8125 to 8525 switch? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

well.. my 8125 broke at the usb/charger port. Thinking about making a switch to the 8525 but haven't had any hands on with it. I am currently using NBD 8.3 and its basically made me fall in love with the phone. In short, if anyone has made the switch, give me some pro's/con's.

cyndication said:
well.. my 8125 broke at the usb/charger port. Thinking about making a switch to the 8525 but haven't had any hands on with it. I am currently using NBD 8.3 and its basically made me fall in love with the phone. In short, if anyone has made the switch, give me some pro's/con's.
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There are no roms that are just like NBD - there are some that have a lot of similarities and you can install most of the things that aren't. The only thing that you're going to probably miss is the 3D cube. The smart people here who work on these things haven't been able to port the Touch 3D cube over to this phone yet (Apparently you Wizard users got lucky as they used the same touch mechanism on the Wizard as the Touch making it easy to port it over). There is a semi-working implementation for this phone but it's unstable and to make the screens rotate you have to keep pushing a button instead of swiping with your finger - not nearly as cool. If you can live without the 3D cube - you can make a rom look and work very similarly to the NBD roms

thank you very much. my 2nd question, is speed of loading programs and web pages on the wi-fi. I am sure this noticeably faster?

Have you tried dismantling the 8125 and seeing if you can fix the broken USB port.
Since you're leaving it broken like this, there is no loss if you actually EXPLODE your phone while trying to fix it
And if you DO want to upgrade to a 8525 anyways, then you can resell your 8125 FUNCTIONAL (fixed).
Trust me, as a man who internalized a USB hub in his laptop, I know that USB ports are very simple.

cyndication said:
thank you very much. my 2nd question, is speed of loading programs and web pages on the wi-fi. I am sure this noticeably faster?
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I have only played with the Wizard very briefly when I unlocked and loaded NBD on the singer of my bands phone. I was surprised how snappy of a rom it was. My TyTN still feels quicker to me then hers (should be - the processor is 2x as fast) but she doesn't have any processor intensive apps on her phone (such as TomTom) like I do on mine so it's a little hard for me to get a feeling (calc seems about the same speed on both ;P) I like the keypad on my phone much better then hers - the layout seems more logical (though you may be used to yours and find it weird but she likes mine more too so you'll probably like it better). Also the 2mpx camera is a nice upgrade (assuming you have good lighting - the photos are still crap in dark lighting but are fairly decent in good sunlight/well lit rooms). I'm not sure about the websurfing - never tried that on hers but I'm don't feel like it's a long wait while using it on mine so it'll probably be fine for you.

I have both an 8125 and an 8525.
The 8525 is a lot better, except the 8125 feels a lot tougher. The 8125 feels like you could drop it a few times and it would still be OK (and I have), whereas I feel like I need to be careful with the 8525. If you're "always on the go" I'd probably stick with the 8125 -- the proven workhorse.

well i have soder gun, i could fix it. but after i take the 4 screws out, I am kinda unsure of whats next. i have tried to pull it apart, but i don't want to break it. looking at the 8525 i am not a fan so much, I am liking the htc tytn alot more.

8525 and Tytn pretty much the same, if you want cheap and cool looking u can try search for X01HT white. Or maybe just wait for 8925 (kaiser)

i have both also. personally i dont find any cons with the 8525. i had huge speed problems with my 8125. so to me it kicks the 8125's butt. i'd get a hermes if i were u. and sell the fixed wizard ebay.


TRADE - My Universal for your Wizard?

