How to Transfer File on FTP? (eVB) - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

How to transfer file via FTP by useing eVB
I got some code from microsoft =>
I have some error (Error : 12005 , 12015)
and How to download file via FTP? ( Picture .bmp )
Thank you ^^

12005 - invalid URL
12015 - connect to and login to an FTP server failed.
For download use API FtpGetFile

Do you have some example code?

I have only C++ code. eVB i currently unsupported piece of ****, .NET CF is more better
Here is the example:


New ver of PPC2003

I managed to get SN40001wwe_AWS.bin wich is a bin format ppc2003 for xda (version !!!)
If u have any ftp I'll upload it
upload to here please
Address :
User : kellylau
password : xda
By the way, do you have the writing utility for bin files?
If not we may have difficulty to write the rom.
you can convert it to .nb1 using
perl SN40001wwe_AWS.bin -wo nk.nb1 -t nb1
or to nbf ( if it contains a bootloader, which I think it does ) with
perl SN40001wwe_AWS.bin -wo nk.nbf -t nbf -n PW10A1-ENG-4.00-007
and then use adaptrom to fix the nbf file such that it can be flashed with programme A.
Have bootloader too. Uploading in progress. I got the ipaq 3970 ppc 2003 too. If u need it i can upload it too
I flashed my XDA with it ok Nice new screen on startup "Test Only Not for sell" ehehe
Don't need any pached It's working OK on XDA O2 !!
Use the to make it NBF. The ftp don't work cause i wanted to upload the nbf file.
florin_m ,
i waited for it too long time
please upload it to a public web or ftp serve for public sharing.
thanx in advance
Link for edonkey p2p
I made it nbf. use xartit to write it to a sd card and flash it. That i did for better security!
edonkey dont downloading the file !
gime a ftp and i'll upload
FTP server is:
FTP login: xdarom
FTP password: xda2003
& thanx very much
by the way
FTP server is:
FTP login: xdarom
FTP password: xda2003
Passive MODE
Upload in progress!
1. Will this work with Programme A if done through AdaptROM ?
2. How big is the zip (im on the ftp server watching the bytes go up...)
upload done
Should work with program a, but i don't take any responsabilitys!!!
Can you post a screen shots of the Start, Settings, System, About page and one of the Device Information page?
You guys can download the NK.nbf file from my FTP server if you want:
user: qtek
passwd: qtek
Version 4.20.1081 (Build 13100)
Want me to take a picture of that ?
In Device info:
ROM version: 4.00.01 ENG
ROM date: 05/16/03
sheran_g said:
You guys can download the NK.nbf file from my FTP server if you want:
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You may want to zip it: turns 32 MB into 15 or so...
I keep get Timeout
I uploaded the nbf on all 2 ftp server from this topic
@XDA developer Peter Poelman check PM

signing dll (WM5)

