Multiple eMail accounts in one folder ? - Networking

Hi. I was wondering, if there is a possibility to download mail from multiple eMail accounts to one folder in the default messaging application in Windows Mobile 6 ? Right now I'v got 2 different folders for 2 eMail accounts. I want one folder (for example "eMail"), where I can recieve eMails from those two accounts. Possible ? Maybe any plugins to do that. Did some search, but found nothing (anyway still searching ;p ). I was using FlexiMail 2007 for a while, which has this function ("Local folders" folder), but I want to use default messaging program. Thanks for any answers.

i'm pretty sure it would at least require a 3th party program intergrating with outlook to manage that
easy workaround would be forwarding all mails to a gmail or hotmail or something from the other mailbox's and just have that in outlook


Google Mail Folders

Is it possible to be able to view all of my folders on my Google Mail account and not just my standard inbox.
Hotmail works perfect...I can view everything...It syncs all folders available.
But Google Mail doesn't.
Any ideas? Or is that as good as it gets.
I suggest trying out Google Mail Pop3-mail.
That's what I've done. It doesn't sync my custom folders that I've made or anything like that.
All I get is the standard folders such as inbox, deleted, drafts, sent items and outbox.
I want to be able to see all of my folders that I have just like I can view them in a normal browser.
I didn't know you could syncronize folders using POP3, but I've been wrong before (this one time in 1984 I think :wink: )...

I want to be alerted when subfolders receive mail.

My work, unfortunately, uses Groupwise and I'm gonna get no support in getting a Groupwise mobile server or anything setup, so I'm stuck with syncing local for contacts and appts and tasks. I am, however, using and IMAP access to get my emails, and this works pretty well with the default Pocket Outlook email client.
One thing missing is that I have a couple of subfolders where I have rules that automatically direct emails from like my Boss or other people into the folder so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of other stuff. However, I'm not getting notification when new emails are pulled into those folders. If I go into my email program I can see that I have new emails there, but I get the buzz or message icon that I have new emails. Is there anyway to make it so when new messages get pulled into the subfolders that I also get notified?
Ideally I'd REALLY like to stick with the default email program as I'm also using Mobile Shell and mobile shell apparently only integrates with the default email app.
RedRamage said:
My work, unfortunately, uses Groupwise and I'm gonna get no support in getting a Groupwise mobile server or anything setup, so I'm stuck with syncing local for contacts and appts and tasks. I am, however, using and IMAP access to get my emails, and this works pretty well with the default Pocket Outlook email client.
One thing missing is that I have a couple of subfolders where I have rules that automatically direct emails from like my Boss or other people into the folder so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of other stuff. However, I'm not getting notification when new emails are pulled into those folders. If I go into my email program I can see that I have new emails there, but I get the buzz or message icon that I have new emails. Is there anyway to make it so when new messages get pulled into the subfolders that I also get notified?
Ideally I'd REALLY like to stick with the default email program as I'm also using Mobile Shell and mobile shell apparently only integrates with the default email app.
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I would like the same.
I have never found a fix to this issue and IIRC it is a limitation of the software.
I am using gmail so I just set up forward rules and dummy accounts. So I had account X with sub directory Y I have the email intended to Y get forwarded to account A and set A as a separate account. I dont know if this would work with mobile shell ( if it only looks at the outlook account)
tedet said:
I have never found a fix to this issue and IIRC it is a limitation of the software.
I am using gmail so I just set up forward rules and dummy accounts. So I had account X with sub directory Y I have the email intended to Y get forwarded to account A and set A as a separate account. I dont know if this would work with mobile shell ( if it only looks at the outlook account)
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It is indeed an Outlook issue. It only sends alerts on mails in the inbox. On my exchange server, the emails are redirected on the server before Outlook ever sees that they touch the inbox and thus no alert.
The only solution is some sort of third-party app, that would be nice.
If you're using Groupwise as your mail server, what is the email client you run on your workplace computer? And your workplace computer OS?
If your accessing Groupwise mail through Outlook on your work computer, your rules can be setup as client side instead of server side rules. If Groupwise behaves like a MS Exchange then your client side rules would only process when you're logged into your Outlook client. So when you're not in front of your PC, you wouldn't move your mail from your Inbox. Thus making them invisible to Pocket Outlook.
Or you could setup some special notification or delayed move rules. Again assuming you're using Outlook. Ornic InboxRules can be used to create some complex rules if you go that route. I haven't personally used it, but I used the predecessor to it called CaTrap to parse the sender, subject, and parts of the body into a another email and forward that via SMS to my phone.
If you can manage to get stuff to your Pocket Outlook Inbox, there are a few good tools that will give you advanced notification options on your phone. See this thread for details. Hope this helps to get you started.
You can see on an application which solves your problem; it works together with ActiveSync and Outlook Mobile in order to alert users about unread mails in Inbox and Subfolders.
You can test it by downloading the demo version.
We published version 2.0 of CheckMail application.
New features are:
- displays messages on "Today Screen";
- audio alert when new messages are received;
- audio reminder if the new messages where not read (the interval when these verifications are made is selectable by user);
- by taping on CheckMail application, user can open Messaging application (Outlook);
- user can select in CheckMail application not to check Inbox (only subfolders).
Visit to see details and demo application.

