What makes PDA Hang? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi. i want to ask. what makes PDA hang?
I am currently using Atom Life.
And sometimes it hang. and i have to take out the battery and turn it on again. which is very troublesome and makes some of my sms gone as well.
it sometimes occurs when i turn it on. it also hangs there.
can anybody advice me on this?

T3D0nG said:
Hi. i want to ask. what makes PDA hang?
I am currently using Atom Life.
And sometimes it hang. and i have to take out the battery and turn it on again. which is very troublesome and makes some of my sms gone as well.
it sometimes occurs when i turn it on. it also hangs there.
can anybody advice me on this?
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good question
the buggy Os makes it hang.
a Rom upgrade should solve the problem.

shaileshashar said:
good question
the buggy Os makes it hang.
a Rom upgrade should solve the problem.
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however, i updated to the latest rom already. how is it? does RAM affect?

There are lots of things that can make your pda hang, probably too many to go into. I will try and give you the principal areas you need to address, which come from my own experience coupled to tons of reading on here.
1) Activesync - This has a habit of running all the time and is a prime cause of lockups. Use the fake server solution to solve that problem (search on here for it using google search. I will give you the google search link in a minute).
2) Software incompatibilities - You need to make absolutely sure that if you are running WM6, your apps are the latest version capable of running under WM6. I have had a lot of problems trying to run WM5 apps under WM6.
3) Battery and power locks - Make sure that all system locks are disabled. For example you can set your system to turn of the LCD screen or power of after a period of time. Make sure all of these are inactive/not set. If you want to turn your screen off then lighty touch your power switch and it will do the job for you. Touch it again and your pda springs into life; simple. You can use the device lock option on the today screen if you need to lock your screen with the pda on; no problems with this option.
4) Programmes running in the background - I strongly suggest that you set your pda to completely close down any programmes after you have run them, rather than minimise. Use the task manager option to sort this out or install the htc x-button app (search on here for that also).
5) Beams and Wifi - Make sure these are turned off unless you need to use them. Switch them off as soon as you have finished with them. Benefits are improved battery life and less freezes.
6) Inappropriate themes - Not all themes work happily with WM6. Some do lock up your machine. Keep it simple; load a standard WM6 theme that you know works and leave it at that.
There's more, but this should give you something to work on. I will add to this post as I remember other things.
Let us know how you get on. Google search for XA is:


MDA Questions after a week of use...

I recieved my MDA last saturday, and since then, have been trying to figure everything out. After multiple calls to tmobile, and even a trip back to the store, i'm still stuck with a few questions that i cannot seem to get answered.
1. The MDA came with the default Tmobile theme which works fine in portrait & in landscape, as well as the default blue Windows theme.
However, I have tried to install multiple themes(including some from microsoft themeselves) and i have one annoying error! Whenever I use an "installed" theme, the portrait screen looks fine, but when I open the keyboard...there are two large greyish/white gaps on the side of the theme.
Ex: I'm using a green theme. When in landscape mode, i have a single green square in the middle of the screen with a strip on either side(left or right)
2. My phone is HORRIBLY slow when and if ANYTHING 3rd party is installed. I've tried today plugins that control the memory usage(figured that would help)...however, it just slowed things done. My phone usually runs at about 14mb Free Program Memory, out of the total 44MB(This seems horrible...with just the default programs installed*for the most part* and maybe agile messenger running.). If i install a today plugin, or a game...this drops below 10mb. Therefore, phone usage can be very aggravating. I cannot think of any other way to increase this memory expect for ONE thing. Would it be possible to transfer ALL programs, applications, etc to the miniSD Card(i have 1gb now, with a 2gb in the mail). This way...i certaintly would not be topping out the usage of the card, and hopefully I can free up alot of space on the phone.
3. As we all know, the packaged IM programs are AWFULLY slow and inconsistent. After a bit of research and trials, I have settled on using Agile Messenger. I'm loving it...expect for a few things.
The MAJOR problem I have with it, is the pop up notification. Its annoying to be surfing the web or playing a game, just to have a pop up tell you that you have recieved a message, EVERY TIME you get a new message(which can amount to a great deal in a short time). I've looked all over for a setting, so unless I missed it, is there any way to shut this off?
A side issue with this program, and also the connectivity of the phone is...:
(even WITH the GPRS hack*always on*), I still lose connection(with 2-4 bars of signal) and therefore i get signed off of Agile, rather often. This isnt' such a problem with me, as seeing it takes a short time to log back in. However, when you look at the conversation from another person's point of view...all you see is
"Soandso" Logged off
"Soandso" logged on
(not sure if that last part was a question or a statement, but if theres an answer, i'd like to hear it!)
My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific profile...it will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
5. After I went about and downloaded the Eten dial pad skin, I noticed that all of my contacts were unable to receive contact photos. I quickly realized that any contact that was saved on my SIM card from my previous phone was stuck in this predictament. However, if i were to create a new contact account, it quickly allows me to customize them alot further. Therefore, i was curious if there was any way to transfer my contacts on my sim card>my phone in a fashion that the phone will accept them.
