Mobile Internet explorer problem. - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Sorry if Ive posted this is the wrong place peeps,i have tried to do a search but couldn't find anything.
Basically i have flashed up to WM 6 and when i try and load forum pages like this one i cant use the reply box.There seems to be some problem with the way the page is displaying and I.E doesn't seem to understand that the box is click able for text addition.
Is there something i should install so the page presents correctly?
Sorry if this has been asked before I'm a relative noob to all this,mod please feel free to move if its in the wrong place.
Many thanks in advance.Tony

Are you logged in to the forum from your PDA?
Sure the thread isn't locked?
Have you tried desktop view in PocketIE?
Or, try Opera or another Explorer.
Unfortunately, for a PDA / smartphone forum, XDA-developers really isn't mobile viewer friendly. I sometimes view the forum through Google so it gets converted to a less cluttered format.

Thanks for your reply Hyperbaric,i have this prob with a few different forums.I have tried Opera browser last night and it was fine.Shame Ive now got to buy a browser as the I.E one doesn't display all pages correctly.
Thanks again Tony

I'm using WM5 at the moment and it's fine. Did this only start on WM6?

Hi Mike
Thinking back yes im sure it was fine when using WM5,im using the latest LVSW rom 3.3.09,at least it was the newest rom last week unless a new one is out lol.
Many thanks for your input.Tony



Am running a T-Mobile Compact 2 with WM5 and Spb Pocket Plus installed.
I would like to have a desktop icon that links direct with bluetooth on the device. I have been advised to find a bluetooth.exe file and create a shortcut. I have looked and cannot find the file or anything that looks like it. Does anyone have any idea where I should look and what the file will look like.
Yes I have toggled file explorer to show all files and yes I have searched dilligently through the whole damn list looking for a bluetooth icon. I have also used windows explorer, when synced, but with no success.
I believe you're posting in the wrong forum.
zerimar said:
I believe you're posting in the wrong forum.
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yep.... wrong forum!!!
Please forgive my ignorance, would you tell me which forum I should post my query on?
I must be honest I assumed that a forum about my device would be the right place to post.
actually since there is no dedicated Charmer forum, the majority post in the Magician forum
there is a program to add a bluetooth icon to the system tray, clicking it takes you straight to bluetooth settings but i cant bloody find it again! sure its on modaco somewhere!!! will have another look when ive got time for you
Thanks for your post. I know Modaco. I'll start searching. If I find the program i'll put a link here.
I've used this Forum a few times now and responses have been minimal so it's a real pleasure to get some help. I also didn't know my device is a Charmer not a Magician, thanks again. (My girlfriend thinks it's apt).
Here are three different ways of adding a bluetooth / wireless toggle to your today screen.
The first is a link to a registry hack
The second is a CAB file smartphones
and the third is a CAB file for PPC's (it worked on my Charmer / T-Mobile compact 2)
Hope these work for people.

Windows Live Messenger Mobile..Again!!!

Well...Windows Live Messenger ...what else?!
I get so many emails and PMs and ICQ
Slow down people, i like to be popular, but this is like program paparrazzi.
Just kidding.
I decided to host the file so you can grab it online. Otherwise i cannot cope with all the requests.
Its both for WM and Smartphone devices. (as far i know, dont have SPh)
Mirror #1:
Mirror #2:
I dont actually know if its appropriate or legal to post this.
So if the Mods mind, just take it off again and PM me.
Love this Forum
Man what a pile of rubbish!
Very large for a PPC app, uses up most of your Today screen, didn't work properly on my Hermes (messenger would never close - soft reset). There was no problem with the installation on a clean device.
I uninstalled it and have got 'Windows Live:33 Unread' messages, stuck on my Today screen. The account is gone but it hasn't cleared it from the Today screen. Tried everything short of hard reset.
Just use the Web version - nothing on your device!
Yepp...i agree...gloggs up your system. I find my hermes slow enough and not responsive as it is.
I had this running 2 times (first time was messed up)on my device, but didnt like it. A pure messenger version without all the live crap is much more useful.
But hey, we dont have to be available in any IM program ALL the time.
I end up with people asking me "i tried to reach you! where were you?" if i choose not to be on or have me phone switched off.
I remember the good old times, where, when someone didnt pick up the phone, he wasnt available and it was ok. peaceful.
Even though i agree with esseff and do NOT recommend using it, i posted it, so people can try it without having to wait for me to respond/send.
Did you have the cab file of live messenger for mobile for wm2003?
Can you send it to me at [email protected]? cause i'm looking after the cab of the windows live messenger (the beta was avaible on but i never got answers) for mobile since beginning of december but ... nothing
can you help me?
i'm really sorry for my very bad english, i hope that you understand me :-/
benlog said:
Did you have the cab file of live messenger for mobile for wm2003?
Can you send it to me at [email protected]? cause i'm looking after the cab of the windows live messenger (the beta was avaible on but i never got answers) for mobile since beginning of december but ... nothing
can you help me?
i'm really sorry for my very bad english, i hope that you understand me :-/
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If this is not what you are looking for, or the zip doesnt contain the version you need, i cant help you. The other, older versions, i deleted.
My ppc software folder is like 5GB i dont want to keep older versions.

