HTC Repair center in the UK *HELP* - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I shipped my TYTN to the UK for repair , two monthes ago!!
Those basterds dont even answer phones (all our lines are busy) or emails (no replay)!!
Anybody knows whats going on over there? Any suggestions ?
I am from Israel.

How did you ship the phone? I'd hope you used DHL or some other courier which can track the shipment and provide proof of delivery. I'd also hope you bought insurance when it was shipped.
If you haven't had confirmation from HTC that they have the phone then maybe it hasn't arrived yet (stuck in customs?)
If the phone hasn't arrived you need to get on to the courier and try to claim from them or the insurers.
If it has arrived at HTC (provable via a couriers documentation) then write to HTC (recorded delivery), addressed to the Managing Director, and tell him you think that 2 months is an unreasonable time to wait - particularly without any answers, you want the phone repaired and returned and you expect a response within 7 days of him receiving the answer. Tell him that if you do not receive a response within 7 days you will consider that the phone is stolen and you will acy accordingly.
I have no idea what 'accordingly' means in this case because it'll cost you more than the price of the phone to take much further action.
As for HTC UK - I sent my phone to them (via Vodafone) earlier in the year. 3 weeks later (and many lies) they told me it would be at least another 6 weeks for the required parts to arrive. They are probably one of the worst companies it's been my displeasure to deal with.
Good Luck.

I didnt use DHL but rather USPS , as they are cheaper , insurance is 1000$ and i`ve just found out it is unclaimed , this might be the "stuck in customs" situation you were talking about ? I called USPS , they said someone has to claim it and nobody it!!
How do I unstuck it ? (sounds like a bricked TYTN ... brick type 4 ?)


SBE UK I-Mate Repair Center

has anyone had any dealings with this joke of a company?
i send my phone back to them the other day since their site said it was still under warranty (when it was 10 days over a year old, so presumed that they had some kind of leyway for slightly over a year old stuff)
after being on hold to them this morning for 45 mins i was told that it had been booked in as "out of warranty". now i've not had any contact about this. i was told to email some manager guy there but have had no response about it.
i've now been on hold for nearly an hour and dont seem to be getting anywhere. i just feel rather concerned that i've sent 500quids worth of phone to them to have them ignore my calls/emails and not even tell me about the findings of looking at my phone.
anyone? someone must have
I actually had a problem with my Jasjar as well. I actually rotated the flip on the wrong side .
I have been advised by Clubimate to send it to SBE in the UK. I contacted them via their websystem, had my phone collected the next day by TNT.
After a couple of days, I received an email confirming they received it and another one with the price I had to pay to get it fixed.
I called them, paid by credit card and I finally received my phone back 3 days after.
I am quite disguted with the amount I had to pay, but, hey, that was my mistake...
My experience was obvisouly not happy but not as much as you described....
Did you get it fixed now?
Did you ever get your phone back and how much did they charge?

Were you satisfied with SE's service after replacing/repairing your X1?

