Big Time Newbie - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

i'm a big time newbie on this 8125 wonders. my question is, how the hell can I view videos from sites such as youtube, streetfire, etc. i've been looking in here and can't seem to find the damn answer. help, please...thank u much...

you cannot, not yet at least.

are u serious? even with all these rom flashing and wm6 cooking and all these terminologies u guys have, there's no easy way to get the videos online working? well, this sux...

You can find a workaround here.


Alright so im pretty new

yeah i got my MDA yesterday, have had little problems but i think it is awsome. anyway, let me get to the point.
I know you can do extremely sweet stuff with this so i was wondering (because the search button seems to not work with me)...
... can you guys give me the best (freeware) stuff you absolutly need, the best games and emulators, and all that
the best program to make a custom today screen
and finally, how you can delete ringtones so they don't take up sooo much space.
thanks... links would be helpful, and yeah. (i know a lot of work... but it would be worth it) or could you guys give me the links to threads like this... that would be helpful i guess too.

touchflo on wing

Hey guys im new here, and while i know its probably on the boards somewhere, i tried searching and didn't come up with anything really conclusive.
What version are most people running, what are the current problems, and more importantly how do i do it without bricking my phone?
Thanks for your help guys
of course as soon as i posted this i found the newbie guide
so yea just ignore this lol

*** Ideas For A More Useful Forum ***

Moved...Please, give feedback, make this forum more useful !!!!!!!
thanks Martin
you got the point , i am new here also
and from 3 days i am trying to know what you talking about and frankly some guys try to explain for me but still a lot of things are not understood
they must make a sticky thread for what Rom and how to install it and all the principles things
first port of call. start reading.
ayman morsy said:
thanks Martin
you got the point , i am new here also
and from 3 days i am trying to know what you talking about and frankly some guys try to explain for me but still a lot of things are not understood
they must make a sticky thread for what Rom and how to install it and all the principles things
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haha, you joined this forum this month, and you think you can undestand it all?
I have been here a little while..I still get surprised with what I can find on this forum.
If I want to learn something new, I spend a great deal of hours trying to find something I can use, and when I find something, I spend alot of time reading up on it, searching even more in the same topic.
All in all. The wiki is not perfect, the forum is not perfect, but in my oppinion, its dam close. I know a bunch of paysites that provides alot less info then you find here.
We are a bunch of ppl who love what we are doing, but demanding more and more and more is not the way to do it.
And the funny thing here is: Imagine if you got all the answers, and are happy with it
Imagine then...In a few days, another guy ask the same question, ofcourse you help him....and then, in a few days, another thread is started with similar questions. and so on...
Then you start thinking; hmmm, maybe we should make a sticky with this info, so that the noobs dont ask so many times, I will make it easy for them.
So got a sticky with the topic, and alot of good answers (now you have become a more experienced user, uyou are getting good with the terms used here, you know what stuff means, like in.ex RUU, ROM, Hard-SPL etc..)
And again, you are happy to help ppl out, you start using the language used on this forum, you use the knowlege you have mastered in some degree.
And your sticky is full of wisdom and knowlege.
But...after 50 guys have asked the same question (in many diffrent ways, nice, begging, cursing, hateful and so on) you start thinking:
Dam, will those huys never learn to read? Hell, I have given them everything I know, the best way I can.
You are starting to become lazy with posting in your sticky, cause you have done so before, so many times...even on pm (private messages) ppl are asking for personal guidence, and they need it now (and your girlfriend is waiting in the bedroom, or dinner is ready, or you need to go to work, or you have damn much stuff you need to fix with the latest w/e, and are quite finished with that old ****, cause you have moved way past that stage long time ago )
And suddenly you find yourself writing something like I am writing now...
welcome to XDA
wow. nothin more to add
m.schmidler said:
Moved...Please, give feedback, make this forum more useful !!!!!!!
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OK. we will change ALL...we will make it like in other forums...a "How 2 post" so that EVERY post looks the that noob can follow...
BUT YOU check ALL NEW post if they are posted the right way.
NO man. IF you cannnot follow the instructions in the threads...DO NOT FLASH!!!
I spent 1 year ONLY READING before flashing my first rom!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO donĀ“t come here with 5 posts and tell us how to do our job
Well i dont wish to be this forum like any other "plx crack this phorumzz", i think its just as it should be.
besides, when i started flashing my htc devices, it took me 10 mins to find xda-dev's, and another 30 min to figure out what buttons to press to get the stuff i wanted to have.
so dont tell us its too difficult - if youre not smart enough its not our concern.
use google for other forums if youre not pleased with the offers in here.
daschalki said:
Well i dont wish to be this forum like any other "plx crack this phorumzz", i think its just as it should be.
besides, when i started flashing my htc devices, it took me 10 mins to find xda-dev's, and another 30 min to figure out what buttons to press to get the stuff i wanted to have.
so dont tell us its too difficult - if youre not smart enough its not our concern.
use google for other forums if youre not pleased with the offers in here.
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if you need something, use search and READ ALL, schmidler
i know, it takes time ...

