Services.exe, gwes.exe and filesys.exe - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I've looked around quite a lot for info on these files but i've had little success with it.
When my Wizard boots up, it has about 16MB of RAM left over. In less than 1 hour without any usage, it goes from 16MB to about 8MB and the phone starts crawling.
Using DotFreds Task Manager, I figured out that the files mentioned in the title grow from sizes of around 500 - 1000 KB at startup to about 4MB each. I use Oxios Hibernate as much as most people use refresh on their computers and inspite of that I can't do much to save RAM.
I've included screenshots with info from DotFreds Task Manager.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Both of them have the exact same apps running with the exception of pMSN server which isnt running in the one with 16MB free. Both have Outlook and ActiveSync open in the background.
As you can see with very minimalistic usage, the memory consumtion has gone through the roof despite the fact that I continuously use Oxios Hibernate to free up memory.

One of the thing I don't really like about M$ is that they tend to have everything under their 'module' and there isn't any way of telling what is causing that particular 'module' to behave as such. For example, in WinXp, there are tons of this svchost.exe running at the background and they are allowed to access the net. And certainly, one day viruses will hijack these 'module' and it will be relatively impossible to detect.
Anyway, the filesys.exe behaviour is very interesting. Based on its name, I would presume that it does file system stuff. So, I wonder what could have made it blown up to such a massive size. What do you DO after you had the unit softreset? If you didn't do anything, I would suspect that the massive other applications might be the culprit, eg. anythings that read/write stuff? It would be helpful if you can list out the Today plugins that you have and, you seems to be usign WA2.

Mr. iPhone... thanks for that
Unlike most members here I hardly have memory resident programs installed.
Today Screen Plugins (This is all that I have set for my TODAY SCREEN)
1) BatteryStatus
2) Default Pocket Outlook Messaging Item
3) Today Agenda
Programs that run in the background
1) WA2
2) SPB Pocket Plus
(I have disabled all features of SPB Pocket Plus including the Today Screen Plugin, with the exception of the Buttons Feature and the Pocket IE Enhancements. I mainly keep this installed because I like the variety of button shortcuts it provides)
3) AE Button Plus
4) Vista Black by JPL4 (Phone Dialer Skin)
5) Oxios Memory
6) MS VC 1.6
7) SOTI Pocket Controller
8) Saman SMS Delivery Reciept Fix
9) ContactFix (Not sure if this is a memory resident program)
Misc Programs that are not active until I start them
1) Resco Explorer
2) Total Commander
3) Opera
4) IM Plus 4.23
5) Macromedia Flash Player ActiveX (not sure as to whether this loads everytime a browser open or if it loads at boot)
6) Skype 2.1
7) z2 R2PC
8) SPB Insight
9) smashcasi RemoteAmp
10) TCPMP Core Player
11) Modaco NO DATA
12) Age of Empires
13) WM5torage
14) Bad sector's ID Transfer v1.00

You can't really do much about those files.
gwes.exe = graphics/windows (the graphic component of WinMob)
services.exe = drivers and stuff.
Filesys.exe = file system stuff (obviously!)
These are fundamental files to the OS. You can't normally disable them or kill them without damaging the OS behaviour. However, what they do is normally dictated by apps you run, drivers you start and other normal phone behaviour. I don't normally watch those files, as their activities are best left alone - consider everything else you're running on your phone though.
Wisbar and Voice Command are hefty apps. Try using a safe mode app and disabling all startup apps, and do a trial and error check of which apps use the most resources.
If you want to get your hands dirty, backup your registry and go through your driver registry and disable unnecessary drivers. I don't recommend that, but you know,

Thanks for that VJ.
It looks like WA2 and Voice command are using less than 300KB and 1000KB repectively. Tha't quite alright for me. The fact that the services.exe file takes up such a massive chunk of memory is unsettling. Isnt there anyway to have it unload modules and components that are not in use?

Not really. You could, but it's better to stop them from loading to begin with.
If you've got a task manager that will show you module usage (or access to remote tools in Visual Studio/EVC) then find out which modules are a bit elephantine and try to hack through the registry and disable them from loading. It's a very dangerous solution, so backup first.

I'm not at guru-level like some, but I have had similar problems in the past, and suggest checking some basics before elephant hunting!!
My experience is that filesys and gwes are the two system modules that absorb the effects of bad memory leaks... IOW, they themselves are not the problem, just the recipients of something else screwing up, which will usually be evidenced in dramatically increased size.
So, my first instinct would be that SOMETHING you have installed is playing badly.
My initial reaction/question is: (this is obvious, but... ) did you change anything recently? New ROM, new app versions, new app settings (e.g., change of OMAP Clock in BatteryStatus), registry tweaks, etc. ?
I use a very similar set of apps. Some thoughts:
* The first thing that jumps at me is Today Agenda, as I know that the recent versions have some instabilities with recent cooked ROMs.
* The second would be to check the interactions between SPB Pocket Plus and WA2 (as task manager) and AE Button Plus (for button assignment), as Pocket Plus doesn;t always play nicely with others, and also has some cooked ROM issues.
* The third would be SPB Insight, which, if running in the background, might be messing things up.
Good luck!

Thanks for that rpodos.
I dunno if it could be any of the things you've mentioned... then again, you never know.
I'm still using the stock rom from iMate
1) SPB Pocket Plus is completely disabled except for the PIE enhancements and the Buttons feature. Hence no conflict between task managers of WA2 and Pocketplus
2) Very rarely use SPB Insight... infact both the screenshots above were taken without an SPB Insight usage.
3) AE Button Plus and SPB Buttons.... hmm... I use the SPB Button Shortcuts in AE Button Plus.
4) Today Agenda... I'm using the latest version, but I only installed it like 2 days ago, and i've been having this same memory problem much before that.

