Emulate WM4 - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hi there,
I need you expertise, as our company recently rolled out a PPC encryption software alled PointSEC, which will be automatically installed on our PPC, as soon as we connect them to our company laptops for sync.
The only work around to avoid this installation seams to some kind of emulator for my tytn, which identifies the device a a WM4 or older towards MS active sync, as the new PointSEC software is only compatible with WM5 or higher, and therefor does not install on WM4 or older devices.
Is there any kind of software, which makes the PPC WM5 looking like WM4 towards active sync?
Thanks for your help.
Kind regards,


XDA Management

I have owned an O2 XDA for a while and I currently use an XDA II (Himalaya). I have now found myself supporting 8 XDA IIs devices and 15 XDA IIi devices, in addition to 6 Blackberries.
We are currently running Blackberry Enterprise Server and although I do not like the software or the devices very much I can't deny their impressive features. For the XDA devices we have a contract with O2 and provide wireless Active Sync and OMA using MS Exchange over both WiFi and GPRS, however management for the devices is a bit lacking. I am forever setting up devices for users who have hard re-set their devices or let them go flat.
With the Blackberrys the BES software can manage the fleet of devices, push software to them, define policy etc.
My question is, has anyone else used software that can manage PDA devices in an organization. I have been reading about MS System Management Server and its Device Management Feature Pack. Has anyone used this, is it any good, reliable etc.
I have looked into Blackberry software for the PDA's and it seems possible, but I would rather integrate with active directory and group policy if I can.
Also what are the possibilities of cooking ROMs and deploying them, such as getting rid of that damn O2 software and installing the GPRS monitor? While I am at it can I automatically collect log files in any way, such as the GPRS software or Active Sync errors (coz I get that allot of them). It would beet setting up all this stuff by hand. I will go ahead and give this a try anyway I think but I would be interested in talking to any one that has done this before.
In return I have noticed that there is not much information here on these subjects, and I would be happy to share my experiences in this area if it is needed.
Thanks for the advice.
I think you scared everyone off. What a scary thought, having to support that many devices. Just one is enough of a pain for most on here!
Well I have managed to configure the ExtROM of the blueangle deviced, and i am happy to say that my users can now take there xda IIs devices on the road, if they go flat, or hard reset, all is ok. I installed the demo version of Microsoft SMS server on my test network at home and i love it. Using this I created cab files that configured activesync, GPRS, VPN and browser settings that now mean my users only need to set the time, and put in the username and password and the hole thing is up and running, GPRS sync and all (my boss is very happy). All I need to do now is convince them to buy the software.
I am looking in to useing WMI to collect device information, and perhaps a .NET app to gather loggs etc.
Thanks for all your help. I could not have done this without this forum, cooking up my ExtROM and geting rid of the O2 software and even puting on a company splash screen are all very cool. (oh and i upgraded my xda 2 to 2005 while i was at it )
Some thougts
a cab to configure WiFi ? (registery patch?)
will the XDA IIi be as easy?
could i install tom tom useing the ExtROM ? to many prompts ?
and my origanl plee for help stands,
thanks again guys
Running 40 XDA2, some on a BES server, all using a flaky bespoke software requiring a BT connection!
Need some help on the MKROM stuff as I'm fed up of activsync 10+ times a day

PC<->PPC application comms concurrently with GPRS conn

I am trying to develop an application with both PC and Pocket PC components.
The PC and PPC need to exchange data whilst the PPC (eg XDA) has an active GPRS connection.
I first tried using evc and RAPI to allow the PC and PPC components to talk to each other. However RAPI relies on ActiveSync and it seems you cant have an ActiveSync connection to the PC (eg over USB) at the same time as a GPRS connection.
1)Am I right that ActiveSync at same time as GPRS is impossible? (And hence RAPI...)
2)What is the easiest way to do PC<->PPC comms without ActiveSync, on the widest variety of PPC devices?
3)Is there a way to do this without writing PC and PPC sides for all of
i) Bluetooth
ii) USB
iii) Serial
It seems like a lot of hardwork to reimplement all these, but some models have BT, some only USB etc etc
Any help appreciated...
im also trying to write some client -> server software for my mda/pc. Ive managed to narrow it down to two technologies (excluding activesync cos it needs to be portable)
- Web Services
- Client Server Model (tcpclient and tcplistener)
webservices are good as they will run on any net connection with port80 open, pretty fast and versetile but have some bad flaws. u need some back end data store (like a mysql database) as data is not persistant on then... also u cannot "push" from the server to the device (this may or may not be an issue)
the tcpclient model is starting to appeal to me in a number of ways. u can define your own light-weight protol (SOAP has a nasty habbit of bulking the objects out and GPRS costs!)... i started to write some little test apps and so far its looking good. Ive wrote a very tiny server that runs on windows and has a thin client running a threaded tcplistener and a mysql backend datastore. The test mobie simply constructs a tcpclient object and writes a string "hello world" to the port, which the server picks up and displays in a messagebox... so far this concept is working really well, and i have more control over the serialisation and communication of the objects and types.
i hope ive helped u in some way hehe