Am thinking of trading my Universal for someone's Wizard. Was wondering what you guys think of that.
Do it and dont look back.
Main reason? EDGE compatibility. Especially as your in the US.
Only thing the Uni has that I want over and above the Wizard is VGA. But I can live with the tiny QVGA screen on the Wizard. The VGA screen is the main reason the Uni is so sluggish anyway, as it uses the processor as its video controller instead of a seperate VGA chip.
I suggest you check the Pocket PC forum on HowardForums.com first. Quite a few people are extremely unhappy with their Wizards, while owners of Universals seem rather happy.
You are stupid...
change a ferrari into a bmw (normal version)
bohr2005 said:
You are stupid...
change a ferrari into a bmw (normal version)
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well I'm definately getting opinions! keep 'em coming...
Ferarri - BMW.. Not entirely true.
The Universal on its face is a good device. But once you start using it it has its annoyances that can outweigh the VGA screen, the only great thing it has going for it. It has a faster CPU but its impacted by the fact that the CPU is drawing 4 times the screen real estate which slows it down a LOT.
Ram/Rom is the same
Both have a QWERTY K/B
Both have Bluetooth
Both have 1.3MP camera.
Also be aware that in the US there is no 3G WCDMA network, there is 3G EDGE rolling out tho, so the Wiz can go 3G out here.
Oh and the Wiz has Wifi b and g and will be upgradeable via rom to e and i too. Universal is b only.
IMO the Universal is a little too fragile also. Not sure about the Wiz as i havent got it yet but its on its way and I had a play with it. its seemed to be more sturdy.
So. Its more like comparing a Ferarri towing a caravan, looks great fairly slick and fast engine bogged down, to a Caterham 7. Looks great, bit smaller, less powerfull engine, fairly robust, No caravan.
i had a Wizard for a couple of weeks. to be honest i loved it but i found the screen too small for easy reading of mail, spreadsheets, internet browsing etc. As a phone it is definitely preferable to the Universal BUT, from my humble point of view, the Universal is the best all rounder i've ever used - it's awesome. Also, once you've tweaked the Universal it's realy fast AND reliable and it does mean that for short journey's abroad i don't need to take my laptop. oh yeah, the Wizard uses mini SD which means you are limited to a 1GB storage card and if you like music, video etc that just ain't enough!
Mikey Mike
i had a Wizard for a couple of weeks. to be honest i loved it but i found the screen too small for easy reading of mail, spreadsheets, internet browsing etc. As a phone it is definitely preferable to the Universal BUT, from my humble point of view, the Universal is the best all rounder i've ever used - it's awesome. Also, once you've tweaked the Universal it's realy fast AND reliable and it does mean that for short journey's abroad i don't need to take my laptop. oh yeah, the Wizard uses mini SD which means you are limited to a 1GB storage card and if you like music, video etc that just ain't enough!
Mikey Mike
The Wizard has a keyboard.....all right.....BUT, it doesnt have a separate row for numbers (0-9). It shares it with the qwert... keys, and that's simply bad!
IMHO, i think this is a handicap, and is a bad limitation for a device which claims to have a native hw based keyboard...
ferrari and BMW?
Think not you are giving the wizard too much credit.
Main problems with the wizard: Too small, it is a stuck up mda compact.
The processor is downright slow.
You are living in the US so yeah, edge is the only option for the 3g network.
Still I think you should not just throw it away and get the wizard.
Furthermore if you do change it is a waste of your money, as the wizard is much cheaper then the universal.
Offcourse there are problems with the universal... what did you expect.
The universal uses vga, which is not supported yet. It uses wm5 too which is not highly compatible with known programs either.
I suggest you wait a while before you do something I am sure you will regret sooner or later.
I want to thank you guys for your responses... I have decided to keep my universal and just continue to use my Sierra Wireless VOQ as a back up when the Uni is TOO MUCH
Now... let's begin with a new ROM...
Thanks again...
Im down with the trade!!
I would check your exec they are just as cheap. I dropped my orange variant and the case split open. I am unbiased as I have both and actually vga is supported nativly since wm 2003. So it is not a new thing manuafactures choose not to implement screens.
Wizard thogh a tad slower gets the job done, remeber the tortoise and the bunny. Besides have you actually looked at the benchmarks for the exec they are not that inspiring.
I guess I am British in that sense I am used to waiting, like British transport you will be waiting but it will get yo there though.
battery life
however the wizard is like a moped sipping vegetable oil compared with the universal like a mustang on premium gas when it comes to battery life...

