Help... miniUSB socket broken - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

My miniUSB socket has been a little dodgy for the past week then today i pulled the charger out and the socket came out with it. This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact i've updated the firmware to the new QTEC. Is there any way of changing the firmware over bluetooth or infrared?
I'm a bit stuck because the only way to get it fixed is either to go to t-mobile with the correct firmware on or to open it up and try and solder the miniUSB back.
I'm guessing that updating the firmware to a non-tmobile will void it? Even though this problem could never be caused by the change of firmware.
Any ideas would be really helpful (i'm pretty desperate!).

I would just send it in and hope they don't check/care that you have changed your ROM. BTW, I just had the same problem with the mini USB plug except mine got pushed INTO the phone. Luckily, I had the new Tmobile ROM installed (but I had done all SORTS of warranty-voiding stuff with it in the past) sorry dude.

T-mobile trying it on.
Well got the same problem my 11 month old MDA Vario's (STD T-mobile rom) socket fell into the phone when I plugged it in to recharge in mid December....
Took it into my T-mobile shop and they sent it for repair...
Now back from Christmas holiday just been in to get it and been told that its "out for quotation", phoned t-mobile direct and have been informed that their repair centre is viewing it as damage rather than warrantiable and a quotation is on its way to me....
Totally unacceptable of course, its a design or build problem, was very angry when I came off the phone to T-mobile...
And now I read that T-mobile on both sides of the atlantic are accepting this fault as warrantiable.
Would be interested in the details of anyone who has had this problem and had it repaired by t-mobile (particularly in the UK)...
Will be talking to the Consumer Direct (part of UK Gov's Office of Fair Trading) on Monday and hopefully getting them to investigate....
Any help advise or experiences more than welcomed Thanks...
Oh and sorry for semi shanghaing the thread!!

I have had this issue twice . both were warrantable exchanges . no hassle from tmobile . 1 of the csr reps even told it happened to her twice so she already knew what the situation was and set up the warranty exchange no questions asked. fyi I'm in america nyc to be exact. hopefully I never experience it again. but hey I'm still under warranty and with 3 day shipping I wasn't down more then 1 and a half business days (broke and ordered replacement on a monday night, replacement arrive by ups on wed early afternoon. well worth the $15 shipping charge)
p.s. the 1st one I exchanged I flashed a cooked rom on it and cid and sim unlocked it . I just did a hard reset and hoped they never caught it. lol that was almost a year a go never been charged for it. also the worst that will happen (atleast tmo usa) if tmo determines your damage to be out of warranty is they'll charge you a $100 out of warranty fee. likey 2 phone bills later but you get ya replacement 3-5 days later. well worth taking the "gamble" of warranty exchange

just happened to pretty much fell out. tmo just exchanged it. it had been a warranty exchange phone that the usb fell out on. the one they sent me had a bad speaker, so i got yet another warranty exchange (2 in less than a week)...these are refurbs that they use for warranty exchanges, so test them out pretty well when you first get them. this one from yesterday so far is really nice. the silo is tight, the slider is very tight (both issues with the broken usb one) the sound is i am in the process of making all my rom mods now.
the tmo rep had heard about the usb issue before, so apparently, it is not uncommon!

Thanks for your replies, so it looks like Tmobile US accept its warrantiable and Tmobile UK dont......
Any positive UK responses ????
Thanks again

T-Mobile not budging
Well have just given T-Mobile UK customer service one last try and got the same response...
"if their engineers say its not warrantiable, its not warrantiable", no need to give a reason why, no reason to take into account the presedence of cases where this very fault has been repaired under warranty.
I have spoken to the UK Governments Consumer Direct team and will be writting a letter to T-mobile giving them notice that I plan to pursue legal action under the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982....
As the goods supplied were not of satisfactory quality and have not lasted a satisfactory period of time (the length of the 18 month contract would have been a good start)
Anyway any more experiences of this problem and how T-mobile responded???

SIMONG said:
Well have just given T-Mobile UK customer service one last try and got the same response...
"if their engineers say its not warrantiable, its not warrantiable", no need to give a reason why, no reason to take into account the presedence of cases where this very fault has been repaired under warranty.
I have spoken to the UK Governments Consumer Direct team and will be writting a letter to T-mobile giving them notice that I plan to pursue legal action under the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982....
As the goods supplied were not of satisfactory quality and have not lasted a satisfactory period of time (the length of the 18 month contract would have been a good start)
Anyway any more experiences of this problem and how T-mobile responded???
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Good move on this, please keep me updated, I'm a UK T-mobile customer also.

OK so while I wait for T-mobiles response ot my warning of legal action letter, have set up this email addie....
[email protected]
If anyones had the socket breaking problem, could the email me a few details of who they are what their network is and what happened....
pretty sure as an early adopter with the problem, that this may be the tip of the forthcoming iceberg...
obviously no information you give will be used for anything other than my discussion with t-mobile!!!!

