Radio ROM - P3600 General

Hello all,
Please can someone point me in the direction of some info on radio ROMs.
I have a French HTC 3600 which I would like to re-flash using an English WM6 ROM.
Someone has reccomended this one by ADW:
Download the ROM with Radio:
My question is; do I need a particular version for it to work correctly in France or is it a case of re-flashing the handset and then just inputting all of the connection details to get it up and working?
Thank you in advance,

If you are looking for radio roms, look here

what is the radio roms for?


Desperately seeking radio rom A.33

Hello all.
OK... here is a silly schmuck that has made his XDA totally unuseable by flashing it with a "better" O2 radio rom. Ready laughing? :lol:
Problem: Dutch KPN no longer recognized, no networks found, no roaming.
I wrote down the original radio rom: A.33, protocol v. 1.3.3
Anyone who knows how/where to obtain an A.33 radio rom image or updater AND instructs me how to flash it ?!
Thanks very, very much.
Martin -in tears- Beek.
[email protected]

searching for Proximus ROM for Hermes

Hi All,
I wonder if somebody knows where I can find a rom of Proximus in Belgium.
I'm from Belgium also ... why would you like to have that rom? Just install the latest ROM version here available ... I think that's the best ROM you can have ...
Well, I'm also looking for that rom and more specifically for the extrom.
Proximus added some special items in that extrom which I would like to have :
The mobile TV player (and I guess you also need the certificates), a custom version of MMS composer and a cab file which sets all connection settings, etc.
So if anybody has that rom (or ExtRom), please post it here.
Anybody can HELP with that?
Up I'm really interested in that too...
In fact I want to try upgrade to WM6 but I also want to be able to put the phone back to it's original state.
I don't know if it's really possible cause I have to update all software parts...
The reason is for warranty...
Don't know exactly what part of the ext rom you're referring to? I bought a regular Dutch TyTn and have been flashing and reflashing and reflashing again From WM5 to 6 and back again, changing SPL in between and even started a little cooking of my own.
Most of the cooked roms work (very) well, but if you really want to make sure, you need to dump your original rom first before you flash a new one. (read the wiki and all the threads you can find first)
Anyway, I hope you have as much fun as me discovering how to customize your hermes and make it do what you want, how you want it and more important, make it do what you want it to do.
Hi aeroke,
Thank for your answer.
In fact, I'm just waiting to be sure that I can if needed (ie: hardware problem that need warranty) I can restore the phone to the exact original state to avoid any warranty problem.
So tell me if I'm wrong but full original state is:
- original IPL
- original SPL
- original radio rom
- original rom
- original extended rom
For now, I try to find each "original pieces" before upgrading
- for extended rom: I unhide it and simply copy/paste content of "Extended_rom" folder to my computer. Is it the right way ?
- for rom: I find a tutorial on the wiki and I'll follow it this evening, I hope I can do that
- for radio rom, IPL, SPL: for now, I don't know if it's possible to get (by dumping or downloading) the original ones and restore them after
I write all the informations I found in my phone for the original versions, here there are:
version ROM:
Date ROM: 07/2/06
version Radio:
version de Protocole: 32.34.7010.01H
version ROM Extended:
So, as soon I'll be sure that I can roll back to the original state, I'll upgrade to the WM6 schaps version by following the vanx guide.
I found a guide for backing up and restore the TyTN by dumping the ROM just here. But I never found any guide to restore SPL, radio ROM, IPL...
I'll be happy to have any informations about that.
Thank you in advance
Don't worry about the warranty, i bricked my Hermes once (only after that i found out how to do it right ) and it was repaired with no extra costs. So i wouldn't worry to much about it.
Just go ahead and flash that thingy. Btw, the Black Satin (JJ) together with radio works perfectly with Proximus.
Thanks for your response, I'll look about Black Satin.
Just another question, is there any incompatibility with any WM6 and Extended_Rom software provided by Proximus ?
I haven't used any software from Proximus untill now, bought my Hermes with standard WM5 and flipped in my Proximus SIM card. The software you find here on the forums do everything that you can imagine, so there is really no need for special proximus software i guess.
As far as I can tell, the IPLdoesn't change normally, but the SPL does change. Anyway no worries as you can restore your original SPL (I still have the 1.04 somewhere)
The radio rom can always be flashed back with the original duth rom you find here:
This rom also reflashes your IPL and SPL back.
As far as compatibility between the WM6 roms and Proximus soft goes, I don't know, but I can't imagne you need more/other soft than you find available right here.
EDIT: This is only my personal opinion, but I think I tried about al the WM6 roms and find the one from Schaps the most stable one, perhaps not the most graphicaly exciting one, but the most stable one.
Settings Proximus
Hi, I'm also on Proximus here in Belgium. Has anyone found an Ext_rom yet from this provider? Or maybe any ideas when they will launch their wm6 version?
I haven't got the settings for proximus. Any help?
Tnx in advance
I have one Hermes from their "Proximus Collection" so I have a Proximus Ext ROM on it. I can do a Backup of it and upload it to the xda wiki. (I'll do that this evening if I can).
I don't know if Proximus will provide an upgrade to WM6...
Thanks Genyam for your help.
Can you tell us the rom version you have ?
Genyam said:
I have one Hermes from their "Proximus Collection" so I have a Proximus Ext ROM on it. I can do a Backup of it and upload it to the xda wiki. (I'll do that this evening if I can).
I don't know if Proximus will provide an upgrade to WM6...
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Would that work with WM6?
I don't know if it works with WM6 but as this is only a set of CAB files, I suppose that they are compatible.
I've already created and uploaded to xda ftp a dump of my ROM.
My infos:
Date ROM: 07/2/06
Protocol: 32.34.7010.01H
Extended ROM:
The CID for the Proximus Hermes: QTEK_203
OK thnx, grabbin it right now. Is it French only?
The dump that is already uploaded is for ROM, not Ext_ROM, I'll put my Ext_ROM this evening.
I suppose that it's not french only cause when I hard reset my Hermes it's in Dutch.
yeah thnx i noticed. Np, i'll grab it tonight then.
The Extended Rom is added to this wiki page:
This is the first of the page