After trying a lot of things that didnt really pan out, I was well on my way to a hard reset when I decided to find a few softwares to replace the SPB functionalities.
1) I got PIE Plus to replace SPB PIE Enhancements
2) Got MonoCube's SafeMode 2
3) PHM's PHM Keys for some of the direct system commands that could be assigned to Buttons to replace the SPB Pocket Plus Button Enhancements.
After I got all this, and was about to Hard Reset, I was just curious to see if the memory situation would imporve marginally by un-installing a few softwares especially Pocket Plus. I went into safe mode and removed the following
1) SPB Pocket Plus
2) Vista Black by JPL4 (Phone Dialer Skin)
3) SPB Insight
4) Total Commander and
5) z2 R2PC
I restarted and what do you know... no more memory leak. My services.exe file hasn't gone beyond 138 KB.
Filesys.exe and GWES.exe are still at 1468kb and 1202kb, but I guess GWES is understandable since I am using WA2.
Other than that everything else is fine. I installed PIE Plus and it's awesome. I can't believe how incredibly fast it is and how many customizing options it has. I can't believe I used PIE without it all these days. It can do almost everything except give u access to sites like orkut. I guess you can have Opera around for that, but other than some occasional sites like that which could pose a problem, this one really takes the cake. Really fast... without OCing!!!
Definitely recommend that everybody should try it out atleast once.
Just search for "PIEPlus" on
The latest version is 2.2
Anyways, just thought I'd let all of you know that everything is AOK.
In my opinion the memory leak was prolly between SPB Pocket Plus and the Vista Dialer Skin... that thing (Vista Dialer) really drained everything from the day I installed it. Just didn't realise how much till I saw my RAM get depleted by the minute till the wizard was down on its knees at 3MB free ram!!!!! Even opening my Windows folder used to take a millennium till I got rid of the Vista Dialer. Now it opens up in about 5 seconds as opposed to almost 8-12 seconds before.
Oh and lastly... I got between 17.5 MB to 19MB free RAM now with the same setup as before minus the few things I removed as mentioned above.

I think you can keep Total Commander, it is a crime not to have it
anyway, I'm having (running ones, i guess)
Pocket Breeze skin
Has the same amount of free memory as you. I wonder what in my stuff that takes as much memory as the WA2 (pocket breeze? dashboard?). And i would have thought, AE Button Plus and MS VC ought to take more memory. Need to do some investigation this weekend.

Hey buddy, hows it goin?
LOL... yeah... Since I thought I was heading to a hard reset, I just pulled out a few things I wasn't using of late and that included Total Commander, not that it really contributed to the memory hole.
I had Pocket Plus installed from the day I last Hard Reseted and that was on the 15th of Dec 2006. Everything was actually fine. Somewhere mid January, I installed WA2 and even then things were quite alright. I had disabled all of Pocket Plus's features that interfered with WA2 such as Close Button. Somewhere around the same time, I installed the Vista Dialer and soon after that things started going down hill. I guess the memory hole started up because of some sort of incompatability somewhere between these 3 apps. Now that i've gotten rid of Pocket Plus and the Vista Dialer, it all seems fine. I think SPB Insight might have something to do with it as well since it has a service which loads during startup.

Sorry about the posts which are one after the other. Since what I'm mentioning here is a little different from the above, I thought it would be better to put it in a new post.
Just tried uninstalling some of the Today Items DLL's. Though I don't have anything on my Today Screen except for
1) Battery Status
2) Messaging
3) Today Agenda
it seems that the other items which you have the option of selecting for the Today Screen also load their DLL's whether you have enabled them or not.
I had Skype and a whole bunch of other stuff like Pocket MSN etc. I backed up the original settings in the registry and used the Today Plugin Un-Installer to unload the DLL's and remove the entries.
Stuff I've gotten rid off
1) Skype
2) Device Lock (don't really use it)
3) Wireless
4) Tasks
5) Calendar
6) Pocket MSN
After doing this I've gotten about another 500kb fre I think. So yeah.... I'm almost at 20MB free RAM now.

in order to release memory you can use htcAddicts (a quick search would be enough to find it)
it has a function to schedule "clean RAM" daily, every 3 or 6 hours, which might help
all the best


