[release] UnSigner - remove authenticode signs - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

attached UnSigner.exe:
Strips authenticode signs (aka certificates) from binary files (exe, dll, mui, cpl etc.)
command line (PC):
UnSigner file1 [...]
Latest version here. Compiled under VS2005 without SP1 and it should run on any PC

getting an error when running from cmd line. "system cannot execute the specified program"

I hate Msoft. It is the same as: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=1161953&highlight=execute#post1162020
Could anybody recompile attached source under VS2005 without(!) ServicePack and post exe here? As Win32 console application.

eb3604 said:
getting an error when running from cmd line. "system cannot execute the specified program"
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Same problem under Win XP SP2.
NOTE: Oh, I saw that you've find the reason

One question:
Any success using this with cab files?
Form my experience ImageRemoveCertificate function only works with valid binary images meaning exe and dll (also MUI which is a dll).

levenum said:
One question:
Any success using this with cab files?
Form my experience ImageRemoveCertificate function only works with valid binary images meaning exe and dll (also MUI which is a dll).
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Just tested. In fact - no support for cabs. But (IMO) it is relatively easy to re-create CAB (without sign).

Looking forward for this

see if this works. used it on 2 files from a titan dump. worked great! thanks!

eb3604 said:
see if this works. used it on 2 files from a titan dump. worked great! thanks!
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Thanks. Updated first post

eb3604 said:
see if this works. used it on 2 files from a titan dump. worked great! thanks!
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It doesn't work in my PC. I'm running XP Pro Italian with all the .Net crap installed.
Any suggestion?

risidoro said:
It doesn't work in my PC. I'm running XP Pro Italian with all the .Net crap installed.
Any suggestion?
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Same problem here... have all .net 1.1, 2 and 3 installed... nothing

dont knw running xp sp2. works fine for me

eb3604 said:
see if this works. used it on 2 files from a titan dump. worked great! thanks!
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Your binary is compiled with VS2005 with(!) SP1. Work well on any PC with VS2005 with SP1. Otherwise you will got a message "improper configuration" or something like it.
Probably (updated) attachment from first post should work on any PC windows

Nice! Just tested working on Vista 32. Thanks very much.

luv2chill said:
Nice! Just tested working on Vista 32. Thanks very much.
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Damn, Vista doesn't run in my PC, it's too painfully slow...
Wait! I've run every kind of OS's in my PC before, Linux (with compiz), FreeBSD (and web server running), OpenBSD, OpenSolaris, XP, 2k3 Server Pro, BeOS... Maybe it is Vista that's too awfully slow!!!

risidoro said:
Damn, Vista doesn't run in my PC, it's too painfully slow...
Wait! I've run every kind of OS's in my PC before, Linux (with compiz), FreeBSD (and web server running), OpenBSD, OpenSolaris, XP, 2k3 Server Pro, BeOS... Maybe it is Vista that's too awfully slow!!!
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Ubuntu FTW
Downloaded file on first post. Will post feedback ASAP.

dferreira said:
Ubuntu FTW
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Great! I'm an Ubuntu guy too
PS: sorry for the OT!

Everything is working now... lets see now if I can do what I want
Is it supposed to say anything if it doesn't or does remove the signing ?
EDIT: it says if any certificate is removed... ok... lets see if it works now then

I'm contributing to this unsigner
Just add UnSigner.exe and the attached batchUnsign.bat to the root of the directory you want to remove the certifications from *.exe *.mui *.dll files and if you run the batchUnsign.bat it should process the entire directory and sub directories for those files

Marvelous program from a Super Duper programmer.


Windows Mobile 5.0 emulator ?

