Wizard Apps - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

What are some of the more interesting things I can do with a PPC phone? Something like the Remote Desktop, which I've had a lot of fun with. I have a blog hosted on Livingdot, can I remotely maintain and update my site, etc. Just looking for some creative applications

I had a nice guitaru tuner on mine for awhile... it had additional features not found on your average cheapo digital tuner.
I've used mine with real-time chat programs that let me real-time chat on Yahoo, MSN, and AOL.
I haven't tethered mine to my notebook yet, but that would be an easy way to provide yourself a data connection for a notebook pc while on the go (provided you have an unlimited data plan like I do).
I keep Google Maps installed on it, and Opera's latest web browser for Pocket PC phone edition. I use the latter for superpages.com to get addresses, and the former Maps program to find the location of those adresses. Not a GPS but the next best thing.

WM5torage is a great app if you want to listen to your music on your xbox 360!


tmobile web'n'walk

Does anyone know if tmobile make additional charges for non web traffic on their basic web and walk plan. For example will I be charged for acessing an SSH server.
You shouldn't receive any additional charges, the Pro package allows you to use 3GB and the phone as a modem, whilst the Max package allows 10GB and VOIP use.
I'm not entirely sure how they check but seeing as the basic package advertises internet on your mobile, I dont see how a pocket pc ssh client would be breaking that.
I'm thinking of upgrading to the Max so that I can use skype and I'm starting to use alot of data now I've got Orb set up...!
Hope this helps,
Just spotted this on the site...
(Basic should)
Not to be used for other activities (including but not limited to): modem access for computers, internet based video/audio streaming services, peer to peer file sharing, internet based video downloads, internet phone calls and instant messaging.
The question is what does not limited to cover. I note somewhere else on their site it says you can't download pdf, xls,doc or mp3 on basic. it's really not very clear and the support staff don't seem not understand what an SSH server is. I don't understand what's wrong with just having a simple usage cap.

Remote Administration

Long time lurker, first-time poster.
I'm after some advice concerning using Windows Mobile in a corporate environment. My company is currently dishing out Blackberry RIM devices to anyone who needs email on the go, but we've got a really stable and secure AD infrastructure, and are going to go with WM ASAP for email, contacts, web etc etc etc.
Anyway, I've been tasked to bring these devices into the company properly; making sure the devices are fit for purpose, making sure that there's hardware support, and...making sure that they can be managed from our Service Desk, which is where I need some input.
I've used SOTI's Pocket Controller in the past and immediately had this in mind to deal with remote management. MobiControl takes this several steps forward and really does tick every box. I've scoured the 'net for other remote management/administration apps, but have more or less hit a blank. The only one that can be considered close is IntelliSync, but seems to fall over in several areas. Does anyone know of any other remote admin apps out there that can operate over wireless/cellular data connections? At the very least, I cannot deliver a choice of one to choose from, although I can't imagine anything else coming close to MobiControl.
Thanks, and well done everyone - top top site!
Do you use Exchange 2003? Either standalone or as part of SBS2003?? If so, Exchange 2003 SP2 has the MSFP (Messaging and Security Feature Pack) included, which allows remote administration - and remote wipe - of Windows Mobile devices (especially if they run Windows Mobile 6.0!!).
Another product from MS is the new System Center Configuration Manager (replacement for SMS) - this includes mobile device provisioning. There's a 120-day trial available, but I'm not sure when/if the product has been released yet. See this link for more details.
My company will be looking into SCCM in the new year as, at last, some of our senior execs are just getting wise to the possiblility of getting their email on the move (We won't be touching those "dark coloured fruit" devices with a long stick!!).
Thanks Mark,
Yep - we're running Exchange 2K3 but I'm not sure what service pack we're on. I think our Exchange team are in the process of upgrading to 2007 - hopefully, this will also include some Windows Mobile goodies.
Most of our devices are WM5; I'm the only one running WM6, but most of the devices we're looking at are WM6.
One of my colleagues were talking to our Orange account manager a couple of days ago, and they mentioned Mobile Device Manager 2008. I will check out System Centre - thank you for the pointer.
Just out of interest, what line of business is your company in? From my converations with the other Groups within my company, the scope of this "investigation" has become rather large! Initially, it was going to be a straight swap for the PIM functions of the Blackberry, but I'm also now looking at GPS navigation via longitude and latitude co-ordinates, barcode scanning, printing via Bluetooth AND across the cellular data link, and a few other small (but useful) functions.
Can of worms...pop!

