HTC-progs without rom-exchange, cid? - P3300, MDA Compact III upgrading etc.

I'd like to upgrade my Artemis without flashing my device with some more or less experimental rom. (Especially as there also is the question of using the right language).
HTC-progs like bio settings, cube, streaming etc must be available as standalone progs too, don't they?
So my set of questions goes like this:
1. where to get those progs?
2. do they slower the device more than the integated tool in some rom?
3. one reason not to flash at first was hardly no information about 'CID'. Can anyone provide? As this question arose in different places but got no real response (or didn't I get it as a newby?), I dare to ask myself.
Could someone please help me?
I even was about to get some, but obviously all these progs can do, can be obtaine 'for free', only by the cost of investing time and interest. I'm willing to do so, so let me hear from you...


Help for guy new to the Universal

Hi everyone
I'm familiar with Windows Mobile but not to the HTC Universal itself. Can people recommend to me what the best WM 6.1 ROM is, how I unlock the device to use on any network and where I can find a list of recommended apps to use on WM 6.1 with the Universal?
Many thanks
That's a "no no" question to post here, there are many people who don't like to see this types of questions because it seems so simple to arrive and ask something like it without doing some search and read in the forum, please don't misunderstand me, I'm not mad at you, anyway it's better to read some and then ask.
So, the best WM6 rom is the one that better suits your needs, go to the WM6 part of the Universal, read some, read the comments, many of them are heavily personalized, there are "vanilla" types (simple and clean, no branding, etc.), there are some that give you lots of software already inside the Rom, so you'll save your precious Ram space for something else, some are speedier, some are more stable -even if this is not a critic, that's it, there's lot of effort that people put inside those Roms, for FREE!-, so, read, read, ask specific doubts inside the thread of each one, try (be careful!!!), learn, share and be happy!
Unlock (read!), go to the wiki (, for the apps READ! and go here (
Thanks, I worked it all out anyway

Immersed in Information (and drowning!)

Hello All,
First off, I want to thank everyone whos cooked and added information on these forums.
Also I want to state beforehand that for the past 3 days I have gone through countless pages of threads to try and learn as much as I can on ROMs & the such.... its a lot of info! Thats not so much the problem, as I have a pretty good idea now on how to do it (though haven't decided on a custom ROM yet), but the problem is some of it so scattered you can easily have 20 tabs open and either get confused or something.
I have been unable to find (and if there is forgive me for not searching well enough), a thread, topic, or FAQ which would state where you can get programs (ie. Windows Live/Messenger, Internet Sharing, etc) that some ROMs remove. Thats really what has held me back so far from flashing a new ROM, as I really like some of these, but they might be missing certain things I would need (like messenger, or even maybe 5 fav?) but I can't find exact information on all of this.
Edit: I understand if I want to find a program I can just Google it. But what if I don't know theres this awesome program I have never tried or heard before? Can't google a program I don't know! That's why I ask if there is a thread, site that would list them all, or a good amount. I know there couple threads here and there that display default HTC ones, and maybe some odd others.
If anyone can please help me out, or direct me where I can find more info on this I would be really grateful! I might have future questions from then on but i'll definitely be searching to keep the asking to a minimum.
One other question I do have right now is the Radio version. I know theres a thread on a current version, but I see some ppl already have a version higher than that.. is there a place where you can find the current version always, and also, when u flash ROM, does that update your Radio too.. or is it seperate?
Thank you in advance all who help!
I really do hope to be part of this community.
Well I took the dive (woot!) and HARDSPL my phone succesfully. Just finished flashing the default OEM rom and upgrading to the newest radio as well without any problems thanks to all the info you guys provided.
I can't wait to get home (where I have really bad reception) and see if this truely helped me. Im in the mood now to play with all your ROMs as well (I feel like a kid at christmas).
Update: Flashed Open 7.7 and loving it. just need to get used to this brave new world..
Play and get used to this!
My only concern, and one i cannot find so far is.. at the moment i have no MyFav program.. if i call my currents fav i had will T-Mobile still know, or do i have to have the myfav program installed on my phone so i don't get my minutes charged for calling them?
New concern is i keep getting a text from "4670" saying WCI 1.1 111 every so often, is that normal when you get this program?
Another question: When I install programs, must they always be installed ON the Device, or can I install them on the Storage Card? If i do will they work fine? (or some u can, some u can't.. and some examples)?
Sorry for all the questions!
I install all my programs to storage card. haven't had any problems there. I deleted myfavs because t-mobile stores your favs on their system, so when you call a fav their system should recognize the number. the myfavs program uses memory is why I deleted it.
the text you are getting I don't know what to tell you on that.
sounds like you have the rest down pretty good
How did you delete the my fav program? any assistance would be helpful

