How hard is it for a Noob? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I would like to know how hard would be for me to contribute? I have no programming skills, let alone typing, but I would like to create program to handle ringtones.
For those who have some experience, especially those like myself, who start with nothing but got something how hard would be to do something like this? What would I need to get going?

What exactly do you mean? How hard it is to start developing apps for the WM platform?

How hard is it to play soccer or basketball?
well who wants to learn?
does the one who wants to lern to play soccer have legs?
does the one who wants to lern to play basketball have arms?
the question is not how hard it is to learn how to program for WM devices but how much effort you want to put in learning to make these programs.

Yeah good point. I would'nt mind trying to create an application like Ringo or Mring. I guess I wanted to know how involved the process is considering I don't have any programming knowledge.

PhillyKing said:
Yeah good point. I would'nt mind trying to create an application like Ringo or Mring. I guess I wanted to know how involved the process is considering I don't have any programming knowledge.
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my advice is this
choose what platform you want to use NET .. c++ or something else and then start reading buy a book and read... google... and read.... search forums .... and read..... find example code from the net .... studdy them .... read some more.... this is how I learned to program for windows... I havn't made any apps for WM yet and I will maybe do that in the future but for now I'm happy with just coocking roms

I totally agree!! Once you're dedicated, and have the will, it'll all fall into place. I recommend using a high level language, like VB or C# to start though...

thundershadow14 said:
I totally agree!! Once you're dedicated, and have the will, it'll all fall into place. I recommend using a high level language, like VB or C# to start though...
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Absolutely give it a crack, try not to be discouraged though when you realize just how intricate languages are, even the oop for that matter.
Not to rain on your parade, I've just finished a 4yr degree in software engineering and feel like I still have "lots to learn".
Good luck.

Its all a matter of identifying problems. You must identify your overall goal and break it down into stages. Each problem can be divided further and still further until you need to accomplish a problem in code. If you can identify each individual problem you will succeed. Thats because the internet is full of code addressing individual problems that will hep you.
a good piece of advice is to not skip anything. If you find something that you do not understand, work on that one thing until you do. It may seem boring or pointless but it will build knowledge of the basics. You can only get fancy stuff to work after you understand whats going on.
c++ is the only way to go. There are some compelling reasons to utilize c# but you will always need to understand c++ because of the amount of times you will need to import native api's. Even the basics are not covered by c#, the last time I looked it didn't even have the ability to wait on multiple events without importing waitformultipleobjects.

luckly the syntax of c# and c/c++ is pretty close
which is why i would never advice people to use


