Removing the operator splash screen hermes 100 - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hi all, just a quick question , i've managed to add a custom bootscreen to the spv m3100 but for the life of me i cant get rid of the orange operator screen what appears straight after the custom screen that i've added to the phone. the software i've used are 1,nb_image_converter.exe 2,nbhtool.exe and 3rd RUUWrapper.exe. I dont want to get rid of the windows mobile for wm6 as it's lovley imho, just want to get rid of the damn operator logo and i thought by reading the wiki on the subject would of done that but nope, yes i have searched xda & google, tried loads of differnt keywords & spent like a week trying to figure out how to do it, I've come close with adding the custom screen, but no cigar on removing the operator bootscreen as that's the final thing i have to do so i'm rid of orange complety, have i missed a step in using the software programs or is there another program i need to use? thx hope i can get it removed, just need a bit of a push in the right direction so to speak as where to look & what to do really as i'm going round in cricles trying all sorts

**** Close the topic now **** my bad when i was using the second program to make the rom it said second screen and i thought that was the welcome96.png image it was going to over ride, just done another flash of the phone and added the same image into the first screen & second screen, and now the orange operator logo is finally gone, phew now my phone is my own, not branded and it's lovely, thx xda for all the information i've learnt browsing the forums & reading the wiki , now all i've got to do is stick it on ebay now jking, after all the hours i've spent learning and worry'ing am i going to brick the phone, nope the spl bootloader did it's trick phew, thx again i'm a bloody happy chappie


Pointers required for removing slow O2 software (please!)

Hi guys, great forum.
I must admit to being rather nieve and lost in all the technical stuff! Im a newbie to the XDA world, and so far Im loving it!
I bought my O2 XDA mini s on ebay, at just over 2 months old. Its in perfect condition, but when I try to remove the O2 software, it's not on the list... but its definately still on there!
Should I let my battery run out and reboot it?
Also it wont link with the outlook on my pc (installed from the cd) so it looks like its gonna take me 3 weeks of typing to put all my contacts in to it!
Can someone point me in the right direction for a thread? Or is there a good site for newbies to look at in layman's terms?
Any help would be extremely well recieved!
Hi Gary
sorry mate can't help but noticed your post had no answer. Like you I am not a techie. Most of the posters on here seem to do nothing but experiment with their XDA's all day There is a wealh of info and help but sadly only useful to other techies.
There doesn't appear to be anything geared at assisting casual users and non techies that have neither the time or inclination to fiddle with ROM's and software etc .
I reckon that would be a useful sticky for noobs- like how to change/ customise the desktop and install various A/V software and remove o2 software etc
Suggest you get the full manual and wade through that.
I bought my o2 mini s at xmas and haven't made a single call on it yet . Its far too complicated for me and working 12 hour days I've no time to play about with it. :roll:
I'm no techy either but I do know that if you do a hard reset and choose corporate install the O2 stuff is not installed. There's some good advice here too - it's maybe a bit less technical than this site.
Cheers for the replys Dave and Peanut.
I managed to find something useful here...
if theres anyone else thats confused about this stuff.
I'm really happy with mine, on the whole it seems pretty simple to use. I hate that it doesnt close programmes when you click the x though.
Im gonna have a little play, but I'll need to get my mms and gprs info from orange first if i install the corporate profile.
I find that if the phone is on for more than 5 mins ifI press the green call button it doesnt bring up the phone screen, even with the normal power setting! I'm hoping this new profile will speed the bad boy up a bit too!
WiFi is a godsend on a mobile! Yey!
Without going through all the palava of flashing a new Rom the easiest way of really removing the O2 crud is to do a Hard Reset of the device (hold the Com Manager and Voice Command buttons the poke the little reset hole on the right hand side of the unit.
When you get the option select corporate installation option and then if I remember correctly you get a count down, press the reset button (without the other two buttons) again briefly to do a soft reset this should then start Windows in its regular non O2 sullied form.
Hope this helped.

Newbe needs assistance with UK Orange M600

Hi all,
I have the Orange M600 which has numerous issues - Orange insist there is no new firmware out even though the one that comes with it is ancient
I would like to upgrade my Rom - I know *absolutely nothing* about doing so though, but I have spent a few hours reading through these forums trying to learn what to do.
I have learnt about the G3 and G4 models (I have a G4).
Question 1) Is this a good rom to put on? ->
Question 2) Will I need to do anything else to my device to flash it? My device is probably CID locked.
Question 3) Can I backup my original ROM and flash it back if it goes wrong?
So...what is it about the current ROM that you are not happy with?
You can end up with a very expensive paperweight by trying to fix something that ain't broke.
Be very careful. I've done a few hacks and tweaks but the one thing I have not done is flash the ROM - too risky if you ask me.
TheBrit said:
So...what is it about the current ROM that you are not happy with?
You can end up with a very expensive paperweight by trying to fix something that ain't broke.
Be very careful. I've done a few hacks and tweaks but the one thing I have not done is flash the ROM - too risky if you ask me.
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We have many devices with the same issue. Constant freezing on the today screen when you wake the device from standby, sometimes the phone takes a while to connect (i.e when it's ringing you press the green button but it takes several seconds before you can hear people on the other end of the phone), sometimes the phone takes ages to dial...
Basically we'd like to try updating the firmware on one of our devices to see if it makes any difference.
In that case - click the XDA-Wiki link at the top of the page and read the instuctions there. Some have reported that the later ROMS are more responsive but as I said - it's a risky process.
I run mine overclocked and it's stable and responsive. No real problems.
Application Unlock for Orange SPV m600
Not sure if this is the right place for this post.
I need to application unlock my Orange SPV M600. Any one know where or how i do this???
lobes said:
Not sure if this is the right place for this post.
I need to application unlock my Orange SPV M600. Any one know where or how i do this???
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Hey...check out:
But isnt that just a SIM unlock and not an application unlock??
I need a sim unlock so I can use another network my rom version is and operator version is