Little question for everyone

Hallo everyone
There is a chance to answer simply question: Did change of rom helps me? And How?
You NEED HardSPL installed before flashing any ROM...
Don't forget to make a backup of all data before trying it out...
1st boot takes long time to complete...
Hard Reset after 1st Boot (when it gets 2 calibration screen) to minimize problems, this is always a must as most problems are do to not doing so...
use compatible Radio depending on what version you download...
3G an H are disabled by default for max battery...
some programs have been tweaked, so if you feel they are slower or got bugs, please report them...
eyeless1978 said:
Hallo everyone
There is a chance to answer simply question: Did change of rom helps me? And How?
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It did help me !!! much faster navigation, more free ram memory, less useless to me programs !!!!
try a full version if you do not like to spend lots of time configuring the device but if you like everything at your taste go for the naked ones and be prepared to spend lots of time on it.
In english: "Did changing you ROM help you? And if so, how?"
Simple answer: Yes. Changing ROMs always helps, whether it be for speed/looks/customization reasons. Every PDA I get, the first thing I do is change to a few different ROMs till I find one that suits me and my needs/expectations (or as close to).
Since i have a lot of software i love naked(without almost any software) rom so i can customize my own way.
You can also upgrade/downgrade to a different OS(WM6.0,WM6.1,WM6.5) or with different UI...just browse some ROMĀ“s in this sub-forum they are self-explanatory most of the times.

New to everything regarding PDA and XDA (looking for noob friends ;) )