So I've been reading the "let us file a complain to SE..." thread lately cuz guess phone developed a crack.
Anyway, I did see that some people have been getting "reconditioned units" that look worse than the ones they already have.
So, how many of you guys have had problems with the service offered by SE/Authorized dealers?
Really interested in this poll, since I just let my X1 to an authorized center...
However, I must admit that I am really unsatisfied with the repai time: they told me that I have to wait 15 working days! Man, what was the premium price for?!
I sent my phone in Tuesday and they still haven't received the phone even though the service center is 35miles away from here...
Add 3-5 working days to get my phone fixed plus another week to get my phone I think I'm there as well
I got back the same phone after I sent it in for a software glitch that I failed repairing myself. It got back in exactly the same condition and earlier than I had thought.
My X1's screen started blacking out when slid open, so I reluctantly sent it in, having heard a lot about cracked plastics and scratched battery covers.
I got it back in just 3 days, which is apparently unusual even for SE service here. No extra scratches or damage.
Oh, and they didn't notice the Hard-SPL...
Well - i got my replacement through vodafone so it doesnt really count
Reading some of the Dutch Forums (e.g., the average time is 6 weeks for Netherlands. Some poor guy waited 19 weeks.
That's almost HALF A YEAR.
Mine had stylus crack, battery crack, chipped case in three places.
4 weeks since I sent it in, and counting..
How is that possible???
Jeez man...4 weeks? How is it that you haven't killed them already?
If I don't have it by the end of next week I'm gonna drive there myself and have a talk with them...
wow....this is pathetic.
some of the buttons arent working smoothly these days..which means i am screwed if i send it for repair
seems im d only one wit a good story bout this..i got my phone back like 4 days
I sent my x1 to service because left-right buttons plus all other front buttons and touchpad were getting dead.i have to wait 15 min and reset phone 5 or 10 times to get device normal.f*ck sake!i am on contract with my service provider.they said i must wait minimum 2weeks just for answer REPAIR or Change.afterwards i must wait another 2weeks for repair or get new unit.i am gonna have big fight with SE.i am very disapointed.i am not gonna buy any other sony products even sony movies films
I went to a Vodafone store with repair service. Somehow they are authorized to repair phones for warranty. I only had to show my phone, they ordered the parts and they texted me when they received the parts. Then I could wait for it on location while they repaired my phone. I think that's a great service but it's more thanks to Vodafone. I live in the Netherlands, The Hague.
MAkS1 said:
I went to a Vodafone store with repair service. Somehow they are authorized to repair phones for warranty. I only had to show my phone, they ordered the parts and they texted me when they received the parts. Then I could wait for it on location while they repaired my phone. I think that's a great service but it's more thanks to Vodafone. I live in the Netherlands, The Hague.
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Hmmm, yes, so:
- SE repair service sucks
- Vodafone is great
But I really think that 4weeks is the maxiimum amout of time I would wait for a repair, not just a phone repair but whatever else. Never experienced a repair time longer than 4 weeks, and I would have been really upset hearing about 19 weeks!!!
But what about the repaired phone? Apart from Vodafone people, in ehat condition were your "new" phone? can you be more verbose than the poll?
MAkS1 said:
I went to a Vodafone store with repair service. Somehow they are authorized to repair phones for warranty. I only had to show my phone, they ordered the parts and they texted me when they received the parts. Then I could wait for it on location while they repaired my phone. I think that's a great service but it's more thanks to Vodafone. I live in the Netherlands, The Hague.
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Hmmm, u were lucky. This is what the Netherlands is like most of the time Mine was out of contract, but the problem is not the shop I went through in Rotterdam - been getting my phones from them for a few years now. I suspect it's the guys in NL who bought the service contract from Sony.
[email protected] said:
But what about the repaired phone? Apart from Vodafone people, in ehat condition were your "new" phone? can you be more verbose than the poll?
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Perfectly repaired, but unfortunately now, a month later, I have 3 cracks. The parts are in so I have to go to the store again. I don't want to go to the store twice every month...
I brought my phone to an SE Service Center around my Corner. The Display shaked a little. I brought it in on the 7.5.09
Those guys sent the phone to the Xperia guys. Seems that only some people can fix it.
Well, I have not got it back yet. :-(
So I called the Xperia line. The told me, that they did not received it yet...
But the guy was friendly. He is now starting to find my phone. We will see what happens.
SONYERICSSON or a Network Provider???
Come on, in order for this poll to have any impact or make any sense, it should include at least WHICH Country and if SE direct or through a Service/Network Provider! Otherwise its just hot air!
I waited 5/6 weeks for my replacement to arrive aftre the sound went completely.
After SE took delivery initially I received an email to let me know it had arrived. Then nothing for a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks and so on and so on.
The tracking website was never updated and I never received emails updating me on the progress. I phoned them all the time.
After 5/6 weeks I received a refurbished phone which [TBH] is in better condition than the phone I sent for repair, no consolation really.
Yea...WHAT tracking site? They never even acknowledged the fact that they received it. I had to phone today, to find out they got it on Friday. Even though I ASKED to be informed when they would actually get it...nada.
Anyway, when I talked to the representative and told him I want my phone repaired not replaced (because mine is scratch free and in perfect condition otherwise) he was like..."OH...we'll see what we can do"
People, how hard is to replace a back cover???
But I suppose it's good business taking good scratch free phones and replacing them with "functionally equivalent" but with cosmetic damaged ones...
The poll specifies SE Service.
And how many countried would you have included in the poll?
In my opinion, in makes no relevance what country you are in (even though I KNOW there are big differences between SE service centers). SE Service is a global thing, having an international warranty (at least European for me) so in my opinion the quality of their services should be viewed as a whole.
I for one bought my phone in France but since I'm doing an internship in the UK I sent it to Banbury.
So I do think the poll does make sense and I give thanks to all who have voted/will vote and who told me their SE related stories.
I got a global warranty card with my phone but it wasn't much help when my screen died. It is supposed to be a vip service for X1 owners where you can get a replacement phone the same day at any SE service center. Not quite. If you're in a place where they don't sell it, don't expect SE in your home country to send one to the service center you're visiting, they will not, period. And if you look close at the support site there's a somewhat hidden page that shows country by country what is (not-) available.
I shipped it off with fedex to the dealer, who said they will send one in return asap if I paid the courier. It cost me about 100 usd. When they received it, they changed their mind and said they needed the original box and booklets... and they couldn't just replace the phone (ten days since I bought it) and let me send the stuff when I returned home. Cheers...
That said, when I could deliver the box I got a new phone right away from the dealer. SE had no desire to help at all.
I don't like buying phones from operators, rather be free to choose who bills me for the calls, but if the operators service team are better at customer care, I may just do that next time.