I'm sure i'll think of more questions(these are just the ones that I havent been able to answer after days of searching :-D)
Thank you so much in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the speed of the HTC Wizard is very slow. That was my problem too.
for question no. 2:
Moving the apps to the card will result in more free space on the phone, OK, but running the apps from the card will also result in low speed, because the card is slower than the main memory. So I think you won't get more speed by this.
Try to overclock the device with OmapClock. My device works like a charm with 264 MHz (original was 180 MHz).
Use a tool like FreeUp RAM, which is part of the SK-Tools-package.
Running OmapClock and freeing up the RAM from time to time brings significantly much more speed. There is almost no waiting time if you click on an icon. You can even run Skype with OmapClock (many other users do so).
I have seen tidbits about overclocking through my endless searches the last few days. I've always heard that you have to be careful if you overclock a device, such as a phone. Has anyone had any known issues with the overclocking? Are there risks in having the phone run at that speed all the time?
The Wizard isn't slow. Install a Qtek rom without branding, and it will be much faster.
even the sales associate at tmobile seemed to think it was slow. Upgrading to a different ROM sounds ok, but i'm trying to keep everything via tmobile. thaks for the tip though.
Im looking to get the Tmobile USA MDA, but after reading posts like this Im alittle afraid.
I need to run TOMTOM on this device and thinking that this might bring the device to a halt. Now Im starting to think that maybe I should get the 6700. Please let me know what you found out about making MDA faster. Thank you.
TazMan1688 said:
I have seen tidbits about overclocking through my endless searches the last few days. I've always heard that you have to be careful if you overclock a device, such as a phone. Has anyone had any known issues with the overclocking? Are there risks in having the phone run at that speed all the time?
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There have been long discussion about what is safe with the Wizard on this forum.
See, for example, http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=40284
Also, the SmartsKey app automates startup of OMapClock.
(It has a number of other uses as well.
Hope this helps.
TazMan1688 said:
My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific profile...it will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
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There is a known problem with backlighting. See http://zendrui.free.fr/PZPForum/viewtopic.php?t=197
Also, check to see what events PZP is handling for profile-switching. For example, if you have calendar-based or time-based rules, they may switch your profile without you doing anything. Go to Settings, Control to see what you Switches you allow. Or check Time and Calendar for your profiles under the Configuration option.
As much as i'm sure overclocking the device may help, especially in my case. I'm just not sure if its worth the risk. Kind of hard to explain to Tmobile why the phone decided to overheat. Seems overly risky to make such an expensive device, run at higher speeds than its DESIGNED to do. But i'm still not sure, it almost DOES seem worth it...decisions, decisions...
Yes, Thank you for clarifying that...I mostly meant, the inconsistency of PZP with the timing of profiles. It seems as if the program will "switch" to the correct profile, but i don't always see a change in the operation of the device itself. Ex: I have it set to go to school mode at 7:30am, this past week(since its spring break, i've noticed that my incoming calls all had the normal ring volume, as well as system tones, etc...
Although it "says" ""School"" i don't really know if its truely in that mode?!
On this note, i have a question about setting the times(which is what i really want to accomplish). My phone goes to LOUD around 5:30am, School at 7:30 am, Normal at 1:55pm, and Quiet at 4pm.
Nooow, do i have to put two times in the school profile such as 7:30 am-1:54(5)???? so that it has an entire time interval...or can i just tell it when to start, and the next profile will automatically kick in and stop the previous.
Also, does putting the phone in standby or shutting it down have any effect on the profile??
I'm sorry in advance if i'm asking very basic questions, i've just been searching for a long period of time, and i usually can't find a specific answer to my question. So I decided I would spend the time to actually discuss MY problem, with hope someone can help. Again, sorry for any inconvienence or redudant questions.
TazMan1688 said:
As much as i'm sure overclocking the device may help, especially in my case. I'm just not sure if its worth the risk. Kind of hard to explain to Tmobile why the phone decided to overheat.
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I have a german T-Mobile MDA Vario (= HTC Wizard) and I'm overclocking it permanently with OmapClock and SmartSKey. There is no overheating as far as I can say/feel. I can speed up to 264 MHz (original = 180 MHz). If I try more, the device softresets itself without any damage or loss of data. It's a kind of security mechanism. Of course, battery life is a little bit shorter when overclocking it. But I'm sure, slightly overclocking doesn't damage the device! Maybe the lifetime of the device will be a bit shorter, lets say 6 months in 5 years, but you won't realize that, because you won't be using your device in 5 years. You will sure own some other phone when the CPU dies. Together with the tool "FreeUp RAM" (comes with SKTools), I can reach a comfortable speed for everyday use. But never forget: The Wizard IS quite slow, compared with other devices. You can find smart workarounds for that, but don't close your eyes on that fact.