Wizard or XDA2i or Universal?

I currently own a HTC Universal which has caused me nothing but bother. Today was the final straw and it is now going back to O2. I have to decide which replacment phone to go with ....how are you guys finding the XDA mini s? is it any good? or should i go back to a XDA 2i
please advise.
Since no-one else will answer!
I have had the wizard now since november last year and I think it's great.
I have two friends with Universals, one who likes it and wants to keep it and one who swapped it for a wizard as soon as he saw mine.
On the plus side, the phone does everything the uni does except 3G but the battery seems to last a lot longer. I can get a couple of days use between charges if i'm careful.
The screen is really sharp but a trifle small. it doesn't bother me, and if you're able to read the mini web pages at 640 x 480 on the uni then it shouldn't bother you.
The keyboard is also easy to use and as an example, I am writing this on the wizard keyboard (with my big clumsy fingers) and i've only hit the wrong key three times so far.
The only negative thing is the speed. I occasionally find myself waiting for the pda to catch up - but is should stress occasionally because it's really not often enough to bother me.
TomTom 5, Skype and even some fancy 3D games work fine, although they take a little while longer to load up.
I'm sure people will want to argue over what i've said but for what it's worth the Wizard is in my opinion, approaching the perfect mobile device. Just needs a big HDD in it to be complete.
I can also recommend an Eten phone. I can't remember the model but it's basically a wizard without the keyboard and a 400Mhz processor. (it doesn't use mini-USB to charge though, needs an adaptor). See Expansys.

Best HTC phone as of right now?

