AciveSynch hi-volume Data sync disconnect - rapiclnt error - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Upon attempting to synchronize large files or volumes of data (approximately 7600 contacts), ActiveSync 4.5 disconnects the handset (the display changes from "Connected" to "Not connected"). All data transfer abruptly ceases.
The handset returns an error message involving the file rapiclnt (which I am further prompted to forward to MS).
The OS is Windows Mobile 5, 4/2007 ROM. Approximately 31.5 MB free.
I have attempted deleting the mobile device profile, using a new profile, synching as a guest, resetting the device, rebooting the computer, defragging, etc. I have excepted from the firewall all the ActiveSynch directory exe files as recommended by the MS Windows Mobile troubleshooting site.
Will 3d party synchronizing software avoid this? Without contacts & calendar, this is just a very heavy and expensive brick

I did mine with 4500 contacts and agree that getting past the initial sync is a pain. On a fresh setup I introduce the sync items one at a time.... i.e. first sync folders, then sync tasks, etc. And then I do a reset before syncing the contacts. It takes a long while to do the setup but it works.

liquidsilver said:
I did mine with 4500 contacts and agree that getting past the initial sync is a pain. On a fresh setup I introduce the sync items one at a time.... i.e. first sync folders, then sync tasks, etc. And then I do a reset before syncing the contacts. It takes a long while to do the setup but it works.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I was able to perform the initial sync (pain is an understatement) directly from TImeMatters, which is apparently much more efficient than Outlook (which creates a much larger file on the handset). I time limited the Calendar and Tasks to reduce the number of synched items. Unfortunately, the incremental (changed items only) sync crashes, leaving only the alternative of deleting all handset items. As TimeMatters shows the first couple of items being synced to the handset, ActiveSync shows a lost connection (although the TimeMatters sync dialogue dutifully churns through all 7600 items)
I unsuccesfully tried syncing TimeMatters to Outlook, and ActiveSyncing Outook to Pocket Outlook. After creating a PIM.vol file of 40MB on the handset, the device returned "out of memory" errors while of course retaining none of the contacts.
It's unquestionably the size of the transferred files because I can reset the TimeMatters sync preferences to incremental, and the changed items come over to the phone just fine.

this absolutely confirms it's the size of the file causing ActiveSync to choke. I was able to filter out contacts and successfully synced both calendar and tasks.
I subsequently attempted to reduce the number of contacts by deleting them from the main database (TimeMatters stores such items in a "Recycle bin") so only about half of them remained to be synced. Even with only 5000 contacts (and no calendar or tasks), ActiveSync caused the device to disconnect almost immediately


how to synchronize Outlook data correctly with ActiveSync after Windows XP reinstall

