[S200] contact problem - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

Hello, I'm a new User, sorry for my english ^^
I Have Update my Qtek S200 ROM (WM5 to WM6 FTDE_1.1)
All Right !
But, I' Can't view my contact list
I click on the contact button, and it close fast (1 Second)
What can I do?
(I've Allready Downgrade to WM5 NVID and the last Qtek ROM)
I had no problem when I was on WM5
Thx for you answer
En Français ^^
J'ai decidé de passer mon S200 en WM6
Flash reussi, pas de probleme
Enfin un seul probleme ^^ je ne peux pas acceder aux contacts
La page des contacts s'ouvre et se ferme presque instantanément
Je sais plus quoi faire ...
J'ai deja tenté de Repasser en WM5 et le probleme a disparu
Mais je voudrais passer en WM6 ^^
Merci d'avance pour vos reponses

nobody can Help me ?

I've resolved my problem
I've do 2 Hard Reset and it's OK

Not solved contact problem (S200)
I have excatly the same problem, but, after hard reset (2-3 times), problem is still there... Cant open Contacts, just blink for a second...
Another solution?

make sure u do PROPER HARD RESET!! read the wiki. this is known problem if yu upgrade & don't do hard reset.

Tnx wanwarlock, I didnt properly reset my device...


Upgrade a FRENCH QTEK1010 impossible...

Hi all :lol: ,
With this post, Im lookin for someone who could help me to upgrade my french QTEK 1010 (Bouygues operator) to a WM2003 ROM (I dont care to have my qtek in UK...)
I search on the MANY MANY posts of this forum but dont find a solution to LANGUAGE FRA...
my QTEK1010 (32mo):
ROM : 3.15.06 FRA
date: 11/12/02
protocole: 32s54
bootloader: 5.15
Well, I try to put a ROM kitchen 4.00.05 (exe) but I have a message: INVALID LANGUAGE: FRA...
Then I try some ROM (exe) from different websites but the soft block: ROM NOT FOUND ON YOUR DEVICE/VERIFY THE USB/SERIAL CABLE (something like this)
Then i read that I could upgrade my phone by the SD but I dont have any SD reader/writer...
So if someone could explain how to FORCE the installation of the KITCHEN ROM...If someone have the same french Bouygues phone & put another ROM that the original...Im interested....
Thx to all of you 4 your help.
BEst regards,
msn: [email protected]
mail: [email protected]
you should try the SD method. it should work.
I had the same problem with a Qtek 1010 3.18 ENG that it doesn't accept the EXE method. Seems that the vendor found a way to make such protection that it doesn't exist in the kitchen ROMs.
I used SD card to upgrade to 4.00.5 ENG and now it's fun to install any other ROM even the original :lol:
My advice is to start by SD card to get rid of this problem and then select or cook your own ROM.
Good luck
Je recherche désespérement une ROM française pour essayer d'extraire les dicos et complétion des mots en français. As-tu fait un backup de la rom, et si oui, peux-tu me le faire parvenir ?
Mes essais de ROM 4.x sur QTEK sont infructueux : effacement de la carte SD, applications qui disparaissent, STORAGE CARD1 -> STORAGE CARD9 alors qu'il n'y en a qu'une, checkboxes et radio buttons qui disparaissent sur les fenêtres, etc ... Alors je reste avec ma 3.18.04 ENG.
Bien à toi,
Viens sur MSN, je suis souvent connecté...
My problem is "solved"
MANY MANY THX 2 KTY TENZIN for her help.
So now Ive got my QTEK 1010 from Bouygues with theses specs:
radio: 4.21 (I have to pass on 800/1800 @ bootloader in order to make it function).
Thx to ALL.
Peux-tu nous faire partager ta découverte?
Could-you explain the process? Thanks.
I send U a mail
Je t'ai envoyé un mail
JeRoMe_aKa_JaY said:
Viens sur MSN, je suis souvent connecté...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Je ne suis pas sur MSN.
Où puis-je trouver la rom 3.x FR ?

