8525 and Goodlink - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Thought I would start a thread for those folks using Goodlink on their 8525 so we can discuss our unique issues.

Some useful apps
So, here is my list of know goodlink/pocket pc issues (unless anyone has solutions)
no easy/quick way to switch between vibrate/non-vibrate email notification
no way to voice-dial from goodlink contacts (only from sim contacts)
no way to have notification light turn on when email comes in
Anyone figured these out?

Basic Tweaks
My final initial post -- for those neophyte users like me, here are the tweaks I have installed to-date just to get some added functionality out of my new 8525:
PTTfix (which enables me to use the button manager to re-program the PTT button [button 5] -- which I have now set to open voice dial when hit)
Magic Button (allows for seeing what programs are running and ensuring they are really closed)
mVoiceMail (allows me to listen to my corporate email wav files)
Vibra Switch (allows me to program a button to quickly switch between ring/vibrate mode -- I have programed my PTT button to do this when I push and hold down -- as opposed to a quick click, which turns on voicedial)

I'd like to show more or less appointments on my today screen, and/or specify only all-day events or the entire day's appointments.
And I'd like the good contacts to work with outlook

good luck on outlook integration. goodlink simply does not interact with pocket outlook. if you need the global address book, you simply have to use goodlink. after installing goodlink, i removed all items from the today screen except the inbox, and re-mapped the keys to my pocket informant calendar/contacts, and sync appts and contacts with activesync. i hate goodlink, but it's what the company uses. i hate how it tries to replace everything on the device, and how once installed you can't uninstall it. so i only see and deal with the inbox.


Mac OS X sync, notes sync, pre addressed sms and mms set up

Things I have learned regarding SPV M500 (magician) and Mac OS X
Pocketmac does not work. I have purchased both the pro and lite versions of this software and I can categorically say that it does not work. I managed to get it to sync with entourage contacts and address but the email support is very bad and after 24hrs of trying ity still does not work properly. The support system does not work either, I had several tickets started to try and resolve the problems but the support staff repeatedly requested information that I had previously stated in the original ticket requests. There is one redeeming aspect of my dealings with Pocketmac and that is that they did give a refund upon request; could this be because they are aware of the problems?
Switch to Missing Sync, it is the recommended software of mac and after using it I can see why, from the first connection to the first sync it was all plain sailing, it keeps you informed about choices it is making during the sync and was very stable. I can now sync ical with tasks and contacts. First class software. Once set up you can add and email account on the device and it allows a pass through with the settings for .mac auto detected. You simply set the delete period to 7 days on both the mac and ppc the messages are then synced on both. Avantgo works ok although you have to start the sync from avantgo, it is not automatic like on activesync.
The next problem was notes, I bet most of you work on the net on your mac and at some point want to some information from your mac to the ppc as quick and simply as possible, I searched and searched for software to do this but to no avail. Eventually I found some. What you need is an account with www.backpackit.com they allow a free account for notes, tasks and lists, it is a web based system that seems to work a treat, to allow sync between the systems you make their page an avantgo personal channel to be viewed on the device (the first time you sync do it while connected with the ppc, it will ask for a username and pass. The next thing you need is the desktop widget for os x, they connects to the backpack site and shows you previous messages in real time on the dashboard, you can add or edit items. Every time you sync avantgo picks this data up and adds it to the device. You can also add notes and lists etc through avantgo which consequently adds your data back to the widget.
How do you create an icon on the today screen which will open pocket outlook with a new message already addressed to your chosen contact. Again I looked high and low for a solution to this, my preivous post mentioned using wizbar and specifying mailto:yournumber as a command to start upon button press, this works well but as was pointed out by one of the replies it does use a lot of resources just to do a simple task, this is not necessary. I have been a calligrapher user for a while and have never really looked into the features too much, I now know that you can ad a command which can be activated by a simple written command with a circle around it, the command you need to open the mail app and address and txt is as follows:
This when activated will start p outlook with a pre addressed message.
Finally MMS message setup, I would guess that some of you have unlocked phones and need to set up mms, I am with virgin and tried the settings they provide although as you probably know the syntax is very different on a wm device so it can be quite confusing, this is a really simple tip but one that I overlooked for quite some time, I tried different settings over and over again and they would not work until I realised that the tele number you input to address the message must not have any spaces I know if sounds really stupid but I use calligrapher a lot and I was putting in the recipients number via the pen and there were obviously spaces in the number, all the messaged were being rejected for this reason and nothing to do with the settings, I felt very stupid but thought I must point this out to newbies like me.
2 other tips that I was not aware of until reading some other posts are: -
speaker phone on the magician can be activated by holding down the green call button in a call.
Pressing the green button followed by the : -
Right directional button gives call register
Left directional gives speed dials
I was not aware of either of these until reading the groups.
Hope the above helps, I am very much a newbie but love tinkering and will not rest until the device is how I like it.