For running any GPS navigation tools I would consider buying not a Wizard, but a much faster device, if you would ask me. I'm using my Wizard only for addresses (~ 700 items), calendar (~ 1200 items) etc., and without overclocking and using a program like Pocket Informant 2005, that would be an annoying, maybe impossible thing. At the beginning, I had to wait almost 10-15 seconds until e.g. the month overview was created. Switch to the following month - wait again. Choose a specific day - wait again. Oh my god! That needed more patience than I had.
Are you running a basic install without all the phone networks customisation bloat?
you can do this by hard resetting (you will loose data doing this) and then doing a softreset when the customisation dialogue pops up after setting time zone etc.
this will speed things up over an install with tmobiles bloatware. I run tomtom and my device is in general as reponsive as the magician it replaces.
good luck with your phone
So guys based on your opinions and experience is it worth for me to get the MDA or should I go with a different carrier and a XV/PPC-6700 ?
Hi yozh,
I don't know the 6700-device at all. Maybe we don't have it here in good old Germany, or maybe under a differnt name. Does it have a bigger display (better for navigation)? Does it have a faster CPU? Then take that one! In my eyes I would never like to use the Wizard for navigation. It's only a better phone, not more, not less. For all other purposes I would buy a bigger machine. I do not want to talk bad about my own device, I have bought it and I use it and it's OK for the everyday things I do with it. It has nothing to do with "I'm proud of my device", like some people seem to be here. It's a phone, man, not a Ferrari or a Rolex. You would tell yourself lies, if you would call the Wizard a powerful device. I had a Palm Tungsten T5 before, and THIS is a powerful device. 2600 items in the calendar (true!), and the reaction time was half a second if you tap on the screen! You can go and have a coffee if you do that on a Wizard.
Just think about it. If you buy a Wizard, try it for a day and then write to me what you think about that phone.
Mh. My english should be better, I know.
Just my 2 Cents!
Hi well the 6700 is the apache I belive and the CPU is 416mhz but its not a "dual core" everything else screen adn such is pretty much the same. Thanks for the reply
SO any one on this forums can recoment apache over MDA ?
yozh said:
Im looking to get the Tmobile USA MDA, but after reading posts like this Im alittle afraid.
I need to run TOMTOM on this device and thinking that this might bring the device to a halt. Now Im starting to think that maybe I should get the 6700. Please let me know what you found out about making MDA faster. Thank you.
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See my posts on http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=48448 regarding processor speeds and TomTom.
Wow really TOMTOM runs better on the MDA then on a 400mhz DELL ? Then Im set defenatly getting the MDA, I like GSM network provide3rs better anyway and plus there are so much choices with the phones. I wish I was able to aford the JASJAS that looks really good.
Also don't forget that when you 'close' an appliation it does not really close, it just goes in to background, thus slowing the system down.
Check out your running processes and close all the ones that are not needed or load an app that really closed things.
TazMan1688 said:
1. The MDA came with the default Tmobile theme which works fine in portrait & in landscape, as well as the default blue Windows theme.
However, I have tried to install multiple themes(including some from microsoft themeselves) and i have one annoying error! Whenever I use an "installed" theme, the portrait screen looks fine, but when I open the keyboard...there are two large greyish/white gaps on the side of the theme.
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Themes built for portrait screens look wrong in landscape view. Easy solution: build a theme that works in landscape view. The Guava Bubbles theme works fine in both because the background image is larger than portrait size.
TazMan1688 said:
4. My girlfriend has a sidekick, and I LOVE the feature of being able to set phone profiles for specific times of the day. Especially during school, it'll go silent, and the second we are out, its back on normal. I have downloaded PZP to try and fix this loss of luxury. However, I personally don't find the program to be very consistent. Sometimes, it seems as if say my "school" profile is fully functioning, while other times, it really doesnt. Call me crazy, but I have taken a shot in the dark and ventured to say that if one touches the volume button on the phone while the phone is on a specific profile...it will throw it out of its cycle. If anyone has some hints/comments/suggestions of their own on this program or other favorites...I would love to hear from you.
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I use PPC-Profiles-Pro, but you can't slave this to a time. Besides, I'd rather just put it on Silent mode by holding the connection manager button for three seconds (top left side button). Otherwise I use PPC Profiles to switch from Work (BT) to Home (Wifi, no BT) to Sleep (No Wifi, no BT, no email alerts or reminders, just ringer). Walking into a theater, I just go to silent mode.
bilbo_28 said:
Also don't forget that when you 'close' an appliation it does not really close, it just goes in to background, thus slowing the system down.
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I know. I'm using MagicButton. And OmapClock with SmartSKey. And FreeUp RAM. In deed, I do almost EVERYTHING to make my device run faster.

Bluetooth working? Got limitations?

Hello all . . . need I say it? But, I'm new. Not just to this forum, but also to pda/smart phones.