Windows OS Apps..new user

I decided to buy this phone primarily because of the windows OS. As I waiting on delivery I wanted to ask a few questions.
Does the wing have a full html client?
I assume you can switch browsers to something better like firefox assuming there is something for the mobile os.
What about apps like google talk or google maps? Do those work on this phone? I really hope they do. I want to be able to sit my butt on the couch and google talk/chat and surf the net useing wifi. Can I assume that can be done? Finally..regarding google talk or something else like skype, can I use the microphone on the cell phone to communicate with these voip programs and bypass t-mobile's hotspot or data service packages? I assume that because it uses wifi, I should be able to use any wifi app that would work on a normal computer. I believe I can treat this phone like a mini-computer since it has wifi and windows mobile. Is that a safe assumption?
In regards to the memory issues...is a 4 gig sd card enough or should I be looking for bigger?
Regarding the html browser :
Keep in mind because of screen size, there are some limitations of course. But you do have some alternatives.
Opera, Minimo to name a few. The favorite seems to be opera.
Google maps works fine, you can find the download here
There is no actual google client for googletalk for WM6, but I use www.palringo.com which connects to all the instant messengers.
Skype for mobile is here
There are various VoIP programs out there, that you can find on these forums... just search "VoIP"
Yes, you will be able to use your phone via WIFI for anything you want to do.

sync over network impossible? (Activesync Filesync Ethernet synchronize)

Hi all,
I just bought an HTC Universal. Till now I had an old Wallaby and I thought it would be time to get up to date and join the great new future of mobile devices. Since the Xperia X1 is not on the market yet I decided to buy this Universal for the meantime. I didn't want to wait anymore.
Now I think I'll have go back to the old times
I couldn't believe it but it seems to be completely impossible to keep some files in sync without a cable these days!!!
Am I the only person on the world who wants to edit a simple Word document while I'm on the road?! Shouldnt that be the most basic mobility you would expect from such a device these days?!
Is it possible that even with the expensive evel Exchange Server you can't sync files, only contacts, calenders and appointments?!
If anybody has a solution or alternative or workaround PLEASE tell me! I was searching for days now and didn't find anything
Bluetooth is always a possibility.
1.: When I say "on the road" I'm not talking about 10 meters away from my Workstation. To walk around in a circle of ten meters is not mobility for me
2.: Bluetooth (XP)+Activesync doesn't work with Ranjus last ROM. Only with other ROMs which then don't allow to run Skype. So I had to decide: Skype or Bluetooth.
Hi there,
I think you got something wrong;
1. Exchange Active Sync is ONLY Exchange Active Sync.
So need to put your word document in an email as attachment. This is NOT Filesync. Never was ...
What you need to do is accessing your network via GPRS/UMTS ... (e.g. vpn) and browse a network share, get a document and edit it. Beware, this means an enourmous amount of data to be transfered. Be sure to have a mobile flatrate.
2. Though Bluetooth isn't an option for you, you should not complain about roms you decided to use on your own. Go and get the original rom. You can use Bluetooth AND Skype with it.
BTW: Xperia will NOT solve your problem, you definitely need vpn for what you want to do. Or, sync your files via bluetoth while in the office and edit on the road. Send back to the office by mail ...
Best regards,
Yea, use a VPN or use a FTP or use another HostingTool.
I use my own FTP with ssl, works well fine with Resco Explorer+FTP Plugin,TotalCommander Mobile,Orneta FTP,....

For those who used Subsonic...

You can now simply browser your server from the phone's browser since it has Flash support! No more need for the separate Android app.
And for those who have no idea what I am talking about, Subsonic is a music server to access your home music anywhere on the Internet.
It's fairly easy to get working:
1. Install Subsonic on your home PC
2. If you have a dynamic IP from your Internet provider, get a DynDNS account.
3. If you're behind a router, forward the port your Subsonic server is using to the correct PC's IP
4. Browse to your web server and login to your music
5. Rock out with your **** out.
i recently heard about this client as well as other streaming ones such as ampache. i'm interested in trying them seeing as my 16gb sd card is just about full w/ music. realized i need to save some space for when we get apps2sd capability. it's sad though because once the clients start talking about separate servers, MySQL, ip's, and such, i get a bit lost. =|
Well, I can say this... Subsonic does not require you to "activate" or install any other web server. It installs it's self as it's own web server. All you need to know is how to properly route your external incoming traffic to the proper PC running the server. Subsonic has it's own few quirks, but nothing I could get over.