Memory loss :-/

Can somebody tell me why, over a couple of days of normal use, my memory drops from 17MB free for programs to about 2MB free, even though I have stopped all applications?
The only way to get it back is to do a soft reset.
If it didn't do this, I could probably live quite happily without mucking about with a big ROM or whatever.
By the sounds of things you need a program that actually CLOSES programs. Normally WM2003 will just minimise when you hit the X button, making them quicker to open next time, but it means you have heaps of programs open at once, taking away from the ram.
SPB Pocket Plus, Wisbar Advance and a few freeware programs will take care of this problem for ya. I have Wisbar and only ever soft reset if a program crashes and locks the thing up which isn't very often at all (perhaps once a fortnight or maybe a little more often than that.)
jimmy-bish said:
By the sounds of things you need a program that actually CLOSES programs. Normally WM2003 will just minimise when you hit the X button, making them quicker to open next time, but it means you have heaps of programs open at once, taking away from the ram.
SPB Pocket Plus, Wisbar Advance and a few freeware programs will take care of this problem for ya. I have Wisbar and only ever soft reset if a program crashes and locks the thing up which isn't very often at all (perhaps once a fortnight or maybe a little more often than that.)
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I also have SPB Pocketplus, but that doesn't solve the problem. After a soft reset I have about 21 Mb of program storage. After running programs like Contacts, the Phone, Calender and closing them (really closing them!) I have about 18 Mb left. I heard this is a common problem with 2002/2003/2003SE. So in my opinion the only solution is to softreset your PDA every few days...
You can use tools like Memmaid to view your running processes. There you can see that, after closing your applications, some (always running) processes have grown bigger!
memory loss
i have the similar problem under universal wm2005, my available memory slowly reduces or doesnt fully recover after each interaction, until it winds down to a slow machine, a soft reset fixes, but still frustrating that it has to be done. I have SPB 3.0, and it still occurs.
Sounds like thereś a program installed on your devices that has a memory leak. I´ve had my phone going without a soft reset for well over a week now and I have 29.1mb left as program memory. When I soft reset I start out with 29.8mb.
jimmy-bish said:
Sounds like thereś a program installed on your devices that has a memory leak. I´ve had my phone going without a soft reset for well over a week now and I have 29.1mb left as program memory. When I soft reset I start out with 29.8mb.
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According to the amount of threads I've read about this subject I think your device is quite unique. Is phone the only application you are using? Anyway, cherish your device! (I'm not cynical...)
memory loss
even though u guys close all ur apps there r some hidden task running which takes the memory i had cexperience in which there was task manager if u see properly u will get lots of program taking up all ur memory in that u can even end task those programs
memory loss
Any actual task managers that can be located for WM2005 so that I shut down some of the running tasks would be great, any ideas on:
1. A good product to use
2. Which are "good" tasks which must be kept and which are "bad" tasks which can be shut down?
My phone's not unique in any way. I used to have the same problem for the first few months of having my phone. I then did the big storage hack, cleared up everything in main memory that wasn't need, the usual memory enhancing stuff discussed on the forum.
Now I'm really tight as to what programs stay on my phone. Anything takes away from the memory and it's gone unless it's an essential app. Not one thing is stored to main memory and these programs are what I have installed:
Wisbar Advance (latest release)
Wisbar Advance Desktop (0.7 Beta)
Resco File Explorer 5.13
Pocket Artist (trial, getting rid of it soon)
Pocket Earth (waste of space, getting rid of it)
Who wants to be a Millionaire
Ziogolf 2
PDAwin Spot
Tennis Addict
Virtual Pool Mobile
Flux Challenge
Everything except the Wisbar apps are on the sotrage card, wisbar apps are in storage. Nothing on main memory at all, even deleted the photo templates!
Like I said, I used to have memory leaks and from what I could tell at the time SPB Pocket Plus 2.5 was the main culprit for me, dunno what version 3 is like. Voice command is also a killer.
jimmy-bish said:
Everything except the Wisbar apps are on the storage card, wisbar apps are in storage. Nothing on main memory at all, even deleted the photo templates!
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You mean, you installed all these programs on Storage Card of Storage? How did you do that?
As most programs will automatically install in Program Files in main storage...
try sktools for some hardcore cleaning up.
pietrucci said:
jimmy-bish said:
Everything except the Wisbar apps are on the storage card, wisbar apps are in storage. Nothing on main memory at all, even deleted the photo templates!
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You mean, you installed all these programs on Storage Card of Storage? How did you do that?
As most programs will automatically install in Program Files in main storage...
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When you run the install program on your PC, it will ask if you want to install them in the default location. Say "No", and select the storage card as the location.
However, some programs won't work on a storage card (especially memory managers, Today plug-ins, etc). If you are installing from a CAB file directly on your PDA, it will automatically install to main memory. There are applications to fix cab files, but I have never tried them.
I was facing the same problem. My memory would go down from 22 MB to about 9 MB and once I did a soft reset it would again go up to 22 MB. I realised that the culprit was Battery Pack Pro v. 2.0. I had Battery Pack Pro v. 1.1.1 installed on my Mini and it was absolutley fine but the problem started only when I upgraded to BPP v. 2.0. I communicated with the developers of BPP - OmegaOne but they couldnt offer a solution so they refunded the money I had paid for it. Since the time I have downgraded to BPP v. 1.1.1 the Mini is working fine and no memory leak whatsoever.
I don't have BPP but I do have the following: Maybe we could find a common link to all the machines with memory leakage,
Dinarsoft MemMaid
Spb Weather (was Marsware Weatherpanel but lost even MORE memory)
TCPMP (shouldn't be that as I hardly ever use it)
Richard L. Owens FILEASFL
vCard send and receive
CDL Orange customisation
.NET pocket framework
Pocket Blox Aqua Calc
Spb Stardock Weather skin
Hudson Mobile Phone Dashboard
Spb GPRS monitor
Spb Full Screen Keyboard
ZingMagic Backgammon
Climbwalls JB Piano (not used much)
Tom Tom 3
TomTom GPS
Any thought on those apps?

Im Getting My Magician Tomorrow!

