Linking to the Rogers Homepage WAP area - P3600 General

I sincerely apologize for this. I searched for an hour on the forum and couldn't get an answer or a thread. Does anyone know how to spoof the IE user agent of the Trinity to get it to point to the Rogers WAP homepage to make use of the unlimited video on demand and radio stuff? Do you have a cab file or custom settings to allow me to point to it?
Thanks in advance,

I am in the same boat, using the Trinitiy on Rogers 3G. Asked the same question on HowardForums as well as searched extensively all over the place and so far no solution to using the Rogers Video-on-demand service on the Vision plan. It appears that the page will not display correctly for non-Rogers phone. I've seen one poster mention on HowardForums that "Or for unsupported phones like HTC Tytn, Trinity you need to spoof the User Agent value of the IE browser to show as a supported phone." No idea what he meant by "spoof the User Agent value" and he didn't answer my request to clarify. The thread is located here:
If you come across a solution, please share, I am sure this would be of great interest to not only Trinity but also Tytn and Blackjack users.

I wrote a mini tutorial not too long ago on how to change your user agent string in PIE. I have a Trinity, but the method should work equally well for any windows mobile phone (post AKU 3.3).
As the link explains, after modifying the appropriate dll file, you will need to change a registry key to the useragent string of the phone you want to simulate. Assuming you know a model of phone that is supported by this "Rogers 3G network", a google search should lead you to the correct UA string within seconds

jamesbest77, thanks for the clarification, after reading your thread it all kinda makes sense. I've tried googling for the Samsung A706 user agent string and to my embarrassment couldn't come up with anything that would even remotely resemble the format of the user string you posted for your Nokia.
I've posted a request for the correct UA string on HoFo: Hopefully somebody with an A706 will respond. I'll make sure to post it here if they do.

I couldnt find it either, sorry for making it sound so easy
I had a look on the rogers site and it looks like there are other models that are supported. I forgot to mention, when a site detects a supported phone model, the web page sent back is usually rendered specifically for that model of phone. Since different phones use different browsers and have different screen resolutions, its not the case that any supported phone model will be compatible with the tytn/trinity. When visiting a webpage, with a modified user agent string, you may get a prompt to download a file even though you are visiting a site that worked fine normally. This means that particular user agent string isnt compatible with the trinity.
So the best thing to do is to try all of them until you get one that works, then stick with that. I had a look on the rogers site and these phones are listed (amongst many others).
MOT-V220/0B.D2.2CR MIB/2.2.1 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0
SonyEricssonK790i/R1JG Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 UNTRUSTED/1.0
SonyEricssonW810i/R4EA Java/SEMC-Java/2.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 UNTRUSTED/1.0
Nokia5300/2.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 UNTRUSTED/1.0
Nokia6085/2.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 UNTRUSTED/1.0

James, do you think it's worth trying the A707 (US version of the A706) UA string data? Both models should be identical in hardware and functionality. The A707 UA string is:
SAMSUNG-SGH-A707/1.0 SHP/VPP/R5 NetFront/3.3 SMM-MMS/1.2.0 profile/MIDP-2.0 configuration/CLDC-1.1 UP.Link/
I am wondering if simply changing the model number from 707 to 706 might do the trick.
I have no idea how to extract the browser.dll file from the ROM (using the latest HTC WM5 version, haven't jumped onto the WM6 bandwagon yet). Would you be able create two .cab files, one for changing the UA to A706 and another to return to the regular Trinity settings? Sorry for asking to be spoonfed, I just have no clue how to get the .dll file and hex-edit it...

I'm not sure you can modify dll files unless you are using a cooked rom due to some certification procedure. Though I might be *completely* wrong here, since I'm a bit of a n00b too. We could give it a go anyway. If things go pear shaped, you could just reflash with the original htc rom anyway, so back up everything important first!
You said you are "using the latest HTC WM5 version". Could you be more specific? Which version number is it and where did you get this rom from exactly? A direct link to the rom would be good. Even better ?and perhaps more enjoyable for you? would be if you could download the rom yourself and extract the file browser.dll using Mamiach's Imgfs tools (here). The thread describes how to use the tools to extract the files from the rom file.
Once you have the file, zip it up and send it to me, and I'll make the necessary cabs and post them here.


