No ringtone, can't even hear and talk on the phone - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

Suddenly my 818pro has been struck dumb! No more ringtone, can hear or even speak to the other party talking.
I have tried putting in the paper. (Can't find the red wire though), No effet.
And I have tried putting in the headset plug and taking it out repeatedly. No effect
I can only talk and hear through the headset and bluetooth now
Any help from anyone?


Sound problems - only vibration, no alarm, no conversation but ringtone?

Hello everyone, my Hermes worked a looong time very fine but now i cant hear the normal "beep" when i adjust the volume. Also i hear no conversation when i phone somebody. Alarm sound is off too. I hardresetted it once but it didn't help. The weird thing is: I can hear the ringing sound when i get a phone call?!
It looks like the other person can't hear me either, thats a bit weird because i thought this isnt a speaker but a microphone problem... Two components crashed on one day? WTF? Need help
I have seen this problem with a different htc phone.
their may be a bit of dirt across the miniusb contacts making the phone think it is connected to a headset.
plugin a mini usb cable and waggle it round a bit then test calling someone hopefully that should cure it for you.
I have a very very similar problem with my Vario II. The sound is VERY intermittent. Sometimes it rings but when I pickup there is no sound either way, from the earpiece or mic, the other person cannot hear me. Most of the time the phone just vibrates (set to Ring and Vibrate) so I know there is a message or a call coming...not that I can answer the call. Tried soft resetting it and even changing the ROM, only works for about 5 minutes then the sound is gone again.
The device only works as a phone with a blue tooth headset, the rest of the time it is just a PDA....that vibrates.

Dead Audio on Apache ppc6700

I have just come across a little bit of a problem, with my apache! There is no sound what-so-ever coming from the device. It was working fine before, I went to make a call, and nothing, didn't hear the ring, tryed playing mp3's, nothing. Come someone help. There is no rush for this request, I'm just using the device as a beta software testing device! I haven't tested anything on it as of yet! Thanks in advance!
my speaker phone went out. I can hear when i make/recieve calls but thats is.
no system sounds, no ringer, nothing.
I did get system sounds when i plugged in a headset.
People told me that usually the headset detector pin gets stuck and the phone thinks there is a headset in and disables audio, i could see this being the case if it disabled audio in calls. my failure was external speaker only.
Someone suggested holding the volume up (so it goes ding ding ding ding) and smacking the phone against your palm (others advised against this) well its insured so i smacked away. I noticed every time i hit it against my palm the sound would come in for a split second. Eventually that stopped working. I was lucky enough to have a spare xv6700 i was about to send back as a bad unit and i was able to switch out speakers (it unplugs from the board) and whala problem solved.
dead audio on Apache ppc6700
I have this same issue with my 6700 quite often. What I do is plug the headset back in and pull it out a few times untell the sound comes back. once you do that. as long as you never use the headset jack. then you should never have an issue with it.

Audio dies on my Uni... then is resurrected!

