incall volume (again) - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Sorry if this appears to be a repeated post, but i've seen a post with a supposed hack that has satisfied at least one user but others (including me) still are not satisfied with the phone volume. Unfortunately the post is misplaced IMHO in the Hermes upgrading section. Here was my question about the so called reg hacks and phone volume. Someone please help:
Are these hacks specific to certain ROM versions? I have the HTC ROMs and tried these and i still find the volume to be low. I had the original iMate (Himalaya) then the Prophet now Hermes.
Of all three, the Himalaya had incall volume close to a normal phone. Since then i found the Prophet to be way lower. A ROM upgrade helped somewhat. I thought my dissatisfaction with this would end with the Hermes purchase but i think the incall volume level is even lower than the Prophet!!!
I can't believe i'm the only one with this impression. Volume levels can be a bit subjective so i'm not sure how easy it is to compare with others. But if for instance you hold the device at a couple of feet away from your ear (less than an arms length) and replay a voice mail message at full volume, can you hear that there is any audio coming out of the device? Even in a relatively quiet room, just TV playing quietly in the background i can 't tell.
Someone with a Razr or any normal phone can be heard (other party on line) from many feet away at max volume.
This is my one o/s issue with this device. The speakerphone vol is much better than the Prophet and is quite good.
Anyone found a real universal solution for ths incall volume issue yet?
first using HERM200 with
Date 07/22/06
then updated on Mar 26 2007 to
Date 03/07/07

ieh said:
Sorry if this appears to be a repeated post, but i've seen a post with a supposed hack that has satisfied at least one user but others (including me) still are not satisfied with the phone volume. Unfortunately the post is misplaced IMHO in the Hermes upgrading section. Here was my question about the so called reg hacks and phone volume. Someone please help:
Are these hacks specific to certain ROM versions? I have the HTC ROMs and tried these and i still find the volume to be low. I had the original iMate (Himalaya) then the Prophet now Hermes.
Of all three, the Himalaya had incall volume close to a normal phone. Since then i found the Prophet to be way lower. A ROM upgrade helped somewhat. I thought my dissatisfaction with this would end with the Hermes purchase but i think the incall volume level is even lower than the Prophet!!!
I can't believe i'm the only one with this impression. Volume levels can be a bit subjective so i'm not sure how easy it is to compare with others. But if for instance you hold the device at a couple of feet away from your ear (less than an arms length) and replay a voice mail message at full volume, can you hear that there is any audio coming out of the device? Even in a relatively quiet room, just TV playing quietly in the background i can 't tell.
Someone with a Razr or any normal phone can be heard (other party on line) from many feet away at max volume.
This is my one o/s issue with this device. The speakerphone vol is much better than the Prophet and is quite good.
Anyone found a real universal solution for ths incall volume issue yet?
first using HERM200 with
Date 07/22/06
then updated on Mar 26 2007 to
Date 03/07/07
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I'm with you ... this low volume thing sucks ... and I am surprised more folks are complaining about it too. Hopefully someone has a solution.

For a while there i'd thought it was my device only.
The thing is if you browse through the registry there are quite a few "volume" keys and values. I've tried a couple to see if by trial and errror i could get some volume increase but no progress.
Isn't there anyone with contact to HTC who can help? I find it strange that there would be no way to get more audio. Especially since the handsfree volume is so loud, you can get good volume playing back mp3s through the wired earphones but the incall (even through the wired earphones) is so low.
Could it be a hardware issue? (therefore not possible to fix with registry hacks).

It is true, it is sooo quiet! I tried several ROMs and several radios... Seems that only the different radio versions make some difference... Haven't tried any registry hacks yet...

I also think the in-call volume is very low. The hack appears for be for AKU 3.3 ROMs, but I haven't done that upgrade yet and search really hasn't turned up much of anything for the earlier ROMs

zim2dive said:
I also think the in-call volume is very low. The hack appears for be for AKU 3.3 ROMs, but I haven't done that upgrade yet and search really hasn't turned up much of anything for the earlier ROMs
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Same here. UK T-Mobile MDA Vario II. In call volume too low but just like everyone else the speakerphone too loud! Hopefully someone will identify the registry hack - there must surely be one?

