Multiple Today Screens - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Ok, this is what i want.
I have my default today screen with all my plugins running. At the top(or side) must be tabs (somethings like spdpocketplus) to more than one today screen. Lets say TodayTab1 displays my System monitor and weather, TodayTab2 displays my RSS and Blogs and shedule and TodayTab3 displays my Mail Boxes and Sms's.
But spb pocket plus doesnt support this tipe of tabs or does it? Is it possible?

[email protected]_4ngel said:
Ok, this is what i want.
I have my default today screen with all my plugins running. At the top(or side) must be tabs (somethings like spdpocketplus) to more than one today screen. Lets say TodayTab1 displays my System monitor and weather, TodayTab2 displays my RSS and Blogs and shedule and TodayTab3 displays my Mail Boxes and Sms's.
But spb pocket plus doesnt support this tipe of tabs or does it? Is it possible?
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I use wisbar advance desktop that allows multiple desktops and speeds up the device by putting only one or two plugins on each desktop. Also allows text tabs to link you to each of the other desktops.

Look up JGUI.

Some days ago I was looking for a good today calendar plugin and got some answers from the forum, I'm still trying them but in a trial I found that Pocket Breeze (from SBSH) in it current version can actually do what you want.
This software allows to have TABS with diferent info in each one...calendar, task, notes, messages... and also, you can add your customs tabs including on it any today pluginn you have installed; that way yo can have a TAB with the weather info, or any other app you can view on the normal today screen; even the spb pocketplus you have can be view in one of the TABS if you want...
You can download a trial version of the software before buy it in order to see if that is what you are looking far now I have not have any problem of performance using it..
Best regards;

[email protected]_4ngel said:
Ok, this is what i want.
I have my default today screen with all my plugins running. At the top(or side) must be tabs (somethings like spdpocketplus) to more than one today screen.
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It seems SK Today Commander is exactly what you want.

tadzio said:
It seems SK Today Commander is exactly what you want.
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Thanks Daniel! This is what i was looking for!! Works good.. Just one problem, this thing kinda slows down my phone allot.. i only have two screens set.. Dono if this is right?! Anyone willing to test on an HTC TyTn for me!?!? plz. just wana know if its slow as mine..

How quick is the actual switching?
Instant, near instant, roughly X seconds?
Thanks guys.

oh sorry.. from today1 to today2 about 7-10seconds. Backwords about 2seconds..
Maybe there is a regkey that can increase the memory use for this app or something to make it switch more instant like.. ??!!

That may depends what you used in today1 and today2. Mind listing the stuff you had in today1 and today2? 7-10 seconds are really slow. And, does it happen all the time while switching from today1 to today2 or does it have a cache thing that, once you did it, the next switching becomes faster.

Ok. Oh, there doesnt seem to be caching..
On today1 I have the following:
1) Date (Default one)
2) Calender (Default one)
3) Messaging (Default one)
4) IP Dashboard
5) Phone Dashboard
6) Resco Today Plugin
7) Device lock (Default one)
On today2 I have:
1) Wireless (That registry hack to display the connections status)
2) WeatherPanel ( I disabled it to test, but its still slow!)
3) Device Lock (Default one)

Well, can anyone else confirm that SK Today Commander slows down your TyTn when having 2 or more today screens?

Yes, I does seem to be slow in switching. I installed the trial version last night and only have 2 screens. I am using the buttons in the task bar and when activating a change I will see Help or contacts flash on the screen before it actually switches Today Screens. Not sure if I want to pay the money or not for the app.

try JGUI MoreTodays

SkizZO said:
try JGUI MoreTodays
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Thanx @ samsonib for also testing.. Its a bummer, that app looks and works very nice, just the slowness thats the downside!
SkizZO, im downloading the app now to test! Thanx!

ok, i just installed JGUI MoreTodays! It also works, but its the same as the other one.. Its also damn slooowwww.. Dont think this device was made to handle more than one today screen.. Looks like there is no app out there that can do an instant switch to a second today screen..

