AT&T mMode settings cab? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I looked on this page but it does not have the provider info for AT&T (mMode)
I am not sure how to create one but I think it would be something nice to have so if someone knows how this is just a request if it's not too much trouble to make.

Here ya go.... Works for ATT as everyone says on this board... SEARCH THE FORUMS

I don't have MediaNET, I have Pre-at&t, Pre-Cingular, AT&T Wireless mMode.
Are you telling me I can use the MediaNET settings?
AFAIK I have to use "proxy" for my AP name and use some other IP's as well to be able to use mMode.
IE this config -
I just don't know how to make a .cab to auto set this up every time I hard reset or change my rom.

I would like to bump this up, can anybody out there create a at&t blue mmode settings cab?

You really don't need a cab. Just add a new new modem connection to "my ISP" in the settings-connections tab. Name it whatever (does not matter), choose "cellular line, gprs" from the pull down, then click next. Access point name is "proxy" and click next/finish. Nothing else needs to be done. Don't need "WAP settings", http addresses or anything else. I flash my trinity constantly and this is all I ever do.

so you don't need to put in the connection strings for mmode and mmode mms? it gets annoying re-entering all that data just to have it gone again everytime some new hot rom comes out that i got to have.
i'd write a cab myself if i knew how.

yup like the post above yours says, all you need is to make a new connection that connects to "proxy" and your done for the mMode connection.
For the MMS the only two things you need to know are;
Then you select the connection you made under connections and your done.
btw, are you in a 3G network area and is your service working?

No problems with 3G, including "H" and I am still using my original blue ATT sim from yrs ago.

Do you mind if I ask where your located?
I am really getting sick of being jerked arround!
I can't get any help or response either!

DH, I'm in DC & live in MD, no problems in either of those areas.

With regard to settings, have you tried another browser? Running WM6 and using IE with the above settings never works but switching to opera solves the connection issues more often than not.
BTW I’m in the DC (Mont. Fred. And Washington county) area as well if it matters.

Hi...I got my mmode data settings to work according to your suggestion...but can't get the mms to download. I've got the old blue sim card...any suggestions for getting the MMS to work along with the data? It connects...retrieves message headers, i know who the messages are from...can even get subjects...but all the messages just hang at 0%??


Vodafone GPRS Settings?????

