able to read the stuff here with a glance, and the teeny fonts make that difficult. is there anything we can do about this?

O2 Active UI Battery NFO Ext Rom 1.13.188

Hi wondering if someone can help.
In the latest rom update from O2 if you install the active UI it will give you a battery today plugin which is quite handy.
Now my question we all know the ActiveUI is horrible will slow down the exec and take up to much space. Is there anyway of stripping out this battery today plugin form the ActiveUI and creating a cab file so it will just install this part. I think the file that is needed from the ActiveUI is BatteryNFO.
Many Thanks
Wow 50 views and still no one got an answer????
Got to say I'd love this too. I've tried other battery monitors, and none are as good as that one.
Ok i have been looking in to this since i posted and have extracted the signed_UNI_o2AUI4_build88.cab file to my home machine. From What i can see there are 7 files that could be related to this 4 of which start with batter~1.029 and so on the other 3 start with power_~1.070. is there anyway of telling what these files are actually for.
Im no expert at this but surely it can be done as i have seen people have ripped the connection settings from this cab file before so surely the same sort of thing can be done with this.
i agree...looks quite nice this battery plug-in...hope sum1 finds a way of getting it as a cab file soon
Still looking in to this and not going to let it beat me to.
Has anybody ever used this software before.
MagicCab PocketPC CAB extractor 0.63
It looks like it is going to do what i need and be able to strip out the battery today plugin from the cab and even tell us what reg settings we need to enter to if i am reading it right but before i commit myself to the $10.95 has anyone ever used it before to clarify that it will do what i need it to do.
If you want something more professional use WCE CAB Manager.
Why not use Batti ?
It gives you just as much information, doesn't take up valuable Today space or slow down your machine, is visible in every application not just Today, and runs in just 20K. And it's free
So far with the advice given to me by ibendlin about wince cab manager and after several hard resets (trial and error thank god for spbpocket backup lol) i have manged to get half way there. But i am having a problem getting the skins to work
As you can see i have manged to sort the today plugin but im having problems getting the skins working even after a soft reset.
Maybe someone can offer some advice i will gladly forward the cab that i have created so far if anyone can offer some suggestions.
Ineedtoys: So far i have manged to get this down to 14kb as for the space on the today screen user preference really, but thank you for your advice on batti.
Anyway off to bed will work on this some more tomorrow
OK, if you dont activate the ActiveUI thing in programs then you can have life without it. To get it to go away now that its on goto \windows\startup and delete the ActiveUI file in there. You cant seem to unistall the program. I just avoid the icon like the pluage.
There are more complex ways of getting what your looking for, but this one is simple and effective
ps. then soft reset
Hi James
Tis true what you are saying and this way will work but unfortunatly you will also get about 10mb worth of extra programs installed from the activeUI which take up the oh so precious Device storage space where the actual battery bar it's self only takes up around 14kb
But thanks anyway
yeah but the newer people to the scene might not like playing about with things. I've only just got use to playing about with stuff and up untill now I've been using this solution.
Now i've had the phone a wee while i'm happy to start going for corporate mode but was easier not to when i was just getting use to the whole PDA type stuff
I know what you mean we all had to start somewhere right lol.
I stopped using the the personal install about a month after i had my exec it was only through advice from these forums that i actually found out how much space the activeUI took up and also how much it slowed it down.
I use this one:
it shows 2 lines: one for main Battery status and one for Backup Battery status (no more exists in WM5); it works well
tried this one but I still think the one in the latest rom release from O2 looks sharper/prettier....
Yeah i'm planning on giving up the basic mode soon.
let me know how you get on, as I too like this battery meter.
I Have done it, Sort of. Still a few bugs but i don't think i will be able to sort these limited knowledge and already about 10 hard reset's.
I have been using now for around 8 or 9 hours now and all seems to be fine after the install no memory loss or anything.
Works well in True VGA to.
congrats m8..any chance of u posting the cab file here?
hiya scotjen,
dont mind you posting it out here??
damn, I still have a Champions League game against Arsenal later.
got to get back to training soon
Well done.
What bugs are you still experiencing. Maybe someone could advise you further?

