HELP!! I need an SD ROM Image PLEASE!!!! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Help Please!
My Cingular 8125 won't properly load the official Cingular 2.25 ROM.
It constantly gets stuck loading @ 85%. I think the Splash screen memory address
range in the DOC chip is corrupted. I can only load Button ROM & WM6 ROMs, but
not the official ROMs.
After much, much, much reading I believe re-installing the ROM from an SD card
through the MTTY will be able to 'uncorrupt' the memory address.
Does ANYONE have experience with mini-SD card ROM installs?
If anyone is willing to help, simply copying your ROM to the SD card through
MTTY will create an image to the card. Would you please consider emailing
the image so I can load it into my SD card? Or if you live in the Sacramento, CA
area we can get together? It would be MUCH appreciated
as I don't have the money to but a new phone!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks in advance!


Is 32 mb sd card sufficient for rom backup before upgrade?

I am terribly excited about the SE rom ver1.2 and desperately wants to run the exe file from Jeff. However, it seem advisable to back up my present O2 rom (ver 3.16.32 Eng) before doing so.
I do not have any sd card and thot of buying one to do this backup. Is a 32 mb card sufficient to back up the rom first before running Jeff's exe?
Can I just run Jeff's exe to upgrade my rom which is not the 3.17 version? I have read before someone's postings about how to back up the rom on the sd card but couldn't find it again. Can someone tell me how to do the rom back up to sd card or the relevant posting to help me?
Hope some kind soul could help me answer these questions. Thanks very much.
Re: Is 32 mb sd card sufficient for rom backup before upgrad
smaslift said:
Q.1. Is a 32 mb card sufficient to back up the rom first before running Jeff's exe?
Q.2. Can I just run Jeff's exe to upgrade my rom which is not the 3.17 version?
Q.3. I have read before someone's postings about how to back up the rom on the sd card but couldn't find it again. Can someone tell me how to do the rom back up to sd card or the relevant posting to help me?
Hope some kind soul could help me answer these questions. Thanks very much.
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A.1. Nope 32MB is not enough you need at least a 64MB card.
A.2. Yes!
A. 3. [Optional] Backup old ROM & bootloader to an SD card . Do this by soft-resetting the PPCPE with the power button pressed to enter bootloader mode, then press the contacts button, select CE+BOOT TO SD using the pad + action button. Soft reset the device afterward. (Note: you may use XDArit to backup the ROM from the SD card to your PC
Answer much appreciated
Thanks Qman; you are very kind.
Will do as instructed.

(HELP) Tried to upgrade to WM2003

I downloaded the upgrade from Siemens web site and ran the program.
my phone is now stuck in the upgrade window and will not reboot.
Any Sugestions?
Phone will not reconect to activesync either.
Tried a hard reset and soft reset no results.
I think I'm Screwd
You need to get an sd memory card and card reader/writer, using the tools available here on the site you will need to write a rom to the sd card through sd card reader on your pc, then you go to bootloader mode and the sd card will burn the rom to your xda.
Thanks for the advise. I have a 1Gb sd card so I will get a reader.
I'm kind curious about Bootloader? Can Anyone enlighten me or point me to posts that have the info I'll need.
My computer is running windows is this ok?
All advise is much appreciated
Thanks For all the help. I fixed the Problem with the Bootloader. Finished the upgrade to A.30.09.
I just wanted to say that it is AWESOME to have a sight like this when the manufacturer doesn't have a clue how to answer many of these Q's.
THANK YOU QMAN (i got the info off one of your posts) AND ALL WHO PASS ON KNOWLEDGE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!1

Probs flashing any rom via ntrw with my NEW mdacompact

Hi everyone,
am deperately needing your advice!!!
Just yesterday I rechieved an exchange mdac from tmobile showing serial version v1.02 when put in bootloader mode(previously v1.01).
When trying to flash whatever rom once transferred via ntrw to my sd card, my mdac does simply nothing but stay in bootloader showing serial v1.02. No flashing like in my old one starts.
On removing the sd card it comes out freshly formatted, before it definately was formatted with raw as usual once working with ntrw.
Result : I can not upgrade my system to mksbigstorage or any other rom like i could with my" old one". (same sd card!!!)
Tried downgrading to an older rom version via original upgrade routine and from there flashing via sd card: same problem!, tried other sd card: no solution either!
Any ideas, solutions, people with the same problems?
Appreciate your help
Seems to have nothing to do with flashing routine.
Card simply gets formatted once inserted.
Any way to stop this?
Hi! I have had many problems after flashing and re-flashing my rom.
Try boot loader mode and USB then execute (from your PC)MaupgradeUT_noid with a Shipped_rom on XDA ftp. It may work.
Have a look at this link:
Try to write SD card with winhex not ntrw. Simply choose open disc feature and write file directly do SD it works every time for me (with ntrw it was roulette). I have 1.02 bootloader
Thanks Shamus but can you explain in details how do you do this with Winhex? my bootloader is 1.00
SPV_M500, ROM 1.12.02 FRE
RADIO 1.12.10
EXTRom no more

how works a bootloader(sd) image (SD > 64MB)