Help with Hotvoice pls

Hi everybody,
i think i found a solution to my pb of 'record' button.
the hotvoice.exe must have been corrupted during a third part soft install.
Could someone send it to me with the shortcut u will find in the Windows directory ?
Contact tru mp for a valid e-mail because at work the FW won't accept any exe file.
Tks in advance
how can i copy a rom file ?
I try to copy these 2 files.
but i have an error with the *.exe file.
my pdaphone say : "Can't open the file. It is an operating system file stored in ROM".
There is a solution to copy file from rom ?
make a dump of my rom in a sdcard and explore the file from my computer ?
Do you try to go to:
Start menu\Settings\boutons
Menu Démarrer\paramètres\Buttons
And clic on "Restaure Default Settings" ("Rétablir les paramètres par défaut")
Be carefull, in my M1000 (Orange), i need to affect bouton 3 to camera after this manipulation.
thanks for your help
Dans le menu d'affectation des boutons de mon pdaphone français, hotvoice s'apelle "Enregistrement" dans la liste des applications...
Peut être que tu ne cherchait pas le bon nom...
PS : sorry but, in french because i'am talking about french translation ;-)
hi Garrou
Tks a lot for all your help
"Merci pour tout"
Don't bother u ahead, i think the pb is not a simple one
"Ne te casses pas plus, cela semble être un pb complexe"
i tried everything especially a reset to default settings but as u just said the default settings are wrong because u have to reaffect the camera button which shows there is a pb on this particular case
"j'ai tout essayé mais déjà les réglages par defaut semblent être pourris car il faut réaffecter la caméra : bizarre pour un reglage par default qui n'est pas le vrai réglage par défaut non ?"
Moreover when i reaffect the button i don't have the choice for "hotvoice" or "record". So i think the pb is deeper : a rom pb maybe ?
"de plus quand je cherche a réaffecter les boutons je n'ai pas le choix de l'enregistreur qui se présente donc le pb semble être plus profond : un pb de ROM peut être ?
Merci pour tout en tout cas.
Si tu as d'autres idées ...

I HAVE MADE IT!!! slider works now as JOG UP & DOWN on J

Excuse, if it already for a long time is known... But I did not meet such information.
Euh ... can you give more details...
What exactly did you do???
Yes give us some details
hs Hi Vw ELM (tu es d'où - moi j'suis sur Bruxelles) /hs
see on
it's call> Slider-Mapper
but instruction on Russian.
All I can see is a very nice frontpage... and in those pills you hide some files which we can download. But those are *.bar files... what kind of files are these? And where can I find some instructions??
Je suis de Tongres, près de Liège... Je suis flamand, mais je peux essayer de parler un pey français... :lol:
In fact, these *.bar files are *.rar files... Just rename them and let's go...
Il s'agit en fait de fichiers *.rar, il suffit de le renommer et de les décompacter...
site updated every Thursday.
Purée c'est un forum belge ou quoi ici :wink: :wink:
bon j'vais tester ce *.bar --> *.rar
I spreek ok een beetje vlaams (ik woont in Zellik dus I moet )
Vraiment une bonne machine ce S100 !!!!!
Tu me dis quoi Marcus :lol:
Je dirai même plus, c'est un forum belge ici ou quoi :wink:
Ok Stephane
For the moment it doesn't work
I've unmapped the volume slider
But when i map slider up and down nothing happens
Help Me please
Mais pour le moment j'y arrive pas
J'ai réussi à unmapped le slidder pour le volume
Je vais dans START-> settings -> buttons et je map deffilement vers le haut à slider up et deffilement vers le bas à slider down
Marche Pas !!
Same here... installed it... but don't do anything at all...
Any instruction? Or just tell us what this slider does?? :lol:
The instruction in English for program Slider I shall try to lay out 24.12.04 and generally there all is simple..
Petite suggestion : ça ne permettrait pas d'augmenter ou de diminuer le son en cours de conversation avec le joystick ?
Suggestion : doesn't it serve to change the speaker volume during a phone call with the joystick ?
This works beautifully - thank you very much. Quick online translation of instructions:
How to install: Copy the files
unmap_volume.exe And AddHotkeys.exe in a folder/Windows/startup
Make soft-reset
Go in the manager of automatic loading and check that unmap_volume.exe
It loaded by the first. If it not so - correct and again make soft-reset
Copy in \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ files:
SimUp.exe, SimDown.exe.
Further go in Start/Settings/Buttons/Volume Up and Volume down
Also appoint performance of the following programs:
SimUp.exe - emulation joystick up
SimDown.exe - emulation joystick down.
How to remove:
Remove files unmap_volume.exe, SimUp.exe, SimDown.exe
Before removal of file AddHotkeys.exe finish process AddHotkeys.exe.
(for example programs Dinar MemMaid or SKTools)
Make soft-reset
The working instruction is made> Gordons095 [at] yandex.ru
Soap of the developer> des [at] mail.cz
p.s. Closer.exe - the program of closing of the appendix. She can be hung up on any button.
Shortly (till New 2005) the developer пообещ
thanks man
Does it work on WM2003SE ??
marcusvdw said:
Ok Stephane
For the moment it doesn't work
I've unmapped the volume slider
But when i map slider up and down nothing happens
Help Me please
Mais pour le moment j'y arrive pas
J'ai réussi à unmapped le slidder pour le volume
Je vais dans START-> settings -> buttons et je map deffilement vers le haut à slider up et deffilement vers le bas à slider down
Marche Pas !!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
a bein t es la aussi toi... pfff
Did any one tried on 9090 ?
site updated. welcome.
Help please!
Hi All,
Would someone be kind enough to tell me how to do this:
Go in the manager of automatic loading and check that unmap_volume.exe...
Many thanks,
PS Having not done that step I'm getting the following error message:
Cannot find "DesktopExporerWindow' or one of it's components...[/b]
Does it work now ?
I came across this link today. How can I download these utilities.