I got an O2 XDA Mini S yesterday and began playing. Firstly, quick basic question, are all these the same thing:- i-mate, K-JAM, HTC Wizard and O2 XDA Mini S?
OK, next, I've been reading some sites today and one of the most repetitive things I've found is the recommendation to remove the O2 software from my device - on the basis that it is causing it to run slowly. But, I haven't found that to be the case, but remember I'm new to these toys.
I also came across Magic Button for closing apps properly, not just hiding them.
Lastly, before I move on to the subject of this post - can someone clarify the difference between a hard reset and a soft reset. In particular, if I do a hard reset, do I loose eveyone from my Contacts?
But, here is the question that relates to the subject:-
I turned on bluetooth and tried to send a picture from a Samsung D500 to the XDA Mini, but no luck. I also tried with a Samsung E720, no luck there either. Lastly, I also tried with an Apple PowerBook G4 and it was unsuccessful also - but it was more informative - it basically suggested that the capability didn't appear to be there.
I did turn on bluetooth on all the devices and I also made the XDA Mini discoverable. The two phones could scan and find the XDA, as could the Apple, but neither of the phones could retain the name of the XDA in the list of previously identified devices (I hope that is clear what I mean). The Apple could retain the name, but still can't interact with it.
I have tried changing the COM ports round - ie COM 7 incoming COM 6 outgoing AND COM 6 incoming and COM 7 outgoing, but that didn't make any difference.
The most bizzare thing (not really all that bizzare I suppose) is that Infra-Red works, so I could transfer stuff (albeit awkwardly) from my old phone to the XDA.
I was wondering (probably stupidly) if the 02 software could be limiting the functionality associated with the bluetooth, or if Windows has restricted it to only be used with ActiveSync [I just can't think of any other reason for it not to work].
Any light that could be shed on this would be appreciated.
1. Yes they are all the same things.
2. The o2 software tends to be quite animated, this slows down the device a little, it also masks the way the phone was intended to be used. Its not really necessary which is why its best to remove it. Plus, it free's up memory for other stuff.
3. There is a lot of talk on these forums about different programs that can "really" close an app as opposed to "minimising" to the background. There are "for's" and "against" arguments regarding this. It is true that programs only minimise when you press the "x" button but it does state, er, somewhere, i think it was in one of the help files in the device, that memory is managed automatically by windows and that programs are shut automatically to make room for new ones if memory becomes low. So you shouldn't have to worry about running out of memory, also when minimised the programs appear quicker than if they had been shut down, usually from where you last were too. This can be a good or bad thing depending on the point of view of the user. However, from my point of view and i think i share this with many other users, i "feel better" knowing that a program shuts when i've finished with it and it will start from a common point when i next open it. I think this is more down to the fact that people are used to this than anything else.
The program i use for this purpose is called SmartSkey, made by one of the people on this forum,it can do either and you can have an exception list of apps that minimise only, which is quite useful. Also it makes navigating the device easier with one hand, which is REALLY handy, it may be worth looking into.
4. A hard reset will make your device appear exactly how it did when you first switched it on. Anything at all that was on there will be gone, so yes you will lose your contacts. There are 3rd party applications you can use that can back up the whole device though. A soft reset just restarts the device and nothing is lost. Its equivelent to restarting a windows PC as opposed to Re-formatting one.
5. As regards you bluetooth problem, the only thing i can think of is that i have noticed that the device needs to actually be "ON", not in "sleep mode" or obviously "OFF", in order to successfully receive files via bluetooth. If it is in sleep mode then devices can see it but can't connect. I can honestly say i've had no problems as you describe with bluetooth names and stuff on mine.
Sorry i can't help you more with the bluetooth, but i hope the other info was of help to you. Enjoy your new toy, they are very customisable and as a result of which can be very annoying too. :wink:
Be prepared for late nights and hair loss, else, ignorance is bliss
Thanks for the reply Clivectmob. Very informative.
I've been playing again. This time I sent a picture from the XDA to the Samsung E720 and I was successful, but it doesn't seem to want to work the other way around . . . very strange.
I might bring it back and see if they can figure it out.
If anyone else fancies a shot at a solution, just fire away, I'll take any suggestions.
Again, thanks Clivectmob
Last question.
If I take the O2 software off of this, can I return it to factory settings by doing a hard reset?
Yes you can, as I said, it will be as it was when you first switched it on.
All that software is stored on a hidden ROM on the device, when you hard reset it goes through a customization sequence afterwards where it puts it all back on. One trick is to wait until it displays the customization message, then pull out the battery. Switch back on and it will not customize it, but then you need to manually configure all your conection settings and so on, so you need to be reasonably up on the use of them for that.

Loosing the will to live!

Hi Guys
Been having the usual "Turn on" problem with my TyTN since having it, you know, very occasionaly - maybe once a week - you try to turn it from the button on the side and it wont. No matter what you do it stays off and you have to soft-reset.