OK so the long and the short of it, I am now in possession of a nearly new MDA vario replacement unit from T-mobile UK.
Last Friday I had a call from their email customer services department (and then a call today from their letter customer services department more of this later but worth noting that they are different teams apparently working independantly of each other and both far more qualified to help with real problems than the 150 service... infact the email customer services rep todl me to email instead of phone in future....).
After half an hour with the lady repeating the T-mobile party line, which included the fact that having spoken to the engineers and the T-mobile legal team, she could confirm that the UK Supply of goods and services Act 1982 on covered phones for 6 months.... an interesting "fact" completely against the letter of that law and against the understanding of the office of fair trading's understanding..
And having finally moved her onto the more interesting if its damage why does T-mobile US fix it under warranty.....
We concluded with her advising me that the T-mobile engineers wouldnt touch the phone under warranty and that she would talk to my local company store and call me back in 10 minutes.
I assumed thats the last I would hear of her, but give her due respect, 30 minutes later she phoned back and told me she had talked to the shop was more aware of the total situation and.....
Would be sending me out the replacement phone over night by next day recorded delivery!!!!
She also offered me some compensation for my T-rouble (1 months contract fee refunded) which I didnt expect but willingly accepted!!!
Best of all next morning when the phone arrived it was a complete set, so spare battery charger, case, backplate (with rubber still in shock horror!!!) and a couple of styluses!!!!!
So my faith is once more restored int T-mobile, hopefully this was a jink in the generally excellent service I have had from them... (here's hoping!!!)
Anyway today the registered letter must have landed as I had a call from their letter based customer service department (an even more helpful person still!!)... checking to make sure I was happy.. thought it might be a crossed wire but no she knew about the replacement phone!!
This lady listened to my full story again, including mentioning my "new" email address as above and the posts on this site... she advised that she will be looking into the issue further and seemed very interested in the number of responses I had had from my previous post......
Supposedly I will be getting her email address (not got it yet!!) so that I can send her contact details of those UK t-mobile customers with the problem that have contacted me (obviously will be asking your permissions first!!!)...
So not promising anything (cos I cant) but if you are a UK T-mobile customer with this problem let me know on the email address above, guess it cant hurt!!!
p.s. thanks for all the help and support and stories of success!!!!

As my phone had taken a bath at one stage and I'd opened it to clean it up, I guessed that I would have no luck with a warranty claim for my broken USB socket. I just got it back this morning from being repaired by a bloke at the market - £35 for a new socket to be soldered on. It charges and ActiveSync worked initially but then disconnected after a few minutes - so I need to decide whether to do without it again for a few days while they have another go, or just use USB to charge, and sync over GPRS.

ok got the email address and apologies to eileen but she sent it before my last post, must have got caught up in gmail somewhere....
will compile any stuff received over the next week or so and send it to her.
cheers simon

simon i have been reading the post's and im also in the position you was in. i am at this moment in time having issues with t-mobile on fixing my mda (usb port) i have just got off the phone to HTC europe who make the phones and they are not prepared ton fix the phone if t-mobile dont ppick up the tab HMMMM! im at a loose end here banging my head at a brick wall. can anyone help.
many thanx

OK OK so I guess I spoke to soon......
6 months on and guess what.........
Unplugged the usb cable from my vario last night and "pop" the socket moved forward with the cable.
Not having the patience to go through all the loops.. I pulled up the last contact details I had from my previous problems and called the internal number given...
This gave me an 0845 number for the customer complaints team as apposed to customer service).
Gave that a call and was picked up by a T-mobile staff member called Carmen... who's surname appears to be " my name is just Carmen...." and amongst being told that not having a current case I shouldnt be using the number, I went back through the normal high quality T-mobile hoop.
This being the one that starts at Disdain and cynicism and endeds up at dismissal and a shouting Customer Service Rep (Do they really not train their staff at T-Mobile...). Actually the conversation ended with her tell me she couldnt deal with me anymore and that I had to phone 015!!!!
Anyway long and the short of it.....
My contract is up in three week so the implication was that I was just after a free upgrade... Explained that no I wanted a working phone so that I could continue my contract until the Kaiser came out and then negotiate a new contract with them.
Told that I could have an early upgrade but definitely not a repair or replacement, now at this point just to be clear they have offered me a Vario II at £240..... Obviously not an option.
Also gave me the T-mobile party line that they only supply the Network service not the phone as its a freebie.... As explained before this means it is not covered under the Sale of Goods act.... But unfortunately for T-mo it is definitely irrefutably covered under the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982.
So here we are valued premium customer or so they tell me, to close to the end of their contract to have their phone repaired or replaced, but only able to "upgrade" at £250 or a significant downgrade.
Consumer rights be damned..
Anyway another letter in to them, threatening small claims court... got a feeling that this time I may just have to get my suit out and dusted down.
Will keep you all updated......
p.s. [email protected] is active again..... if any of you want to add to my little list of affected customers!!!!

i have the same problem. but i am using cingular since the mda came out way b4 the 8125. anyhow how can i get tmobile to fix it?? can i?? my brother have tmobile.


Phone not working/warranty not honoured/Advice?

