voicemail notification problem with T-Mobile - iPAQ rw6828, XDA Atom General

I recently acquired an unlocked O2 Atom Life and promptly upgraded to WM6. Everything is working pretty well, except that I don't get voicemail notifications when I have voicemail waiting for me. I am with T-Mobile USA. I live in So Cal., so technically I am using Cingular's network (that's what it says on my screen at least) but T-Mobile is my official provider.
I used to have an I-Mate Jam with WM2003 SE and was getting the voicemail icon promptly after someone had left me a message.
I put in a request with O2 regarding this problem, but I got no answer so far.
Can anyone help me with this?

Well, I have done a little experiment. I have called the T-Mobile USA voicemail center (not my phone) and left myself a message. As soon as I hang up, my Atom Life (which is on but with the screen off) wakes up (the screen lights up) but I get no voicemail notification icon.
This clearly indicate that I get a signal from the network. However, this signal isn't being interpreted by the OS.
Has anyone had this problem before? Is there a hack or registry entry or something I could do?
O2 support is of no help. They basically told me: "sorry we don't support the Atom Life in the US".
Please help!

I too live in the US and I have an XDA Atom Life and I don't receive voicemail notifications either. My experience with O2 Support has been like yours regarding this mattter. Just curious, did you ever get this resolved?
I used to have an XDA Atom Exec and I never encounterd this problem with that device.
Thanks in advance for your response.

I also face this problem in my apple iphone.If any body know its trouble shooting so please reply.One more thing is how I can switch on its vibrating system.I can't found.

Ok, it maybe something internal wasnt reset on the generic RAZR?? Thats my fear......getting a generic RAZR and having stuff NOT work.....you have no recourse with the carrier

frenchygeek said:
Well, I have done a little experiment. I have called the T-Mobile USA voicemail center (not my phone) and left myself a message. As soon as I hang up, my Atom Life (which is on but with the screen off) wakes up (the screen lights up) but I get no voicemail notification icon.
This clearly indicate that I get a signal from the network. However, this signal isn't being interpreted by the OS.
Has anyone had this problem before? Is there a hack or registry entry or something I could do?
O2 support is of no help. They basically told me: "sorry we don't support the Atom Life in the US".
Please help!
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well thier is probaly a fix for it now but i can't find it the value's for the vm registry are blank can someone with a working vm paste thier registry here please

My sister and I are on a family plan with T-Mobile. She is using Dopod 818 Pro, and I am O2 Atom Life. She has the little tape icon each time there is a voicemail waiting for me, but I face the same problem with as everyone above! I called T-mobile, and they claimed it could be phone-specific problem. I kinda agree. So, I get around the problem by going to my voicemail, and set it to page me when there is a voicemail. Nowadays, I will get a short call from my own no., so I know I got a voicemail. I prefer the little tape icon or text message, but what I have is better than not knowing at all.
Does anyone have anything on this yet?

Am also using the paging notification since I don't get that icon on my Atom Life.

frenchygeek said:
I recently acquired an unlocked O2 Atom Life and promptly upgraded to WM6. Everything is working pretty well, buy viagra except that I don't get voicemail notifications when I have voicemail waiting for me. I am with T-Mobile USA. I live in So Cal., so technically I am using Cingular's network (that's what it says on my screen at least) but T-Mobile is my official provider.
I used to have an I-Mate Jam with WM2003 SE and was getting the voicemail icon promptly after someone had left me a message.
I put in a request with O2 regarding this problem, but I got no answer so far.
Can anyone help me with this?
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Hey people, I also need help. Plese help me if anyone had solved this problem...

