HSDPA Can I check In My T-Mobile - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Ive just had hsdpa added to my account but CS didnt seem like they knew what they were talking about.
Will it say on my account in my t-mobile somwhere that i have this feature?
If it does could you let me know where abouts in my t-mobile it would be

Somewhere in extra services or something like that, there should be a feature called 384k Uplink and it should be enabled if T-Mobile have enabled HSDPA on your account.

ok thanks, cant see it anywhere on my account i called t-mobile got through to a tech they said its enabled on my acc and i wont be able to see it on my t mobile as its a free service,
I get my vario ii back tomorrow went for a software update missed the post on sat
whats the best place to do a speed test and what speed should i get that i know hsdpa is deffentley enabled?
Thanks again

Can you tell me what version you had prior to your upgrade. Were you having problems? if so what with?

Just checked mine and the exact name of the service as you should see it on yours will be 'HSDPA 384k Uplink' and it should be enabled.
whats the best place to do a speed test and what speed should i get that i know hsdpa is deffentley enabled?
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In any case, to do a speed test browse over to http://www.dslreports.com/mspeed?jisok=1 on your device and select an amount to dowload. It's a speed test page for mobile devices so you might want to save it in your faves if you ever want to check the speed.
As for the speeds you should be getting...
3G - Max Uplink Rate - 128Kb | Max Downlink Rate - 384Kb
HSDPA - Max Uplink Rate - 384Kb | Max Downlink Rate - 1.8Mbit* (*Current theoretical limit on T-mobile)
I usually get around 1Mbit speeds with 2-3 bars of signal.

athiqueahmed said:
Just checked mine and the exact name of the service as you should see it on yours will be 'HSDPA 384k Uplink' and it should be enabled.
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I have checked again nothing about HSDPA 384k Uplink but a techie said it is enabled
Which menu is it under in the my t-mobile
mobile phone summery/Additional allowances and services/
View or modify additional allowances and services ???
Thanks for the info and links ill try them out tomorow when the phones back
timbouk said:
Can you tell me what version you had prior to your upgrade. Were you having problems? if so what with?
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the rom version 1.21.1103
date 06/19/06
radio ver1.05.05.00
protocal 32.36.7010.04h
When I was sending SMS it was including parts of my hotmail email also the vibration stopped even after a hard reset

Here's how to check...
- My T-Mobile
- Mobile Phone Summary
- View or modify additional allowances and services
And it should be there...
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thanks for the screen shot, was gaana ask but thought it might be to much trouble
Thought it should be there,
is that a vista theme your using or vista update for xp?
cheers again

No problem.
The XP Style I'm using is called Vista CG

athiqueahmed said:
No problem.
The XP Style I'm using is called Vista CG
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thanks ill check it out