Assistants required!!
I have attempted to set up GPRS on my M600 (Unlocked for Vodafone sim)
GPRS has been enabled as I have the G icon up!
I have been on the vodafone website and tried there settings with no luck!
I have been on the Filesaveas website and plugged in all of those settings with NO luck, Have also installed the I-mate .cab again with no luck!!!
I am starting to go insane spent three days trying all different settings and No luck at all!!!!
You name the website and I think Ihave probably tried it.
Does anyone have any useful advise for me, provide me with some form of sanity check!!!!
Ideally I wold love a .cab file to install!
But would like feedback from anyone else in a similar position, on how they resolved this some what annoying issue!!!!
I set up my Vario II for Vodafone with no problem. These settings (*.pdf file) seem to be the same as the ones I used, see how they compare with the settings you are using.
Many thanks I will give it a go!
Ok have now got connection but I can't surf?
I have seen comments about GPRS beening fully enabled?
Are there 2 forms of GPRS that can be enabled? WAP & WEB???
Do I need to worry about the Dialing Rules???
Thanks in advance for your assistance!!
Could you be a little more specific i.e. does it come up with a pop-up box stating that it is connecting to GPRS? If yes, which connection does it say it is connecting to, is it the correct one (i.e. the new GPRS settings that you have just keyed in)? When you say it won't surf, what do you mean exactly ... are you using Pocket IE and does it come up with any error messages etc...
Connection via GPRS No probs I then get the Small G and the two arrows fixed on the bar.
Enter IE and type google for example.
get the status bar flash up breifly and then disapear, with no change to the original Orange World Home page!!!
No errors what so ever????
okay ... the next thing I would probably do then is download an alternative browser to see if it still happens in a different browser. Netfront is pretty good. At least that way you should be able to establish if it is a GPRS problem or a browser problem.
Ok I now have installed Netfront and connected to the GPRS!
typed in
I have a warning screen:
Browser Warning
Cannot load Page
Type: DNS no server is specified
Okay .. I am running out of ideas now, it does sound like your GPRS Settings are still wrong.
Click 'start menu', 'settings' and go to the 'Connections' tab. Now click 'Connections', then the 'Advanced' tab then 'Select Networks'. The first box (ie. Programs that connect to the Internet automatically) should say 'My Isp' and if you click 'Edit', it should show you 'Vodafone Internet' is selected.
If you then select to edit that, you should see in this order 'Vodafone Internet' and then it should show modem type as GPRS, next page should show Access Point Name of 'Internet', next page should show User name 'Web' ... password is the same, domain field should be blank ... nothing needs to be done in the advanced tab because the default of 'Use-server-assigned IP address' should automatically be selected, same for the server tab too, default should be server-assigned.
These are the settings that work fine on both my XDA Mini S and my MDA Vario II.
Right I have checked both ISP and MyWork Network, all correct!
The only thing I can see is that the password box has loads of characters (*'s) instead of just 3 *'s for WEB (***)
But every thing else is as the PDF??
you can try messing with the newly released ms network tools there is a link in development forum
or you can try manualy typing in a know dns server in the settings
unless the gprs dont route the request
any dsn server ip will do
same as pc's really
I am afraid I don't know then ... we have reached the level of my knowledge (which isn't high )
Perhaps somebody with a little more technical knowhow on GPRS issues may be able to help you.
Sorry I couldn't get it sorted for you.
Thanks for your help a least I can connect now!!
Thank you again!!
anyone heard of the connection No. being *99#?
Vodafone instructed me to put that in the setup?
I guess that goes in under the " My Work Network" Vodafone Wap - Number?
This is now becoming a huge headache anyone got any ideas?
not sure how vodaphone handle it but i never heard about
ppl having to add numbers when they picked gprs as connection
belived that was only if you connected around grps
Wilko_007 said:
Right I have checked both ISP and MyWork Network, all correct!
The only thing I can see is that the password box has loads of characters (*'s) instead of just 3 *'s for WEB (***).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm expericening a similar problem.
My phone was sold as an O2 XDA Mini S. My O2 contract/account doesn't allow GPRS (they want me to upgrade) so I tried my Vodafone PAYG SIM and it works without having to have the phone unlocked in any way. By that I mean I can use voice calls and using the settings I've found through this site I can send MMS messages via GPRS but I cannot connect to the internet. I've checked with Vodafone and the account will allow internet and GPRS etc.
The only thing that I can see that is wrong is the password. Whenever I type "web" then finish, it always defaults back to a string of 16 ***'s when I re-check the settings.
I've even done a hard reset and used the corporate install to no avail. I don't want to run any sort of unlocking software if I don't need to as I don't want to create a very expensive door stop.
Any ideas?
The string of asterisks is normal, I think it is just a method used by Windows to make the password more difficult for someone to guess i.e. by disguising not only the characters but also the number of characters.
I just double checked and my fully working settings also show a row of asterisks despite it being a 3 character password.
Thanks Nicky
I'll keep plodding away with this but hopefully someone might steer me in the right direction soon.