Stuck on a Garbled Splash Screen

As a new O2 xda exec user, I thought I should play safe and upgrade to latest ROM etc on the O2 web site. After a couple of false starts and after checking the excellent wiki advice, I got the thing to run through and complete the upgrade.
But on doing the final hard reset, I find myself with a completely garbled screen instead of the O2 splash screen. After a couple of seconds the 3 lines of text appear on the screen (the R, G and D numbers) but against the background 'snow' I can't read them. No response to keyboard or to 'random' pressing the screen. The screen eventually turns off after a few minutes but when switched back on remains with the same garbled screen as before.
Tried going through the whole process again but sadly got the same result.
Tried going into bootloader and doing a soft reset (as advised one of the many upgrade problem threads I've checked) but that also took me to the same garbled screen.
Can anyone help me out with this? I can't find anything quite like this on the Wiki or in any recent threads.
Should I try an alternative ROM? Stupid question, but is a Jasjar ROM OK on an O2 exec?
Hi - just thought I'd save people any wasted effort. This problem is now sorted.
It seems the O2 web site had linked to an out of date ROM which I downloaded and installed in blissful ignorance. Went back to the web site and found the link is now updated and gives the correct ROM version. This loaded and started up with no problems.
In case anyone reads this - although I didn't get any direct responses from the community I would still like to say a big thanks cos the Wiki and the responses to other threads are a real help. You guys have put a lot of effort into this and created a resource which is invaluable.
Top bananas!
lol...well i guess me and u were in the same boat my dude...i def did exactly da same thing u did..jus a new user getting the update and fu**ed my ish up...thanx 4 posting this tho it was some help*goes to download new update*
I cant even sync with my pc anymore i dont know wat to do
I'm no expert - as the screw up above amply demonstrates - but the failure to sync was one of the rage inducing steps I went thru too. Sometimes the PC would recognise the xda but other times it wouldn't. In my case, it was sorted by reading in another part of the forum how to get into bootloader mode by pressing the light and on/off button at the same time as using the stylus to press the soft reset. This should take you into boot loader - an apparently dead screen but if you look closely you should see 'Serial' at the top and 'v0.xx' at the bottom.
If you reconnect by USB cable to your PC the 'Serial' should change to 'USB' and in my case I was able to run the software on my PC to update the ROM.
Sorry if I'm stating the obvious but hope this works for you. Otherwise check out the Wiki section ( which has lots of good tips.
i fixed it i had jus installed a new rom

