Idea for a small but useful app... suggestions? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I'm fairly certain this is a simple app to build, but I've got some questions I'm hoping some folks in the forum here can help me with!
Basically, I need an app that can toggle the roaming settings for my device.
The Reason:
In a nutshell, I work in a poor reception area where I need to roam on another network to get good coverage.
On the Titan (CDMA device), I get very poor battery life and dropped calls when it keeps trying to switch back to the barely visible home network. I can help keep the signal and save battery while I'm at work if I first set the service to "roaming only" when I'm there.
Problem is, switching from "automatic" and "roaming only" and back again is a very tedious process, buried under many menus and clicks.
To illustrate, I have to click Start, settings, phone, services, roaming, get settings, roaming only. Why it takes so many clicks and menus is a mystery to me, but that's the only way I've seen to do this. Even worse, some of these clicks take a couple of seconds to register before going on to the next screen, which makes this whole process take a few moments each time.
The Object:
I'd like to have an app that will toggle these settings so that all those menus and clicks aren't necessary. Then, one could even map this app to a hardware button for the ultimate ease of use!
The problem is that I don't know how to write a program that accesses that kind of internal phone information. Is this sort of stuff (roaming, forwarding, etc) even available to a developer?
Does anyone have any reference resources or tips/opinions they could share with me?

:bump: no one?

I dont think there is much that can be done in this regard programmatically..I'd look around a bit, but dont keep much hopes..
the best possible solution for u would be to use mortscript (free), which can simmulate all those clicks and menus, and will surely provide u the same effect..
mortscript is quite easy to pickup even if u r a non-programmer and if u have had even the most basic classes of any programming language then it'll be a breeze for u..

I think you want to look at RIL_SetRoamingMode and RIL_GetRoamingMode.
There are three options:
Value Description
The user is restricted to the home network. The user does not roam.
Network defined. The effect of this setting is carrier dependent.
Network defined. The effect of this setting is carrier dependent.
AUTOMATICA or AUTOMATICB may be the roam only setting as defined by Sprint, I would set the phone to roaming only then call RIL_GetRoamingMode and see what the return value is.
There may be other ways to do this, this is just the first I've found and I'm at work so I can't test this out.

Dishe has a CDMA device. I dunno whether the same RIL functions are there for CDMA as well as GSM. So far I've seen hdr files and dlls for gsm ril's only, but that might be cuz I never looked around for CDMA ones

shantzg001 said:
Dishe has a CDMA device. I dunno whether the same RIL functions are there for CDMA as well as GSM. So far I've seen hdr files and dlls for gsm ril's only, but that might be cuz I never looked around for CDMA ones
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"This function retrieves the CDMA roaming mode."

cool, I'm actually away for the weekend now (responding from my device), but thanks for all the helpful responses!
vinny75, I'm going to look into that when I get back and report back what I see.

Until I'm able to determine what changes internally when roaming settings are toggled, I guess I'll have to settle with something like MortScript as shantzg001 suggested for now.
MortScript is a great automation tool, I've never really played with it before! However I'd still rather have a standalone app that can determine which state is currently active, and toggle it.
In other words, with mortscript, I need to have 2 apps- a "roaming only" app, and then a "automatic" app. Ideally, I'd want one program that could detect the current setting, and switch to the other. This way, it could be mapped to a button, etc...
But I'll have to settle with what I have for now. Unless I'm missing something, you can't have mortscript toggle something that detailed, can you?
I'm new, still figuring out how to calculate x,y for mouse clicks...
Any suggestions would be welcome!

I take it those functions didn't work?

looks like its for embedded CE, and not for Windows Mobile...
I could play with it some more, but in the mean time a simple script might be my only option...

Dishe said:
looks like its for embedded CE, and not for Windows Mobile...
I could play with it some more, but in the mean time a simple script might be my only option...
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Well you could always have mortscript alternate the mode it changes to by writing to a file "Roaming" or "Not Roaming" or something to that effect so the most you would have to do is click the button twice instead of once yes?


No Data????