German HOME ZONE with T-mobile 4.0.10

Hi all!
When i overwrite the rilgsm.dll file in the t-mobile 4.0.10 image with the rilgsm.dll from the O2 GER 3.19 image, i could use the "O2 home zone" option with the hz.exe in Starup directory? rilgsm.dll from german image hes 'at+creg=2' string in it. probably the RIL_GetCellTowerInfo call is now implemented. When it can work, how could i write the german rilgsm.dll to the image? I haven't linux, could somebody cook the image for me?
here is the germen rilgsm.dll and the hz.exe for the "home zone" funktion!
my e-mail : [email protected]
PS: Sorry, my english! ;-)
We have bad experiences mixing RIL stuff between ROMs: it never worked. We haven't tried this combination, but we tried quite a few things to get a 4.00.x version with Wmodem, to no avail...
But your line of thought is good, and some day someone will find the right combination of files to transplant...
[email protected]
Is there to give any possibility around this RIL_GetCellTowerInfo information of the file hz.exe, so that with the correct cell the symbol in the display you can indicate?
It might be a very late answer but...
Homezone is not using the Tower cell info. Instead it listens for some BCM messages from the current cell that basically contain a pair or coordinates (bcmx, bcmy) comming on channel 221.
Also the sim cards from o2 contains a small file that defines coordinates for Homezone1, Homezone2, Homezone3 and CityZone
So using HZ with other sim cards other than O2 wont work The software also checks for the network its registered to.
Radu Motisan

Change Network Name ?

I'm using my Universal in Brazil, and the networks names apper as numbers here:
72431, 72512, 72141 (examples)
I would like to change the display name to the real name of the network ("Oi", "Tim", "Claro" etc.)
That's somewhere in the Radio ROM. Not sure if you can extract the lookup file for that or if it is hardwired somewhere. You should make HTC aware of the issue.
Solution No 1 : you can put in your Windows catalog graphic file as logo of you provider (*.gif) named carrierlogo.gif so you can see proper name .
Solution No2 : upgrade radio rom ( I prefer v 1.09)
there is a thread on this in the Himalaya section. Afaik that still works on WM5.
search for 'networknames'
Its about setting some registry keys and you can get any text based on the operator 'numbers'in your screen.
The carrierlogo.gif trick is operator independent. No matter what the network id is, it will always show the same logo.
I'm already running Radio 1.09.00
Rom 1.30.77 WWE.
I tried searching it again, and I can't find any topics about the registry...
can u post a link?
This is the final post in the thread i meant. hard to find indeed