Ok, I've scoured Google, newsgroups, forums and I still haven't been able to find an answer for this, so I am finally trying here.
Device/system configuration:
PC: Windows XP SP2, Office XP (Outlook), ActiveSync 4.1
PPC: Cingular 8125 (HTC Wizard), Windows Mobile 5
Hi, I recently had to repair my Windows XP installation and now need to resynchronize the data on my PDA with Outlook. I was succesfully able to synchronize my Outlook data via ActiveSync, however it has been a long time since the last synchronization, and since then the PC has not been in use until this recent reinstall.
I performed a repair-style reinstall, that is I installed Windows XP over the existing installation, therefore it simply overwrote the C:\WINDOWS system directory and left all other data (e.g. Documents and Settings, Program Files, etc.) untouched. I also had backed up and copied back over the user profile data for each account from the old installation to the new. Both the device and Outlook data have been backed up to an external hard drive (using Spb Backup for the device). Since presumably the registry has been reset, I will need to reinstall programs such as MS Office (including Outlook) and ActiveSyncto reintroduce them to the OS.
My question in general is how to correctly go about this so as to resynchronize my data without losing it. More specifically:
1) where is the ActiveSync partnership stored on the device? what data is actually contained in this file?
2) Now that XP has been reset, should I install the latest version of ActiveSync, or will that pose any problems when I try to reconnect my device?
3) My Outlook pst files have been preserved. They contain older data (e.g. Calendar entries) that does not exist on the device and that will need to be preserved after the sync. However the PDA also contains changes to the newest data (e.g. Contacts, Calendar, Notes, etc.) that also needs to be preserved after the sync.
4) what is the correct way to perform the synchronization such that all my data is preserved?
Thanks in advance!
In an attempt to sync my data, I have performed the following steps:
installed MS Office 2003
performed all Office Updates
downloaded and installed ActiveSync 4.5 and upgraded to Windows Media Player 10 (for compatibility with ActiveSync 4.5 as suggested by the program documentation).
Opened Outlook 2003 with the user account that I want to be able to sync my handheld data with
Outlook correctly migrated all my previous settings and data automatically
I connected the device via USB
ActiveSync detected the device's previous partnership: "Your PocketPC is already set up to synchronize with another computer. Items you select will be synchronized with all computers." In actuality, this is the only computer I sync with, however I previously sync'd with another user account on the same computer prior to Windows reinstall
I selected the Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Notes, and Favorites data to be synchronized
A Notes dialog popped up indicating that the device contains items that have not been synchronized with this computer before. This is strange because prior to reinstall, I had synchronized all data types with the computer (using the pre-reinstall user account however). I did not receive a similar dialog or selection option for any of the other data types (Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, etc.). The only options I was prompted to select between are to 1) Combine data from the device and PC, 2) Overwrite the device with data on the PC, and 3) skip the synchronization for the time being. I selected the option to Combine the Notes data
While synchronizing, the PIM data file on the device grew to 14MB (I had selected to synchronize ALL Calendar data, which perhaps I shouldn't have) and subsequently all my devices storage memory was used up. The device then complained of critically low memory.
ActiveSync completed, but was not able to transfer all Notes data over due to low memory space on the device
ActiveSync hangs
The data on the device is not synchronized correctly. e.g. the device had the most current Tasks and Contacts data before sync, yet the data after sync includes current Tasks, as well as old Tasks that resided on the PC which have not been modified since the last successful pre-reinstall sync. Since the device contains both new Task data, and old Task data that has been either modified, completed, or deleted, I would have expected the sync operation to update the PC Task list to reflect the current correct status on the device. The same should apply to Contacts, Notes and Favorites. My intent with Calendar data was to preserve Calendar entries over a year old that existed on the PC, and update both platforms with changes that have been made to Calendar items on the device (since the device only stores Calendar data less than a year old). Notes data now has duplicate entries for Notes that were modified on the device since the pre-reinstall sync and that have the same name as existing Notes on the PC.
To resolve the low memory issue on the device, I restored it to the Spb Backup point I made prior to sync and tried to run ActiveSync again
The ActiveSync operation completed, however the synchronized data is still incorrect as described in step 13
Now, Outlook contains a mix of the previously sync'd data with some new (albeit incorrectly sync'd) data from the device
Is there anyone with extensive knowledge of ActiveSync and Outlook that can lend me a hand with some step-by-step instructions on how to resolve this? It will be greatly appreciated!

Outlook contacts won't sync after upgrade

Ever since I "upgraded" to dcd 3.2.6, I can no longer sync with Outlook contacts. The only thing that syncs is Outlook calendar. Under sync-settings the contacts box is greyed out. Even if I uninstall/reinstall active sync and establish a new relationship I still cannot transfer contacts. Also, under "Getting Started" it says I need a CD rom to transfer contacts. What CD are they referring to?
Any ideas?
How many parternships does your phone use? I can only seem to get one parternship + exchange to work on mine, if I try to sync with a second PC, it only lets me sync files and notes. Not sure if it's related, but you might try removing all partnerships from both your PC and your phone and then create a new one and see what happens.
How do I remove a partnership on my phone? I removed all partnerships on my PC via activesync. How do I do it on the phone as well?
Thanks for the reply!
Open Active Sync, Click on Menu and then Options (this is on the phone) and it will show any partnerships including your exchange settings, it will also show what items are currently set to sync with each partnership, you can either delete the whole partnership or just adjust whats getting synced, turn off contacts on all of the ones that don't need it and turn it on for the one you are working on and it should become available, if that doesn't work, delete the partnerships and try again. If it still doesn't work, then something is misconfigured on your PC, default contact program, etc, something is wrong.
I ran into a problem similar to this when trying to Sync WM6.1 with 2 PCs. WM6.1 has a security "feature" that prevents syncing with multiple PC's; it has "non-local cross pollination" disabled.
It will Sync if you change a registry setting located at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync\EnableNonLocalCrossPollination to "1" instead of "0". As long as you're not trying to Sync to the same Exchange server from two different PC's (or your Outlook default files have the same name), it will work fine.
More info here:
I ran into this exact problem the article describes. I have an exchange linked account at work and I use an OTA exchange link with Mail2Web, and a stand along Outlook at home. It won't let me sync Contacts, Calendar and tasks with all 3, only 2 at one time. I will test this and see how it works.