Trying to become a developer

Sorry if this has been posted but I couldn't find one and if posted in wrong section
Im trying to become a developer but I am stuck at hello android and don't know what to do from there if anyone can show me a way to develop apps easily please help out and this is my first post too =]
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cesarcerros31 said:
Sorry if this has been posted but I couldn't find one and if posted in wrong section
Im trying to become a developer but I am stuck at hello android and don't know what to do from there if anyone can show me a way to develop apps easily please help out and this is my first post too =]
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You're stuck getting Hello Android to work or whate to do after hello android? Do you know any development languages such as Java or C#? (you'll be writing android apps in java, but C# is really MS version of java with a few syntax differences) If not, are you familiar with object orientation? If not, it's gonna be tough dude but if you're smart and pick stuff up quickly you can learn by reading.
Pick up some books and look at youtube videos.
Sent while sitting on the toilet.
Alright thanks its just that helloandroid project wouldn't start right but I will look up massively on how to start a different way or just try to find the solution and youtube always helps and anyone knows how to make roms looking to make aosp
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There's a few free Eclipse and Java books out there that a beginner will understand especially if you already understand the concepts of object-oriented programming. Eclipse IDE itself will need a book as it's full of plugins and tools you need to understand to compile your project effectively.
It's going to be a very very long and slow road.
This may help, a series of YouTube videos for beginners.
I've been thinking the same thing, learning to develop for Android. Since I have near zero experience programming (save for a VB class in college) I decided I would be better off hiring someone to write what I want.
Just keep in mind though, Hello World is just where people start.
You may want to check out the android Appinventor. It's made by Google, and is in beta testing now, but it's a graphical way of programming for android. Though there isn't any code involved and won't be good/used outside of Android, it does a good job imparting the logic of programming.
I'll give you some tips that I've learned over the years as a developer.
First if you haven't done any development before I highly advise obtaining a book. True there are tons of web tutorials out there but personally I find a good author can do wonders in learning how to develop software. Anytime I want to learn a new platform I pick up a book on that platform. Of course you can find a ton of books used but another great source is a library. If you're in college with a computer science program chances are your library will have a couple of books on Android development. Your public library probably has some books on the subject as well. If all else fails see if you have a friend who will loan you a book.
Reading about development is only part one, part two is hands on. You can read an entire book on developing software and walk away with no knowledge. You can mindlessly follow the examples in the book but I find it best to use the examples in books as a guideline. In other words take the idea in the book and morph it so you're working on something original. Trust me here, you'll learn a lot more doing this instead of just mindlessly following the examples.
Next thing you'll need is a problem. Why? Because you need something to write. I find myself most motivated to write software when I either have a problem or something else has one and a checkbook. What do you want your phone to do? Are there applications out there that solve your problem but you think you can do better? Think small and easy since you're still new. Realistically you're not going to be able to make a web browser from scratch as your first project but you can certainly make a database of movies you own.
One thing that is debatable is whether you should learn to write something quickly or well. Frankly I'm in the school or writing something quickly and ignoring "correctness" when you're new. People new to programming spend too much time worrying about doing things "correctly" (very important when you're developing actual software) instead of learning how to do things in the first place.
Your code may not be readable, may not be optimized, and may crash every time an invalid input is entered into a field but you'll learn from those things. I think most people who end up hating programming do so because they spent too much time on worry about the little things and thus seeing no results for their work. Once you have the basics down you can concentrate of the details of optimizing code, validating inputs, and making your code readable.
Honestly not matter what you write you'll look back at it in embarrassment ten years from now anyways.
Ok thanks will look for a book
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cesarcerros31 said:
Ok thanks will look for a book
Sent from my overclocked Cyanogenmod htc evolution 4g sucka
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Buy a Java book that also covers Object Orientation basics and principals. (you'll also need to understand some XML to do android programming) If you want to make kernels/ROMS, definitely look into Linux and shell scripting. (you can find most of this info online though)
By the way, I heard the "Java in 24 hours" book is pretty good.
Sirchuk said:
By the way, I heard the "Java in 24 hours" book is pretty good.
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it might be good, but it wont teach him how to actually code. Most of those books are made for people that know other languages like javascript/php/c/etc.. and are wanting to move to java and learn the new syntax.
I have no idea as to what you know. So ftw.
Write what ever you decide in a pseudo code, first.
Two things will fall out of that, a design, and java methods of implementing the pseudo language ( as you decide what java syntax does your psuedo code) which invariably returns you to (1) the design. I think it's called iterational refinement, or some such other bs.
So don't get bogged down, now that you know hello, make it start "right"...
You all do realize that eclipse was a machine.. a sunny>dg joke.