Hi Guys,
Been using this great site for a while now but im not a great poster! lol Ive bought a Magician and it will be arriving tomorrow and just wondered if there is anything that i should be looking out for?
For example, what mods do you recommend? I.E Bluetooth Fix (may not exsist but just gave example) I cant wait to get it as ive used a few before and been very impressed!
Also does anyone have a link for TomTom 5 Cracked? would be much appriciated! :lol:
Hi, welcome to XDA DEV and congratulations with your purchase! If you search this forum, you will find many fixes and mods that have been applied to speed up the magician (through registry edits), gain extra memory (BigStorage is a good one!), improve the BT stack, remove the Simlock etc etc. Just look in the Magician forums and you will find many tweaking hapiness there. Be sure to back-up first before applying any mod, since they might cause a hard reset and data loss. Please DON'T ask for illegal software here, there is enough of that to be found on the internet, but not in this community. We like to tweak and mod things, but intend to do nothing illegal here. If any software or hack here is illegal in your country, don't use it.
Have fun with your new Magician!
Thanks for the welcome Koksie! Ive been having a browse though and thought that maybe it would be good to get a Top 10 things to do to your magician?
Just thought it would be handy for people like me that are new to the magician.
Can someone explain what bigstore is please? Sounds great.
BTW it hasnt arrived yet its scheduled before 1pm though!
Do a search for BigStorage, it involves flashing your Rom with a custom made one you made yourself. You can use the ROM that came with it ( if it is a new one, you will get the latest ROM I presume) or with a newer one ( if yours is a second hand device and has an older version. 1.13 is the newest one at the moment. Check in your start-settings-device information) Since a flash removes all your data, the best thing is to do it before you put any programs and information on it. basically it deletes the Extended ROM ( where your provider puts all its settings) and merges it with the internal storage, adding 20 MB extra of ROm storage, in other words, another 20 MB extra of memory that will not be deleted in case of empty battery. Another advantage of 20 MB of extra ROM is that you save another 20 MB of RAM (by ebanling you installing aps to ROm instead of RAM), so your Magician will be much faster and less battery consuming. Search for BigStorage and the method (including backing -up the Extended ROM for later use) will be explained in detail in several threads.
Same goes for removing the Simlock or extending the BT profiles. Just search for the right terms and the methods will pop-up.
Other worthwile apps are DKToday, BT SwitchIt, tel-on-off, AEBPlus and MortButtons. Check these out, they are very usefull apps. Many registry tweaks are also posted, they help to speed up your magician, change behaviour of applications and settings etc. You are right that a top 10 would be helpful, but just searching the forum will help a lot. for regedits serach for "registry edit magiacian"and I am sure helpful threads will appear.
sorry for the idiot question but how do you install skins?
jaso2005 said:
sorry for the idiot question but how do you install skins?
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Search for Wisbar Advance. It's the app that applies the skins. :wink:
You can find many skins on, including instructions on how to install them. There are many other skin sources and progs on the market, some for free. Search and the shall find my man, google is thy friend!
This page is a useful read on hints and tips.
And especially:
PS something you're bound to ask at some point, because everyone does, is how do you sort your contacts First Name, Last name?
Search against my userid. I've answered it a million times!
jaso2005 said:
Thanks for the welcome Koksie! Ive been having a browse though and thought that maybe it would be good to get a Top 10 things to do to your magician?
Just thought it would be handy for people like me that are new to the magician.
Can someone explain what bigstore is please? Sounds great.
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I was in the same position as you are, as I recently switched from an XDAI (Wallaby) to the Magician.
Here are some things to consider and do.
1. You will definately fall in love with the device if you are a bit like me or the rest of the people here. You will want to use a long time, so before you go and use the device regularly, GET A SCREEN PROTECTOR. Even if it is just a cheap one to start with, protect the screen.
2. The regular Bluetooth stack is pretty unimpressive. It works OK, but does not offer a lot of options. If you are going to use BT get the CAB install that has just recenty popped up and is currently being discussed here. You can download in that thread, then you have a ton more options regarding BT.
3. The camera on my O2 branded device is crap (blue speckles in low light conditions). There is a fix out there to solve the problem a little bit. The ultimate solution is to install a updated camera software from T-Mobile devices which is more recent. I am still looking for a way to do this, have not dived into the topic completely.
4. If you are using your PPC device a lot, especially if you are using a large SD-Card for file storage one day or the other you will face the need of hooking up yur device to some friends computer to exchange some files. This is not easily done unless the other computer has ActiveSync running. To do this easily you can use Softick Card Export, which is a little tool that enables the Magician to act as a Mass Storage Device. When the program is enabled you just use your friendly USB cable to hook up to the other computer and your Magician is instantly connected without drivers (if it is a W2K+ or XP machine or something like this - Win98 will not work instantly).
5. Always carry a small USB cable with you. I love the possibility of charging my device whereever I find a USB port.
6. Software I will not leave home without:
- Wisbar Advance2 / Wisbar Advance Desktop plugin
- Total Commander
- Registry Editor of choice
- Memmaid
- Pockettools
- Sprite Backup
- Destinator PN (if you are going to use it as a GPS)
- Pocketmusic for mp3 playback
- Phonealarm plugin
- Some calendar plugin giving a good oversight of tasks and appointments
- eWallet (for keeping confidential info such as PINs etc. encrypted)
- Mobipocket Reader with a recent offline version of Wikipedia
- Pocketmechanic
- phonExt (better Dialer)
- RESCO Audio Recorder (allows mp3 recording)
- PhonePad chooser (customize the PhonePad design)
That should get you kind of started. Oh, wait, after I did the BigStorage hack I also replaced that butt-ugly O2 splash screen (screen displayed when you power on the device or do a soft/hard reset) with a selfmade one saying "hacked" and displaying the 18c3logo.
7. Get Pocket Zen Phone - it only costs €5 and allows you to have multiple profiles, flight, office, car, etc for different situations - just click the icon on the Today screen. Get it here:
TheBrit said:
7. Get Pocket Zen Phone - it only costs €5 and allows you to have multiple profiles, flight, office, car, etc for different situations - just click the icon on the Today screen. Get it here:
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So does PhoneAlarm. I checked out PocketZenPhone, but decided I liked pA better. It's a matter of taste, I guess. Did you take a look at pA anyways?
This discussion is going on on another thread as well.
I use PA, it's got a lot of features that I like.
To be fair, I've not used PZP much because I didn't think that it did more then PA that was relevant to me.
I've set up PA with profiles on my Today screen, which seems to be what PZP is good for:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
With my skin and my ToggleToday PA is an unobtrusive but valuable OS modification (at the top of the screen):
psych0t1c said:
TheBrit said:
7. Get Pocket Zen Phone - it only costs €5 and allows you to have multiple profiles, flight, office, car, etc for different situations - just click the icon on the Today screen. Get it here:
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So does PhoneAlarm. I checked out PocketZenPhone, but decided I liked pA better. It's a matter of taste, I guess. Did you take a look at pA anyways?
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No, but PZP does exactly what I want.