I'm in the same boat and would love to see more attention going into the phone part of this PDA Phone--thanks to anyone who can help identify the registry hack or help solve this.

I, also, am displeased with the low in-call volume of my hermes. I've had the stock (Cingular) ROM, and now the XDA Live 0.20 WM6 ROM and the maximum in call earpiece volume was the same unacceptably low level in both cases.
Surely someone knows of a fix?!

Not sure how relevant this thread is - Cingular only:

Worth noting that this is not a universal problem. Mine for example with in call volume at max using scroll wheel whilst on call is WAY too loud!!

Thanks for the link. Alas, the other thread appears to be for the newer almost-official Cingular ROM... I think most of us here are looking for an equivalent hack for the older ROM (yah, I know we could just bloody upgrade.. but I'm taking my upgrades one step at a time ).
And yes, as a data point, I am on Cingular.

zim2dive said:
Thanks for the link. Alas, the other thread appears to be for the newer almost-official Cingular ROM... I think most of us here are looking for an equivalent hack for the older ROM (yah, I know we could just bloody upgrade.. but I'm taking my upgrades one step at a time ).
And yes, as a data point, I am on Cingular.
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I am using the latest rom (Non-Cingular) so i don't think that's the issue. Is it perhaps only the Cingular ROMs ave this issue solved?

ieh said:
I am using the latest rom (Non-Cingular) so i don't think that's the issue. Is it perhaps only the Cingular ROMs ave this issue solved?
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I would not be surprised (if Cingular were the only ROMs with the issue)

My incall volume problems r solved.. with these regedits..
I only changed the values to CC in these 2 keys in all Audiogain keys (resco regeditor)
My call quailty has improved a lot. i could barely hear the callers voice earlier.
Thanks to EVA_D and MOLSKI

zeusin said:
My incall volume problems r solved.. with these regedits..
I only changed the values to CC in these 2 keys in all Audiogain keys (resco regeditor)
My call quailty has improved a lot. i could barely hear the callers voice earlier.
Thanks to EVA_D and MOLSKI
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I dont have the Audiogain reg entrys... Where can i find it?

smarty77 said:
I dont have the Audiogain reg entrys... Where can i find it?
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Same here.

smarty77 said:
I dont have the Audiogain reg entrys... Where can i find it?
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audiogain,0,1,2 are there in mine.. but i am using a prophet... pls check

no audiogain
I checked that already... also loaded another ROM... (LVSW) but also in that image no entry's called audiogain.

smarty77 said:
I checked that already... also loaded another ROM... (LVSW) but also in that image no entry's called audiogain.
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Hi, i did experiment with the tweaks, to be honest now i am not sure if they actually help. The audiogain tweak seemed to work on my PDA when i had WM6 running. But for Wm5, i dont need to use it, my prophet sounds fine.
Am tired of buggy wm6, so back to fast n stable Aserg rom, which has no sound issues for me..

no updates? mine SUCKS!


