Roms needed for website - PDA2, XDA IIi, 2020i Software Upgrading

i have setup a website as a portal for downloading roms and other cool stuff that used to be available from xda-developers ftp site.
i have started by uploading artemis roms etc the phone i actually have but in order to be effective i need other roms from the other devices. please can users with these devices log-on to the website and upload whatever they have and i will make them available for others to share and so we can continue to develop these devices.

wheres my confirmation email

You have a PM

Great to see your reposity-making for xda roms. Just a few opinion:
1. See nothing for uploading rom and ext rom.
2. Why don't you setup an ftp server for others can upload/download with resume-option? It's important cause Rom size is always about 40 MB, and upload thru web interface is risky - especially your site is sometimes slow.
3. Have checked Alpine in Download, there is a Rom with size 4MB. No Rom with this size, man.
Thank for hearing me.


MDA and XDA extended ROMs : Where to get ?

can anyone tell me where to get these ROMs ?
they're not on the ftp server any more.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Universal/Extended ROMs/
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/Universal/Extended ROMs/
What are extended roms ?
The file you have listed below is there, problem with your url, try:
then manually click extended roms etc ....
I must be awfully thick - I've tried Filezilla, IE6 and Opera, the only directory I see at is Shipped Rom and then Xda_Exec_LaunchROM_v113139.exe, nothing else.
I've done a bit of searching and it appears some unkind person has deleted a lot of the Universal files.
Can some kind soul re-upload them or provide somewhere where I can download them?
This sort of stuff is good to distribute using BitTorrent don't you think?
ROMs Gone. Yes
I agree, been looking for the Radio Update and you're right only one ROM in the upload site
looks like they have been deleted by a selfish person :
can someone re upload them ? or perhaps seed them using bit torrent?
please ?
I am just in the process of uploading the MDA, XDA and jasjar extended ROMs back since I had downloaded them a while ago
edit>>done, but I can only see the files if I use xdaupload as login...odd
found the ROMs you uploaded, they've ended up in the /universal/upload area.
THANKS ! :lol:
I'm looking for JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301.rar
which contains the File: MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe for the rom. been deleted

Roms needed for website

i have setup a website as a portal for downloading roms and other cool stuff that used to be available from xda-developers ftp site.
i have started by uploading artemis roms etc the phone i actually have but in order to be effective i need other roms from the other devices. please can users with these devices log-on to the website and upload whatever they have and i will make them available for others to share and so we can continue to develop these devices.