Program Memory 2MB???????????????

I have no idea what is going on with my Exec and have to keep resetting it all the time to get back the program memory which drops to between 2 and 3mb frequently even when there are no programmes running. Is this normal?
Here is what I have installed on my Exec:
Batter Bar
Program Bar
Pocket Breeze
All the above on the Today Screen.
Besides, I have Net Front
Resco File Explorer and thats pretty much it.
Last night, when surfing with Net Front, I got the error, not enough memory to open programme and then Net front shut down. I checked, the program memory was down to 2.3mb. Closed all the open programmes (only text messages and calender were open) and also went to task manager and closed all running programmes.
Thereafter, the Progam memory went up to 3mb.
But that is where it stayed unfortunately till I ultimately had to reset it and it came back to about 16mb. After texting a little and also opening my appointments, it was down again to 10mb.
I am kind of frustrated actually..... is this expected of the Exec? On my XDA II, I always had in excess of about 50Mb available and maybe that is why it is twice as fast as the universal.
Cheers, Vikas.
PS: Spent the last two days searching for any solution on these boards visavis old posts but didnt find out how to and hence this request.
I really really appreciate all those who can help out and thank you all in anticipation.
there isnt a solution, your screwed....
Some "options" for you to consider:
soft reset regularly to get it back
use 02 corporate not the mickey mouse retail version (I use imate)
beware of all "additional" fat that the device comes with by default
read these forums in detail (about 1 month), the sticky at the beginning of the universal forum by craigie4craigie is a really really good start though highly detailed
watch out for what you sychronise, one person had a 12 megabyte PIM file for calendars and contacts. mine was 5meg due to all the calendars, so I stopped syncing all calendards and wound it back to 1meg by doing only the last two weeks.
check your emails, mms, and text files, keep em clean and clear. if syncing emails, only sync the headers or 5kb, dont do attachments.
your today screen additions are always resource hungry, and suck memory. my SPB Pocket Plus, with Weather, and Diary sucks about 8meg (28 startup without anything to 20meg), and slowly dwindles down to 10meg when I soft reset.
As it likes to cache the entire website, I did find one circumstance where for some reason the website was absoloutely massive, with pictures, giffs, fonts etc, and this zapped my memory from 20meg to 3meg. When it closed, it went back upto 12meg.
A couple of files on this site are being tested to kill unused apps memory resources, which is slightly effective.
You really want to try and keep your boot up memory to about 20meg, and it will drop to about 10meg during a days heavy usage.
Consider getting rid off:
Batter Bar
Program Bar
I have heard elsewhere that the Batter Bar in particular wasnt good for the device. As I have never really heard of either and have read lots in these forums for a year or so, then its not a good thing that I dont know of them. Maybe somebody else here could correct it.
Generally, reliable applications that you can use are SPB, Resco, and SBSH each have their own pros and cons. SPB can slow it down also, but it isnt that extensive, and if I find I really need the speed, I just disable it from the today screen, I am beta testing the newer release at the moment.
Activesync left sync'ing all day can easily kill 10meg of my memory over the whole day.
Also, what is actually in your startups, not just the today screen. With my imate, there was about 4 on install, and I got rid of all of them entirely.
There are so many tweaks, hacks, and improvements, and modifications that can be done.
Firstly though, ensure you are in corporate mode from what I have ready about the 02 version.
Seriously think about the hard reset, then be really choosely about what you install, and to where. Test each extensively after each install.
Anyway, thats enough for the moment, let me know your opionions....
So basically I'm screwed.... dont know if I like the sound of that but am sure that is the truth. :lol:
Oh well. Simon, would like to say how much I appreciate your reply and your taking the time to write all this down, that is indeed very nice of you and thanks again for this.
Regarding your message:
1. Yup will keep resetting especially after syncing (at work my Exec is always syncing/charging so guess need to reset once a day)
2. Yup using Corporate mode and not the ghastly slow O2 active desktop
3. Read and followed the Sticky post regarding tips and tricks for the Exec, installed Pocket Mechanic and did a registry cleanup along with deleting most notifications.
4. Synced my contacts/calender etc, about 4.5 Megs
5. Sms's I delete regularly so not more thatn 30 at one time. Emails are usually deleted and hardly any on the Exec.
6. Guess my batter pack and programme bar along with pocket breeze must be using up the RAM as when I soft reset, have about 18 to 19 MB free at that point which dwindles down to about 10 mb during the course of the day. If using Active Sync and then NetFront or Opera, this goes down to about 2/3MB
7. Sorry about battery bar, but meant battery pack pro (gosh I sould like such a dolt). I should get rid of it? Along with Programme Bar? What is a good alternative? SPB POcket Plus?
8. Not much else on the Today screen, just the Battery Pack Pro, Programme Bar & Pocket Breeze thats it.
Will try out your suggestion of doing a Hard Reset and loading again selective programmes, guess I need to figure out which ones even though I like the ones I have on right now. What do you think?
Once again, can't tell you how much I appreciate your taking the time and effort to help out. Thanks a ton.
Cheers, Vikas.
simon_darley said:
there isnt a solution, your screwed....
Some "options" for you to consider:
soft reset regularly to get it back
use 02 corporate not the mickey mouse retail version (I use imate)
beware of all "additional" fat that the device comes with by default
read these forums in detail (about 1 month), the sticky at the beginning of the universal forum by craigie4craigie is a really really good start though highly detailed
