Memory Map and Tom Tom bluetooth - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I have installed Memory Map pocket PC version, which looks great, and paired with my Tom Tom BT gps unit, but can't get the Memory Map software to see the GPS.
I don't (never have) had TomTom installed as I know it takes over control of the GPS driver.
Anyone here using this and knows the settings to allow Memory Map to work with the GPS?

when you add the gps in settings-connections-bluetooth, pick a com port - i used com8.
in Pocket Nav select menu-gps-setup
i used manufacturer: NMEA as i have a generic bt gps unit
Port: COM8 (to match the bt com port setting you chose earlier)
Baud: 4800
click ok and it should work ok
i have a free download to evaluate which won't let me plot but it does lock in to the gps and you can view the satellites it's locked on to.
it looks a good package - maybe santa will get me a copy


QTEK S110 and Holux GPSlim236 - PLEASE HELP

Hi All,
I have just received a Holux GPSlim236 to go with my Qtek S110, but I am having really hard time getting it to work. The software I am using at the moment is the GPS View, which comes with the reciever.
I have been able to pair them, but that is as far as I get. GPS View cannot see it, neither can some software called GPS Speed Sentry (which has worked with a previous GPS reciever).I have also been on, but I still have not been able to get it working. They keep on mentioning about changing the GPS Com Port, but I cannot find how to do this in Windows Mobile 2003SE. Has anyone been able to sort this out before?
Also do different companies version of Windows Mobile 2003SE differ. For Example could QTEKs Windows Mobile have different bluetooth options compared to Imate, O2 or TMobile? Could this be a reason why I cannot change the COM Port?
If anyone has been able to sort it out, can they let me know, as it is causing BIG headaches!!!
Hopefully I have left enough info...
You do not say what, if any, navigation software you use
I found the Holux GPS viewer v1.05 unreliable and replaced it.
I Searched the internet and downloaded TomTom's GPS driver v2.08. I suspect that TomTom BlueTooth GPS is a rebadged Holux product.
Using the v2.08 driver select GPS and on the top of display drop down menu select TomTom Wireless GPS.
Next select from second drop down list Bluetooth Serial port and COM6.
Select Status and please make certain when using the Satellite receiver that your pocket PC BlueTooth Manager is turned ON.
Good luck
You do not say what, if any, navigation software you use
I found the Holux GPS viewer v1.05 unreliable and replaced it.
I Searched the internet and downloaded TomTom's GPS driver v2.08. I suspect that TomTom BlueTooth GPS is a rebadged Holux product.
Using the v2.08 driver select GPS and on the top of display drop down menu select TomTom Wireless GPS.
Next select from second drop down list Bluetooth Serial port and COM6.
Select Status and please make certain when using the Satellite receiver that your pocket PC BlueTooth Manager is turned ON.
Good luck
COM ports for GPS receiver
Just do the following:
go to
START - SETTINGS - Bluetooth Settings
Check that you have a Bluetooth Serial Port Setup
Inbound COM port: COM4
after that pair the gps receiver with your device.
When your software tries to connect to the gps receiver tell it that it's connect to COM4
That's the way I got mine working with route 66.

BT GPS: two programs use the GPS at the same time ?

I have tom tom and gps 2 google earth.
I want to use tom tom for navigation and gps2googleearth to save my path.
The problem is that only one program can access the virtual serial port of the bt gps receiver (holux gpslim).
I have used the registry hack to show the GPS icon at settings->connections.
My gps is at COM7.
I created a virtual port (COM8) in order to allow more than one program to access the GPS.
The think is that some programs work at COM8 but TomTom doesn't. (it only works with the real port 7...)
Is there any way to do that ?