Hi all,
Yeeeah, so the Leo was finally announced at the major/best 3G network in Denmark, the worldwide operator "3". And thats awesome, so of course I hit my wallet and cashed out and got the phone yesterday. Brilliant.
Got the phone in my hand, my god, its beautiful and all, its my first PDA phone so I'm very noobish and overwhelmed by everything, but I'm lovin' it so far! Okay, well I started looking around on the big www and came across this fantastic site and now I'm thinking, I wanna get involved with this shizzle and start cooking - or at least start looking at the menu!!
But I realize that I don't know anything about how to do all this, so started looking around in the Leo Wiki, Tips and Tricks sticky and so on but I feel that its all very comprehensive and I simply don't know where to start, and I don't think the (otherwise awesome) guides are as extensive as could, at least not for my understanding. I haven't come across a newb forum/thread where all the very, very basics are introduced/discussed, so I'm thinking: any noobs out there? or post-noobs? who wanna share some of their mighty wisdom and experience with me? (yeah, I want some Leo-friends)
Okay, so I found a few things I wanna try:
From Leo hints and tricks sticky:
7. Get the old Task Manager Back
To be able to really close programs using the X instead of just 'minimizing' the program and leaving it in memory,
install Duttys HTC Task Manager (attached below), restart and the X is back. Also in Settings you can configure its function.
8. Add Task Manager to Home Screen Quick Links
Copy the hidden TaskMgr.exe file from your Windows folder to your Start Menu/Programs folder. Now it's possible to place a shortcut on your Manila today and you can open/close running programs with ease.
So how do I install this dutty cab? I mean I downloaded it, but where do I unpack it, and how do I run it on my phone?
Okay, next thing:
The location on "my today" is wrong, I saw in the tips and tricks that a lot of users had issues with this, but how can that be? There isn't any way to fix it, cause mine is showing that i'm about 15 clicks away from where I really am, but the navigator works fine? :S
3rd thing:
My network only provided me with a 2gb sdhc card, so if I want to tuck in a 16gb baby how will it work because the OS is stored on the sdhc card, or is it only in the ROM?
Another thing, I see the ROM upgrade from the danish HTC website is newer than the one installed on my phone, but do you think that I should upgrade to the 1.6 which is leaked here, or should I start with the HTC official rom from the website?
WARNING: some danish might appear when clicking here (this is the danish HTC ROM link, look at bottom of page)
I have about a zillion other questions, but my mind is empty right now. I really hope that I'm not out of line when posting this topic, and I hope to hear from some friendly HTC lovers Please let me know if this topic is not appropriate and I'll edit/delete it. (yes I did read the RULES)
Kind Regards
Welcome and Hello
I`ll take 5 minutes to write a reply seeing as no one else can be bothered.....
Welcome to the forum, you`ll find all you need here, My advise would be to READ READ READ , and if you have any questions SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH, you`ll get flamed if you post something thats been posted before, even though if you do post, it moves from the first 2 pages so fast hence no answers......
16gb sd card will work fine,
Read carefully the goldcard method for updating ROMS and only if you feel confident enough would i recomend it...I`ve flashed 1.61 no issues....
same as i am......i am currently waiting for my beast and been reading and reading and reading this forum all this while........but the problem is.....i am a really3 noobie person on IT....some topic that were discuss here i can understand but some of have no idea at alll...hehehheh hopefully can get some knowledge from u guys.......[please forgive my english...heheheh]
Hi WildL,
I understand the noob feelings. Although this site has a wealth of information, it's not the noob friendliest place.
.cab files are like .exe files for your pc. You don't unpack it anywhere, simply copy/download to your device and run (click on it through file manager) it from where ever you saved it. It will unpack itself and install. Your only option generally is to install directly onto your device or onto your SD card.
Not sure on the location thing as I haven't experienced it.
For your SD card, there is nothing on there you have to worry about. The ROM is stored on the device and the card is simply additional storage. Feel free to shove a new one in there.