are there any standalone Windows Mobile 5.0 emulator can work without Visual Studio .NET, I really want to try out the platform before buying a Wizard.
Yes, I have it on my blog. It's 250MB or so. Use FlashGet or some download accelerator to grab it. Check the October 2005 archives.
BeyondtheTech said:
Yes, I have it on my blog. It's 250MB or so. Use FlashGet or some download accelerator to grab it. Check the October 2005 archives.
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Hi, BeyondtheTech, do you mean this "http://www.beyondthetech.com/downloads/phone/DeviceEmulator50428.msi" ? i afraid i get the wrong file and use up you web hosting bandwidth, Thanks a lot
That's the file.
BeyondtheTech said:
That's the file.
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It works Great!!!!!! Thanks for the file, but cannot sync and said activesync 4.0 need, now I am looking ofr the activesync 4.1 download link in the forum!
Why there aare only 3.8 on Microsoft.com ?
Anywhere else I can download that emulator from? It's downloading a 4kb/s from BBt site .
I'm in the process of moving servers... I'll let you know when it's up and running again.
BeyondtheTech said:
I'm in the process of moving servers... I'll let you know when it's up and running again.
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Discovered your blog a few days ago, I'm still in the process of getting the most of it!
Congrats for such a good website!
Looks like you finished your server move, but the link is still unavailable. Any news? Somewhere else to get it from?
Bebitoo said:
BeyondtheTech said:
I'm in the process of moving servers... I'll let you know when it's up and running again.
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Discovered your blog a few days ago, I'm still in the process of getting the most of it!
Congrats for such a good website!
Looks like you finished your server move, but the link is still unavailable. Any news? Somewhere else to get it from?
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I have the file, but i have no where to upload, do you have a FTP ?
If you're looking to share large files, use a free service like www.yousendit.com or www.dropload.com.
BeyondtheTech said:
If you're looking to share large files, use a free service like www.yousendit.com or www.dropload.com.
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I will try the www.dropload.com tomorrow morning, Thanks
if you still don't have it, here it is:
ActiveSync 4.0 and 4.1 as well.
For what is this emulator good for? Thx
I too downloaded this about a month ago just to give WM5 a look. It wasn't exactly to try before I buy, but I did have a bit more of a play while I was waiting for my K-JAM. can be a bit slow, but not too bad.
rookery said:
I have the file, but i have no where to upload, do you have a FTP ?
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No FTP, no yousendit account, only a gmail address
buzz_lightyear said:
if you still don't have it, here it is:
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Got it, thanks buzz, thanks rookery!
TheBrain said:
For what is this emulator good for?
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Useful to try a software. Especially on these early WM2005 days. I tried PocketZenPhone a few days ago, and could not totally removed it. A quick try on the emulator would have been enough, and would have kept my device clean :wink:
Step 1: get the WM2005 Emulator -> done
Step 2: install it -> done
Step 3: "connect" it to ActiveSync -> need your help again :wink:
I do not have Visual Studio and all this stuff, only the Emulator downloaded from Buzz's website. I can see the DMA (Direct Access Memory) connection method in Emulator's ActiveSync program, but nothing related to DMA on the Destop's ActiveSync (4.1, downloaded from Buzz's website too 8))...
Did someone already manage to dot it? In the meantime, is there a workaround to install on the Emulator a software with a .exe installer (no direct acces to the .cab files)?
Bebitoo said:
Step 1: get the WM2005 Emulator -> done
Step 2: install it -> done
Step 3: "connect" it to ActiveSync -> need your help again :wink:
I do not have Visual Studio and all this stuff, only the Emulator downloaded from Buzz's website. I can see the DMA (Direct Access Memory) connection method in Emulator's ActiveSync program, but nothing related to DMA on the Destop's ActiveSync (4.1, downloaded from Buzz's website too 8))...
Did someone already manage to dot it? In the meantime, is there a workaround to install on the Emulator a software with a .exe installer (no direct acces to the .cab files)?
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run "C:\Program Files\WM_50_EMU\DeviceEmulator.exe" without any option.
You'll get the screen below. Read the options through and try to setup the networking.
I didn't coz i never needed AS connection to Emulator.
Optionally you can install those exe instal packages and then take the cab files manually from
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Active Sync\
and copy them over to emulator.
buzz_lightyear said:
run "C:\Program Files\WM_50_EMU\DeviceEmulator.exe" without any option.
You'll get the screen below. Read the options through and try to setup the networking.
I didn't coz i never needed AS connection to Emulator.
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That may be the solution, I have to dig into it...
buzz_lightyear said:
Optionally you can install those exe instal packages and then take the cab files manually from
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Active Sync\
and copy them over to emulator.
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Yes, just found this solution too. Note that sometimes, the .cab files are not stored on the Active Sync folder, but a specific folder (C:\Program FIles\Pocket Informant\ for example).
I'll post some news as soon as I make some progress on the full Active Sync connection...
I installed the emulator and get a black screen on the skin. Do a reset - get a quick flash of 3 icons and then a black screen.
Any ideas?
slewis1972 said:
I installed the emulator and get a black screen on the skin. Do a reset - get a quick flash of 3 icons and then a black screen.
Any ideas?
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no, but it takes a long time to boot...