Hey guys! I am an avid reader of this forum and i was just wondering.....i'm looking to upgrade to another HTC phone. I currently have the wizard and i LOVE it! Just curious as to which HTC phone i should upgrade to, Are any of them as "open source" (for lack of a better term) as the wizard? As far as the community and the custom roms go? Any suggestions?
I was looking at the Tilt? is that a good choice?
Also, when i am buying one is there anything to watch out for like there is with the wizard? Like the G3 and G4 versions
TYTN 2 !!!!
Hmmm....i've kinda spent the last few hours just browsing through the forums on the newer phones, apparently there is some kind of video driver issue with the Kaiser....should i wait for maybe the touch cruise?
I will second XabdullahX's vote of the TYTN 2!!!
PhroztBite said:
Hmmm....i've kinda spent the last few hours just browsing through the forums on the newer phones, apparently there is some kind of video driver issue with the Kaiser....should i wait for maybe the touch cruise?
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I also vote that the Kaiser/Tilt/Tytn II is the way to go (I bought the Tilt and am loving it). Its a little different with the key layout than the wizard. I'm getting more used to everything being around the D Pad, but at first I didn't care for this (I still have to be careful not to hang up on a call when trying to press the right soft key). The phone has a ton of memory and is fast.
What you've been reading about in the Kaiser forums on the video driver is that the phone is capable of so much more, but HTC isn't using the proper drivers. What it does do is still very good, and personally I'm very happy with it and feel it was money WELL spent... Supposedly a media player app (don't recall which offhand but its a commercial one) is coming out with a new version that has fixed drivers or something in it. A lot of people are waiting to get their hands on this to see if they can use that to improve some other things.
So if you are a heavy watcher of movies or high performance games, you may want to evaluate the Kaiser/Tilt/Tytn II a little more. But for the majority of the uses of a PPC, its a fantastic phone...
OK, not to brag, but I have my Tilt fully loaded right now with Dutty's 7b ROM and a lot of apps (almost everything I have loaded into the phone's memory and not to my storage card). I have 85MB of free storage memory and 55MB of RAM free. HUGE change compared to the Wizard where you are trying to eek out every bit of space by cramming everything on your SD card and not having but a couple of apps open at a time to conserve precious RAM...
Yep, the Kaiser it is, or if you dont need a keyboard the Polaris.
I like the kaiser a lot too, but from personal experience, they have some issues with these devices. Hardware and software related. In particular, the BT Stack seems to um, SUCK big time. A couple of my friends had them (Tilts) and they both had horrible BT performance. Either they couldn't connect to certain Headsets/Car Kits or they couldn't walk five feet away from the device while connected without a bunch of static. These are common problems.
I'm waiting to see if they announce some kind of fix for that. It may just be the Tilt versions - not really sure, but BT stack issues are major to me. I always use BT.
apart from the fm radio and no keyboard and screen the cruse is pretty much the same hardware as kaiser so unless that suffer from the same driver issue as kaiser
only the keyboard thing should be the factor of which one to get if you ask me
shawndh said:
I like the kaiser a lot too, but from personal experience, they have some issues with these devices. Hardware and software related. In particular, the BT Stack seems to um, SUCK big time. A couple of my friends had them (Tilts) and they both had horrible BT performance. Either they couldn't connect to certain Headsets/Car Kits or they couldn't walk five feet away from the device while connected without a bunch of static. These are common problems.