MDA Vario II - no reminders

I use a MDA Vario II (from t-mobile) and, begining with a couple of days before, I get no reminders to appointments anymore. I suspect that it is happening since I have instaled PocketBreeze 5.0.11, but i am not sure that PocketBreeze is the cause.
Does anybody else face the same problem? What can be done, except a hard reset (I am not so thrilled by the ideea to install everything again)?
Have you tried checking your notification queue for duplicates and/or out of date entries.
You can try scarybear checknotifications, memmaid or sk tools for this (prob there are others too)
Try this first, see if there are any duplicates or out of date entries. Delete all these, soft reset and then try again. Don't delete anything if you don't know what it is (unless it comes up under duplicates).
I use a combination of the above tools as I find that they often find dups or out of date entries that the others miss. Try checknotifications first (free), and see if this helps.
Hello marisa,
thank you for the hint, it seems to be working now. To be true, I already bought SKTools yesterday, because I found some other post with a similar problem. But I only ran the "Invalid Registry Entries" and "Invalid Registry Values" utilities, being afraid to delete anything. But after your post I ran the "Notification Queue" utility and checked all entries that refer CALENDAR.EXE And for all birthdays there were duplicates.
How do they got there? I initially synchronized the calendar in my old PalmVx with the Outlook (there I had the birthdays as normal appointments, not in contacts). Than connected my MDA per USB and ActiveSync to my PC. I manually inserted all the birthdays in the Outlook's contacts, causing Outlook to automatically create a duplicate "all day event". Than I deleted the birthday appointments which I get from the old PalmVx. In all of this time my MDA was automatically synchronizing with Outlook, so practically when I deleted the entries, they also were deleted from the MDA's calendar.
Now the question: since Outlook, ActiveSync and Windows Mobile are all Microsoft products, why weren't the duplicates also deleted from the Notification Queue? Why the garbage that needs to be cleaned with 3rd party tools and hours of searching posts on forums? Whatever.
Thank you again anyway!
PS: so PocketBreeze was not the cause.
They don't call it Active Stink for nothing you know!
Regarding Pocket Breeze, Spb Diary, Ilauncher and Pocket Plus, I don't know if these have anything to do with the problem.
I would say they must do, as most of these problems seem to occur when or shortly after people have installed one or any of them (or similar).
However, there are some people who get these problems with just the standard pre-installed software.
I personally think it's the interaction of Activesync, the native operating system and these today plugins which sets up something unexpected.
It could also be that people install both (many versions) of one of these in order to compare them, and decide which to buy, and they interfere with each other.
I have even had both version installed at the same time (but only one activated) for quick comparison. So, it's really hard to apportion blame for this. The other day I actually had to remove 2 identical templates, which had the date 2999! How's that for weird?
Never mind. All's well now, and that's the main thing.
Hmm, i must say that PocketBreeze was installed while I was performing the previously described birthday synchronisations. Whether it had any blame - I don't know. Uninstalling PocketBreeze was the first thing to do by trying to solve the problem, didn't help, the damage was already done. What I know is that I will install it again, because it sure gives me a much nicer overview. And that I will watch the Notification Queue closely from nowone
billl said:
What I know is that I will install it again, because it sure gives me a much nicer overview.
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I don't think Pocket BReeze is related to my problem with appointments and alarms, I've had it installed all along and the problem only started very recently.
marisa4755 said:
I use a combination of the above tools as I find that they often find dups or out of date entries that the others miss. Try checknotifications first (free), and see if this helps.
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I'm using MemMaid but I'm still a bit confused about the entries that appear in the notification queue.
Can I safely delete any entries that relate to calendar entries in the past without this actually deleting it from the calendar itself?
Also, I have a load of entries in the queue that start:
The detail for these shows a date and a (fairly random) time. Most are in the future (and generally in the early hours of the morning.)
Can anyone tell me what these entries are?
I'm no expert, but my rule of thumb is:
If I don't know what it is/does then I leave it alone.
there is quite a bit of 'stuff' that has to run at various times to make the system run properly - that's when these phantom notifications are supposed to get cleared up, but don't. So, leave these alone.
Regarding the calendar entries, it's just the notifications which come up under memmaid's notfications check. So, if 3 months ago you had a dentist appointment and set the reminder for this to a day before say, and for some reason that notification didn't get dismissed and now you see it in memmaid, you can delete this. It won't delete the appointment, just the notification which is of no use to you now anyway and is confusing your system.
Bill, I think I know what happened with your duplicate birthday stuff.
Are you using Pocket Informant? or another 3rd party diary application? Maybe even Pocket Breeze itself.
Basically, I think you have 2 applications creating calendar events from contact birthdays. One is Outlook, the other is one of the ones I've mentioned. The solution is to turn it off on one or the other.
I already solved my problem by deleting the double entries in the Notification QUeue.
I was using PocketBreeze. I currently uninstalled it, but I will install it again and test your theory.
What do you mean by turning Outlook off? I use the Outlook on my PC to create appointments and I expect ActiveSync to upload them on the MDA by synchronization, even if the one managing them there is PocketBreeze. And backwards, when I create them with PocketBreeze on the MDA - i expect them to be downloaded on my PC by synchronisation.
Do you mean that there is also the preinstalled so called Outlook Mobile on my MDA which conflicts with PocketBreeze? Shouldn't this be the main concern of the PocketBreeze developers, to ensure that their software is not producing redundant double entries?
Anyway, if you mean turning off the preinstalled Outlook Mobile on the MDA, how exactly should I do it, where do I find this setting?
Sorry Bill, I haven't been very clear.
I think there is a special extra function in Outlook and also at the same time in some of these other pocket pc diary applications which create birthday calendar entries from contacts.
I am fairly certain that Pocket Informant does.
I am not suggesting that you don't sync with Outlook, just that one of the third party applications may be creating a duplicate using this extra function and so is outlook.
In Pocket informant there is an option to turn this extra function off, so then you only get the outlook ones. Hope that explains better.
In the Pocket Informant manual it explains this quite well when discussing options:
Apply Contact Birthday/Anniversaries
If you save anniversary and birthday information with your contact data, this option can read and enter the events into your calendar for you. However, because Outlook will do the same, it is recommended that you leave the option turned off if you synchronize with Outlook, in order to
avoid duplicates or performance issues.
Nothing to be sorry about
I understand now what you mean, thank you for the explanations. I will search the PocketBreeze's options for a similar setting.
And probably I will take a look at the PocketInformant too.