As for changing ROMs. As a noob, stick to stock updates for now. You're on the newest device with all the newest features so custom roms won't offer much except little tweaks (but the phone is fast enough already) and additional apps you can just install yourself. Some MAY be more stable but current it's not worth the risk of bricking your device. Read read read and when you feel comfortable and think your ready, then start looking into cooked roms.
Good luck!
WildL said:
7. Get the old Task Manager Back
To be able to really close programs using the X instead of just 'minimizing' the program and leaving it in memory,
install Duttys HTC Task Manager (attached below), restart and the X is back. Also in Settings you can configure its function.
8. Add Task Manager to Home Screen Quick Links
Copy the hidden TaskMgr.exe file from your Windows folder to your Start Menu/Programs folder. Now it's possible to place a shortcut on your Manila today and you can open/close running programs with ease.[/I]
So how do I install this dutty cab? I mean I downloaded it, but where do I unpack it, and how do I run it on my phone?
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I'd recommend you use this instead...
It means you have the X which you can configure to close apps or minimize them (you can open settings for it by tapping it on the sense ui and going to the wrench). You can also list open apps from the sense ui by clicking it and simply switch to or close anything in the list. Have a play - it's the best all-round solution.
WildL said:
Okay, next thing:
The location on "my today" is wrong, I saw in the tips and tricks that a lot of users had issues with this, but how can that be? There isn't any way to fix it, cause mine is showing that i'm about 15 clicks away from where I really am, but the navigator works fine? :S
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At least your location works! lol
It uses your provider's network to get your location - not GPS. It's always going to be within a mile or 2. Since it's only meant for general info, it doesn't really matter much. I doubt the weather 2 miles down the road is much different than it is where you are
WildL said:
3rd thing:
My network only provided me with a 2gb sdhc card, so if I want to tuck in a 16gb baby how will it work because the OS is stored on the sdhc card, or is it only in the ROM?
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The SD card is purely for storage. You can take it out and the phone will still function properly. This obviously changes if you install software on the card. Unfortunately, the HD2 has a pitiful amount of internal storage memory, so I'd actually recommend using the card to install stuff on. With this in mind, I got myself a 16GB SD card and use that, treating it as if I'll never remove it. I'd obviously recommend this, cos it's what I do
WildL said:
Another thing, I see the ROM upgrade from the danish HTC website is newer than the one installed on my phone, but do you think that I should upgrade to the 1.6 which is leaked here, or should I start with the HTC official rom from the website?
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If your phone is pretty new and you've not done much setting up, it's probably the best time to make sure you've got the most up-to-date ROM. If you got the phone from a provider then you can officially only upgrade using ROMs that they supply. If you got it completely SIM free, then you can use the HTC ones that are out there. The current new one (1.61) is actually an official HTC one, so it will be as risk free as flashing a ROM can ever be. It's just not officially released yet. (I believe HTC "leak" their ROMs so that this community can beta test for them, before they release to the general public, but that's just my belief )
Since the phone is still so new though, I don't really think that it makes much difference. The ROM upgrades seem to be doing so little at the minute that you may well not notice any benefits.
Either way, if it's official, you've at least got some comeback if it bricks your new phone!
Basically, this is just a preference. Do what you think feels right. Just bear in mind that a ROM flash means a hard reset, which means setting EVERYTHING up again, from scratch.
WildL said:
I have about a zillion other questions, but my mind is empty right now. I really hope that I'm not out of line when posting this topic, and I hope to hear from some friendly HTC lovers Please let me know if this topic is not appropriate and I'll edit/delete it. (yes I did read the RULES)
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Well you're in the best place to ask your zillion other questions. This is the right place to ask this kind of question, and I'm sure that there'll be plenty of people to follow me in welcoming you here. I've been a member of this community for just over 18 months now, and it's been great. There's a lot of good people on here who are more than happy to show off their knowledge er... I mean be helpful! lol
Have fun with your new toy