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I must be lucky. I work in a home office upstairs in our house, and I can use my jawbone BT connected to my Tilt and walk downstairs to the kitchen and only get a small amount of scratching sound. When I was using my Wizard, by the time I got to the bottom of the stairs I knew I had forgoten my phone as the scratching and popping sounds were pretty bad.
Could be that this was because I was using the unofficial AKU AT&T ROM (I immediately upgraded to this when I got my Tilt as I at first understood it was an official AT&T upgrade). Now running Dutty's 7b which is based off the HTC rom and my BT sound is even better and more clear than the AT&T roms ever were, so it could be more the AT&T rom than the HTC rom with BT issues.
i just got my tilt(kaiser) and in my personal oppinon...it totally kicks ass...seriously. i was kinda wondering bc of how much it coses but let me assure it was well worth it
The Kaiser is a terrific device and I'm very happy with it. Ofcourse there are some issues (like the video drivers, and audio glitch) that do not make it perfect for all uses.
If you want to play a lot of games or video or so, don't go for the Kaiser right now - that situation might improve, I'd wait and see what happens.
Note that the Touch variants all have the same issue.
HTC TyTN II and HTC Touch Cruise (same as TyTN II but without keyboard) are the best phones out there.
Call me crazy but I like the wizard still. I have a Hermes 8525, Faraday 2125 and I tried out the Tilt for a day. Not much differant then the Hermes but has a ton of memory. For a smart phone, the Faraday is awesome.
Pumpiron579 said:
Call me crazy but I like the wizard still. I have a Hermes 8525, Faraday 2125 and I tried out the Tilt for a day. Not much differant then the Hermes but has a ton of memory. For a smart phone, the Faraday is awesome.
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agreed...i LOVE my kaiser....but at the end of the day im always like damn that wizard was one hell of a phone....seriously
i have a 8125 and a 8525 also tried tilt because my friend has one and he let me plaay with it for a day
if your looking for speed of course go to 400mhz but it does not mean that wizard is slow because of frequent change in roms it can match the speed more or less
only thing here is the memory of course tilt has the most; second is tytan and last but not the least is my 8125... what makes the wizard advantageous is that it has a double speaker unlike tytan the speaker is placed at the back it produces less sounds in a process
I dont know if 4gig or 8gig can support the wizard but it has happened to kasier and tytan
one last and important thing that I have noticed is in the wizard forum all of the good rom makers has not made roms nowadays??? that is the only sad part
in kaiser and tytan rom makers are very much active this makes the HUGE difference between the phone
character said:
one last and important thing that I have noticed is in the wizard forum all of the good rom makers has not made roms nowadays??? that is the only sad part
in kaiser and tytan rom makers are very much active this makes the HUGE difference between the phone
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Did you forget XM6R5, That rom is awesome.
yeah aside from mfrazzz... I miss the times when there are too many roms to choose from maybe it is because people here know now about cooking and still I am a noob for cooking and trust cookers t put there files here???
oh well I can only blame myself actually...
As my Nike is bust (see my sig) I will probably be looking to get another HTC phone in it's place. So I'm asking the same question.
From what I've read the Kaiser and TyTn 2 are the best, am I right in thinking that one of these two would be the best phones to have? Like the first post, I'd like a phone that's 'open source' so to speak (ie. popular, lots of mods for it) and WiFi and SD slot.
i can ask nothing more out of my vogue, till i get my hands on the touch HD
My vote is for the Tilt/Kaiser. I bought mine off craigslist for $200. Best $200 I'd spent in some time. I love my Wizard but the ROM's available for the Kaiser are just amazing and the device itself is fast, Stable, and just plain fun to work with.