Well, over the past few weeks its been getting MUCH worse. Im now resorting to rebooting the phone maybe 8 or 9 times a day! I have tried various diferent ROMS and the same issue keeps occuring. I've also checked the ROMS threads to see if anyone else has had this problem as severe as me and they haven't.
I REALLY like my TyTN and don't want to be forced into buying a new phone with the Ultimates just down the roads.
Any ideas???
Thanks in advance!
Current build (remember, tried with a few diferent ROMS):
Crossbow Prof
CE OS 5.2.1236 (build 17741.0.2.1) = LVSW build
Date: 17/4/07
Proto: 32.74.7020.18H
Monty Burns said:
Hi Guys
Been having the usual "Turn on" problem with my TyTN since having it, you know, very occasionaly - maybe once a week - you try to turn it from the button on the side and it wont. No matter what you do it stays off and you have to soft-reset.
Well, over the past few weeks its been getting MUCH worse. Im now resorting to rebooting the phone maybe 8 or 9 times a day! I have tried various diferent ROMS and the same issue keeps occuring. I've also checked the ROMS threads to see if anyone else has had this problem as severe as me and they haven't.
I REALLY like my TyTN and don't want to be forced into buying a new phone with the Ultimates just down the roads.
Any ideas???
Thanks in advance!
Current build (remember, tried with a few diferent ROMS):
Crossbow Prof
CE OS 5.2.1236 (build 17741.0.2.1) = LVSW build
Date: 17/4/07
Proto: 32.74.7020.18H
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The problem is you have told us nothing about what is running whether you leave it to sleep by itself what's on the today plugins whether you have active sync turned off (ie set to manual) etc etc etc and which of the freezing fixes you have tried. Whether your plugins are on sd card whether it freezes with sd card not inserted etc etc.
right o' ... get your laughing gear round this
I let it "sleep" itself.
Im running:
Activesync (Exchange push mail - no pattern discovered with regards to receiving new emails)
SPB Weather (Today plugin)
Everything else is standard.
Connecting over 3g/HSDPA
There are other apps installed but these are always "closed" after being used. All apps are installed to the phone memory and not SD card - i've never tried without the card, guess I will try this now! Although, if this is the problem, how do I get around it???? I need my card.
Monty Burns said:
right o' ... get your laughing gear round this
I let it "sleep" itself.
Im running:
Activesync (Exchange push mail - no pattern discovered with regards to receiving new emails)
SPB Weather (Today plugin)
Everything else is standard.
Connecting over 3g/HSDPA
There are other apps installed but these are always "closed" after being used. All apps are installed to the phone memory and not SD card - i've never tried without the card, guess I will try this now! Although, if this is the problem, how do I get around it???? I need my card.
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Well I can see why you kept those things secret. If someone asked me to compile a list of things more or less guaranteed to cause freezing and refusal to turn on, I think I'd give 'em a link to your setup!!
If you must have push mail (that requires active sync to be active) and weather applications then you will likely continue to have problems.
You may be able to reduce the number of them by NOT allowing device to sleep by itself. I have mine set to never sleep. However I do always use the on/off button when finished.
It's fine to have applications that require connection to internet and today plugins on main memory BUT others should be on SD card. The reason is that running low on main memory (and not even that low!) can cause freezing.
PIE can rack up loads of storage memory - can move storage to card.
Regularly run a third party clean out application.
PS. resisted the urge to get my laughing gear out. Think I was in shock actually. You could consider writing a "how not to setup your Hermes" guide.
mikechannon said:
Well I can see why you kept those things secret. If someone asked me to compile a list of things more or less guaranteed to cause freezing and refusal to turn on, I think I'd give 'em a link to your setup!!
If you must have push mail (that requires active sync to be active) and weather applications then you will likely continue to have problems.
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Why would these apps cause it to lock up? One comes with the operating system and one connects to the net once a day. Surley Outlook can't be that unstable as to cause lockups on average every two hours. I doubt SPB Weather is that unstable as well!
Yes, I must have push email. Why waste battery power polling every thirty minutes or so with pull email?
The memory card is going back in. I took it out, went to Sainsburys and BAM its locked again
I will now try the "no auto sleep" thing and see how that goes so thanks for that suggestion.
i had problems like these with my Tytn and eventually upgraded to WM6 (Black 2.5). It really made a difference. Much faster, never freezes and battery life is better.
Severe fix I know but worth considering
mikechannon said:
.....You may be able to reduce the number of them by NOT allowing device to sleep by itself. I have mine set to never sleep. However I do always use the on/off button when finished. .......
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TOTALLY agree with you there Mike. I was having some real issues with the "coma" effect once the device has automatically gone into sleep mode, this wa admittedly on the original HTC ROM, and was caused by pocketzenphone however since I have (without fail) set the device to NEVER switch off automatically and have got into the good habit of using the on/off button liberally.
warmkiwi99 said:
i had problems like these with my Tytn and eventually upgraded to WM6 (Black 2.5). It really made a difference. Much faster, never freezes and battery life is better.