watch out for what you sychronise, one person had a 12 megabyte PIM file for calendars and contacts. mine was 5meg due to all the calendars, so I stopped syncing all calendards and wound it back to 1meg by doing only the last two weeks.
check your emails, mms, and text files, keep em clean and clear. if syncing emails, only sync the headers or 5kb, dont do attachments.
your today screen additions are always resource hungry, and suck memory. my SPB Pocket Plus, with Weather, and Diary sucks about 8meg (28 startup without anything to 20meg), and slowly dwindles down to 10meg when I soft reset.
As it likes to cache the entire website, I did find one circumstance where for some reason the website was absoloutely massive, with pictures, giffs, fonts etc, and this zapped my memory from 20meg to 3meg. When it closed, it went back upto 12meg.
A couple of files on this site are being tested to kill unused apps memory resources, which is slightly effective.
You really want to try and keep your boot up memory to about 20meg, and it will drop to about 10meg during a days heavy usage.
Consider getting rid off:
Batter Bar
Program Bar
I have heard elsewhere that the Batter Bar in particular wasnt good for the device. As I have never really heard of either and have read lots in these forums for a year or so, then its not a good thing that I dont know of them. Maybe somebody else here could correct it.
Generally, reliable applications that you can use are SPB, Resco, and SBSH each have their own pros and cons. SPB can slow it down also, but it isnt that extensive, and if I find I really need the speed, I just disable it from the today screen, I am beta testing the newer release at the moment.
Activesync left sync'ing all day can easily kill 10meg of my memory over the whole day.
Also, what is actually in your startups, not just the today screen. With my imate, there was about 4 on install, and I got rid of all of them entirely.
There are so many tweaks, hacks, and improvements, and modifications that can be done.
Firstly though, ensure you are in corporate mode from what I have ready about the 02 version.
Seriously think about the hard reset, then be really choosely about what you install, and to where. Test each extensively after each install.
Anyway, thats enough for the moment, let me know your opionions....
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7. Sorry about battery bar, but meant battery pack pro (gosh I sould like such a dolt). I should get rid of it? Along with Programme Bar? What is a good alternative? SPB POcket Plus?
8. Not much else on the Today screen, just the Battery Pack Pro, Programme Bar & Pocket Breeze thats it.
Resco explorer comes with a free today programme plugin, which is memory efficient.
SPB PP will do journal bar and programme features in one, but has more memory overheads.
never used pocket breeze, but lots do abd isn't likely to be the cause of memory issue.
There is large volumes of info on this forum on memory loss, and most are anticipating a major ROM update to fix.... maybe hopefully, we'll see.
You can try use Memmaid of Dinarsoft to get a list of programs running in RAM and how much of the ram they are consuming, just to get an idea of which particular program is consuming the most ram.
Heres the pocketgear shortcut: (supports WM5) 1.5
Hope this helps you to find out what memory problems you have.
First of Simon, Thanks a lot once again.
Second, sorry for the late reply but was trying out your suggestions which I have to say are invaluable.
Did a Hard Reset a couple of days ago.
Loaded back on some programmes that I really require:
At start with no sync, nothing, Free Ram is 33 mb
I then synced with the computer after loading SOTI Pocket Professional
Total Pim size: 4.5Mb
Free ram at this stage: 25mb
Then loaded on the following:
Rescoe File Explorer along with Resco Today add on
Pocket Breeze (maybe I should look for an alternative?)
Net Front 3.3
Memory at this stage is now 22mb or so after a soft reset.
Now really missed the program bar (from Battery pack pro) so installed the Magic Button (Great programme) and PsShutXp.
Total ram now after all this, about 22mb after soft reset, normal usage, with contacts, calender, text messages open, about 18mb.
Guess I can live with this. Maybe removing battery pack pro was the solution.
Of course, the moment I connect to active sync (its on active syn the whole time I'm at the office), the ram goes down to 9mb. Guess that really sucks memory.
Now, maybe I also need to get rid of Pocket Breeze and install some other s/w to replicate it but without too much loss of RAM.
Thanks to you Simon, started using the Resco Today Plug in which I am sure hardly uses much ram. And is not bad at all.
Didnt use pocket plus as most report memory issues with it.
Certainly hope that the new ROM fixes these memory leak problems. Thanks a lot again. The Exec is now faster than before but its sad that they would make this device without enough memory or with issues such as this. The XDAII never had any such problems and to be honest, I still miss it.
Cheers, Vikas.
simon_darley said:
7. Sorry about battery bar, but meant battery pack pro (gosh I sould like such a dolt). I should get rid of it? Along with Programme Bar? What is a good alternative? SPB POcket Plus?
8. Not much else on the Today screen, just the Battery Pack Pro, Programme Bar & Pocket Breeze thats it.
Resco explorer comes with a free today programme plugin, which is memory efficient.
SPB PP will do journal bar and programme features in one, but has more memory overheads.
never used pocket breeze, but lots do abd isn't likely to be the cause of memory issue.
There is large volumes of info on this forum on memory loss, and most are anticipating a major ROM update to fix.... maybe hopefully, we'll see.
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Dear Jorgee,
Many thanks for your email and took your advice and downloaded and installed Memaid. It does do the job of cleaning up the Exec well and am going to stick with this one. Thanks again.
Cheers, Vikas.
Jorgee said:
You can try use Memmaid of Dinarsoft to get a list of programs running in RAM and how much of the ram they are consuming, just to get an idea of which particular program is consuming the most ram.
Heres the pocketgear shortcut: (supports WM5) 1.5
Hope this helps you to find out what memory problems you have.
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memory survey...

