How to set reminder time for 'all day event'? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

At the moment - I get woken up every day at 6am by my Trion reminding me I have an all day event that day scheduled in my calender.
How can I set this to go off at 9am instead by default please?
Thanks for any help!

you set it in clocks and alarmes in settings

Can't find anything in there apart from setting specific alarm times which is not quite what I want.
I need it so that when I create an 'all day event' in the calander with a reminder, that that alert time is relative to say 9am and not 6am!
Technically it would have made sense to have the all day event alert at 12 midnight but that wouldn't have been much better for my sleep than 6am...

Uncheck "all day event" and set the meeting to start at 9am, then select the rest of the day in the calendar........

Yeah except I synchronise my pda with Outlook.
Outlook puts 'all day events' in a separate section at the top, allowing me to schedule other things during the day. If i set it to start at 9am and finish at 9pm it has the disadvantage of
1. being a longer process
2. blocking up the day
Surely they can't mean to wake everyone up at 6am every day there is an all day event??

Shouldn't an 'all day event' block the whole day anyway?
It seems you're not using 'all day events' as they are intended, and then complaining that they are not working the way you want them to work.
You must be an executive.
I'm assuming you're already at work for these 'all day events' of yours that all start at 9am but don't take up the whole day, so just turn the reminders for them off altogether.

Forums are for being helpful..
Dear Doom, it has to be said that your suggestion was not helpful and your comment as "you must be an executive" was particularly childish. I too have this problem and am not an executive I assure you. What kind of events do I wish to schedule as all day, have a reminder for, but yet have no start time? Scheduling things like birthdays which have no start time and no impact on my day would seem a fair example, it is after that person's birthday all day... Then there are system installs that span whole days, they don't have a time they are expected to start, or end, they are in fact pencilled in for when the engineers arrive. There are also loads of those jobs that have no particular time associtaed with them but need to be done - check tapes, contact customer, etc.
If anyone has a suggestion on how we can schedule events making use of the Outlook reminder facility, without logjamming our Calendar and without being woken up at midnight or 6AM it would be appreciated! My Outlook is configured so my working day starts at 8AM.

Sounds like that would be better served by using tasks....

Yep. Listen to AlbertoM.

I too have suffered this problem and now have to set the reminder to n.5 days (e.g. 1.5 days) so that the reminder goes off at 12 noon rather than midnight. Bit of pain having to remember to do this but it is better than getting woken.

in outlook you can set it as 'busy'. Can you do the same thing in calandar on the 8525/tytn?

Even I had a similar problem waking up at midnight, I thought there must be a way to fix it and I was lazy to look for it. Since this post came up, I thought of building something up to convert all my 'All day events' to fixed time events.
Here it is
I am not sure if it completely solves the problem but might help someone

This could also be handled easily if you have outlook installed on your desktop. Just go into options and on the preferences tab select calendar options and adjust the start and end times, as far as I know this just highlights those hours differently as they are considered your peak hours. The begin time you set will also be the time your all day event reminders go off. Sync your device and these settings will be applied to your device as well.

marnel47 said:
The begin time you set will also be the time your all day event reminders go off
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Are you sure on the above? I have already the Start time and the End Time set in outlook on pc. Still my device notifies me at 12:00 AM for all day events.
Is there any other setting to change?

Are you sure on the above? I have already the Start time and the End Time set in outlook on pc. Still my device notifies me at 12:00 AM for all day events.
Is there any other setting to change?
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My appologies you are correct i must have been thinking back to my last palm device. Oddly enough i'm suprised i haven't set up a all day event with a reminder to have noticed this That is very odd that this is the way it is handled. I mean it makes sense and all since 12am is when the device moves the date forward. Kinda makes me wonder when my first birthday reminder goes off 2 weeks in advance, guess i'll be woken up at the the stroke of midnight 2 weeks prior to the birthdate.

marnel47 you don't have to apologize it is obvious to assume that device would notify to on your start of the day, even though it is logically correct to wake up at 12:00 AM. But there should have been some setting to notify at day start time. (Exactly same behavior is experienced on the desktop reminder too)
marnel47 said:
My appologies you are correct i must have been thinking back to my last palm device. Oddly enough i'm suprised i haven't set up a all day event with a reminder to have noticed this That is very odd that this is the way it is handled. I mean it makes sense and all since 12am is when the device moves the date forward. Kinda makes me wonder when my first birthday reminder goes off 2 weeks in advance, guess i'll be woken up at the the stroke of midnight 2 weeks prior to the birthdate.
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sorry posted in wrong thread