Severe fix I know but worth considering
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See my orginial post Crossbow
It has! Sadly though it was still "sleeping".
However, i have taken it out of auto sleep and put it to manual, guess what .... been a couple of hours now and NO lockup! Yay!
Monty Burns said:
Why would these apps cause it to lock up? One comes with the operating system and one connects to the net once a day. Surley Outlook can't be that unstable as to cause lockups on average every two hours. I doubt SPB Weather is that unstable as well!
Yes, I must have push email. Why waste battery power polling every thirty minutes or so with pull email?
The memory card is going back in. I took it out, went to Sainsburys and BAM its locked again
I will now try the "no auto sleep" thing and see how that goes so thanks for that suggestion.
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Even official applications are not immune from problems. The Hermes perhaps for some configurational reasons (though it's not just Hermes)does not like running active sync from sleep mode and it does not like running other applications that require syncing (eg. weather type ones).
Active Sync is not a particularly stable app and combine this with the Hermes weakness when being allowed to sleep by itself and you end up with a lock-up. (I have seen some explanations for this but only guess work and theories)
Many people have set their devices up to run active sync in manual mode only and this does help to reduce freezing. Of course you cannot do this with push mail enabled. (It might be possible to run some script or a scheduler programme to start and stop Active sync at set times - though the complexities here are as likely to cause a freeze as anything else!!
I am pleased your SD card seems not to be the cause - it can be for some.
I see you are possibly getting some benefit from a manual shut down rather than auto sleep
You may find the odd other idea on my site - freezing/lockups:
There is a thread here somewhere but i'd need to search for the thread.
You could also try doing without the weather app for a test. However you may not see a difference as active sync is already running for the mail.
Monty Burns said:
See my orginial post Crossbow
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Sorry, didn't notice that......
Hi Mike
Turning off the auto sleep thingy has worked a treat. I'm down to one reboot a day now and that has been related to t-mobiles 3g network failure collapse me thinks
So this tip alone is worth its weight in gold!
SPB Weather is running and so is Activesync/push email.
Also now added today plugins:
RhinoStats (CPU/memory monitor - realtime)
RhinoLaunch (custom program launcher)
All seems pukka and "coma" free
Good news, pleased things have improved.
Of course I suppose we could all agree auto sleep should not cause the device to go into a "coma", but still, I've got used to just using the on/off button. Curiously this has improved my battery life as I turn off as soon as I finish, rather than waiting for it to turn itself off (which it won't anyway as I disabled that mode).
Monty Burns said:
right o' ... get your laughing gear round this
I let it "sleep" itself.
Im running:
Activesync (Exchange push mail - no pattern discovered with regards to receiving new emails)
SPB Weather (Today plugin)
Everything else is standard.
Connecting over 3g/HSDPA
There are other apps installed but these are always "closed" after being used. All apps are installed to the phone memory and not SD card - i've never tried without the card, guess I will try this now! Although, if this is the problem, how do I get around it???? I need my card.
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I'll share my experience so that maybe it will help. I use WM6 on my 8525 and have found the "unable to wake" problem to be related to my SPB Mobile Shell. When I have the phone set to display SPB Mobile Shell's "Now Screen" upon wakeup, it quite often will not wake. But if I manually put the phone to "sleep" mode, then it will always pop alive fine. Disabling the Now Screen all together leaves me no problem. My guess is maybe it's an SPB issue. So maybe SPB Weather is causing it. I used to use SPB Weather before Mobile Shell, but since Shell has weather built in, I don't need SBP Weather any longer.
Hope this helps diagnose the problem a bit. For the record, I never had a wakeup problem with WM5.
Since going to black 2.5 and then 3.0 I have not had any of the sleep issues.
I run SPB Weather which is set to update every 5 hours, I run activesync to the exchange server which checks emails every 2 hours. My phone auto-offs after 3 minutes.
I did have AS set to When it arrives - but found this to be bad for battery and also stability. Every ten minutes was fine when I needed more urgency. All programs are installed to the phone, exept pie cache and outlook attachments which are on the card. I have not done any special tricks to avoid any sleep/card problems.

HD2 often doesn't wake up ?

My HD2 often fails to wake up when I press any of hard button. Before I perform a hard reset I wanted to ask you guys if there are any tweaks or apps which might be causing this. I am using the stock T-Mobile UK firmware, and besides tweaking a few settings via BsB Tweaks, the phone is pretty much in its original state.
My previous HD used to do this for a time, until I realized it started happening after setting up Windows Exchange server. After hard resetting and setting everything up again, it worked fine. I wonder if the problem I have with the HD2 is also due to the exchange server.
Sometimes the phone does wake up a couple of minutes after I pressed buttons, sometimes an incoming SMS helps it. And many times it just wakes up as it should when I press the Home or power button.
I don't have many apps installed, besides Tomtom.