Installing cab files from Vista pc

hi people
I am looking out for a software for my Vista Operating system in which i can install cab files directly from my desktop without copying it to my device n then installing it.
There r many softwares actually but none of them r vista compatible..for eg cabviaactivesync.
Any developpers intrested in helping us out
WinCE CAB installer
Here you go:
You can drag and drop CABs there, or ever better, associate .CAB files with it in Vista, so, all you need to do to install a CAB is a double click (while having ActiveSync on of course)
wow so fast reply.thank u so much..i hope it works on vista.
i have tried this already but not working on vista..its says file cant be accessed!!even in admin mode
AthenaLod said:
Here you go:
You can drag and drop CABs there, or ever better, associate .CAB files with it in Vista, so, all you need to do to install a CAB is a double click (while having ActiveSync on of course)
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How to associate .cab files in vista so that when i double click on it..it should start installing?i have winrar in my system.i removed the .extension but if i double click on it...the openwith dialog box will open
sathya said:
How to associate .cab files in vista so that when i double click on it..it should start installing?i have winrar in my system.i removed the .extension but if i double click on it...the openwith dialog box will open
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I am using XP, but it should be the same on Vista... when the "open with" dialog opens, select wince cab installer, and select "always use selected program to open this kind of file"
wow program works fine here on vista. much easier than copying over then opening on phone, saves space too
I just tired reinstalling vista but for no use..it gives me the same error..plzzzz some one can write a script for vista..plzz
I hope its ok to post a link here? I found this a while ago and it works slick on my Vista 64 but there is downloads for 32 bit vista as well.
Hi thanks for ur reply..i have windows device central edition on my pc..My problem is that i want to install .cab file directly from my pc to my pda which is not possible with device central..it can install only exe files..i hope u got my point.
any one can help me install my cab files?plzz
why cant u just put the cab files on ur device and install there? it mite be inconvenient i guess..
bapssystupr3m3 said:
why cant u just put the cab files on ur device and install there? it mite be inconvenient i guess..
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yes u r right..its really a pain copying the files to device n installing from there..any program u know for vista..i tried many but of no use
^^this works fine for me on vista, i just right click on the cab then send to, WinCE cab installer
Doesn't work for me. Get access denied. And what's worse: you can't uninstall the damn thing.
Found it, just remove the Send to entry and delete cabinst.exe from Windows folder.
DizzyWeb said:
Doesn't work for me. Get access denied. And what's worse: you can't uninstall the damn thing.
Found it, just remove the Send to entry and delete cabinst.exe from Windows folder.
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same error here..**** i donno what to do..i googled for hours but found nothing..anyone can write a script?
plzzz help
even i am getting that file access denied.what to do???
Having recently upgraded to Windows 7, I bumped into this issue as well and googled my way to this thread, but found no solutions like you guys.
It seems that all would be well if I turned off User Account Control, which, however, I don't really want to.
Thus I did more searches and found the following article:
Selectively disable UAC for your trusted Vista applications
Although the steps described in the above article did not prevent a UAC prompt from popping up, my installation of WinCE CAB Installer works now.

Right Click CAB installer for vista & WMDC 6.1

Incase anyone else is interested...
I looked but could not find (it was late) a "Right Click to Install CAB" for vista but i could only find an XP one.
I took a quick look & it seemed simple enough to modify so I did just that.
Attached is the modifed Installer (zipped).
I got the original xp version here >> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=298499 <<
Regards, Steve.
Nice Thanks a lot bro, it works just fine
Thanks, is great
whats that?....
karras_vagelis said:
whats that?....
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In XP you can use a little cmd file so that you can install cab files directly to your phone by right clicking the file on your computer and the option "Install to ppc" will be there.
This is the vista version.
thanks sd00!
it also works great in Windows 7 and WM6.5.3.
chiar cautam ceva de gen bvbv

Run VBS on PPC

Hi Guys,
I have a VBS Script which you enter in a username and password and if your credentials are correct the VB script decides to bring down a certificate for a wireless network.
The script works fine on computers but I cant get it to run on windows mobile. Can anyone help me?
Try Aero VB Runtime.
GoldCoin said:
Try Aero VB Runtime.
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What if I need to run a microsoft access mdb file with VB script included ?
GoldCoin said:
Try Aero VB Runtime.
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I downloaded it and tried to install but it says this software is not intended for this device. Do you have a working copy?
I downloaded it and tried to install but it says this software is not intended for this device. Do you have a working copy?