Alright, I have been trying to get Modaco's Nodata CAB to work on my Wizard, but everytime I try it, it just gives me an error and doesn't work (it installs fine, but it won't work).
So, I'm looking for a fix... I don't have a data plan, and all I want to use the phone for are calls, SMS, and Wifi... anyone know a sure fire way to disable the data connection? (other than calling my provider)
Also, I posted this in another thread, but would the Comm Manager in my ROM work to disable data connections? It currently says that data connections are "off"... but I don't want to take the chance of it automatically turning on. But if the Comm Manager is actually capable of keeping the data connection off, then that should work for me, right? (the ROM that I am using is this one:
Thanks, and let me know if I need to provide more info or whatever. I just really need to try to avoid those kind of extra charges if I can.
You should just be able to put your phone in flight mode from your today screen with two taps. Tap your signal strength icon and then tap "Turn on flight mode."
As far as NoData is concerned: Is there anything else you've installed that might have similar functionality which could be conflicting with NoData? Also, the ROM you flashed is pretty bare. Are you sure your symptoms aren't from that ROM? I'd ask on that guy's thread, if I were you...
The only other thing I'd suggest is turning off automatic email downloads, and anything else you've installed that updates itself automatically (weather programs are NOTORIOUS for this, but any program is a potential suspect, so check them all). Just the email download is hitting the network a minimum of once every 60 minutes. Even without getting email, that's close to 2MB per month. That can add up to some hefty bill, especially while roaming.
Myrddin Wyllt said:
You should just be able to put your phone in flight mode from your today screen with two taps. Tap your signal strength icon and then tap "Turn on flight mode."
As far as NoData is concerned: Is there anything else you've installed that might have similar functionality which could be conflicting with NoData? Also, the ROM you flashed is pretty bare. Are you sure your symptoms aren't from that ROM? I'd ask on that guy's thread, if I were you...
The only other thing I'd suggest is turning off automatic email downloads, and anything else you've installed that updates itself automatically (weather programs are NOTORIOUS for this, but any program is a potential suspect, so check them all). Just the email download is hitting the network a minimum of once every 60 minutes. Even without getting email, that's close to 2MB per month. That can add up to some hefty bill, especially while roaming.
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Thanks for your reply. The Comm Manager has a button to turn on/off flight mode, so I should be able to do that pretty easily (I can reach the COMM Manager in 2 taps as well). It also has one to turn on/off Wifi, Bluetooth, Cellular Radio, and Data Connection (maybe one more, but I can't remember it at the moment... my Wizard is at home). My question concerning the Comm Manager is whether or not keeping the Data Connection setting "off" will act as a "disabler" (meaning, if I keep it off, it won't come on automatically or anything at any time unless I turn it on). If it truly does work like that all the time, then I should be set... I just don't know if it does or not.
The ROM is pretty bare, but I don't think I've downloaded anything that would conflict with NoData. The only CAB files I've put on there are SPB Mobile Shell 2.1, PCM Keyboard, TCPMP Player, Total Commander, and BatteryStatus. I know Mobile Shell has the Weather program, but so far it has only updated itself when I have synced it to my PC. I haven't set up my email yet, but I would definitely turn off automatic email downloads no matter what.
So basically, it all kind of depends on whether the "Data Connection" tab in my Comm Manager is capable of actually stopping my phone from connecting to the data network when I have it set to off. Or if there's a way to fix the NoData CAB, then that should work too. But if anyone knows any other options/solutions (again, other than calling AT&T and having them block all data... which I can do, but I'd rather just do it myself), please let me know.
It should work. I can't speak to the specifics of your ROM, so if it doesn't work, you'll have to take that up with the cook, not me.
You can easily test this, though. In the comm manager, turn off the phone radio. Then try to open your web browser, and surf to something (it caches the home page, so that's going to show up anyways...). If you get out, then the phone is accessing the network after you "turned it off."
Also did you see the note from the developer's post on
Note that if you get bizarre registry errors on toggling, you need to app unlock your device (e.g. with SDA Application Unlocker).
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Myrddin Wyllt said:
It should work. I can't speak to the specifics of your ROM, so if it doesn't work, you'll have to take that up with the cook, not me.
You can easily test this, though. In the comm manager, turn off the phone radio. Then try to open your web browser, and surf to something (it caches the home page, so that's going to show up anyways...). If you get out, then the phone is accessing the network after you "turned it off."
Also did you see the note from the developer's post on
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Yeah, I guess I just skimmed over that note at but anyway, I tried it (using the SDA Application Unlock tool, which worked successfully) to no avail. The same error came up while trying to run the NoData CAB (I reinstalled it). The error reads:
at NoData.frmMain.PopulateListBox()
sender, EventArgs e)
ventArgs e)
eNotify(Boolean fVis)
ble(Boolean value)
(Form fm)
at NoData.frmMain.Main()
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I still haven't tried your suggestion with the Comm Manager yet (kind of waiting for a response in that other thread first)... but it looks like the NoData CAB isn't going to work unless someone knows how to fix whatever the error message is saying.
awillquik said:
I still haven't tried your suggestion with the Comm Manager yet (kind of waiting for a response in that other thread first)... but it looks like the NoData CAB isn't going to work unless someone knows how to fix whatever the error message is saying.
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Since I don't think NoData is being actively developed any more, you're probably SOL for a repair/update from them...
Try this: delete both NoData and the App Unlocker. Install the App Unlocker again, then install NoData. The installation may have been fouled by the Wizard because app loading wasn't unlocked at the time.
you ALWAYS get error, when GPRS/etc settings are not SET.
this program is A MUST, and it is working FINE.
I think what nothin is trying to say in his (her?) exceptionally charming way, is that if you had done a Google search for your error and clicked on the very first link, some reading would reveal your problem.
While it could have been done without the e-screaming, nothin does have a point about doing a thorough search for solutions before posting.
Haha, it's fine, I probably need to have some sense knocked in to me once in a while. Thanks for all of your help though... I guess I just don't need the NoData CAB to avoid data plan charges. At least that is what it is looking like. But thanks again. And this thread can be closed or whatever.

What do you want? (Developing Silverlight App)