Atom Exec in the USA - Please Help Me

I live in the US and have just bought an o2 Atom Exec. I have T-Mobile as my carrier but my Atom can not keep the signal for more than a few minutes at a time. The configuration Wizard can't help because it doesn't show the US as an option. I try to select T-Mobile but even when I am connected it won't show the name of the network. I am very upset - I spent alot of money on this phone but I can't use it. Can someone please help me configure it to connect to the T-Mobile Network?
I also have T-Mobile (USA) and have used these settings on a I-Mate Jam and now an Atom Life. It took me a while to gather this information, but now everything is working perfect. Here are all the network settings:
Connections: My ISP (Start->Settings->Connections)
Add new modem conection-> name->T-Zones
Cellular line (GPRS)
Access point:
User, Pass., Domain: leave blank
Advanced: no change
Connections: My ISP (Start->Settings->Connections)
Add new modem conection-> name->PictureMessaging
Cellular line (GPRS)
Access point:
User, Pass., Domain: leave blank
Advanced: no change
Connections: My Work Network
Set up my Proxy Server: Check both boxes
Proxy Server:
Connections: My Work Network
Add new modem conection-> name->T-Mobile WAP
Cellular line (GPRS)
Access point:
User, Pass., Domain: leave blank
Advanced: no change
This will give you Internet browsing, access to T-Zones (in Internet Explorer the address you need to type is: wsp:// and MMS capabilities
For MMS, you also need to set the following:
In Messaging, choose options, then MMS
In the Servers tab, create a new configuration called PictureMessaging
with the following settings:
Port: 8080
Connect via: My ISP
This should work for any WM device and T-Mobile USA.
Have fun!
You are so cool, frenchygeek. I am very grateful for your reply and all your help. I made all the changes you recommended, except that I can not figure out how to add MMS because in Messaging options MMS is not listed. I can't add it because it requires an email address to add an account. Can you walk me through that?
I also found somewhere in this forum instructions to make a registry entry to change the default network to my local network. Now it no longer comes up trying to run the Wizard (with my default as Austraila with every soft reset. Do you need that information? (I am in my office but once I am home I can send it if you like.)
Anyway, I made some of these changes earlier today and the ones above just 5 minutes ago ... so now I'll see what happens. Thank you SOOOO much.
[email protected]
Go to Start->Messaging or Start->Programs->Messaging or click on the Messaging line on the "Today" screen.
When in there, you may have a selection screen with the various messaging options you may have such as Text Message, MMS, Outlook or your corporate or personal email. Click on MMS. If you don't have this screen, then go to the next step.
Click on Menu->Tools->Options
At the screen which says "Tap an account to change settings", click on MMS. You will see 4 tabs (Preferences, Blacklist, Servers, About). Go to the server tab and make the changes that I outlined in my previous post. Accept everything, close and do a soft reset.
BTW, yes, I would be interested in the information regarding the change on the register to place T-Mobile as a default provider. I never got around to do that.
Merci beaucoup.
Hi again, FrenchyGeek,
I'm so grateful to you - I have been begging for help from the manufacturer and the distributor but you and the other forum member are the only two sources of help I've had. Seems like someone else would be desparate for this information too.
I'm still not sure about MMS - MMS does not show up in options on my phone. I finally got to the MMS settings screen by going to the messaging screen of one of my email accounts, clicking on GOTO, choosing MMS (it does appear there) and then choosing tools -> options. It is not set up as yours is - I have to fill in :
Active Profile (A dropdown but I choose NEW)
From there I have to fill in
Profile Name:
MMSC: I typed in
Data Connection: (a drop down and I choose T Mobile)
Gateway: (a drop down with only WAP1.0 Gateway and WAP2.0 Gateway to choose from)
IP Address: (I typed in
Port: (I typed in 8080)
Do you think that will work?
OK, default networkconfiguration:
In the HKCU/AutoConfig/Network, find XPath string n change it to your network operator number. You can see your operator number (5 digits usually - mine was 31026) when you launch autoconfig, next to the "Detected from SIM" text. You can also see the operator number from the DetectNet or NetworkID keys in HKCU/AutoConfig/Network.
I still have trouble with it dropping signal or trying to connect to Australia. I wonder if there is anyway to delete all the overseas configurations so it can't find them again. Also, I drop signal everytime I connect via USB to my PC. Do you have these issues?
Another annoyance - the battery doesn't last long for me at all - I am definitely a power user, which is why I wanted the higher processing speed which lead me to the Atom Exec in the first place. Are there any extended batteries that you're aware of?
Thanks alot!
Thanks again.
Hello Cinamon,
I am using the new O2 Atom Life and I installed the WM6 ROM upgrade. Are you still on WM5? That may explain the differences, although I'm not sure why the MMS profile doesn't show up on yours.
The screen where you can find this is the first screen that shows up when you click on "Options" in "Messaging". It says "Options" at the top, "Tap an account to change settings" below, with a square containing "New Account...", "Text Messages", "MMS", "Outlook E-Mail", and possibly other accounts if you set them up yourself. Below are two buttons: "Security..." and "Signature...". The only way to properly set up MMS is to click "MMS" on this screen and then follow the procedure in my previous posts.
I also have an "Autoconfigurator" which shows the countries that are supported (Australia, Bahrain, China, etc.) but it doesn't launch automatically. When you go through a hard reset, it asks you if you want to run it, but you have the option to say no. After that, it doesn't come back. If it's in the ROM, I don't think you can delete it.
I don't have any of the problems you outlined. My phone actually works really well, except for one major flaw. I don't get the voicemail notification icon to show up when I have a new voicemail. I only get the missed call icon (if my phone is on). I opened a separate thread on this site but got no help so far. By searching on this site and others, I can tell that some WM phones have such a problem depending on the Tel-Co, but I can't seem to find the solution. Do you have any problem with that feature?
If you Google "O2 Atom battery", you can find after market batteries that actually provide longer charge. They void the warranty, so be careful.
Thanks for the default network configuration! What software do you use to edit the registry?
Take care!