I downloaded MoreTodays! and it seems to be a little faster than the Today Commander and I don't get the flashes of the help screens, etc. I guess I will play with it for the 5 free days before the trial ends before I go back to one crowded screen. Thanks.

Well I thought I had 5 days to use MoreTodays!, but this morning a message popped up saying that the trial had expired and I could only use 1 screen until I removed trial and reloaded the full version. Anyone else have this issue?


WA3 beta New & Improved?....Ohh Yes indeed!!
I'm going to hold of on this until it comes out of beta.. I've spent far too long getting the U1000 tweaked and working perfectly with the right combination of settings and software.
That thread has already achieved 12 pages of replies to the launch, so I figure its going through some teething issues already.
Cheers for the update though - a lot of those new features look extremely tempting!
WA3 beta kicks ass..
I am pleased to say, so far, WA3 beta is a vast leap forward from WA2 in terms of features and functionality. I'm loving it, but there seems to be no option for using anything but the default theme at this moment (correct me if I'm wrong peeps).
I'm loving the option to have shortcuts in the TrayApps.
WA3 is brill even in beta...
I'm very pleased to report that despite the many problems reported on the Lakeridge forums about this beta on various devices, it works perfectly on my Ameo.
I love the feature set on this new version and will definately be investing in this once the official release has made it out the door.
I forgot to take a screen shot of it without soft keys enabled (giving one even more screen real estate - if that's what you like).
But here are a few pics that I did take...and Yes you can use your old favourite WA2 Themes or WA3 Themes if you have any.
Final Word: No problems encountered as yet. Brill. I highly recommend checking this out, as it is way better than WA2.
Note: Be sure to completely uninstall WA2 first and save your Themes folder to somewhere else first (you will be able to install these from wherever you drop them later through WA3 i.e. Start/Settings/Personal/Theme Manager).
Drop us a line if you get stuck.
whats the memory utilization like???
ade0282 said:
whats the memory utilization like???
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Haven't noticed a drop in memory usage. It seems snappier than before. Reports from the Lakeridge website are that the memory usage is considerably lower than WA2.
I've also got this up and running with no probs at all on my wife's Universal (T-Mobile MDA Pro) with no ill effects to speak of.
I did delve a bit deeper into memory usage over here:
Wow, that's impressive news. I might totally back up my U1000 tonight and take a leap of faith. But I'm still skeptical. Really looking forward to official release though!
Now that I think about it, I guess I should anyway - as to provide feedback on any bugs!
mackaby007 said:
Haven't noticed a drop in memory usage. It seems snappier than before. Reports from the Lakeridge website are that the memory usage is considerably lower than WA2.
I've also got this up and running with no probs at all on my wife's Universal (T-Mobile MDA Pro) with no ill effects to speak of.
I did delve a bit deeper into memory usage over here:
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Hi Mackaby007,
Beautiful pictures you have there. I have been trying this out for a while, but wonder where does your skin come from? It's FANTASTIC looking.
Also, when you press the PROCESS button in the battry pop up, do you get to see the running processes? Mine has nothing there.
Have you tried adding in more applications than one could be accomodated in just one line in the system tray? What happens if you try to have ALL launcheable applications there and run out of space? With applications like SPB pocket plus, you siimply add more tabs. But how about this one? You know what I'm thinking? If it allows all to be launched there, I might just dump my SPB pocket plus and use this to replace it as well as Magic Button.
I much prefer to keep all my applications alive when I press close button. There is really no reason to shut them down, because so doing means than when you need it again, you got to reload from scratch. Imaging reloading Opera Mobile..... It takes forever. So, the way I use me device to to keep ALL frequently used applications alive regardless of whether I press the close button with or without holding it down (I do not want to accidentially close it by holding down too long). If I really want to close it down, currently magic button let me do it be pressing and holding down on the running icon on task bar. I find that with WA3, the process of making an application stay alive when close button is pressed is far too tedious. You need to go to setting>Task>executable, and select the excecutable individually (WA3 works very slowly here unfortunately). Also, choosing to keep it alive still does not prevent me from accidentally closing it when close button is pressed too long. In this regards, I feel that Magic Button's design is far better.
Do you know of a way to suppress the task title all together? My view is that the icon of running task should just be "lighted up" to show it is the current application. Also, we know what application it is anyway by looking at what is staring at you. Why waste the precious real estate on task title?
I like the new ROTATE screen icon, and the ability to show date and time occupyping only one icon space. This is something where magic button should incorporate.
Oh, initially I though that the phone icon will let you click and directly let you use the phone but this is not so. Do yo know of a way to put a real phone task icon on the task bar, so that clicking that icon on the TB will give you access to phone application immediately? The trouble i have is that when phone application is launched, WA5 does not seem to show it on the TB (unlike magic button). I like magic button more in this regard.
Are you using QVGA when you took those screen shots? How does it look in VGA? Would the system tray buttons are far too small? Do you think that if we use VGA and WA3 we could get away from having to use another application such as SPB pocket plus?
One last thing, I could be wrong about this. But I got a distinct feeling that my response time is slower using this rather than Magic Button.
That's a long post, but I'm very interested in your view in the above.
I still cant figure out how to use WAD .. lol... argh! Im st0opit.
Anyone wanna help me out with it? lol.
EagleSteve Q&A....
eaglesteve said:
That's a long post, but I'm very interested in your view in the above.
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Hi eaglesteve.
Thanks for the compliment. I do like nice screens and preferably unclutterred. Anyway....the WA2 skin can be purchased through Nacashco Designs here:
and the background image I found trolling around on the deviant art website under; 3 Dimensional. (see attachment)
Q & A (I'll do my best)
Q1. Also, when you press the PROCESS button in the battry pop up, do you get to see the running processes? Mine has nothing there.
A.1 Yes I see all the running processes and am able to stop any one of them.