It looks like the future of applications for Windows Mobile is leaning towards silverlight 2. So My goal for this summer is to create a good, fun or useful application using silver light. I just need some ideas. What do you guys want?
One app I've been looking for for years. Some apps have some functionality but nothing puts it together in a simple package.
Location Aware Reminders
set up points on a map where a reminder of user defined text would pop up when the device is within a specified distance from that point.
Case #1:
I get off of my freeway exit going home, pass the stoplight before the store, my device plays a recording "DUDE! PICK UP SOME MILK!".
Case #2:
I drive away from my house on a vacation, my device plays a recording "Did you remember to pack your underwear?"
User should be able to:
1. View a map with current location based on gps.
2. Move map to different locations.
3. Define and save a point on the map.
4. Define a distance from that point where reminder would fire.
5. Define the text of a reminder.
6. Define an audio file as a reminder.
7. Define a title for reminder
8. View list of reminders
9. When reminder fires there should be a Snooze and Delete Option.
10. Reminders should have a date/time window of when to fire.
10 ex. All Days, only between 4pm and 7pm.
10 ex. On May 25th. any time.
Yes, there are apps that "sort of" do this. But they are unuseable for this use.
Keeping the functionality simple and specific will ensure EASE OF USE and actual functionality.
I will GLADLY pay you $10 for this app.
sudermatt said:
One app I've been looking for for years. Some apps have some functionality but nothing puts it together in a simple package.
Location Aware Reminders
set up points on a map where a reminder of user defined text would pop up when the device is within a specified distance from that point.
Case #1:
I get off of my freeway exit going home, pass the stoplight before the store, my device plays a recording "DUDE! PICK UP SOME MILK!".
Case #2:
I drive away from my house on a vacation, my device plays a recording "Did you remember to pack your underwear?"
User should be able to:
1. View a map with current location based on gps.
2. Move map to different locations.
3. Define and save a point on the map.
4. Define a distance from that point where reminder would fire.
5. Define the text of a reminder.
6. Define an audio file as a reminder.
7. Define a title for reminder
8. View list of reminders
9. When reminder fires there should be a Snooze and Delete Option.
10. Reminders should have a date/time window of when to fire.
10 ex. All Days, only between 4pm and 7pm.
10 ex. On May 25th. any time.
Yes, there are apps that "sort of" do this. But they are unuseable for this use.
Keeping the functionality simple and specific will ensure EASE OF USE and actual functionality.
I will GLADLY pay you $10 for this app.
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Would it use GPS or the GSM/3G Network to determine location? Also what navigation software would this use for the maps? This is a good idea however this seems very intermediate. More ideas people.
I'd like this...
I would hope it would use the internal GPS.
I like the voice mail thing Like the iPhones right?
It would be nice if my wife could easily make entries via a website or a client on her desktop. (maybe not).
Actually, it would be kinda interesting. Driving down the street and having the app pop up something my friend put in there.
So you could have a group, and allow people to post GPS Pop Ups to your app.
"This is where I proposed to my wife".
"Don't even bother coming to the game tonight sucka cuz you're goin' down".
That would be kinda fun.
Just thinking out loud.
sudermatt said:
It would be nice if my wife could easily make entries via a website or a client on her desktop. (maybe not).
Actually, it would be kinda interesting. Driving down the street and having the app pop up something my friend put in there.
So you could have a group, and allow people to post GPS Pop Ups to your app.
"This is where I proposed to my wife".
"Don't even bother coming to the game tonight sucka cuz you're goin' down".
That would be kinda fun.
Just thinking out loud.
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This is a great Idea. Only problem it is not even close to easy and I have no gps experience. But i might assemble a team to create this.
An XDA-Developers forum program that tracks your threads and alerts you when there's a new post, etc. Something that would be cooler than the actual site, and if you could, make it for our phones too.
This is very easy to answer:
1) To the date there isn't a SINGLE mobile e-mail client on the market, which is SIMPLE and FINGER FRIENDLY. In fact, there isn't any finger friendly e-mail clients at all. I think hords of users would welcome this kind of app.
2) Also there still isn't an on-demand connection chooser - look here:
Thank You.
sudermatt said:
One app I've been looking for for years. Some apps have some functionality but nothing puts it together in a simple package.
Location Aware Reminders
set up points on a map where a reminder of user defined text would pop up when the device is within a specified distance from that point.
Case #1:
I get off of my freeway exit going home, pass the stoplight before the store, my device plays a recording "DUDE! PICK UP SOME MILK!".
Case #2:
I drive away from my house on a vacation, my device plays a recording "Did you remember to pack your underwear?"
User should be able to:
1. View a map with current location based on gps.
2. Move map to different locations.
3. Define and save a point on the map.
4. Define a distance from that point where reminder would fire.
5. Define the text of a reminder.
6. Define an audio file as a reminder.
7. Define a title for reminder
8. View list of reminders
9. When reminder fires there should be a Snooze and Delete Option.
10. Reminders should have a date/time window of when to fire.
10 ex. All Days, only between 4pm and 7pm.
10 ex. On May 25th. any time.
Yes, there are apps that "sort of" do this. But they are unuseable for this use.
Keeping the functionality simple and specific will ensure EASE OF USE and actual functionality.
I will GLADLY pay you $10 for this app.
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Wow. I had the exact same idea. I'll be making this in silverlight/xaml since I know it's the future of WinMo.
Me and a couple of friends are trying to do this on 3 different platforms - and will be using WPF/Silverlight for WinMo
Don't we kinda need the WM Silverlight runtime first? Last time I checked, it's not out yet.
aiiro said:
This is very easy to answer:
1) To the date there isn't a SINGLE mobile e-mail client on the market, which is SIMPLE and FINGER FRIENDLY. In fact, there isn't any finger friendly e-mail clients at all. I think hords of users would welcome this kind of app.
2) Also there still isn't an on-demand connection chooser - look here:
Thank You.
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For #2, I might be completely misunderstanding you, but have you looked into G-Profile for this?
TheParadox said:
I like the voice mail thing Like the iPhones right?
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Yep. Pretty much
@ Sean D:
About #2. You remember back in the dial-up days when You started Internet Explorer it had an option whether to ask the connection to use or not? Well, I think for PPC and the apps that need internet connection this would be the ideal solution - if You start PIE for example, the system will ask You whether You'd like to use WiFi or GPRS or whatever else connections You have and You'd just check the option that suites You the most at the given location. If You're in a cafe with free WiFi You'd choose to use WiFi, if You're in the woods You'd choose GPRS (or 3G or whatever similar). Instead of manually connecting to desired network before launching browser. I hope You get the idea...
G-profile is not asking You how to connect, it just manages Your connections with profiles for different occasions. You'd still have to manually choose a profile with the desired connections before launching a browser.
aiiro said:
@ Sean D:
About #2. You remember back in the dial-up days when You started Internet Explorer it had an option whether to ask the connection to use or not? Well, I think for PPC and the apps that need internet connection this would be the ideal solution - if You start PIE for example, the system will ask You whether You'd like to use WiFi or GPRS or whatever else connections You have and You'd just check the option that suites You the most at the given location. If You're in a cafe with free WiFi You'd choose to use WiFi, if You're in the woods You'd choose GPRS (or 3G or whatever similar). Instead of manually connecting to desired network before launching browser. I hope You get the idea...
G-profile is not asking You how to connect, it just manages Your connections with profiles for different occasions. You'd still have to manually choose a profile with the desired connections before launching a browser.
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Okay, I misunderstood you. But the funny thing is, i was just thinking that WM needs this function the other day.
So yeah, this gets my vote too.
Good, then it's settled
Well, OK, just one minor issue left - kinda have to wait for the approval from the thread starter too
FloatingFatMan said:
Don't we kinda need the WM Silverlight runtime first? Last time I checked, it's not out yet.
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The whole point of this thread is that since it's pretty much confirmed there will be a silverlight or some type of WPF subset for WinMo, applications can be designed so that when devices do release, some changes can be made (e.g. support for accelerometer) so that the program can be released from the get-go.
It's also to provide devs with some practice with WPF/Silverlight
ND4SPD said:
Wow. I had the exact same idea. I'll be making this in silverlight/xaml since I know it's the future of WinMo.
Me and a couple of friends are trying to do this on 3 different platforms - and will be using WPF/Silverlight for WinMo
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I could care less about how it's written....I got $10 burnin a whole in my pocket for this app...
BTW...did you read my post about the community part of the app?
OK, seems it's again just one of those countless threads that get started with a big hooray and then is forgotten forever. I mean I still do post in these in hope that someone will some day build the connection manager I keep asking for, but having posted it already to couple of threads and seeing that after couple of days the thread just dies and the original author of thread mysteriously disappears, I think there are some dark forces behind it. OK, just kidding, but seriously, just from top of my head You can check this thread - - or this thread - They have all died as far as I know. Or if You just wanna have a laugh (completely off-topic) check this thread -