Hey all the story is this:
I had been using the JASJAR for a couple of months now and suddenly the phone (and I mean only the phone) has stopped working....What happens is that with my Vodafone SIM card I get signal but I cannot make or receive calls....When they call me they get voicemail, when I try to call the phone tries to make a call but after 30 seconds I get ' Call ended'.
I have even upgarded the device to the ROM given by imate and still the same thing happens....The green light flashes but it looks to people calling me that the phone is off.
I contacted Expansys where the phone was bought from and they advised to contact SBE which is imate's service center. I did and they kindly offered to have the phone picked up by courrier and have a look at it. They did and after a week or so they came back with a quote for 100+ pounds for replacing the phones main board! They said that warranty will not cover it because ' it is out of warranty according to the manufacturing date'.
I of course freaked out and spoke to imate on-line support and they advised me that the excuse will not stand and that all phones are covered by their date of purchase and that I should write an email to imate support explaining the situation. I did and the reply outraged me even more....
They said that the spoke to the service center and that they advised them that "it has been verified that the coaxial cable on the device is faulty and this is considered as a physical damage." The phone had NO damage when it left me and it has never suffered any....
Has this happened to anyone before? What should I do next? They provide lame excuses and they do not honour their warranty....Are they just trying to make more money out of me? Any advise will be appreciated and if anyone has taken a case like this to a cunsumers right association I will be glad to hear from them....I am not willing to give this up...
Thank you in advance,
PS I have all email and on-line chat on file for anyone that does not believe it....
i had a simaler problem with my a1000 which i got from 3uk
i ended up paying off my contract about the 6month mark and a few month later the phone stopped charging,
i assumed motorola would fix it being the manufacture but they said its outsourced to 3 and they handle all the repairs.
i rang 3uk and they asked me for my account number i advised them that i was no longer a coustomer as i payed off my contract but the phone was still under the 12 manufactures warantie.
they said they wouldnt even look at it as i was no longer a 3uk coustomer and that i would have to speak to motorola, motorola said exactly the oposate and that as it was a 3uk phone it was up to them to fix it.
after numerous calls and letters both from myself and consumer rights nothing was done and eventualy the 12 month past ......
i have it as a paper weight now lol
not relervant to your story but it might help somone else
good look ... dont let them screw you over
argyris said:
I contacted Expansys where the phone was bought from and they advised to contact SBE which is imate's service center.
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If you bought the phone from Expansys then (in theory) your contract is with them, not with SBE or I-Mate or anybody else.
Expansys should honour their contract with you and provide warranty cover, not refer you to someone else.
I'm no expert in consumer contract law (so I could be wrong) but I believe this to be the case. If it was a mail-order purchase then your rights should be even stronger, I think.
Your best bet might be to contact a Citizens Advice Bureau and find out what their opinion is. I'd have thought they'd examine the small print of your contract with Expansys and then tell you whether you have a valid warranty claim against them or not.
Good luck.
if you paid originally for it on your credit card, they might be able to help aswell.
If you bought the phone from Expansys then (in theory) your contract is with them, not with SBE or I-Mate or anybody else.
Expansys should honour their contract with you and provide warranty cover, not refer you to someone else.
I'm no expert in consumer contract law (so I could be wrong) but I believe this to be the case. If it was a mail-order purchase then your rights should be even stronger, I think.
Good luck.[/quote]
I bought the phone as a SIM free phone and not with a contract so I guess this makes things even worse.....but it was a mail order.... To be honest I think we are all totally screwed when it comes to dealing with this kind of problems....they will always say that the fault is ours and we can do nothing to prove it....
argyris said:
I bought the phone as a SIM free phone and not with a contract so I guess this makes things even worse.....but it was a mail order.... To be honest I think we are all totally screwed when it comes to dealing with this kind of problems....they will always say that the fault is ours and we can do nothing to prove it....
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I meant your contract of sale, not the monthly contract for the talkplan.
When you buy something from someone, you make a contract with them. In your case your contract was with Expansys and they have a legal obligation to support reasonable claims of items being unfit for purpose or not in working order.
I contacted Expansys, lets see what they have to say now....
Anyone know of any consuner rights group that might be able to help?
argyris said:
Anyone know of any consuner rights group that might be able to help?
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The UK Government has a website that might help:
You can call them for a chat too. Might be worth a try.
Or put "uk consumer rights" into Goooooogle and see what comes up.
One interesting paragraph on this page says:
No excuses
The law says it's up to the seller to deal with complaints about defective goods or other failures to comply with your statutory rights. Don't accept the excuse that "It's the manufacturer's fault," although you might also have additional rights against the manufacturer under a guarantee.
Think twice before you buy from a trader who displays a 'no refunds' notice. It is against the law, unless it also tells you that this does not affect your statutory rights .
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I think Expansys have some wriggle room on the guarantee if in the small print of their terms and conditions (that you read and agreed to when you bought the Universal, right? ) it says that they're acting as agents to the manufacturer only. I think that kinda gets them out of warranty obligations and means your contract of sale would be with whoever they mention in their T&Cs. I've never bought from them though, so I've no idea how they operate.
I think Expansys have some wriggle room on the guarantee if in the small print of their terms and conditions (that you read and agreed to when you bought the Universal, right? ) it says that they're acting as agents to the manufacturer only. I think that kinda gets them out of warranty obligations and means your contract of sale would be with whoever they mention in their T&Cs. I've never bought from them though, so I've no idea how they operate.
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You are right, I did a bit of searching in some goverment sites and it states that when they act like agents you cannot blame them for have to take it up with the manufacturer.
Some useful stuff I found out are:
I think everyone should take a quick read and finally know their rights....
Final Update!!
Since neither i-mate nor SBE would reply to any mails I finally paid for the repair of the phone. The guy I spoke to on the phone admited that they have a lot of Jasjars in for repairs and at most of them the warranty is not honoured....
This is a warning for all people wanting to buy one! DONT! The warranty will not be honoured in case it breaks down and i-mate is only good for advertising.....
Would it be the same case trying to get warrenty for the O2 version?
I have had a similar problem and have had enough of O2 and need some advice. 2 months ago I plugged the charger into my XDA Exec and the charger port got pushed back into the phone. So I was a bit annoyed that this would happen but I took it to the O2 shop who said it's not a problem and as the phone hasn't even been out a year it will be under warranty and should be no more than 3 weeks being repaired.
After four weeks I got a phone call saying that it wasn't under warranty and that the cost for repair would be £350 because they had to replace some sort of chip. I know this isn't true as the phone worked perfectly it just couldn't be charged. So I said I would not pay this and I wanted it returned. After a week still no sign of the phone I called O2 to tell them the whole story and they said that it could be repaired under the warranty and it wasn't a problem, I just had to send it straight to the repair centre without going through the shop.
I sat and waited until today 2 months after the phone originally broke and it got delivered back to the O2 shop.
I think it's disgusting that this has happened and wondered what my next plan of action should be??
argyris said:
I think Expansys have some wriggle room on the guarantee if in the small print of their terms and conditions (that you read and agreed to when you bought the Universal, right? ) it says that they're acting as agents to the manufacturer only. I think that kinda gets them out of warranty obligations and means your contract of sale would be with whoever they mention in their T&Cs. I've never bought from them though, so I've no idea how they operate.
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You are right, I did a bit of searching in some goverment sites and it states that when they act like agents you cannot blame them for have to take it up with the manufacturer.
Some useful stuff I found out are:
I think everyone should take a quick read and finally know their rights....
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This doesn't work like that in all country's ! In Holland they suppliers is responsable, the is : The name in Header on the bill. They could say the're only agents, but when they give you a bill with their name on it, you bought it for tehm, thus; they are responable...
Hey all,
I got my phone back today and guess what???? It does not charge or gets recognised by the computer....It was returned with a QTEK ROM although it is a Imate phone....
I am now sure this imate/SBE thing is all a nice scam that rips people off....
argyris said:
Hey all,
I got my phone back today and guess what???? It does not charge or gets recognised by the computer....It was returned with a QTEK ROM although it is a Imate phone....
I am now sure this imate/SBE thing is all a nice scam that rips people off....
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If you paid for the repair then sue them for not repairing - find their local trading standards office in the UK to complain to, complain to your VISA company etc etc.
Do you have anyone in the UK who can do this for you?
I told them that I did not get what I paid for and I am expecting a repair. They came back saying that they do provide warranty for all repairs they make so they will accept it back and repair it without any more cost for me....
The only thing to do is wait and see....I will post back any news....
Why not report them for piracy to HTC / Microsoft? I am led to believe loading a rom from one manufacturer onto another's device amounts to software piracy as your software was bought from i-mate and you now have Qtek's O.S.....
I bought mine through expansys you have to show proof of purchase, you can get this by emailing expansys or digging up your old email confirmation. The rest of your problem seem to be bs.
1.) email I-mate [email protected]
2.) If I-mate gave you an rma number you don't pay for anything
3.) once you get you phone in prepare to wait
Have you tried to insert another SIM card in the phone?
I have this weird problem with the JJ. I have 2 SIM's with 2 different Operators. The JJ works just fine with one SIM .....
BUT, when I insert the other SIM, I can make calls normally, but I can receive only ONE call (i mean it, ONE), after that the damn thing won't receive calls anymore!
After trying to make calls for several times it does work, but again, one incoming call and that's it.
I tried that SIM in the 8800, it works just great.
Anybody has an idea on what's going on?
Thank you guys..