Released: 3 UK Ext ROM

Find attached the Extended ROM of 3 UK.
Dont think that it's incomplete due to the small size, u ll find out that it contains several cabs.
I m sure many will find it usefull.
BTW i m still waiting someone's reply on how to dump a rom. I already tried few things with the tools mentioned in wiki but i m not quite sure if i m doing this right. I will really apreciate a feedback on this. Pls feel free to PM me...
Many thanks mate. This is really appreciated. wish I could help with the rom dump but I am still learning myself. good luck with it.
Umm this is a slightly modded version that does NOT remove the wireless section from the today screen as the original does, and adds a few freeware apps that I use every day. The apps being:
Total Commander
PS Shut XP
HTC Xbutton
PHM Regedit
and RAR Archive manager.
This is still in the same format as the above (the files only) and not in .nbf format as I simply don't know how to dump it / compile it. So it's for unlocked extended roms only.
For a guide to cooking your unlocked extended rom have a lookee here
I am using this rom on top of an original O2 Exec rom not the QTec rom used by 3UK and it installs fine. So it should work with any universal variant.
Happy 3'ing!
Have now made the ms_.nbf file for of the original files from Z£Y$ for flashing via RUU.
And here is the ms_.nbf extended rom file for my own version that includes the apps above.
And here is the rom with all the streaming media bits n bobs already in with the browser string modded to suit 3 as well.
Thanks for these Guys.
I wish I could help with dumping the ROM too. I've been looking for the 3 ROM for months.
The 3 rom is a standard Qtek rom with the 3 bits n bobs added in the extended rom.
Basically you can use any WM5 (or 6 if you don't want videocall) of your choice and all the 3 stuff is in the extended roms above.
@Z£Y$ what version of Qtek rom is your 9000 using.
PSIDOC thanks for confirming this m8.
F***k the ROM dump then lol
BTW i m on:
ROM version:1.30.77 WWE
Radio version: 1.09
ExtROM version: 1.30.246 WWE
Is this the latest Qtek ROM version?
Ah, I didn't realise this.
I had gone back to the basic Qtek rom quite some time ago to sort out issues with the web connection dropping out all the time.
I still have issues with being unable to get to My3 with the E61 block. I think this is something to do with certificates. I have no idea how to solve this.
I've asked 3 if they can provide it. Don't hold your breath though.
I contacted them today, they said they would get back to me.
Z£Y$ said:
PSIDOC thanks for confirming this m8.
BTW i m on:
ROM version:1.30.77 WWE
Is this the latest Qtek ROM version?
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Welcome mate. Re having the latest, I think you are, however have a lookee here (requires you to register.)
@ Lakota,
The reason for the E61 block page is because you are using a web browser, not a WAP browser to view the pages on 3. I found this out eventually on my old nokia E61. Sadly the Uni doesn't have a Wap browser. Please refer to This post here for Z£Y$ method of getting around that. Personally I use Opera for a browser so i don't get the problem. You could alway just click the services icon and viola you get past the E61 block.
A Response To Your Find
An Interesting Find
@ PsiDOC
Do you get all the services using opera? such as "today on 3" and access to all "services" such as mobile TV??? I was not able to do so with opera untill few minutes ago hence i decided to release a guide.
I had very lenghty discussions with 3UK and the outcome of the numerous callbacks is that Qtek 9000 is not compatible by 3UK to use planet3. So do not expect a solution by them. However there is a workarond as i m describing here:
Thanks very much for the extended rom and for your guides, Z£Y$. It might finally be time to ditch my Orange sim and get a 3 contract sim I think!
Quick question though, as I don't know too much about the services 3 provides - are ALL the various services that are available on 3 working on the Universal with your guides/workarounds or are there still things that don't work 100%?
Z£Y$ said:
@ PsiDOC
Do you get all the services using opera? such as "today on 3" and access to all "services" such as mobile TV??? I was not able to do so with opera untill few minutes ago hence i decided to release a guide.
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With regard to services I only really browse the 3 uk site to check what I owe and get the news etc so yes today on 3 does work. I haven't used the Mobile TV so cant comment on that. Opera is fine for doing that. I usually go in on and it automatically redirects me without the E61 block page.
With regards your fix for the streaming media most of the files for getting it to work should already be in WM5. If you like I can add the rest into the Extended Rom and have that do the registry change as well, so when you first setup and the customisation is performed it's all done for you. No fuss no hassle then.
If you want it, give me a day or 2 as it's a bit manic here today.
Yes m8 if we can add the procedure i.e registry fixes and files to the Ext ROM will be excellent. I m gonna give this a go myself as well if i have some time... BTW HTC streaming media is not included in my wm5.
All of the services from 3 are working now!!!
Many thanks guys.
Some very useful information posted here. Much Appreciated.
Ok peeps, I would have had the streaming tv ext rom sorted by now, however I am having problrms putting the coredll.dll file into a .cab file for the extended rom. It's sending my PC into a 100% CPU loop. Everything else packs up ok, it's just this little monster that's giving me a headache.
Bear with me on this I will sort it.
m8 one thing to consider is that these dll files for the streaming media need only to be ADDED if missing. In my case i added only few of them and ignored the rest without to overwrite the existing ones. So if you ll make a cab file it will install all of them rather than installing only the missing ones .....correct me if i m wrong.
Ideally during instalation u should be promted about the existing dll files.
I appreciate that mate. However what we have to consider is the varying configurations for user installations. I can set a .cab file for "if exists = skip install" on files which will bypass on install if the file is alrady present.
It's just that I cannot get this bloody file into a .cab file....
It's annoying me now. Been trying all night. GRRRRRR!
Streaming Extended rom is now done and uploaded to rapidshare.