[BOUNTY][REQ]Notification / alertsound for direct push from exchange subfolders

[Added 30Euro Bounty]
Hello Everyone,
I seem to have run into a shortcoming of both WinMo 6.1 and 6.5.
Apparently (I have searched the forums for this quite extensively) there is no way to have a notification (sound or vibration) to notify the reception inform of an email that has been pushed from the exchange server directly to a subfolder of the inbox, based on a server side rule (i.e. having all the emails sent from my office go directly to my inbox subfolder that is labeled Work Emails).
I am sure plenty of people have exchange accounts with subfolders and would like to see this issue resolved. Moreover, I cannot understand how this feature is present on email clients for Symbian devices but is not supported in Microsoft's own Pocket Outlook (RoadSync for Symbian has this feature).
I am not a programmer, but it would appear bizarre that there is no way to associate a notification to an email, simply because it does not appear in the inbox but in a subfolder of the inbox. From a logical point of view, all that is required is to exted the notifications that apply to new emails in the inbox to ALL new emails both in inbox AND subfolders.
I am willing to pay 30Euros to whomever develops a hack/registry tweak/cab...whatever, that can:
1) make WinMo notify an email that has been pushed to a inbox subfolder;
2) integrate the solution in TF
So far the only solution that have been suggested are:
1) FlexMail 4, that is not compatible with TF or SPB shell
2) http://www.blackmonlabs.com/faq.html. However even this solution is not what I am looking for.
3) CheckMail 2.0 (http://www.soft32.com/download_234983.html) is an app that does exactly what I am looking for, I am now testing if it works with TF3d
Please help,
[I honestly cannot understand how this issue has not been addressed yet]
did you try second today or similar software that allows wmToday and touchflo to run at the same time?
it may work with http://www.blackmonlabs.com/faq.html.
Let me see if I understand this correctly.
I install second today, and for that today screen I install blackmonlab application; therefore, on my second today screen I would get subfolder email notifications.
However, if I understand correctly, I would still have no form of notification when in TF3D today screen. I would still have to switch to my second today screen and verify whether I have received new emails or not.
I don't know....this appears to be so strange. I cannot believe all the Microsoft Exchange users have not in some way addressed this.
Let's see if the addition of a small bounty attracts some good willed programmers.
I am sure there must be a number of people who could use this fix.
nsane said:
Let me see if I understand this correctly.
I install second today, and for that today screen I install blackmonlab application; therefore, on my second today screen I would get subfolder email notifications.
However, if I understand correctly, I would still have no form of notification when in TF3D today screen. I would still have to switch to my second today screen and verify whether I have received new emails or not.
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yeah dude give it a try before dismissing the idea. it might work well for you
also, whats the name of the app that adds today screen as a tab in touchflo. it might work better than second today or mtoday
I don't know.
In fairness, I am new to WinMO as I recently moved from a nokia communicator E90; I also have some Blackberry experience, since my GF has one.
Honestly, I just love WinMO so far. However, the whole messaging system is pretty weak compared to other platforms and I am rather unsatisfied.
I have not tried SPB mobile shell 3.0, as of yet.
I have mainly used TF Rhodium version and Titanium.
I really like TF, however, I would get rid of both the SMS and Email tabs and replace them with one unique tab that incorporates a fast smooth messaging client. For someone who receives 30/40 SMS per day and about 80 emails, the TF is just very inefficient.
If there was a way to integrate a POWERFUL messaging client in either TF or SPB I would definitely try it. By integrating I mean a Messaging client that:
1) notifies me about SMS, Email (and subfolder emails) vibrating/ringing;
2) Visually modifies my TF3DHome/TitaniumToday/SPB now/ screen showing an envelope and the number of unread messages;
3) provides a pop-up preview (not necessary);
4) one finger tap from Home/today/spb now/ straight to the new Message (no scrolling/clicking to the tab, then clicking on the envelope).
Perhaps there is something like this and I am unaware of it?
hi, does the check mail 2.0 supported TOUCH FLO3D? i went to the description link it says only displays on Today screen.
CheckMail 2.0 does not support touchflo or any other Graphic shell.
Ok someone just messaged me with a solution which appears to be rather interesting.
Using BBconnect and BIS service from phone carrier or alternatively BBconnect and BES (for those who work in a company that runs a BES server).
Apparently BB connect can be integrated in TF3d without issues.
Can someone confirm perhaps?
Did you ever find a good solution to this problem? I too am dumbfounded that this is not natively supported, even in WM 6.5 which I'm running on my Fuze (Energy Rom 8/1 build).
Come on people, there has to be a solution!!!
that feature has never been supported by pocket outlook, nor the PC version of Outlook. ALthough the PC version finally gave the user the ability to create reminders based upon new email into a folder or email specifics. Likewise, PC version of Outlook will not give reminders on flagged items that are not in the inbox and you used to have to use an Outlook plugin to get to do that.
smittyofdhs said:
that feature has never been supported by pocket outlook, nor the PC version of Outlook. ALthough the PC version finally gave the user the ability to create reminders based upon new email into a folder or email specifics. Likewise, PC version of Outlook will not give reminders on flagged items that are not in the inbox and you used to have to use an Outlook plugin to get to do that.
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I can definitely do this in the PC version of outlook with the built-in Desktop Alerts. It seems like it would be such a simple and useful piece of functionality to implement in WM. Anyone else heard of a good way to do this, especially in WM 6.5?
THe only solution I have found for this, that does not require a second today screen or closing down TF3D is a #rd party app called watch flag.
Here is the home page http://www.watchflag.com/
I used it with WM6.1, it did the job, I found the interface to be a bit clunky, and did not woirk entirely the way I wanted.
That is probably my fault becaue I could not get it to notify me on specific subfolders, I could only make it notify me on all subfolders.
In the programs defense it was over a year ago and has had revisions since then.
The other issues are the program is not free, but has a two week trial and while TF3D can be running , i think it just has regular on screen messages and does not integrate with TF3D message notifications.
Like i said I have not used it in a Year.