How to change Language DE to FR ?

HI i was offered a mda pro (qtek 9000)
the problem is, it is in german
the good news someone sent me a Rom to change/translate it into French
bonjour on vient de m'offrir un qtek 9000 avec un windows en allemand. j'ai récupéré sur un site, une Rom pour le mettre en francais. MAIS malheureusement je ne sais pas comment faire ou m'y prendre pour le "flasher"
quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider en postant la procédure ( détaillée si possbile )
there are many how to's in the Uni upgrade forum

problem with bootloader

this the summary of my pb. I tried several ROM on my artemis and it has always succeeded without pb. until recently I used a new Rom entitled "Oops Black" and it has worked well. and I tried to install the radio ver 03.21.90. the installation is finished until the end. but when I wanted to restart artemis, the first screen that indicates the version of the Rom and radio ... appears followed by the splash screen and it stops and freez.
I tried to do a hard reset without success. it never succed to enter the bootloader. I use the correct method of hard reset. (pushing the two soft key and then with the stylus push the reset key). I also attempted to install a new rom directly from the sd card following the procedure described in this same forum. without success.
in the abstract artemis never succed to enter the bootloader to install a new rom. is there any solution for this kind of pb. or less if I understand what's wrong.
thank you for your responses. and thank you for this forum
voila le resumé de mon pb. j'ai essayé plusieur ROM sur mon artemis et ca a tjrs reussi ss pb. jusqu'à dernierement ou j'ai utilisé une nouvelle rom intitulé "Oops Black" et ca a bien marché. et j'ai tenté d'installer la radio ver 03.21.90. linstallation aussi c'est terminé jusqu'à la fin. mais kd j'ai voulu redemaré mon artemis y a le premier ecran ki indique la version du rom et de la radio... ki apparait suivi du splash screen et ca bloke.
j'ai tenté de faire un hard reset sans reussir. cela ne passe jamais sur le bootloader. et je signale ke j'utilise bien la bonne methode du hard reset. ( apuiller sur les deux soft key et puis avec le stylet pousser le reset key). j'ai aussi tenté d'installer une nouvelle rom directement de la sd card en suivant la procedure decrite sur ce meme forum. et ss reussite.
en resumé l'artemis ne passe jamais en bootloader pour pouvoir installer une nouvelle rom. est ce que klk'un a une solution pour ce genre de pb. ou du moin si je px comprendre pkoi ca passe pas.
merci pour vos reponses. et merci à ce forum
English please...:S
Rules state that any posts in a language other than English need to be posted with an English translation
Black screen problem solved.
Hi all:
In my case was SD HC card inside phone.