Still No Luck
Hi Frenchygeek,
I have no problem with voicemail (on the few times my phone connects).
I use SKTools for editing the registry. Sometimes I use a freeware register editor which can only be used from your PC - I can send you that if you like. I know alot of people use Commander (also Freeware) but for me these two programs are more friendly, and SKTools has lots of tweaks and other cool utilities.
My phone is the Atom Exec and there is no update at the moment for WM6 so I am stuck with WM5. I can not get my phone to stay connected for more than 5 minutes at a time. It drops the line over and over again and is really unusable (except for games and mp3s etc ... smile ....) I thought I might reset to factory settings and begin again with your instructions but I can't find the option to do a hard reset - do you know how to do that? I am very frustrated as it was expensive and it's useless to me as is. I asked the seller if I could exchange or upgrade it and I'm waiting for his answer. Maybe the Life with WM6 would do the trick. Anyway, I have had no service at all for about 6 hours although I have tried every trick in the book and then some. Are you using code 31026 or are you in a different region in the US? (I am in Virginia)
Thanks again for your help.
To hard reset, you need to press the stylus in the reset hole at the bottom of the phone while you press on the on/off button. Keep it this way until you see a message on the screen, which asks you to confirm the hard reset by pressing the green and red button simultaneously.
I think that it will do the trick. My Atom Life works perfectly fine with T-Mobile. I'm in California and my Tel-Co number is also 31026. It shows up on the Auto Configurator screen ("Detected from SIM: 31026").
If it wasn't for the lack of voicemail notification icon, I would be happy. I'm tempted to reinstall WM5 and see if that makes a difference. But I read that WM6 is so much better than WM5, so I really don't know what to do. Support at O2 basically gave me the finger. They said their phones are intended for the Asian Market...
Anyway, the Atom Life is a more recent phone compared to the Exec. It's a little bigger, but the specs are much better. It's much more expensive though...(I paid a little over $800 for mine).
Have fun!
Hello Again FrenchyGeek,
I did a hard reset and put all the settings in that you gave me, reset the autoconfig to 31026, and things are much better. I still lose signal a few times every hour but it does usually recover quickly, although there are times when I have to manually search for the signal as the phone doesn't do the search itself.
I do need to do something about the battery, however, and will follow your suggestion. I use the phone as an MP3 player and the battery drains in a couple of hours.
It must be frustrating that no one can help you with the voice mail problem. My voicemail notification works perfectly. Wish I could help. If you can think of a way for me to search my registry for the right setting let me know and I'll give it a try.
I still don't understand why the O2 company is not more responsive to us Americans .... it's a big market for them to tap into.
Hi Cinamon,
Just got an idea for the problem you're experiencing.
Under Start->Settings->Connections, I have a program called Band Switch.
In there you can select your network type: Auto, GSM, UTMS
And you can select your Band: Any, GSM 900, GSM 1800, GSM 1900, UMTS 1900 and UMTS 2100.
If you have such a program, try to play around with the settings and see if it makes a difference. It's possible that you when you lose the signal temporarily the phone gets lost. If you force it to a certain band, then it might be more stable.
I don't know for sure, but it's worth a try.
Hi Frencygeek,
I do have such a setting and I have repeatedly set it to 1900 (because that's what T-Mobile operates on) but it continually resets itself to tri-band. I wonder if anyone here can tell me how to make 1900 the default. I notice that it connects to GPRS but I have no phone service - although I can check my email and browse the web. In those cases I have to manually go into settings and tell it to connect to t-zones under my ISP. I think somehow it is defaulting to the YES OPUS settings of Australia everytime it loses signal, and I don't know how to direct it to my settings. Maybe I should try a new thread and see if anyone can help, although it does seem that support for those of us in the Western Hemisphere is sadly lacking.
As for your voice mail, I'm sure this is too obvious to suggest, but have you tried changing the notification type? Maybe a different ringtone or change to vibrate or play with that? Strange that is the one feature that works for me - but I certainly need it since no one can call me at least 50% of the time.
I do own an MDA and if I were not so hard headed I would use that ... but I'm having a hard time giving up as I do like the phone (and did spend $500 on it, although it came with extras like a miniSD card, bluetooth headset, etc.
Hello Cinamon,
Someone else in another thread suggested that I upgrade the Radio Rom to version 2.69.11 or 2.19.11. I have done some research and found that it should work with T-Mobile. The only problem is, I don't know where to find a radio rom that will work with my Atom Life and I don't know how to install it. I have read too many horrors stories about people "bricking" their phone after trying to flash their ROM. So, I'm a little hesitant, but I would do it if someone answer both my questions. Also, I don't know what version of radio rom I have. On WM6, System information looks different. My Radio version says: "AL1-KLNC-2.3.40CT-070424-2. I have no idea what that means.
Which brings me to my other suggestion for your problem. Maybe you could update your radio rom and things might just start working for you. Just a suggestion!
Hmmm .... I'm willing to try ... but how do I find an upgrade for my Radio Rom? I see there is an upgrade for the Atom Exec - in Chinise only. ;->
Any luck with voicemail?
Hi Again,
I have tried the band but still I lose signal much too often and it still takes forever to establish a connection again. Worse, it often shows the E in the top bar, which makes me think I have phone service, only to discover that I have only GPRS and have missed a bunch of calls. I contacted the person I bought it from and asked for an exchange - he does not sell the Life but I offered to pay the difference to upgrade to the Orbit, which has a quad band. I'm still awaiting his reply.
Any luck with your voice mail?
hi cin,
the o2 atom exec are only tri band gsm. i live in apac and had a similar problem over here when i bought a smartphone in the US. it was because carriers still prefer the lower frequency gsm as a default. coverage for the higher freq was spotty for me even when i forced a freq. check with t mobile
by the way, i have an atom exec and when i am in the US i am on cingular and have no issues with dropping. sorry.