A little tip/trick, and a non related question

First post for me on the forums
First the question -
I have added all my facebook contacts and gmail contacts into the phone, and also imported all the contacts from my SIM; then I started 'joining' contacts of the same people into one (very neat convergence feature);
But now I have a small problem - when I open the messaging app to send some SMS or MMS or whatnot, I start writing a name of someone that I want to send to, but the smart lookup that opens only shows me people from my facebook and not from my SIM (most of my real contacts are in my SIM).
Any idea how to fix this so it will quick search my SIM contacts as well?
Also, how do I send a message to more then one contact?
And now for the little trick (probably known to everybody already, but I just found out) -
If you want to voice input after the keyboard pops up (anywhere on the phone) - and you want an easier way instead of pressing the little microphone key on the keyboard (useful when driving for example) - you can simply swipe your finger from left to right on the keyboard, and the voice recognition will instantly start.
Your best bet, since it doesn't actually merge your contacts, just shows them in a merged format, is to configure all of your contacts under your gmail account. What I like to do then is to sync only the contacts that I have there with friends on facebook (this will grab all the pictures, though I actually set mine in my gmail), instead of syncing all facebook friends (because lets face it, I'm not really going to call "Joey Thompson" from HS and have a chat). You can leave you contacts on your sim for if/when you ever move back to a phone that doesn't sync to gmail, just don't load them.
This setup is especially useful if you wipe/flash your phone regularly as all your contacts are there pretty quickly and you don't have to do anything.
As for your tip, I found this out by the tool tip under the keyboard options, but sadly, I can't disable the voice (removing the icon) and still use this trick to access voice input when I want it. I'd much rather have the ',' than a voice icon when I can swipe to access it.
Funny thing is that if you choose to only sync with FB on the contacts you already have on your phone it wont let you save other friends from facebook as contacts (which you can do by clicking on their pics in the search friends screen). So then you have to go add them as contacts manually and let the fb embed do its thang. zzzz.

Exchange/Outlook issues (email, tasks and calendar)

