Need some help from the pro's..language - P3300, MDA Compact III upgrading etc.

I bought an xda orbit in Germany from O2 but can't change the language to english. Is there a way to flash it to English or am I screwed? Any info or links greatly appreciated. Also...I didnt even get a change to try tom tom out yet...Can the language for tom tom be changed or is it also 1 language only? THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!


Tom TOm greek map Searching

Hi everyone,
I'm searching for a Greek map for my O2 XDAII fot tomtom navigator 3.
Does anyone have it and help me please?
I'll come to Greek for holiday!!!!
Regards and many thanks,
Here you´re able to buy this maps....
PS: Closed thread.....

German to English for O2 XDA mini

hi friends,
I am quite new to PDA usage. I have a O2 Xda mini. But it is in german and i desperately want it to be changed to english. i have tried my level best to search this forum for a file which does it. But i could see such a file only for T-Mobile MDA but not for O2 XDA mini.
how can i convert my german version of mini in to fully working english version.
May be it is monotonous for you guys to reply for my question. But i look forward any possible help.
Please help this newbie..guys
I am also interested. Is somebody out there? Thx.
I am Interested too. Please can somebody give Us link
Where we can find help?
Thx again :shock:
me too i have a german version q tek 9090
how can i uppgrade to english
thanks in advance
Just upgrade it with a WWE ROM!
I do it some days ago and work well!
any link or description would be highly appreciated.
At this link you have all you need for:
Any question feel free.
Hope I help you
Thx so much! I will try with in next days.

Changing the language of WM5.0

Hi, guys!
Does anyone know how to change the language of WM? Could you point me to the right tools, please?
I'd like to spend some time translating the latest German T-mobile ROM into English. Help me out!
Thanks in advance!

Deutsch language please help

Please I have an Xda Wiza 200 [02]. The language of the phone is only in German. When I change from the language from regional settings to English, it does not change. Can someone please help and guide me as to how I can change the language of this phone please.
Thanks in advance.
babyelephantt said:
Please I have an Xda Wiza 200 [02]. The language of the phone is only in German. When I change from the language from regional settings to English, it does not change. Can someone please help and guide me as to how I can change the language of this phone please.
Thanks in advance.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It is not so difficult to change language on Wizard. The key is you have to flash your wizard with an English ROM (WWE), not by changing from Regional settings!
Try to search in section Wizard - Upgrading for English ROM!
Good luck man!
Start by following this tutorial. You need to figure out if its a G3 or G4 and then how you go about upgrading based on that:

xda language change

i have a xda in German language, could anyone please help me to change it to english, i followed the steps found on this forum but it doesnt work...would be grateful if anyone suggest somethings
I got a eng. M600 branded Orange SIM unlocked - we can sweep the handys.