Released: 3 UK Ext ROM

Find attached the Extended ROM of 3 UK.
Dont think that it's incomplete due to the small size, u ll find out that it contains several cabs.
I m sure many will find it usefull.
BTW i m still waiting someone's reply on how to dump a rom. I already tried few things with the tools mentioned in wiki but i m not quite sure if i m doing this right. I will really apreciate a feedback on this. Pls feel free to PM me...
Many thanks mate. This is really appreciated. wish I could help with the rom dump but I am still learning myself. good luck with it.
Umm this is a slightly modded version that does NOT remove the wireless section from the today screen as the original does, and adds a few freeware apps that I use every day. The apps being:
Total Commander
PS Shut XP
HTC Xbutton
PHM Regedit
and RAR Archive manager.
This is still in the same format as the above (the files only) and not in .nbf format as I simply don't know how to dump it / compile it. So it's for unlocked extended roms only.
For a guide to cooking your unlocked extended rom have a lookee here
I am using this rom on top of an original O2 Exec rom not the QTec rom used by 3UK and it installs fine. So it should work with any universal variant.
Happy 3'ing!
Have now made the ms_.nbf file for of the original files from Z£Y$ for flashing via RUU.
And here is the ms_.nbf extended rom file for my own version that includes the apps above.
And here is the rom with all the streaming media bits n bobs already in with the browser string modded to suit 3 as well.
Thanks for these Guys.
I wish I could help with dumping the ROM too. I've been looking for the 3 ROM for months.
The 3 rom is a standard Qtek rom with the 3 bits n bobs added in the extended rom.
Basically you can use any WM5 (or 6 if you don't want videocall) of your choice and all the 3 stuff is in the extended roms above.
@Z£Y$ what version of Qtek rom is your 9000 using.
PSIDOC thanks for confirming this m8.
F***k the ROM dump then lol
BTW i m on:
ROM version:1.30.77 WWE
Radio version: 1.09
ExtROM version: 1.30.246 WWE
Is this the latest Qtek ROM version?
Ah, I didn't realise this.
I had gone back to the basic Qtek rom quite some time ago to sort out issues with the web connection dropping out all the time.
I still have issues with being unable to get to My3 with the E61 block. I think this is something to do with certificates. I have no idea how to solve this.
I've asked 3 if they can provide it. Don't hold your breath though.
I contacted them today, they said they would get back to me.
Z£Y$ said:
PSIDOC thanks for confirming this m8.
BTW i m on:
ROM version:1.30.77 WWE
Is this the latest Qtek ROM version?
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Welcome mate. Re having the latest, I think you are, however have a lookee here (requires you to register.)
@ Lakota,
The reason for the E61 block page is because you are using a web browser, not a WAP browser to view the pages on 3. I found this out eventually on my old nokia E61. Sadly the Uni doesn't have a Wap browser. Please refer to This post here for Z£Y$ method of getting around that. Personally I use Opera for a browser so i don't get the problem. You could alway just click the services icon and viola you get past the E61 block.
A Response To Your Find
An Interesting Find
@ PsiDOC
Do you get all the services using opera? such as "today on 3" and access to all "services" such as mobile TV??? I was not able to do so with opera untill few minutes ago hence i decided to release a guide.
I had very lenghty discussions with 3UK and the outcome of the numerous callbacks is that Qtek 9000 is not compatible by 3UK to use planet3. So do not expect a solution by them. However there is a workarond as i m describing here:
Thanks very much for the extended rom and for your guides, Z£Y$. It might finally be time to ditch my Orange sim and get a 3 contract sim I think!
Quick question though, as I don't know too much about the services 3 provides - are ALL the various services that are available on 3 working on the Universal with your guides/workarounds or are there still things that don't work 100%?
Z£Y$ said:
@ PsiDOC
Do you get all the services using opera? such as "today on 3" and access to all "services" such as mobile TV??? I was not able to do so with opera untill few minutes ago hence i decided to release a guide.
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With regard to services I only really browse the 3 uk site to check what I owe and get the news etc so yes today on 3 does work. I haven't used the Mobile TV so cant comment on that. Opera is fine for doing that. I usually go in on and it automatically redirects me without the E61 block page.
With regards your fix for the streaming media most of the files for getting it to work should already be in WM5. If you like I can add the rest into the Extended Rom and have that do the registry change as well, so when you first setup and the customisation is performed it's all done for you. No fuss no hassle then.
If you want it, give me a day or 2 as it's a bit manic here today.
Yes m8 if we can add the procedure i.e registry fixes and files to the Ext ROM will be excellent. I m gonna give this a go myself as well if i have some time... BTW HTC streaming media is not included in my wm5.
All of the services from 3 are working now!!!
Many thanks guys.
Some very useful information posted here. Much Appreciated.
Ok peeps, I would have had the streaming tv ext rom sorted by now, however I am having problrms putting the coredll.dll file into a .cab file for the extended rom. It's sending my PC into a 100% CPU loop. Everything else packs up ok, it's just this little monster that's giving me a headache.
Bear with me on this I will sort it.
m8 one thing to consider is that these dll files for the streaming media need only to be ADDED if missing. In my case i added only few of them and ignored the rest without to overwrite the existing ones. So if you ll make a cab file it will install all of them rather than installing only the missing ones .....correct me if i m wrong.
Ideally during instalation u should be promted about the existing dll files.
I appreciate that mate. However what we have to consider is the varying configurations for user installations. I can set a .cab file for "if exists = skip install" on files which will bypass on install if the file is alrady present.
It's just that I cannot get this bloody file into a .cab file....
It's annoying me now. Been trying all night. GRRRRRR!
Streaming Extended rom is now done and uploaded to rapidshare.

