Standby button turns wifi off - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

My problem really is that from time to time screen turs off/freezes because of faulty connector tape between it and main unit (as far as I know). for the time being I can't fix it so I have to live with it. When this happens all I have to do is to press standby twice, so it is not very hard, except for the fact that when I put Wizard into standby, wifi disconnects, and I have to wait for it to connect again. Now this is very annoying! My question is whether it is possible to disable this, so that wifi stays on even when I press standby, maybe a simple registry hack or dedicated application... any ideas?


JAM does not turn off after being turned off

If I check in "Settings-System-Power-Advanced-On battery power" to turn my JAM off if it is not used for some time (e.g. 3 minutes), it goes off and then I can not turn it on. I tried to push/hold power button, nothing helped but soft reset. If I turn my JAM off manually by pushing power button I can turn it back on manually too. But after 3 or 4 times it acts just like it was turned off automatically, i.e. iregardless if I push or hold power or any button, LED flashes green and the phone does not turn on. The worst part of it is after I push Power button trying to turn my JAM on and LED indicator starts flashing green (and JAM still remains off) if somebody tries to call me he hears the signal as if my phone is ringing (not busy signal or "The number you dial is not available right now" etc.)
Does anybody know what the problem can be? I've got this problem even after hard reset with no third-party applications installed.
non functioning of on/off switch
Check the connectors of your battery on the inside of the JAM. I had the same problem and I found out that one of the connectors did not really "touch" the battery.
I checked it. The contacts on the battery look like they were scratched by contacts on the phone, so I'd think the connectors are in good contact. I even tried to put a small piece of paper between the battery and phone bodyon the left side to make sure it is really pushed to another side, it did not help either
JAM does not turn on after being turned off
Did anyone ever find out the answer to this??! I have the same problem with mine except it's a bit random - mostly doesn't turn back on again after an auto power off for a long(ish) period of time - like at night.
sounds like a possible fault is occurring. Best thing is to do a full backup of your system and then do a hard reset your device and see if the same thing is still happening. If it is, try the positioning of battery as suggested in earlier posts and if still happening, then a handheld service is required

Turn Universal on/off by opening/closing Lid

Hi all,
I upgraded to an O2 Exec a little over a week ago from a Blue Angel.
Initially I had a few concerns about it, but thankfully I found this forum, and have managed to get a number of enhancements, from increased storage and better radio (v1.09) to being able to turn on the flash light using a hardware button. My Exec is now running faster than my Blue Angel ever did, and hasn't frozen once. I've already become quite attached to it.
One thing that I think would be useful would be to have the unit turn on when the lid is opened, and off when it is closed. In the Power settings you can uncheck the box that turns off the device if it is not used for x mins, which has the effect that the screen will come on whenever the lid is opened. However, because the device is still running the battery still takes quite a hit even though the screen is turned off, and even when you lower the cpu speed.
Is it possible to turn the device on and off by opening and closing the lid?
Hi, I have mine set to come on and off when you open close the lid, and it's set exactly how you have said. Power settings, and stop the device going off. And Backlight settings, stop the backlight dimming, and lower the backlight when on battery mode.
There is no "off" mode like Nokia handsets, only Standby, which is what happens when the screen is closed. (I think).
jmdrizen said:
Hi, I have mine set to come on and off when you open close the lid, and it's set exactly how you have said. Power settings, and stop the device going off. And Backlight settings, stop the backlight dimming, and lower the backlight when on battery mode.
There is no "off" mode like Nokia handsets, only Standby, which is what happens when the screen is closed. (I think).
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You're not really going into standby mode by closing the case, try switching on wifi or bluetooth and look at the flashing indicator LED, it will still be going whien the case is closed. Nowtap the power button to put the device into standby, no more flashing LED. The phone LED still flashes which is a good thing otherwise you wouldn't be able to recieve calls in standby.
shuflie said:
Nowtap the power button to put the device into standby, no more flashing LED. The phone LED still flashes which is a good thing otherwise you wouldn't be able to recieve calls in standby.
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From what I know, the Universal has no real OFF mode, only standby, EVEN WHEN YOU PRESS THE POWER BUTTON. On mine, BT and WiFi still flashes even when I press the power button or just close the screen.
Pressing and holding the power button turns the backlight off, a quick press (or tap as I said before) makes it go to standby and should turn off everything but the phone part.
Okay well weve taken a really fun detour discussing the technicalities of standby and 'power off' but lets digress for a moment back to the original topic...
Rabangus, seems the best option you have is what you were doing. The hit to battery shouldnt be that large. I gave it a try not too long ago the way you and the other member had it set up again, and yes youll definitely have to charge it every night but it was doable. But I wasnt using wifi or bluetooth either. I am surprised that using Xscaler it still takes way to much battery. I assume thats what you are using to lower the CPU.
Oh well unfortuntely thats the way it is chief.