***EOL*** VBNFILES [No Ads/No Wait ... Only Free !]

Latest News
06:30G - Network issue is resolved and VBN Server is back online !
Sep 27 - VBN File Server is facing network issues and DC Techs have been notified. ETA for resolution in 08:00 GMT 09/27
People are ending up with smaller than actual files and corrupt downloads. File Server app has been shutdown to prevent this. However, FTP service is still alive
Aug 27 : All image (png/bmp/jpg/gif) files have been removed from the xda/* repository...I still have backup of all of them...if anybody is missing them or didnt move them, please PM with the filenames and I will move them to your respective "images" folder
On Aug 26 - 10 AM Sing Time ALL image files hosted under xda/* folders will be removed permanently
VBNFILES was started as a free alternative for Chefs to host ROM and related cabs, etc. It is not a free image hosting alternative and such files put lot of connection load on the server software which interrupts smooth functioning and service.
All Chefs are adviced to take backup of their images asap.
Update on Images Cleanup :
A new virtual link (images) has been created under ftp root for each Chef. This is exclusively for image hosting. You can move all your images here using ftp.
For access use, or (domain may appear worldwide active in few hours)
These directories will periodically (every 15 mins) be checked for file extensions and only following are allowed in it : jpg bmp png gif (If you need others, please contact me asap)
As always, any concerns or queries dont hesitate to drop me an email or reply to this thread. Appreciate everyone's support in this matter.
Aug 21 - Emergency Server Move
10 PM Sing Time : New Server is fully operational now and domains also seem pointing correctly.
10 AM Sing Time : In light of the recent downtime and issues with VBNFILES, I decided to move the server to a better DC who care about their customers. This is a notice to all users of VBNFILES for emergency move which has been initiated.
On Current Server :
* FTP is closed
* Write Access via web is closed
Files are being moved over to new server and domains have been propogated which should reflect in next few hours. End-users should not face any downtime, however, there could be intermittent connection issues.
A new notice will be posted as soon as we are up and fully running from new server (Next 12 hours)
July 22 - Maintenance Notification
July 23 : Server is fully operational now. Any issues feel free to send me an email.
Jul 22
VBNFILES will be undergoing maintenance on July 23 during time 01:00GMT thru 11:00GMT
Uploads/Write access will be stopped at 01:00 GMT...Downloads will be open throughout but users may face intermittent connection issues and drops.
Please be patient and appreciate your support in this regards.
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VBN Team
Current Members
Gavin (g_lewarne) : Administrator / Advisor
birkoffsjunk : Administrator / Advisor
Drop me a PM if you want to be a part of VBN !
For all positions, person should be willing to share direct email addresses and/or phone for direct and faster communications. If interested, please reply as PM with details on above requirement. For any doubts, feel free to drop me an email or in this thread.
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tonym07 - €€€ [Primary Benefactor]
g.lewarne - €€
diegis0n - €
Average 650GB worth of files being uploaded/downloaded daily ! From locations worldwide !
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MD5 Generation
As of July 13 :
Any file renamed with prefix MD5_ triggers a MD5 generation for that file. MD5 for all files which have been generated are now visible under column "Comments" in the web interface.
For web uploads, MD5 generation is triggered automatically after Upload Completes.
Fro ftp uploads, I am still working on auto trigger. For the time being, please after upload completes, rename the file with prefix MD5_
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WM OS Builds
Click Here
Latest WM Builds being added in here for Mirror/Archive purposes.
Currently hosting :
* WM6.5 - 21909, 21911
* WM6.5.3 - 23128
* WM6.5.5 - 23569
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Remote Pull
Process :
* Create a file with extension .pull example ... myfile.pull , rs.pull , etc.
* Using ftp upload this file to the directory where you want the final file to come in
* As soon as file is written, automation picks up the link from it and starts downloading in threaded mode (I have limited to 3 threads for now)
* Ogoing download will be visible via http in your folder with prefix "[RPULL-ACTIVE]" in the filename
* Once download is done, the filename prefix is removed which is indication that file is ready for download
* Temporary Common pull log :
ToDo :
* Multiple links in 1 file [COMPLETED]
* More formatting for the input file
* Status page for multiple pulls
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Radio Repository
Click Here
Leo_RADIO_15.34.50.07U_2.08.50.08 **(from TMOUS 2.09)
Leo_RADIO_15.33.50.07U_2.07.50.27 **(from TMOUS 2.07)
Leo_RADIO_15.29.50.07U_2.06.50.04 **(from TMOUS 2.02)
Leo_RADIO_15.28.50.07U_2.05.50.11 **(from TMOUS 2.01)
Leo_RADIO_15.31.50.07U_2.07.51.05 **(from HTC **???? )
Leo_RADIO_15.30.50.07U_2.06.51.07 **(from HTCWT 1.61)
Leo_RADIO_15.28.50.07U_2.05.51.05_2(from* HTC **1.48)
Leo_RADIO_15.26.50.07U_2.04.50_22_2(from HTC ** 1.43)
Leo_RADIO_15.36.50.07U_2.09.51.03_2 (from Dopod_CHS_1.73)
Leo_RADIO_15.36.5 0.07U_2.09.50.29_2 (from TMOUS_2.11.531.T1)
Leo_RADIO_15.37.50.07U_2.10.50.08_2 (from KR_1.74.911.2)
Leo_RADIO_15.37.50.07U_2.10.50.19_2 (from KR_1.77)
Leo_RADIO_2.10.50.26 (from TMOUS_2.13.531.1)
Leo_RADIO_2.10.50.28_2 (from KR_1.78.911.1)
Leo_RADIO_2.11.50.20 (from 3.01)
Leo_RADIO_2.12.50.02_2 (from 3.02)
Leo_RADIO_2.14.50.04 (from TMOUS_3.14.531)
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wow, man thats very kind of you!
if possible, how about allowing ftp uploads for chefs? would save you time and it would be self maintaining. what sort of storage limitations you have there?
I am working on the FTP side now... will be ready soon. I'll send you a login via PM.