Q2. Have you tried adding in more applications than one could be accomodated in just one line in the system tray?
A2. Yes, but it won't display any more than 15 icons from my experience. No point in addind any more as you cannot scroll through them (in the hope that you will see the other shortcuts you added previously). That's a good point to take up with Chris at Lakeridge, as he mat be willing to incorporate this into WA3 as it's still in beta.
Q3. Do you know of a way to suppress the task title all together? My view is that the icon of running task should just be "lighted up" to show it is the current application.
A3. Yes mine is currently set up this way too. I only want to see an icon of running apps.** I think under the 'Buttons' menu you have to go to 'Assignments' and ensure that 'Title' is NOT checked.
Q4. Do yo know of a way to put a real phone task icon on the task bar?
A4. I've added the phone app to the System tray (no need for keyboard anymore ). It's called 'Phone.lnk', but should be a visible icon when you go to choose it.
Q5. Are you using QVGA when you took those screen shots? How does it look in VGA? Would the system tray buttons are far too small? Do you think that if we use VGA and WA3 we could get away from having to use another application such as SPB pocket plus?
A5. I suppose you would call it QVGA (default mode). I tried TrueVGA and whilst it looks great, I don't like that I can hardly see anything. Got good eyesight at the mo and don't want to start straining. 2nd half of your question...Yes I think it's definitely possible, as you'd theoretically fit many more icons in the Tray applet/System Tray. Good thinking Batman! I might have to reconsider TrueVGA just for that!
Q6. But I got a distinct feeling that my response time is slower using this rather than Magic Button.
A6. I've used Magic button in the past and was very pleased with it, but stopped using it once I found that you can close apps properly through WA2. Unlike yourself, I like things properly shut down unless I'm going back to it soon, hence the nice running tasks icons.
Ok that should be about it. I hope I answered most if not all of your questions.
mackaby007 that's a great scren. So let me get this right , i buy the theme and get the backround and then i import it to wa3?
Also how do you replace / remove the default tray icons that come with t-mobile, i used the tray display program but that just removes all tray items. I just want to add the programs that i use
Would SPB diary work with this theme? as i have mine on today screen.
bashi007 said:
mackaby007 that's a great scren. So let me get this right , i buy the theme and get the backround and then i import it to wa3?
Also how do you replace / remove the default tray icons that come with t-mobile, i used the tray display program but that just removes all tray items. I just want to add the programs that i use
Would SPB diary work with this theme? as i have mine on today screen.
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Hi bashi007. Yes to the first 3 questions. I can't comment on Spb Diary as I've never used it, but I can't see why it should pose a problem.
If you have an Ameo from T-Mobile;
........regarding the system tray...there is a thread already on it...let me go see................
.....aha here it is:
Go to.....Hkey_Local_Machine\SOFTWARE\HTC\TrayApplet with a reg editor and delete all the little folders that contain the links for the existing shortcuts (free up some space). Be sure to have the system tray visible again first though, so you can see the changes you have made. If you don't see it, uninstall the Tray applet switching application and reboot.
If you own an X7500/Advantage read this thread: Once you've gotten rid of all your system appointed icons, follow on to the skinning app.
Now try WA3 system tray.
Let us know if you run into probs.
Thanks mackaby007 for your reply, i have a slight problem in that i delete the folders in the tray applet, but it still leaves the icon in the tray.
bashi007 said:
Thanks mackaby007 for your reply, i have a slight problem in that i delete the folders in the tray applet, but it still leaves the icon in the tray.
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hi bashi007 what variant of the AThena do you have? If you have the Advantage, you'll have to delete the folders in the HTC Homeplug folder instead or aswell. Then soft reset your device and they should no longer be visible in the system tray.
Thanks for the help, i have Ameo, after soft resetting all seems to work. Great!
i presume i buy the VGA theme from Nacashco Designs.
bashi007 said:
Thanks for the help, i have Ameo, after soft resetting all seems to work. Great!
i presume i buy the VGA theme from Nacashco Designs.
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Yes. Check your PM added more info for you.
WA3 Public Beta 2 is out...
Hot off the press..go get it people. Apparently even more stable than the first release!
Just about to install. Will report back later.
bashi007 said:
Thanks for the help, i have Ameo, after soft resetting all seems to work. Great!
i presume i buy the VGA theme from Nacashco Designs.
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What is this "VGA theme from Nacashco Designs" ?
olegzz said:
What is this "VGA theme from Nacashco Designs" ?
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Hi olegzz.
I can see by your joining date that you are new to this forum, so I will be patient with.
It is generally good practice to read through a thread before asking questions that may have already been asked and or answered.
In this instance no one has asked, but there are only 2 pages to this thread and one glance at the first page would have fully revealed what you asked.
to answer your question nonetheless, it is merely a skin made for Wisbar Advance 2 and is one of hundreds of interchangeable skins. Some of us just happen to like this one.
If you know about these things already I apoligise for my tone. If however you don't, then this might be of real interest to you as it completely changes the look and feel of your WM device.
The screenshots on page 1 of this thread are just 1 example of this. Best to head on over to Lakeridge software (website) to get a clearer picture.
Good luck.
mackaby007 said:
Hi olegzz.
I can see by your joining date that you are new to this forum, so I will be patient with.
It is generally good practice to read through a thread before asking questions that may have already been asked and or answered.
In this instance no one has asked, but there are only 2 pages to this thread and one glance at the first page would have fully revealed what you asked.
to answer your question nonetheless, it is merely a skin made for Wisbar Advance 2 and is one of hundreds of interchangeable skins. Some of us just happen to like this one.
If you know about these things already I apoligise for my tone. If however you don't, then this might be of real interest to you as it completely changes the look and feel of your WM device.
The screenshots on page 1 of this thread are just 1 example of this. Best to head on over to Lakeridge software (website) to get a clearer picture.
Good luck.
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My, that was way more polite than my response would have been!