Email Setup/Connection Problem

Hi guys, I been browsing the forum for a while - decided to sign up now due to getting hold of my first smart phone.
I've set up my email account (pop3) it worked the first time yesterday, received and sent emails.
Now today, when I receive I get nothing, no messages, and when I send one i get this message:
"cannot connect with current connection settings. the change your connection setting, tap settings."
clicking on settings brings up the t-mobile settings tab etc, but I'm not sure what to change here as I'm pretty new to all this!
and I'm just wondering if I need to change anything - as it worked yesterday but not now even though i haven't changed anything.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
I used to get all kinds of hassle like this with my HTC Advantage. It would work perfectly for a while, then it would not allow access, so I'd have to re-input the SAME settings all over and it would seem to work again (fortunately, it seems to be pretty well behaved nowadays!)
So long as your pop3/send/recieve/SMTP settings are all good [make sure that login names etc are all as your email provider states, usually full email address and password and smtp/outgoing *DOES* require authentication]- sounds like you might want to check on your connection settings (I assume that the internet is not working either? Or MSN messenger?) B4 going into settings you will need to find out EXACTLY what your APN (access point name) address is for your specific carrier (there are typically several ones per carrier - usually one for contract and one for PAYG) and the user name and password.
Then check/update your connection settings. You can go and edit the existing setting - you will need to choose a name for it (there should be a default) and then you may have to 'select a modem' - typically I select 'Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)', as it works best for me [on another device however, I select GPRS only, as there is poor 3G reception here in the office and it causes the connection to find a 3G signal and try to connect to it, to no avail though and thus it drops the connection - but hopefully you wont experience this!]
Next update your: 'APN' and the 'User Name' and 'password' (those 3 things will be supplied by your carrier) and save it. And HOPEFULLY that should do it - it can get a little more complicated than that, but I'm hoping that you dont have to get into setting up work networks/proxy servers etc - I can do that and have some data for it, but I'm not very good at exaplaining it I'm afraid it's something I've learnt on a trial and error basis, as I'm not a techy/network specialist AT ALL
double post*
thanks for your reply!
as far i know all my email info is fine, but I shall try again after work. only details I might have to get is t mobiles. might have to look on the net. but i'll try what you've suggested.
but the net is working fine! I'm using it now...will give it some trail and error.
thanks, and till later!
In which network are you? And which country?
Hello - I'm on t-mobile in the UK
I'm thinking of doing a total hard reset - now my googlemail isn't working ! and that was yesterday.
Just for good orders sake:
T-Mobile APN Configuration
For both contract and pay-as-you-go T-Mobile customers in UK the following APN settings are used:
Name: TMobile GPRS
GPRS APN address:
Username : user
Password: wap
- other settings can be left blank.
Apologies if you already know how to do this, but I just checked on the HD2 and you do the following;
GOTO the Settings tab (last one).
Hit MENU (bottom right)
Select (if you're accurate enough.... ) 'Manage Existing Connections' and follow the path - you may want to just re-input the above to make sure you know all is well then save it (finish)
Just a thought.
Thanks alot for that blackblade, i can use that as reference, will try again in abit - I've done a phone reset for now.
cheers fella. very helpful.
well guys, I've tried checking and changing those details - still no joy. Not sure what to do with this now to be honest!
Not sure if you've resolved this, but I had the same problem with t-mobile.
You need to deselect "use proxy server to connect to the internet" in the t-mobile internet settings, for some reason this gets selected on set up. Once you've done this you should be away!