SPV M3100 UTMS Indicator

I am wondering if my M3100 is on a UTMS Network. It is displaying the 3g and the little 3g. I am pretty sure this means the UTMS network but I wanted to make sure. My Downloads do seem to be BLAZING here in Nashville.
It should have a U in a small white box in the top bar if it is on the UMTS network.
Hmmm...what website does everyone use for speed tests on their phones?
Hmmm...what website does everyone use for speed tests on their phones?
PPCNUT said:
It should have a U in a small white box in the top bar if it is on the UMTS network.
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You sir are a cretin....
I am getting speeds of 550, with only a single bar. I really hate when people open their mouth and don't know what they are talking about.
In my defence in Australia when you are on the Telstra UMTS network (Next G) you do get a U. I know this because I am getting one and have used one extensively in the shop.
PPCNUT said:
In my defence in Australia when you are on the Telstra UMTS network (Next G) you do get a U. I know this because I am getting one and have used one extensively in the shop.
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Correct but all providers customize their ROMs
I know that they customize their ROMs. All I was doing was trying to do was help a fellow member and if you want to flame me go right ahead.
remind me not to try to help slimsaturn with any issues he has. Although it does seem that he has issues that cannot be resolved on this board.
Try anger management.
In Europe all unbranded TyTN's ie Hermes 200 have a U when on a UMTS or Super UMTS network irrespective of the telecom service provider & I would think this would be the same worldwide unless you have a network branded device who have installed their own rom.
Guest69 and scip01 I completely agree with your comments and I to will not be helping slimsaturn again and I remember when I was reading reviews of the Tytn they did have a U and that is why I said it. Thanks for saying something it took some guts.
Just look here and you will see the U http://www.clubimate.com/t-DETAILS_JASJAM.aspx
My Tmobile Vario2 has the "3g" logo, but I'm sure it uses the UMTS and even the HSPDA.. I did came upon a registry modification done after a hard-reset where Tmobile changed the "U" into "3g".
If you do a hard reset ('clear storage') on the SPV M3100, then do a soft reset just after you press the screen to reset (you have 3 seconds!), this will stop all the Orange extras from installing and hence display 'U' instead of '3g'.
Simon Clark
Business Telecoms
I'd like the 3G rather than the U; and I believe AKU3.0 fixes that by default now.
Change "U" to "3G"
Hi Guys, I am with Telstra Australia and after playing with a couple of phone skins I found that the "U" had changed to a "3G".
I much prefer the "3G" and have looked through everything trying to figure out where the images are kept.
Is it an image file or a registry setting.
This is no big deal but would certainly like to change it if I could.
(If you install a T-Mobile skin it appeaers but disappears when you uninstall it and go back to the default phone skin)
Thanks in advance.
Icon can be changed, but it's complicated:
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Some icons are situated in shellres*dll
Change "U" to "3G"
OK vijay555 spill the beans...... how complicated!
Any tips!!!!
Well, very complicated for me (involving quite low level hacking) with my limited knowledge, but achieveable.
However, I'll leave the question open a la Fermat because I'm sure someone's got a better solution.
vijay555 said:
I'm sure someone's got a better solution.
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If they have then please post it because I too would like to change my "U" back to a "3G" if it becomes possible.

Rev. A -- For real?

Two questions
After upgrading to the latest firmware which supposedly includes Rev. A functionality, is the setting in ##pst# -> Data Parameters -> Rev. A -
Is it Disabled or Enabled? (mine is disabled, even after firmware update)
When you enter a DO area w/ Rev. A. capabilities, does Windows Mobile notify you about this?
Are you sure it says "disabled"? You better check because, i'm pretty sure it should say "disable"... Check it again and see.
Disabled means rev.a is enabled.
Disable - I read it wrong sorry.
Rev. A working with Verizon??
Is Rev. A added to the Verizon phones that have done the upgrade as well. Running DCD 3.0.1 with the Sprint Radio 3.35.
In the ##778 menu under Data Parameters it doesn't show the Rev. A line that everyone is referring to.
So I assume it didn't add the Rev. A capability since it is a Verizon phone.
GPS does work and I would like to thank everyone on the forum for all the post helping me to get to this point.
I would also like to know if it is enabled on my xv6800. I am in Phoenix and its network has been upgraded according to VZW customer support. I did a speedtest and didn't notice any improvement from rev 0.
Mine is enabled, using no2chems 5055 rom. D/l is within rev-a range, upload not so much. I wonder if enabled/disabled makes a differance, anyone have any tests ?
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Well, today, I thought I would give my phone a real world test. Right now I am downloading some files to my laptop tethered to the xv6800. Download speeds have been typically around 1.0 Mbps, sometimes going up to 1.5 Mbps for a while.
I am a believer. Simply fantastic.
slvrap1 said:
Mine is enabled, using no2chems 5055 rom. D/l is within rev-a range, upload not so much. I wonder if enabled/disabled makes a differance, anyone have any tests ?
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Ok this has beaten like a dead horse. Disable means it is enabled and selecting it will disable it and vice-versa.
Its kinda an opposite thing and by changing it you have done what it said.
We Verizon folks just wanna know why we dont have the option in the #778 menu. Is it just cuz of the cross carrier differences and can only access Sprint Rev. A, and not Verizon Rev. A.
Found this on the Titan Upgrading etc.. section:
madman34 said:
I work in the switch and logged into the network side and see REV-A session on mine and speed tests bear it out, but the phone has no REV-A indicator. Trust me, if you have REV-A coverage where you are it is working.
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Appears we may be in luck it just doesnt show we have it. Thanks madman34
Eh lots of people are posting tests with it enabled/disabled. Some people say its on, some say its off. Where is the clear cut answer. Mine isnt that far off from others and mine is "off"
slvrap1 said:
Eh lots of people are posting tests with it enabled/disabled. Some people say its on, some say its off. Where is the clear cut answer. Mine isnt that far off from others and mine is "off"
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Either way the speed is till slower than prior to the Rev A update.