...just wondering if my memory usage seems normal or not. here's what i have running and the associated usage. please share your opinion. thanks in advance.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Seems about right to me. If you don't use the OEM Voice dial, you can remove the sddaemon shortcut from your startup folder. There's a known bug with it anyways when it creates duplicate notification on a soft reset.
You can also remove poutlook. I have taken that shortcut out of every PPC I have owned (going way back) with no ill effects.
i appreciate the response
looks right to me. I have spb diary, spb power plus, weather, and Resco File Explorer & Registry editor installed. I have also re-assigned my IE cache, history and cookies to my miniSD card. spb is installed on the card as well, and finally my email (synced email, not sms and mms as i can't figure out if you can move these) on the miniSD card. I have a little over 36MB free storage on main memory and typically 18-22MB free in program memory. no mem maid running.
lpasq to me your mem usage seems normal.
By the way at are you using to draw that cpu usage on your today?
CPU Mem graph
lpsaq how did you display CPU and memory graph ?
I'm very interested about this.
Spb pocket+ ?
Re: CPU Mem graph
elrigolo said:
lpsaq how did you display CPU and memory graph ?
I'm very interested about this.
Spb pocket+ ?
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Could you give us a list of all the softwares and versions you have installed, love the theme too, where'd you pic that up?
This is what I've been looking for...I have the T-mobile USA MDA....I think I have some memory leak issues.
I have in Main Memory:
Agenda Fusion
SPB Diary
SPB Backup
Pocket Weather
MS Voice Command
I have about 16mb main memory left and it bounces all over the place one minute 16, 10 minutes later 8mb then 10 meinutes later 12mb (I have run MemMaid to see running processes and there is nothing there...maybe bad install?)
Storage is at 12mb.
I don't think this is right. But this is my first PPC so I'm not sure if someone could help me out here I would appreciate it.
I am tempted to hard reset and not use customized Ext Rom, but there are some things I do want, but after looking at the EXT Rom file, I haven't a clue what is what and if I really need it.
tylerrbrown said:
Could you give us a list of all the softwares and versions you have installed, love the theme too, where'd you pic that up?
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Fizz Traveller 2.2 /$$/
MemMaid 1.5 /$$/
PHM RegEdit ( extract from PHM Powertoys 0.18 ) /FREE/
PHM Traylnch ( extract from PHM Powertoys 0.18 ) /FREE/
PocketBreeze /$$/
PPC Remote Desktop /FREE/
RhinoCapture 2.0 /$$/
RhinoStats 3.0 /$$/
SmartsKey 0.41 /FREE/
Spb ToPlay plug-in for Windows Mobile Media Player 10 /FREE/
Tweak 1.5 Skin for Windows Mobile Media Player 10 /$$/
wizSplash (spalsh changer) /FREE/
Zphone Reptile Phone Skins /FREE/
*Theme is homemade /FREE/
Can you give us the tsk file?!?!? I love it!
tylerrbrown said:
Can you give us the tsk file?!?!? I love it!
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i already deleted it but can rebuild it when i got free time to do so . check back.
Your memory usage is quite high, but it's to be expected when you have so much crap running.
Echilon said:
Your memory usage is quite high, but it's to be expected when you have so much crap running.
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finally... someone with expert knowledge! tell me yoda, what crap have i? i am willing to dump the poo. i kinda like fizz 'cause i'm wacky that way. same for breeze. the wmp plugin is about to go away any moment and the cpu/mem graph plugin is dumb. memmaid... well that one is heavy since i only run it for dup notifications.
gotta keep smartskey (thanks water) and phm traylnch is also a no brainer.
tylerrbrown said:
Can you give us the tsk file?!?!? I love it!
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my themes are here
I must have some sort of leak somewhere...
I have a Cingular 8125. I'm running SPB Pocket+, MS Voice Command, Smartskey, and Overclock. Startup list includes:
voice command.lnk
I have total commander installed on my miniSD. My program memory remaining after a reset is about 17MB. After running a few hours, and closing all apps, it drops to about 10.5 MB and stays around there. Any ideas as to what may be happening? I have a few tweaks in place, but nothing overboard. After removing all cache tweaks the most I have had remaining is 19 MB. I have no idea where all this memory is going. Any ideas?
Ok I'll ask the obvious question...
Why do you all care so much about having xxx memory remaining?? How does it help you to have 12MB of RAM sitting there not being used...does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside??
This stuff always cracks me up - as long as you are not running out of memory what do you care how much memory you are using. Sitting on top of 19MB of free RAM is not doing anybody any good.
I've used my Cingular 8125 and at times the available memory went down to around 4MB!!! That's right...scary stuff but guess what, nothing crashed, everything worked smoothly and later on it was back up to around 8-9mb.
Like I said, as long as you are not running out of memory what does it really matter?

ahh, because...
with 10 MB left, I can't run minimo without running out of memory as it uses at least 10 on this thing. Clear enough answer?
Re: ahh, because...
jonty12 said:
with 10 MB left, I can't run minimo without running out of memory as it uses at least 10 on this thing. Clear enough answer?
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there are discussions throughout forum regarding "memory leak". you may want to search threads.