I am trying to sign some dlls with the SDKSamplePrivdeveloper certificate and I have alaways the same error : errorcode 0x80070057.
I use Visual Studio 2005 and Windows Mobile 2005 SDK. I tried with the wizard "signtool signwizard" and the prompt cmd "signtool sign /f SDKSamplePrivDeveloper.pvk my_dll.dll" ...
I tried also to build a cab, cab to install my dll, and when I try the cab on my Universal, I have the message "....can't be installed..."
Any help will be welcome
Well, I understood where was my mistake... So now I have a new question : where can I found the password for the sdksampleprivdeveloper.pfx ?
it does not have a password
thanks and sorry for my newbie questions. I understood that I had to import SDKSamplePrivDeveloper.cer first to my depository and after SDKSamplePrivDeveloper.pvk. FOr SDK....cer no issue but for SDK....pvk cermgr.msc asks me a password
Hi All!
I tried to sign my dll files. For the first time I sign a dll file that doesn't concern with ppc , cmd command :
"signtool sign /f SDKSamplePrivDeveloper.pfx satelite.dll"
It was success to sign, but when I tried to sign dll files that were dumped from PPC wm 2005 on Himalaya , command :
"signtool sign /f SDKSamplePrivDeveloper.pfx shellres.dll"
Done adding aditional store
Signtool error: Isigncode::Sign return error 0x80070057
The parameter is incorrect.
Signtool error; An error orrcurred while attempting to sign: shellres.dll
"signtool sign /f SDKSamplePrivDeveloper.pvk shellres.dll"
Signtool error: IStore2::Load return error 0x80092009
Cannot find the request object
Signtool error; An error orrcurred while attempting to load the signing certificate from: SDKSamplePrivDeveloper.pvk
Can any one help me to sign these files?
I found this :
Attempting to digitally sign a file using Signcode.exe results in the following error:
Unable to sign the program xxxxx: (0x80070057)
The current version of Signcode.exe that ships with the ActiveX SDK, Ms Authenticode(IE4) and MS Authenticode(IE5) tools is unable to sign 16-bit files.
One workaround is to wrap the 16-bit file in a .cab or a self-extracting executable, which can then be digitally signed using Signcode.exe.
Note that only the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer requires a digital signature; 16-bit Internet Explorer does not check for signatures, and should therefore be able to download an unsigned 16-bit file.
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thanh_lam said:
It was success to sign, but when I tried to sign dll files that were dumped from PPC wm 2005 on Himalaya , ...
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The files in "modules" directory are not normal EXE/DLLs - they are XIP! They would never work on real device without hand-editing. Most values in their PE-header are zeroed, all sections are joined into one, all DLLs don't have relocations section.
so, mamaich can you explain how sign dlls like was signed all the dlls on the last realVGA hack? I need to modify msim.96.dll to retreive an azerty keyboard ..
mamaich said:
it does not have a password
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.pfx file is the pkcs#12 standard which containing the key pair in the file. YES, it is protected by a PIN (i called it PIN instead of a password). :wink: But I'm sorry I don't know the PIN :?
I found this program, easy to use and the Test Certificates work on both Smartphone and Pocket PC.
Just type sign filename.ext and it'll add/replace the digital signature at the end.
thanksssssssssssssssssssssss !
works great for a cab but not for my dll msimfr.192.dll (dumped from my qtek 9000 with buzz rom dumper)
BeyondtheTech said:
I found this program, easy to use and the Test Certificates work on both Smartphone and Pocket PC.
Just type sign filename.ext and it'll add/replace the digital signature at the end.
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I've used it on EXEs and DLLs without a problem... CAB files, well, it doesn't matter since even with a re-signed CAB file, it still comes up as something "untrusted." What error message are you getting?
Same message :
Error: Signing Failed. Result = 80070057, (-2147024809)
Here is my dll :
BeyondtheTech said:
I found this program, easy to use and the Test Certificates work on both Smartphone and Pocket PC.
Just type sign filename.ext and it'll add/replace the digital signature at the end.
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Click to collapse
Mr Maimach sent these to me month ago. But I couldn't sign my files which were dumped form PPC WM5. As Maimach say these "modules" files haven't PE header, they are XIP file, and they no longer work in a real device.
When I edited these file in Visual studio 2005 (support unicode) and changed some strings form english to vietnamese, after that I save these files by save button, and when I edited these again, no change was made.
At This tIme I think these files were protected by MS, and they didn't allow us to change. But when I read this thread, the answer is clearly, these dll files were corrupted.
Can any one help me archive these dll files but not the XIP files?
So how do they do the last RealVGA Hack as all the dlls are signed ?
noone to help a poor newbie ?
I'm a very poor newbie too, I'm trying to make free Vietnamese Language package for WM2005, all things seem tobe done, but these problems make the life becomming difficulty . Until now no one can solve these, and hope in the recent days the solution will be fuzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
jpa said:
Same message :
Error: Signing Failed. Result = 80070057, (-2147024809)
Here is my dll :
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As I've wrote several times before. All XIP DLLs produced by my tool would not work on real device. They don't contain relocs, and their PE-header is incorrect. You should manually set image size and other fields in PE-header, and don't forget to set the correct characteristics (the process is obvious if you know the PE format). Or here is a better approach - take any working resource-only DLL from your device, and place your resources into it.
BeyondtheTech said:
I found this program, easy to use and the Test Certificates work on both Smartphone and Pocket PC.
Just type sign filename.ext and it'll add/replace the digital signature at the end.
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Click to collapse
cool, good one..