[Q]SLOW '3g' connection with Mdeejay_eVo_Sense_v._1.7_REVOlution

Well if you can't get a decent answer in one thread you'll start your own.
I've installed the new PPP wrapper, and the 011 fix. But my 3g speeds(it's a G on the statusbar)never exceed 50kbps down and 10kbps~ up, on wifi i get around 10mbps down and around 1mbps up . This is such a shame for such a good build.
Anyone got a FIX? This is driving me completely insane.
I am from Sweden with Tele2 as my provider, anyone else from Sweden with this problem but fixed it?
I've tried some other PPP roms and they work, just the damn awesome Mdeejay roms.
Ah yeah my wmROM is; VBNDroid-RC3-21913-Sep23 with radio; Radio_2_15_50_14
And I can get great download speeds with different roms such as; HyperdroidV1.6, ShiftDroid, NexusHD2-FRG83.
(I'll be glad if anyone could point me to another build that does 480p youtube videos embedded in original browser without any problem)
Bumping it.
Just to clarifiy, i don't get ANY disconnects from the unusual slow 3g connection.
EVERYTHING works except that the speeds of 3g never go higher than 50kbps down or 10kbps down.
is it only with that build? have u tested the speeds with another build? did you check ur apns? all obvious questions but just want to make sure
Nismo300zx said:
is it only with that build? have u tested the speeds with another build? did you check ur apns? all obvious questions but just want to make sure
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It's only like that with Mdeejay.
The APN should be correct. I've tested with both the APN from Cynanmod apn list, my own operators apn, and copied my girlfriends APN from her Galaxy S(She uses the same operator as me).
The *#*#4636#*#* doesn't seem to work aswell it just end the call.
But I think I know what the problem is. In the menu "Network Operators" I can't choose my own. I get 3 choices; IQ, Telia S and Telenor SE.
Does anyone know how I can change any file in the Android system that would let me to FORCE it toward my own country?
Ah well bumping it to the top again.
It's hard to believe that noone else but me got this problem.
I can't access the *#*#4636#*#* menu or any other 'hidden' menu neither.
if you upgrade to 1.8 version of this rom u ll get full 3G speed ... i had same issues .. slow 3g... i upgraded n its just gr8
krunalkp said:
if you upgrade to 1.8 version of this rom u ll get full 3G speed ... i had same issues .. slow 3g... i upgraded n its just gr8
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Actually I'm using 1.8. EVERYTHING works except the speeds are awful. I'm sure my phone is connected to only 2g.
I use this rom also and I could'nt get into the secret menu with out the app secret settings. I've also noticed that the build prop in this rom only has the net.ppp0.dns1 and 2. It does not have net.dns1, 2 and 3. I think i need to flash a rom from another cook to find out what other build props look like. My internet speed is very erratic with this build. Sometimes its really fast and then sometimes its just really slow.
3mL said:
Actually I'm using 1.8. EVERYTHING works except the speeds are awful. I'm sure my phone is connected to only 2g.
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I think the problem has to do with your apn settings. Are you using the right ones for your network?
I use this build and I get ~1Mb - 1.5 Mb up and about the same down.
I just made several tests from my basement just now and got these results:
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Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Nice speeds, secano
Fixed it. Downloaded Advanced Settings and put it on Auto GSM(PRL)