Changing Reminder Interval (5/15/1hr etc) on Exec

Hi All,
have been searching for the past hour for a solution to my problem, but to no avail. Is there any software/registry hack in WM5 that will give me the option to 'snooze' an alarm/reminder for 30mins?
The default list that pops up has 5mins, 15mins, 1hrs, 1day but I need 30mins. Currently I do 2 x 15mins then a Dismiss.
I use PI 2007 and Pocket Plus, but the snooze times appear to be a feature of WM5 rather than either of these two programs.
Even better would be a custom snooze, so I could say remind me again in, e.g, 22hrs.
All the work arounds I have seen so far involve going into Calendar and duplicating the event with a later remind time which is far from ideal.
Thanks in advance.


Reminders (most, not all) have stopped working on my Advantage. They show correctly in the calendar and sync with the desktop where the reminders pop up but for most of them nothing happens on Adavantage.
The odd one still works as normal but for most of them although the agenda shows the appointment about to happen no pop up, sound or even notice of a reminder having been missed appears.
I seem to remember a slightly similar thing happening with WM2003 after I had changed the time zone, and had to delete and then reinstate each appointment to get the reminders up again. But in this case neither has the time zone changed nor does deleting and reinstalling (nor before you ask soft-resetting) the device makes any difference.
Any ideas anybody?
I had some recurring reminders which were set to go off at 1 minute before and some at 0 minutes.
When I set all of these to at least 5 minutes before everything returned to normal.
Strange unless there is some time issue in the device or OS somewhere - anyway, just in case someone else gets this problem.
It may sound funny but change time zones, have it change the time zone. Then hold the power button until it asks are you sure you want to reboot. Let it reboot then change the time zone back. Sometimes that helps cuz it will rebuild the alarm database.
Your other option is Scarybear fix notifications and Check Notifications. You can view the alarms and remove the ones that are invalid. You need to be careful though. Delete the ones that say NULL.
I've benn through this for YEARS and that's the only way I've had 100% success.
hammermedia said:
Your other option is Scarybear fix notifications and Check Notifications. You can view the alarms and remove the ones that are invalid. You need to be careful though. Delete the ones that say NULL.
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I agree with everything hammermedia says bar one - I find Scarybear sometimes doesn't too well on WM5. Dinarsoft Memmaid does the trick
on the notification queue for me.
Snooze options
While we are on the subject the thing I HATE about WM5 compared to PPC2003 is the fewer snooze options.
Got quite excited over mention of memmaid to look at queue as I totally rely on these notifications but often need to set the snooze to x hours but having had a brief look I see that one can delete but not amend.
Don't want to try scarybear if there are reports of probs on WM5
On my old universal I spent ages trying to to get PocketMax Alarmtoday working to give me more flexibility. I will try again on Advantage now.
Any way of hacking the reminder snooze options? or Other programs people like?
still not snoozing
Just a brief update have got alarmtoday working fine which does have helpful options - regulates the sounds for how long and really like the 'mute all sound for a flexible period' - how many times does one forgot to turn the sound back on!
Alas it still uses the WM5 options for handling the reminder when it pops up so I can't tell it to remind me 8 hours

rk-Calendar-Update: Mass Update 'all day Calendar events'[15OCT2007]