Hook winsock API calls in WM5

My goal is to get the TCP data from a TCP application on the pocket pc
like data from internet explorer or active sync. I want to write a proxy
that forwards all TCP data to the application server (Web server,...).
So I have tried to replace the ws2.dll with a wrapper dll that forwards all
winsock API calls to the original ws2.dll. But when I replace the ws2.dll file
with my own and make a softreset the device hangs in boot screen and
I must do a hardreset. Could not get this to work on WM5 but it works great
on WM2003 devices.
So I have tried another thing. Have heard about API hooking and want to
try this with winsock API functions (connect, WSAConnect, send, recv,...).
After several days of investigation in some forums I have found many
informations about API hooking and API sets win WM5. But when I look
deeper there is no server process for winsock API calls. So I cannot
change the method adresses.
Another idea was to hook LoadLibrary() API function and when ws2.dll is
loaded from an application I will load my own dll and forward all calls to
the original ws2.dll. But LoadLibrary() has also no server process.
Has anybody another idea how to do this?
Thanks for any information on this.
Hi Houser!
I think the reason your original method failed on WM5 is because all system DLLs must be signed or the system will not load them.
There are several threads on this forum (sorry, can't remember precise link right now) that explain how to create\use certificates, and sign files, so just search for that.
Good luck.
Thanks levenum for your reply.
I also have thought about signing the dll but I have disabled certificate
check on the WM5 device with the Cert_SPCS.CAB file and now
my system loads every dll without asking the user.
I have written some test applications that explicite load my ws2.dll with
a different name (ws2xx.dll) and then in my ws2xx.dll I load
the org ws2.dll from \windows dir and all worked fine. I can use
any winsock function and can make TCP connects and so on.
So I think signing is not the problem, only when I do not use
the Cert_SPCS.CAB file to disable it?
Or are system file always checked at boot phase?
That would then explain the problem maybe.
I am pretty sure system files are treated separately. I once used a device with no cert ROM, which ran all programs and loaded DLLs without asking for certificate, but refused to do so for system files (MUIs).
I think you should give certificates a chance before moving on to more complicated solutions.
So I should try to sign my wrapper dll with a certificate.
So I will try to sign with the Visual Studio 2005 developer
certificate. And then I must install this certificate on my device
so that the system trusted the dll file with this certificate?
Another thing: What do you mean with MUIs?
That's correct.
There are provisioning CABs in the 2005 SDK. You just run them on your device and they insert all the test certificates.
SDK also shows how to provision devices through RAPI, but most WM5 ROMs block that option.
Also you should use the 'privileged' execution certificate to make sure you have maximum access to the system.
MUIs are duplicate system DLLs that contain resources for other languages. For example: coredll.dll.0409.mui will contain English resources for coredll.dll (409 is hex for English code page). They are used to switch interface languages both on PC windows and mobile. (Metalanguage User Interface).
If you want, there are XML templates for provisioning CABs in the SDK, and makecert.exe that let you create your own certificate and put it on the device.
Another thing: What do you mean with MUIs?
So I have tried this:
1) Installed the certificates on the device (copied the file on
the ppc and tap in explorer on it) A success message was displayed from
the setup process.
2) In VS2005 I have set in the project settings the cert signing to "Sample
Privileged Root for windows mobile SDK" certificate and rebuild my dll.
In the dll file properties I can see the certificate.
3) Have copied my ws2.dll file to \windows and replaced the org ws2.dll file
there, my dll loads a copy of the org ws2.dll (ws2copy.dll) that is also
in the \windows dir
4) Then the big moment: Soft reset and..... hanging again in boot screen
The installed certificates did not appear in the pocket pc certificate manager.
Do you know if they should appear there or not?
Maybe the SDK certificates are not imported correctly?
Thanks for you help!
I'm sorry my solution didn't help.
The test certificates do not show in the list (don't know why).
The way I see it there are two possibilities:
1. I was wrong about the certificates. (Though I think you may still need them)
2. There might be a problem with the copy DLL you try to load (ws2copy.dll). Is it from a good dump? Have you tried loading it from a test app? Is it signed? I think it needs to be signed to.
Sorry I can't give you advice on an alternate way. Insufficient knowledge...
It is very frustrating, I do not knwo how many
hard resets I have made in the last few weeks. :?
I have written a test app that loads my winsock dll file and
then my dll loads the copy ws2.dll file. The copy ws2.dll file
is from a platform builder 5.0 build.
These tests with my test app all worked fine, I can make TCP connects
and do all the winsock stuff like I load the org ws2.dll file directly.
I have even disabled certificate check on the device and tested
with unsigned dll and it works too.
The copy dll from PB 5.0 is not signed. may be this could
be a problem when my dll is loaded in boot time.
Do you know a way to sign the copy PB dll with the SDK certificate?
Thanks man!
Signing files (DLL, EXE, CAB) is very easy. In the SDK, there is a file called signcode.exe. It will give you a step by step wizard to sign the file. The only additional thing you will need is the certificate files themselves which should also be in the SDK.
Got it to work with signing the copy dll file and
now after soft reset my device does NOT hang. :lol:
Many thanks for your support levenum!
That is very good but now I have figured out that
I cannot make a localhost connect on a local tcp port
on the device. That has something to do with WM5
because it was working under Wm2003. Strange..very

FTP client with text editor

Hi to all, I need of a FTP client with text editor included for my HTC P3600,I need to modify configuration file on WAN ( DreamBox file configuration),now I'm using free WCE Ftp client it's excellent .very fast but it hasn't a text editor included to modify files, I must to transfer file on my HTC modify with CEdit and reupolads it ,it's realy uncomfortable.
Do known anyone a complete ftp client with text editor

multipart file upload

I'am new to Android development. I'am trying to do multipart file upload
program. We are currently using HttpUrlConnection. But I can't upload
files more than about 5 mb. We get Out of memory error even if we use
method setFixedStreamingMode and writing file data in chunks to the
What is the solution to this ? The phone I use is Android WildFire. On
searching I found reference to the apache http library. But I'am not
a correct download link. If that is the solution, can anybody post the
correct download link.