[Q] Learning to Dev

I have been a member of XDA for a while and now I want to contribute. I have a basic understanding of computers and want to learn more. Obviously our greatest devs were not born devs they had to learn everything from somewhere. I'm looking for suggestions on where to start on the road to become the best dev I can be. Keep in mind I'm flat broke so I cannot hit up the local bookstore or download any paid software, but with the way the internet is today there must a free legitimate source for everything somewhere. So anyone willing to help a noob If I posted in the wrong section please kindly redirect me rather than flame me. Thanks in advance.
It all depends on what you want to contribute. I'm a beginner myself (only developing since august). It is easy to learn Java, for the most part. I would suggest heading over to for starters. There are many examples and if you want to know something specific, try using the search bar at the top right (it comes in handy). I have already published an app, a simple one, but still an application none the less. I am working on two other projects simultaneously (a live wallpaper and a home-replacement app). You can come to my website to see what I'm working on. I am still in the process of learning, and being in college slows things down a bit. Just make sure not to give up. If your stuck, ask someone (or everyone) on forums like this.
Futur Innovations said:
It all depends on what you want to contribute. I'm a beginner myself (only developing since august). It is easy to learn Java, for the most part. I would suggest heading over to for starters. There are many examples and if you want to know something specific, try using the search bar at the top right (it comes in handy). I have already published an app, a simple one, but still an application none the less. I am working on two other projects simultaneously (a live wallpaper and a home-replacement app). You can come to my website to see what I'm working on. I am still in the process of learning, and being in college slows things down a bit. Just make sure not to give up. If your stuck, ask someone (or everyone) on forums like this.
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I forgot to mention I want to learn to dev for Android. I want to start out with simple apps then work my way up to building/porting roms. Also I just downloaded the Java JDK and am using Java's "Greenfoot" Tutorial to get started since I have no experience with Java. And I will be sure to check out your blog and thank you for the reply.
porting and building is something far different from app have to know much more if you want to work with kernel,drivers,basically you have to know everything from hardware level to user level (if you want to be top of the class)...good luck
farukb said:
porting and building is something far different from app have to know much more if you want to work with kernel,drivers,basically you have to know everything from hardware level to user level (if you want to be top of the class)...good luck
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Well we all gotta start somewhere. Now is probably a good time for me as I'm only 18 and a senior in high school. Since I don't have a job at the moment I have plenty of free time after school and on weekends.
I'm only 18 myself. I started straight with downloading Eclipse and all of the appropriate software for developing and just dove in. I would recommend watching these tutorials: They helped me A LOT. I am taking a programming in C class in the spring semster, which I am looking forward to. Programming in Java for Android is different than regular programming. It's the same concepts, just different APIs and tools. I like using Eclipse because it is easy to learn and get used to. There are a lot of fancy features like a type of autocorrect (not like on the phone, but smarter). Like you said, just start from the basics, like "Hello World" (Hello Android) and practice creating different layouts using the tutorials given on the Developer site. Explore the site and look through everything because eventually you may need to know where its located for quick access. Just don't set too high of goals for yourself, other wise you might be more prone to give up (like I almost did). Good luck
Im in ths same boat as you we got to start somewhere
mit have a fantastic course in computer science online.
search for MIT open courseware then introduction to computer science.
I'm on 10 now, getting very complicated
crowstar said:
mit have a fantastic course in computer science online.
search for MIT open courseware then introduction to computer science.
I'm on 10 now, getting very complicated
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Thanks bro I'm checking out that MIT course right now it looks really helpfull
This is a great starting point for Android development, as it deals quite well with getting the Android SDK and Eclipse IDE set up and working together.
Futur Innovations said:
I'm only 18 myself. I started straight with downloading Eclipse and all of the appropriate software for developing and just dove in. I would recommend watching these tutorials: They helped me A LOT. I am taking a programming in C class in the spring semster, which I am looking forward to. Programming in Java for Android is different than regular programming. It's the same concepts, just different APIs and tools. I like using Eclipse because it is easy to learn and get used to. There are a lot of fancy features like a type of autocorrect (not like on the phone, but smarter). Like you said, just start from the basics, like "Hello World" (Hello Android) and practice creating different layouts using the tutorials given on the Developer site. Explore the site and look through everything because eventually you may need to know where its located for quick access. Just don't set too high of goals for yourself, other wise you might be more prone to give up (like I almost did). Good luck
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Hi, I'm 24. And I learn how to 'program' since 14-15.
It's easy to write apps for Android. But it's hard to write good apps.
You should take Software Engineering course (NOT Computer Science course).
If you take CS (Computer Science) course, than you will learn mainly about algorithm.
But if you enter SE (Software Engineering) course, you will learn about SDLC, software QA/testing, and planning to write programs for living
I personally don't like eclipse, it's just bloated IDE :-(
I use SciTE, apache ant, MinGW/MSYS (GCC 4.5.0), Java SDK, ActivePerl, Dev-C++ IDE. That's should be enough for development :-D
I will see if there are any software engineer classes at the college I am attending. If so, then I will sign up for it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Is taking the programming class still beneficial?
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Futur Innovations said:
Is taking the programming class still beneficial?
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I'd really recommend a class if it's a viable option. It will help you understand object oriented programming, where just working through examples won't actually teach you how to understand what you're doing. Things like classes, inheritance and polymorphism are pretty difficult principles to grasp unless you've got someone to explain them to you. Then it's pretty easy.