Bring on replacement 4...

Guys, im not too sure if this is the place, but i'm at the point where i think i may have to take Orange UK to court.
Mid august, i finally had the option to upgrade to an SPV M3100 (Hermes), which i gleefully did.
By the end of august, i had severe keyboard problems, and had to order a replacement.
Phone #1: Faulty Keyboard
Phone #2 Shipped to me
The second unit was fine for a grand total of 3 which point...the same old keyboard problems (half the keys not working) starting reering its ugly head, along with the fabled screen alignment issues. I called orange...(we'll gloss over the 3 hours on hold, not being cut off when the offices closed at 10pm)...
Phone #2: Faulty Keyboard, Faulty digitizer, Stability issues, lost reception (only able to restore on hard reset)
Phone #3 Shipped to me...
And so here we are....a whole 13 odd days later....and yup....the keyboard has screwed up again....and im losing signal all over the shop (one second full, next gone so NOT a signal strength issue). I called Orange, and told them that this is unacceptable...that ive paid for a phone, paid for a service, and get neither....
And offer of another device.....and why pray tell?! Because the first two reps listed the faults in different orders (or missed them altogehter). So....
Phone #3: Faulty keyboard, lossy signal
Phone #4 on its way to me for Thursday.
So this is what i get for being a high-cost customer, i have bills of £100+ each month, im on a high-end tarrif, and i have a top-scale phone. Yet....the supervisors never ring back or are busy...and Orange's correspondence dept haven't replied to my fax sent over a week ago.
As a result of the changed phones, i've lost data, i've lost time, i've lost money (software regged to IMEIs), and i've lost all faith in Orange UK.
Am i the only one that has had THIS MUCH OF A PROBLEM with this network, or is this how they treat everone?!
Apologies for the endless b*tching in this here post, but i am SO appauled by all this, i've half a mind to either NOT pay the next bill and let them chase me, or contact my CA bureau and Trading Standards and see if they will tolerate a customer NOT recieving what they paid for?
Mate you need to look at the Supply of goods to consumer regulations 2002. This updates the Supply and Sale of Goods and Services Act 1982 and gives you all the rights you need.
deep-blue that is terrible but I know a guy who has had three in two weeks because on everyone of them the keyboard didn’t work.