Today Plugin Miss called

First, sorry for my English.
I'm searching for a small today application which informs me about missed call and new messages.
I used to have HTC home but I don't need all its informations.
rlToday and a good theme
phone alarm.
I'm also there just a simple message / mail / call Today plugin (with nothing else)?
I'd also like something like this and haven't really found anything I really like, a Simply plug-in similar to the HTC home plug-in but light on resources that displays missed calls, voice mail, txt messages, and emails, and when you click on each one it launches the application associated with it.
Use battery status with one of the many custom themes, and only choose the messaging row (free) or, I use, SPB Phone Suite, a couple of good tools and it displays all the good stuff (about $20)
Not sure if it shows missed calls, but check out HTC Plus. There are several versions floating around but this post has a picture as well as a link. You can search for HTC Plus to see if there are any more current versions.
BTW, I use Mobile's not free but it absolutely rocks!
TheChampJT said:
Use battery status with one of the many custom themes, and only choose the messaging row (free)
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Do U have a (lite) BS theme U recommend?
Check this thread (has most of the themes on xda):
Look at post 106
and here:
Look at post 179
And there is another one earlier in the thread, think it was called BennTech Home 1.0.
OSPlus 2.3 has an option to put a last call plugin on your today screen. I used to use it and if you don't have a task manager it also does that as well. But you don't have to.
I was looking for exactly this too a couple of days ago. I made mine out of the bottom part of Focaldesign's rltoday skin, wich can be found here.
You just need to install rltoday, put the focaldesign in the rltoday folder, and get rid of most of the code in the skin.xml file. You'll also need to edit the todayheight and some of the x and y values in the skin.xml. I got it looking right just by trial and error.
I wrote a plugin for the Today screen called PeraCount that does just what you are asking for on a single today line. You can find it at
bump! sorry to bring this from the dead but id like to know if there is anything plugin like described in 1st post. buttoned count of missed calls, sms, email, vmails. ive used batterystatus, rltoday, phonealarm, HTC home, MS 2 and 3, winterface, inesoft phone, phonex. they all seem to have too much that is not needed or interface is too ugly.
just want a nice simple buttoned plugin. i guess kind of like lg prada plugin but instead of having the rest of the buttons for programs and such, make it for each notification.

is there an app for ppc that displays a today plugin twice?