CommMgrPro for Android (Rules Engine) [ 2012-06-20 V1.1.19 ]

Market URL
I am porting CommMgrPro from Windows Mobile to Android.
This is the original post.
The goal of this project is to customize the behaviour of your device depending of many events, like time, date, position, battery state, calendar, radios states, and any environment element.
Rules Engine is a complete rules engine to customize your device behaviour automatically. The idea is simple and powerfull:
The device broadcast automatically events about many thinks
Hardware events like Bluetooth, wifi, battery level, cpu state, position events, time events, calendar events, phone ring state, screen state
And much more...
And the device can perform automatically many actions without user intervention:
Set hardware state, wifi, bluetooth, speaker, launch or kill a program, apply a predefined profile, send a SMS/Email, ringtones....
And much more...
With Rules Engine you can create many rules. Each one is composed of:
Conditions. Simple or complex conditions using AND/OR clauses. For example, if weekday is monday, between 7:00 and 9:00 and my current position is my office and battery level is higher than 20% then send an email .....
Actions. Actions to be executed when the rule passes from unmatched to matched and actions to be executed when the rule passes from matched to unmatched. User can set their order, delays, etc
Other features:
Profiles: These are set of actions that the user can select / unselect quickly from the main page.
Quick timed switchers: For example, set Bluetooth on, but put off again after 90 minutes
New actions and conditions are being added each day.
Current conditions:
Weekday and time
Wifi state
Speaker state
Bluetooth state
Flight mode state
Data connections enabled / disabled
AC power / Battery
Location. To be inside or outside of some place (defined by point and radius)
Screen state
To match or unmatch other rule
Some program is running or not
Battery level (min, max)
Bluetooth connected to an specified device
Phone status (ringing, in call...)
Calendar events. To be in a caleendar event that contains some word, like 'meeting"
Autorotation screen On/Off
Mobile network type in use (GPRS, HSDPA, CDMA, LTE, etc)
Data connection On/Off
Headphone plugged or not
Car mode activated / deactivated
Current action:
Set wifi state
Set speaker state
Set bluetooth state
Set flightmode state
Set connections enabled / disabled
Launch a program
Kill a program
Apply a profile (Set of rules)
Set autorotation screen state
Set screen bright state
Set auto sync accounts state (gmail, facebook, etc)
Play a song.
Send SMS
Send Email
Set car mode
Set wallpaper
Set ringtone (as user mp3 or android ringtone)
As we did with CommMgrPro for Windows Mobile I hope this project become a user driven project.
Known bugs
Next features being developed
Roaming condition
Condition connected to a specified hotspot
Was a CommMgrPro user for a long time on WM so I'm looking forward to how this turns out on Android, Daniel. Glad to see you're here!
For my part, I'd like to
1) have ALL of those notifications available to me (with the possible4 exception of date/time set)
2) be able to change settings, run scripts, use Locale plug-ins (no reason for you to replicate functionallity that's available in existing code), start/kill other apps and send arbitrary Intents to other apps. Output to a file would be nice as would being able to read and parse a file (rudimentary parsing is OK)
Perhaps a tall order, eh? Start small. GPS and/or cell tower location-based notifications to trigger actions like turning on/off WiFi, bluetooth, cellular radio, conditioned on time of day/day of week/date would be a good start, for me at least. I'd also like to be able to create profiles that I can trigger manually, preferably by a shortcut. While I'm not big on widgets, people will want them and give you bad ratings in the Market if you don't have them.
short/y said:
Was a CommMgrPro user for a long time on WM so I'm looking forward to how this turns out on Android, Daniel. Glad to see you're here!
For my part, I'd like to
1) have ALL of those notifications available to me (with the possible4 exception of date/time set)
2) be able to change settings, run scripts, use Locale plug-ins (no reason for you to replicate functionallity that's available in existing code), start/kill other apps and send arbitrary Intents to other apps. Output to a file would be nice as would being able to read and parse a file (rudimentary parsing is OK)
Perhaps a tall order, eh? Start small. GPS and/or cell tower location-based notifications to trigger actions like turning on/off WiFi, bluetooth, cellular radio, conditioned on time of day/day of week/date would be a good start, for me at least. I'd also like to be able to create profiles that I can trigger manually, preferably by a shortcut. While I'm not big on widgets, people will want them and give you bad ratings in the Market if you don't have them.
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Thanks¡ and happy to see you again
Hi Daniel,
Great news that you are thinking of a port to Android. You will make me (and a lot of others as well) very happy with that. I am still using a bunch of programs to let at least do a part of what your program did for WinMo. After I finally ported my HTC HD2 permanently to Android (one of the things that was holding me, was the lack of your program for Android), but I am still missing CommMgrPro.
short/y said:
1) have ALL of those notifications available to me (with the possible4 exception of date/time set)
2) be able to change settings, run scripts, use Locale plug-ins (no reason for you to replicate functionallity that's available in existing code), start/kill other apps and send arbitrary Intents to other apps. Output to a file would be nice as would being able to read and parse a file (rudimentary parsing is OK)
Perhaps a tall order, eh? Start small. GPS and/or cell tower location-based notifications to trigger actions like turning on/off WiFi, bluetooth, cellular radio, conditioned on time of day/day of week/date would be a good start, for me at least. I'd also like to be able to create profiles that I can trigger manually, preferably by a shortcut. While I'm not big on widgets, people will want them and give you bad ratings in the Market if you don't have them.
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I do totally agree with this. Lets start with cell-tower switched on and off, of 3G, WiFi and GPS. One of the biggest problems with Android is the huge amount of battery drain. This will make a good start. I know, there are a lot of programs which does it in a simular way, but CommMgrPro has a lot more to offer, after some time. And Daniel, you have the proof and skills of a very good programmer