IMAP to gmail configuration?

I'd like to configure Windows Mobile to make that the delete mail action in my gmail account archives the mail instead of deleting it.
I've read some post over the web talking about this issue, and giving some solutions, but none of them for Windows Mobile.
In essence, the solution implies to change the "label" that is associated with the delete action, so it must change from "[gmail]/trash" to "[gmail]/All mail" (this is my own interpretation of what I've read, very simplified ), but I don't know how to do this. I've searched the registry and the file system looking for some configuration entries, but I've been unable to find any
Any ideas? Is this possible to do?
(my ppc is a HTC TouchHD, by the way)
1 of the differences between imap and pop3 is that
imap dont delete the mails
you should try to change to pop3 in your pda
Use the IMAP connection and just move the messages to a folder on your PPC, this will change the tags in your gmail account. Thus moving the email from your Inbox to the folder of your choice.
Hi again,
Thanks Rudegar and Deedee for your replys. (sorry for my delayed answar, but I've been out of home some days)
Rudegar, I've been testing the pop3 access, but I have a problem. I use POP (with MS Outlook) in my main computer, so I always have my mails there and organized as I want (folders, subfolders, filters to delete, move, etc...) This is my main "mail box" and I like it this way 8·). The problem now is that if I download one mail from one pop3 "reader" (be it the PC or the PPC) the other one "loses" the mail. I suppose that gmail marks the mail as downloaded by pop so it is not "served" anymore. This makes the pop option "not an option" 8·(
Deedee, I've been playing a little more with the IMAP folders, and, as you say, I can move the messages to folders. The problem here is that this is not so easy as simply deleting it, and letting gmail to keep it archived. What I want is to be able to delete the messages but to be sure that there are kept safe by google, just in case ;·)...
What I want to do is exactly what is described in this page (, but I don't know if there is some way to do the same in Windows Mobile
Thansk again for your help 8·)
it's done! well... in fact it has been always done! 8·)
As a nice "side efect" of using a spanish version of Windows Mobile, mails are never marked as "Trash", but as "Elementos eliminados", what, of course, gmail does not understands and treats it as a normal label. So emails are never sent to the trash folder, wich is what I wanted! 8·)
So problem solved! Thanks again for your pattience 8·D