HTC Customer Service: HELP!!

Hallo everyone, I couldn't find any new threads so I'm starting a new one. I took my HD2 to a Milan service center because there was a slight crack in the LCD screen; the phone fell from my hands, it was in its case but cracked anyway..I accepted a hefty 201 Euro charge, and was told that I would get it back (fixed..) in 7/10 days. This was on My 18th. After 2 weeks I called and was told to call HTC directly, there were no news. HTC told me there was a shortage in LCD screens, the problem was being solved and to call back in another 2 weeks. I called yesterday (HTC Europe..) and I was told the problem is indefinite, they have no idea when it will be solved. I asked why wasn't I told right away, I could have kept my phone (it was working) until they had fixed the shortage...and so
today HTC called me back and proposed to return me the HTC2 NOT fixed, that I should ask the service center that I did not want to fix it, and I would "only" be charged for the delivery service to and from the HTC service.
At this I blew up, and said in NO WAY was i going to ask to have it back not fixed so it would look like I did NOT want it fixed...just so they could charge me for it! I still need a fixed phone! So I just told him to keep it there until they had solved the hardware problem, and I would have a consumers' association write to them...
..I'm thinking of buying a new phone, maybe this new Samsung Galaxy...
..but I'm SO ANGRY!!! NO MORE HTC!!!! Does anyone know what is going on? I've never heard of anything like this!!!
Sorry for your bad experience. Quite a few people here will be familiar this kind of thing. I once tried to make a warranty claim on my HTC Touch the end I gave up.
Check how much the 'postage' charge is before you agree to anything. This and the handling fee is normally quite high (well, in the UK it is). Keep complaining about it and don't back down?
HTC bad customer support
Thanks for your reply Ouzo..but I am in now way going to get them to send me back the phone if they don't fix it, and have to pay for postage! I'm going to have a lawyer write to them, and a Consumers' Association. They can keep it until it's fixed. And they HAVE to fix it sooner or later or start paying penalties. The doc I signed says I have to pick it up within 90 days or I will be charged for deposit...
What I am going to do, is go out and buy another phone...and NEVER AGAIN an HTC...
I'm not sure if any of the other phone manufacturers are any better unfortunately. Either way, good luck with your new phone, and good luck getting your phone fixed by HTC.
bionksie said:
Thanks for your reply Ouzo..but I am in now way going to get them to send me back the phone if they don't fix it, and have to pay for postage! I'm going to have a lawyer write to them, and a Consumers' Association. They can keep it until it's fixed. And they HAVE to fix it sooner or later or start paying penalties. The doc I signed says I have to pick it up within 90 days or I will be charged for deposit...
What I am going to do, is go out and buy another phone...and NEVER AGAIN an HTC...
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I would never claim in a warranty for just this reason. Smash it pay the £20 for excess on the insurance get them to pick it up and take it away and get a replacement at the door.
I've done this two or three times with my mobile insurer, works a charm. I'd pay the £20 excess again and again just for the privilege of getting them to take it away and getting a replacement there and then.
HTC Customer support is bad!
Hi Kalavere, that's pretty funny! But unfortunately I don't have insurance. I didn't even have that option, it wasn't a telecom device, but I bought it unlocked from a regular store. I going for the Samsung Galaxy...and when they decide to send it back to me, it's being sold. Goodbye forever HTC..
(though I know that Samsung Customer Service will be just as bad...).
Can totally empathise with your situation. Sent my HTC Desire for repair (external speaker stopped working) in UK 6 weeks ago. Sent it in original retail packaging with battery.
Only just received a replacement today. It arrived in bubble wrap in a plastic retail box, no battery and lost proof of purchase.
Have had several shouting matches with their p!$$ poor customer services deparment. Have emailed UKs BBC Watchdog TV programme for help in getting some sort of compensation. Will let you know if I get any joy.
In the meantime, I would recommend anyone else in the UK who has problems with HTC Customer Service to also email BBC Watchdog....the more that email, the more something might get done.
babblerx said:
Can totally empathise with your situation. Sent my HTC Desire for repair (external speaker stopped working) in UK 6 weeks ago. Sent it in original retail packaging with battery.
Only just received a replacement today. It arrived in bubble wrap in a plastic retail box, no battery and lost proof of purchase.
Have had several shouting matches with their p!$$ poor customer services deparment. Have emailed UKs BBC Watchdog TV programme for help in getting some sort of compensation. Will let you know if I get any joy.
In the meantime, I would recommend anyone else in the UK who has problems with HTC Customer Service to also email BBC Watchdog....the more that email, the more something might get done.
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Try to use my tread for that BBC
If it's help you.I'll be happy.
HTC servic in UK is boring at all.