different model replacement for hero through insurance?

hi ppl,
I am now on my fourth hero through orange UK, having had the previous ones replaced due to.faults with the phone's earpiece.
I am aware that orange's policy to offer a different model replcement after the third replacement, so I am thinking, if my phone breaks again(which I could just make up that it has), what model are they likely to allow me to choose from?
Will it be from the same price range as the hero or will they allow me to choose from something like the desire since its the only other phone that orange offer that runs on HTC sense? (which is why I chose this phone anyway). obviously I wouldn't settle for a tattoo.
any advice from people who have been offered a different model through orange care is much appreciated. also any ideas on what I should say to tie them down to giving me the desire?
thanks a lot
Sent from my Hero using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Aaah, Orange, who are replacing my Toshiba TG01 for the 3rd time tomorrow. When I called in I got disconnected loads of times, and eventually got through to sales (who were the only people to pick up inside 10 mins), who then put me straight through to a CSR. The CSR was absolutely useless, barely understood English and was trying to follow a script ("my phone doesn't turn on" - 'ok, can you go into the menu and reset it' - "..."), and eventually decided that I didn't own my own account and refused to help me any more. After repeatedly asking for a manager I got put through to a supervisor and got into an argument with him because although my charger and handset were faulty, Orange would only replace one at a time, would only provide refurbished kit (the failed unit was a damaged refurb device) and I would have to call back for the charger replacement. Eventually I gave in, and the replacement was dutifully shipped to the wrong address.
So I wrote in an angry email, and a few hours later one of the email support team called me back. She then agreed to provide a brand new handset, charger, case and battery, and mentioned that if you had more than 3 replacements inside the first 6 months of owning the original device then Orange would offer you a replacement model of a different type and equivalent to what you were replacing. However the models they offered were really nowhere near the TG01, so I am taking a new one and selling it.
As for your case, I would suggest you write the email support team a very detailed explanation of the problems, including dates and so forth, mention the sales of goods act, and at the very least get a factory new Hero you can then sell towards the cost of a Desire. It is very unlikely that Orange will replace your 10 month old Hero with its latest shiny new super-phone at no cost. This is like asking BMW to replace a problematic 1 series with a brand new 7 series.
@mcall_r: If you manage to get a Desire out of Orange do let us know, but I don't rate your chances.
My wife had a similar situation with Orange & a Blackberry, replaced at least 3 times. In her case, on possibly the fourth replacement, they couldn't even offer the same model due to lack of stock. She got bounced round between various people & the only thing that came across consistently was that all they'd offer her was inferior old junk. Some of the staff were exceptionally rude, particularly when she got upset at one point. There was more chance of Santa dropping off a replacement phone (& no it wasn't Xmas), than of these people offering her a replacement that was at least as good as her faulty phone.
She wasn't being unreasonable. She'd have even taken an inferior phone but they couldn't offer her one with gps (though a couple did claim certain models had gps - only when I checked & pressed them they changed that to 'well it has gprs...' Can you believe it? I mean, wtf?)
The last person insisted there was nothing they could do if they had no stock; they could only offer her what the system offered & there was no way for them to know when they'd have more stock in of her existing model.
The next day she called into a local Orange shop to complain before calling trading standards. The guy in the shop was very helpful (& she hadn't needed to mention trading standards; think he was just a nice guy). He told her they'd got stock in that morning & essentially that the woman she'd spoken to the previous evening had lied to her, as she would have known stock was due in.
I know some of the employees are decent human beings & others who might be borderline will be under a lot of pressure, but as a whole, I'd not piss on Orange if they were on fire.
Oh dear,
Im sad to hear your stories about orange's poor customer service (in some departments).
Funnily enough I actually work for orange, in an orange shop, and we in retail have little to no contact with what goes on in the call centres which is why i decided to ask on here to see if anyone else has had similar experiences. Also the fact that I do not have the hero on my employee contract, only on the personal one I took out to get it.
I find that through 150 if you go through to the correct options (for instance handset replacement the options are 1,3,1,1) you get through to the nice helpful people in Darlington, North Tyneside or Newcastle, who actually most of the time know what you are talking about.
I cannot say the same about the call centres in India. Their main job is to provide support for accounts, for example adding bundles and changing service plans. They mainly read off a script and have little experience with the mobile phones themselves so do not know the ins and outs of them. Ergo them thinking that GPS and GPRS are the same thing.
So what is the email address for the email support team that I can try and complain to?
Out of curiosity, i am on orange with a 3 month old hero and the earpiece is broken.Is it a common thing? Can i get it replaced for free? Finally i cancelled my insurance and a day later the earpiece failed,did you go via phone insurance? sorry for the questions but i am raging quite a biit that it happened after i cancelled lol
The email is a page on the site, you have to go through the pages and enter some details to it to the right team. Mark it for the attention of Misha, I found her very helpful.
Insurance or not, you are covered by the sales of goods act, so a 3 month old phone should be fit for purpose. Under that you should be able to get a replacement under that.
Both orange and the company i have got the phone from have said they do not provide a replacement without insurance? I have to send the phone to HTC which i have done with my magic many times,this means no phione for me fora few weeks total BS Tbh

HTC Customer Service: HELP!!