O2 sms plus on jasjar, is it possible?

hi guys,
i have the O2 sms plus working fine on my wizard, but lately i had a problem which prevented me from using my wizard, it has a speaker problem. now i'm using my jasjar and when i wanted to use o2 sms plus on it, it shows a very small font size because of the VGA screen.
i was wondering, is there a version of this app compatible with the vga screen on my jasjar?
i've done some search on the web but no luck in finding any.
thanks in advance for the help guys.
What is sms plus?
Yes it is possible, but as you said the font is small...
I could be way off track here, but is SMS Plus the o2 app that enahnces SMS communications via setting it up similar to a chat type setup. So all your SMSes are logged under the one contact ect. Im sure I read about it in the reviews of the o2 Atom.
In any case, can you send me or post the SMS Plus app
1. I would like to try it
2. I have had success in the past getting around a few customisation things, I might be able to fix this one up for you.
Well I found the app already.
Nice app indeed, but also indeedy about the text.
Resource Hacker can modify the font sizes etc, and can take it out of Hires Awareness mode, however, when resource hacker recompiles the exe file it looses its ability for it to run on the Pocket PC.
So essentially if there is a basic resource hacker for the pocket PC where in business, or perhaps a hex editor might do the trick since it might be less invasive.
Where did you found it?
i don't remember where i got it from, or if it's available in this forum, but anyway here it is.
When I do a reply to a sms I can't see what I'm trying to type. Does anyone else have this problem?
Yes thats the problem we all face. Small fonts and inproportionate dialogues in the application.
Like I said a resource hacker can fix it, so if you know of any WM5 or just PDA resource hackers, let me know and ill get back on it
The small font I didn't find too annoying. It's just not actually being able to reply to any texts because I couldn't tell if I was actually inputting anything. Hopefully the WM5 gods on the board will sort it out. I can't wait for a proper sms chat style app to be working. It's one of the things I miss from my Treo.
fishtastic said:
The small font I didn't find too annoying. It's just not actually being able to reply to any texts because I couldn't tell if I was actually inputting anything. Hopefully the WM5 gods on the board will sort it out. I can't wait for a proper sms chat style app to be working. It's one of the things I miss from my Treo.
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well, this happens because the original app was developed for the wizard which has a 320X240 screen. on the jasjar the screen as you know is bigger with a 640X480 (VGA).
that's why you don't see the text when replying to your sms.
hopfully someone can modify the font size in the app so it will be more compatible with the vga screen, i really like this app and when i got it on my kjam i didn't use the default messaging app at all and this was my default.
please, someone get this to work on the XV6700... the only problem is that it wont recognize the phone as being on!!!! :?: :!:
Anybody get this to work on a 6700?
This now works on the 6700:
Anybody know how to make it the default text messenger? Currently, a new message results in a notification baloon, which, when you click "view" continues to open pocket outlook instead of 02sms plus. You then have to manually run 02sms plus to use it.
so does this app really work like d default SMS chat software on d treo650 & 600 where all incoming & outgoing messages r grouped per name(sender/receiver)?
ive tried it b4 on my htc univ in true/real VGA mode using ozVGA. i had no issues w/ font being too small. its just that d SMS chat grouping didnt work like that in d treos.
did palm/palmOS patent that or is it just hard 2 implement on WM/PPC phones?

How does your HTC Universal look? Post your ScreenShot here.

Here is mine:
This was taken in July but it works so well nothing has changed :lol:
I think I know the answer to this question, but what is that program with caller picture thumbnails you have?
Hey that looks so cool, what software do you use to get you desktop looking like that?
Nothin' Fancy
Kinda boring but it works for me
The first screen is for work, the second for play.
I usually switch both sims and desktops.
Note to self: I need to get a dual sim adaptor :lol:
New to making themes and struggling with VGA themes but this is my current screen. If anyone is better at this and cares to help me sort this out I'd be extreamly grateful!!!
My old Universal. Haven't dusted her off for quite a while.
That still has to be the coolest screen I've seen!!!
How is vjsihaya coming along?
vijay555 said:
My old Universal.
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how do you make this great screen ???
That is SUPER !!!
I was just looking at the screenshot - January 2006! Sheesh. I haven't programmed anything specific for VJSihaya since then - reason being, when I had the idea way back when, I knew what I wanted it to do, but knew what I had to go away and learn LOTS of new stuff.
I've been tinkering with different ideas, bits and bobs, so that I can eventually throw them together to make it as complete as I want it to be.
Like I've said elsewhere, stuff like VJVolubilis is just R&D, that I've released stand alone, but I like the idea of VJSihaya. However, HTC really need to get more VGA screens out. I'm thinking of going to TyTN, and at QVGA VJSihaya isn't as beautiful
Sorry for stupid question, but how do you change your screen to make it look like DavidT's?
Siby said:
Sorry for stupid question, but how do you change your screen to make it look like DavidT's?
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I think that is WisBar Advance he is using. It is not free though.
Yep thats Wisbar Advance I'm using along with a windows vista theme. The picture dialer is the one ripped off from the Treo 700W and was designed for QVGA and square screens thats why it looks so small on the Universal's VGA screen but it still works great
A couple of questions:
Does it not totally destroy your eyes trying to read the text on true VGA mode?
I used WisBar Advance once when I had my alpine - it made it so there was no ring when an incoming call happened, are there any problems with using it on a phone now? If not, do you know why not? Is it the new device or a newer version of the WisBar software?
Thanks guys, I'm off to investigate Wizbar Advance!
Anjow - to answer your question.
Yes the text is small in VGA mode - in Word set your font size to 7 point font size (perhaps 6 - hard to tell) and you'll get an idea of how big the text is.
I find it perfectly readable and LOVE the extra space it gives me, browsing the internet actually becomes worthwhile as well!
VJBigPhone makes the phone work properly on VGA (Thanks again!!!) - my only problem is that Solitaire still thinks it's using 320x240 and is too small!!!
It depends upon personal preference and what you intend to use the device for.
gquipster said:
in Word set your font size to 7 point font size (perhaps 6 - hard to tell) and you'll get an idea of how big the text is.
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Do you mean on my PC or my device? If on my device it seems I can't go lower than 8?
Sorry I meant on your PC
Hmm, perhaps tolerable then. I'm surprised because when I'm using pocket opera some of the text is really tiny already? Perhaps that's a feature of opera though.
DavidT. said:
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What plugin are u using for the memory used and battery life status on your today screen?
That wud be a great help since, i am looking for a similar but light weight plugin. Pocket plus has it but i find it heavy and thus don't use it anymore.