My work-around
I spoke at length with a real sharp techie at T-Mobile about this a year ago and after some discussion he realized that there were simply no registry hacks or other answers to this issue (he even took the issue to the T-Mobile support group engineers and called me back 24 hours later saying they couldn't figure it out, either). But he recommended a free voicemail service which has resolved - for all practical purposes - my issue.
The problem: I get a voicemail, but I see no "tape" indicator telling me so.
The REAL problem: I have no idea if there are VMs waiting for me at any given time without calling in.
The solution: YouMail! Highly configurable, much more options than T-Mobile's voicemail, FREE, and it'll send you text messages when you get a voicemail.
So I still don't get the tape indicator, but I do get a text message that pops up - and I get the text message indicator telling me a text is waiting. I added increased text capacity to my plan for about $5/month, and I'm golden. Highly recommend this approach.
PS - I don't work for - or have any vested interest in - YouMail. Just a happy customer.

i do not like the service of T-mobile at all. me and my family always prefer verizon. T-mobile always messes situations for you.

Solution for removing Voicemail notification
Hello everybody, I am a new guy to this forum and gotta say that it's very useful... Tons of useful information.
Here is the deal about voicemail notifications:
use your favorite registry editor for WM and navigate to
There should be a value name "Count" (not ****) with some REG_DWORD value
Change value to 0 (decimal)
Do the same to the registry key
It should remove Voicemail notification icon from the startbar.
In case you don't have registry editor, here is the one:


No notification of missed call or new SMS

I found out that I'm not always getting a notification of a missed call or a new SMS. If I don't have any service and somebody calls me, he/she gets my voicemail. Normally if you then get service again, you receive a message saying that you have a new voicemail.
I only get that message when I'm making a phone call or when I'm sending an SMS.
If somebody calls me when my phone is off, and I turn the phone back on, I immediately get a voicemail message. So if I switch to flight-mode and back, the problem does not occur.
A friend with an Orange M500 has the same problem.
To rule out my service provider, I tried my SIM in a Nokia 6230. Then the problem did not occur.
Does anybody experience this problem? Or even better, does anybody have a solution for this?
I think this may be a ROM problem, I seem to remember a similar problem when I had 1.11 installed. I wasn't getting the voicemail symbol appearing next to the START button when I had a voicemail waiting.
Vodafone send me an SMS so I knew from that. Since I have installed 1.12 I always see a little tap reader symbol (voicemail) at the top when I have a voicemail waiting.
Hope this helps,
latts said:
Since I have installed 1.12 I always see a little tap reader symbol (voicemail) at the top when I have a voicemail waiting.
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Hi. Thanks for your response. I will try 1.12. But first I have to find it.
I have a QTek S100 and I can't find a ROM for that phone.
But I'll let you know the outcome as soon as I have upgraded.
There's a 1.12 I think in the FTP directory. I got mine from my supplier and its better than 1.11 apart from the GPRS problem which is being discussed in another topic here.
At the moment I am hard resetting my QTEK S100 with 1.12 installed and not installing the external ROMs. Hopefully this will work as one of the other guys on the forum has done this and has no GPRS problems.
Good luck
latts said:
There's a 1.12 I think in the FTP directory. I got mine from my supplier and its better than 1.11 apart from the GPRS problem which is being discussed in another topic here.
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There are some versions (for example WWE_11200_120_11200) on the FTP server, but they say that I have a wrong country ID. And I don't like to use the complicated installation method (using MaUpgradeUt.exe).
Good luck with your installation.
1.12 fixed the problem. I friend uses 1.06 and he doesn't have this problem. So, 1.11 seems to be a but buggy
Thanks for your help.

XDA II won't dial out - should it at least make calls without having to be setup?

I've recently unlocked an O2 XDA ii and its successfully working bar the fact that it won't call out or receive calls. Its sending and receiving text's etc.
I'm on the Vodafone network with PAYG. Is there something obvious i'm missing?
Its also keeps saying the phone is in Germany (and has a little G) in the signal bar at the top in the O2 active part of the software on the in "My XDA" keeps changing it back to Germany. I'm guessing this is where the call is messing up?
I keep changing it to UK and the phone keeps changing it back... any ideas how I can sort this little problem?
Sorted it - O2 had 'accidently' put it on a black list of stolen Xda's (never has been). Fone bar now removed and now working Vodafone. Great site this - new rom (1.72), completely unlocked and sorted for divx software as well to watch films - great stuff

Orange SPV M700 - Voicemail notification problem, please help it's driving me mad!!