is there an app for pocket pc that displays a today plugin twice? I mean like having
two pocket msn plugins at a time on the SAME today screen??
please answer anybody
thank you...
Only know of SK Today Commander which allows you to configure multiple Today profiles, meaning you could have the same plugin on each of your Today profiles but you can only use one profile at a time. Same plugin on the same Today profile shown twice?? Nope, I don't think that's possible, but I may be wrong...
Check this:
Second Today Screen by Chi Tai
Moe5508 said:
Only know of SK Today Commander which allows you to configure multiple Today profiles
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Could they be switch on events ?
Let's say one profile for portrait and another one for landscape, and it would switch auto. on rotation ? That would be very cool for themes
Moe5508 said:
Only know of SK Today Commander which allows you to configure multiple Today profiles, meaning you could have the same plugin on each of your Today profiles but you can only use one profile at a time. Same plugin on the same Today profile shown twice?? Nope, I don't think that's possible, but I may be wrong...
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ok!! thanks for the replies,
one last question, if its not posible to activate
two plugins on the same today, then at least I could try changing the name of the today plugins, and installing another without overwritting,
Is it possible? how can I do it?
Have you tried Ultimatelaunch - I know you can put multiple plugins on one page; however, have not tried to put the same plugin twice.
I am gonna try this to see.
OK, I was successful in having the window's live search today plugin twice on the same page using UltimateLaunch. To do so you must create a new page with combination tabs - Just to add two today plugins. It worked for me.
Use Samsung Time. You can press and hold the clock to access the settings. You can choose your choice of 2 time zones. I have attached it for you.
You can display a plugin only once on a screen. Some launchers, like WAD, have a portrait and landscape view. Either way, even if you had the same plugin twice, it can only be configure once, so you would just have a duplicate.
TheChampJT said:
You can display a plugin only once on a screen. Some launchers, like WAD, have a portrait and landscape view. Either way, even if you had the same plugin twice, it can only be configure once, so you would just have a duplicate.
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As I mentioned earlier, I did have the exact same plugin working twice on the same page using Ultimatelaunch. I agree though, that they would both be configured exactly the same. I did not test using a different plugin on the same page twice, how it would react. I have one page in my ultimatelaunch setup displaying 2 different plugins and it works great; however, personally have no need to display the same plugin twice on the same page.
you're right I haven't thought that way,
they'll have the same configuration and it will be just a duplicate.
but I have an idea, I think if I could change the first plugin's name and install the second they will appear like diferent plugins and have separeted options
what do you think? is it possible, may be editing the registry.
khrizdiel said:
you're right I haven't thought that way,
they'll have the same configuration and it will be just a duplicate.
but I have an idea, I think if I could change the first plugin's name and install the second they will appear like diferent plugins and have separeted options
what do you think? is it possible, may be editing the registry.
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Hey, that would be sweet. Might be worth a try. (Perhaps a new thread is warranted for this though?) Better do some reading first to see if this has already been done.
I've actually thought about this. I think it would be cool to have 2 rotating cubes of ultimate launch on the today screen. That would make ultimate launch the ultimate app for me!
Beast84 said:
I've actually thought about this. I think it would be cool to have 2 rotating cubes of ultimate launch on the today screen. That would make ultimate launch the ultimate app for me!
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I love that idea.
khrizdiel said:
you're right I haven't thought that way,
they'll have the same configuration and it will be just a duplicate.
but I have an idea, I think if I could change the first plugin's name and install the second they will appear like diferent plugins and have separeted options
what do you think? is it possible, may be editing the registry.
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I'm sure there is a lot more than changing the name. Plugins use .dll's for configuration.
TheChampJT said:
I'm sure there is a lot more than changing the name. Plugins use .dll's for configuration.
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Man you're right again!!
now is that .dll
I dont know what to do!!
hotrod101 said:
I love that idea.
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where can I get that ultimatelaunch?
is it free?
khrizdiel said:
where can I get that ultimatelaunch?
is it free?
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It's not free, it's about $10, worth it in my opinion.
The site is, for english, you can find it on Handango.
TheChampJT said:
It's not free, it's about $10, worth it in my opinion.
The site is, for english, you can find it on Handango.
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Yeah, it's a good app, Infact - If you want to get some screenshots and/or a personal review see here:
please ask questions in the QUESTIONS thread next time.