BT GPS & Tom Tom 6

Can you help? I have just acquired a very small GPS receiver, the Holux GPSSlim 240, which is excellent and seems to work with my Varios II so far. It is fine with it's own GPS receiver checker and works very well with Google Map; the problem is Tom Tom 6 which has only twice seen the actual GPS receiver. When it has worked it appeared fine but I cannot get it to work again.
I have made 'GPS settings' available within settings (using Hermes fit4cat) and have succesfully BT paired the device (obviously) - the problem seems unique to Tom Tom 6. I have seen other posts and suggestions but they do not solve the problem.
Within WM5 settings/system - I have GPS program port: COM2, GPS hardware port: COM4 Baud: 57600, and the "Manage GPS automattically..." is ticked. Within Bluetooth Settings I have ticked 'serial port', and within 'COM Ports' I have the "Holux240" tied to COM2. I have also tried the program on Com Port 9 - Google map and the GPS Receiver Test app worki fine but TT6 seems not to see the GPS Receiver.
Any ideas would be most welcome - I am keen to try out TT6.
EDIT: Problem solved , after much searching of other sites I came back to this here and found that the issue with TT6 appears to be it's incompatibility with the WM5 setting "Manage GPS automatically (rec...)". I followed the instructions (from the link) which included turing this off and TT6 connected immediately! However, I have now found that Google Map, which previously worked consistently) will now not work at all.
My Conclusion: TT6 has problems with WM5 management of GPS via BT but Google Map seems to require it! Interestingly, the Holux GPSSlim 240 PPC software "GPS Receiver" seems happy with or without WM5 management of the GPS. I assume that Tom Tom will, in due course, issue a fix.
tony.wheeler said:
EDIT: Problem solved , after much searching of other sites I came back to this here and found that the issue with TT6 appears to be it's incompatibility with the WM5 setting "Manage GPS automatically (rec...)". I followed the instructions (from the link) which included turing this off and TT6 connected immediately!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Beat me to it! I actually have the exact same GPS with Tomtom6. That thing is tiny isn't it?
Problems Solved?
I have just updated TT6 to version 6.010 (simple overwrite of TomTom Navigator.exe) and it now appears to work OK with WM5 management of the GPS. That means I can now run 4 applications that all require GPS access and all seem to work simultaneously! - albeit memory allocation means they get a little slow....
I have just been running TT6 (ver 6.010), Google Map (PPC ver 1.0.0), MS Live Search (ver 1.0.2592.31374), and MoDaCo CameraAware (- all with GPS access working and managed by WM5. Each of the 4 apps now starts and automatically connects to the BT GPS receiver (TT6 even starts BT ok and connects within about 15 secs).
Settings to achieve this are:
WM5 BT - GPS Receiver partnership with Serial Port ticked, Receiver added to Outgoing port as Com 2 (secure connection not ticked).
GPS Settings - Program port set to Com 9, Hardware port set to Com 2 at 19200 (4800 is enough I believe), Access tab - tick in the box "Manage GPS ..."
TT6 - (Installed on micro SD Card) Holux GPSSlim 240 configured as "Other Bluetooth ..." on Com 2 (interestingly Com 9 will not work and I thought this was the one that should be used given WM5 management in my case).
Google Map - (Installed on PDA) Google map just connects so I do not know what port it is accessing on. Presumably it just searches [prts till it gets one that works. Interestingly Google Map will not work unless WM5 is allowed to manage the GPS connection.
Live Search - (Installed on micro SD Card) Works on either Com 2 or Com 9. Note: it appears that even though you can set the map cache (up to 8Mb) to the storage card that this setting is not saved so not sure where it is saving the cache (time will tell with memory available on the device).
MoDaCo CameraAware - (Installed on micro SD Card) works on both Com 2 and Com 9. Seems to work alongside TT6 - will report back.
Holux provide a "GPS Viewer" PPC application and that connects to the GPS receiver on either Com 2 or Com 9. Not sure all this is the way it should work but it seems OK for me.
Tony Wheeler
Vario II


I installed tom tom on my 8525. when I ran the program it will only allow me to use com 3,7 and 6 for the blue tooth gps. My phone will not allow me to use those com's to set up the gps receiver. any ideas?
you have to go into settings - connections -external gps. gps program port choose com2. hardware choose com4. access-uncheck manage gps.
also go settings-bluetooth com port. select new outgoing port. choose com2 and finish. start tomtom and go to setup you should now see a com 2 available to pick.try this it is what i had to do to get my tomtom to work .
External gps does not show up under connections. I installed navigator 6 on my phone hoping that would help but now it does not find my maps. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I did set my phone to com 2 but it was not one of the coms that show up in navigator 5. All that was there was 3,7 and 8.

Gps port?

would like to know which port is for the internal GPS system, I deleted the pre installed tomtom navigator and try to install tomtom navigator6.0 This program prompt me for a GPS port and I don't know which one.
Could you help me?
this is what works for me:
WM5: port 4, speed 4800, internal GPS receiver
WM6: port 5, speed 9600, Other NMEA receiver
In the settings: same data and check "automatic management" (or the like, I
have an italian OS)
Hope this can help
With AP Touch Rom 3.0 on Google Maps I have to choose port 4 with 57600.
pumats said:
this is what works for me:
WM5: port 4, speed 4800, internal GPS receiver
WM6: port 5, speed 9600, Other NMEA receiver
In the settings: same data and check "automatic management" (or the like, I
have an italian OS)
Hope this can help
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
via Settings->System->GPS I can select the com port on my T-Mobile Ameo DE
on TomTom you choose other NMEA receivers.
in settings under external gps it asks for
programs .> gps program port ????
Hardware -> gps harware port -> i set it to com 4 57600
access - manage it autimatically is checked
and gps does not get any setting s in google maps
just says seeking sattleites ????
In settings>system>external GPS:
GPS program port: WM5 -> com4, WM6 -> com5
Hardware : WM5 -> none, 4800, WM6 -> none, 9600
manage it automatically: checked
In TomTom (GPS status):
WM5: internal GPS, 4800, com4
WM6: other NMEA receiver, 9600, com5
These settings work for my device, hope it helps.
On Google Maps and Delorme Maps I get "searching for satellite" when the settings are right, but it hasn't locked-on yet. When the settings are wrong, I almost instantly get an error message. So I'm guessing if you see "searching..." you have your settings right.
As for finding a signal, the achille's heel on this unit is locking on when you are inside (either a building or even some cars). Outside or inside my car it will lock on in 20-30 seconds, sometimes sooner. Inside my house or office it will fail 98% of the time. The sirf/star unit attached to my Palm will lock on inside my house - in the middle of the 1st floor - in under 20 seconds.
I think with all the trade-offs they had to make to get all 4 antennas to work together without interference, the signal strength on the internal GPS antenna got the short straw. I have top-notch strength on the cell and bluetooth antennas, so obviously they got top priority. I don't use wifi so I don't know how well it works, but the gps signal strength could use some work for the future X7502...
GPS, TomTom
I have a T-Mobile Ameo and recently I have installed TomTom Navigator 6.
when I start TomTom it takes between 5-20 minutes before it gets connected with a satellite.
Is this normal, or is there a problem..?
if not, what should I do to resolve this problem..?