Ok, I've managed to get my 4 day old HD2 up and running pretty much how I'd like it to be (with a lot of thanks to the Cookie Monster for CHT), which means the Sense UI and everything "front of house" is looking good. However, behind the scenes, things like Exchange (IMO) are nowhere near as well integrated as could be. Here are my issues:
- Inbox is the only folder that shows any emails whatsoever - if I go into any subfolder and do a Menu > Send/Receive > I still don't get any mails appear - WTF?
- Even my Sent Items remains empty!
- Task and calendar reminder appears on-screen = great, but I can only snooze for something like 5 minutes - how can I change this?
- When a task reminder appears on the screen and I click it, all I get is a blank task, i.e. absolutely no info whatsoever. Which means I have to unlock the phone and go into tasks (currently something like 200+) and find the task that appeared, then go in a check out the notes, etc. How rubbish is this? Even on my Tytn II I could check reminders instantly.
- If someone calls/texts/emails and I want to add them to my contacts, they seem to go automatically into Exchange - this isn't good because if they're a friend then I want to keep their details separate - how is this possible?
- Folders appear to show emails from only the last 14 days or so - surely I can change this to 30 days or whatever? No ... ?
- Having come from Android, I'm used to having all my personal contacts in Googlemail - if I export this as a CSV and import into Outlook, will these contacts get lumped in with my Exchange contacts or will they remain "local" to Outlook? I'm hoping the latter because I DEFINITELY want to keep my personal contacts separate.
Bear with me - this is not a rant. I've dabbled with WinMo and Android in the last 2.5 years and the HD2 has the slickest front-end of any phone I've seen (now that I've got it running properly (excluding the faulty speaker which doesn't play any sound/ringing whatsoever - so it's going back for a return)). However, the backend of things like Exchange/Outlook integration seems particularly poor - especially for a Windows device. And this is holding me back from committing to the phone. IAW, I could spend all day playing with the Sense UI (CHT) but ultimately I need the device to serve me as a business tool, and it's just not happening.
Does anyone else have similar issues? How have you got round them?
EDIT: Another issue with tasks = the options to sort them make it pretty impossible to manage them. I have about 50-75 reminders most of the time and in Outlook I won't use Start Date/Due Date for many of them beecause I'm be updating them all the time - which means I rely on reminders, and therefore sort them by reminder time. But the HD2 doesn't allow this, which means managing tasks - even just having a flip through to see what needs to be done over the next day or so - is unfeasible unless you spend ages updating your Start Dates or Due Dates. Even my Tytn II allowed me to manage them properly.
- Inbox is the only folder that shows any emails whatsoever - if I go into any subfolder and do a Menu > Send/Receive > I still don't get any mails appear - WTF? – Menu – Tools – Managed Folders – Click the ones you want to sync...
- Even my Sent Items remains empty! Tick it!
- Task and calendar reminder appears on-screen = great, but I can only snooze for something like 5 minutes - how can I change this? I don’t use exchange so I’m stuck on this one.
- When a task reminder appears on the screen and I click it, all I get is a blank task, i.e. absolutely no info whatsoever. Which means I have to unlock the phone and go into tasks (currently something like 200+) and find the task that appeared, then go in a check out the notes, etc. How rubbish is this? Even on my Tytn II I could check reminders instantly. Have you tried S2U2 – you can access the task from the lock screen and go directly to them – may not be the perfect solution.
- If someone calls/texts/emails and I want to add them to my contacts, they seem to go automatically into Exchange - this isn't good because if they're a friend then I want to keep their details separate - how is this possible?
- Folders appear to show emails from only the last 14 days or so - surely I can change this to 30 days or whatever? No ... ? The only way I can think of - at the moment – is through activesync – there is an option in the mail setting to the time for the sync’d mails.