Toggle 3g/2g

Hey guys,
I have been looking several days for an option to toggle 3g <-> 2g but it simply isn't there where it supposed to be.
After discovering this article I'm wondering why this feature is missing in all wp7 samsung devices.
I really miss this option because I get at home barely 1 bar on 3g and thats not very good for the battery.
I thought that OEMs aren't allowed to customize the os on this level but why is this option not visible ?
I always thought that this option has been disabled by my provider because "3" doesn't have 2G at all. All GSM data is transferred via Roaming with A1 mobilkom.
Don't know, I've realised that my Omnia7 doesn't have this option but I don't miss it though.
worth a ponder
skycamefalling said:
I always thought that this option has been disabled by my provider because "3" doesn't have 2G at all. All GSM data is transferred via Roaming with A1 mobilkom.
Don't know, I've realised that my Omnia7 doesn't have this option but I don't miss it though.
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My boyfriend's Trophy has the 3g toggle located in settings. He's using vodafone. My omnia however is missing the feature. HTC vs samsung or carrier difference?
According to Orange it is missing on all Omnia 7s as it's missing from the Samsung software.
Thanks for your answers but nevertheless I'd like to hear why samsung did exclude this feature on their wp7 phones because I couldn't barely find any information about it on the internet.
It's incomprehensible and there we see that samsung failed once again with "their" software. Toggle 2g is an option that I really won't miss specially in areas where I have bad signal. I'm going to contact samsung to see what they say about it.
m8tix said:
I'm going to contact samsung to see what they say about it.
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Would be interesting to know, but don't get your hopes high...I cannot remember any time Samsung answered a support question for me
My Omnia 7 has this setting. I have a 16 GB device from T-Mobile Germany running on o2.
My Omnia 7 also has this setting (Optus stock [unlocked] 8GB version).
Settings > Mobile Network
What I LOVE about these settings is that whenever my phone tries to access the internet and 3GB/Data is turned OFF, it won't force it on. Infact, unless you have Wi-Fi turned on, it will just say it's unable to access a data connection.
More than I can say for Windows Mobile, which always turned it on no matter what you told it to do.
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Thanks, guys
So it's not Samsung's idea but, more likely, our provider's idea to cut this setting.

T-Mobile service menu access... (PLEASE LOOK AT PICTURES)

So i just found out from another thread "http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=11088696" that we can access the tabs service menu with the the following code (*#*#197328640#*#*). Now this is a LONG shot but here it goes, for all of those with more technical knowledge than myself, would it be possible to set the tab with Voice+3G using a T-Mobile sim through this menu or no? Just wondering but i am sure i will get bashed for this.
I tried that! The menu has the choices we want, but they don't do anything. I'm sorry you got nervous to post that idea! I wish it worked. Did you try it yet?
rangercaptain said:
I tried that! The menu has the choices we want, but they don't do anything. I'm sorry you got nervous to post that idea! I wish it worked. Did you try it yet?
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I was just messing around with the sound settings, i would not know where to look to make it possible to have voice+3g.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
adinis78 said:
I was just messing around with the sound settings, i would not know where to look to make it possible to have voice+3g.
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*#2263# gets you to the frequencies. Try it, but write down what you try, and what modem and carrier you have. Good Luck.
rangercaptain said:
*#2263# gets you to the frequencies. Try it, but write down what you try, and what modem and carrier you have. Good Luck.
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no luck...
just noticed something interesting:
this picture shows all the bands while on voice+edge using Roto's modem switch:
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and this picture shows all the bands while only on 3g using Roto's modem switch:
now clearly while on 3g the is an extra band, WCDMA 1700(FDD IV) , and it does not show up while on Voice+edge does this mean anything? i wished someone with technical knowledge regarding this would chime in....
sorry for the way the pictures are layed out.
Well that confirms what we all have experienced. The modem in use that allows voice calls to be made does not have theT-Mobile 3g Bands( Band IV/ AWS/1700). The original T-mobile modem does allow 3G access but does not allow voice. How we combine the two is the challenge.
swordsaint_ss said:
Well that confirms what we all have experienced. The modem in use that allows voice calls to be made does not have theT-Mobile 3g Bands( Band IV/ AWS/1700). The original T-mobile modem does allow 3G access but does not allow voice. How we combine the two is the challenge.
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well i hope this brings us one step closer to figuring it out.