Vodafone UK MMS settings

Hi all, despite searching and trying lots of things out I have stuffed up my settings a bit, and now have a permanent 'sending mms' message - but anyway.
I am trying to set up my vodafone UK MMS settings. I believe I have the correct settings under MMS options (It did work briefly) but the bit I am struggling with is how to setup the parts under conenctions. When I got MMS working it broke Opera's net access over 3G. Truing to fox that with many cabs etc has left me very confused and now back to having everything workinge xcept MMS.
If I set the network conenction setup manager it creates Contract Internet and My Work Network (but the latetr seems to have no settings).
I have gone round in circles for a few days and so would be grateful for any advice or cab that sets this up properly - I had my own for O2 but am struggling here.
Cheers for any help.
Did you even try Vodafone's website?
this page:
at top right has links to pdf's for tp2 detailing mail, internet, wap and MMS.
Go methodically through all 4 and you should be sorted.
Thank you - yes I did try that exact page on my travels before posting.
Part of the issue may be that I am using a 6.5.x Rom and the layout is not quite the same as that envisaged in the instructions I think.
I am trying again but as I said - I have tried this way already.
EDIT - still struggling - could someone with this working on a 6.5.x ROM walk me through their conenctions setup under settings (I have the MMS Options part I am sure).
aha... so it's normal connection settings you need
I have an Xperia on Vodafone on which i'm running a 6.5 Energy Rom . I manually tweak my settings as below... dunno if this will be of any help to you...
settings>connections>connections>advanced tab>select networks>select "contract internet" in top drop down>edit
> you should have a "contract internet" modem with number "internet" listed under modem; if not add it from your internet setting pdf.
>ADD wap settings as a new modem under the "CONTRACT INTERNET" settings (should be in your WAP setup pdf) (make sure no proxy set)(so you now have Auto Pick selected)> OK
on network management page for BOTH connections select "Contract Internet">ok>ok
go into std windows messaging client>on account selector screen select sms/mms>menu>mms options>servers>select whatever is there (Contract MMS in my case)>change "connect via" to "contract internet">OK
and I THINK that's all i do..
for anywhere you can select the connection use the "Contract Internet" option we've previously setup to auto switch between 3g and wap as needed.
hope that is of help...
Trying this now - but that looks like exactly what I was looking for (in terms of what to put in where) so if this does not work then I am stumped!
Cheers for the help.
EDIT: Still no joy - it just sits there telling me it is sending the message but never going past 0%
Will try this after a clean flash when TPC puts up his next rom - or might quickly flash the 17/3 energy rom.
I have sent a message - hurrah.
This seems to be related to the fact I enabled 3g. I usually turn off 3g to save battery, and live on Edge. Do you ned 3G for MMS to work on vodafone? Or was this a coincidence?
Just saw last post as i was typing more suggestions- woohoo!
I always leave 3g enabled BUT for me I travel an hour and a half to work on train and the reception is very variable, so leave all possible connections enabled, sometimes one drops when the other doesn't.
I'm not that bothered by battery life; energy roms get me easily a couple of days which means i never really consider power an issue.
but i don't think mms SHOULD be 3g related (unless it's something to do with the implementation of MMS on your sense 2.5 rom... hmmm)
I do believe that, thanks to your help, I now have this sorted!
It was all about which way to have things et up under the network management tab really - I was putting the wap conenction as a different heading rather than a modem under the normal one.
Anyway, following the latest EnergROM flash last night I have got it working again!
Thanks a lot for the help.
I am going to try and make a provisioning cab that will sort it all and will post it if I finish it. Its setting the default connections on the network management tab that might stump me but we will see - there are plenty of examples around - its just a question of time. the MMS settings are just a reg export as well.