ActiveSync, error 0x86000108

Dear Folks, I am having a problem Syncing.
It has worked fine for about a week - but it will now not Sync. Additionally, every time I try to Sync the HD2 puts some 20+ entries on today's date in my Outlook 2003.
Frequently, when I try to Sync it will crash Outlook.
I have uninstalled all "Partnerships" on HD2 and PC. I have uninstalled the ActiveSync software on my Win7 (64nit) and reestablished the partnerships all without success.
If I do not Sync with the Calendar, it will Sync OK, without crashing. However, if I add Calendar to the Sync objects, it will not complete.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
ANDREW (Yateley, UK)
cable sync or bluetooth??
bluetooth with many entries causes problems sometimes (for me)
Activ Synch
I know it sound silly but do you find you can sync with one machine but after synching with the other it will not work with the first?
On win 7 before connecting try opening ActivSynch on the mobile, clicking options and de-selecting all items. Click OK and the re-open options and re-select the sync items. OK again and connect to your pc.
For XP when you have connected the phone open activ sync on the pc and de-select the sync items. OK and then go back in and re-select before ok'ing again.
I know this sounds long winded and is a pain to use but it seems to be when you are synching to 2 machines rarther than just one. I tend to suynch at homeweekly and work daily!
Try running compact on outlook data files. (Tools - account settings - data files - double click the data file(s) to open properties and click compact now.)
Also worth running a scan for errors on the .pst file.
Theres a how-to HERE
Think about your firewall, that can also cause the problem
Waiting for network
I'm having a similar problem when trying to sync with Exchange 2003 SBS SR2.
Emails and contacts are fine and sync well as long as I'm not trying to sync calendar events. As soon as I check the box for calendar events I get an error, although it's not the same error code as the original poster it's the same result.
I'm running WWE 1.66.
Dear Folks,
Now working - I had corruption on my PST. Used "samsamuel's" idea and then upgraded to Outlook 2007 and then archieved all old emails and calendar events older than 14 months.
Now works!

Activesync - one way sync?

I sync my Touch Pro 2 with the Exchange Server at work which I guess is the 'reference' set of data. I also sync with my PC at home but if I change any contact / calendar details on the Exchange Outlook database they get merged with the home data rather than overwriting it. This means that I end up with duplicates and garbage on my phone which subsequently gets transferred to the Exchange Outlook database if I then sync with it.
What I would appreciate is any advice on how I can assign a 'priority' to the data that gets transferred - i.e. to overwrite the data on my home Outlook with the phone taking priority?
In ActiveSync, right click on the phone's partnership name. You can change whether in a conflict you overwrite the phone or the PC.

Syncing problems and appointment deletion

I have a problem with syncing and I've put the background to the problem as well as my main question. If you think you can help, go straight to "QUESTION". Thanks.
Okay, since the 12th of December I've not been able to directly sync my phone's contacts and appointments (using my phone's wi-fi connection) with my Microsoft Account at Windows Live / I thought it had something to do with the end of the World, but it turns out it doesn't. E-mail and tasks sync just fine and using the connection steps here, I have a good connection to the Windows Live ("") server. My phone is currently running the latest EDGE swift ROM, so Windows Mobile 6.5.
After a little digging and process of elimination (of the ActiveSync errors), it seems most (but not all) of my contacts and appointments (on my phone) are out of sync. Waaaaay way out of sync. I'm talking hours, some of them even days. Hence Live/ refusing to sync some of these items. My problem is mainly related to the appointments stored in my phone and those in my Windows Live Calendar.
I've been travelling around the World for some time and I think due to the constant PIM backups, restores and syncs between my phone and Live during differing time zones to that of when the original data (appointments in particular) was created, the phone has juggled these things around so much that they have strayed from their original timestamps. For example, I run an amazing app on my phone called PhoneLog which records SMS messages and phone calls into appointments and puts them in the calendar, timestamping the call and it's duration. Comparing between my phone and Live, one log says a call was made at 12:12 but the appointment in my phone is at 17:12 and the one on Live is at 11:12.
My Microsoft Account has most of my original appointments, as I said, up until the 12th of December. Then because of the failure to sync, no more entries have been recorded online. However, I have them in my phone up until the current date.
What I want to do is delete all my previous calendar appointments in my phone before the 12th so that the problematic items no longer cause a sync failure, allowing me to sync up the new entries I've created since that date.
The trick is, how to do this without deleting in the process, all the new appointments?
I cannot delete all these entries manually one after another from the phone. There are thousands and it would just simply take too long.
Any help on how to bulk delete selective appointments would be greatly appreciated.