Ameo help! wm6, screen resolution

Hey, im a brand new ameo user but have previously had many windows mobiles.
Firstly can i get wm6 on it? whats the difference? is it dodgy?
Also I want to change the screen resolution on it to make it alot smaller, is there a program other than as i find that does nothing but crash, is there another?
Answer to your 1st question:
There is a whole section of the Forum dedicated to Windows Mobile 6 here:
May be worth asking away about windows mobile 6 on here. I havent had the courage to upgrade to it yet, but alot of people have, so i would recommend reading the posts here.
Also having VGA mode that seems to work, i used MvRTrueVGA_v1.3
which can be found here:
Or try searching using the SEARCH function and select advance, and then put in TrueVGA choose to search the ATHENA forums only and a few options will appear.
Hope this helps you out, as after all, thats what this forum is here for.
Hey, thanks alot for that, I tried the wm6 update and tried it, its prepared, the % came up then stopped and told me
The update utility cannot be used on your pda phone. please check your update utility. Im using activesync 4.5 and my phone is uk t-mobile ameo.
There is now no software on my phone and i cannot use it?
please can someone help even to get it back to how it was?

Music ID

Hey all, i really want this as everyone seems to rate it but when you download the CAB file it downloads two link files and an XML which takes you to opera - doesn't seem to want to download like a normal CAB file...still a bit new at all of this but if anyone can tell me how I actually get it installed and working I would be very grateful!
Try this version:
Put the cab file on the device, find it on the device using explorer & launch it. It will install.
argh misicid
finally downloaded it didnt work and now cant uninstall searched here did what they said with the reinstall and now i have three dead nusicid icons !! any help please?
Getting rid of MusicID
Hey all, posted on this before but it seems to have gotten lost. I downloaded MusicID using the links people posted, never got it to work so tried to uninstall and it left an icon in my programmes, did what people said and tried to uninstall by reinstalling and now i have THREE musicid icons left none of which work - can someone tell me how to get rid of this horrid programme (which incidentally sadly doesnt compare with Shazam at all :-( )
Hey all, posted on this before but it seems to have gotten lost. I downloaded MusicID using the links people posted, never got it to work so tried to uninstall and it left an icon in my programmes, did what people said and tried to uninstall by reinstalling and now i have THREE musicid icons left none of which work - can someone tell me how to get rid of this horrid programme (which incidentally sadly doesnt compare with Shazam at all :-( )
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This is the third new thread you have started on this topic. Please read the sticky at the top of the Forum and stop polluting - this is not a Helpdesk and you are not entitled to an answer.
I suspect diligent use of the search tool would give you what you need - I'm sure I remember seeing a solution
Thank you for your post.
There is no solution posted here as regards to uninstall (and my initial direction was as to "install"), or rather there is one that was posted to another member and does not work, indeed it is a problem many have referenced hence the inquiry (not a demand for a response).
There are many questions posed here with people asking for assistance and many people who are good enough to provide answers recognising that is part of the spirit of this forum - if you do not wish to answer the thread then there is no obligation to do so but I do not feel that people should have any hesitation in posting on any matter they may choose.
If by what your saying you mean there's an broken shortcut to the application under the programs menu that was left behind after you uninstalled the application, you can delete those broken links by going into Windows/Start menu/Programs. Here you should see all the .lnk files associated with every program you have on your phone (including the broken links for musicId). Just delete these and they should be gone. Of course needless to say.....I'm sure you've already uninstalled the application from under start-->settings-->system-->remove programs.
in /windows/Start menu/Programs folder remove the icons.
and i agree with iain.fraser, a simple bump to the original thread should have sufficed
Thank you for the help.
The icons are there when you go windows/start/programs (not in the scroll down start menu or the slide along menu but actually on the programmes screen which shows all programmes i.e just like the icons for all the other applications, activesync, camera etc...) and cant seem to be deleted from there and there is no option to delete icons ( this is following uninstalling the programme by "removing programmes").
Its always good to have a program like SK Tools and officialy uninstall the programs from there to make sure they are completely gone!
Hmmmm that's weird. What options do you get if you tap and hold using your stylus on the musicID icons? Coz well, deleting icons is a pretty straight forward process.
Thank you for your post.
There is no solution posted here as regards to uninstall (and my initial direction was as to "install"), or rather there is one that was posted to another member and does not work, indeed it is a problem many have referenced hence the inquiry (not a demand for a response).
There are many questions posed here with people asking for assistance and many people who are good enough to provide answers recognising that is part of the spirit of this forum - if you do not wish to answer the thread then there is no obligation to do so but I do not feel that people should have any hesitation in posting on any matter they may choose.
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Your slightly hurt tone might have been avoided by your reading the rules of the Forum, which apply to you just as they do to everyone else here.
It is not your request that poses an issue, rather the three requests in fairly quick succession, which edges towards demanding.
Plugging the search terms 'MusicID' and 'uninstall' into the Forum Search facility at the top of the Forum returned two hits, the second of which is a thread around the coolest applications installed. Post 17 of that thread purports to offer a solution to uninstalling. If you have already tried that, you could widen out to other Forums, to the Internet as a whole, or even contact the developers of MusicID before bumping one of your original threads. Any of these would be fine - starting another new thread isn't.
Please do read the sticky - it might prove useful in future
Thanks i know its strange and frustrating - basically it created a new file called "ATT music", you click on that file in the programmes page (not the touch flo programme page where you can select and remove whatever you want but the windows programme page which shows you everything) and it opens a new icon saying "3 music id" i try to delete that by holding the stylus on it and it just says the file cannot be opened and to try reinstalling or restoring it. There are three such ATT files now on my system that i can't delete.
Hmmm...try deleting the files through activesync. Or as a last resort.....use SK Tools. It's pretty effective. You can download a trial version.
Good Luck.
Great thanks - i'll give it a go. help much appreciated!!!
Hey all, posted on this before but it seems to have gotten lost. I downloaded MusicID using the links people posted, never got it to work so tried to uninstall and it left an icon in my programmes, did what people said and tried to uninstall by reinstalling and now i have THREE musicid icons left none of which work - can someone tell me how to get rid of this horrid programme (which incidentally sadly doesnt compare with Shazam at all :-( )
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Hi, Sorry to hear it did not work for you. Did you have .net 3.5 installed?
This is the link I used to find the right cab:
I did read on another forum that the trick to uninstalling it was to install again on top and reply "yes" to the remove earlier version option and then cancel the install after that.
It works very well on my HD - I can sit in the chair across the room from the radio and it will pick up the music fine and after about 30 seconds it has done the sampling, analyzing and provided the track details.
It's not very good on classical music though !!
Thanks cheesy dave. I tried what the uninstall by reinstall and it just gave me another dead icon (now 3 as i tried it twice).
It's a shame as it looks like fun if you can get it to work. I think i have the old net compact (is there a way to check) maybe the first thing i should do is upgrade it.
Thanks cheesy dave. I tried what the uninstall by reinstall and it just gave me another dead icon (now 3 as i tried it twice).
It's a shame as it looks like fun if you can get it to work. I think i have the old net compact (is there a way to check) maybe the first thing i should do is upgrade it.
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Hi, you should know if you have .Net 3.5 as it needs to be installed separately. By default the HD comes with the much earlier .Net framework. So if you have to ask then probably you have only the standard. I would recommend installing the new version - there are links in this forum for it. Also, try the wiki pages:
Many applications need the new version to work. I personally have no idea if musicid needs it. It does work fine on my HD and I do have .net 3.5 installed and set as the default.
Here is a useful link that has the registry key you can check to see what .net you have:
I find the musicid fun, I doubt I will use it every day but now and then it will be good to have it available.
Regards, D
Here is the Microsoft link for .Net 3.5:
(if the link is no good then go to microsoft and search for "NETCFSetupv35")
Great thanks - i'll give it a go. help much appreciated!!!
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what happened when you tried SKtools?