Cheers !
Hi, the same was to me: sent an sms, locked the device, tried to unlock it in half an hour - screen blank, no response to buttons at all. ROM is stock. I remember, I also had TomTom installed and some other popular tweaks, not remember which exactly. After it, I did hard-reset the phone (restored original state). Didn't had the same problem after it.
But had a lot of other problems with HD2 - unsent sms even after sms fix from HTC, unlock screen of S2U2 locked completely (someone was calling me at this moment!), sporadic change of clock time zone...
It is my first smart-phone, and I'm disappointed soooo much... Used "true" mobile phones for years, but never had such problems.
I had the same problem but it's seemed to have stopped (for about 2 days now). It got to the point where the phone wouldn't get past the boot screen! I had to re-flash in the end....
I think it may be related to the applications I may have running. Although, most people are saying the ROMs so far are not 100% stable. (I'm running the Official Test version of 1.61)
The things I've done to try to get around it is :
- Ensure .NET compact frame work is installed to set up 3.5 and set up correctly in the registry
- Once in a whie I run the cleanRAM application that's been developed here on these forums
I don't think I've found the total solution yet, but I'm sure having these in check will help.
To give an update :
I did a hard reset yesterday. (it's always painful, but also exciting as you can set it up from start - sad i know)
This time I set up the windows exchange server straight from the beginning, then installed all the tweaks, tomtom, hotfixes etc. It woke up everytime since then, touch wood !
I'm not sure, but there are security policies pushed through to the device (like making screen lock compulsary etc) when I set up the exchange server, maybe this is causing some sort of conflict with the device, which is maybe somehow avoided when you set it up before anythin else... I dunno.
I'll let you know if it fails to wake up again.
By the way, so far I only installed BsB tweaks, but didnt apply any tweaks yet. I changed the battery percentage display, 16 quick links cab, and 3G switch in the Coms Manager, but that's it. No tweaking in the registry yet, just so that I can determine the root cause if it happens again. But so far it looks good ! It also seems faster (as it always does
Is it still running stable ?
Look in this thread for a possible solution to your problems....http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=596484
Dark Knight said:
Is it still running stable ?
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It has been pretty much stable. Since the hard reset I was adding (or tweaking) tweaks and cabs in a controlled manner to see which one might be causing the freezing.
After I installed the Disable Auto Device Lock.cab (search the forum, I think it is in the sticky Tips and Tricks post), my HD2 didn't wake up a few times. I uninstalled dit and it is working fine again.
Weird, but maybe that's the registry change that conflicts with the exchange server policies that are pushed to the device, and causes the freeze.

Seriously preformance issues

I have to soft reset my HD2 all the time because it often lags too much.
I will now list the things which makes me wanna reset my device:
- The HD2 lags so badly, that most actions take up to 5 seconds.
- One application can crash (mostly HTC_Messaging), and I have to soft reset.
- When I write messages, the keyboard has a input lag of 5-10 seconds.
- Screen wont turn on when I push the buttons
- The device wont unlock when I slide the slider, it just stops up.
Now this happens each time I upgrade my ROM, and I am currently using Artemis now.
The programs I've installed each time is:
- FingerKeyboard
- Touch X reset and wifi
- Touch X button icon in messaging
and now I use WMLongLife also.
My SD-card is an 8GB card.
So if someone could help me, I would be happy.
(Sorry for bad english.)
try installing the cleanRAM app
djchubbs said:
try installing the cleanRAM app
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Doens't help either, ends up with the program crashing when its at the end and I try to klikk "OK!"
have you try to reinstall factory setting or hard reset
henninghh990 said:
Doens't help either, ends up with the program crashing when its at the end and I try to klikk "OK!"
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Start again. Install nothing and just configure settings.
Does it run slow and crash then?
If so you have problem that could be harware.
Try another ROM and if the same then I think you need to return the unit.
If all runs fine on a clean, vanilla phone then you are doing something in the install process that is causing the instability.
Try installs one by one to the phone mem and check operation each time.
NB. Some background info would have been helpful. ROM version, Model etc!
pa49 said:
Start again. Install nothing and just configure settings.
Does it run slow and crash then?
If so you have problem that could be harware.
Try another ROM and if the same then I think you need to return the unit.
If all runs fine on a clean, vanilla phone then you are doing something in the install process that is causing the instability.
Try installs one by one to the phone mem and check operation each time.
NB. Some background info would have been helpful. ROM version, Model etc!
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The problem is that I can't predict when its gonna happen. It can happen randomly, and then I have to restart the phone. After the restart, everything works normal and perfect.
This can happen upto three times a day, some days it wont happen at all.
Currently using 2.10.531.7 Artemis, but this also happens with the stock ROM. The newest one that is. My radio version is
Its kinda difficult to run things vanilla phone, cause the applications I use, I need.
for me htc messaging has never crashed...
i suggest you to flash a stock rom, 1.66 for example and try it without the sent button.
if there are still problems, u can try using mtty or send it back for repair...
edit: i had the problem where the phone was freezing while loading for a long time (over night), and the display won´t turn on. Switched back to manually update Facebook, Twitter and Weather, and had no more problems since...