Memory leak

After a soft reset I have about 25 Mb free memory but not for long...
I loose I guess about 1 Mb every day so I have to perform a soft reset maybe twice a month to have it running smoothly. I've heard that spb pocket plus and diary have a memory issue so I'm thinking of trying sbsh's products. Is this true or is the leak due to some other program or setting?
I run:
Pocket plus 3.1 and Diary
PPC Profiles 1.2
LVM Second Clock
Agile Messenger
Conduits Pocket Player
I would be happy about 1MB per day - you are quite lucky if you have such a small "memory leak" (I don't think you can call that memory leak... :wink: ) - I have to soft reset at least every 5 days... :?
And yes - I have all the SPB products installed, but I don't have the time to hard reset and configure everything again with SBSH products...
I lose it a lot quicker directly after the soft reset and when I'm down to 14-15 Mb it "leaks" about 1 Mb a day. I usually soft reset when I'm down to 6 Mb and by then the wizard is sloooow if I use demanding programs.
It's just really annoying, and I think I'm going to give sbsh a try anyway since their products look really good and clever. And if it solves my memory issue I'm likely to stay with them. If it doesn't I'll just go with the one I like the most.
Ok, thats maybe the same dimension as my leak - I get down to 15MB quite fast (maybe 2 days) but I don't wait with resetting till I am down to 6MB...
I am curious about the effect of swapping SPB with SBSH products - please keep me updated!!
Try upgrading to the latest level of SPB Pocket Plus first......
From the release notes.....
Version 3.1.1 (Apr 07, 2006)
Memory leak fix
Battery live time prediction fix
HTC Prophet backlight indicator support
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I already did that... :?
I'm using version 3.1.0, Build 5287 so I might be affected by that bug but if it didn't do anything for DoctorT to update I doubt it will help me.
Well now I'm trying out pocketbreeze and ilauncher and so far I think I'm getting a lot better results. It's faster and don't lose nearly as much memory.
Something I hadn't thought of though was the close button features in pocket plus so now I'm searching for a program that alows me to map a real close feature to a hardware button.
Dmon said:
Well now I'm trying out pocketbreeze and ilauncher and so far I think I'm getting a lot better results. It's faster and don't lose nearly as much memory.
Something I hadn't thought of though was the close button features in pocket plus so now I'm searching for a program that alows me to map a real close feature to a hardware button.
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use vbar or magicbutton - and keep us up-to-date!
Well after trying out Pocket Breeze and Ilauncher for some time I can say that I won't go back to Pocket Plus and Diary. Sbsh's products are a lot faster and leak a lot less memory. At first I really missed PP's feature to map a real close button to a hardware button, but VJ Okbutt solved that problem.
Dmon said:
Well after trying out Pocket Breeze and Ilauncher for some time I can say that I won't go back to Pocket Plus and Diary. Sbsh's products are a lot faster and leak a lot less memory. At first I really missed PP's feature to map a real close button to a hardware button, but VJ Okbutt solved that problem.
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Are you still happy with the new choice of software. I have never used the SBP products but prefer Omega one Journel Bar which is execllent for news, weather in one very tidy application. However my Wizard leaks like mad also. It will drop below 10mb within 2 days and I will have to do a soft reset. I also use SK Tools Free up Ram program which recovers some of the RAM which goes missing in action but it only delays the enevitable reset.
I still use Sbsh's products and I won't be going back to Spb Pocket Plus and Diary. Not only for the memory leakage, I generally think Pocketbreeze and Ilauncher perform better and faster. I do however use Spb Time since it's by far the best alarm program I've tested and it does not seem to leak any memory.
Sorry for the late answer...
one thing with the spb stuff, i found that a straight upgrade made the software worse, that only a clean install with the latest software worked. the newest version of pocket plus is very good btw
uhm :shock:
i have the same issue but after my Wiz leak 5 meg it stops to do it.
SPB pocket plus it works fine for me and as I said the leak is related only to 5 mega..after it, the leaking stops.
y Wizard Runs pretty fast otherwise,
I dont have any extra Plugins other than SPB pocket Plus or Today Agenda.
When the Outlook is synched (contacts and appointments) I have around 3000 contacts Now.
The PIM file is 7 mb.
After the sync the device slows down a Lot.
Also there are two startup programs (system)
1 FILESYS.exe Takes around 1.8 MB at startup
2. GWES.exe . 1.28 MB(STARTUP)
As the device is used their size increases to ( 2-2.5 MB )this slows the device further.
Pls see pics attached <before and after>
using Oxios or any other memory closing app does not sort the problem out.
ONLY Rebooting sorts the problem.
Secondly, Is there any way I can shift my PIM.vol to the storage card?
coz I have noticed that when the Device memory is sufficient it also allocates sufficient Running memory to the Programs. I feel at least 20 Mb shold be there.
Or is there any Program which allows to MANUALLY ALLOCATE memory to <STORAGE> and <PROGRAMS>
Like in My O2 XDA..In wizard the slider does not move...
thanx in advance.....
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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Microsoft Certified Proff.
Say NO 2 Pirated S'Ware,Illegal Cracks
Regardless of what others Preach & Practise.
Believe in urself And Just DO the Right Thing.
jeasbe said:
y Wizard Runs pretty fast otherwise,
I dont have any extra Plugins other than SPB pocket Plus or Today Agenda.
When the Outlook is synched (contacts and appointments) I have around 3000 contacts Now.
The PIM file is 7 mb.
After the sync the device slows down a Lot.
Also there are two startup programs (system)
1 FILESYS.exe Takes around 1.8 MB at startup
2. GWES.exe . 1.28 MB(STARTUP)
As the device is used their size increases to ( 2-2.5 MB )this slows the device further.
Pls see pics attached <before and after>
using Oxios or any other memory closing app does not sort the problem out.
ONLY Rebooting sorts the problem.
Secondly, Is there any way I can shift my PIM.vol to the storage card?
coz I have noticed that when the Device memory is sufficient it also allocates sufficient Running memory to the Programs. I feel at least 20 Mb shold be there.
Or is there any Program which allows to MANUALLY ALLOCATE memory to <STORAGE> and <PROGRAMS>
Like in My O2 XDA..In wizard the slider does not move...
thanx in advance.....
Microsoft Certified Proff.
Say NO 2 Pirated S'Ware,Illegal Cracks
Regardless of what others Preach & Practise.
Believe in urself And Just DO the Right Thing.
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Only way to move the slider in the last pic would be if you were using WM2003se