Also in the works is Remote Upload... i.e. chefs can provide links to Rapidshare, Hotfile and 4Shared and my server will pull the link and make it ready in appropriate folders for download. Once ready it will send an email to the chef saying that its ready. I am working on this automation actively now.
I got no storage limitation (as far file sharing goes ) ... my server is with 1.5TB in Raid1 and almost 80% empty
'▼' said:
I am working on the FTP side now... will be ready soon. I'll send you a login via PM.
Also in the works is Remote Upload... i.e. chefs can provide links to Rapidshare, Hotfile and 4Shared and my server will pull the link and make it ready in appropriate folders for download. Once ready it will send an email to the chef saying that its ready. I am working on this automation actively now.
I got no storage limitation (as far file sharing goes ) ... my server is with 1.5TB in Raid1 and almost 80% empty
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that is extremely generous of you, i cant believe you would do this! wow
can i ask, since ftp is not me area of expertise, is is possible that the server could generate a MD5 of uploaded files, so we can compare to our originals and ensure we get working files? crc errors are a biatch (especially for those of us with incredible unrelaible net connections).
g.lewarne said:
that is extremely generous of you, i cant believe you would do this! wow
can i ask, since ftp is not me area of expertise, is is possible that the server could generate a MD5 of uploaded files, so we can compare to our originals and ensure we get working files? crc errors are a biatch.
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I think its possible...I am trying to eliminate all the hassles involved in post-production of ROMs so that chefs can breathe easy and do what they do best "COOK"
Looking into this...will update you soon
Btw: I can send SMS also when file is done but it costs I'll keep it for later
'▼' said:
I think its possible...I am trying to eliminate all the hassles involved in post-production of ROMs so that chefs can breathe easy and do what they do best "COOK"
Looking into this...will update you soon
Btw: I can send SMS also when file is done but it costs I'll keep it for later
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Excellent (i have sent you a PM by the way)
1. FTP Logins with no space restrictions
2. Remote Uploads from Rapidshare/Hotfile/4Shared
3. Email/SMS alerting when upload is done
4. Rendering of ROM pictures for each ROM file next to the file link (ROM pictures to be uploaded also by chef)
'▼' said:
1. FTP Logins with no space restrictions
2. Remote Uploads from Rapidshare/Hotfile/4Shared
3. Email/SMS alerting when upload is done
4. Automatic rendering of ROM pictures for each ROM file
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explanation of point 4? not sure what you mean
wow, man thats very kind of you! ths
g.lewarne said:
explanation of point 4? not sure what you mean
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I know what you mean...just got confused myself reading it again
Anyways, its for later stage. Heres what I was thinking for later :
(1) ROM is uploaded to ftp along with few image files (img_ prefix)
(2) My file download/browsing script (under developement) will show each set of images next to the rom download link
Its mostly cosmetics actually
Also for remote download from other file hosts (RS/Hotfile/4S), I have this in plan :
(1) Simple text file with predefined paramater and formatting like ROM link, destination folder, etc.
(2) Chef uploads this simple text file using ftp
(3) My automation software detects in realtime and starts working on the download. It creates a status webpage in the same dir which can be viewed by the chef to see realtime download status
Please provide me ideas/inputs on the above. We can anyways tweak things whichever once in full flow
Wow! Great Stuff!
Thank you...I am open to FTP login requests...strictly for ROMs and related stuff. Its not a file host !
The folders that are already created in "ROM" ... I have begun creating ftp logins and distributing to the chefs. Its upto them if they want to use it or not. If not, I will help upload stuff and keep it updated as much as I can
I'm very interested in this, and game for a ftp login Wish you all the luck in the world with this, it looks amazing!
Can't wait for the remote upload!
birkoffsjunk said:
I'm very interested in this, and game for a ftp login Wish you all the luck in the world with this, it looks amazing!
Can't wait for the remote upload!
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Sent you a PM
Remote Upload working good at backend in my test lab .... working on frontend now and some debugging
1. File pulls from Rapidshare and Hotfile are running smooth. 4Shared still buggy but I am on it.
Will release implementation this weekend (my office net blocks all sharing sites so cannot work during office hrs )
I will select one of the chefs to whom I have already sent the ftp logins and activate his/her folder for remote pull. After some testing (a couple of days and few files), I will activate on all remaining folders.
2. Statistics for File Downloads (Hits/Downloads/etc) - Still finding a proper solution. Linux is so much simpler but Windows ... aayyiiiaaayyiii
3. SMS for file uploaded/new rom available to end users/etc. is working but switched off by me because of cost constraints. Its cool though (I currently use Clickatell gateway, anyone can recommend a cheaper provider with HTTP/S api for connectivity? )
hey fellow singaporean, could u please host NRG ROMS? they look worthy of testing but damn hotfile won't let me download... alot of people who experince problems with filesharing websites will really appreciate this
Qazz~ said:
hey fellow singaporean, could u please host NRG ROMS? they look worthy of testing but damn hotfile won't let me download... alot of people who experince problems with filesharing websites will really appreciate this
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Files are being pulled to server as I write this....ETA 20 mins
Here you go ->
Enjoy !
95 GB worth of files transferred in 3 days !