enable Rogers Name Display - cab format

This has already been posted in the hacking and development forum, but for those folks who do not frequent that forum, I am posting it here.
This cab enables Rogers Name Display (while on Rogers/Fido) when using a non-Rogers ROM. I have tested it in Shadow 2.1 CE, TESS 2.5, and OpalR2. This cab simply replaces the rilgsm.dll with the one from the Official Rogers 6.0 ROM and enables the feature in the registry.
So far it seems that it can be safely removed if you decide you don't want it. It has only been tested on the Touch Enhanced (ELFin). It may or may not work on the original Touch (ELF).
Note: this has only had limited testing, so use at your own risk.
Great, was following the other thread earlier, didn't realize we had a solution. Thank you for letting everyone else know.
As already stated by myself in the original thread here , this fix works for me. Thanks again, trueg. I think some people owe you money as mentioned in the other thread.
trueg said:
This has already been posted in the hacking and development forum, but for those folks who do not frequent that forum, I am posting it here.
This cab enables Rogers Name Display (while on Rogers/Fido) when using a non-Rogers ROM. I have tested it in Shadow 2.1 CE, TESS 2.5, and OpalR2. This cab simply replaces the rilgsm.dll with the one from the Official Rogers 6.0 ROM and enables the feature in the registry.
So far it seems that it can be safely removed if you decide you don't want it. It has only been tested on the Touch Enhanced (ELFin). It may or may not work on the original Touch (ELF).
Note: this has only had limited testing, so use at your own risk.
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Does anywone know if the same thing can be done for Android 2.1 OS (Phones) and up? I have been looking for this to work on my Milestone running on Rogers for a while now, I hate to go back to my BB.

[SOLVED] How do chefs change "Model No"?