ATT Rom Sound Limiting

Ok, I found a hint at the solution to the sound limiting thing on the AT&T New Rom.....
Going in to the Registry:
My Registry
Under: Feedback to RingPreview there is this little line called InitVol I believe it has something to do with this line as if I take it out, I get almost no sound... and in some spots it will simply place itself back in if removed!
I will continue to tinker with this! :twisted:
I just discovered something and would like someone to confirm this one...... When you click on the speaker, if you turn the volume down on the PocketPC side and leave the phone up to full, the increasing ring goes away. If you put the volume back up on the PocketPC side, the increasing ring begins to start again....
Anyone confirm this odd bit? :shock:
you are right
I can!
Re: you are right
vIERJa said:
I can!
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Glad to know it's not just me.... found a similar thread on AT&T's support forums.... AT&T said to use WAV files and they will play loud... :shock:
Granted. Am I not using a WAV file for my ringer? (double checks) YEP.... must be me, not AT&T! NOT!
Mental note:
Must be a programed line due to the Volume Attinuation is based from the volume setting on the PocketPC side..... Now to figure out where this code is to try and remove or dissable it!
Example (But not exactly writen like this):
Granted, maybe it could be considering all are actual settings in the Registry except VolumeLimiting... :shock:
Ring volume
Ok. I too can confirm that this works. BUT.... Can you also confirm that it now only RINGS ONCE and then the rest is silent.
Re: Ring volume
keithke said:
Ok. I too can confirm that this works. BUT.... Can you also confirm that it now only RINGS ONCE and then the rest is silent.
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Hmmm, haven't had that problem. I solved the issue with the alarms and reminders being silent by using BatteryPack2004 v5.2. It has a feature called Power Alert that when turned on can up the reminder and alarm volume to MAX even if you have it muted!
Now I can have the PDA volume off and ringer up full and still hear my alarms and reminders. (just can't hear the notices) If I play MP3s or WMA files through media player I have to turn it up of course.....
Still cant' find the fix for this yet. :evil:
I'm using a WAV file though... I'll check weather that has an effect or not..
Hi everyone...
I just upgraded mine to WM2003 from O2 XDA.
I know that WM2003 phone edition allows MIDI files as ringtones, all you have to do is copy the midi files you want to \windows\rings folder and you should be able to pick the ring from option.
however, when I selected the midi file ringtone from the option, IT CANNOT PLAY! :roll:
is this just me or everyone has the same problem?
let me know... thanks heaps...
Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet? This "feature" REALLY sucks, and makes my Voice Command not nearly as useful as it could be.
kripes said:
Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet? This "feature" REALLY sucks, and makes my Voice Command not nearly as useful as it could be.
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Unfortunatly no.... I'm now waiting on the new T-Mobile rom that is due out soon. Talked with some of the techs there. They claim that the delay in release is due to some querks with a new driver for the battery that increases the battery life by almost 2 hours in PDA mode along with a querk with the sound not working right. :lol:
They did say expect it some time in March as long as they at least solve the sound problem.
I actually think AT&T or MS made a simple but fatal mistake in either wavedev.dll or PhonePH.dll or possibly setawsnotifyreg.exe.
I think what they aimed for was to have the ringer start at the PDA level and then slowly rise to the Phone level if they differed. Then someone managed to get it all wrong and made it start at MaxPDA-PDA or possibly Phone-PDA instead of Min(PDA,Phone).
I've tried to find a way to replace wavedev.dll and PhonePH.dll to try my theory, but haven't yet found a way. I'll do a little messing around with the registry settings as well...
bamse said:
I actually think AT&T or MS made a simple but fatal mistake in either wavedev.dll or PhonePH.dll or possibly setawsnotifyreg.exe.
I think what they aimed for was to have the ringer start at the PDA level and then slowly rise to the Phone level if they differed. Then someone managed to get it all wrong and made it start at MaxPDA-PDA or possibly Phone-PDA instead of Min(PDA,Phone).
I've tried to find a way to replace wavedev.dll and PhonePH.dll to try my theory, but haven't yet found a way. I'll do a little messing around with the registry settings as well...
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I downloaded and installed the New T-Mobile rom.... Fixed the audio problem and several other minor things. No Problems So Far!
MrDollyMaker 8)
MrDollyMaker said:
bamse said:
I actually think AT&T or MS made a simple but fatal mistake in either wavedev.dll or PhonePH.dll or possibly setawsnotifyreg.exe.
I think what they aimed for was to have the ringer start at the PDA level and then slowly rise to the Phone level if they differed. Then someone managed to get it all wrong and made it start at MaxPDA-PDA or possibly Phone-PDA instead of Min(PDA,Phone).
I've tried to find a way to replace wavedev.dll and PhonePH.dll to try my theory, but haven't yet found a way. I'll do a little messing around with the registry settings as well...
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I downloaded and installed the New T-Mobile rom.... Fixed the audio problem and several other minor things. No Problems So Far!
MrDollyMaker 8)
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Been there, done that.
Be aware that the T-Mobile rom has an even worse bug than the increasing ring. It starts up by itself.
Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the device is ON. Pressing the power button will make it go to sleep again, but sometimes it goes on again just seconds later. As things get worse while moving, it could have something to do with signal strength or handover.
Walking through the output from ssnap it seems that the AT&T rom is actually newer than the T-Mobile. The date of most of the files in 4.01.16 is back in September, while most of the files in the AT&T rom is from mid December.
After having enough of accidental phone calls and calendar items because the phone turned itself on in my pocket I will try the AT&T rom for a while and see if it's any better. And actually, the volume is not that big a deal if you use something like spb pocket+. Just set the PDA volume to the lowest or next lowest setting, the phone to the next highest or highest, set the repeating alarm function in pocket+ to use full or increasing volume, and voila!
For the record, some of us using the final T-Mo ROM are not experiencing the spontaneous activations bug.
nerrdo said:
For the record, some of us using the final T-Mo ROM are not experiencing the spontaneous activations bug.
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Havent had that bug either....
Hopefully someone will figure out a hack to fix this sound bug.
valheru said:
Hopefully someone will figure out a hack to fix this sound bug.
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Download the Offical T-Mobil upgrade. No sound issues or any problems I can find.
Thanks. I have the ROM however they fill it with so much bloatware I can't squish all of my proggies in there. I was hoping for a hack or something. I did increase the Initvol from 2 to 4 which stops the low volume at first however it does get quite loud. Maybe I'll install and see anyway. Nothing to lose but time I guess. Thanks again.
Random On and crescendo
has anyone found a solution to either of the above mentioned problems? The Volume issue is a problem when using navigation. I tried intalling T-Mob but get random on problem.