[Q] Thinking of making some applicatoins

so guys i am fairly new to this have a few ideas popping in my head and i would like to do some app development but i need a push into the right direction such as a great starter book that would help me understand the coding and app building for "dummies" or something that would get me on the right track anyone who has some great ideas please let me know asap before i buy something i regret, the input of new android developers would probably be the most helpful cause i would like to know what they used to get them going in the right direction.
Study Java first, I suggest head first Java. it's really a good book for beginners, I just bought it at Amazon and it's on sale.
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I've researched alot about what u want n let me tell u one thing if u really want to become a developer then u may start from C++ with that skills in ur hand, java wud be much much easier and then go for android SDK this is the right track u may follow otherwise its not a hard and fast rule.. but I must warn u that its not a simple process and time taking. So be sure that whether u want to really learn it b4 u stopped working in between. Okay.???? All the best for your future... ^_^
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i do realize there is a lot of work involved but this has always been a dream of mine at least since i have started android, doing rooting flashing roms etc... i figured i would jump on the band wagon and do some developing myself i realize that is some time consuming steps involved but i think it will be worth it in the end, if i find a great idea that someone likes and build on that hell i could make myself rich so to speak anyway thanks guys more ideas would be very helpful i am guessing that c++ is the language itself i need a bit more input before i jump the gun and buy something that i don't need yet more or less like buying a chager for i phone that i don't have yet thanks for the input.
maxcool12345 said:
I've researched alot about what u want n let me tell u one thing if u really want to become a developer then u may start from C++ with that skills in ur hand, java wud be much much easier and then go for android SDK this is the right track u may follow otherwise its not a hard and fast rule.. but I must warn u that its not a simple process and time taking. So be sure that whether u want to really learn it b4 u stopped working in between. Okay.???? All the best for your future... ^_^
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Why recommend c++ when android apps are written in Java? If he is going to be learning from scratch anyways there is less than no reason to learn c++
Learning c++ would not help you with learning java unless you already knew c++ and since you don't just learn java.
There are some great intros to object oriented programming that use java as a base. Don't have any links at the moment. Just dont learn c++ if you want to do Android dev
From something awesome
thanks guys i decided that i am going to read up on some java, and the book i was looking as has two editions the first one made in 2005 which is way old and probably outdated and the second one i am not sure when it was made however it looked way fun to read btw i hate reading but i would do it to learn something else. i was looking at head first java but there is two editions which one should i get i see better review on 2nd edition than i do on the firlst however if i skip the first am i going to skip some knowledge that i would have been nice to know on my near road for success.
As I've already said earlier that there's not such a hard and fast rule that you have to learn c++ before Java but the better way is to go step by step, have a strong base, it'll help you in firm footing in your job. Then you'll be able to work on different platforms unless you will limit yourself and waste the talent and aptitude you have. I've also told you to go to an experienced person for better advice, if you really wanna do something.....
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bfitzpatrickd2d said:
thanks guys i decided that i am going to read up on some java, and the book i was looking as has two editions the first one made in 2005 which is way old and probably outdated and the second one i am not sure when it was made however it looked way fun to read btw i hate reading but i would do it to learn something else. i was looking at head first java but there is two editions which one should i get i see better review on 2nd edition than i do on the firlst however if i skip the first am i going to skip some knowledge that i would have been nice to know on my near road for success.
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If you're going to buy head first Java buy the latest one.
Don't worry this book is not boring.
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you can start from here as a tutorial and then buy a book maybe.
bfitzpatrickd2d said:
thanks guys i decided that i am going to read up on some java, and the book i was looking as has two editions the first one made in 2005 which is way old and probably outdated and the second one i am not sure when it was made however it looked way fun to read btw i hate reading but i would do it to learn something else. i was looking at head first java but there is two editions which one should i get i see better review on 2nd edition than i do on the firlst however if i skip the first am i going to skip some knowledge that i would have been nice to know on my near road for success.
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Since nobody else directly answered this question...
When a book comes out in a second, third, fourth ... hundred and ninety-six thousand and forty-third... edition, they're all pretty much the same book -- usually. The differences in editions are usually just updated information.