[I asked this in the wrong forum previously -- sorry for the repeat topic]
I would like to understand where the Model No string comes from. This value is shown in device info and apparently checked by some software to determine if it's running on "known" or "supported" phones (e.g., Bing).
For example this is "T-Mobile_LEO" on a US HD2.
How does a chef influence this value, and more importantly, is it possible for me to change it without needing a new ROM image or having to reflash (e.g., via the registry, or updating a file, etc)?
Some pieces of software simply check model.txt (in the windows folder).
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Internet Explorer\User Agent]
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is used for internet based stuff
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can be used
Just do a search for the model number shown in device info in total commander (do a search in the registry section), and see what comes up.
WoZZeR999 said:
Some pieces of software simply check model.txt (in the windows folder).
is used for internet based stuff
can be used
Just do a search for the model number shown in device info in total commander (do a search in the registry section), and see what comes up.
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User-Agent is possible, but I don't think he's referring to the others. He said "T-Mobile_LEO", but HTC won't show out code names in these places except User-Agent. Maybe the OP can specific this question?
On an HD2, Settings tab -> "About Phone" -> Phone Identity
Bing picks this up:
NOTE: the above is on a cooked ROM where the chef has gratuitously changed the Model No (on a stock ROM, it's something like T-Mobile_LEO). Unfortunately this causes Bing to think it's in beta mode because it doesn't recognize the phone it's running on. I want to know if I can change it back without reflashing.
Thanks for the tips, folks. Both registry settings mentioned above have "T-Mobile_LEO" in them.
However \windows\ModelName.txt contains the value the chef changed it to ("HTC HD2").
Is it possible for me to change ModelName.txt even though it's a ROM file?
Secondarily I'm also curious about how the registry values got initialized to T-Mobile_LEO -- where specifically did *that* string come from, given that ModelName.txt contains a different string?
I created a cab with the WM6.1 SDK and it worked. My phone identifies as a T-Mobile_LEO and Bing (after being uninstalled and reinstalled) stops identifying itself as beta.
Thanks for the tips folks.
Ok happy ending lets change the name as OP didnt do it
tai4de2 said:
Thanks for the tips, folks. Both registry settings mentioned above have "T-Mobile_LEO" in them.
However \windows\ModelName.txt contains the value the chef changed it to ("HTC HD2").
Is it possible for me to change ModelName.txt even though it's a ROM file?
Secondarily I'm also curious about how the registry values got initialized to T-Mobile_LEO -- where specifically did *that* string come from, given that ModelName.txt contains a different string?
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Yes, you can. Copy it out and edit it, then use 3rd-party file explorers such as Resco or Total Commander to overwrite the ROM file. The identity string is also a registry:
+ Que PPC said:
Ok happy ending lets change the name as OP didnt do it
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May I know for my knowledge what does this [OP] indicate?
I have searched my kitchen endlessly for the T-Mobile_LEO string that shows up as per picture one in the earlier post, and cannot find it. The ModelName.txt file contains the correct text (as I have a Touch Pro 2).
The reg key that seems to set this is HKLM\system\platform\OEMString but I cannot find the source of this in the kitchen.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
c_shekhar said:
May I know for my knowledge what does this [OP] indicate?
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Original Poster
NRGZ28 said:
Original Poster
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crazyC said:
I have searched my kitchen endlessly for the T-Mobile_LEO string that shows up as per picture one in the earlier post, and cannot find it. The ModelName.txt file contains the correct text (as I have a Touch Pro 2).
The reg key that seems to set this is HKLM\system\platform\OEMString but I cannot find the source of this in the kitchen.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Does anyone have any further sugegstions? I am at a loss with this as to where this is being set. My best guess is Manila and that is why the search is not picking it up? I am no good with manila so am seeking guidance.
It depends which kitchen or tools you are using.
In Oskitchen you can find it in 'NBH Structure.xml'
It contains the rom version and settings to create the nbh.
The kitchen uses nbImageTool.exe made by Da_G which reads this file to create the nbh.
crazyC said:
Does anyone have any further sugegstions? I am at a loss with this as to where this is being set. My best guess is Manila and that is why the search is not picking it up? I am no good with manila so am seeking guidance.
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Thank you for the reply.
The nbh structure.xml correctly identifies my device as a RHOD 300. The T-Mobile_LEO must be coming from somewhere else.
I use OsKItchen and the source dumped rom was from a Rhodium and so my OEM and device profile comes from that. The erroneous model no must be coming from an EXT package as far as I can see.
If you are looking for a package I would say Oemversion.
crazyC said:
Thank you for the reply.
The nbh structure.xml correctly identifies my device as a RHOD 300. The T-Mobile_LEO must be coming from somewhere else.
I use OsKItchen and the source dumped rom was from a Rhodium and so my OEM and device profile comes from that. The erroneous model no must be coming from an EXT package as far as I can see.
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crazyC said:
Thank you for the reply.
The nbh structure.xml correctly identifies my device as a RHOD 300. The T-Mobile_LEO must be coming from somewhere else.
I use OsKItchen and the source dumped rom was from a Rhodium and so my OEM and device profile comes from that. The erroneous model no must be coming from an EXT package as far as I can see.
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If you have swype, it would probably be coming from there.
Aaaahhhhh - now that would explain why I cannot find any reference to it in my kitchen. I could never get swype to work as an EXT package the way I wanted so it installs within XDA-UC.
Time to pull that cab apart I think.
crazyC said:
Aaaahhhhh - now that would explain why I cannot find any reference to it in my kitchen. I could never get swype to work as an EXT package the way I wanted so it installs within XDA-UC.
Time to pull that cab apart I think.
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If you do change the Model name, Swype probably won't work. It looks at the model name.
rgb-rgb said:
If you do change the Model name, Swype probably won't work. It looks at the model name.
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Yes - just worked that out the long way.
Oh well, at least I know how and why its there now.
Thanks all for the help.