SPB Mobile Shell 3

Hi folks,
I am new here, but I have read through most of the forums and cannot replicate my problem, so here goes.
I installed SPB Mobile 3 over the air last night, and it worked like it was supposed to. I didn't like 2 because when you hit the power off button it went back to the today screen.
SPB M3 worked like a charm last night, when I hit the power button, it was there waiting. When I turned it off, it turned the screen off (without going to home) When I hit the icon I placed on the nice new display screen, it went to the today screen, and I could start dialing an unknown number.
After crashing SPB twice trying to set default ring volumes, I figured I did enough damage, and hard reset my phone.
The mobile shell will not come on now unless I hit start (pain) and after I hit power off, I must power off the today screen also (or wait the 1 minute timeout) Does anyone have any idea what I screwed up or did not configure right? I understand this is more of an SPB mobile 3 problem (more than likely) but I figure there are pros here.
I have hard reset since, removing spb
I have tried using spbwatcher, which almost eliminates making a phone call not from contacts
I have tried replicating what I did last night (installing SPB over air, and through desktop)
I am just a little frustrated because the new SPB looks great, easy to use and very productive.
Any thoughts?
Just to add something to your info. SPB Mobile Shell does not work with RealVGA.
To bad though.. ..It looks like a cool program but it's not useful for Palm users at the moment.
I'm running it on my treo pro & it works fine
Running great on my Treo Pro... wouldn't like the phone too much without it!
CPL Tack said:
Hi folks,
I am new here, but I have read through most of the forums and cannot replicate my problem, so here goes.
I installed SPB Mobile 3 over the air last night, and it worked like it was supposed to. I didn't like 2 because when you hit the power off button it went back to the today screen.
SPB M3 worked like a charm last night, when I hit the power button, it was there waiting. When I turned it off, it turned the screen off (without going to home) When I hit the icon I placed on the nice new display screen, it went to the today screen, and I could start dialing an unknown number.
After crashing SPB twice trying to set default ring volumes, I figured I did enough damage, and hard reset my phone.
The mobile shell will not come on now unless I hit start (pain) and after I hit power off, I must power off the today screen also (or wait the 1 minute timeout) Does anyone have any idea what I screwed up or did not configure right? I understand this is more of an SPB mobile 3 problem (more than likely) but I figure there are pros here.
I have hard reset since, removing spb
I have tried using spbwatcher, which almost eliminates making a phone call not from contacts
I have tried replicating what I did last night (installing SPB over air, and through desktop)
I am just a little frustrated because the new SPB looks great, easy to use and very productive.
Any thoughts?
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Sadly there is in fact a very bad bug with the Treo Pro ringer and Treo Pro. SPB has this listed as a critical bug on the Treo Pro.
Yeah, the treo has a lot of system hacks with its side buttons -- and MS3 didn't expect this, it seems.. so there are some very significant issues with the Treo Pro/MS3.
but I'd ever read there is some methord to fix the problem to make SPB MS3 work on PRO with 96dpi.
I must be missing something b/c so far MS3 works pretty well on my treo pro. Maybe I don't know enough to see a bug if it hit me in the face - what should I be looking for?
These Issues are solved:
1st Treo Issue:
Ringer volume would drop to 0% if you touched the volume buttons on the side of the phone.
On the Lifestyle layout, if you used individual widgets for mail, mms etc it would not display voice mail messages but it did on the professional layout.
Again on the lifestyle layout the mail widget that was combined with the sms and missed call would not link to the primary email account.
If you follow this link you can download the beta versions (which still require your MS3 serial number). I currently have 3.0.1 Beta 3 (build 6488) which fixed the issues listed above that I was able to find wrong.
Currently they released a newer beta version that I will be testing out shortly 3.0.1 Release Candidate 1 (build 6501). Hope this helps
scottypimpin636 said:
These Issues are solved:
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Thanks so much scotty for taking the time out to answer my question. If I download the new beta and install... do I need to uninstall the old one? Will I lose all settings and favorite contacts set up, etc?