In call volume cant be adjusted!! I'm going deaf!!

Hi all,
Before I say anything, I am using the 2.17 ROM. When talking to people I cannot adjust the call volume. Its always set to max no matter what I do with the volume slider or the volume icon on screen. It's so loud that the speaker gets distorted. I am afraid if it stays this way either my speaker will blow or I'll go deaf!
Any suggestions out there as to why this is?
What device do you have? I gather thats a qtek rom. But we can help you more if we know if its a cingular/vario/imate etc... You may need to try the native rom to see if its a software or hardware problem.
Are you sure you're adjusting the volume while you are talking? In-call volume can only be adjusted in the middle of a call. (This may seem obvious but I only realised this recently )
I wish I had your problem...
Mine is the exact opposite!
My in-call slider does nothing. Sure, it moves up and down, (and yes, during a call) but it does not change the volume @ all!
Mine is stuck on 'almost inaudible' so i can barely hear anyone.
Tried 2.24 cooked T-mobile ROM, (that's when it started) and mr clean's rom hoping that would fix it...
No luck.
I have the same problem with my HTC 8125 by cingular with WM 6.1 (Newbie's ROM IPL 2.25 - SPL 2.25 - GSM 02.69.11).
Please, if you know how to help out, or have had this or a similar problem let me know what to do.