Hi there
I am sitting here with lots of pulled-out hair lying around me on the floor. I have a problem with voicemail on my Orange SPV M700 which is wearing me down to a pitiful heap and if one of you clever people can help I will be grateful for even longer than eternity (and that's a very long time!).
I have an Orange SPV M700 which refuses to notify me when someone has left a voicemail. I think it's probably been like it ever since I started using an Orange 3G PAYG sim (I think it's called a USim).
Firstly, I have seen odd postings by others who have problems with voicemail on their SPV M700s, but they are normally people who have upgraded to WM6. I have not touched the operating system on my SPV M700 so am still running Windows Mobile ver 5.
By doing some tests/process of elimination, I have established the following:
1) Orange 3G PAYG SIM card does NOT give Voicemail notification when used in my Orange SPV M-700, but if I put the same Orange 3G PAYG SIM card into another phone (a old Samsung E700) the voicemail notification DOES work of the Samsung! Therefore I concluded that the problem isn't with the Orange SIM card or even, I presume, the Orange network.
2) An old Orange PAYG SIM card that I used to use DOES give Voicemail notification when in Orange SPV M700. Therefore I concluded that the Orange SPV M700 IS actually capable of giving out voicemail notifications. Please note that I notice that when the old Orange SIM card is in the SPV M700 the small square icon on the today screen top-bar is showing an "E" as the type of connection (I presume that's what it means?). When the problematic Orange 3G PAYG SIM card is in the SPV M700 the small square icon normally is showing a "3G"
This has led me to conclude that it's something to do with the SPV M700 not being happy with the Orange 3G PAYG SIM - or at least there's some setting that is wrong etc. However I have tried most things and still it refuses to notify me of awaiting voicemails.
Here is a list of my configuration settings on my SPV M700. If anyone can spot something that is wrong which may be the reason why I don't get voicemail notifications I'd be so grateful to know what is wrong as I can't keep phoning my voicemail all the time, just to see if anyone has left a message, as it's costing a lot of money to do that. By the way - I don't have any problems being notified that a new text message has been sent, that seems to work fine.
Windows Mobile 5.0 with the Messaging and Security Feature Pack
OS 5.1.342 (Build 15096.3.0.0)​\SETTINGS\SYSTEM\DEVICE INFORMATION\Version:
ROM version:
ROM date: 01/25/07
SMS over: GSM preferred​\SETTINGS\CONNECTIONS\GPRS Setting...
PAP authentication is selected​\SETTINGS\PERSONAL\PHONE\Services:
Call Barring... Block incoming calls: Off
Block outgoing calls: Off
Caller ID... Everyone
Call Forwarding... Forward all incoming calls (unticked)
Forward phone calls only if No answer (ticked) 07973100123
Forward after: 20 sec
Unavailable (ticked) 07973100123
Busy (ticked) 07973100123
Call Waiting... When calls are waiting: Do not notify me
Voicemail & Text Messages... Text messages service center: +447973100973
Voice mail: +447973100123
Network... Current network: Orange
Network selection: Automatic
Band... Select your network type: Auto
Select your GSM/UMTS band: Auto
TTY... Enable TTY support: unticked
More... Automatic pickup: unticked
Broadcast Channels: unticked​\SETTINGS\SOUNDS & NOTIFICATIONS\Sounds:
Enable sounds for... Events: ticked
Programs: ticked
Notifications (alarms, reminders): ticked
Screen taps (unticked)
Hardware buttons (unticked)​\SETTINGS\SOUNDS & NOTIFICATIONS\Notifications:
Basically I have everything set to notify me and also Display message on Screen.​I am hoping someone can help - letting me know if I have something set up incorrectly or whether I need a fix for the phone etc. I would rather not upgrade to WM6 as I feel that I might end up with more problems. I am quite happy with WM5 - it's just the voicemail problem...
Thanks for taking the time to read this posting - I am sure I can't be the only Orange SPV M700 owner who has had this problem?
Cheers for now
Man in need of Assistance...
Theres a cab file floating around somewhere called smsfix (if memory serves me right). This used to cure the voicemail problem with orange sims, hope this helps.
Sorry, its called sms providers fix.
Have alook at this post
The "sms providers fix" will fix the problem as i've been using it for over a year with no issue's.
Hi - firstly many thanks for taking the time to post a reply to my problem. I will check out the "sms providers fix". I have seen a couple of refernences to it when I originally searched however it only ever seemed to be for people who had upgraded their ROMs to WM6. I have never done that and am still running the original Orange WM5 so assumed that the correct dll's etc were still on my WM5 phone.
I will download the files and see what happens.
...just noticed that user "Forza" mentions to make sure that the sdk certificates are installed first before installing the "sms providers fix" - do you reckon that would apply to me when I am still using the original Orange WM5 ROM?
Thanks again!
Bit miffed that although the SPV M700 looks & feels nice - buggy MiniSD card handling & other weird stuff means that I have got to get involved with all this Hard SPL-ing, ROM Upgrading & Radio stuff - confusing to a novice like me... time will tell if it's all been a big mistake!
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just seen that in your sig.....
trust me mate, its worth every minute flashing your rom, especially up to 6.1....much better than WM5
i was in the same boat as you, SPV M700 straight out of the box locked to orange etc...now im on custom roms, unlocked to any network, and on 6.1......best thing i ever did.
Hi Gizmolisa
Thanks for your reply. I guess I kinda know that you are right about upgrading to WM6. It's something I have fancied doing ever since getting the SPV M700 - my main problem is the concerns I have if I screw it up. I use the SPV M700 so much (not actually much as a phone - more for its PDA features) and if I botched up the upgrade I'd be really lost without it.
Having said that... maybe I should pluck up the courage and have a go. It just seems that there's quite a lot of things you have to get just right and because it's the Orange version of the Trinity i gather that once I start there's no going back to the original setup if things go wrong.
Wish I was braver!!!!
Cheers - still thinking about taking the plunge!!!!