Hallo everyone, I couldn't find any new threads so I'm starting a new one. I took my HD2 to a Milan service center because there was a slight crack in the LCD screen; the phone fell from my hands, it was in its case but cracked anyway..I accepted a hefty 201 Euro charge, and was told that I would get it back (fixed..) in 7/10 days. This was on My 18th. After 2 weeks I called and was told to call HTC directly, there were no news. HTC told me there was a shortage in LCD screens, the problem was being solved and to call back in another 2 weeks. I called yesterday (HTC Europe..) and I was told the problem is indefinite, they have no idea when it will be solved. I asked why wasn't I told right away, I could have kept my phone (it was working) until they had fixed the shortage...and so
today HTC called me back and proposed to return me the HTC2 NOT fixed, that I should ask the service center that I did not want to fix it, and I would "only" be charged for the delivery service to and from the HTC service.
At this I blew up, and said in NO WAY was i going to ask to have it back not fixed so it would look like I did NOT want it fixed...just so they could charge me for it! I still need a fixed phone! So I just told him to keep it there until they had solved the hardware problem, and I would have a consumers' association write to them...
..I'm thinking of buying a new phone, maybe this new Samsung Galaxy...
..but I'm SO ANGRY!!! NO MORE HTC!!!! Does anyone know what is going on? I've never heard of anything like this!!!
Sorry for your bad experience. Quite a few people here will be familiar this kind of thing. I once tried to make a warranty claim on my HTC Touch the end I gave up.
Check how much the 'postage' charge is before you agree to anything. This and the handling fee is normally quite high (well, in the UK it is). Keep complaining about it and don't back down?
HTC bad customer support
Thanks for your reply Ouzo..but I am in now way going to get them to send me back the phone if they don't fix it, and have to pay for postage! I'm going to have a lawyer write to them, and a Consumers' Association. They can keep it until it's fixed. And they HAVE to fix it sooner or later or start paying penalties. The doc I signed says I have to pick it up within 90 days or I will be charged for deposit...
What I am going to do, is go out and buy another phone...and NEVER AGAIN an HTC...
I'm not sure if any of the other phone manufacturers are any better unfortunately. Either way, good luck with your new phone, and good luck getting your phone fixed by HTC.
bionksie said:
Thanks for your reply Ouzo..but I am in now way going to get them to send me back the phone if they don't fix it, and have to pay for postage! I'm going to have a lawyer write to them, and a Consumers' Association. They can keep it until it's fixed. And they HAVE to fix it sooner or later or start paying penalties. The doc I signed says I have to pick it up within 90 days or I will be charged for deposit...
What I am going to do, is go out and buy another phone...and NEVER AGAIN an HTC...
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I would never claim in a warranty for just this reason. Smash it pay the £20 for excess on the insurance get them to pick it up and take it away and get a replacement at the door.
I've done this two or three times with my mobile insurer, works a charm. I'd pay the £20 excess again and again just for the privilege of getting them to take it away and getting a replacement there and then.
HTC Customer support is bad!
Hi Kalavere, that's pretty funny! But unfortunately I don't have insurance. I didn't even have that option, it wasn't a telecom device, but I bought it unlocked from a regular store. I going for the Samsung Galaxy...and when they decide to send it back to me, it's being sold. Goodbye forever HTC..
(though I know that Samsung Customer Service will be just as bad...).
Can totally empathise with your situation. Sent my HTC Desire for repair (external speaker stopped working) in UK 6 weeks ago. Sent it in original retail packaging with battery.
Only just received a replacement today. It arrived in bubble wrap in a plastic retail box, no battery and lost proof of purchase.
Have had several shouting matches with their p!$$ poor customer services deparment. Have emailed UKs BBC Watchdog TV programme for help in getting some sort of compensation. Will let you know if I get any joy.
In the meantime, I would recommend anyone else in the UK who has problems with HTC Customer Service to also email BBC Watchdog....the more that email, the more something might get done.
babblerx said:
Can totally empathise with your situation. Sent my HTC Desire for repair (external speaker stopped working) in UK 6 weeks ago. Sent it in original retail packaging with battery.
Only just received a replacement today. It arrived in bubble wrap in a plastic retail box, no battery and lost proof of purchase.
Have had several shouting matches with their p!$$ poor customer services deparment. Have emailed UKs BBC Watchdog TV programme for help in getting some sort of compensation. Will let you know if I get any joy.
In the meantime, I would recommend anyone else in the UK who has problems with HTC Customer Service to also email BBC Watchdog....the more that email, the more something might get done.
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Try to use my tread for that BBC
If it's help you.I'll be happy.
HTC servic in UK is boring at all.