[Q] Font size on Desire Z

I had this original Desire Z bought a week ago in Hong Kong Broadway. Everything works fine except the fonts are a bit small to me (I am a 50 years old man and the small fonts on DZ got me reading problem sometimes).
I have downloaded a software called "Spare Parts" which it has a function to change the system fonts to various sizes (from extreme small to extreme large) but I tried so many time and the change only applies on the software font size itself but not the system. And when you get out from the application and return to it, the font size that you chose will back to normal again! Other than that, all other functions on this application work OK.
Any guy in the forum can offer me help so that I can change the font size. It can be an application, an instruction......or whatever, except, if possible, no need to flash the ROM.
Thousand thanks in advance!
manleyfu said:
I had this original Desire Z bought a week ago in Hong Kong Broadway. Everything works fine except the fonts are a bit small to me (I am a 50 years old man and the small fonts on DZ got me reading problem sometimes).
I have downloaded a software called "Spare Parts" which it has a function to change the system fonts to various sizes (from extreme small to extreme large) but I tried so many time and the change only applies on the software font size itself but not the system. And when you get out from the application and return to it, the font size that you chose will back to normal again! Other than that, all other functions on this application work OK.
Any guy in the forum can offer me help so that I can change the font size. It can be an application, an instruction......or whatever, except, if possible, no need to flash the ROM.
Thousand thanks in advance!
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Are you rooted? Try the app LCDensity.
Turn the number up. But not too much.
Yes, my DZ is rooted and I tried the LCDDensity. This can change but not much as the fonts will overlapped if I make it too large (I pushed to 280). So, the max it can increase is 260, just a little bigger than the original size.
I have also I9000 in hand. Wondering why the I9000 screen is only 0.3" bigger than DesireZ, but the font size on I9000 is much much larger and very visible.
Thanks anyway
This was easily changeable in WinMo, and seems something of an oversight in Android that there isn't a system setting for this. Looks like you're not alone :
Wow....I really thought that I was the only one suffering this font size problem....
I went to several mobile phone shop or some smartphone repairing shop today and asked if they have any good solution for that....but they all turned me down, which means this could be a permanent problem for the Desire-Z. Extremely disappointed as all the other functions on this phone are real well.
Then I also tried on one of the phone shop to see if Desire HD can be better because HC has a 4.3" screen..... but sorry again, larger screen don't mean larger font size. Yes, it looks a bit bigger, but just a bit! Why a 4.3" screen has the same font size as a 3.7" screen? Then, why need a 4.3" screen?
I9000 only has 4" but the font size is very very visible. I was trying to trade-in my new Desire-Z to get another I9000 (I already have one but I have 2 sim cards) but all I9000 are sold out.
So, I have to bring my glasses with me all the time in order to read the phone content....
By the way. I saw from the link (v3.co.uk) that we can flash a Cyanogen ROM, the font could be bigger. Is that true? Anyone flashed that ROM before? Will this ROM conflict with my HK Chinese HTC version?
Really need help on this!
steviewevie said:
This was easily changeable in WinMo, and seems something of an oversight in Android that there isn't a system setting for this. Looks like you're not alone :
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Can you suggest me which Cyanogen ROM can change the system font size? I am quite desperate on that.....