Hi all !
My Question ist, how the bootloader saves the image, if the used card is bigger than the rom? The image doesn't seam to be empty after the first 64Mbytes....
anybody knows something?
greetz MatteZ
The non-emptiness after 64MB is just the garbage what was present before dumping your rom.
You can check it by writing a specific pattern to your SD & then dump your rom.
Regards, M
after some testing i came to the same result^^
But, thanks for answering! I'm sure you wasn't the only one who knows this!
Probably most readers had a 'well that's obvious dude' experience.
I found out that some people on the board are really inexperienced with any kind of computers & can be helped with a small explanation.
Cheers, M
??? im not to good with my ppc, are you sayin that you can install ur rom on to an sd card??? if so, does his meen that there is the 64mb fre on the ppc storage?
if this is right, can u tell me how?
Unfortunately not. You can dump your rom on a SD-Card & save that to your hard-disk or what-ever. The magician won't boot from your SD in a way that you can free up your internal rom-memory. Man I wish it would.
You can supply a new rom to your magician in two ways: the first is with active sync and the second is via a rom-image on a sd-card. The bootloader will recognize the rom-image on the sd & start flashing it into it's internal rom memory.
So Mattezh question was about dumping his internal rom on a sd-card. If you do this & save the rom image on your PC the program to read the image from your sd will not know where the rom image ends. So it just copy every bit from your sd to your PC & that's why there's a lot of garbage in the saved image after the 64MB size of the image.
Understandable? I hope cause I know I sometimes tend to write a bit weird, I know

2003se upgrade for a dummy

So, ive read post after post on performing this task and it is still beyond my capabilities. My wallaby is running ppc2002, rom version is 3.20.06, radio version 4.21.01 protocol version 32s54. It's running bootloader 6.22, i havent got active sync, xdatools wont run due to missing dll's or some such thing. Have a 1gig sd and a 512mb mmc,,,,
How can i upgrade with this setup? visited rom kitchen (awesome site) and cooked up a rom, extracted NK.nbf,
Need help! Surely i can upgrade with this equipment, make an exe then
Rudegar said: make an exe then
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So is the exe executable from an sd card?
no the exe is only for activesync upgrades
how to flash using sd
if the tool is missing dll's then type in the name of the dll in google and find a place to get the dll and it will work
Rudegar said:
no the exe is only for activesync upgrades
how to flash using sd
if the tool is missing dll's then type in the name of the dll in google and find a place to get the dll and it will work
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Right, well got active sync which meens the dll's i needed are in system 32 or whatever. But,,, Does bootloader 6.22 cause problems?? Thanks for all the help,, sure this fone is a bit old but who cares. Massive screen, runs office, windows media, touch screen, great fone
Any suggestions? I cant be the only one without a data cable or cradle. At the end of the day i want the fone to run best as possible. I am thinking there is alot more compatable software for wm2003 then ppc2002? @ the moment im running mame and pacman,,,,,,,, Speaking of software, is the media player in 2002 meant to be slow? As far as video go's ive given up there.
what is your problem?
Problem is i dont seem to be able to downgrade from bootloader 6.22 to 5.15 so i can update the rom to 2003. doing ll this without a data cable or cradle.
Bootloader should not cause any problems.
Missing Dll´s for XDATools came as you have ssen correctly form ActiveSync. So you need to install this programm on your PC to use XDATools. Afterwards you will be able to wirte the ROM on your SD-Card and then flash the new ROM on your device.
So if you don´t have any cradle or cable, and don´t sync with ActiveSync, how did you manage your conacts,install software, exchange files, ....?
I see the confusion
I have card reader's on the front panel of my pc. So i am using xardit to transfer the bootloader images onto either an sd or an MMC card. So i transfer the patch with the NB2 extension on to the card. Cold reboot xda and it gets to the normal screen telling me i need the keycard.
I can use either xdarit or isoimagetool to transfer the .NB1 file on to an SD.
I have no data cable, so these are the only methods i can use. Just pc with multi card card, sd car, mmc card.
LumpiStefan, the rom kitchen is a damn fine peice of work!
when i had a wallaby i only ever flashed it using a sdcard reader
was pretty easy used ositool put the nbf / nb1 on the sdcard
after which the cardreader could no longer read the sdcard(that mean it's successfully planted)
then i put in the sdcard and entered the bootloader and it autostart upgrading
and when it's don i hardreset and thats it
Hi And thanks
I have tried this with a 1g toshiba sd and a 512 sandisk mmc, neither seem to auto start an update. I have browsed the web a bit and have found different theories on bootloader being a problem. My card reader is a panel on the front of my pc, or using my ngage. tried formatting fat16 or fat32. Im sure it's currently ppc2002 as this is the first screen after the o2 water screen
I think your problems come from your card reader. Many people have reported, that the internal card reader causes problems in writing the ROMs in correct way on the cards. I would s uggest to use an external card reader/writer.....
and those are only 10£$€'ish
Thanks guys for your help, all up and running now. I appreciate the advise. Rudegar, my problem was getting the wrong info from elsewhere, the solution was the card reader, Cost me $9.00 au to buy one. I thank you both