Right now there is a fully working version. I am testing it myself and works very well. In a few days I will post it. Then I will fix bugs and will add more features. Basically:
1) More conditions to trigger a rule. Battery level, incomming call from XXX, incomming SMS, etc
2) More actions to be executed when a rule is matched: run or kill a process, etc
Gigabyte Gsmart G1345
I will be locking forward to get this working on my device.
It is really needed.
I sincerely hope that it could work on my device with Android 2.3.4.
God damn D man you finally turned to the dark side. Thought you had abandoned development. CMP was the only thing that kept me on WM until Jan this year. Have looked for CMP for android a couple of times but now you are ready. Cool man. I have started to use Tasker, and have some pretty crazy rules, but some things are not possible with Tasker, so I hope that you make it possible to integrate with Tasker as a plugin.
Anyway D. Its good CMP have not died.
One thing I miss. Being able to run my CMP as a service. Actually I believe tons of apps could save battery if they were better programmed and just called the part of the app that is needed. Maybe its nonsense, as I am not a dev, but I look forward to have you back on the train D.
---------- Post added at 11:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 PM ----------
Just went to the CMP page. MAN, memories from good old wm days. I really spent many hours tweaking CMP.
I miss the possibility to see all cell towers in a time scheme, and then add them to different profiles..... Is that part coming?
By the way, what phonie are you having?
HI answer in my next post (5 minutes)
Hi Martin. Time passes hehehehehhe
Well, as I posted before I didn't want to waste your time with buggie releases.
Answering your question, positions are given by location + radius. But I will develop a simple way to provide cells. It is a old way but has a good advantage. It doesn't require internet connection. You teach CMP which cells are near your home so CMP doesn't need internet. Well, currently you define a point and a radius.
As you know CMP is a rule engine. The device gets thousand of events (battery levels, positions, week days, hardware status, calendar events) so you can create complex rules to launch actions (set hardware status, launch programs, kill processes and much more.
The program will be FREE and will probably contain ADDs. There will be a donate version (0.99$) to avoid ADDs to support me.
Don't forget Martin, post suggestion about conditions and actions. Rememeber, one rule = Condition 1 AND Condition 2 AND condition 3.......and if matched then execute Action1 and Action 2 and ACtion 3......
There are other rules programs, but this one will what we really need (from programmer to programmer)
andddd just sold my galaxy S2 to buy a galaxy note. I ve iPhone 4s to develop projects for old and busy customers (you know, MAC=MONEY)
Don't worry, I will come up with suggestions if something comes up. Like your way to always answer our good and sometimes stupid questions, but important to me is flexibility. I know there is is problem calling GPS functionality, but Secure Settings solved that by an external plugin that could be called from Tasker and others. So are you planning an SDK or similar to let CMP interact with other software? In my head CMP could be a standalone app, but also the app that could be used in bits or integrated with other software.
Have another...
One thing I miss on android is being able to copy screen press like calling an app and then copy the button interactions. I will send you thoughts on this in a pm later when more thinking have been done as it could be a standalone app you could develope later.... And perhaps make some earning on.
Note..I am thinking about buying it, so I look forward to hear your thoughts about it.... When do you get it?
Hi Martin.
CMP will interact with other programs using android Intents. And other programs can interact with CMP, applying rules for example, using intents too.. I dont really know if you know what intents are, but they are a nice and easy way to allow programs interaction.
I didnt understand your sugestion about copy press. What does it mean? You know my english is poor, hehee
Enviado desde mi GT-N7000 usando Tapatalk
Daniel, I've been away from CMP (and Windows Mobile/Phone) since Android launched but I have missed CMP just about every day. Because of the value I received from CMP back then, I plan to buy it as soon as it's available. And when you're ready for beta testers I want to participate.
looking to test myself,I remember testing back in the wm5-6.5 days
Very soon I will upload the first version. Let me finish a couple of conditions (a program is running or is stopped and other one, battery level range). So probably next week i will upload it,but remember, much work to do
Enviado desde mi GT-N7000 usando Tapatalk
may i ask why you don't simply use one of the many many already available apps of this kind?
just to name a few:
settings profile pro
llama (it's free)
Well, it isnt a profiler. Its a rule engine. Of course, you can use it as a profiler. The idea is a total automation of the device. Soon the conditions can be used as complex AND/OR clauses. Well, its a rule engine as I think it should be. I did it in Windows MObile and I am trying to translate it to Android learning from old errors...
tasker is a rule engine too.
and llama and settings profiles is just a simpler rule engine, more optimized towords profiles, but not only!
Thanks, I am trying to make CMP better than those programs
ok. no worries. i just wanted to mention this as maybe it would be easier.
but this of course is a reasonable reason to port it.
good luck.
I've used several of the other apps (Locale, Tasker, Settings Profile and a few other profile programs I can't recall). Tasker is currently my workhorse. It's extremely powerful but it's a PAIN to program. There's no good way to cross-reference variables or other tasks so, to make global changes to a routine, I need to export my profile, bring it up in a file viewer on my PC and do searches and such on the PC while changing the programming on my phone. I'm not knocking Pent, the developer, he's done a phenomenal job on Tasker, especially given that it's only one person doing the development. But, for all its power, once I got beyond a few relatively trivial profiles, its become nearly unwieldy.
I don't know exactly what Daniel has in mind but I know what I did with CMP on Windows Mobile. With the additional capabilities in Android, I think Daniel could do really really good things (no pressure, Daniel). I'm looking for power with more facilities to make it easier on someone who does lots of things with the app.