help with android/rom?

hey guys, i think i am trying to to install a new rom. what i am trying to do is dual boot wm 6.5 and android, if thats possible, i have tried searching for stuff, but i get not enough info in some places, and too much in others, here are some links to stuff i have found so far:
can anyone help me out with this? its a lot of info for me, and i dont know what to do/ look at
i have read all the newbie and noob posts out there, so dont tell me to go read them
id like someone to tell me exactly what to download and how to run it to effectivly get android running on my device, dual boot if possible, id like to keep wm 6.5 but also have android. id also like to have a back up rom that is completly "stock" unless a hard reset will erase everything and put it back to "stock" incase i need to sell the device, or just go back.
im sure i am missing a few things, so any help would be greatly appreciated, i really need to get this done, because as of right now, i am not to happy with my device with just wm 6.5 and i cant afford to take a loss and sell it back...
i also may be wrong with some of my terminology, so what i understand is with dual booting i can run wm 6.5 just like i have now and use CHT and stuff, or i can run an android UI like the real android devices?
like i said, any help would be greatly appreciated, and i really need to get this accomplished,
come on, now one knows how to get android running on their device?
please, i need help with this!
also, how or where can i get a registry editor? preferably a .cab file?
dont worry i got it working. thanks for all the help from those that posted! (obviously being sarcastic as no one posted anything)
if any one wants to know, i used max energy Co0kie Energy ROM
with the latest froyo stone android file thing
and a dual booter, ran into a few issues, but got it working
pbleonidus said:
dont worry i got it working. thanks for all the help from those that posted! (obviously being sarcastic as no one posted anything)
if any one wants to know, i used max energy Co0kie Energy ROM
with the latest froyo stone android file thing
and a dual booter, ran into a few issues, but got it working
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wow, you expect us to solve all your problems in 24 hours, on the weekend no less? How much do you think we are getting paid for this?
Glad you got it figured out. Next time, you could try posting in the regular hd2 section as well, seems to be more traffic there.
pbleonidus said:
dont worry i got it working. thanks for all the help from those that posted! (obviously being sarcastic as no one posted anything)
if any one wants to know, i used max energy Co0kie Energy ROM
with the latest froyo stone android file thing
and a dual booter, ran into a few issues, but got it working
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So you're bothered by the fact we didn't give you the answers quick enough, to something that you obviously had the ability to work out on your own? That points to the fact you didn't do enough to help yourself, before posting your question...something the rules here specifically address.
sirphunkee said:
So you're bothered by the fact we didn't give you the answers quick enough, to something that you obviously had the ability to work out on your own? That points to the fact you didn't do enough to help yourself, before posting your question...something the rules here specifically address.
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i did several hours of searching before i posted this, and after a lot of dead ends and frustration, i posted the question, but i continued to search after i posted, which led me to my answer.
and i dont think you guys get paid anything, i just would have expected at least one person to post something, helpfull or not, i just found it weird that no one said anything, not even "i am interested in this as well" or something like "good luck" that i see in other posts....
There's nothing weird you just don't have enough patience to wait for replies. Anyways, good to see that you actually utilized the search function. There's a dedicated android on hd2 forum here on xda. You should have posted your question there.
pbleonidus said:
i did several hours of searching before i posted this, and after a lot of dead ends and frustration, i posted the question, but i continued to search after i posted, which led me to my answer.