Can I downgrade Radio?

I want to downgrade my Radio from 2.47.11 to 2.19.11, because I've got issues with it (missed calls) and according to this thread
2.19.11 seems to don't have any issues like missed calls. So my first question, can I downgrade radio?
And second question: Where do I download it? I've found "T-Mobile_2.19.11_Radinly", but RUU is in Italian language and I don't know if I can use it (with cooked English ROM).
You can easily and safely Upgrade/downgrade Radio Roms without any hassel,as it doesn't contain any IPL/SPL (Bootloaders),it can be flashed to any Rom regardless being an official or Custom build,its not usually part of any rom.
Just hook up the phone with pc via usb cable and run the RUU in the Radio Rom,it'll start to flash,it'll hardly take a couple of minutes to flash.
It doesn't matter if the RUU is in Italian,it'll flash and work perfect,it WON'T change to Italian language!!!
But if you want with English RUU,you can get it from xda-wiki or look around in the forum,its been posted hundreds of time for download.
The wiki doesn't have a link to 2.19.11 anymore, and I too am having trouble finding it. A search for "2.19.11" does not return any hits. A link would really be helpful. Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Okay, I found the UK version of the 2.19.11 radio ROM on the FTP site, but no US version. Is there a link for that? If not, are there any issues or concerns that I should have putting the UK version on my US T-Mobile MDA?
There are no issues or concerns that If you flash the UK version on US T-Mobile MDA? it'll work perfect.
Thank you, I tried it and it seems to be working fine. It was nice that it didn't hard reset or erase any of my stuff; it gets old installing things over and over.

New oficial Radio...