[Q] MMS, where are the settings? Wall mart Straight Talk Touch Pro 2. TP2

Does any one know how to make the MMS work?
I dont see a place to input the info on the straight talk activation instructions.
MMS Proxy
MMS Port
I was only able to find the place to input the APN (att.mvno) doing this made the internet work.
So when I get a pic mail my phone shows me the text from it and tries to download it. But it fails. says Invalid MSISDN Number Received.
SMS works fine.
Sprint Touch Pro 2 TP2 Windows mobile 6.5. I have the Wall mart straight talk $15 sim card (bring your own phone) plan. I put it in the sim card slot on my Sprint TP2 and went through the steps to enable the phone to use GSM towers in the states. Calling works. But internet is only on EDGE (slower then sprints 1X) I think that is all the phone is capable of with the GSM raido it contains.
I searched the registry and found something like Http:// changed it to and that did not work.
I dialed ##778# and hit view. there is nothing in there that looked related.
I went to start, settings, connections, connections, manage existing connections, and deleted what was there and maid a new one called Data and put att.mvno as the Access point name but there is no place to enter the mms settings in there.
I have searched google for hours and days. I give up. Some one out there has got to know the answer. Can you help?
travissand said:
Does any one know how to make the MMS work?
I dont see a place to input the info on the straight talk activation instructions.
MMS Proxy
MMS Port
I was only able to find the place to input the APN (att.mvno) doing this made the internet work.
So when I get a pic mail my phone shows me the text from it and tries to download it. But it fails. says Invalid MSISDN Number Received.
SMS works fine.
Sprint Touch Pro 2 TP2 Windows mobile 6.5. I have the Wall mart straight talk $15 sim card (bring your own phone) plan. I put it in the sim card slot on my Sprint TP2 and went through the steps to enable the phone to use GSM towers in the states. Calling works. But internet is only on EDGE (slower then sprints 1X) I think that is all the phone is capable of with the GSM raido it contains.
I searched the registry and found something like Http:// changed it to and that did not work.
I dialed ##778# and hit view. there is nothing in there that looked related.
I went to start, settings, connections, connections, manage existing connections, and deleted what was there and maid a new one called Data and put att.mvno as the Access point name but there is no place to enter the mms settings in there.
I have searched google for hours and days. I give up. Some one out there has got to know the answer. Can you help?
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In your MMS app, go to menu>MMS options>servers>add new server. If it's greyed out you have to do a reg edit in HKLM>Software>ArcSoft>MUI and look for "enable server edit" and change the DWORD to "1" After you change that, go back to the MMS options and "add new server" with the following data:
Server - Straight Talk MMS
Gateway -
Port - 80
Connect Via - Whatever you named your connection previously.
When you're done make sure you set that as your default server. I'm doing this from memory so I may have missed a step or the reg edit key may be named differently on the Sprint TP2. BTW, the Sprint and Verizon TP2 only supports EDGE speeds on the AT&T bands. 3G is for the AWS (1700) band like T-Mobile, HTC really screwed the pooch on that one.
Nice thank you very much for your help. My mms works now. I cant believe I did not think to check in my mms program for the place to enter the settings.
I did have to change the registry value to a 1 to gain access to the greyed out button. It was in HKLM>Software>ArcSoft>Arcsoft MMS UA>Config>UI>
Now if I can only get the mms and the sms time to be correct. Do you know any thing about that? My friend can be sitting next to me and send me a sms that I get instantly but the incoming time on the message shows totally wrong. It was like this when I was on Sprints service also. I flashed stock 6.1 and 6.5 and neither fixed it. I have Since or Touch Flow or what ever its called turned off. Just running basic home screen Spb Pocket plus 4.1.0, Spb Phone Suite 1.3.1, Garmin, Pocket shield and some other basic programs. I have a faint memory that out of the box this was not a problem. It may have been after I flashed and installed that it started. But then why did flashing back to stock not fix it? I have never flashed anything other then stock.
travissand said:
Nice thank you very much for your help. My mms works now. I cant believe I did not think to check in my mms program for the place to enter the settings.
I did have to change the registry value to a 1 to gain access to the greyed out button. It was in HKLM>Software>ArcSoft>Arcsoft MMS UA>Config>UI>
So you say that I can get 3G if I get the Wallmart Straight Talk sim card that uses Tmobile? Wow I will try that. My brother just ordered one from Straight talk for his T mobile branded TP2. I will try it in my phone. T mobile has almost as good of reception here on the big island of hawaii as AT&T does.