HTC Repair Center in the UK

Anyone got recent experience of the repair service in UK?
Have just send my HD to have the touch screen repaired only to find out that their repair center is not good.
Any experiences?
I just recently sent mine back. They returned it with the same fault I sent it in for. All they did was a factory reset.
This sounds familiar, I sent my wife's desire back 3 times with speaker noise. Came back reset every time with the same problem. After many phone calls and a letter to the CEO we were contacted by a Regional Customer Care Manager who again was worse than useless. Stand your ground as HTC policy is to replace phones after 3 failed attempts to repair the same fault. Hope this is useful.
I quoted the sale of goods act to Phones4U that states the retailer is liable for repairs, etc... I got a replacement sent out in 3-4 days.
I have the number of the Written Complaints Team of Phones4U if anyone needs it. I didn't write to them.
andyharney said:
I just recently sent mine back. They returned it with the same fault I sent it in for. All they did was a factory reset.
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Same experience.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Although IANAL as Andy states in the UK your contract is with the retailer not the manufacturer, so it's the retailer who is required to sort the problems out, they can ask you to deal with the manufacturer direct BUT you are not obliged to do so.
They all get sent to HTC anyway and because Carphone Warehouse are doubly useless I chose to send mine to HTC direct.
I got my phone back within 3 weeks. I have no idea if they fixed it or not because they neglected to return my battery. I have now been waiting for a week for HTC to get stock back in again.
I really feel for you fellers as I've been on the arse end of rubbish repair service with a SONY, NOKIA & Phones4U in the past. My son's wildfire just came back from the UK repair centre & I have been absolutely amazed atwith all of it. From the inital call to the return of the phone - for a non working screen - 3 days, 3 days! Received this AM & so far all seems as it ought to be. Maybe I got lucky (& I do hope this positive post doesn't snap back & bite me on the butt) but I can't complain at all.
(That's killed it, I just know I've opened a world of pain for meself now )
Oh & I hope all you experiencing bad service really do get your stuff sorted to your satisfaction asap.
My first Desire HD bricked itself doing an OTA update, so I sent it back. I say "sent"... here's a rough timeline:
Monday @ 9am approx. - Called HTC
Monday @ 2pm approx. - Phone was picked up by courier!
Thursday - Received email to say the phone was fixed and was on the way back.
Monday @ 12 approx. - Received phone back from courier.
Bear in mind the Friday and second Monday were public holidays, so on a normal week I would have had it back on the Friday I think. As for the repair, they replaced the mainboard, shell and battery were original. I checked the hardware IDs etc, but HTC also confirmed the board replace when I called them.
All in all, I was quite satisfied. The only improvement would be to offer while you wait service by travelling to Milton Keynes and being in person.
That's pretty good. Far better than I received, here's my timeline.
Wk1 - Friday @ 10AM - Contacted HTC (Vibration Motor Failure) - Advised of 20+ days turnaround time due to repair centre re-location.
Wk2 - Tuesday @ Daytime - Handset picked up.
Wk3 -
Wk4 -
Wk5 -
Wk6 - Thursday @ 4PM - Contacted HTC to see where my handset was. Advised they had it and an engineer will look at it ASAP.
Wk7 - Tuesday @ Daytime - Courier returns handset. No notice given, luckily I had the day off.
Wk7 - Tuesday @ Daytime +1 - Contacted HTC - No repair made, vibration motor still faulty. Firmware updated to 2.36.405.8 - Advised of 20+ days turnaround, etc...
Wk7 - Tuesday @ Daytime +2 - Contacted Phones4U - Explained situation, got nowhere, reminded them of their responsibility under the Sale of Goods Act. "they are liable for repair, repair made in a reasonable timeframe, etc...." passed to "Written Complaints Team" they agreed with shocking turnaround and arranged a replacement.
Wk7 - Friday @ 10AM - Courier delivered brand new Desire HD.