- Having come from Android, I'm used to having all my personal contacts in Googlemail - if I export this as a CSV and import into Outlook, will these contacts get lumped in with my Exchange contacts or will they remain "local" to Outlook? I'm hoping the latter because I DEFINITELY want to keep my personal contacts separate. – From my dealings there is only one contact file – and you can only sync to the main contact file in outlook. I removed all of my business contact into a new folder in outlook – now they aren’t on the phone. If you want both I could only suggest using the categories. But even then you will get a very long list of all contacts. Not sure how else you could deal with this using the standard software.
Limited Help Sorry! But I hope some
Thanks for the tips Neville.
I didn't even see the Tools option for managing folders - everything is now sync'ing very nicely
Had a look at S2U2 but like you say, this isn't an ideal fix. I'm really looking for a better task manager - and at least one that lets me launch task info when the reminder alarm goes off. Is that too much to ask Mr WinMo/HTC?
Can't get Activesync to do anything other than sync 14 days or so. Ar5e, but not the end of the world.
I don't mind work and personal blended together in a single contact list - what I need to be sure of is that my personal contacts are not being dumped into my (Exchange?) works contacts. Like I say, Android managed this perfectly with Exchange and Googlemail, but WM doesn't seem quite so accommodating.
Neville.Holland said:
- Task and calendar reminder appears on-screen = great, but I can only snooze for something like 5 minutes - how can I change this? I don’t use exchange so I’m stuck on this one.
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If you go into the options for the calendar there is an option for the default snooze time. Also you can set the reminder time on an individual basis when the entry is created.
Neville.Holland said:
- If someone calls/texts/emails and I want to add them to my contacts, they seem to go automatically into Exchange - this isn't good because if they're a friend then I want to keep their details separate - how is this possible?
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It's not. simple as that. In the first thread you started before you even got the phone i did tell you this. I really don't like it when people don't pay attention!
Neville.Holland said:
- Folders appear to show emails from only the last 14 days or so - surely I can change this to 30 days or whatever? No ... ? The only way I can think of - at the moment – is through activesync – there is an option in the mail setting to the time for the sync’d mails.
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It depends on your version of exchange. If it's 2003 it's hard coded to 7 days and can not be changed. IIRC, in exchange 2007 and exchange 2010 this can be changed. Ask you IT department to have a look at it.
Neville.Holland said:
- Having come from Android, I'm used to having all my personal contacts in Googlemail - if I export this as a CSV and import into Outlook, will these contacts get lumped in with my Exchange contacts or will they remain "local" to Outlook? I'm hoping the latter because I DEFINITELY want to keep my personal contacts separate. – From my dealings there is only one contact file – and you can only sync to the main contact file in outlook. I removed all of my business contact into a new folder in outlook – now they aren’t on the phone. If you want both I could only suggest using the categories. But even then you will get a very long list of all contacts. Not sure how else you could deal with this using the standard software.
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It depends on how outlook is configured on the PC. If you have a profile for exchange and a profile for everything else or simply multiple mailboxes in the same profile you can create the divison there but you can only sync one mailbox over the air and this is always the defualt exchange mailbox.
EDIT: Another issue with tasks = the options to sort them make it pretty impossible to manage them. I have about 50-75 reminders most of the time and in Outlook I won't use Start Date/Due Date for many of them beecause I'm be updating them all the time - which means I rely on reminders, and therefore sort them by reminder time. But the HD2 doesn't allow this, which means managing tasks - even just having a flip through to see what needs to be done over the next day or so - is unfeasible unless you spend ages updating your Start Dates or Due Dates. Even my Tytn II allowed me to manage them properly.
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Just set the start date for the day the job was created and really long due dates then set up a reminder for every 6 hours or something.
You do have a really large number of on going jobs and you really should be managing them better when they are created. I'm not defending WM6.5 here but it's not entirely a software issue, imo.