There is an issue with the calendar reminders, that is when you have an ‘all day event’ then the device would wake up at 12:00 AM to remind you. For some people it might be ok but most of us want device to show the reminder at some convenient time (such as 08:00 AM when having a coffee).
Here is the possible fix(There might be other solutions too which I am not aware of)
This is a small utility I built which will allow you to mass update all such events to some fixed time span. That is converting all these all day events to non all day with the option to set your own time span.
Update 1.0.1
Now the application also updates all All Day Event's default reminder time as per your requirement.
Choose your reminder hours from the new tab added and update all All day events
It also has a command line interface so if you want to automate this process you could do it as follows.
To Full day to non full day --> \Program Files\rk-Calendar-Update.exe “08:00” “22:00”
[COLOR=blue]To just change the reminder time(in hours) --> \Program Files\rk-Calendar-Update.exe 13[/COLOR]
Watch the format above and space between the two times specified
For the reminder update just supply the reminder time in hours such as 13 hours in the above example
Important notes:
Utility would convert the actual events to fixed time events permanently. So when synchronize with your desktop pc changes applied back to your pc and all your all day events have been changed to fixed time! If that is acceptable use this app.
I have tested it only on my device(Hermes/WM6) so you test it on your devices (I will recommend some kind of backup before running it just in case )
I have seen some of the events did not convert right away when there is a conflict in appointments. But running the utility again converted all successfully.
You can run this update any number of times, it only updates the full day events if found.
I can add some automation to it, but only if anyone needs that
Note: This application requires Compact Framework 2.0
You need compact framework 2.0 installed inorder to run this application. The compact framework is already part of WM6, so if your device is WM6 skip this step. But most of the WM5 devices do not have this update. So you must download here and run the installation on your desktop (then active sync to update your device). Only after completing this step install the application.
Download from here
Very cool. I am definitely going to try this out as this has been a pet peeve of mine for the longest time! Thanks!
What may have been a better fix would have been to change all the default reminder times from 18 hours to 16 hours (so the reminder goes off at 8am instead of 6am). Then you can still have the "all day event" instead of a fixed period of time, and you can avoid the annoying 6am reminder.
Would it be possible to create a similar fix to the one you created so that all "All day events" are converted to a 16 hour reminder instead of the default 18 hour reminder?
andylen said:
What may have been a better fix would have been to change all the default reminder times from 18 hours to 16 hours (so the reminder goes off at 8am instead of 6am). Then you can still have the "all day event" instead of a fixed period of time, and you can avoid the annoying 6am reminder.
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For me the 'All Day Events' always woke me up at 12:00 AM(Midnight) irrespective of default reminder time you specified. So what you are saying looks like you are getting the reminders at 6AM since your default reminder time is 18Hrs! Please confirm the above.
andylen said:
Would it be possible to create a similar fix to the one you created so that all "All day events" are converted to a 16 hour reminder instead of the default 18 hour reminder?
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It is very well possible, but let me understand the issue first(based on the question above)
good stuff........
Yes. That's correct.
I have the default reminder box checked in Tools -> Options -> Preference Tab (Calendar). I do this because I actually do prefer the default reminder of 15 minutes for the meetings/appointments. However, when this is checked, it also sets the new All Day Events to have the default reminder of 18 hours, which causes the reminder alarm to go off at 6am!
The annoying thing is that the default reminder in the "Options" is set at 15 minutes for new meetings/appointments (which can be changed); however, it doesn't give you an option to change the default of the All Day Event reminders from 18 hours to something else.
After some research, I realized it's actually not possible to change the 18 hour default in Outlook. See the bottom of page 3 of this Office Online training:
So you have to go into each event manually and change the reminder to a different time (change the 18 hours to some other time) in order for it not to wake you up at flippin' 6am! I have so many all day events created that this will be a major pain. Not to mention that I'm sure I will forget to change it each time I create a new one.
So if you can work some magic so that I can keep the default reminder box checked, but have the default reminder changed on "All Day Events" to 16 hours instead of 18 hours, I would really appreciate it (and be very amazed!).
14 - 16 hours chang
or even 12 to start at 10:00 a.m. is rather enought -
would appreciate that toooooooo - plzzz change - beside
it is one of my most prefered features as i keep my brains
sticking in the touch - contacts, calendar, notes ...
thxs in advance
Update 1.0.1
Now the application supports mass update of 'Reminder Time' of all day events
Awesome! I'm excited to try it out. (The stupid alarm woke me up again this morning.) Thanks so much for your help!!!
other solution
This script above did not work for me. I got some error after installing it. Therefore I decided to write my own macro.
This is what it does: when outlook start, it checks all calendar items, if one of them has a reminder set to18 hours before, then the reminder is disabled
Running this script takes a few seconds (depending on the number of items in your calender) every time Outlook starts.
To install this script do the following:
• In outlook type Alt-F11 (the VBA editor window will pop up).
• Double click on Microsoft outlook Objects/ThisOutlookSession and copy/paste the following code in the right window:
‘This script was created by Ruut Brandsma on 12/04/2007
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Call Check_all_calender_items_and_disable_reminder_if_set_to_18_hours
End Sub
Sub Check_all_calender_items_and_disable_reminder_if_set_to_18_hours()
Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
For Each item In Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items
With item
If .Class = olAppointment Then
If .ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 18 * 60 And .ReminderSet Then
.ReminderSet = False
End If
End If
End With
Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
End Sub
• Close your outlook. Say yes to the save changes popup.
• Restart outlook and during startup all calendar items are checked and if needed adjusted.
If you not want to disable the reminders, but only to adjust the reminder time from 18 hours to e.g. 15 hours, just replace ".ReminderSet = False" in the code above to ".ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 15 * 60"
I used Outlook Profesiional 2003 to test the script, but might also work for other version.
How do you make it run when new appointments are received
I did some modifications for all day event and made it start at the end of outlook startup.. But a new appointement requires me to rerun the script or restart outlook.
Private Sub Application_MAPILogonComplete()
Call Check_all_calender_items_and_disable_reminder_if_set_to_18_hours
End Sub
Sub Check_all_calender_items_and_disable_reminder_if_set_to_18_hours()
Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
For Each Item In Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items
With Item
If .Class = olAppointment Then
If .AllDayEvent = True Then
.ReminderSet = True
.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 15 * 60
End If
End If
End With
Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
End Sub
I think I have found a bug. The automatic update daylight savings time happened twice last month on my HD2 after using this.