Wk8 - Wednesday @ 9AM - Courier picked up faulty Desire HD.
Wk9 - Wednesday @ Daytime - Cheque of £50 through the post as compensation for my troubles. (I did not ask for this).
Daz555 said:
They all get sent to HTC anyway and because Carphone Warehouse are doubly useless I chose to send mine to HTC direct.
I got my phone back within 3 weeks. I have no idea if they fixed it or not because they neglected to return my battery. I have now been waiting for a week for HTC to get stock back in again.
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Yes agreed, but you are absolving them of responsibility by going it alone, which may make life more difficult for you in the long run.
Here is the reason I'm getting worried:
The phone cost so much in the first place that I figured it best to get it sorted as soon as.
All the posts I logged about not being able to allow apps root etc, turns out it was the touch panel the whole time.
Since December when i got the phone I was thinking it was just me
I dropped it into a Vodafone Ireland shop so if it gets lost or comes back with the same fault, at least I will have someone to argue with.
Am back to using my old Omnia i900. Man is this thing a donkey. Hope my HD makes it back to me soon in one 100% working piece.
To those who have rooted their device and needed repair, do you need to unroot and S-on your device before sending?
nm8 said:
To those who have rooted their device and needed repair, do you need to unroot and S-on your device before sending?
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It wouldn't do you any harm, but in the UK at least they can't decline a hardware warranty claim because you've rooted
I just ran the stock RUU over mine before returning it.
11 days ago HTC emailed me to advise they had dispatched a new battery......guess what.......yep, nowt.
They were also delighted to inform me that they had dispatched an 8GB mSDHC card by way of compensation........genius. We had actually agreed on a 16GB card. Either way it has not arrived anyway.
Utter shambles from start to finish.
Just got a call from Vodafone to say my phone had come back from repair.
Going to head out and get it shortly. Will be interesting to see if its actually fixed.
I had a bad experience.. took them 45 days to sort out my phone.
It was sent in due to a camera blur, it blurred the right hand side. I got told it will be 5 working days... These days came and went, so I called them up, to be told it is on the priority list, which means it will be sent out asap (a couple of days). This time period came and went. Long story short, they kept telling me my phone will be sent out in the next couple of days, when really it was sat there waiting for a new camera to be delivered from Taiwan, which I found out about 30 days in.
In the end, I quote the sales and goods act, and pointed them to the direction of their terms and conditions, which state that in a delay, either party must notify the other, but they never notified me. And the Act which stated that a repair must be done in a reasonable time frame, else a replacement product must be issued.
After I sent them off a letter stating this, I had an email reply saying that my phone will be with me by next wednesday, which also came and went... on the Thirsday they rung me up, telling me a new, boxed HTC Desire HD will be sent out to me, I got that on the Friday. Makes me wonder why they didn't save time with all this messing around, read their own terms and conditions, plus check out the law before they built a repair centre!
Overall, I was glad I had a brand new phone, but annoyed with their level of service, and lack of answers. I even had Orange ringing them up requesting my phone be returned to be as they had broken the law.
Just been to collect the phone and just as well i tested it in store.
Still not fixed. All they did was reload the software!
So, its off for another repair now with alot more details added to the description.
Exactly what they did to mine, I don't understand the thought process of these "Engineers/Technicians". Repair notes state,
"Faulty Vibration Motor: Does not vibrate / distinct scratching noise when supposed to vibrate".
Somehow updating the software to 2.36.405.8 will fix an obvious hardware fault?