Sorry about your problem I got sprint touch vogue, where did you get SPB 3, I'd can we get the reg codes?
Thanks and good luck
WorksInTheory said:
Thanks so much scotty for taking the time out to answer my question. If I download the new beta and install... do I need to uninstall the old one? Will I lose all settings and favorite contacts set up, etc?
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No need to uninstall the old version and you won't lose a thing. Just run the new install and it will tell you that it needs to remove the old one first but let it do the uninstall for you. It will automatically go in to the new install and all of your settings will stay the same.
Sorry about your problem I got sprint touch vogue, where did you get SPB 3, I'd can we get the reg codes?
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If you don't have the money to buy it that's understandable. You can always check out a torrent site or send me a PM, I may be able to be of assistance
If you want a cheap alternative check out Panoramic Launch Pad:
It doesn't do quite as much as Mobile Shell but it uses way less memory, costs a lot less and works perfectly on my Pro
thats the worst product ever. you cant remove pages and the bringup minmized program task manger is dug in.
integra144 said:
thats the worst product ever. you cant remove pages and the bringup minmized program task manger is dug in.
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scottypimpin636 said:
These Issues are solved:
1st Treo Issue:
Ringer volume would drop to 0% if you touched the volume buttons on the side of the phone.
On the Lifestyle layout, if you used individual widgets for mail, mms etc it would not display voice mail messages but it did on the professional layout.
Again on the lifestyle layout the mail widget that was combined with the sms and missed call would not link to the primary email account.
If you follow this link you can download the beta versions (which still require your MS3 serial number). I currently have 3.0.1 Beta 3 (build 6488) which fixed the issues listed above that I was able to find wrong.
Currently they released a newer beta version that I will be testing out shortly 3.0.1 Release Candidate 1 (build 6501). Hope this helps
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Scott is correct on the solved issue. sadly there are still critical bugs, and you can see on the SPB forums all the treo pro users are ticked off at lack of fix.
WorksInTheory said:
I must be missing something b/c so far MS3 works pretty well on my treo pro. Maybe I don't know enough to see a bug if it hit me in the face - what should I be looking for?
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try and call up your task manager! Task manager is killed in MS3, this is not fixed. It is a Treo Pro specific bug.
Also there are message count/notifications problems on MS3 with many devices and the Treo pro is no exception as well as very difficulty to nail down battery consumption
cpl tack said:
hi folks,
i am new here, but i have read through most of the forums and cannot replicate my problem, so here goes.
I installed spb mobile 3 over the air last night, and it worked like it was supposed to. I didn't like 2 because when you hit the power off button it went back to the today screen.
Spb m3 worked like a charm last night, when i hit the power button, it was there waiting. When i turned it off, it turned the screen off (without going to home) when i hit the icon i placed on the nice new display screen, it went to the today screen, and i could start dialing an unknown number.
After crashing spb twice trying to set default ring volumes, i figured i did enough damage, and hard reset my phone.
The mobile shell will not come on now unless i hit start (pain) and after i hit power off, i must power off the today screen also (or wait the 1 minute timeout) does anyone have any idea what i screwed up or did not configure right? I understand this is more of an spb mobile 3 problem (more than likely) but i figure there are pros here.
I have hard reset since, removing spb
i have tried using spbwatcher, which almost eliminates making a phone call not from contacts
i have tried replicating what i did last night (installing spb over air, and through desktop)
i am just a little frustrated because the new spb looks great, easy to use and very productive.
Any thoughts?
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i like it. Run very smooth
I use SPB Pocket Plus 4 with 320x320 96dpi, works like a charm!
funny thing is SPB PP4 only works with 320x320, whereas SPB mobile shell only works with 240x240.
working spb?
i was wondering if anyone has a link of spb that will out live its 2 week experation date?
i cant seem to find one. thanks