Blcakberry Connect for iPAQ 6325 or 6315

Hi there,
I've done a lot of searching on these forums and it seems the be the place to ask.
It appears people have had some success using various downloadable versions of the BlackBerry connect software from international locations for various devices.
When I've tried to install this on a iPAQ 6325 I currently have on demo, it fails the installation since it can't recognize the hardware.
From what I've found, the client is coded to only install on specific hardware. Since all of these devices use Windows Pocket PC 2003, I don't see why this client can't be installed on any device using that OS.
What I'd like to know is, has anyone taken the client and removed the code that checks the hardware configuration and allows the installation, or, has anyone ported over the current MDA version to an iPAQ 63xx series yet??
PS I am also connecting to a BES in my corporate network if that changes how the program would need to be coded.
Thanks so much!

Blackberry Connect

Hi folks,
I've had problems with the shipped BB version for my Athena. I downloaded and installed the Desktop Component and the BBC version Both are running smoothly and fast.
Donwload from here:
Desktop Component: http://support.vodafone.de/publicfiles/activesyncinstaller2.1.1.21.zip
BB Client: http://support.vodafone.de/publicfiles/bbconnect_pocketpc_bb_2[1].1.2.54.exe
Thanks for the links.
A quick question: Are you able to be on the web, and still have your mail
pushed in?
Or, must you exit IE or Opera to switch over to mail?
I am so grateful to you if this all works out.
Also, do you know by chance if Cingular has an issue with BB on a Pocket PC?
I can't see why they would, as long as I have the BB data plan... yes?
thanks again.
Hi C0rnholio, I am trying to use my direct push mail functions of my Athena.
However, I am not aware that the Athena comes with a blackberry connect software. Apparently yours come with it, but you have some problems with it, am I correct?
Then you find another software which solved your problems.
Actually which one of those 2 downloads which you posted replace the original problem software? Do you install one in your PC and one in your Athena or both in Athena?
If I can use my Athena for my Blackberry connection, that will help me get rid of my blackberry device coming from my provider.
Please enlighten me on this Blackberry connect for Athena!
BB: anyone using it?
any other experiences? I'm restlessly waiting for my ordered advantage...... will the rom in the advantage be permissable to load BB connect? i went thru this with my wizard..... at the end of it all, when on the web, bb wldn't wrk,until exiting PIE and vice versa....... let's hope this has been upgraded
Blackberry on my HTC Advantage up and running.
Info: WM5 in Spanish
BB in spanish. I installed the BB from the links of Vodafone found in this forum.
My server is Lotus Notes 6.
Any other information just ask me.
BB on WM5 is the best solution for BB. I tried Symbian BB on several machines including Nokia 9300 and the result on WM5 is more stable and you can open ALL attachments. Even better than real RIM BB machines... If you need BB got BB for WM5. Trust me. Off course in this Athena with the huge screen and with the HSDPA is the best solution.
All I need to find out were is the limit of the size of the attachements you can download... if in the BB on Wm5, in the BB Desktop or in the BES itself.
Regards and thank you for the information to install BB on WM5,
Just to anyone to know.
BB 4 on the Athena in WM5 destroy the today screen and I should made a hardreset and rollback to BB 2. Looks like a incompatibility between BB 4 and WM5 to me... I'm not sure.
More details in the BB 4 threat in this forum.
Best Regards,

I Need Some Help Please

Hi There,
I am the proud new owner of a T Mobile Mda Vario II. So far I love it, I have gotten my email set up etc. The only problem I have is that I am a avid user of Microsoft Money 2005. Now on my PC I am running Windows Vista Home Basic edition. So when I try to install a program to my Vario which should allow me to keep track of my Microsoft Money accounts the installation tells me I have no Microsoft Money installed on my PC to Synch with. I am using the lastest release of Synch centre etc. So I don't know what the answer is. I was hoping some of you nice people on here might be able to help me out
how about some more info like what app you are trying to install what version of WMDC are you running the more info the better
It's microsoft money for the pocket pc. It ran perfectly when I had windows xp on my main pc with my other pocket pc. Since having windows home basic the program won't find the main program on the pc therefore I cannot synch my vario with the pc.
@quietgirl: WMDC = Windows Mobile Device Center. Try looking into that and re-read austinsnyc's response.
quietgirl said:
It's microsoft money for the pocket pc. It ran perfectly when I had windows xp on my main pc with my other pocket pc. Since having windows home basic the program won't find the main program on the pc therefore I cannot synch my vario with the pc.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Checkout the MS uk money newsgroup....
Many people have reported issues with Money for PocketPC on WM5 devices. MS only support it on Wm2003 devices, but some users say they have it working fine on WM5. Hopefully someone in that newsgroup can help you.
Thanks for the advice. just thought I would post back what i've tried. none of the ppc programs will synch properly so I tried a trial version of sbf finance I think its called. after synching it quadrupled every entry in my money program on the pc. I have opted not to bother now. but just wanted to say thanks for the advice.