Fantastic customer service from Motorola

I dropped my 2013 Moto x and shattered the screen. I use the advanced repair option on the Motorola web site to try and have it repaired for $100. That's where they put a hold on your credit card and ship a "Like new" phone to you then you ship the broken one back to them when the new one arrives. If you don't ship the old one back they bill you for the new one.
I waited over two weeks to get the replacement from Motorola with an email from them that it was shipped 13 days ago. Today after they had me on hold for 45 minutes they came back and apologized to me that it wasn't really shipped and offered me a free upgrade to the 2014 model. I just got done designing my 16 gb pure edition with a bamboo back and it didn't cost me a dime. Not even charge for tax or delivery. Expected delivery January 13th.
Can't beat that for service!
Not too shabby. You're gonna love it, it's an improvement over the 2013 model in every way but the size. I still think the 2013 was the perfect size and wish they didn't make the 2014 as large as they did.
I have only had good experience with moto. The only thing that I dislike about them their billing is screwed up.
Sent from my XT1095 using Tapatalk
The support in the UK is shocking. I reported a problem with the wooden back coming off a few days after I got the phone and it's taken several weeks to get anywhere with the support. Cases either get closed as solved or ignored by Motorola. I finally called up and spoke to someone but they won't do an advanced shipment of a replacement so I either have to send it for repair or send it back. As I used the cyber Monday discount if I send it back I'll have to order a new one at full price.
I have had some decent interaction with their customer support and they have been very helpful. My only issue is that for whatever reason they will not let me pay $50 extra to make my replacement phone the 64GB version. I started the process for the 14 day return/exchange within the required period, got my code and then noticed they had the 64 available now so I tried to get that. They just refuse to do it and say it is not possible, which I find very strange. I have spoken to a few different people, all very nice, one said he thinks he can get me the code and I can pay the upgrade fee and the other said it is absolutely not possible.
Other than that they have given me some codes for buying accessories and have been helpful.
Is the 14 day exchange policy a US only thing? Or do you have to return the phone prior to receiving the replacement?
Philio25 said:
Is the 14 day exchange policy a US only thing? Or do you have to return the phone prior to receiving the replacement?
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I am in the US, but I am not sure if it is only an US thing or not. You can exchange your phone one of two ways; advanced replacement sends you a new device but you put down a deposit, when you get the replacement device you have ten days to send in your old phone. The other way is you send in your old phone first and then get the replacement.
Raistlin1 said:
I am in the US, but I am not sure if it is only an US thing or not. You can exchange your phone one of two ways; advanced replacement sends you a new device but you put down a deposit, when you get the replacement device you have ten days to send in your old phone. The other way is you send in your old phone first and then get the replacement.
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Here is what they said:
Motorola Support Monkey said:
Thank you for contacting Motorola.
We inform you that the advance repair procedure is not implemented in Europe, only in the US, and it's likely that he has heard about this procedure from American customers, as the XDA developers forum is American. Unfortunately, we cannot control the information provide in third party sites not managed by Motorola.
Motorola procedures in the US are not the same as in Europe, and due to this, in this case we can only offer you a replacement or credit, both following the same procedure: send the phone back to us using the DHL labels that we will provide, and when the phone is arrived to our service centre, this will trigger automatically a refund, or a new xCode for replacement, depending on what is the option that customer prefers.
As you contacted us during the 14 days period in case xxxxx-xxxxxx, the return for credit is possible, but you will need to return the phone to us first and the the system will trigger the resolution.
In case your choose the refund of the credit, in the meantime of course you can place another order.
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So I guess I'll get a replacement, the first phone I sent back arrived back to them in Germany the next day so hopefully I should get the code to place the order again fairly quickly.
I dropped my Moto X 2014 just three weeks after it arrived and the display was cracked. Motorola really sent me a new one after they received the broken one - I had to pay nothing.
Best costumer support I ever experienced. I don't think you can expect this anywhere else.
I'm from Germany, for your information