[REQ] Today screen photo album plugin

So i have been searching every where for a today plugin that displays photos similar to that of the photo tab of touchflo but have found notthing so if there are any developers willing to create such a plugin i will be more then willing to donate some funds to them please help
there is a plugin called CMYPhotos in that pulls images from the devices "my pictures" folder, i just installed a 6.5 rom two days ago and i couldn't find a way to make it pull them from another location.
if anybody has a solution or a flexible alternative to cmyphotos, please speak up
there is a plugin called CMYPhotos in that pulls images from the devices "my pictures" folder, i just installed a 6.5 rom two days ago and i couldn't find a way to make it pull them from another location.
if anybody has a solution or a flexible alternative to cmyphotos, please speak up
double post error
well... just use the data for my plugin and create a standalone version...
...or hide the other pages with the settings.
the thing is im not looking for it to be used specifically with titanium im looking for a stand alone photo today plugin similar to htc album for the today screen
oh.... I dont know any other, sorry... :/
twolf said:
well... just use the data for my plugin and create a standalone version...
...or hide the other pages with the settings.
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Would you be so kind so as to post a standalone ver? ...Purrty please.
My plugin can be used as a stand alone...
Just disable the other pages on its settings.
twolf said:
My plugin can be used as a stand alone...
Just disable the other pages on its settings.
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i tried it with pix only, and it was awfully slow. any ideas on what is causing it or how to fix it?
The default already haves them all preloaded as you choose next/previous.
Mine doesnt, it loads them on the spot every 1 second.
The bigger the picture, the longer it takes to load.
If its not loaded on that second, it will only show on the next, so it takes 1-3 seconds to load each picture.
If anyone does use mine to build a new version, would need to use the color codes "cheat", so that each time it changes page, the system loads the next and previous imeditatly. Thats would make it much faster.
I wont do that for mine, because its a page-only version.