The EM App - Joint Developing Effort

Hey guys, I wanted to start a thread where all of the few developers that the DVP has can come together and develop for the DVP in a joint-effort, starting with understanding the EM app.
There have been recent changes to the EM app with the new firmware and Mango, so I was hoping to create neutral ground where we can lay out all of the uses of the EM app and how to exploit them for the greater good.
So first of all the basics:
To get the EM app, dial ##634#
There are 3 basic options when you get to the EM App:
Phone Information
System Information
MMS Settings
There isn't much to be done with the Phone and System information, as they are there for pure informational purposes, but something can be done with the MMS Settings
MMS Settings: Here you can edit your MMS settings, including the APN, username, password, Authentication Type, (For Data) and then your actual MMS Settings such as Name, APN, MMSC, MMS Proxy, MMS Port, Username, Password, and Auth Type
Not much developing can be done with these 3 options, but if you tap the blank space below the options and then use the physical keyboard to type "qwertyuiop" without quotes, you get additional options:
RD Test (Password: *#6336#)
MMI Test
MMI Test (Chinese)
FCQ Test
Service Center
OOB (Password)
The RD Test brings up a slew of options:
Audio Loop -tests the audio (earphones required)
Backlight- tests the backlight (turn on and off by touching)
BT (Bluetooth) - Displays BT address, the test mode, TX Power Test, and BQB Certification.
Camera- tests camera by taking a picture
Compass-not sure how this works...
FM Radio- tests the radio (needs earphones plugged in)
Gap- measure 4 blocks and enter the measurements
GPS- Turn off location services and test the GPS
Isolated Storage Speed- test the speed of storage
Keypad- push all of the buttons to get back to main menu
LCD (AMOLED)- Test the LCD
LED- Turn on the screen, keypad, and the camera flashlight
Power Cycle- Test one power cycle (I don't know what it means?"
Power Management- Displays statistics of the battery
Recorder- Records audio to test the microphone
RF Power Forward- Displays the bands of your phone, and WCDMA information
Touch Pad- Brings up a menu to test the touch screen
Sensors-calibrate the Light Sensor, Proximity Sensor, and the Accelerometer
SD Card- the status of your SD card, the size, and the OS disk size
Sim Card-Says if your sim card is inserted
Sim Lock - Displays the Lock Code for your sim card...
Slider- tells you that your slider is open or closed
Vibrator-vibrates your phone
Video Music- tests music and video
Wifi-Brings up the Wifi menu, displays MAC address (other options unknown)
About EM- doesn't work(?) Says the page isn't ready yet.
Man Machine Interface Test (MMI) runs a series of tests on your phone, it runs through all the tests in the RD test.
The Function Quality Check Test (FQC Test): Its in Chinese
Protocol requires a password
Service Center, which allows tethering
OOB, requires password.
So, my goal is to have a mutual discussion ground in which we can exploit this EM app to its fullest, and maybe unlock some hidden features of the phone!
This won't help much, but is it normal to have the MMS Settings app show up in the app list? It's been there since I got it a few days ago, and I haven't even dialed ##634#. Also, in the app list, it's titled "Connection Settings", but it identifies itself as MMS Settings in the app itself and has all of the options you mentioned.
ElijahHouck said:
This won't help much, but is it normal to have the MMS Settings app show up in the app list? It's been there since I got it a few days ago, and I haven't even dialed ##634#. Also, in the app list, it's titled "Connection Settings", but it identifies itself as MMS Settings in the app itself and has all of the options you mentioned.
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Yes, with the new FW 212, its bundled as a seperate App with new purchases.
I dont know if this has been found by anyone yet, but when you press 'protocol' and type in *#6336# it takes you to another menu with three options,
active feature- seems to contain all the options to control the radio frequencies such as wcdma, gsm, bands, save efs log, and reset all..
when i clicked on 'fixed in bands' it seems to give you an option to check which frequencies you would like to use, theres four boxes with four of the regular gsm frequencies, 850,900,1800,1900, but five different wcdma options, I IMT 2000, II PCS 1900, then IV 1700, V 850, and VIII 900..
TMO-stands for tmobile, brings up a longer list of other controls and status screens for the radio and other things that deal with tmobile network..
RILDRV Log Capture- not sure what this one is about but gives you three capture options- capture at function level, capture at info level, and capture at error level, then two buttons that say Capture and unCapture...
curious stuff.. I havent played around with it much yet other than that..
16gb NoDo with 212 firmware
Service Center, which allows tethering
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Which isn't working in Mango Beta, hopefully works in RTM?
Monkyyy said:
Which isn't working in Mango Beta, hopefully works in RTM?
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Some people have been reporting that it works with Beta 2, and the RTM(?)
Also, with regards to this thread, I know that the DVP has no developer base behind it like the other devices, so I thought that looking into Dell's own app for its phones would help, and as a joint effort we might find a way into the DVP itself.
Also, I think some notable DVP-goers (such as notebookgrail and domineus) have already tried this, but what if ths thread could help us, or even work in our favor?
the major difficulty in the em.xap is tantamount
primarily the registry editor does work; but it only creates new keys - no modification of keys. Secondly, the interop capabilities has been rendered useless post nodo. So we have a unique situation as far as hacking the dvp
gauravr88 said:
I dont know if this has been found by anyone yet, but when you press 'protocol' and type in *#6336# it takes you to another menu with three options,
active feature- seems to contain all the options to control the radio frequencies such as wcdma, gsm, bands, save efs log, and reset all..
when i clicked on 'fixed in bands' it seems to give you an option to check which frequencies you would like to use, theres four boxes with four of the regular gsm frequencies, 850,900,1800,1900, but five different wcdma options, I IMT 2000, II PCS 1900, then IV 1700, V 850, and VIII 900..
TMO-stands for tmobile, brings up a longer list of other controls and status screens for the radio and other things that deal with tmobile network..
RILDRV Log Capture- not sure what this one is about but gives you three capture options- capture at function level, capture at info level, and capture at error level, then two buttons that say Capture and unCapture...