Now if I can only get the mms and the sms time to be correct. Do you know any thing about that? My friend can be sitting next to me and send me a sms that I get instantly but the incoming time on the message shows totally wrong. It was like this when I was on Sprints service also. I flashed stock 6.1 and 6.5 and neither fixed it. I have Since or Touch Flow or what ever its called turned off. Just running basic home screen Spb Pocket plus 4.1.0, Spb Phone Suite 1.3.1, Garmin, Pocket shield and some other basic programs. I have a faint memory that out of the box this was not a problem. It may have been after I flashed and installed that it started. But then why did flashing back to stock not fix it? I have never flashed anything other then stock.
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See, I didn't buy the Walmart ST SIM. I went straight to their website ( and got an AT&T SIM. I know you have the choice of T-Mobile or AT&T but I think it depends on the area code you will be using. As for the time stamp issue, that sounds more like a software bug than a carrier issue. Just for ****s and giggles, did you enter the proxy info in your connections? I know when I use the proxy info, reports my ISP as AT&T-Cingular, when I go without the proxy it lists my ISP as "shared block". Whatever that means. Google Maps also locates me faster when I have the proxy info entered. Of course, when I have to tether, I un-check proxy settings. BTW, you didn't hear that from me.
fatclue said:
See, I didn't buy the Walmart ST SIM. I went straight to their website ( and got an AT&T SIM. I know you have the choice of T-Mobile or AT&T but I think it depends on the area code you will be using. As for the time stamp issue, that sounds more like a software bug than a carrier issue. Just for ****s and giggles, did you enter the proxy info in your connections? I know when I use the proxy info, reports my ISP as AT&T-Cingular, when I go without the proxy it lists my ISP as "shared block". Whatever that means. Google Maps also locates me faster when I have the proxy info entered. Of course, when I have to tether, I un-check proxy settings. BTW, you didn't hear that from me.
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Wow checking the proxy box and putting in does change my results from Shared IP Block to At&t. And it is 4 times faster.
I was getting a consistent download speed of only 77 Kbps and 1.1 Latency
Now I get 295 down and 2.1 Latency.
Im testing some data intensive websights now. Ok they are much faster now. All most as fast as my week reception sprint EVDO revA phone tethered to my router. The only thing sprint has over ST is that sprint does not throttle me until 30 gigs. And I have read that with the AT&T ST sim people are not getting away with much. DSL just came to my part of the jungle so I got rid of my sprint plan. I have no need to tether so much now.
I edited out my confusion from the above posts. It looks like I will never have 3g on the t-mobile or AT&T sim card on my TP2. Here is a link to some supportive reading about why 3G will not work.
One more thing I can send and receive Hotmail but cant send and receive Yahoo. When I try it says "Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap Settings. Settings". Then If I uncheck proxy it works but then I have to go back later to re check and put in to get my faster speed back. Why can Hotmail do it but Yahoo can not?
I had the same problem and all I did was flash a new radio which helped with signal.
Just for fun I put a T-mobile sim card from T-mobile in my TP2. My Edge internet was very slow. So put in the proxy that Straight talk gives there users with T-mobile sims and it was still very slow. Super slow compared to using the Att proxy with the ATT ST sim in my TP2.
One interesting thing I noticed is that this sim had many more electrical contact points on it and it automatically set up the correct MMS setting for me. In comparison the ST sim card had lass contact points and I had to enter the MMS manually my self.
This TP2 Im using this week is bone stock out of the box and it is not handling daylight savings time correctly when putting the time stamp on the sms. I bet there are many good threads about fixing this I have not yet searched.
travissand said:
One more thing I can send and receive Hotmail but cant send and receive Yahoo. Why can Hotmail do it but Yahoo can not?
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Simple the settings for the Hotmail account where correct and the ones for yahoo where not.
So this was an easy fix. I click on my sms program. click menu, tools, options, click on my yahoo account, edit account setup,next,next,next, next,advanced server settings. So in here is where i had it wrong. It was on my old internet settings so I changed "network connection" to "internet" that way it will even sync my email using wifi if its on and has internet, instead of needlessly requiring to dial up over the cell data connection.
I tryed this change in the MMS settings also but my MMS wont send so I had to change it back to the cellular data connection.