just bought x7501

I currently have a nokia n800, that i am using less and less due to the fact that it is NOT a cell phone in any way. My second latest device is an HTC Touch Dual, i love WM6, and just about everything except the build of the phone. I am getting some disturbing side to side motion in the slide, and it effects how you press the top power on/off button. Luckily i have a squaretrade warranty and im gonna return it and get my money back. Now the point of the post, I have just picked up a new in box, unlocked, x7501. Should arrive in the next couple days and I am totally stoked, I cant wait to see the 5 inch screen! Any quick tips for a new x7501 owner? Thanks for all the help!
flash pk's rom, and instantly switch to realvga 96dpi. gives you masses of screen space. I got mine on christmas eve, and its been a joy to have. just installed all my fave apps and now got it working just how i want it. the realvga thing is my top tip.
Thanks very much, i just cant wait to get it! One of the things im most excited about is using an rss reader on the home screen and being able to see more than the first 4 words of the headline, thats how it is on my touch dual!
lol. at first i was annoyed by the large screen. on my hermes, i had the cube and an iphone ui, along with pocket plus on another page using wisbar advance desktop. then along came my athena, and when i finally got a working iphone vga theme, it lookes so stupid. now ive got pocketplus 4, with diary and gprs monitor integrated for all my shortcuts, and resco today plugin for my memory usage. perfect, and shows how you adapt to a device.
And youll probaly get a whole page of rss, with 96dpi, i think its like having 4 qvga screens right next to each other.
rorydaredkign said:
lol. at first i was annoyed by the large screen. on my hermes, i had the cube and an iphone ui, along with pocket plus on another page using wisbar advance desktop. then along came my athena, and when i finally got a working iphone vga theme, it lookes so stupid. now ive got pocketplus 4, with diary and gprs monitor integrated for all my shortcuts, and resco today plugin for my memory usage. perfect, and shows how you adapt to a device.
And youll probaly get a whole page of rss, with 96dpi, i think its like having 4 qvga screens right next to each other.
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I did the opposite and got rid of my Ameo for an N800!
Waiting for Gnokii to be ported so I can use the N800 to send sms/make calls through my N95. The ameo was good but too big, based on the fact that i couldn't 'detach' the cellphone aspect of the device and therefore always had to have an oversized phone on me, whether at the office or on a night out.
I prefer to have a phone (N95) and N800 (via bt dun) for Internet browsing as the browser is infinitely better than either opera or PIE on the Ameo and the sreen res is higher - despite the smaller size - but that's just my personal preference.
yeah, the n800 is still a great product, and it can do a wonder of things. The best part is the linux os, so just about all the best software for it is FREE! I would have never put my n800 down it it had cell abilities. The responsiveness of the touchscreen on my n800 blows away any touchscreen phones ive ever used...I love typeing with the soft keyboard on the n800 Huge thumb buttons. my touch dual has been the biggest dissapointment of all my cell phones....only because as each day passes i feel like the top slide portion is going to break off. Its been getting more play in its slide every day ...Im fairly confidant that i can handle the size of the advantage just fine...as long as i get me a good small earbud style bluetooth.
touchlasvegas said:
yeah, the n800 is still a great product, and it can do a wonder of things. The best part is the linux os, so just about all the best software for it is FREE! I would have never put my n800 down it it had cell abilities. The responsiveness of the touchscreen on my n800 blows away any touchscreen phones ive ever used...I love typeing with the soft keyboard on the n800 Huge thumb buttons. my touch dual has been the biggest dissapointment of all my cell phones....only because as each day passes i feel like the top slide portion is going to break off. Its been getting more play in its slide every day ...Im fairly confidant that i can handle the size of the advantage just fine...as long as i get me a good small earbud style bluetooth.
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wait for cellphone tool to be fully functional on OS2008 before you get rid of your N800. It will enable you to connect through your regular cellphone to make and receive calls and texts. The Athena is really no better than your Touch Dual aside from the screen: in fact if i still had my Athena I'd have swapped you!
In order to get over the problem of the Athena's size I bought some Sony earbud Bluetooth headphones, but I never managed to get caller I.D. working and it still didn't get over the size issue: I still had to take the damn thing out with me in some form or other! Without headphones the sound quality of calls through the loud speaker is appalling.
Would be nice if you could get back to us in a few weeks with your thoughts
this user bought an Athena less than a month ago and is selling it already due to usability issues.
I decided the Athena was more trouble than it was worse, and its size was simply unjustifiable given its poor video and browsing performance. Nice screen though, that I have to agree on!
Still got my Hermes though.
I don't think the sound is appaling without headset. I normally use just the speakerphone and have no issue with it. As long as I can have a phone conversation, I don't need the clearest sound in the world. It's a much better solution than having to carry another device. Just my personal preference. Others would like to have headset, which is also a much better solution than having to carry an additional device. I understand you prefer to have multiple devices, and have no problem with that. Hope you allow me to be as happy with Athena as much as you're happy with your N95/N800/Asus eee combination.
eaglesteve said:
I don't think the sound is appaling without headset. I normally use just the speakerphone and have no issue with it. As long as I can have a phone conversation, I don't need the clearest sound in the world. It's a much better solution than having to carry another device. Just my personal preference. Others would like to have headset, which is also a much better solution than having to carry an additional device. I understand you prefer to have multiple devices, and have no problem with that. Hope you allow me to be as happy with Athena as much as you're happy with your N95/N800/Asus eee combination.