Warranty service UK<----more than Poor

HI Guys
I used to had HTC Blackstone.After 1st warranty service I've received Blackstone with new touch panel and screen!!!But with death pixels more than 3!!!So it went back to Miltone Keynes service centre.After 2weeks+ I was happy owner of serviced Black100.
My HD2 is going to Miltone Keynes again after 1st warranty service.
Just day after I've received my phone
Again death pixel on screen,screen is not align in housing.
HOUSING is kind of secondhand!!! it is obviously not my!!! It has scratches on different places.
Maybe missing kapton around speaker.<--light is coming up from grid.Cool
Looks like serviced somewhere far far east you know that Communist country?!!!
For now I hate Miltone Keynes service centre.
They are trying us a stupid costumers?!!?
Lied on service explanation in both cases!!
Waisting my time!!!, their money and our green planet
Only who is profiting is UPS delivery company.
S..t happens after 1y7m on HTC I was without Phone for 1m2weeks+
PS:sorry for my funny Engl......
Yes they are shockingly bad.
My blackstone had newton rings so as I'm near them I dropped it in.
They wanted to charge me nearly £200 to repair something which in other countries they cover under warranty.
Thing is, they hadn't sent me a link to the tracking page so I only found out when I called up after 2 weeks for an update. Had I left it much longer they would have disposed of my phone without telling me.
I arranged with the call centre to be able to go in and pick my phone up but they hadn't told the repair centre so they were baffled with my arrival.
I then took the phone back to the store I bought it from for them to try and get a warranty repair, they got the phone back with a report of "no dead pixels found" when the fault report sent with the phone didn't mention dead pixels. The store offered to try again but having been without my phone for a month I wasn't keen, so they put it through as an insurance claim and I got a new phone the next morning.
I feel sorry for all UK HTC underwarranty c....
Looks like it's a group of poor paid people.
Or they just traying cheat on us.
By the way It's not real HTC they are just ''official service''
Hope HTC will change it soon!!!
SO say no to Miltone Keynes service centre or be realy careful.....
One good thing about it being in the UK is UK consumer laws are pretty decent.
Merely mentioning trading standards when I was in reception got them to change their tune and go get me my phone.
Had I a spare phone I could have reported them to trading standards for not fixing newton rings under warranty when I could provide evidence that in other countries they were allowing them as warranty faults.
I hope UK law will be behind us if what New Scientist said recently is true. Apparently, touch screens have a limited life because of the manufacturing process and rare earth metals used. They said most last just 18 months but that luckily, most users upgrade before then. My screen is already losing accuracy making text input difficult. After spending £500 I expect my phone to be working for alot more than 18 months.
that sux for y'all. Can y'all not have insurance that covers this for you. In the USA I pay for the insurance through t-mobile. When my hd2 kept overheating, I bricked it on purpose (just to make sure they didn't try and say there was nothing wrong), called t-mobile, told them it wouldn't turn on. They overnighted me a phone. Didn't cost me anything except the monthly insurance fee.
DrATty said:
I hope UK law will be behind us if what New Scientist said recently is true. Apparently, touch screens have a limited life because of the manufacturing process and rare earth metals used. They said most last just 18 months but that luckily, most users upgrade before then. My screen is already losing accuracy making text input difficult. After spending £500 I expect my phone to be working for alot more than 18 months.
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can understand how a screen might wear out if you dont use a screen protector, with one however it should last for a very long time... unless i dont understand the tech
just about warranty
this is not a tread about screen lifetime.
I just disagree withy way how guys in UK --> Miltones Keynes working.
Isurence if fine but it can't fix errors done by service centre.
Im not sure if my insurence is covering 1 second repair.
I don't know what the problem is. I had the crazy screen sensitivity issue, agged lines, random key presses.
Had the phone 9 months, called them, tried the latest ROM, same problem, sent it back, 2 weeks later it reappeared working perfectly, no problems, no scratches.
I coudn't be happier with their service.
DrATty said:
I hope UK law will be behind us if what New Scientist said recently is true. Apparently, touch screens have a limited life because of the manufacturing process and rare earth metals used. They said most last just 18 months but that luckily, most users upgrade before then. My screen is already losing accuracy making text input difficult. After spending £500 I expect my phone to be working for alot more than 18 months.
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The great thing about the consumer rights acts is you are entitled to a reasonable length of use out of a product, so even if it comes with just a 1 month warranty and it fails after 3 months, if you can argue that it was resonably expected to last that long then the law is on your side and you're entitled to repair/replacement.
nrfitchett4 said:
that sux for y'all. Can y'all not have insurance that covers this for you. In the USA I pay for the insurance through t-mobile. When my hd2 kept overheating, I bricked it on purpose (just to make sure they didn't try and say there was nothing wrong), called t-mobile, told them it wouldn't turn on. They overnighted me a phone. Didn't cost me anything except the monthly insurance fee.
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Insurance is for damage/loss, not breakdowns. Breakdowns should be covered by warranty/consumer protection laws, after all, if you're sold a shoddy item, why should it cost you to bring it up to the quality item you paid for in the first place?
Of course if something isn't covered by the warranty there's nothing stopping someone damaging their phone and claiming on insurance for a replacement.
Generally we have lower premiums and an excess to pay in the event of a claim, although you could find a policy with no excess but higher premiums.
my HD2 is again on the way to service centre.
Let's wait for it!
I was just havig look all around my HD2 Looks like they found some used one in better contidion.Replace the sticker with IMEI an SN.-->Maybe they've put even my HW in to it.because IMEI and SN is still same----->second hand housing, screen with death pixels, sreen was't align in housing and few small s..ts.
I'll report next week hopefuly...
I'm in ...
Dear ,
Thank you for returning your phone to us for repair.
This email is to confirm receipt of your PDA/Smart phone at the HTC Service centre.