Calls to this number are barred

If this question has been answered before I’m sorry I’ve had a search but can’t find anything.
I’ve using a HTC Touch which was on Orange, I’ve unlocked it and now use Virgin.
The problem is when I try to get my voice mail all I get is the message “calls to this number are barred”. This is annoying as this is one of the reason I prefer Virgin you don’t get charged for them.
Is this a normal thing when you unlock a phone from Orange or is there something staring me in the face that I have missed.
Can anyone help please?
it may still be calling the orange voicemail by the sounds of it, check the voicemail number
i moved from orange to Vodafone and then to O2, and have never had that problem,
I just had this problem moving to a SonyEricsson Xperia X1 on Virgin Mobile UK.
My voicemail access number was +44-051-<mynumber>.
Turns out that the phone dialer was taking out the '0' from the dialing string and I'd get the "calls to this number are barred" message.
After trying a whole bunch of different ROMS and spending quite some time on the phone to the Virgin support staff, I was nowhere. Eventual solution was to add an extra 0 and dialling +44-0051-<mynumber> - the phone dialer only takes out one '0'.
Hope this helps some other frustrated soul.

New Advantage won't connect to Voicemail

Odd issue, but prob just me being thick.
Bought replacement Advantage off ebay to replace my old/dying one. It was said to be locked to O2, but I put in my SIM (T-Mob) and it "just works". Happy Bunny me.
BUT, I just tried to dial Voicemail and I get a recorded message saying my voicemail has been re-set, please wait 5 minutes to re-dial. 5 mins later I dial and get same message.
Got hold of T-mob and they are stumped. Put SIM back into old phone and works just fine.
So the question is whether the new phone is "locked" and whether simply unlocking it will work.
Apprecaite yr thoughts before I stump up my hard-earned
Just had a call back from T-Mob (hey, pretty good service !!) - according to the very nice lady, who had done some research the problem may be that my HTC phone doesn't reconize the "+" sign at the beginning of the phone # for voicemail. Could I try dialling long-hand.
I did, and it worked ! She says some HTC phones and some Crackberrys have this problem. Never experienced it before, but then again I either used T-mobs software on the Ameo or MiChy's rather lovely cooked replacements.
Is there a registry setting somewhere?