Free ROM Hosting (autopublishing, liveUpload-progress and more)

What? is a Free Android ROM Hosting service. The Idea is to provide a simple hosting solution with many (awesome?) Features for both, the user and the developer. Users should not waste their time searching for the changelog or install instructions. And developers should not waste their time (re)uploading a ROM to serveral mirrors, posting the changelog in different places and keep telling ppl where to find the install instructions.
tl:dr Free hosting solution for your android ROMs
User Features:
See Changelog, Install instructions, latest Release and additional Files on one single page
See live upload progress while dev is uploading a new Release (no more F5) (not working right now)
Autogenerated MD5-sum for every file
Developer Features:
Simple Web Interface, for managing your ROM
Automatically publish Release after upload
MD5 check before upload (no upload needed if file exists on server)
Continue Upload after error (lost connection..)
One link for the latest file + changelog. No need to copy and paste on every release.
Live Downloadcounter
Get Download stats
json API
Planed Features:
cyan ota app support
own ota app
Using it
andromirror is not ready for public yet. If you want to host your rom here in the future, or you wanna help testing, contact me:
IRC: #sgs_jb on (ask for DarkArgon)
email/ gtalk: darkargon(at)
Support me
If you want to support this service you either can donate to me or support me by giving feedback or just showing me that you're interested somehow.
Demo and Screenshots
Fishears on Andromirror
Please excuse my bad english
Great download speed, great website. Some more developers should upload there
now using a dedicated server to serve downloads!
That's really excellent ! if i were a dev i would upload my roms on it !!!!
Will this be back anytime soon?