Low Speaker Volume

Is there a way (registry hack, any other program) to increase the volume of the speaker during the phone conversation? I also own a Hermes and the speaker volume of the Trinity is so low compared to it that I can sometimes barely hear the other party. Any help?
onurd said:
Is there a way (registry hack, any other program) to increase the volume of the speaker during the phone conversation? I also own a Hermes and the speaker volume of the Trinity is so low compared to it that I can sometimes barely hear the other party. Any help?
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Are you aware that turning the wheel on the left side you can change the volume while in a phone call?
anonimo said:
Are you aware that turning the wheel on the left side you can change the volume while in a phone call?
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I have the exact same problem. When I am in a public place and when there is some noise around, I hardly hear the person I am speaking to. Even when I turn the wheel on the left to maximum
I have spent a lot of time looking for a solution but I have just seen that for some qtek devices, there is the key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\AUDIOGAIN] with values EARPHONE_UPLINK_VOLUME and RECEIVE_UPLINK_VOLUME, that allow to modify the max output level of the speaker. But I didn't find that key in the trinity
Even if I turn the scroll wheel all the way up, the volume is too low.
The audiogain registry key (although it doesn't exist in trinity's registry) is actually to improve the sound quality of the microphone and not the volume of the phone.
When I first make a call, when I hear the first ring, it is actually louder but then from the second ring on, the volume decreases at least by 25%.
Anybody with any ideas?
anyone figured how to increase call volume yet?
I would also appreciate a solution to improve the Speakerphone volume.
I would appreciate any fix to increase the volume of anything!
The included stereo headphones are completely useless! My god, why did they even put a volume dial on the headphones? I can barely hear anything with this crap phone...
A pity considering every other features works just perfectly.
ive got the same problem, before the bass fix, the volume was high but with a really unstable and bad sound... after the fix, there is kind of better sound but in phone calls the volume is low.. i really start hating this device......
I've been using my new p3600 for two weeks now, and this low speaker volume issue is killing me. I've been a Noia user for years, and the difference in sound quality during normal calls is simply unacceptable. The p3600 has so many awesome capabilities for such a small phone, but when it comes to the most basic function, I'm quite disappointed with.
I would also appreciate a fix to improve the quality of the speaker.
i can say that this is not the only problem, there are so many others that i stopped thinking of this one... im going for a final hard reset now.. im really sick of it.....
Someone has an idea ?
Has anyone found away to increase the incall volume yet ???
Someone posted this registry hack elsewhere (use at your own risk of course)
2. ControlPanel
3. SoundCategories
4. InCall
5. InitVol
6. Change the DWORD value to 6 (Default = 2)
7. Click Done
Wait approx 10-15 seconds before testing.
PS. If the registry key or value doesn't exist, you can always try creating it.
Has anyone tried this??
What was the outcome??
ausi said:
Has anyone tried this??
What was the outcome??
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Yes i tried it and it never worked for me ...
i can also confirm that this does NOT work on the trinity, anyone else have any bright ideas...
Ah ha...
I just bought Dopod D810(HTC Trinity) for my wife yesterday, and just now she complained to me about this "low on call volume" to me. And since I'm the one recommended her the phone I have to responsible. LoL.
But despite this problem, all of other features are flawless, complete, with excellent case design. Kudos to HTC!!
Btw, this is kind of dejavu for me since it also happened on my Eten M600 back then. This issue can only be solved on driver level, i.e: patch the RILgsm.dll, or include this patched driver in newly cooked ROM.
On which, I don't have the necessary skills to do that... -sigh-
Any expert users can help us???
schizo said:
Ah ha...
I just bought Dopod D810(HTC Trinity) for my wife yesterday, and just now she complained to me about this "low on call volume" to me. And since I'm the one recommended her the phone I have to responsible. LoL.
But despite this problem, all of other features are flawless, complete, with excellent case design. Kudos to HTC!!
Btw, this is kind of dejavu for me since it also happened on my Eten M600 back then. This issue can only be solved on driver level, i.e: patch the RILgsm.dll, or include this patched driver in newly cooked ROM.
On which, I don't have the necessary skills to do that... -sigh-
Any expert users can help us???
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hi this link doenst work "include this patched driver in newly cooked ROM"
zohaer21 said:
hi this link doenst work "include this patched driver in newly cooked ROM"
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Sorry zohaer... my post does not contain hyperlink.
I just underlined it to stress up some points...
also need a solution

Caller hears his own voice echoeing

running the pdamobiz rom as stated in my signature for quite some time, I have plenty callers complaining about hearing their own voice echoing.
might this be due to the rom?
any experiences?
greetz thormdac
thormdac said:
running the pdamobiz rom as stated in my signature for quite some time, I have plenty callers complaining about hearing their own voice echoing.
might this be due to the rom?
any experiences?
greetz thormdac
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I sometimes have the same problem with my Trinity but I think it's network related .
thormdac said:
running the pdamobiz rom as stated in my signature for quite some time, I have plenty callers complaining about hearing their own voice echoing.
might this be due to the rom?
any experiences?
greetz thormdac
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yes, it happens all the time in me as well, with the powermap rom. the only solution i found so far ( and not the best ) is while you are talking, lower the microfone volume ( while in call, use the slide to lower your volume ), and it makes the others hear their voice less, but if you are in crowded places, you wont be able to hear them :< lets hope another newer and better rom will publish, coz i aint reversing back to the official htc ****ty one
By the way on the Eten forum people who had this problem partialy solved it by playing around with the Microphone Gain Control which is by default set to Disabled,why don't you Enable it and see if it makes a difference.
Same Problem
I have the exact same problem.....I am using the original HTC freaken anonying....
Wondering what the Audio Manager does?
sedde said:
yes, it happens all the time in me as well, with the powermap rom. the only solution i found so far ( and not the best ) is while you are talking, lower the microfone volume ( while in call, use the slide to lower your volume ), and it makes the others hear their voice less, but if you are in crowded places, you wont be able to hear them :< lets hope another newer and better rom will publish, coz i aint reversing back to the official htc ****ty one
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You don't have to go back to the original ROM, just the original registry setting to avoid the echo will be enough. According to users on a Dutch forum who had exactly the same problem. Here's a link where to get it:

Distortion in speaker

I just got an HD2 2 days ago and enjoying it so far.
Except I have been finding that during most phone calls I hear a slight distortion in voices and have had to lower the volume about 2 steps to get it to stop. Anyone else finding this?
common issue, have this too :/. Speaker is just kind of bad. I find that even the lowest setting is loud enough, though!
Have you installed the latest ROM from HTC site?
Bad sound in the speaker freaked me out when I bought it, especially after using crystal-clear sounding Touch HD.
But After installing the latest ROM, it was gone.
It was not the distorsion, though, more like noise/static.
CRO_Misho said:
Have you installed the latest ROM from HTC site?
Bad sound in the speaker freaked me out when I bought it, especially after using crystal-clear sounding Touch HD.
But After installing the latest ROM, it was gone.
It was not the distorsion, though, more like noise/static.
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Which ROM did you have when you had the problem? And which ROM do you have now - 1.66?
Was the noise/static you refer to there during the whole duration of the phone call or only on some words (change of intonation of higher frequencies) while the other person was speaking?
Well, I have the latest ROM I found on the HTC/europe site. 1.48.479.1 (71294) WWE.
And I don't know which version was when I bought it.
The noise was during the whole duration of the call.
I found that the distortion/static was in certain spoken words. I have the base ROM (1.49.71528) however the dang Australia HTC site is only showing 1 update with no ROM update downloads...shame the AU site has to be so behind the rest of the world with some showing more than 3 updates.
My HD2 is set to Telstra so I suppose I need to wait for a locally programmed ROM...funny how a ROM update can fix a hardware fault!
DanMar said:
and have had to lower the volume about 2 steps to get it to stop.
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I also have slight distortion on some words only during phone conversations ... Did you really manage to stop the distortions by lowering the volume?? Even if I lower the volume they are still there ...
deyanp said:
I also have slight distortion on some words only during phone conversations ... Did you really manage to stop the distortions by lowering the volume?? Even if I lower the volume they are still there ...
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I lowered volume 2 steps & it got a bit better...I am really looking forward to an AU 1.6x new ROM! Wonder how long to wait???
Another one here with bad sound quality during calls. Some words saturate the speaker (or it seems like it).
did u tried this ?
works with coocked roms
deyanp said:
I also have slight distortion on some words only during phone conversations ... Did you really manage to stop the distortions by lowering the volume?? Even if I lower the volume they are still there ...
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I had this issue. There is a registry tweak for this and it works a treat. I can't remember what it was though. I'll do some research and come back to you.
I've just upgraded to the latest ROM 1.66.405.2 and haven't made a call yet to see if this ROM has fixed the issue, or whether I need to go back and do the registry tweak again.
Here's the registry tweak. Worked flawlessly for me
You can find a reg edit here to try: HKCU\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\inCall AND InCall2
Change the value of InitVol to "2" in both inCall and inCall2
dotexe said:
did u tried this ?
works with coocked roms
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Where is this update from please?
htc support i think..
deyanp said:
I also have slight distortion on some words only during phone conversations ... Did you really manage to stop the distortions by lowering the volume?? Even if I lower the volume they are still there ...
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I have that exact problem. I have sent my phone back for a replacement and the problem was still there, I have flashed several ROMs and the problem is still there. I am now on the latest ROM and it's still there. Because it only on some calls and only on some voices with a higher frequency I am trying to live with it.
dotexe said:
htc support i think..
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Which country's site as its not on Europe or UK site...
Registry tweak doesn't work on my HD2,bad sound still here
on mine i have same problem with earphones so i think it's not an issue related to speaker
dotexe said:
did u tried this ?
works with coocked roms
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Doesn't work at all. Crackling noise is still there when the other party speaks during a phone conversation.