The new Forum GUI doesn't work on HD2

First of all: I like this forum, it is really a good place to find and exchange informations. Congratulations to the team!
But the new layout/GUI of the forum sucks! At least, when you try to do it with your mobile device.
Usually I go with my HD2 in the forum. Normally through a Post, which I have received through the RSS Feed. If I'm interested in the thread, I subscribe to it.
But with the new layout it is not possible to click and open the thread tools. Just nothing happens.
And especially for a forum which is about mobile devices, this is an absolute NoGO!
Some technical details - I use
- StockROM 1.66.407.1
- Opera Mobile 10
- CHT 1.8
Would be really good, if anyone could find the bug.
Hugo the JungleDyret
when i use my HD2 with Wifi, i can read the board. It needs some time to load, but it is possible.
But when i'm on the way and try to load it over GPRS or UMTS (if available), it loads only some little parts and then stops. So i can maybe read the first one or two postings of a thread.
With the "old" layout all was fine and easy. So i think, the new layout is not really mobile-campatible.
For the users it should be possible to change the layout between the currently and a mobile-friendly modus.
Spiogent said:
when i use my HD2 with Wifi, i can read the board. It needs some time to load, but it is possible.
But when i'm on the way and try to load it over GPRS or UMTS (if available), it loads only some little parts and then stops. So i can maybe read the first one or two postings of a thread.
With the "old" layout all was fine and easy. So i think, the new layout is not really mobile-campatible.
For the users it should be possible to change the layout between the currently and a mobile-friendly modus.
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I actually contacted the Owners/Mods about this, the reply was, in a nutshell, "A mobile version is on the list, but a lot of stuff going on right now, so it is not a priority" ...
I am sure they will get to it at some point, but I did see somewhere a way to switch back to the old view ... hmmm will have to look for that again ...
EDIT: under , the very last option choose the custom skin ... it is the old version ...
Hmm. I can't recall having any issues with the new skin on opera 9.7.
Running also great here on Opera 9.7 .
I don't read it much on my HD2, mostly on the PC. One thing I hate though is the threads I've replied in don't show up as so when there's new post even though there's suppose to be a little down arrow in the thread icon. The icon does show if there are no new post though.