Outlook in WM - sending emails from Outlook Account

Hi Everybody,
I recently got TP2 rhodium. The 1st WM system for me.
I tried to use Outlook in a "natural" way but I found some simple things I can't do.
I have 3 accounts in my phone:
- "Outlook", which is synced with my company PC via ActiveSync.
- A "work account", that I use to receive and send emails using my company ISP (i.e. [email protected]) when I am away.
- A "personal account", that I use to receive and send emails using my personal ISP (i.e. [email protected]) when I am away.
Everything works: Outlook sync, work send-receive emails, personal send-receive emails.
The most simple thing I expect I can do is:
1) I sync Outlook via Activesync. So I get an updated copy of my pc inbox/outbox in my TP2. Including emails I didn't read yet.
2) I go away, get in the inbox of my phone outlook account and read emails. There's one I need to reply immediately!
3) I reply to that email, but...
the reply goes into the outgoing box but it remains there. It will be sent the next time I'll sync, but it will be next week.
I didn't find a way to use one of the 2 other accounts to send that email from inside the "outlook account". It's a reply, so I have to write it inside that account.
The most natural thing would be:
- an option in the "from" field allowing me to use one of the two accounts
- send the email
- watch it going in the outbox of my "outlook account", so that it will be synced the next time.
in addition,
if I send an email from my "work account", it will go into its outbox, but I cannot move it to the "outlook account" outbox, so that it can't be synced when I connect to my pc!!
I suppose many people encountered the same problem.
I tried to search, but I couldn't find any.
Anyone can address me to a solution?
I thank you all in advance.
Thats what i did in the past.. i sync emails so that i know which ones i need to reply... but found it a hassle at times...
why not try using pop3 directly? Jus save a copy of emails on server.... i pop as and when i need... but only my outlook in laptop downloads emails.. i find it better in sense i have contorl when i use outlook.. but thats jus me and my 2cents..
Hi chuachongchee,
I hope I'll find a straight way for you and for me to do what I mean.
I can't believe it is not possible to do such an elementary thing with an almost 600€ gear and a WM at its 6th release!!! And such a cool design !!
Do outlook mobile developers ever work away from their pc?
I am not good in WM software "handling", but a lot of people is, and I am sure someone has already solved this issue.
Just hope I'll find one...
hi asamax,
Just confirming that I have a similar problem that would be solved if I could change the "From" field in the outgoing message (as with your problem).
I also have done a lot of searching and found nothing yet.
I have found that its possible to write "plugin" apps for
tmail (aka Outlook mail for WM) but found none that allow the change of the "From" field - annoying!
haongusa said:
hi asamax,
Just confirming that I have a similar problem that would be solved if I could change the "From" field in the outgoing message (as with your problem).
I also have done a lot of searching and found nothing yet.
I have found that its possible to write "plugin" apps for
tmail (aka Outlook mail for WM) but found none that allow the change of the "From" field - annoying!
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Don't mind,
I am sure this will be solved.
Such simple change + Such evident miss.
Please skilled-xda-developers write an outlook hacked rev. allowing:
- choose the account in the email "from" field
- copy/move emails between different accounts folders
- some additional options for each accounts would be useful: default c/c and hidden c/c recipients.
the 3rd in the list allowed me to solve this issue in my old Nokia E70 (!!).
I just put a rule for incoming mail in my PC outlook: when I receive a mail in whic i am in hidden c/c AND in the from fields, move it in the sent items folder. But it was not a very clean way... I expect more from my brand new rhodium!!!

Opening .eml or .msg attachments on HD2

First XDA post. Love the forum but never had a need to post before. I am a long time user of windows mobile and the primary reason I buy windows mobile phones is because of their ability to open outlook item files.
I recently purchased the HTC HD2 from T-Mobile USA that is running windows mobile 6.5 Professional. When trying to open an outlook mail attachment I receive the following error message, "The attachment is of a file type that could be unsafe. Messaging will not open this attachment".
My profession requires me to proof-read emails before the are sent. My company does this by attaching email drafts created on a desktop by Microsoft Outlook and are typically .eml or .msg files and sent over email. These file types were supported and viewable in WM5 & WM6. How do I enable them in WM6.5?
I am currently using Energy's ROM and the stock T-Mobile USA Radio but I was having the same issue using the Stock T-Mobile ROM. I am comfortable with registry edits if that's what it takes.
Please help if you have any ideas. I've searched all over the web. If anyone would have the answers, you guys would. Thank you.
So I figured it out. After weeks of downloading multiple 3rd party email applications I also created a windows live email address which can receive emails from my work email address and push them to my device and I could open them in the default messaging program.
I found that I could open the .eml attachments using the default messenger through my microsoft live account which was strange and all I ever wanted but when I replied, I did not want it to be from my live account, I wanted it from my work address.
I went through all of the settings to see what could possibly be different and found the live account was set up as a pop3 and my work account was imap4.
I deleted my imap4 settings for my work mail and created a pop3 for the same address and now I can open .eml & .msg email attachments. Yay!
fatappel said:
So I figured it out. After weeks of downloading multiple 3rd party email applications I also created a windows live email address which can receive emails from my work email address and push them to my device and I could open them in the default messaging program.
I found that I could open the .eml attachments using the default messenger through my microsoft live account which was strange and all I ever wanted but when I replied, I did not want it to be from my live account, I wanted it from my work address.
I went through all of the settings to see what could possibly be different and found the live account was set up as a pop3 and my work account was imap4.
I deleted my imap4 settings for my work mail and created a pop3 for the same address and now I can open .eml & .msg email attachments. Yay!
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So just where are those imap4 settings? Are you setting up your work email on your phone as an Exhcange client with IMAP4 settings? Or is that on the MS Live setup?
I have this issue with email from my work Exchange account to a personal email account that I have set up on the phone (Imagio/WM 6.5). I want to accept some forwarded items (like personally specific HR-related docs) and some calendar items to update my phone's calendar, but I do NOT want my employer to "own" my phone, so am not willing to set it up as an "Exchange extension" (don't want that remote control, or 90% internal email spam to deal with).