Yesterday, something strange happened... The speaker and microphone on my Universal stopped working - all of a sudden, out of hte blue, and completely inexplicably!
I spent 4 hours on a train yesterday, and was listening to music on my Uni nearly all the way through. I had also used it to make calls and it was working fine. Since I was using normal headphones rather than the bundled hands-free headset, making a call involved unplugging the headphones and holding the phone to my ear - so I know that, for at least part of the day, the phone's speaker and mic where working perfectly!
I kept on listening to music on my cans until the journey ended. I then check my phone and find 9 missed calls, from various people. "Strange," I thought, "I had the headphones on all the time - why didn't I hear it ring?"
I try to call back some of the people who had tried to get to me. As I watch "dialling..." switch to "connected", I hold the phone up to my ear and say "Hello...?" and hear nothing in return! I try again several times, with the same result. I try soft-resetting the phone a few times. I try switching from 3G to GPRS in case it was a radio problem. Nope, not a radio problem, as I can still send and receive texts. A few start coming in. They read "I CANT HEAR U! R U ALLRIGHT?" Great, so it's not just the speaker, it's the microphone too. I try making another call, but using speakerphone: doesn't work, and in fact won't even enter speakerphone mode! I press "Speakerphone on" on the touchscreen but it just doesn't want to go there - the speakerphone icon doesn't appear on the status bar, and the button doesn't change to "Spreakerphone off" as it should do.
I get home, do several more resets. No result. I try plugging in the headphones and playing an mp3 file. As I suspected: I can hear just fine through the 'phones, but when I try to unplug them to see if there would be music coming out through the phone's speakers as well, they stay mute.
Great, I thought, phone's busted! Well, still works... but not as a phone! Unless I permanently use some hands free solution. So, an unwieldy device just got more awkward to use!
I leave it disassembled (battery and sim card out) and put it in a drawer. I'm already thinking about new phones to buy when I go to sleep. The next morning, I decide I need to check my calendar, so I put my phone back together and switch it on. The battery had run down completely: it now thinks it's January 1st 2006. Happy days, I remember them: my phone worked back then. Then, all of a sudden, someone calls me and, oh joy of joys! It RINGS! I can HEAR it! It's 2006 again! I answer, casually have a conversation on a working phone, and hang up. Problem solved! Phone shopping averted!
The question is, why would this weirdness happen? The speaker and mic stopped working LITERALLY in the middle of using them! I was sure that they had gone, that it was a hardware problem and it would need repair or replacement, but no, it turns out it was some kind of software problem which leaving the phone off overnight fixed! Why would it break so suddenly, and why would just leaving it off fix it? Anyone vaguely tech-savvy want to hazard a guess?
If you use earphones, your 3.5 plug is simply shorted when you pulled the earphones out. What I suggest you do is start playing some music or sound files on your media player and insert a very fine thin screwdriver into the earphone plug then wiggle it lightly until the sound from your speakers comes back.
Yea i had same problem ... and as Enigma said it is due to some left over of 3.5 m jack....the phone still thinks the jack is plugged in, hence no sound from built in speakers.... just take a toothpick and wiggle it in the 3.5 m earphone socket or you can just blow it with some air.....

[Q] Can't hear during phone call

guys I have the following issue,
When I receive a phone call and answer it, I can't hear at all. It's like the phone things that I have plugged in headphones. When I push the loudspeaker the volume is ok....
There is no sign however that headphones are plugged in. when I actually plug in headphones, I do hear the other person talking.
Tried to restart the phone several times...nothing... It is the first time it happened, without me changing anything lately in the phone.
Thanks in advance!!

LG L7 no sound at all

OK,so i was minding my business one day,when my phone started ringing.It wouldn't be awkward if i had heard the sound coming from the speakers,which i didn't. I got to sound,and turned the volume up,just to be safe. But still,it didn't work. Ok,so my back speaker doesn't work. I went on and put my ear to the speaker used for talking,i couldn't hear anything. So again,i turned up the volumes,but still nothing. The person on the other side could hear me,but i couldn't hear them. I got home,and decided to try and see if my headphones work. But no. I can see the icon,but i can't hear anything. So,i guess its a software problem,and i go and hardreset it. But still no. I can hear some kind of a static noise when i play a video or anything with sound,its more like a puff,than static.It shouldn't be hardware,since i hear no sound on headphones either
Mokin said:
OK,so i was minding my business one day,when my phone started ringing.It wouldn't be awkward if i had heard the sound coming from the speakers,which i didn't. I got to sound,and turned the volume up,just to be safe. But still,it didn't work. Ok,so my back speaker doesn't work. I went on and put my ear to the speaker used for talking,i couldn't hear anything. So again,i turned up the volumes,but still nothing. The person on the other side could hear me,but i couldn't hear them. I got home,and decided to try and see if my headphones work. But no. I can see the icon,but i can't hear anything. So,i guess its a software problem,and i go and hardreset it. But still no. I can hear some kind of a static noise when i play a video or anything with sound,its more like a puff,than static.It shouldn't be hardware,since i hear no sound on headphones either
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hi there, i wonder if you found a solution to your problem, because i have an lg optimus l9 with the same problem everything works perfectly except the sound, and i mean completely mute no matter the function, thanks for any help.