and i dont think you guys get paid anything, i just would have expected at least one person to post something, helpfull or not, i just found it weird that no one said anything, not even "i am interested in this as well" or something like "good luck" that i see in other posts....
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sent from android on hd2 using xda app
pbleonidus said:
and i dont think you guys get paid anything, i just would have expected at least one person to post something, helpfull or not, i just found it weird that no one said anything, not even "i am interested in this as well" or something like "good luck" that i see in other posts....
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We dont. It was sarcasm. Hes saying hes not getting paid to help you, so dont get upset when you dont get an answer... This is the internet. Dont expect things from anyone. Just relax and wait. Sometimes, depending on the question, it can take days, weeks to get an answer. If you need people to hold your hand and wish you luck, try the Disney forum.
donkeypunch85 said:
We dont. It was sarcasm. Hes saying hes not getting paid to help you, so dont get upset when you dont get an answer... This is the internet. Dont expect things from anyone. Just relax and wait. Sometimes, depending on the question, it can take days, weeks to get an answer. If you need people to hold your hand and wish you luck, try the Disney forum.
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haha, very funny, i know it was sarcasm, i just gave a serious answer...
i didnt expect anyone to hold my hand or give me an answer, i just would have thought some one would have something about something, like i said before, a lot of times people say good luck, or id be intersted in this too... i found it weird that no one said anything. i know you guys are mad because you couldnt understand my sarcasm, and that i was able to figure it out for myself. how come when i needed help no one said anything, but now that i have it figured out, you guys rant about me wanting everything handed to me, when thats not the case?
mods, please close thread, i got the problem fixed, and there is no need for this thread anymore...
pbleonidus said:
dont worry i got it working. thanks for all the help from those that posted! (obviously being sarcastic as no one posted anything)
if any one wants to know, i used max energy Co0kie Energy ROM
with the latest froyo stone android file thing
and a dual booter, ran into a few issues, but got it working
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and i didnt mean anything negative by this, i wasnt mad at anyone, i was just trying to be a little funny by throwing some sarcasm in there...
i am terribly sorry that you guys have no sense of humor and couldnt understand that... i though forums where supposed to be friendly, and people were supposed to be able to say funny and or sarcastic things without somone jumping on their back...
once again, please close thread.
it's all good in here man. We all just get a little bit of newbieitis where the only cure is to lash out at the newbs.
There is a lot to learn on this forum and by the time you learn it all, your device is out of date.
It seems you wanted to figure it all out in a night. Been using WinMo for about 2-3years now and I still don't have a clue most of the time.
pbleonidus, if that comment was just tongue-in-cheek, then it's all good, no harm no foul. Those types of comments are near-impossible to tell the difference between light-hearted and just disrespectful....and believe me, we get FAR more of the latter type in here...and that does tend to strike a bit of a raw nerve with those here who go to a lot of effort to help others.
So, a lesson in this for all of us: you're apparently not the type of snarky jerk that we run across so often, and we're not always able to generate answers as quickly as you might expect. Cool? Cool.
I'll get this thread closed for you.
Thread closed as requested.

Temp root EVO shift

Hey guys I have a noob questions, well I see all these temp roots threads and I was wondering can someone make a decent video for me to use. Cause I dont get what you guys mean and I dont wanna mess up. So yeah thanks.
Use Google bro. There are actually a few people who have made videos. This is the one I used. There are 3 parts to the video so you have to search for the other 2 but they will be on this page as well.