curious stuff.. I havent played around with it much yet other than that..
16gb NoDo with 212 firmware
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Its been there since the DVP started.
The bands stuff is basically writing a flag to a file in the Isolated Storage of the EM App. Once you close the app, its state is gone. It doesn't really change bands in the Hardware as we thought to be.
The TMO options is useful if you are into AT Command. I had played with it a lot..But scary stuff. Its basically taking to the Radio Modem.
RILDRV Log Capture - haven't played with it. But looking at the code doesn't give much info.
Curious, why is there a dedicated section to T-Mobile when all of the phones aren't being used with T-Mobile?
Thunder_47 said:
Curious, why is there a dedicated section to T-Mobile when all of the phones aren't being used with T-Mobile?
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Originally DVP was a TMO exclusive. May be they just left it there in the FW. I don't have a ATT DVP. Do they have the same TMO menu?
Is there anyway that we can use the EM app to change certain things such as IMEI (illegal) or find a way to bypass the upsell page when using Web2Go or T-Zones?
Basically, I want to use DVP with my grandfathered plan.
I don't believe that dell gave tmobile and att every single DVP IMEI out. There must be a low level security on each device that halts you from using web2go/tzones for working. I am trying to find that solution.
I am on tmobile USA with a grandfatherd web2go plan.
I originally ordered a t-mo DVP and found out it wont work on web2go/tzones.
I then bought the unlocked ATT DVP and unfortunately, it STILL doesnt work on web2go/tzones- knowing that I will only have edge speeds. I returned that device, BTW.
Any tips guys?
One thing I noticed: If the DVP chokes on loading up a webpage (via Low tower signal, etc), it will actually bring up the real webpage- somehow bypassing the upsell page.
But if you have full bars, the signal catches on, and you are redirected/forced to pay for an internet plan before you can use the grandfathered plan on the DVP.
I don't think this is possible, the IMEI is hardlined into your phone, changing it (if even possible) would probably cause your phone to be unrecognized by the T Mobile network.
The sad truth with this phone is that there will never be developer support for it like there is for HTC or other devices. Without a way to write to the registry or fix the broken interop service there is simply no way. This is something that the engineers (or their outsourced, contracted employees) at Dell would need to fix. And that won't happen because they won't waste time on an old phone, they'll just launch a new one.
Arcarsenal said:
The sad truth with this phone is that there will never be developer support for it like there is for HTC or other devices. Without a way to write to the registry or fix the broken interop service there is simply no way. This is something that the engineers (or their outsourced, contracted employees) at Dell would need to fix. And that won't happen because they won't waste time on an old phone, they'll just launch a new one.
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No need to be pessimistic now, I'm sure if we all came together and explored all of the options (starting this this native app) we could eventually get to the promised land
Thunder_47 said:
No need to be pessimistic now, I'm sure if we all came together and explored all of the options (starting this this native app) we could eventually get to the promised land
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I agree. Lets at lest keep open dialogue. You never know who may get there hands on a DVP...
haha, there's a difference between pessimism and reality. Take a look at the code of the unpacked EM.xap. Everything you'd need for your "native app" would be contained in there, including a way to modify the registry since EM and OurCOM.dll is the software layer that interfaces with the hardware at a limited level. There are people much more versed in the technical details of Windows Phone and the actual code of the EM app that can explain the uphill battle you face much better than I can.
But, any real progress needs to come from Dell themselves first, not the community. Their EM app is literally not completed. And, we know how Dell has responded thus far.
Not trying to be rude or anything, that's just how I see things and the situation with Dell.
edit: in an effort to keep people motivated here is a nice write up (part 1 of 3) about what is possible on a Venue Pro with Nodo:
keep in mind that things are now different if you're running Mango.
The line between realism and pessimism is a fine one. However, much in the way that Dell works, little progress fan be made on our side of the equation. But, that doesn't stop us from improving our phones using the tools that we have. Time spent whining about the things we can't do while the HTC guys are having super fun is time wasted.
Sent from my Venue Pro using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Arcarsenal said:
edit: in an effort to keep people motivated here is a nice write up (part 1 of 3) about what is possible on a Venue Pro with Nodo:
keep in mind that things are now different if you're running Mango.
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That's the same code as in the EM app. OurCOM.dll is nothing more than a gateway to the actual Driver DLL's. I did do some decompiling (PE Explorer and IDA tools) of the OurCOM.dll a while back and found that no code actually exists in it. It just invokes the actual Driver dll's which inturn communicates with dll's MS provides with the core OS. Dell themselves, didn't fully bake the EM app. Halfway along they left the development due to MS advising them not to expose the core features (like regedit,etc). I am not that familiar with C, but if someone has strong knowledge, we can try to work out some movement.
Here is some food for thought info to get someone going deep.
There is a file called QEMDriver.dll which is the actual driver file that does the majority of the gateway work in the EM app. Upon inspecting that file in IDA, i found that the core function resides in Coredll.dll (a MS OS file) and ril.dll (MS OS file for modem, calls, etc).
What i also found was(most people knew) if we crack open a way to provision the phone with the proper rights, anything is possible. MS even has article detailing how to provision certain rights,etc OTA. I tried all and failed.
If anyone wants, i can post the files that i referred and links to the provisioning.
I have seen all over the windows phone development forum that some HTC drivers work with the DVP, as far as tethering goes, can we extend this to other functions?