Especially when dealing with programming, new user interfaces will come out, or updates to the underlying core will be made, or whatever. Point is, the subject matter of the book changes, and the book is then revised to match. Since rewriting the whole book would be very time consuming (not to mention unnecessary) they just update pertinent parts. Usually, the book is 90% to 95% unchanged. However, don't expect an older book (say, e.g., from 2005) to have information related to the latest version of the software it covers.
If you're intelligent enough, you can probably read the older book to get the understanding, and then figure out the updates on your own if the later edition is too expensive or not available in your area or whatever (after all, you won't buy the revised edition of the book every time the software is updated), but it's best to start with the latest edition if you can.
Good luck on programming, especially if you've never done it. I wanted to get into it, and was even taking classes in college, but my junior year saw price and scheduling changes I couldn't handle with my then-new job. Very time-consuming. I understood the concepts -- we started with C and then C++ in junior college and at university we got into COBOL (why?) and Java, but between work and a fiancée that needed attention, when I was home I just didn't have time enough to devote to it to meet deadlines. However, were I single and only part-time employed, I probably could have handled it.
Completely agree with cj.... ;-) he is 100% right...
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maxcool12345 said:
As I've already said earlier that there's not such a hard and fast rule that you have to learn c++ before Java but the better way is to go step by step, have a strong base, it'll help you in firm footing in your job. Then you'll be able to work on different platforms unless you will limit yourself and waste the talent and aptitude you have. I've also told you to go to an experienced person for better advice, if you really wanna do something.....
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im sorry but this is crazy... while c++ may be a step, its on the wrong set of stairs! the base is just programming paradigms that are language agnostic. and if you want to teach those why not start at C? why skip that part of the 'base'? of course if you want to learn Java and dont know those basic programming paradigms you CAN learn them in Java (as you can in C++). a single Class program with a main() acts nearly identical to a single file C program. so the only reason to study other languages would be to learn their intricacies and the way they handle inheritance, abstraction, threads, etc... and if thats the goal then why start on a language other than the one you want to learn? if i wanted to learn how to make and use a MySQL database would you recommend me starting on another completely different data base structure?
thank you
also i dont think this is the OPs 'job' he is just trying to learn some Android programming....
C++ teaches coding principles that apply to most languages, and the detail needed.. Skipping may take time out of the process, but to be an effective and effecient coder, you need the skills taught by learning C/C++..
Skipping the basis for most modern programming is just half-assing it, and will most surely lead to this guy not becoming "rich".
And really, what sense does it make to argue, if he is searching for information, it is all different means to the same end. What's it going to hurt to learn a language that will definitely benefit him.
You just want to be right and seem to be the "expert".
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azyouthinkeyeiz said:
C++ teaches coding principles that apply to most languages, and the detail needed.. Skipping may take time out of the process, but to be an effective and effecient coder, you need the skills taught by learning C/C++..
Skipping the basis for most modern programming is just half-assing it, and will most surely lead to this guy not becoming "rich".
And really, what sense does it make to argue, if he is searching for information, it is all different means to the same end. What's it going to hurt to learn a language that will definitely benefit him.
You just want to be right and seem to be the "expert".
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thats wrong. they arent skills taught by c or c++ and c/c++ arent needed to learn them. they are universal paradigms that can be applied to any language.
logic is language agnostic.
and what would hurt him learning C++ when he wants Java is being trapped into the ways C++ does things that Java does another way.
i dont want to be an 'expert' im just trying to prevent this person from going down the path of learning C++ which can be used in sooo many different ways when he wants to learn Java which does things its own ways. its like if i asked what i should do to learn Android programming and someone said that i should learn to code for iOS first. durh
and yes this really bothers me. i have nothing against C++, its a powerful language for the things that use it. but to suggest it to a person interested in Android dev is shilling for a programming language that has nothing to do with what wants to be done.
Bro, don't waste your time on some stupid,silly, idiotic person with worthless attitude.... he seems to be very despirate to guide any guy according to him as if he influence the learner's life.. .. in simple words, leave it...!!!!
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If I want to learn how to drive a car, should I start with an eighteen wheeler or a motorcycle to learn the paradigms of knowing whether to drive on the right or the left side of the road?
I'll butt out now
Edit: HEY! My two-hundredth post! Yea!
Now... I'm off to add a zero to that...
Oh, and PS:
killersnowman said:
if i wanted to learn how to make and use a MySQL database would you recommend me starting on another completely different data base structure?
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I think COBOL would be an excellent base for that!