Auto Power Off, Cingular 8125

Hi guys...
I am as techy as the rest of yew, maybe more so, but I am having a problem understanding one thing about this phone. I know it is something very simple that I am missing, but I can't find anything about it anywhere in the docs, either?
How does the "auto power off" feature work? What I mean by this is, I know we can turn the power off after two minutes or whatever, but I see that the green GSM radio light is still flashing. That's good, that's what we want because we want to be able to receive calls.
The problem I am having is that after a time (I am guessing it is the two minutes?) I can't get the screen to come back on? What am I missing here? Is it me, or is it a bad phone? Auto power off seems to make the phone unuseable until a soft reset.
I tried pushing the power button, nothing. I tried HOLDING the power button, nothing. I tried pushing the TALK button, nothing.
Is the auto power off different than pushing the power button once and putting the device to sleep? What I want is the device to go to sleep after two minutes. I want to be able to use the phone again without doing a soft reset every time.
I know this is something easy, but I can't quite figure it out?
Thomas <><
[email protected]
Colonel, HOKC
Author, Soon Will Come The Light: A View From Inside The Autism Puzzle
Author, Light On The Horizon: A Deeper View From Inside The Autism Puzzle
I've been having a similar issue with my 8125. I seem to also have a problem when I turn the device off. I've been trying to pinpoint the circumstances, but haven't had any luck as of yet.
Have you made any progress with this?
hold the power bottom for 3-5 seconds , there will apper a Yes/No dia.tap yes will real shut off. Not good at eng.But is it easy to understand ?
i had a similiar issue recently on a phone i had forever, turns out that i installed GPRS connection monitor that turned the backlight off on my phone... after hitting the power button to wake it up it appeared my screen was still off, so if i turned it at the right angle i could see my today screen.. meaning the backlight was off, i had to keep it at that angle and navigate into the setting menu to turn the backlight on.. i couldnt find a fix for it so i uninstalled the GPRS monitor and havent had the problem since

Shortcut to power off and WiFi on power on

I've been busy reworking my 8125 as a dedicated GPS unit for use in my car. I've been using WM5SE from dferreira as a lightweight and stable ROM with much success. I do however have two slight issues that I would think should be easy to overcome.
First - I want a one-button click-an-icon way to shutdown the phone. And by shutdown, I mean totally off. I've run across a number of different options and every single one of them winds up doing the same thing - the phone goes into suspend, but is not actually off. Any ideas as to what I can do to just get the damn thing to turn off without trying to hold down the power button?
Second - when I turn the phone back on, the WiFi connection defaults to being powered off. Is there a way to make the WiFi hardware turn on by default?

Problems waking Prophet from "standby"

Hello eveybody,
i have a rather serious problem with my prophet.
most of the time when i take my phone out of the pocket to use it, when i try to switch it on to use it the display comes to live for about 1/2 a second and then goes black again. in that time i can see the usual screen i was expecting but it instantly goes back to black, sometimes in good lightning i can see its just the backlight that is of but the lcd displayes correct, but sometimes the screen stays black. after a few such on-off cycles the phone starts to work normal.
the big problem is that once or twice every day it totally hangs not reacting to the power button at all, just staying black no matter how often i press "on"
i have to softreset to get the device back to working order
the green power lcd keeps blinking but thats about it.
when i get a call in that time the other party gets a normal ring, but on my side the phone does nothing, not even showing a missed call or anyting after a reset. so i will never know if i missed some call and since i can not tell how long the phone was in that "frozen" state it can bee that for half a day i did not accept any call no matter how often i was called.
is that some know side effect of flashing cooked roms or could that be a real hardware problem that i should have fixed by the vendor? could it be some "dirty" contacts that i just have to cleen?
anybody had those problems or knows a solution?
thanks in advance
I had the Standby of Death SOD this is when the phone fails to come out of standby with a power button press. This issue only affects some people on some networks. I'm not sure if its a network problem or a software problem but as only a minority of people have it, I suspect its mainly a network problem there is a software solution.
The solution is to change the phone settings band option from auto 3G/2G to either 3G Only (WCDMA + UTMS 2100 in Europe) or 2G Only (GSM + AUTO) depending on your requirements.
Also read this thread the resolution was to get a new SIM.
Obviously this only solves the problem when the crash is because of the sim and/or settings which impact the sim. To rule out a software cause its best to start with a hard reset.