I'm new to this

well I'm to this l and i was just wondering a couple things like what is a ROM and how do i get the new windows mobile 7 theme stright on my htc hd2 or how do i get the games for my ps1 games stright on my phone without hooking it up to a computer .
Play station info:
I went into the Apps part of this forum and searched for PSX
I would suggest you read the sticky threads at the top of each section on this forum it will tell you lots.
Good luck
curtismeulen said:
well I'm to this l and i was just wondering a couple things like what is a ROM and how do i get the new windows mobile 7 theme stright on my htc hd2 or how do i get the games for my ps1 games stright on my phone without hooking it up to a computer .
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How about using the search function, looking at the stickys and using Google to find the answers to your questions? It gets a bit redundant replying to the same questions from lazy people that cannot be bothered to invest some time into the forum.
If you don't want to answer the question then perhaps you should save your time even more and not reply? I'm no stranger to forums, but I do find this one particularly hard to follow/read/search.
From what I understand of how search engines work (for example Google's pagerank system) the search results would be dramatically improved if people posted links to relevant pages. This would also be a much better use of time than repeatedly having a go at new visitors for not searching. The more places that point to the answers, the easier it is to find them.
Some people are also happy to reply, because they know the answer straight away and it will take 60 seconds to reply. I don't see that it hurts to ask, in the hope that it will avoid 30 minutes of searching, which of course, is probably going on at the same time. If you are looking for something, do you not ask around whist you look yourself?
Anyway, more constructively back to the original question... @curtismeulen
Basically the ROM is the operating system that your phone runs on. You can install apps on to your phone (which mostly come in .CAB files) and most ROM come with a load of apps preinstalled.
HTC make the standard ROM for the HD2, but also phone companies (O2, T-mobile, etc) make slightly customised versions for the phones they sell themselves, - for e.g. adding/removing particular apps, or a special startup screen or background image, etc. If you have one of these kind of ROMs then you can't install the HTC one without running special programs.
The third kind of ROMs are 'custom ROMs' made by experts who want to always have the cutting edge software, have the phoen set up exactly as they prefer and to improve on what HTC do. Again special programs are required to install these, and always when you install a new ROM there's the risk of something going wrong and your phone not working any more.
Here's some links to useful info:
The HD2/Leo page on this sites wiki:
a list of ROMs for the HD2 (though it's not quite up to date):
Stuff about installing different ROMs:
Changing "official ROMs" from one to another:
Installing any ROM you like:
Personally I use this ROM:
Artemis HD2 ROM Family Ver 15.5:
The instructions there are also quite useful to give you an idea of the differences between ROMs, etc.
mpaxton said:
If you don't want to answer the question then perhaps you should save your time even more and not reply? I'm no stranger to forums, but I do find this one particularly hard to follow/read/search.
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Don't be obtuse, the stickys tell you everything you need to know with regards to ROMs and ROM flashing. Google search 'ps1 emulator for windows mobile' and FPSEce and a number of other emulators are listed in the first link.
It probably took him longer to register to ask the question than it would have done to research it for himself.
I dont undertstand why people get so offensive, i thought forums like these were made to help people with questions, even noobs?
nirvanafreak919 said:
I dont undertstand why people get so offensive, i thought forums like these were made to help people with questions, even noobs?
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Actually, this forum is call xda "DEVELOPERS".... name clearly means it's full of developers.... not really a place for newbies. There are plenty of help forums out there. This forum is for the advanced user who wants to learn to hack and help develop. I didn't even post for the first year or 2 that I was a member... not until I felt comfortable with my knowledge. I used other help forums that are meant for newbie questions and just watched and learned from this forum.
Help form
For friendly site try They are great, but as stated, this is dev site, theirs is help site, big difference,, good luck
mpaxton said:
Anyway, more constructively back to the original question... @curtismeulen
Basically the ROM is the operating system that your phone runs on. You can install apps on to your phone (which mostly come in .CAB files) and most ROM come with a load of apps preinstalled.
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Actually ROM is Read Only Memory
It has come to be used as short form for the coded OS that is used in the ROM and that specifically is the "ROM image" of the OS in use.
So any cooked (or otherwise) "ROM" we are talking about is not the same as the "ROM" within the device.
...and even though it's called read only memory, it can still be written to, otherwise we'd not be able to install different kinds of operating system, etc. So to me it's an arbitrary set of letters used to describe something that's vaguely relevant to the original usage of them!
mpaxton said:
...and even though it's called read only memory, it can still be written to, otherwise we'd not be able to install different kinds of operating system, etc. So to me it's an arbitrary set of letters used to describe something that's vaguely relevant to the original usage of them!
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You don't install anything to the ROM.
ROMs are flashable, which is different to installing things to. OSs are flashed, not installed, to devices.
The internal memory part of the device is different to the ROM, it is an 'open' writable section. It may well be on the same memory chip, but is different in terms of usage available to it.
mpaxton said:
...and even though it's called read only memory, it can still be written to, otherwise we'd not be able to install different kinds of operating system, etc. So to me it's an arbitrary set of letters used to describe something that's vaguely relevant to the original usage of them!
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And as a follow on from rp-x1 and also as a quick history lesson to you "youngsters" the correct term is actually "EPROM" chips (Electronically Programmable Read Only Memory) and when they were first used you couldn't write to them unless you had the appropriate equipment and that included UV "fixing ovens"!!!!!!
So, it's not an arbitrary set of letters, but, more a corruption of a very precise acronym which is now used in completely the wrong way.