I post in a couple of threads but think may be is best to create a new one.
Got my Cruise for almost a week and notice that it comes with a new official Radio version that is not mentioned in this forum.
ROM 1.40.410.1 PTG
For me the device works perfect. No BT problems, no weird sounds, good quality pictures, camera ok, good network coverage, wi-fi, etc.
I'm looking for somebody that could explain me the complete process to dump the ROM and Radio and create the RUU_signed.nbh ready to flash like the cooked ROM's or Radios. I now there's a thread talking about this but is a bit confusing... 4 rar files, etc... my english is not the best.
If somebody want to help me, I could dump it and upload the Radio and ROM... maybe this could help somebody to solve some problems.
but where is the download for it..?
There's no download for it. It's in my new Polaris and I want to dump the Radio and the ROM, but need a little help for an expert to do it, and after that, I'll be glad to share it with the comunity.
Isn't there already a topic for How to dump a rom???
But thanks for sounds verry good.
Is the rom for the rest good and stable..because maybe you can make a whole pack of the rom and radio for us.
I will look for the topic for ripping the rom.
Here you can find what you need to dump and to rebuild a rom:
Good luck
Thanks for the links Kajoe. Good luck with the dump Babaloo and for trying to get us another ROM.
Above two threads only dump OS ROM, without radio ROM.
To dump radio, you need
Please upload the dumped radio ROM~
after a repair service, my cruise now have:
ROM 1.40.408.1ita
mauro_s said:
after a repair service, my cruise now have:
ROM 1.40.408.1ita
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And why did u have to send it to repair??
I cant believe, but almost every user has to send the touch cruise to service. OMFG HTC WTF
broken camera and bluetooth
Hi ...
but is this one not the newest?
I thought that the .64. is newer that a lower number ...
and when do we get it - 'cause I have some problems sending sms (will open other thread as I do not find any answer ...)
1.64 is from other HTC phone with same radio hardware module ( I forget the type). But radio ROM should cowork with protocol version. Therefore 1.58.x is best for Polaris, please dump your radio ROM
Hi tswu8
tks for your answer, so the newest one for the Polaris should be the is it correct?
To solve my problem I tried the and it did not work while I was in USA, then I came back home in Spain and the only thing I did, was reputting the service center nr. by hand (but this I did it before too) AND I put the +34 in front of the 177 the voice mail number ... and IT WORKS NOW a very strange thing ...
another thing I do not understand, the newest Radio ROM for Polaris seems to be the (it has the highest number) but in this post a colleague from PT says he has the newest, but it is a lower number ...
I really feel lost ... can you explain a bit more?
Radio is from kaiser and should work on polaris like the two
1.64.XX.XX radios which are from kaiser aswell.
Check out Post #4 of this thread:
When someone dumps the, I'll give it a try.
So far the Polaris_Radio_Murata_1.58.25.14_sign_25.69.30.05 solved all my problems and have full coverage, wifi and gps even inside buildings..
jungl1st said:
Polaris_Radio_Murata_1.58.25.14_sign_25.69.30.05 .
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Currently I use this version too (for WWE).
But before flash to WWE, original shipped radio ROM is better in usage as I remember.
Therefore, please dump radio and upload, guys~
Polaris Radio Dump and upload, anyone ?
Polaris Radio has not yet been uploaded
jungl1st said:
Radio is from kaiser and should work on polaris like the two
1.64.XX.XX radios which are from kaiser aswell.
Check out Post #4 of this thread:
When someone dumps the, I'll give it a try.
So far the Polaris_Radio_Murata_1.58.25.14_sign_25.69.30.05 solved all my problems and have full coverage, wifi and gps even inside buildings..
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What is the link to Polaris_Radio_Murata_1.58.25.14_sign_25.69.30.05
is the Radio_Murata_1.58.25.14 on the - the one you mentioned above?
if it helps the camera thing.. for some reason, i'd use it.
camera is slow..
but i didn't have to send it to service or anything..
besides the camera and the obvious lack of 3D drivers everything works GREAT
Sorry for my english, i´ll do my best.
Finaly y think that i've done a dump of my radio (, but now i don´t know how to make it flaseable.
I've put the dumped files here:
Is from a rom in spanish (1.30.412.1 ESN) but i think it doesn't matters.
I hope someone can do something with the files.
how have you dumped radio rom??

Which official ROM should I upgrade to (Vodafone UK)

Hi -
I've had my HTD HD2 a few days now and want to upgrade to an official ROM which will hopefully sort out a few minor instability problems that it has at the moment, and more importantly battery life issues.
The current ROM version is 1.43.405.1 (70124) WWE.
Firstly could someone please advise me which ROM version I should upgrade to? On the European HTC site the latest is 1.48.405.2 but apparently there is a 2.02 out too?
Also, could someone advise me where I should download the ROM from? I can't use the HTC official site as my serial number is blocked due to Vodafone only allowing ROM upgrades through them. I've found this link from this site but am not sure if i'm looking at the correct thing?
Finally, could you please tell me which guide I should follow? I was thinking this one...
Thanks in advance for your help
1.48 is the official HTC one so I'd say give that a go first...
Best guide is the one for n00bs as it tells you how to install HSPL as well which makes life SO much easier (apparently, still on 1.48 myself)...have a good read and go from there...
1.48/1.61 are the latest official roms.
2.01 and 2.02 are unofficial leaked ones.
Stick with 1.61 or 1.48 for stock. You can then always flash a new radio too.
Install HSPL, then put the ROM image you pick on an sdcard as LEOIMG.nbh. Or install via activesync.
Thanks for both the replies. Sorry could you clarify which is the latest official? 1.61 or 1.48?
I thought I need to use a gold to upgrade? Would the guide you linked to, EddyOS still be okay? Because it does not mention the gold car in it anywhere, wheras the one here does...
And finally, could you explain what HSPL is and how it would be beneficial?
Thank you!
bump.. any help is appreciated. thanks
These are questions best asked and answered in the ROM Development section, not here in General., but briefly, HSPL will let you flash any rom from any region, including cooked roms. Goldcard will let you flash OFFICIAL roms from any region, but unless you already have a goldcard, you will have trouble making one, as the free goldcard generator went offline a few days ago.
Having HSPL on your device will probably be enough of an excuse for your supplier to not support your warranty, though you can uninstal HSPL if needed.
Go read the Rom development section over and over and over again is the best advice.
1.61 is the latest official ROM, but it is localised only for WWE and Turkish.
Yes, and HSPL will let you recover from a bad flash too.
chris_ah1 said:
1.61 is the latest official ROM, but it is localised only for WWE and Turkish.
Yes, and HSPL will let you recover from a bad flash too.
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Sorry please could you tell me what WWE is?
wwe - world wide english