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I had two Athena's and both had sound issues, though I naturally used to hold them to my face rather than away from me. This was probably the problem. I didn't like broadcasting my conversations to the world though!
I like everyone to be happy of course Eaglesteve and I really don't begrudge your love of the Athena. I like my setup because it gives me more choice, and since I am a browsing addict the N800 fitted the bill better since it not only has a better browser but a higher resolution screen for displaying web content. It lacks a GPS golf companion but that's not something I need right now .
I tend to drift in and out of love for things though. If Windows produce a better mobile platform I'll probably be back to them (after testing it with my Hermes of course). I just wish, Eaglesteve, that Windows were a little more open with outside developers. Perhaps then the true power of the Athena could have been felt. It could have been SO MUCH BETTER - a true multimedia powerhouse.
Aside from the obvious loss of Windows Mobile applications, if Linux were on the Athena THEN we would see what it could do - great video playback, fully functional Firefox browser, USB and a HSDPA modem....it would kick my EEE into touch, since INHERENTLY it is a bloody excellent bit of kit, marred by Microsoft's restricted and buggy software.
well i got my Advantage yesterday Soo, much in love with it, even without changing anything yet. Took it to the bar last night and gave everyone around me gadget envy I picked up the cheapest jabra bluetooth at frys until i order the one I want off ebay soon. So far, the responsiveness of the machine is noticibly faster than the touch dual, not to mention all the other issue ive had with my dual. I know the advantage has a faster processor and all, but i only have about 15 programs installed on my touch dual and at times it lags soo much i try a soft reset, and it boots up with the same lag. I think the roughly 200MHZ bump in processor speed will help a little with this. I love how the keyboard and advantage fit into its leather case, very creative. I find myself using the soft keyboard more than the hard keyboard so I may end up leaving the keyboard at home most of the time. Secondly about the keyboard, when you attach it to the advantage as a screen protector and use the clear portion for the "sub display" I found it very finiky to get the sub display to appear, and i definatly couldnt get it every time I tried. I'll update you as I begin to modify things
Ok, now to begin with the flashing, before I try flashing PK's rom, do I need to do any kind of unlock on the phone first? Its already factory unlocked to any carrier, but I thought i read that there was another unlock that had to be done to allow custom roms. THANKS
edit* It appears that i need to run olipros 3 step unlocker first before installing PK's black rom. Now on PK's page it says that the latest rom version does NOT INCLUDE a radio, and they reccomend upgrading your radio to version 1.50 before flahing the rom.....any tips on how I would go about doing this before I flash the rom?
Hey touchlasvagas, I would like to share in your excitment. I just recieved my Advantage this past Thursday 1/10/08. I too, went to work and made some gadget envy with my supervisor (the guy who hooked me to PDA's). All in fun. The screen is phenomonal. The clarity is superb...and coming from the x51v (which is another amazing machine) there is alot more to see with softwared installed. The processor is extremely fast. After updating the Opera and reworking the configuration...the internet browser does a fine good job at work and school.
I hope I can find an extended battery somewhere!
I'm following your post so please post when you discovered the steps to unlocking, flashing, and all the other good stuff.
Just sharing in the excitment!!!!!
Kenjari, is yours a factory unlocked x7501 as well? Im ready to begin the flashing, I just want to get word from someone regarding the fact that it states the radio is left out from PK's rom....the radio for what? He recommends updating the radio rom before flashing and I have no idea what hes talking about hopefully someone chimes in so I can get a'flashin
touchlasvegas said:
Kenjari, is yours a factory unlocked x7501 as well? Im ready to begin the flashing, I just want to get word from someone regarding the fact that it states the radio is left out from PK's rom....the radio for what? He recommends updating the radio rom before flashing and I have no idea what hes talking about hopefully someone chimes in so I can get a'flashin
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Touchlasvegas, I believe he is refering to either the Bluetooth, GPS, or Wifi. I will scan the forum to see if I can dig up more information. I could be wrong though.
Yes, I have an unlocked x7501.
If I'm wrong...hopefully someone will come along soon.
the phone comes with radio rom installed, but it might not be people claim this is the best, but on both of my wm devices, ive only had one radio rom. so if you dont have signal problems with your advantage, there isnt much need to upgrade radio [my opinion]
thanks for the info rory, i havent tested out my wifi yet, however the gps and everything else seems to be working great, so i would imagine i have no real reason to upgrade my radio. Looks like in the next couple hours i will give olipros unlocker a try and then flash the new rom
kenjari i would say hold off on flashing for right now, i believe i followed all the steps and now it appears i have a bricked, or at least semi-bricked advantage in front of me I made a post with all the descriptions of what i did and what happened, please feel free to check it out if you can help
touchlasvegas said:
kenjari i would say hold off on flashing for right now, i believe i followed all the steps and now it appears i have a bricked, or at least semi-bricked advantage in front of me I made a post with all the descriptions of what i did and what happened, please feel free to check it out if you can help
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touchlasves, I just responded you your other post. Please take a look. I think you're still safe. Anyway, it's a good idea to wait fo touchglasvegas to complete his experiment from the viewpoint of risk management.
thanks eagle, im gonna try pks rom now as soon as i figure out which exe file to run first
Thanks for the advice touchlasvegas and eaglesteve. I hope everything works out okay. Let me know if there is anything you need me to do. I can research with you if you want!!

