Flash o2 XDA Orbit ROM (WM6) to MDA Compact 3 (Artemis) - P3300, MDA Compact III upgrading etc.

Hi all,
this is not a joke. I own a GERMAN MDA Compact 3 which I unlocked using imeicheck.co.uk. O2 just released a WM 6 ROM Update for their XDA Orbit WHICH I SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED ON MY ARTEMIS!!! I just downloaded the (german) rom here:
I installed it without changing anything. IT WORKS!


Latest O2 XDA Mini rom out there??

I have a T mobile MDA Compact and i'm looking to remove the simlock and replace the T mobile (UK) Branded Rom with the latest O2 (UK).
anyone out there know where i can find the files and know how to use them please??

Vodafone 1605 (VPA Compact III) - ROM Version/language

Sorry, I am new to this forum, and I am new to this phone as well.
Question that I ask ould be very basic.
Anyone can sugest to me how to update the ROM of the VPA 1605 Compact III, from the German version ROM to an English version?
For this its the ROM or Extended ROM which has to be updated?

Search for Polski WM5 firmware ROM for O2 Xda Orbit (MDA III) without CID checking.

Hi all!
Search for Polish WM5 firmware ROM for O2 Xda Orbit (aka Artemis, aka HTC P3300, aka MDA III) without CID checking for repair my dead O2 Xda Orbit.
Anybody have?
Give me the link, please.
Thank's a lot!
I need WM5, which at installation CID version does not interest.
Someone has told to me, that it saw such version of WM5 and it was Polish.

Can I flash WM6 with O2 Xphone II ?

O2 Xphone II is using Wm2003, but I see that it is considered as HTC Feeler too, and it has WM6 ROM, is this the same as my O2 Xphone II?
Can I flash it with WM6?
See here;
Aaaa... another Xphone11 user!
Hey - see here:

Who could re-upload O2 Xda Mini CHT ROM?

I thought the FTP ROM was not from Official. When I use it to upgrade my Vodafone VPA Compact, it could not be flashed. Could anyone upload a offical shipped ROM with O2 Xda Minia 1.11 CHT ROM?