Date/Time: ../11/2010 hh/mm/ss
IMEI: 35......................
Please do not respond to this message this is a generic email sent from an automated mailbox.
To learn more about HTC Europe, please visit our website at
Note: This is an automated message - do not respond to this email address as incoming mail is not answered. If you need to contact the Call Centre, please use this link quoting your unique ticket number.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE : The information in this e-mail is confidential and privileged; it is intended for use solely by the individual or entity named as the recipient hereof. Disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of this e-mail by persons other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may violate applicable laws. If you have received this e-mail in error, please delete the original message and notify us by return email or collect call immediately. Thank you. HTC Corporation
had nothing but problems with them,weeks without my phone, then they tried to charge me!!!!!useless twats!
OrionCarl said:
had nothing but problems with them,weeks without my phone, then they tried to charge me!!!!!useless twats!
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under the warranty?
What was explanation of service?
Never more HTC Service centre
HI everbody
So After 2nd comes 3th.
Yes my HD2 is going 1again and 2again and 3again to HTC qualified<----))) service centre Milton 1 month
'''''''''divece is with lines,ghost,death pixels,not responding,problem with signal,bat only for 1 day>1 pcall 15mins drain bat aprox 25%.....used to be ok before even after 2nd service.'''''''
ALL because I've had problem with Screen before first service.SH.T!!!!!
I Have no ideat want they do and for who they are working!!!!
Looks like to charge HTC TW-> more work = more money
Pleas IF you Have same Problem-s contact BBC watch dog.
-jen94ek- said:
HI everbody
So After 2nd comes 3th.
Yes my HD2 is going 1again and 2again and 3again to HTC qualified<----))) service centre Milton 1 month
'''''''''divece is with lines,ghost,death pixels,not responding,problem with signal,bat only for 1 day>1 pcall 15mins drain bat aprox 25%.....used to be ok before even after 2nd service.'''''''
ALL because I've had problem with Screen before first service.SH.T!!!!!
I Have no ideat want they do and for who they are working!!!!
Looks like to charge HTC TW-> more work = more money
Pleas IF you Have same Problem-s contact BBC watch dog.
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Personally, I would e-mail HTC both UK headquarters and their Taiwan headquarters and explain how their repair service is unacceptable and is affecting their brand image as a producer of quality phones.
fred_up said:
Personally, I would e-mail HTC both UK headquarters and their Taiwan headquarters and explain how their repair service is unacceptable and is affecting their brand image as a producer of quality phones.
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Good Idea but have you got Email adr... to HTC Headquarters??
Just let you know my experiences of HTC & my HD2
Had a problem with the USB charging socket, it was loose/broken - the phone would no longer charge. Contacted T-Mobile UK and they asked me to send it via one of their shops for repair, which I duly did. It went to SBE in Milton Keynes (T-Mobs official repairer) who found water ingress (??) and therefore claimed the damage was OOW. So I contact SBE who agreed their report was wrong and that the damage was in fact caused by crushing or dropping (??) & was still OOW, they then returned the phone to the shop still broken.
So I emailed T-Mobs customer service and they suggested that if I was not happy (as if I would be) I should get a second opinion from HTC UK themselves and provided a phone number. I contacted them and they arranged for the phone to be collected. In the meantime I searched the web and found a few people having issues similar to mine with the USB port so I collected as much evidence as I could and printed and packed it in with the phone before they collected it, along with a letter explaining that I, and many others, did not accept that the phone was 'Fit for purpose'...
2 weeks after they picked it up, a replacement arrives on my doorstep!!!, same serial number, different IMEI and definitely a different phone. During the time that they had it they never contacted me to say what they were doing and the online repair tracker just indicated that they had received my phone.
Since I've had the phone, which is faultless, I have had 2 calls and 1 email from HTC asking me to complete a customer satisfaction form!!!
So - I think HTC UK, are, with a bit of persuasion perhaps, ... Brilliant!.. However, T-Mob won't be getting my business again...
Milton Keynes (T-Mobs official repairer) = HTC service centrum
HTC_HD2_NEW said:
Just let you know my experiences of HTC & my HD2
Had a problem with the USB charging socket, it was loose/broken - the phone would no longer charge. Contacted T-Mobile UK and they asked me to send it via one of their shops for repair, which I duly did. It went to SBE in Milton Keynes (T-Mobs official repairer) who found water ingress (??) and therefore claimed the damage was OOW. So I contact SBE who agreed their report was wrong and that the damage was in fact caused by crushing or dropping (??) & was still OOW, they then returned the phone to the shop still broken.
So I emailed T-Mobs customer service and they suggested that if I was not happy (as if I would be) I should get a second opinion from HTC UK themselves and provided a phone number. I contacted them and they arranged for the phone to be collected. In the meantime I searched the web and found a few people having issues similar to mine with the USB port so I collected as much evidence as I could and printed and packed it in with the phone before they collected it, along with a letter explaining that I, and many others, did not accept that the phone was 'Fit for purpose'...
2 weeks after they picked it up, a replacement arrives on my doorstep!!!, same serial number, different IMEI and definitely a different phone. During the time that they had it they never contacted me to say what they were doing and the online repair tracker just indicated that they had received my phone.
Since I've had the phone, which is faultless, I have had 2 calls and 1 email from HTC asking me to complete a customer satisfaction form!!!
So - I think HTC UK, are, with a bit of persuasion perhaps, ... Brilliant!.. However, T-Mob won't be getting my business again...
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Problem is still in guys>>>>> Milton Keynes (T-Mobs official repairer)---->IT's HTC official service centree as well!!!!
Im sure all HTC from any NetProvider must be fix in Milton Keynes anyway.
I did ask the question when I spoke to HTC and the guy on the phone assured me that they were not SBE, even though both addresses were in Milton Keynes..
To be fair, the addresses I had were different as was the paperwork!