O2 XDA Orbit and new ROMs

Im interested in upgrading my Orbit ROM as its a little slow. Having scoured through these forums Ive seen some reports of successful Artemis upgrading, and some unsuccessful Orbit reports. I just want to ask:
1) Firstly before thinking of flashing, can I backup my PPC (kinda like ghosting/imaging on a PC) incase something goes drastically wrong.
2) Has anyone got definate proof of an Orbit being flashed with a good ROM (with GPS / WiFi / most apps working)
3) If so, where would one obtain this ROM
4) (probably a question worth a hounding) Where might I find step by step instrustions on how to: a) backup my PPC fully for safety net
b) flash my ROM. including links to needed software
5) After flashing ROM, I take it no info (contacts, messages, programs,etc.) are stored on the PPC and will need to be painstakingly put back on ??
Many thanks, and my apologies if this has been asked a thousand times> I have sifted the forums but cnt seem to find definitive answers.
One last thing, I just got my Orbit few weeks ago and is my first PPC and being quite techy-minded, would like to learn more about the whole process so if anyone knows of any good guides/info with explainations of acronyms and what have ye,t'would be much appreciated.
First thing you could do is put a question mark after what is a question cause my heart just cant take the excitement.
O2 XDA Orbit and new ROMs?
Secondly this is such a hot topic there are lots of threads and the reason you can not find a definitive answer is because at the moment there is none.
so answers to your question
1 At the moment there is no way to make a backup of the ROM.
2 There are people who this has worked for but do you want to be in the percentage that has a bricked Orbit...... just wait for the new O2 ROM (ETA unknown)
3 There is a PDAMobiz rom that can install on a CID Locked phone floating around but I would not recommend it to you cause its more trouble then it is worth.
4 When its ready.... arvind09 says that they are going to have something really soon.... Look, nothing is going to make it so you dont have to check the forum everyday. Welcome to the club enjoy your stay (at least it is not the club with a bricked Orbit).
5 Use Activesync and Outlook to store your contacts and everything will be automated.
Check the Wiki for information about the whole PDA scene.
P.S. PDAs can be fun but please dont rush into upgrading your ROM on this baby unless you have CIDUnlocked it from ( or unless you have £47 to get it repaired after you have bricked it.
BTW Welcome to the wonderful world of XDAs
Head on over to
This site is dedicated to your new toy
yeah what he said
bdangol said:
PDAs can be fun but please dont rush into upgrading your ROM on this baby unless you have CIDUnlocked it from ( or unless you have £47 to get it repaired after you have bricked it.
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jamin100 said:
Head on over to
This site is dedicated to your new toy
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Already registered, though cant seem to findanything there about working ROMs
that is cause like i said there is not one.
hold on mate just hold on.
BTW over clock your Orbit that you can do.
Use Omapclock
just search for it
that will speed it up
yeah already got that sorted. Just hopin O2 get it into gear n release a FREE WM6 upgrade. I read somewhere that HTC are releasing a FREE upgrade, justhope O2 dnt all business conscious n try to charge for any mods they make lol. Thanks for the quick responses anyhow chum
I have fixed *all* my problems with the O2 Orbit just by installing Battery Status 1.04
Now I am not normally the kind of person who will just go and install some random free software from a site that barely even mentions the software, but this is great.
Before installing, I had these problems:
1. Quite often my phone would completely lock up when I got an incoming call, but the ringer would keep ringing and I'd have to take the battery out. This was rather embarassing after I'd previously told my friends about all the things the phone could do.
2. GPS took forever to get a fix - maybe up to 10 minutes. I would often arrive at my destination before the phone knew where I was. This was despite regularly updating QuickGPS
3. The phone would randomly lock up and/or stall for no apparent reason, and then catch up with itself after a couple of minutes and run all the things I'd launched because I pressed all the buttons while it was locked up.
4. I tried playing an mp3 once. It took about 45 seconds of stuttering and bad playback as if I was streaming a HD video on a 9600 baud modem. When it finally started playing smoothly, nothing else would work.
I had tried uninstalling the o2 software, and I run spb mobile shell and pocket plus but I'd tried removing them too but it was useless. What was really annoying was that I switched to an 18 month contract on o2 for this, but the phone ran more slowly and with more bugs than my old SPV m500!
This one little utility has fixed it all. Now I can use GPS while playing mp3 files and surfing the internet over wifi all at the same time as being on activesync. It's great. It's almost as though the phone is supposed to use the xscale function but o2 have disabled it...
Anyway, download the software from the link - no need to upgrade ROMs or anything. Just make sure you take a backup of your phone before you install it
Now to find a way to get it to default to letter recogniser after a soft reset. I'm sure I saw a post about this somewhere!

[Q] HTC Magic bricked(?) after radio flash

Hi there,
your first thought might be: Ah jeez another one posting the same **** 2000 people posted before ^^. But anyways i think my problem is a special case:
yesterday i wanted to flash another radio to my htc magic via clockwork recovery. However something must have gone wrong. After the recovery rebooted my phone i got stuck at the "htc magic" splash screen. Pressing the home or the back or vol-down button or home and back button at the same time doesnt change the situation. still stuck at splash screen. fastboot and recovery dont seem to work.
After some really bad panicking minutes, i pulled the batery out of the phone and let it rest, while googling and searching the **** out of every forum on the net. Some minutes later i reassembled the battery and started the htc magic without pressing any other buttons, hoping it would juts boot and say "kidding ))" on the display. but yeah ... it didnt ^^.
Now im coming to the odd part, which differs from most other posts i saw on other forums and here on xda: after quite a while my htc magic suddenly made that "bling bling" sound, as it did whenever it started android successfully. i nearly burst into tears when i heard that sound, hoping that i would be able to access the phone via fastboot or adb. but ... i wasnt able to :S. the screen went black after that "bling bling" sound and stayed that way until i pulled the battery again.
i could repeat that procedure and reproduce the sound and behaviour, but i couldnt access the phone via any possible way i could find on the web :S.
hopefully somebody, who knows more can help. my last step would be jtagging the phone. but the tools are kinda pricy for such an "old" phone. and i couldnt find anyone in my area who could borrow me the tools or repair the phone for cheap money.
thanks in advance im counting on your knowledge
Try this low cost JTAG
tested by me with 2 T-Mobile Mytouch 3G
thanks for your fast response. if jtagging really is my last chance:
- what did you pay for all the parts of the schematic ?
- how long did it take you to put everything together?
- do i need a parallel port on my computer, or is it possible to use an usb port ?
- and do you think a newbie to smoldering and stuff could be successfully assembling all those parts?
- can you provide me with links and/or other pictures, which could help me?
thanks again for your effort
kinda exciting this whole thing :>