Do I Get A Touch Dual? (ex-Kaiser user)

Hi All,
Just wondering what the collective thoughts are of our Niki users...
My Kaiser is now on ebay, as I've lost my patience with it. So the search is on for a replacement WM6 device.
I've fallen back to my old original Touch (elf) and am really enjoying using the device again. Not physical input mechanism bugs me, so the Dual seemed like a good upgrade.
But some of the bugs posted on this forum have put me off. I know I could Hard SPL the device when I get it and flash Tom Codon's rom, which would solve some problems, but I want to try to get out of the rom flashing nightmare that owning a Kaiser's become.
Any thoughts appreciated. Are you all still in love with your Touch Duals? Or should I avoid...?
I've got both and the niki is great (it has become my primary device) . The form factor is well thought out and with Tom Codons rom on it's an awesome device.
I miss the kaisers qwerty keyboard for texting sometimes but i think thats just because i'm getting used to t9 again.
I would say get one and try it for the weeks grace you get from most places and make up your own mind.
I bet you don't return it.
... i have my p5520 for almost one month and i love it.
things i am wondering :
1.) slider mechanism - will there be spareparts available in case mechanism gets weak due to heavy use ?
2.) scratched touch surface - on my old trinity there was space enough to put some display protection things on it .. on the nike touch surface is flat to the housing - so any display protection will be higher than the housing of the device.
3.) wifi and gps
at the end of the day i am sure that all software related things will be solved sooner or later ..
my 2 cents
suppose this might be helpful
I came from a hermes to a touch dual and have no complaints at all - have had no faults on software or hardware - just miss the keyboard - takes a while to get used to typing a long email.
I came from a Hermes to a touch dual as well.
As man its fantastic. Really really happy with it so far miss the keyboard but the Xt9 is pretty good and you get used to it pretty quickly would recommend it any day.
Of course some tweaks had to be done first I would recommend the battery tweak on this forum as it really works
I have a mini review on here for my first 72 hrs of use have a read username same as here
Just moved from hermes to niki too. Dont miss the wifi at all, didnt realise until i changed how little I used it. the processor seems much fatser with the tomtom6 than on the old unit and the form factor is just so much more usable. The only thing I miss is an ok button but its really not that big an issue
I am also looking at giving up my vario2 for one of these and I never use my wifi now I have unlimited data on my tarif - there is not much point - the difference in speed is minimal and I can't be bothered switching about all the time. I leave the wifi off.
I was wondering the same about the keys though. I popped into a shop today to have a feel of the phone in real life and teh keys felt very flimsy - like they wouldnt survie a heavy use and 18 month contract.
mobilecat said:
I am also looking at giving up my vario2 for one of these and I never use my wifi now I have unlimited data on my tarif - there is not much point - the difference in speed is minimal and I can't be bothered switching about all the time. I leave the wifi off.
I was wondering the same about the keys though. I popped into a shop today to have a feel of the phone in real life and teh keys felt very flimsy - like they wouldnt survie a heavy use and 18 month contract.
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I hardly ever use the slide out pad to be honest i use the touch on screen pad which has taken a while to get used to but have mastered it using 1 thumb - but apart from all that a great device makes a big difference not rushing around searching for a usb or a charger like i used to with my hermes and performing numerous soft resets.
ekksman said:
I hardly ever use the slide out pad to be honest i use the touch on screen pad which has taken a while to get used to but have mastered it using 1 thumb - but apart from all that a great device makes a big difference not rushing around searching for a usb or a charger like i used to with my hermes and performing numerous soft resets.
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I have to agree - this is the most stable windows mobile platform I have ever had (been using windows CE in some version or other for 10 years\)
The key pad is pretty robust and seems much more usable than the rather temperamental pad on my hermes. All round really impressed