how to upgrade my frame work to 3.5?

hi to run most of the good apps you need frame work 3.5 i have down loaded it but i cant install it do i on my phone but if i click on it on the pc then it trys to install on the pc any help thanks alot
dareuk said:
hi to run most of the good apps you need frame work 3.5 i have down loaded it but i cant install it do i on my phone but if i click on it on the pc then it trys to install on the pc any help thanks alot
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--are you sure that the base rom hasn't .net 3.5 already installed?
.net compact framework 3.5 is not standard installed on a TD2 aka Topaz.
Download it from MSDN Microsoft here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/netframework/default.aspx
dareuk said:
hi to run most of the good apps you need frame work 3.5 i have down loaded it but i cant install it do i on my phone but if i click on it on the pc then it trys to install on the pc any help thanks alot
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You should have a Active Sync (Windows XP) connection with your device.
For Windows Vista and Windows 7 you must connect through Windows Mobile Device Center.
Active Sync 4.5 and Windows Mobile Device Center are free for download from Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/en-us/help/synchronize/activesync-download.mspx
It looks like the framework is being installed on your PC but it will be installed on your phone.
You must have .net compact framework 3.5 from my link above.
ok downloaded every thing you have stated and installed accordingly but im still no further forward if you could add me to msn and help me out id really appreciate it buddy add me : [email protected] thanks alot guys
having the same problem. I connected Topaz to PC via active sync and waited to install net framework. Tried to open advanced config and said I needed net framework 3.5 at least. I think I know the problem, I JUST THINK :d
yea im no noob but this is really confusing me i cant update to 3.5 any one help me thanks
updating to .NET 3.5
dareuk said:
yea im no noob but this is really confusing me i cant update to 3.5 any one help me thanks
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I`m confused too: my polaris says - .NET 3.5 is already at the ROM but I´ve got a punch of apps which cannot be installed on behalf of lecking "actual .NET-version"????
sucks a lot - could somebody give me a hand instead of HR?
thxs in advance
Download this:
and run it on your PC. The idea is that it'll then copy CF3.5 to your device the next time you connect via activesync. If it doesn't do that for some reason then goto C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v3.5\WindowsCE on your PC and copy the file NETCFv35.wm.armv4i.cab onto your D2. Then using the D2, find that file in File Explorer and click on it, to install it manually.
Tom Lenferink said:
.net compact framework 3.5 is not standard installed on a TD2 aka Topaz.
Download it from MSDN Microsoft here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/netframework/default.aspx
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That link is for the desktop .NET 3.5, not the Compact Framework, which kinda explains why people were having no success with it!
I have isntalled on my PC compact version and same problem ...
see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=347537. Download the cab file and put in on the sd-card, doubleclick on the file
NETCFv35.wm.armv4i.cab and install process begin. I hope it works for yoy
If you don't use Activesync, you may want to get just the cab file instead. Just google for NETCFv35.wm.armv4i.cab, then instal like any other app, to the main memory.
Also, whilst you're about it, google netcfcfg.cab. This app lets you set windows CF policy, so that all apps which need CF2.0 to run will automatically use your newly installed CF3.5, which is apparently better and more stable.
The file sizes should be 2644KB and 34KB respectively.
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For what it's worth, the above mentioned netcfcfg.cab .NET config program is part of the CF 3.5 Power Toys, available from MS here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...14-a27d-4148-bf01-86c2e0953eab&displaylang=en
HandySpanner said:
Download this:
and run it on your PC. The idea is that it'll then copy CF3.5 to your device the next time you connect via activesync. If it doesn't do that for some reason then goto C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\CompactFramework\v3.5\WindowsCE on your PC and copy the file NETCFv35.wm.armv4i.cab onto your D2. Then using the D2, find that file in File Explorer and click on it, to install it manually.
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Thanks for info....it's working for me
HandySpanner said:
That link is for the desktop .NET 3.5, not the Compact Framework, which kinda explains why people were having no success with it!
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Sorry, my bad, here it is: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...49-3C6B-42F1-9FD9-0041345B3385&displaylang=en
okay, will try and give you info
Pete_S said:
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I was never able to get the cab file to work. Every time I ran it on the phone, I got an error saying that the aplication was not installed. When I installed the full msi on my laptop with the TD2 attached it successfuly installed on the phone.
works great. copy NETCFv35.wm.armv4i.cab, install, soft reset and go for it
do you want to try this