2G - 4G switch

Is there any app or widget that can automaticaly switch to 2G network when I turn off data, and automaticaly switch to 3G/4G when I trun on data ?
I've found many apps where they can switch between 2G-3G-4G but not automaticaly.
Tasker can do this.
This app might also work
That thread no longer exists. Tasker is quick and easy to do it with bro try that. Will save your manual toggle efforts as well.
sunny.0092 said:
That thread no longer exists. Tasker is quick and easy to do it with bro try that. Will save your manual toggle efforts as well.
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I've read about Tasker but is seems to need Root access in order to alter 2G - 3G - 4G
Can someone confirm/deny that changing network modes require root ?
yonef said:
I've read about Tasker but is seems to need Root access in order to alter 2G - 3G - 4G
Can someone confirm/deny that changing network modes require root ?
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Yes it does require root unfortunately, sorry for half baked info earlier. But that (rooting) seems to be the only way to get what you want and a lot more using tasker few similar apps n plugin.
sunny.0092 said:
Yes it does require root unfortunately, sorry for half baked info earlier. But that (rooting) seems to be the only way to get what you want and a lot more using tasker few similar apps n plugin.
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I use Automagic to drive the UI to flip between 3G and 4G. Root not required for this, but screen needs to be on and the phone unlocked for it to succeed (as if you were doing it manually). My Automagic flow/script waits for the right conditions (unlocked/screen on and, for me, the phone being away from or at home) and then I see it make the change. It's better than remembering to do it manually, anyway...
WibblyW said:
I use Automagic to drive the UI to flip between 3G and 4G. Root not required for this, but screen needs to be on and the phone unlocked for it to succeed (as if you were doing it manually). My Automagic flow/script waits for the right conditions (unlocked/screen on and, for me, the phone being away from or at home) and then I see it make the change. It's better than remembering to do it manually, anyway...
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Is it possible to configure automagic to :
When I switch on DATA - do switch to 3G automaticaly (screen will be on and phone will be unlocked anyway)
When I switch off DATA - do wtitch to 2G straight away
I dont need nothing more.
yonef said:
Is it possible to configure automagic to :
When I switch on DATA - do switch to 3G automatically (screen will be on and phone will be unlocked anyway)
When I switch off DATA - do wtitch to 2G straight away
I dont need nothing more.
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My MXP only offers the user to switch between 4G and 3G - I don't know how to force it to 2G (I'm UK based)
Automagic does not seem to have a trigger to spot if you have set DATA on or off, but it DOES have an action which may work
The action Set Mobile Datanetwork State turns the mobile datanetwork on or off.
Warning: This function is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
So, if it works, you could create a shortcut of your own to toggle DATA on or off and also explicitly drive the UI to make other settings at the same time...
Automagic has a trial so you could try it. It's all based on flow diagrams which you edit to accomplish what you want, and has scripting too.
I moved to it from Llama, I couldn't get my head around Tasker, and haven't looked back. Both Dev and users are VERY responsive on the Automagic forum too
For example, here is my flow to control 3G/4G. It looks for my location set in another flow and the current network state, setting it appropriately.
... and the script that drives the UI to check the radio button for 4G (if not already checked), return to what was on the screen before and set a global variable to the network type it set
WibblyW said:
My MXP only offers the user to switch between 4G and 3G - I don't know how to force it to 2G (I'm UK based)
Automagic does not seem to have a trigger to spot if you have set DATA on or off, but it DOES have an action which may work
The action Set Mobile Datanetwork State turns the mobile datanetwork on or off.
Warning: This function is not officially supported by Android and might not work on all devices.
So, if it works, you could create a shortcut of your own to toggle DATA on or off and also explicitly drive the UI to make other settings at the same time...
Automagic has a trial so you could try it. It's all based on flow diagrams which you edit to accomplish what you want, and has scripting too.
I moved to it from Llama, I couldn't get my head around Tasker, and haven't looked back. Both Dev and users are VERY responsive on the Automagic forum too
For example, here is my flow to control 3G/4G. It looks for my location set in another flow and the current network state, setting it appropriately.
... and the script that drives the UI to check the radio button for 4G (if not already checked), return to what was on the screen before and set a global variable to the network type it set
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Thanks mate, I'll try it and see how it works