Bimme said:
for me htc messaging has never crashed...
i suggest you to flash a stock rom, 1.66 for example and try it without the sent button.
if there are still problems, u can try using mtty or send it back for repair...
edit: i had the problem where the phone was freezing while loading for a long time (over night), and the display won´t turn on. Switched back to manually update Facebook, Twitter and Weather, and had no more problems since...
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Well I think its crashing.
That's what I usually use when I lock the screen. So sometimes when I try to unlock it, I just get half of the messaging program or nothing, on screen. And I cant do anything.
When I try to click the Home-button, it respons in some seconds and Home-screen is all laggy.
henninghh990 said:
Well I think its crashing.
That's what I usually use when I lock the screen. So sometimes when I try to unlock it, I just get half of the messaging program or nothing, on screen. And I cant do anything.
When I try to click the Home-button, it respons in some seconds and Home-screen is all laggy.
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When you lock the phone apps still run in the back ground as if asleep and when you unlock they attempt to restore themselves as they were before the lock.
You have something clashing installed and that is calling the registry at the same time as something else. Remember when windows full size used to do it?.
I think you have a badly written piece of software installed (either preloaded or installed by yourself) and suggesting starting from vanilla is a way to issolate it!
i've also had similar problems as you. after hard reseting a couple of times, i noticed that the intermittent lag began after i started syncing my phone to my PC and myphone. it turns out that my terrible management of appointments, messages and contacts was the root of my problem (several duplicates of everything, and almost 5000 text messages). i suggest you attempt to work your phone a couple days without loading up any PIM information, archive messages and remove duplicates (sktools is excellent at doing this)
i suggest you do something similar, it really helps. i was able to get my device to prrform as well as when i still had the vanilla ROM
best of luck! your device is better than you think!
Also, use the Task Manager, and close applications that you don't use, especially the Internet browser and applications that use data connection. These ones can really block the phone when connection is intermittent.
Yet again, I'm left dumbfounded by claims of "serious" issues with this device. I just don't understand how almost everyone has a "story" regarding the HTC HD2 being SLOW or LAGGY. Fortunately for me, I haven't soft reset my unit in 46h 5m 19s and everything is still running flawlessly.
your phone sounds faulty or something. for me.. even with the Stock 1.66 ROM i had, it was working pretty fast n smooth. now with Dutty's ROM, its faster n smoother than ever. i love this beast
I never have these problem! I used Official or Clean EX HQ roms and never got these problem!
Try a Task 29 and flash with 1.66 Official or Most popular Cook ROM
Pa49: I have only installed the programs which I have listed in the first post. I guess im not the only one using them.
Kev007: I usually have a lot of textmessages when I dont delet them, but thats max 2000. I dont sync my phone with my computer, so no uneccessary contacts or something either. Dont even use calendar, so have no appointments.
Reignzone: It is really bad. It can happen upto three times a day, and I just cant use the phone at all. Just sliding the home-screen to see all my shortcuts takes maybe 10 seconds. I could film it with a camcorder next time it happens so people could see.
The same thing happens each time I've installed a ROM. So it has clearly something to do with the phone and not with the software I've installed.
Pa49: I have only installed the programs which I have listed in the first post. I guess im not the only one using them.
Kev007: I usually have a lot of textmessages when I dont delet them, but thats max 2000. I dont sync my phone with my computer, so no uneccessary contacts or something either. Dont even use calendar, so have no appointments.
Reignzone: It is really bad. It can happen upto three times a day, and I just cant use the phone at all. Just sliding the home-screen to see all my shortcuts takes maybe 10 seconds. I could film it with a camcorder next time it happens so people could see.
The same thing happens each time I've installed a ROM. So it has clearly something to do with the phone and not with the software I've installed.
I get lags too when twitter is updating in the background. You would think a 1ghz processor could do two things at once
Backup your miscrosd. Try a microsd format. Restore your data. See if this helps.
T-Mo US HD2, still completely stock. I was having some issues with sluggish animations, applied many of the tweaks in the sticky threads here, things got better. However, it was super super slow to switch into some applications (SMS *always*, others occasionally).
Eventually I wondered about that fancy Swype keyboard and tried switching back to the full qwerty. All that disappeared and it moves like lightning now, I have to say.
I haven't played with updating Swype or maybe at least loading a ROM without it that I can do a regular install on top of. However, right now I don't miss it .
Lag issues
I have no idea what is causing your issues, but if it travels from one rom to the next, it may be your sd card.
I had an issue with lag in swype and other apps.
I noticed when I popped out the sd card the device instantly unfroze.
I then copied all files except App data and reformatted the sd.
No issues after that.
Hope this helps.