SMS receipt time wrong

I was just looking down at my SMS inbox (I wish there was a way to default to the inbox style rather than having to select it each time) message times are wrong.
eg I received a message at 8.00am this morning..looks ok
I received another one at 12.30...however, my phone reports this as being 12.30am....not pm....
anyone else have that?
That happens to me when receiver/sender are in different time zones...
wellmy mate is only an hour down the road, so it's not that thats causing it
SMS receipt time incorrect
I'm having the same issue. It seems to only happen at midnight or noon.
I work from noon til midnight. I have text conversations throughout the day with many people on the same schedule. After work we talk (via text) and the new texts are listed before the text conversation prior to midnight.
It's weird that not all the texts come in that way. 1 will, then I reply, then they reply (comes in normal) then their next reply is listed before all others. Kinda confusing, but now that I know what its doing, I can follow it. But would love a fix.

calendar reminder bug (?)

Not sure if this is my phone or how the HD2 is programmed: If a calendar event reminder is due while my phone is switched off, then I completely miss the reminder after I switch it back on. Same is true for alarms.
Any thoughts?
Many thanks.
jae_ said:
Not sure if this is my phone or how the HD2 is programmed: If a calendar event reminder is due while my phone is switched off, then I completely miss the reminder after I switch it back on. Same is true for alarms.
Any thoughts?
Many thanks.
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This happens to me too.
I believe it goes as follows:
If the phone is completly switched off (not on standby),
the windows' event queue does not exist.
When the phone boots up, it re-builds the event queue from the time it is switched on.
Is it a bug ?
May be (maybe it's design flaw)
Is it an HTC bug or Microsofts ?
I Really do not know whom to blame
Should thay have saved the event queue on power off and reload it on bootup, instead of re-building?
On my WM2003, if I loaded the event queue from a backup,
and the event queue contained an overdue alarm/reminder
it would have just clogged the queue, and no remonders popped up,
Which is worse than skipping an alarm/remonder or two.
But - nevetheless, they should have fixed the problem, instead of dropping the alarms.
on a side note, does anybody know how to make the phone not remind you before 15 minutes and on the time?i just need to see the appointment is there on manila. ive loaded all my appointments from outlook - till june and on my outlook, ive turned the reminders for each individual one off. however, the phone still reminds me and its annoying. i dont really want to have to go through each one of them (theres 100) and turn it off. itll take me a day!
thanks for your reply. At least I don't feel that there's something wrong with MY device, and that I need to send it back ---there is only something WRONG with my device.
Strangely enough, on my HTC Touch Diamond, these reminders (and alarms) seemed to work perfectly well and wouldn't miss a single event, so, in upgrading, either Windows or HTC have made a blunder.
I know Outlook by default seems to remind you not only at the user set time before the event, but also when it starts to occur, but I don't think my HTC does that. And certainly not the 15 minutes before one.
In my personal experience the ability to switch the phone on when an appointments et. is due is unavailable in Windows Mobile. I remember having this on Symbian S60 years ago but not on any Windows Mobile device.
For the second issue. In calendar menu, settings there is an option to change the deault reminder from anything from 1 week before to 5 minutes before as well as None. Have you tried setting it to None to see what happens? I haven't tried it but know its there. The standard alarm doesn't have a delay reminder option so its the time you set only I believe.
Hope this helps in some way.
cMMY69 said:
In my personal experience the ability to switch the phone on when an appointments et. is due is unavailable in Windows Mobile. I remember having this on Symbian S60 years ago but not on any Windows Mobile device.
For the second issue. In calendar menu, settings there is an option to change the deault reminder from anything from 1 week before to 5 minutes before as well as None. Have you tried setting it to None to see what happens? I haven't tried it but know its there. The standard alarm doesn't have a delay reminder option so its the time you set only I believe.
Hope this helps in some way.
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I have done this for htc, but i have the impression it will only do that for new appointments that are created on the pocket pc.
i can turn each one off by selecting one after the other and editing each. but not from outlook.