[Q] Suggestions for tablet app dev tools?

I'm looking for a simplified approach to tablet development for the a500. I'm currently looking into flash builder ( seems like I need the full Adobe suite to really leverage it, so too much $ ). I'm dabbling in Eclipse, but am not too psyched about learning a new IDE. I grabbed the Mono for Android trial but it's not really ready for tablets as of yet. I've been building in the Buzztouch interface, exporting and recompiling in Eclipse with some success, but it's really not tablet focused. It seems like the app Inventor isn't ready for tablets either.
Has anyone encountered a tablet-centric toolset out there? I'm looking for only very simple functionality, nothing elaborate needed. Honestly, if it even supported simple HTML iFrames I could get by with it. I'm fine with web based tools if needed, maybe something with templates for the Acer, Xoom, and so on... I can work in VS 20xx, Eclipse if I have to. any suggestions would be really appreciated. thanks!
My suggestion is to use eclipse and official SDK. Because when you use third-party tools or workarounds like flash/htlm, your apps look non-native, break when the user updates his device with a newer os and. It causes a lot of frustrations - people hate such apps and recommend all their friends not to use them. At least I always do.
So I advise you to learn java and eclipse. You may even have to use these tools from time to time not only for android because java no matter how it sucks is everywhere. Besides, you get a lot of advantages when using sdk and java api like saving settings, gettinge events like app close/hibernate and so on. The learning curve may differ from flash but java is certainly much more useful. Although given that you know C# (as you're suggesting mono) and javascript/actionscript (as you're using flash) learning Java will be easier, although Java is corporate crap built on spike solutions and rejecting progressive stuff.
Actually you should ask mods to move this thread to android development or off-topic. I am sure you more people will share their opinions on the matter there
thank you for your reply... you are right, the smart thing to do is stop whining and learn the tools C# C++, flash ... I guess the idea of having to learn something else isn't the end of the world, but I was hoping a toolset would lighten the load a bit. thanks again
angus454 said:
thank you for your reply... you are right, the smart thing to do is stop whining and learn the tools C# C++, flash ... I guess the idea of having to learn something else isn't the end of the world, but I was hoping a toolset would lighten the load a bit. thanks again
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pssst.. hit that thanks button for sp3dev.
angus454 said:
thank you for your reply... you are right, the smart thing to do is stop whining and learn the tools C# C++, flash ... I guess the idea of having to learn something else isn't the end of the world, but I was hoping a toolset would lighten the load a bit. thanks again
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I don't think his suggestion was for you to learn C / C++ or flash. Based on your OP, he figured you might know them well and that knowing them might help ease the learning curve learning Java. You will still have to learn it though.
As he rightly said, for an uninterrupted user experience, always stick to the native development tools. No easy way out unfortunately.
you know, I should just write the program myself and release it up here for others to benefit from... thanks for the thank reminder; done!

Can I learn by my self?

Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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Well you really need to know Java basics, and then just start learning off the getting started guides on the official site
deanwray said:
Well you really need to know Java basics, and then just start learning off the getting started guides on the official site
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It's possible to learn on your own, but it can be good to have others to either learn from or run your ideas by also. It's difficult to notice you're stuck in a box sometimes!
It's also a good idea to play with the SDK sample apps when you're learning not only Java but Android APIs.
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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The best place to start would be to download and import the source codes of very simple open source android apps, read them thoroughly and then start making little modifications to it to learn what code affects what part of the app's functionality, try adding new functions and features. This way you will learn and build up your confidence.
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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Although it would probably be easier if you were taught it in an educational envrionment (university maybe?) or, like driving lessons, you had an actual android developer sit down next to you when learning/developing I personally think the official android Design and Develop series can take you from novice to intermediate - low end of complicated development. You could use these in conjunction with xda dev or stackoverflow to get any information/code that's missing or you don't understand how to implement. (especially this one)
Thankyou very much, I will start download source code and test modifys.
Android Developer official Israel very difficult for me.
But thanks
Sent from my GT-I9500 using xda app-developers app
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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Yes you can...Headfirst Java is a good book for beginners plus there are many web Tutorials on Youtube. You just need to be patient and work hard.All The best.
voilaworks said:
Yes you can...Headfirst Java is a good book for beginners plus there are many web Tutorials on Youtube. You just need to be patient and work hard.All The best.
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Thank you
You can learn the basics by reading books or doing online Tutorials Did it aswell - successfully ofc
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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Hello, the answer you are looking for is absolutely! You can learn everything you need to by yourself, granted it will take much longer than if you had someone to ask questions.
How do I know? I started programming on Android ~3 years ago, by myself. I had nobody that talked me into it, and I didn't attend any colleges. A motivational spark encouraged me. I had absolutely no programming experience, how it worked, or anything about it. Now, I have 5 apps on Google Play, and am working on my 1st game. All with the knowledge I've accumulated over the years out of pure interest. People laugh when I tell them it's my hobby, I stand serious haha.
For me, youtube (something visual) helped me get started, as you can easily follow along. After you feel you have a grasp on the basics, I started looking online further. Searching this site, and are great learning resources. Before you know it, you'll be a master! Good luck!:good:
Firstly, it might help if you describe what is your exact situation. How much experience (not job experience, but coding experience) do you have in programming? How much comfortable you are with any programming language, say C? How familiar you are with OO concepts? Are you uncomfortable just because there's something different with Java, or is it because Java is your first programming language? If you read carefully, the preface of SCJP book says that this book is not to be used to learn Java from the scratch.
Btw, unless you get all building blocks in place (e.g logic constructs - loops, basic data structures, OO concepts etc.) don't go for other stuff like threading, swing, JDBC, xml parsing etc. :good:
You can definitely learn it on your own as long as you have to drive to do so. I taught myself ( I had no computer background). I am no expert but I can get by. And I just released my first multi-player game, Word Cloud Social, on Google Play yesterday. Check it out .
auricPuneet said:
You can definitely learn it on your own as long as you have to drive to do so. I taught myself ( I had no computer background). I am no expert but I can get by. And I just released my first multi-player game, Word Cloud Social, on Google Play yesterday. Check it out .
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Wow, thanks for your words, inspired to me.
A friend teach me a little and gime me a source code of a theme pack and I know change the image and customize this, but I need learn more.
Thank youvery much
As auric stated, you have to have the motivation and determination to learn by yourself, but it is definitely possible.
Don't rush it, take your time and try to understand it. Analyze everything, and if you have questions search the web, or ask on sites like here right away.
You have to believe in yourself
Noted to self thrice via tapatalk
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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yes you CAN, i did it my self one year back, now i have my own app in playstore
useful links:
angelgavipo said:
Hi, I dont know java but I know a little about Eclipse and make apps.
But I nedd know if is possible learn by my self.
And How??
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Of course you can, read a lot of tutorials or watch a lot of video tutorials depending on what you prefer and how you learn best, but most importantly: practice.
I think the best way is to find a simple idea you like for an app, and learn just what you need to create this app along the way, start off with a basic "how to setup an android app project" tutorial and work your up from there.
The android framework is quite wide, you can't learn all at once, I think this method allows you to stay on a defined path and actually achieve something.
And by learning the APIs you need for your app idea, it'll open more doors for you to learn other APIs to improve upon your project, or start a new one being more comfortable with the environment.
If you're more the type of learner which learns best by watching, I recommend you watch the 200 videos series for beginners by TheNewBoston, it's a good start:
The official training courses and docs can be a bit overwhelming for beginners I think.
If it's something you really want to do, then just practice a lot and stick with it, you'll get there.
Just 3 or 4 years ago I didn't know anything about programming except some very basic HTML, I learned by myself and now I work full-time as a front-end Web & Android engineer at a french startup (IZIPass), on projects for clients such as McDonalds and Subway.
If you're looking for some inspiration, the series about Hacker Schools by former XDA TV producer Jayce Broda is an awesome one.
It shows how Mark Rossetti evolved from a total beginner to being hired by SalesForce in the SF bay area in 12 weeks.
You really get to see his progression as these are weekly interviews, it's great, I know it inspired me a lot. And still inspires me to try and go live in San Francisco, but that's another subject^^
Just make your own "Hacker School" for yourself
You certainly can. I'm still in highschool and I'm self taught. I educational book I've enjoyed reading was Java Notes 6. Its free of charge on his website!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
gh0stslayer said:
The best place to start would be to download and import the source codes of very simple open source android apps, read them thoroughly and then start making little modifications to it to learn what code affects what part of the app's functionality, try adding new functions and features. This way you will learn and build up your confidence.
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Love this idea.
ricky310711 said:
Love this idea.
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Thank you
To get interesting app's source codes one could use F-Droid (it's an app store which only hosts open source apps).
And also people with somewhat limited coding knowledge could use APIs to further reduce their efforts.
I found this app very helpful and inspiring in this regard.

