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Device Software Update Utility
ROM update program used by O2 Xda Atom series, including Atom, Atom Pure, Atom Exec and Atom Life. Not named RUU because Atom series were not made by HTC but Quanta.


Quickmark Software For O2 Atom/Atom Exec

Hi guys, apparently there is no QuickMark software for o2 atom/atom exec, I would like to know which one is comptible with the atom and atom exec.
Thanks alot in advance.
Dopod 838 Pro

Support for O2 Xda Atom Exec

I've searched all over the net and no one has told me if this is Universal or not
Is it possible to upgrade to WM6 using this smartphone:
Is there support for this device as you guys only support O2 Xda Exec not the atom ones
I tried using your upgrade but active sync just shuts down.
This device is called the Atom, not the Universal, so you need to go to the forum called..... Atom
Cant find it here:
If it isnt an universal then what is it

Oh no... no wm6 upgrade for 6828

Seems like a dejavu, just like my old 6365. HP is deciding not to upgrade any of their PDA to WM6
Probably HP does not making $$$ from the selling of mobile.
is there any possiblility of using a Atom WM6 rom?
Maybe you got to wait for Atom Exec to be with WM6 before any hope for ur HP.
I don't suppose it could be work to use ATOM's rom.

How to recognize an Atom Exec from an Atom

Good morning,
Greetings to everyone, I am new in this site.
I am going to buy on ebay an used Atom Exec.
Some sellers write on the title that the Atom is the Exec model but sometimes they are not sure about it.
So I would like to ask you:
Are there some esthetical characteristics which make different the Atom from the Atom Exec ?
What is the name written on the original box ? Is it always " O2 XDA Atom" or it changes when the box belongs to Atom Exec ?
Thank you for your attention.
This is an example: http://i6.ebayimg.com/02/i/000/de/cd/db85_1.JPG .
Do you think that this is an Xda Atom or an Xda Atom Exec ?
the only difference between atom and atom exec is the processor,atom exec processor is faster otherwise there is no cahnge bet. both the models.
the atom is glossy black in color. atom exec is smoke grey. another is on the atom, there is a media plus button. this button becomes the messaging button on the atom exec.

[Q] The End For O2 Atom

-Not New version rom
-Not New game support
-Not New application support
2005-2011 bye bye O2 Atom My Friend
indeed his, your O2 Atom have brick ??

